TV MARKET SNAPSHOT HUNGARY 2012 NIELSEN AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT AVERAGE DAILY VIEWING TIME PER PERSON 2011-2012 400 372 350 375 300 ATV (mins) 250 286 286 242 239 200 196 191 150 Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 100 50 0 TOTAL 4+ AGE 4-17 AGE 18-49 2011 AGE 50+ 2012 2 SHARE OF CHANNEL NETWORKS 2011 and 2012, Total 4+ 2012 4.9 3.0 2.4 2.5 2.4 4.7 4.7 2.9 5.2 3.8 Lifestyle channels 13.1 2011 5.3 Public channels 1.8 1.9 4.6 4.4 General entertainment channels 15.2 2.4 National commercial channels Movie channels 12.1 14.2 Channels for children News channels 8.0 Documentary channels Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 8.1 Sport channels 38.8 Music channels Other channels 33.7 DVD/video/video game 3 EMISSION AND RECEPTION SHARE OF TYPOLOGY 2012; Total 4+ (compared to 2011, percentage points) 0.5% 1.0% 1.4% 100% 90% 4.1% 4.9% (0.1%) (-1.2%) 7.7% (-0.1%) 80% 10.6% (0.6%) 16.9% (1.3%) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30.9% Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 0.2% 2.1% 3.7% (1.7%) 10.6% (0.9%) 7.2% (-1.1%) 8.9% (-1.5%) (-0.1%) (0.3%) Religion Music Sport News (political, economic) 17.9% (0.6%) 3.7% (0.0%) 28.8% (-1.0%) (0.5%) 30% 20% (0.0%) (-0.1%) (0.4%) Information Non musical entertainment Movies Arts, science, culture 22.0% (-1.5%) Non musical fiction (series, TV films, etc.) 16.9% 10% (0.4%) Other (advertising, promo, etc.) 0% EST% RST% 4 FMCG TOP ADVERTISERS BY RATE CARD COST 2011 and 2012, Total 4+ 2011 Advertiser Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RECKITT BENCKISER PROCTER&GAMBLE HUNGARY MAGYAR DANONE UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG HENKEL MAGYARORSZAG L'OREAL FERRERO SPAR MAGYARORSZAG THE COCA-COLA COMPANY KRAFT FOODS NESTLE HUNGARIA KFT HEINEKEN HUNGARIA SORGYARAK BEIERSDORF HUNGARY LIDL MAGYARORSZAG BT JOHNSON&JOHNSON MARS GLAXOSMITHKLINE TESCO GLOBAL ARUHAZAK ZRT ALDI COTY HUNGARY KFT Cost (Ft) 2012 GRP Cost (Ft) GRP 25 948 668 336 23 987 911 868 14 783 237 932 15 582 024 670 13 793 741 062 12 582 731 070 8 383 285 700 5 546 999 085 5 088 904 151 10 032 188 238 9 612 569 813 32 392 74 440 59 072 59 317 55 486 46 677 38 371 23 072 18 713 45 212 33 306 26 773 013 000 23 958 888 132 19 054 967 972 17 011 828 653 15 900 972 041 13 348 828 563 10 053 900 068 9 754 718 977 7 223 990 478 7 104 226 373 6 914 093 782 39 748 70 030 50 583 68 549 45 018 48 656 44 054 33 151 24 461 33 140 25 610 5 619 350 302 19 243 6 082 452 937 22 799 5 205 760 221 3 227 817 776 3 669 172 076 2 872 810 798 2 385 007 775 3 287 175 777 2 699 078 800 2 116 810 315 16 859 16 399 11 487 14 289 7 731 11 075 9 707 5 991 5 320 873 888 4 751 508 097 4 167 179 383 4 019 938 673 3 474 072 255 3 386 259 890 3 265 112 470 2 648 201 703 18 800 18 436 12 018 15 756 10 343 14 884 11 759 5 794 5 FMCG TOP ADVERTISERS BY GRP 2011 and 2012, Total 4+ 2011 Advertiser Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PROCTER&GAMBLE HUNGARY UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG MAGYAR DANONE L'OREAL HENKEL MAGYARORSZAG FERRERO RECKITT BENCKISER SPAR MAGYARORSZAG KRAFT FOODS NESTLE HUNGARIA KFT THE COCA-COLA COMPANY HEINEKEN HUNGARIA SORGYARAK BEIERSDORF HUNGARY LIDL MAGYARORSZAG BT MARS TESCO GLOBAL ARUHAZAK ZRT JOHNSON&JOHNSON ALDI BORSODI SORGYAR GLAXOSMITHKLINE Cost (Ft) 2012 GRP Cost (Ft) GRP 23 987 911 868 15 582 024 670 14 783 237 932 12 582 731 070 13 793 741 062 8 383 285 700 25 948 668 336 5 546 999 085 10 032 188 238 9 612 569 813 5 088 904 151 74 440 59 317 59 072 46 677 55 486 38 371 32 392 23 072 45 212 33 306 18 713 23 958 888 132 17 011 828 653 19 054 967 972 13 348 828 563 15 900 972 041 10 053 900 068 26 773 013 000 9 754 718 977 7 104 226 373 6 914 093 782 7 223 990 478 70 030 68 549 50 583 48 656 45 018 44 054 39 748 33 151 33 140 25 610 24 461 5 619 350 302 19 243 6 082 452 937 22 799 5 205 760 221 3 227 817 776 2 872 810 798 3 287 175 777 3 669 172 076 2 699 078 800 2 451 093 615 2 385 007 775 16 859 16 399 14 289 11 075 11 487 9 707 8 822 7 731 5 320 873 888 4 751 508 097 4 019 938 673 3 386 259 890 4 167 179 383 3 265 112 470 2 296 172 750 3 474 072 255 18 800 18 436 15 756 14 884 12 018 11 759 10 541 10 343 6 NOTES: AVERAGE DAILY VIEWING TIME PER