The Geraldine News Ngä Pükörero o te wiki ki Raukapuka foodies choose he to IUM QUALI EM TY PR Y GERALDINE 3255 copies delivered each week Student-led powhiri at Geraldine High School s p Wh t re ho e established 1992Thursday 11 february 2016 BUTCHERY Y M S EA OD T& SM ALLGO Geraldine High School (GHS) welcomed the new school year in with their annual pōwhiri (Māori welcoming ceremony) last $9.99/kg week. The event was completely student-led chicken breast for the first time since it began. Esteemed guests, returning GHS staff and students fillets welcomed newcomers from various schools, $10.99/kg exchange students and new staff members into the school community during the Fresh free-range eggs ceremony. WILSON STREET, GERALDINE Y PHONE 693 8538 $6.00/dozen Deputy head girl Annabel Mulligan addressed the school before the pōwhiri fresh STOCK began, explaining what would happen in the No added preservatives. Traditional fresh stock, ceremony and why it was important. Deputy beef or chicken. No added flavour, enhancers, head boy Jake White led guests and returning artificial colouring, preservatives or added salt. teachers onto the stage. Head girl Shania Dudson-Cooney lead the karanga (female 6 Wilson st, geraldinE v PH 693 8538 calling) on behalf of returning teachers and pupils, which was returned by new yearseven student Natalia Stevenson. Both girls were taking on the role of kaikaranga (the person who delivers the call) for the first During February email us at time. “It’s scary, but it’s an honour,” says [email protected] Shania. In previous years, head students have and we’ll put you in the draw to win spoken and performed the karanga but this is a $200 Fresh Choice voucher. the first year new students have reciprocated Entries drawn Friday 4 March 2016. the welcome. “It was really special being able AJ Ramsay Real Estate LTD, Liscensed Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008) to welcome the newbies into our school,” says Shania. When asked if she was nervous prior to the pōwhiri, Natalia says, “Yeah, but it’ll be all good. I know I’ll be able to do it.” An acknowledgement of the late deputy principal Jo Nicolson was included in Shania’s karanga. Following the karanga, head boy Henry Gualter delivered a speech in Māori on behalf of the school. “It was hard speaking in a language that I don’t use every day, but it was definitely rewarding,” said Henry, “I think it all went really well.” Year seven student Thomas Stone spoke premium beef mince win! coming up Live Music Saturday 13 February Super Liquor Bottle store This week’s Super Sonic deal GH Mumm Champagne 750ml $49.99 Thu 11 - Sat 20 FEBRUARY only Courtesy coach available Friday-Sunday Ph 693 1033 on behalf of the newcomers, acknowledging the welcome. He ended his speech with an address in English. “I was a bit nervous,” says Thomas, “But I knew my speech well and I’m happy with how I went on the day.” None of the leading students are fluent in Māori. A shared morning tea for new staff members and family members of the new students followed the pōwhiri. Feedback shared at the morning tea was largely positive. Chaplain Rachele Morris says, “The students did so well in front of such a large crowd, especially the wee year sevens speaking in their first week,” and teacher Stephanie White says, “The pōwhiri was so seamless and moving.” Principal Simon Coleman was enthusiastic about how the pōwhiri went, saying, “People are saying it was the best one yet. We clearly have some up-and-coming leaders.” Jordyn Te Rahui-Hobbs New head students at the high school in the sports bar THE SOUTHERN MAN From left: Head boy Henry Gualter, head girl Shania Dudson-Cooney, and new students Natalia Stevenson and Thomas Stone. Photo: Jordyn Te Rahui-Hobbs. “We do lots of organising,” says head girl Shania Dudson-Cooney. “We’re like the back-stage crew.” Shania was elected to lead the Geraldine High students for 2016 along with head boy Henry Gualter and deputies Annabel Mulligan and Jake White. “All of year 13 has stepped up,” says Jake. “It’s not just us.” Aspire is this year’s theme at the school and in term one this will be integrated with one of the school’s values, relationships. The school will be encouraging building good relationships between students, staff and the community. All four head students are looking forward to the year ahead and say they are impressed with the respect the school blazer earns from the younger students. “A young student called me sir the other day,” said Jake. “That’s never happened before.” Principal Simon Coleman is encouraging the students to take on more leadership roles. This year the head students will run the school assemblies; an opportunity they are excited about. Lindsay Nelson The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 Geraldine High School’s head students for 2016, from left, Annabel Mulligan (deputy), Henry Gualter (head), Shania Dudson-Cooney (head) and Jake White (deputy). Photo: Lindsay Nelson. 