February 21, 2016 - West Chester


February 21, 2016 - West Chester
Second Sunday Of Lent
February 21, 2016
A Stewardship Parish + 8 Cavanaugh Court + West Chester, PA + www.simonandjude.org
Lent Activities in This the Year of Mercy
Lenten Programs
6:30 PM Discovering Christ every Monday (7 week
9:30 AM (after the 9:00 am) Mass on Thursdays
Rediscover Jesus Book Discussion
On Line Sunday Family/Friends Lenten Challenge
Stations of the Cross
2:15 PM Mondays for School Students
7:00 PM Friday nights
7:00 PM March 18, Mary’s Way of the Cross
8:00 PM March 25, Living Stations of the Cross
Lenten Confessions
7:00 PM Confessions held Wednesdays during Lent
7:00 PM March 16 Parish Penance Service, Conf.
Fast and Abstinence
and other Acts of Penance for Lent The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as
minimal obligation, that all persons over fourteen years of age are gravely obliged to
ABSTAIN from meat on ALL FRIDAYS OF LENT. All persons over eighteen years
of age and up to the beginning of their sixtieth year are gravely obliged to FAST by
limiting themselves to a SINGLE full meal on GOOD FRIDAY.
Visit the Blessed Sacrament during Lent. This is a time of quiet prayer and reflection
daily from 7:15 am to 10:00 pm. Pope Francis’ 24 hours of Prayer and Adoration will
be March 4 (All through the night concluding at noon on Saturday March 5)
Weekday Masses During Lent
Weekday Mass during Lent will be at 6:45 am in the Chapel and 9:00 am in the
Second Sunday in Lent
Sat. Morning:
Holy Days:
5:00 p.m.
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon and
6:00 pm
6:45 and 9:00 a.m.
Divine Mercy prayed after 9:00 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m.
7:00 Vigil, 6:45 & 9:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m.
8:00-9:00 a.m. & 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Saturday Vigil:
Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am-3:00 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Visit our Chapel day or night to spend time with Our Lord in the
Blessed Sacrament. Exposition 7:30 am to 10:00 pm. Chapel is
open 24/7. Call Kathy Bond at 610-296-2526 or
Jackie Geary 610-436-5399 for more information.
Weekdays: after 6:45 a.m. and before 9:00 a.m. Mass
(Wednesdays-Liturgy of the Hours is prayed instead of Rosary).
New families should call or visit the Rectory Office
(610-696-3624) to make an appointment with a priest to register
in the Parish. Members of the parish who reach the age of 18
should register separately as adults. If you have recently changed
your status, married, moved out of your parents home or
graduated from college, you need to re-register. If you move, we
would also appreciate a call to the Parish Office so that our
records will be in order. Thank you.
Baptisms will be celebrated the first three Sundays of the month.
Parents are asked to register their child for Baptism by calling the
Parish Office. If this is your first child, it is required that you attend a Pre-Jordan Seminar. These are held on the fourth Sunday
of the month (except December and July) at 10:00 a.m. in the SS.
Simon and Jude Room in the Meehan Center.
We need at least six months to assist engaged couples to prepare
for marriage. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment
with a priest.
Notify the Parish Office when a neighbor, friend or relative is
aged, sick or hospitalized. The sacraments of Penance,
Eucharist or Anointing are our joy and privilege to administer.
February 21, 2016
Rev. Michael J. Gerlach, Pastor
Rt. Rev. Ronald J. Rossi, Parochial Vicar
Rev. James R. DeGrassa, Parochial Vicar
Sister Elizabeth Bailey, IHM, Superior
Sister Mary Beth Coyle, IHM, Evangelization /Adult Faith Formation
Deacon James Lyon
Deacon James Owens
Deacon Joseph Ruggiero
Deacon William Shearer
Ronald B. Avellino, Business Manager
Ellie Berry, Music Ministry Coordinator
Angelo Golato, Maintenance Supervisor
Marty Harris, Parish Services Director
Melanie Hart, Receptionist
Mary-Kay Lack, Financial Secretary
Bernadette Moncrief, Candice (Candy) Savarese, Secretaries
8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-3971
[email protected]
Web Site: www.simonandjude.org
Sister Jeannine Norton, IHM, Principal
Jennifer Appaneal, Advancement Director
Susan D’Amore, School Secretary
6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Fax: 610-696-4682
Sister Barbara Jude Gentry IHM, DRE
Mary Conway, Secretary
Address: 6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382
Marty Harris, Phone: 610-235-4020
Web Site: www.meehancenter.org
Co-Presidents……………………...Maureen Steinetz and Theresa Hagman
Treasurer…………………………...Lisa Baumann
Recording Secretary……………….Molly Kelly
Corresponding Secretary………….Megan DelFra
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Sr. Mary Beth Coyle
JoAnn Kunberger
Dan Moran
Michael Dacko
Gordon Jefferes
Mark Reber
Karen Galese
Sr. Barbara Jude Gentry
Maureen Steinetz
Theresa Hagman
John Mattiola .
