Laser-Assisted Rejuvenation for the Most Intimate Areas
Laser-Assisted Rejuvenation for the Most Intimate Areas
As Seen In Snap the tag to visit; view a before and after gallery. Or snap this tag to visit Get the free mobile app at N OR T H W E S T ORE GO N Laser-Assisted Rejuvenation for the Most Intimate Areas … a personal but welcome choice for empowered women G iving women an unprecedented Rejuvenation Institute® of Los Angeles, opportunity to enhance their Dr. Salisbury expanded her surgical sexuality, improve sexual pleasure, skills to include low-risk, laser-assisted and boost self-esteem, female genital plastic procedures that can precisely achieve surgery (FGPS) is a fast-growing specialty. the look, feel, and function that women Dr. Nancy Salisbury combined her desire—with little to no blood loss extensive gynecologic training and and exceptional, satisfying results. experience with her expertise in female sexuality to launch DrNGyn. It is a For the Whole Woman traditional state-of-the-art gynecology With “mommy makeovers” so popular office incorporating a practice dedicated today, Dr. Salisbury points out a to bringing the multiple procedures consideration: “If you’re remodeling your and advantages of FGPS to the home, would you leave one of the most women of Oregon. important rooms untouched? “As a traditional OB/ “Many women are trimming GYN for twenty-plus years, and shaving pubic hair,” she I met many women who adds. “They are more self-aware were unhappy with the toll and are open to talking about childbirth had taken on their how they look in order to enhance vulvovaginal structures,” their sexuality or self-esteem.” explains Dr. Salisbury. “I Another way Dr. Salisbury also had patients of all ages assists patients in intensifying their who were dealing with excess sexual response is by offering an labial tissue that was not only Nancy Salisbury, injection that plumps the erogenous cosmetically unattractive but MD, FACOG zone within the vagina called the Board-certified also a problem during G Spot (Gräfenberg Spot). This Gynecologist intercourse and exercise— heightens sensitivity but is purely Aesthetic Surgeon causing discomfort I an anatomical enrichment. call ‘labial trapping.’” “None of these procedures, while correcting With mentoring by world-class expert form and appearance, is a solution for ISD Dr. David Matlock of Laser Vaginal [inhibited sexual desire],” emphasizes the © Advent Media Group 2012 doctor. “I have listened to women talk openly about their sexuality for over 20 years. I am thrilled to allow services that directly address intimacy, rather than rush through it during their annual check-up. “I listen to and examine my patient to achieve an accurate diagnosis. My practice can offer positive solutions for every patient, whether her needs are medical or surgical—in a safe, confidential, and caring environment.” Make an appointment to consult Dr. Nancy Salisbury by calling 503-908-1646. Questions? Ask to speak to Paige Brandt, LPN. Web Email [email protected] Follow DrNGyn & DrNVaginalRejuvenation 17020 Pilkington Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035 @DRN_Gyn