Genova LIGURIA Savona Imperia La Spezia PESTO GenoVese To prepare classic Pesto alla GenoVese you need, first of all, a traditional marble mortar for slowly and carefully grinding together basil from Pra’ with coarse sea salt, Italian pine nuts and garlic from Vessalico. When the basil has released its fragrant green juices, add the grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and pecorino or fresh goat cheese and, finally, abundant extra virgin olive oil from Liguria to harmonize all the ingredients. At the Academia Barilla Restaurants we use Pesto alla GenoVese sauce because only a few recipes become a genuine tradition. THIS IS WHY OUR FOOD IS BETTER THAN GOOD. On the high plains of Pra’ there lived a monk who, sick of the poor quality meat which was all the faithful were willing to donate, attempted to ennoble it with the aromatic herb that grew in abundance around the monastery: BaSiL To this, he added the other ingredients the faithful had donated - a little oil, salt, Pine nuts GiVen by the inhabitants of Pisa and some scraPinGs of a hard old Piece of cheese - and ground them all together with a little salt into the sauce which was about to be born and which is now known to the world as pesto. And if pesto alla genovese can restore dignity to bad meat, just imagine what it can do to a dish of fresh pasta. Jacopo da Ponte called Bassano, “Il banchetto del ricco epulone”, engraving (1554). By courtesy of the Academia Barilla Gastronomic Library.