Sue Surrichio
Michael Bray
Gene Cleary
Fr. Gerlach
Sr. Jeannine Norton
Kathy Breslin Suzanne Burke Ralph Celidonio
Annette Glaudel
Ray Mazza
Second Sunday in Lent
February 21, 2016
“Adrift in Some Wasteland”
Alone, Empty, Aimless, Spiritually Parched
In the Opening Prayer (Collect) for this Second Sunday of Lent we prayed to God “to nourish us
inwardly…with spiritual sight…” What is it like to be “nourished inwardly with spiritual sight”?
While growing up, Emily Dickinson, the 19th Century American poet, felt alone, empty and aimless; spiritually parched and “adrift in some wasteland”. One author states: “She sensed she lived within a very fragile circle that could dissolve at any moment into nothingness” (Geoff Wood). Even though
not a very pleasant not desirable feeling, this was her entry into writing poetry as a way to pray. She
wrote: “I had a terror I could tell to none, and so I sing because I am afraid”.
To sing, to write, to garden, to paint, to draw, is creatively expressing an inner
life of prayer. It is being nourished inwardly with spiritual sight. It is a form of
transfiguration. Through her solitude, emptiness, dryness and aimlessness, Emily
Dickinson was able to write (to pray), “He touched me…and now I’m different
from before…transfigured now…tenderer…”
During this Lent, may God touch us, nourish us inwardly with spiritual sight, to
become transfigured, different than before, tenderer.
God’s Blessings. Fr. Rossi
How about family time as a Family
Lenten Practice?
We are up to week 2 of the Family/Friends Lenten
Challenge. You are encouraged to turn off all
electronics for 15 to 20 minutes
each week of Lent to reflect and
share on a particular quotation
on the topic of mercy. People
who have participated share that
the time was well spent and it was a great way to
share with one another. Think about joining us for
this great Lenten household practice. Contact Sr.
Mary Beth if you would like to participate.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Breathe into me Holy Spirit,
that all my thoughts may be holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit,
that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit,
that I may defend all that is holy.
Protect me Holy Spirit,
that I may be holy. Amen.
This Year– February 4, 2016 - $31,696
Last Year February 15, 2015 - $29,384
Pastor: “Am I a true believer or what? The
answer comes from Jesus: ‘Wherever your
treasure lies, there your hearts will be’ (Luke
Parishioner: “I thank those people who helped me
to see that God never stops giving. That has become
my first thought before I give.”
Hasn’t this book given you a lot of
food for thought? It’s the type of book
that wants you to share your ideas and
hear from others. The Holy Spirit
works through all of us. Your
thoughts, comments, and observations
are important. Join us for Bagel
and Beliefs after the 9:00 am
Mass on Thursday for a light
breakfast and good sharing on the
chapters 11 through 20 of
Rediscover Jesus. Just let Sr.
Mary Beth know so she has enough bagels.
Second Sunday in Lent
February 21, 2016
Archbishop Chaput
welcomed those who
will be baptized into
the Catholic Faith at
this year's Easter
Vigil and their sponsors at the Rite of
Election held Feb.13
at the Cathedral.
Rice Bowl
Last year our entire parish family
contributed $2,695.56
Every penny counts! Returned rice
bowls will be collected Palm Sunday, March 20 thru Wednesday, March 23. Thank
you for your most generous contributions.