1 BROKEN WINDSCREEN? Geraldine - We Come To You! Twice Weekly, Quality Guaranteed, Locally Owned Visible Quality, Clearly Better 23 - 25 Theodosia St Timaru. Call 0800 441-331 Coffee cards are now available! Reward yourself. Drink organic coffee and earn points. Mention this advertisement: Get your new card and the first coffee is on us. Central-Where your friends meet. New hours at Geraldine Kindergarten Responding to requests from their families, Geraldine Kindergarten now offers children six consecutive hours of constructive play. Children still arrive at 8.15am but the older ones can now stay until 2.15pm. The younger children now go home for lunch at 12.15pm. Tracey Nelson, head teacher, says, “It suits families. It just flows and works really well.” The new hours involve no extra costs and replace the old system of separate morning and afternoon sessions for differently-aged children. Most kindergartens under the New Zealand Kindergartens (NZK) umbrella have sixhour days. The Geraldine Free District Kindergarten Association is a member of NZK. With the extra hours New teacher Sarah Vincent-Weaver works with kindy children who are trying to create a picture in the afternoon, the 10 of a bee’s honeycomb using egg cartons. “We are going to stick them together and paint it oldest children attend an yellow.” Photo: Jo Bates. investigators’ group. The small size of the group allows for greater focus on subjects they are and it reflects our bi-cultural heritage. They can of interest. Using ideas that come from the children, this confidently stand up and do a mihi. It is really lovely.” The longer hours have resulted in the employment of group is currently investigating insects – starting with bees. This builds skills for the children’s transition to school as the an extra teacher. Local resident Sarah Vincent-Weaver is a investigations involve critical thinking, literacy, numeracy and qualified early-childhood teacher and has been teaching for problem solving. Tracey says, “Although these skills are used 15 years. “I’ve been in Geraldine my whole life and went to this kindy. Now I’m a teacher here and my daughter attends all the time at kindy, this is a little bit more focused.” Tracey says the older children are also encouraged to share too; it’s nice.” Sarah leads the investigators’ group and is a mihi (introduction of who you are) in front of a small group. concentrating on getting to know the children and finding In Māori and English, each child names their mountain, their out where their interests are. Jo Bates river and who they are. “There is a real sense of pride in who Why is breakfast so important for children? Breakfast is literally “breaking the fast” since it’s the first meal after sleeping (and therefore fasting all night). After this “fast” our body has gone through hours of no nutrients so we need to nourish our hungry brain and body (aka breakfast). Studies show that kids who skip breakfast are lethargic, irritable, have low concentration levels, are absent minded and perform at a lower rate compared to those children who eat breakfast on a regular basis. Also, children who don’t eat a good breakfast tend to eat more junk food during the day – snacks that are high in fat and sugar and low in nutritional value. CONtACt US Ph 0800 693 800 fax 03 525 8699 [email protected] Requests for submitted articles: phone The Geraldine News at least two weeks prior to event. Usual deadline for all items: Noon Mondays. Agents: Hammer Hardware. Advertising costs: Classifieds: 50c/word. Display ads: contact us for details. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, The Geraldine News does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make final decisions on layout of submitted ads. Copies can be bought and we have a subscription service. 2 Breakfast also makes a significant contribution to children's overall nutrition intake, according to a whole raft of research papers. Children (and adults) who eat breakfast generally have healthier diets and are more likely to be consuming their recommended intakes of key minerals, vitamins and fibre. Children who skip breakfast may not make up the differences at later meals. So make sure, before your child heads out the door to school or daycare, they’ve got something nutritious in their stomachs and they have a lunchbox packed full of sustainable food that will fuel their learning! Keep your children in touch with what’s happening in their home town. www.geraldinenews.co.nz Looking for a new kitchen? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Quality custom-made kitchens Bathrooms Other alterations also undertaken All work guaranteed Free quotes - competitively priced Qualified local carpenter and joiner Paul Shatford Ph 027 930 9768 or 03 693 8829 e: [email protected] The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 pm Page 1 Karate club fundraising for NY Seido anniversary trip news in A brief N EVE PAM WAR NING Founder of Incredible Edible CELEBRATIN G THE ABUN DAN The Incredible Edible team and businesses around Geraldine are gearing up for Pam Warhurst’s visit to Geraldine and speaking tour of New Zealand. Pamela Warhurst CBE isGearaBritish ldine is lecommunity l elaand d sc e rap , a c t iad v in i sgt thaenwday towards es in e an n vdi TE r oDn m e nNt ew w Ze o ralkan e rd. Founder Talk presenter Pa m Warhurs best known for founding inspirational st ory of this glob the gardening al move withvoluntary edibles and e i n i t i a t i v e , I n cth r e dpo i bsiltiv e e impact i Edible, in 2008. In 2009, Prince Charles visited the Gerald project in in support. e Primary T h e r e a r e e d i b l eSs chool H sprouting up all over Geraldine and gardens being restocked to look Pamela Warhurst CBE, their best. founder of Incredible Edible. Bella Salu, Geraldine Books and Post, Ilu Day Spa, Robbies Milkbar, Geraldine Garden Centre, Joosh, Royal India Restaurant, The Running Duck, LOUK Clothing, The Giant Jersey, and the Cottage Pantry and Gallery are the latest businesses to join the movement. From runner beans to lemon trees - edibles around town have started to grow. Pam is the founder of Incredible Edible which has since spread to 100 groups around Britain and 200 countries worldwide. Pam will be helping spread the message around New Zealand of how growing edibles in urban spaces changes lives, and Geraldine will be centre stage. More info: www.incredibleediblegeraldine.blogspot. co.nz. See advert on page 7 for talk details. Submitted 7pm Wedne sday Senior instructor Seishi John Davidson says Seido karate’s 40th anniversary celebration in New York is a chance for Senpais Gisell Johnson and Liz Glasier to work on all the syllabus and fitness, and learn new routines to introduce to the local club. Photo: Jan Finlayson. It’s been 40 years since Seido karate was developed by Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura. In June, the World Seido Karate Organisation’s headquarters in New York will celebrate the anniversary, with 500 Seido practitioners from 15 countries attending. Geraldine club representatives will be in a New Zealand contingent. Four Peaks Seido Karate Geraldine senpais (black belt students) Gisell Johnson and Liz Glasier have signed up for the week-long spread of workshops, competitions and seminars – an experience that senior instructor Seishi John Davidson says will be “very intense, for mind, body, and soul”. Go-En – the event’s title is a Japanese invocation of good fortune – is a near-distance goal that will benefit the club’s long term development. “We’re going to be able to give people something when we get back,” says Gisell. Liz says, “Things like teaching visually-impaired people [and] people with other special needs.” Add to that: sharpened teaching in kicking techniques, brain gym for children, fighting, cardio kick-boxing and plenty more. The full Go-En menu includes sessions with Seido founder Kaicho and workshops ranging from meditation to origami, as well as self-defence. As John says, Seido is about more than physical discipline. For now, the club is focusing on fundraising. Liz says, “We’re running women’s self-defence lessons in March and we’re having a movie afternoon for children, showing The Karate Kid. And there’s going to be a chick-flick night. “We’re selling mixed lamingtons for $5 per dozen and Fairlie Bakehouse pies for $5 each. We’re having a firewood raffle, a $100 raffle and selling Whittaker’s chocolate. We’ve got fundraisers coming up every month.” Seido – meaning “sincere way” – is a relatively young form of karate with a core value of integrated personal discipline. Its philosophy is firm, but its technical repertoire continues to grow, and, maximising expertise, Go-En’s instruction will be by a broad-based team including New Zealanders. “Seido karate’s developing all the time,” John says. Self-defence lessons for women will be at 1-3pm, Saturdays 5 and 19 March at Geraldine Bowling Club, $10 per session. Phone Liz on 027 232 1316 or Gisell on 021 0228 7049 to register. The Karate Kid will screen at Geraldine Cinema at 4.30pm on Sunday 28 February. Details of other events to follow. For more information about Four Peaks Seido Karate Geraldine, call Liz or Gisell or go to the club’s Facebook page. Jan Finlayson Attention Farmers!!!!! 