PERSON Period: 1st January – 31st December 2011 and 2012 Daypart: whole day (02-26h) Target: 2011: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 187 283 Cases: 2 419), 4-17 (Universe: 1 347 589 Cases: 361), 18-49 (Universe: 4 235 591 Cases: 1 139), 50+ (Universe: 3 604 103 Cases: 919); 2012: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 226 524 Cases: 2 394), 4-17 (Universe: 1 338 932 Cases: 360), 18-49 (Universe: 4 264 121 Cases: 1 126), 50+ (Universe: 3 623 471 Cases: 908) Channel: Total TV SHARE OF CHANNEL NETWORKS Period: 1st January – 31st December 2011 and 2012 Daypart: whole day (02-26h) Target: 2011: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 187 283 Cases: 2 419); 2012: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 226 524 Cases: 2 394) Channel networks: (December 2012) Public: m1, m2, Duna TV, Duna World; Lifestyle: Fishing&Hunting, LifeNetwork, PV TV, Spektrum Home, TLC, Travel Channel, TV Paprika, Viasat Explorer, CBS Reality Gen. entertainment: BBC Entertainment, Comedy Central, Cool, Fem3, Hálózat TV, PAX TV, Prizma TV, Sorozat+, Story4, PRO4, Story5, Reflektor TV, Viasat6, Viasat3, RTL II, Super TV2; Movie: AXN, AXN Crime, AXN Sci-Fi, Cinemax, F+, Film+2, Film Mania, Filmbox, Filmbox Extra, Filmbox HD, Filmbox Plus, HBO, HBO2, MGM, Universal Channel, Film Cafe, DIGI Film; Children: Animax, Boomerang, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, JimJam, Kidsco, Megamax, Minimax, Nickelodeon; News: EchoTV, HírTV, ATV, Parlament TV; Documentary: Animal Planet, Da Vinci Learning, Discovery Ch., Discovery Science, Discovery World, DoQ, History Channel, Investigation Discovery, National Geographic Ch., Nat Geo Wild, OzoneNetwork, Spektrum, Viasat History, Viasat Nature, DIGI Life, DIGI World; Sports: DIGI Sport 1, DIGI Sport 2, Eurosport, Eurosport2, Extreme Sport, Sport1, Sport2, Sport Klub, Sport M; Music: H!t Music Channel, Music Channel, Music Mix, Muzsika TV, MTV Hungary, Nóta TV, Viva; Other: foreign channels, other unidentified Hungarian channels, other TV-screen usage Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. EMISSION AND RECEPTION SHARE OF TYPOLOGY Period: 1st January – 31st December 2012 with comparison to 2011 Daypart: whole day (02-26h) Target: 2011: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 187 283 Cases: 2 419); 2012: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 226 524 Cases: 2 394) Channels: ATV; AXN; CARTOON NETWORK; CBS REALITY; COMEDY CENTRAL; COOL; DISCOVERY CHANNEL; DISNEY CHANNEL; DUNA TV; FEM3; F+; LifeNetwork; M1; TV2; RTL KLUB; M2; OzoneNetwork; STORY4; VIASAT3; VIASAT6 (For data comparability, only those channels are included that are part of the programme data base for both periods.) FMCG TOP ADVERTISERS Period: 1st January – 31st December 2011 and 2012 Daypart: whole day (02-26h) Target: 2011: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 187 283 Cases: 2 419); 2012: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 226 524 Cases: 2 394) Channel: all channels in Nielsen Audience Measurement spot database in the given period Product: TV-spots categorized in the following sectors by Nielsen Audience Measurement: baby care, food, drinks and beverages, household products, beauty care, trade Variable: rate card cost (based on the official, discount-free tariffs published by the channels) and GRP 7 About Nielsen Audience Measurement Nielsen Audience Measurement is the only company in Hungary that is engaged in television audience measurement. The data provided by Nielsen Audience Measurement ensures a "common currency" for the media agencies, advertisers and television channels, based on an independent and transparent measurement system. The independence, professional reliability and credibility of our audience measurement system have been confirmed by various independent audits. About Nielsen Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related properties. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA and Diemen, the Netherlands. For more information please visit our websites : Contact: Nielsen Közönségmérés Kft. H -1146 Budapest, Hermina út 57-59. Phone: 461-7050, Fax: 461-7051 e-mail: [email protected] internet:
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