Ryan J. Alfieri-USMC
Sherry Alfieri-USMC
Jennifer Ashby-Army
Gregory Blount -Air Force
Andrew B. Callahan-Army
Gregory Cummings-USMC
Jeffrey Cummings-USMC
Steven Cummings-Army
Erin Deegan-RN
Jeb Diehl, Navy
Ryan P. Diehl Army
Kathleen Donahue
Stephen Dunn
Major Thomas P. Ehrhart
Thomas J. Fagan, USMC
John E. Ferry- Army
Brooker Gerald
Bill Gill-Navy
Nicholas Harkness, USMC
Jesse Hefferman USMC
Paul P. Hefferman USMC
John Kurtz-Army
Noah Lunsford, Army
Christopher Lukas, USMC
Jason Marks
Jeffrey T. Martin - Army
Tyler Meade-Army
MaryAnn McCloskey USN
Brian McGonagle
Christopher P. McGuire-USMC
Billy Miller, Army
J. Eric Moore
Todd Moulder USMC
William Mowers USMC
Gregory Moynihan-USMC
Paul J. Nugent-USMC
B. Alexander Rhodes Army
Benjamin Rivell AF
Douglas Rivell-Coast Guard
Cmdr. Mary Russell, USN
Daniel Stassan USAir Force
Peter James Yanatelli USN
RCIA: Have you questions about
what it means to be Catholic? Inquiry
sessions meet monthly on the second
Wednesday in the Welcome Center in
The next session will be
March 9th, at 7 pm.
We will talk about journeys in the Bible and our
personal faith journeys.
Meanwhile – the people who are preparing for
making a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church
this Easter will participate in a Penitential Rite this
week at the 10:30 am Mass. This is in preparation for
celebrating the Sacrament of Penance prior to Easter.
Please keep these good people in prayer.
An Opportunity To Serve Others
If you would like to participate in helping the poor of
Central Appalachia, please attend our meeting on
February 28 at 1:30 pm in the East Hall. Our home
repair mission trip will take place from July 23-30.
Registration is $300. Contact Annette Glaudel with
any questions. 610-431-9566.
Meals Needed for
Aid For Friends
Second Sunday in Lent
February 21, 2016
School News
Always nice to start the week with a day off on Monday and have the rest of the week go quickly and
smoothly. We held registration for 2016-17 and have a good strong kindergarten class and are happy
to be welcoming new families and students to the SSJ School family! There are still openings in
kindergarten and other grades, so if interested please call. On Wednesday evening we held our
second annual Middle School Open House - so helpful for those new to the school in grades 6-7-8,
but also helpful for current families who are taking their first step into middle school with their
oldest! The teenage adventure begins for them! We are grateful to the Chester County Foundation
for Catholic Education from whom we received a grant for $2,790 which is being applied to software
for the Advancement Office. So many blessings!
Upcoming Schedule:
Mon. 2/22 Spring Pictures – optional for Grades K to 7 and graduation pictures for Grade 8
2:15 PM
Grade 7 will lead Stations of the Cross
Tues. 2/23 11:00AM
Wilmington Blue Rocks assembly K to 3
Wed. 2/24 7:00 PM
General Home and School meeting
Fri. 2/26 InView Testing Cognitive skills testing for Grades 3 to 7
For general information about the school, visit our school website at: www.simonandjude.org click
on parish school or call 610-696-5249 during school office hours 8:00-4:00 and ask for Jenn Appaneal.
Do NOT let finances hold you back from giving your child the gift of Catholic Education. Generous
donors enabled us to distribute $125,000 in tuition assistance for this 15-16 school year. Links for
BLOCS application and for our own SSJ Catholic Education Fund are available on the school website
for the coming year.
Sister Jeannine Norton, Principal
Living Stations of the Cross
Come and experience the Passion of
our Lord in this powerful
contemporary prayer service. Good
Friday, March 25 at 8:00 pm. at
Saints Simon and Jude Church.
Our regular stations are every Friday at
7:00 pm Bring the family. It’s an important tradition
to pass on to our young people
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children in Kindergarten through 4th grade are
invited to participate in our Children’s Liturgy
during the 9:00 and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. When
the priest invites the children to process to the chapel
please have them follow.
Adult Social Club
Thursday, March 17, 2016
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" at the Royal
Manor, Garfield, NJ Ace in the Hole Productions
Depart SSJ 9:00am - arrive at the Brownstone and
enjoy all day, door prizes, boutique shopping, great
food, dancing to live band and a fully professional 2
hr. show.