11.5 t DIGGER FOR DRY HIRE Using only high quality certified concrete, Aoraki Kerb & Channel specialise in: Driveways ▪ Car parks ▪ Garden edges ▪ Machine-laid continuous kerbing With experience across small and large commercial and residential projects, we can cater to any of your concreting needs. P. 0800 688 000 E: [email protected] W: www.aorakikerb.co.nz The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 “Do the easy stuff yourself or use our experienced operator for the hard stuff.” Ph Mark Bolderston 021 554 574 or 693 7973 Better nutrition policies needed for children Most early childhood education services strive to encourage healthy eating among children, but need stronger and more detailed nutrition policies to support change in everyday staff and parent behaviours. These findings are revealed in new doctoral research from the University of Auckland’s Centre for Longitudinal Research. An online survey of 257 licensed early childhood education services was carried out in 2014 in Auckland, Manukau and the Waikato. The survey found that most services promoted healthy eating behaviours by maintaining edible gardens (90 percent), not using food in punishments and rewards (96 and 95 percent respectively), and serving familystyle meals with adults seated alongside children (80 percent). The survey showed other common practices may encourage children to eat too much or develop preferences for unhealthy foods. These included serving more than the recommended amount of sugary, salty and fatty foods at celebrations (26 percent), selling unhealthy food at fundraisers (37 percent), hurrying children to finish eating (61 percent), and not checking with children if they are full before offering more food (60 percent). “Eating behaviours and preferences for certain foods, such as those high in salt and sugar or vegetables and fruits, develop early in life, so early childhood is an opportune time to teach the basics of nutrition and healthy eating,” says PhD student Sarah Gerritsen, who conducted the survey. Submitted Pest management Environment Canterbury today encouraged all farmers and the wider community to participate in the first step of a comprehensive review of the current Canterbury Regional Pest Management Plan by attending community meetings. The Regional Council released a discussion document on the future of pest management in Canterbury late last year and is now seeking feedback. The purpose of the discussion document is to seek the community’s views on the best approaches to be taken in a new plan. The discussion document is available at www.ecan. govt.nz/pestreview. Contributions will be received until 28 February 2016. A new proposed Regional Pest Management Plan for Canterbury will be notified in mid 2016. The local community meeting will be held on Thursday 18 February, 2.30-6pm, Caroline Bay Hall. Submitted 3 At the Movies: The Revenant 34 High St Geraldine Ph 693 1401 Dedicated WOF inspector Waiting room available or Pick up and delivery of vehicle All mechanical Repairs Servicing of all modern vehicles Prompt efficient service National Superannuation card holders now get 15% discount The team who cares about your car. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s latest film, The Revenant, has already become notorious for its uncompromising portrayal of primal violence. It has several particularly yucky moments, but there’s much more to this modern take on the classic western than gut-churning gore and the “ew” factor; it’s a highly immersive, two-and-a-half hour, thrill-a-minute journey that never lets up. Be warned: those of a sensitive disposition could end up with white knuckles and green faces. Lead actor Leonardo DiCaprio features in many of the most gruesome scenes, including a very bloody and bone-cracking fight with a grizzly bear (CGI but horrifically realistic), eating raw bison liver (for real – even though he’s a committed vegetarian) and using a dead horse as a sleeping bag (very convincing special effects). DiCaprio reportedly suffered long and hard playing the role of Hugh Glass – a 19th century Wyoming fur-trapper. But his hardship in the bitterly cold locations was nothing compared to the real-life agonies that the badly wounded Glass endured as he crawled, slithered and swam out of America’s unforgiving wilderness and back to civilisation. His true story is a 24-carat tale of survival against the most outrageous odds and required very little gilding by the screenwriters. The movie opens with Glass leading a small hunting party up a forest stream. It’s the onset of winter 1823, and he’s part of a military-led mission to establish a fur-trapping base in upper Missouri. Just as Glass pulls the trigger to bring down his prey, the nearby expedition camp is attacked by native American Arikara warriors, and vicious hand-to-hand combat ensues. While the brutality of the violence between men is shocking, it’s the savage duel between man and beast that is most likely to make a lasting impression. While guiding the surviving trappers through hostile country to safety, Glass comes across two bear cubs accompanied by their mother. After being slashed repeatedly by tooth and claw, Glass is more than half-dead. The bear returns to jump up and down on his back; there’s a sickening crack as bone splinters. Two “volunteers”, Jim Bridger (Will Poulter) and John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy), are offered juicy bonuses to look after the badly broken Glass, but soon leave him for dead, kill his son and cook up a convincing yarn to spin back at HQ so they can claim their ill-gotten dollars. They don’t count on Glass’s stubborn will to survive and his utter determination to settle the score. Abandoned in a shallow grave, Glass slowly claws his way out and an incredible journey towards vengeance begins. As in Inarritu’s award-winning Birdman, intimate facial close-ups make sure we stick close to the main protagonist MLV In the swim PONY 03.qxp_- 20/01/16 3:13 pm Page 1 the revenant (R16). The next screenings at the Geraldine Cinema are advertised on page 7. throughout his journey and share his pain. The director also regularly cuts to dream sequences and flashbacks, creating hallucinatory interludes which punctuate the grim realities as well as filling in the backstory. DiCaprio is quietly brilliant – he doesn’t actually have much dialogue, but he has mastery of body language, a wide repertoire of grunts and strains every facial sinew. It’s a performance that should put him in the running for his first-ever Oscar. Countering all the human ugliness, there is a great deal of beauty in the cinematographer’s images of the cold and expansive landscapes, which are wonderfully captured in wide shots. And the camera is frequently allowed to linger luxuriously before tracking. The spectacular sweeping views are nicely balanced with artfully composed close-ups of frozen leaves, alpine flowers and translucent icicles. Such exquisite camerawork underlines the commitment of the director to produce a work of art, not just tell a story. The deceptively simple score completes the picture perfectly - the powerful chorus of low strings is particularly effective. Often there is silence which is only broken by the sound of snowflakes falling on leaves, or trees creaking in the wind. The Revenant is an intense and highly rewarding film, featuring a bravura performance from its lead, thrilling sequences and jaw-dropping scenery. There aren’t any laughs in this tale of the wild, Wild West - it’s mostly unrelenting hardship, treachery and brutality, but there are glimpses of kindness and humanity that rescue it from total darkness. And while there is plenty of blood spilt, it shouldn’t put you off your ice-cream – just don’t go for the raspberry ripple. Jo Richards Ed. Leonardo DiCaprio won both the Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild best actor awards for The Revenant. IN THE NEED TO MOVE SOME DIRT? BIG SMALL WE MOVE IT ALL Our services include: • Trenches • Siteworks • Building foundations • Vegetation clearing/control • Landscaping • Cleaning out dairy sheds SWIM A quick dip, a round of bowls a quiet cuppa in the lounge. Resort-style living, right here, right now with our new leisure centre. For more information about the benefits that Geraldine’s McKenzie Lifestyle Village has to offer, call David Connolly on 03 693 8340. CALL US TODAY Denys - 027 686 2237 Jared - 027 277 9519 or 03 692 2963 (ah) M C K E N Z I E L I F E ST Y L E V I L L AG E I S A M E M B E R O F RVA 4 The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 Geraldine athlete wins bronze at South Island athletics games Ten-year-old Nora Quigley won bronze in the under-10 girls’ discus event at the South Island Colgate Games, held recently in Nelson. The Geraldine High School year 7 student secured her podium finish with a throw of 22.23 metres. However, it came after a nervous start when her first throw went astray. Nora says, “The first one slipped out of my hand and hit the net.” This