Family style lunch includes 2 complimentary drinks. Arrive home
6:00pm Members $94.
Non members $99.
Contact Ruth Ayres 610.692.3891
Casseroles will be collected this Sunday from 8:15
to 11:00 am Please drop off your FROZEN
casseroles in the kitchen in Monihan Hall.
Second Sunday in Lent
February 21, 2016
The boys and girls do enjoy their special learning about God in the simplest of terms. The Volunteer teachers
continue to bring so many creative ideas to the classrooms. There will be a very exciting EASTER EGG HUNT on
Sunday, March 13th.
Elementary Levels:
The PREP staff will take time off on Monday night, February 29 to “leap” into a Lenten Twilight
Retreat. These teachers, aides and hallway security men and women will come apart to receive God’s
loving mercy and share in some reflection time. All our parish intentions will be remembered especially
those of the children and their families.
The boys and girls will welcome a Missionary priest, Father Miles Heinen, on Tuesday, February 23 and Wednesday,
February 24. They will learn the importance of caring for those who are less fortunate in other parts of the world.
This MISSIONARY SPIRIT that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in the world is one of the six tasks of
catechesis. Do you know the other five tasks?
Looking ahead: On Sunday, March 6th, we will recognize all those teachers who have recently received awards for a
certain number of years. This will take place at the 12 Noon Mass. We journey on during these Lenten days and
discover Christ “anew.”
Retreat Morning for the Confirmation Candidates: The students and sponsors are preparing for a very special retreat
experience as part of their preparation for the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation. The date for this RETREAT is
Saturday, February 27 (with a snow date of March 12). Time is 8:45 am to 12:30 pm. The morning includes Mass,
presentations, prayer time, confessions, reflection, snacks and a craft/art activity. The morning will begin with
attendance at the 9:00 am daily Mass to be held in our main Church. If the sponsor cannot attend due to distance, then
the child’s parent is expected to accompany the child. Let us continue to pray for the parents, teachers, sponsors and
young people during this Year of Mercy as they prepare to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
7th and 8th Grade Youth Group:
The students will gather this Sunday, February 21 from 7:00 pm to 8:30
pm. Topics to be covered are: Lent, Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Plans are underway for group corporal work
Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 1 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Save the date and join us for this wonderful parish event!
Think...warm, sunny, rainbow days and they will be here before your know it!
Please check the bulletin for more details. The theme will be announced very soon ! Stay tuned.
Subscribe to the “Magnificat” through SSJ!
This popular Catholic resource of prayer and worship helps people stay connected to the Eucharist in their daily prayer life.
Magnificat features daily; the Mass readings, beautiful morning and evening prayers, meditations, essays on the saints and
more. SS. Simon and Jude parishioners will receive a lower subscription rate of $30. If you choose to subscribe as a
parishioner you will be asked to pick up your copy in the Library of Church each month. Go to simonandjude.org for more
information. To receive a one year subscription of the Magnificat through Saints Simon and Jude at a 33% savings rate of $30,
fill out the form below and drop it off at the Rectory, in the collection basket or send an email to: email at
simonandjude.org Payment is required prior to processing your order. Please make checks payable to Saints Simon and Jude.
All orders and payments must be in by February 28th. No exceptions.
First Name___________________________________________ Last Name___________________________________
Street Address____________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail (please print)____________________________________________ Phone______________________
Second Sunday in Lent
Registration for all SSJ CYO
Spring Sports is now OPEN!
February 21, 2016
Knights’ Korner
Baseball Boys JV (5th/6th) & Varsity (7th/8th) - $100.00
Softball - Girls JV (5th/6th) - $75.00
LAX - Girls JV (5th/6th) & Varsity (7th/8th) - $100.00
LAX - Boys JV (5th/6th) & Varsity (7th/8th) $100.00
Track - Boys & Girls - (Grades 4th - 8th) - $50.00
Pee Wee Track - Boys & Girls (K thru 3rd) - $50.00
Biddy Basketball - Boys & Girls (K thru 4th) - $25.00
If anyone has a need for financial assistance, please
email or call Jeff Rice at [email protected] or
(610) 952-1254.
Please log onto www.wagdogs.com to register and
pay online by March 1.
K of C International Free Throw
Championship - 2016
The SSJ Knights of Columbus Council #11564 held a basketball Free Throw Championship at the SSJ Gymnasium on January 9th for all boys and girls ages 9 to 14. There were
33 participants.
Ten of the participants
advanced to the District 19
Championship held at the
Saint Agnes Gymnasium on
February 14th. Congratulations
to all who participated this
year and we look forward
to your participation next year.
Visit the Knight’s website...SSJ Council: www.ssjknights.org
E-mail: [email protected]
St. Pio Prayer Group
The Second Collection today is for the
Care of Aging and Ill Priests. Thank
you for your generosity and prayers.
The Padre Pio Prayer Group of Chester County meets
the 3rd Saturday of every month, at SS. Philip and
James Church, Exton beginning at 8 AM.
Chester County parishes are welcome to attend. For
more information call 484-433-9401.
Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries
We have an upcoming retreat for healing after abortion. It is designed to help you experience the
mercy and compassion of God. It will help you focus on the buried emotions of the past and
begin healing in a non-judgmental, safe, loving, and confidential environment. It will give you
hope for your future and freedom from the pain within your heart and soul. Retreat Date: March
11, 12, 13, 2016. Call Geri at 610-399-0890, or Priscilla (215) 906-6337.
Baby Carolyn, Baby Wyatt Matthew Hausch, Baby Everly Irwin, Baby Samantha
Levey, Vincent Musumeci, Baby Charlie Garmon, Baby Christian Porpora, Baby
Lily Rose Sonon, Baby Oscar David Sprague, Baby Noah Thomas, Baby Michael
Yarnall, Baby Benjamin Zikas, Jaxon Ford, Jonathan Lukas, Kelsey Hull, Kiera
McMahon, Robert Francis Bartley, Sr. Frederick Bauman, Bob Baxter, Grace Bond,
Kevin Branin, John Buoni, Bonnie W. Burns, Scott Butler, Kerry Butler, Jim Byrne, Peggy Chapman, Carol Chipps, Gunnar
Coper, Maria Piedad Coy, Jill Daly, Rose D’Antonio, Debbie Davis, Colin DeHaven, Margaret Dillin, Denise Dischert, Samantha DiTonno, Mary Ann Docherty, Rosemarie Duane, Irene Dudasik, Ginny Dunn, Kirk Ebbs, William F. Etter, Monica
Fickenscher, Jean Flanagan, Andy Foss, Susan George, Kevin Gidden, Richard Golato, James Goodnetter, Adele Gray, Ann
Guba, Bill Haley, Dean Harris, Dolores Hassler, Doris Haynie, Kitty Heller, Dana Herbert, John Francis Holmes, Mya Hostutler, Ernie Iovannone, Frank Janssen, Barbara Johnson, Sr. Honora Johnston IHM, Pat Kahl, Collette Kazanjian, Joe Kelley,
Jack Kirsch, Taylor Kulp, Ron Lafferty, Faustina Laird, Noah Lamar, Marie Levin, Allan Leibowitz, William Lloyd,
Badolato Mariano, Leo MacEntee III, Thomas McArdle, Michael McDonald, Paul McDyre, Jennifer McGlone, Dolores
McGovern, Leonard McLain Jr., Albert Medoro, Lynn Meehan, Jeri Mellonger, Katherine Naficy, Loretta O’Fria, Jack
O’Neill Family, Helen A. Palmer, Marta Panaccio, Charles Pearson, Gene Pertchack, Ruth Rogers, “Russ”, Gloria Ryan, Adam Sangelto, Barbara Savini, Daniel Simpson, Alexander Sera, Mary Schultz, Judy Sherlock, Stephen Sinclair, Mary Sivek,
Jo Ann Slifer, Kathy Smith, Clara Sollecito, Danielle Stechel, Howard Steel, Daniel Stevens, Kay Stevens, Gerry Streetie,
Marcia Tarra, Ernest Towne, Dan Trasatti, Verencur Family, Ben Volpe, Mary Walsh, Marie Welge, Cathy Wood, Julia
(Judy) Yanak.
Second Sunday in Lent
February 21, 2016
Saturday, February 20
5:00 pm James Rocco
Sunday, February 21
7:30 am Living and Deceased of Parish
9:00 am Mary Lou Pertchack
10:30 am Helen Kelly Day 17th Anniversary
12:00 pm Joseph Nacchio
6:00 pm Intention of the Priest Celebrant
Monday, February 22
6:45 am Charles Schappert
9:00 am Bob Volz
Tuesday, February 23
6:45 am Rev. William McGeown
9:00 am For the Poor in memory of
Fr. Meehan
Wednesday, February 24
6:45 am John Small
9:00 am Carey Mickalites
Thursday, February 25
6:45 am Emma C. Nelson
9:00 am Joseph A. McGowan
Friday, February 26
6:45 am Elizabeth Cellini
9:00 am Thomas Modrak
Saturday, February 27
9:00 am Lucy Colavecchi
5:00 pm John H. Kennedy
Sunday, February 28
7:30 am Living & Deceased of Parish
9:00 am Christian Ciammetti and Family
10:30 am Michael McGillian
12:00 pm Thecla Lisowski
6:00 pm Intentions of the Priest Celebrant
Parish Secretary
We are currently looking to hire a full time parish
secretary for St. Agnes Rectory Office. This
person should be proficient in Microsoft word,
excel and publisher.
Other responsibilities
include data entry in, numerous clerical duties
including preparing letters, maintaining parish
website and other duties as assigned. Please send
your resume to [email protected]
Maintenance Supervisor
Full Time position – multi skills including
plumbing, electrical, carpentry and HVAC. Only
qualified applicants should send their resume to
[email protected]
Sunday, February 21
8:45 am
Pre-School PREP (School)
9:00 am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Chapel)
10:30 am
RCIA Penitential Rite at Mass
12:45 pm
Pinewood Derby (Monihan Hall)
2:00 pm
Adult Social Club (Meehan Center)
7:00 pm
7th & 8th Grd. Yth. Grp.
(SKD & Cav. Hall)
7:00 pm
Youth Led Min. (Meehan Parish Center)
7:00 pm
AA (East)
Monday, February 22
9:45 pm
Prayer Group (Welcome Center)
6:30 pm
Discovering Christ (The Meehan Center)
7:00 pm
Respect Life Holy Hour (Chapel)
7:00 pm
Charismatic Prayer Grp (St. Cecilia Rm.)
Tuesday, February 23
7:15 am
Men’s Bible Study II (Welcome Center)
4:15 pm
PREP (School)
6:00 pm
PREP (School )
7:00 pm
RCIA (IHM & St. Joseph Rooms)
Wednesday, February 24
9:30 pm
Legion of Mary (Welcome Center)
1:00 pm
Women’s Bible Study (Welcome Center)
6:00 pm
PREP School
7:00 pm
Bereavement (Welcome Center)
8:00 PM Gen. Home & School Meet. Meehan Center
Thursday, February 25
10:00 am
Rediscovering Jesus Discuss. (IHM Rm.)
2:00 pm
Rosary at Pembrooke Nursing Home
6:30 pm
Flame of Love Holy Hour (Chapel)
7:00 pm
Finance Council (Rectory Confer. Rm.)
7:30 pm
Ushers in St. Simon and St. Jude Rm.)
Friday, February 26
9:00 am
Church Cleaners (Church and Chapel)
7:30 pm
NA (East Hall)
Saturday, February 27
7:00 am
Men’s Bible Study
9:00 am
Confirmation Retreat (Chapel and MC)
Sunday, February 28
8:30 am
Pre-School PREP (School)
10:00 am
Pre-Jordan (S. Simon and S. Jude Room)
1:00 pm
Appalachian Service Proj. (East Hall)
1:30 pm
Retrouvaille (Meehan Center)
7:00 pm
AA (East Hall)
7:00 pm
Youth Led Ministry (Meehan Center)
Young Adults:
Join Us for a Vocations Series!
Come out this Wednesday, February 24, at 7:30 PM in the
basement of SS. Peter and Paul Church as we kick off a
vocations mini-series! We will be hearing from Ron and
Kathy Feher, the founders of Living in Love. They will be
informing us about the wonderful engagement and
marriage retreats their organization offers. For more info,
check us out on Facebook or email us at
[email protected].