was quickly rectified with her medalwinning second throw, one she knew was in the medal hunt but couldn’t be sure of because she couldn’t hear the measurements called for the other 38 athletes. Nora says she is proud of her bronze medal as, “the other two girls who came first and second were from the North Island,” effectively making Nora the number one South Island discus thrower. Nora was busy at the games, also coming fourth in the under-10 girls’ shotput and competing in the 100m and 200m sprints and long jump. Nora first discovered athletics as an eight-year-old when she competed in Geraldine Primary School’s athletics day and discovered “This is really fun.” Since then she has joined the Geraldine Amateur Athletic Club and receives coaching from Jim Knipe. Nora is positive about her club and the achievements of her fellow Geraldine athletes at the games. “Everyone in the club who went did really well. They all got personal bests. The Geraldine Club is really good.” Pip Goldsbury Geraldine athlete Nora Quigley. Photo: Pip Goldsbury. Local motocross rider does well in Josh Coppins Cup news in brief Final flag referendum? The second referendum on the New Zealand flag is just a few weeks away, and the Electoral Commission wants to ensure all eligible New Zealanders are enrolled and ready to vote. “Voting papers for the second referendum will be sent out by post, so it’s very important to make sure your enrolment details are up to date,” says Robert Peden, chief electoral officer. “If you’ve moved house, or if you were expecting a voting paper for the first referendum and didn’t get one, or if you’re not sure you are enrolled at all – now is the time to check.” The referendum runs from Thursday 3 March until Thursday 24 March. Voters will be asked to choose between the current New Zealand flag and the preferred alternative design selected in the first referendum in late 2015. The flag that receives the most votes in the second referendum will be the official flag of New Zealand. “People need to make sure that they are enrolled and that their details are up to date now, as only those enrolled before voting begins will receive a voting paper,” says Mr Peden. “Check your details now – it’s easy. You can do it at www.elections.org.nz or by calling 0800 36 76 56. And if you’re not enrolled, you need to do it now.” Enrolment forms are available from www.elections.org. nz, freephone 0800 36 76 56, by Freetexting your name and address to 3676, or at any PostShop. Submitted Sixteen-year-old Geraldine motocross ace Kate Brown did well last weekend finishing second overall in the Josh Coppins Cup held at the Back Flips Dirt Farm near Pleasant Point. Second placing is not to be sneezed at when you consider Kate, riding a 125cc bike, was narrowly beaten by a more experienced Kimberly Murphy on a 250cc. In 2013, 21year-old Kimberly, from Rangiora, was number one in New Zealand and number three in Australia. Kate won the first race, which she says was rather satisfying. “It was pretty cool. Kimberly wasn’t very happy though.” It must have been all the motivation Kimberly needed as she beat Kate in the next two races by one second and three seconds. However, Kate took out the Hole Shot in all three races, which means she was the first rider around the first corner. And could she have beaten the ex-New Zealand champ over-all? “I don’t know. She’s just a really good rider.” Kate is off to the West Coast next weekend to race in the Gold Nugget Cup. Kimberly Murphy won’t be at the race, but the current New Zealand ladies champion will. Lindsay Nelson Geraldine motocross rider Kate Brown, far right. Photo: Supplied. Aerial Agricultural Services • High rainfall limits vehicle access. • Applying fertiliser or spraying crops by helicopter eliminates the damage vehicles can do to your paddocks. • We are at Woodbury, Geraldine at the moment. Contact Sam Coulter. Phone: Sam Coulter 021 239 8296 ǀ 0800 929 246 61 Condon Rd, Woodbury RD1, Geraldine 7991 The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 5 results Trades and services / Mahi a ratonga For sale / Hei hokohoko golf Geraldine District Golf Club. Saturday 6 February. Fielden Cup Mixed Canadian Foursome Round. G Clarke & A Romeril 64.5, J Shirtcliff & J Oliver 65, F Blake & G Robertson 65.5, B Clarke & G Waldron 66.5. Stableford: M Kohalmi 43, M McKeown 42, G Fifield 42. Twos: B Waller (6), H Chellew (12). Nearest the Pin: Men: J Worner, Women: A Romeril. Grande Vue Golf Club. Sunday 7 February. Sherratt Eclectic Round 2. D Stenhouse 24.5, J Rate 25, P Oliver 25.5, R Drennan 28.5, V Patrick 28.5, M Lang 28.5, J Muff 30.5,A Muff 31.5, D Weaver 32. Twos: J Patrick, P Oliver. Nearest the pin: A Muff. bridge Thursday 4 February. Rangitata Pairs 4. North/South: 1st J O’Brien & R Scott 61.60%, 2nd J Riley & B White 53.03%, 3rd N Belsey & H Rinaldi 52.16%. East/West 1st C Coulter & R Dewe 65.21%, 2nd F Numan & R Pitelen 57.26%, 3rd T Boyce & G Hole 57.16%. painter /decorator available now. Workmanship guaranteed. Ph Peter Booth 03 615 8469. Van Coffee. Geraldine-based mobile espresso. Bookings ph Ian 021 187 8095. BARK chip. Two grades in stock at Village Landscapes. Ph 693 7321. Loan trailer and delivery available. Recent AGM / Hui ā tau - Nō nā tata nei organisations may have their new committee members’ names printed in this column for free if emailed to [email protected] Public notices / Pānui a whānui You are invited! Living Waters Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational authentic christian fellowship, meets every Sunday at 10am at the Orari Domain Hall in Orari. A meaningful time of worship and a special children’s time every Sunday. Grab a comfy family couch, enjoy a Living Word and experience what Christianity is really all about. Come and see for yourself what God is doing. We look forward to welcoming you. Enquiries: 693 8056 or 03 688 8702. www.headingforhim.com living WATERS. In-depth Bible Study, Wednesdays at 7pm, the Orari Hall, Orari. Ph 03 688 8702. Stump Grinding Solutions will be in your area soon. If you require our services to grind out those unwanted tree stumps and roots, ph Paul 021 232 3099 or 03 688 7244. Fly /spider sprays, book early. Ph Craig’s Pest Solutions 693 7263 or 021 713 407. Accounting services, tax returns, book keeping, registered tax agent. Ph Raylene 693 7163, 027 274 3264. DOUBLE glazing enquiries. Ph Geraldine Glass 693 9927. painter. Geraldine-based. Friendly professional service, good rates, excellent local references. Ph 693 9803 or 027 962 4841. auto parts and accessories. North End Motors, ph 693 8673. LAWNmowers. Masport, Morrision, we have a mower to suit your needs at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. car troubles? Prompt repair contact Geraldine Auto Restorations, ph 693 1401. National superannuation gold card discount, 15% at Geraldine Auto Restorations, ph 693 1401. car grooming. North End Motors, ph 693 8673. Clothing alterations, mending, creations. Ph Raylene 693 7163. Fishing licences and supplies available from Geraldine Hammer Hardware. Faulty sliding door rollers need replaced? Window catches no longer secure? We can replace these and get your house secure again. Ph Geraldine Glass 693 9927. Sleepyhead queen mattress with torquezone plus base, $100. Ph 693 8373. Multiversal paint. Just $59.90 for 4 litres, 10 litres $119. Attractive colours at Hammer Hardware. Ph 693 7312. Garage sale, 9am Saturday, 242 Talbot Street. House-lot. CERTIFIED Bio Organic Compost, right here in town, bagged or bulk. Village Landscapes, 31 Wilson Street. FIREWOOD. Check out clearwaterfirewood.co.nz or ph Ronald or Anna 693 8168. DIGGER for hire, 1.6T. Wide tilt, trench and digging buckets. Auger kit also available. Ph Village Landscapes & Hire 693 7321. Bookings recommended. CHILLER trailer for hire: $65 per day, contact GRFC - Gerald Burke ph 027 498 6706. chainbar lube special. Just $26.99 1 gallon (3.785l) at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. WOOD splitter for hire. Ph Village Landscapes & Hire 693 7321. TOWABLE garden shredder for hire. Turn your branches into mulch and keep down the weeds. Village Landscapes & Hire, 31 Wilson St. TOPSOIL, screened. Ph 693 7321. Loan trailer and delivery available. ROTARY hoes, three sizes available including tractor mounted for hire. Ph Village Landscapes & Hire 693 7321. MK WINDOWS For all your window and carpet cleaning Special General Meeting Tuesday 23 February, 7.00pm at Geraldine Resource Centre Business: to ratify new constitution in its entirety Please call Amanda Kelly on 693 9222 or 022 156 4786 (Taken over from Sarah Cox) $7.50/bale delivered $7/bale collected Discount for large orders Delivery Sunday 28 February 2016 Copies are available from the secretary. Please submit all discussion points in writing to: Sarah Foley-Smith Club secretary [email protected] or ph 696 3838 prior to 19 February. In the absence of any tabled queries the document will be passed. Geraldine Bicycle Repairs due to shifting to our new location Wanted / Hiahia FuLLrange rangeoF oFLarge Largeand andSmaLL SmaLLanimaL animaL FuLL veterinarY ServiCeS veterinarY ServiCeS Professional,experienced experiencedand andcaring caringveterinarians veterinarians Professional, Purpose-built,modern modernfacilities facilities Purpose-built, Ample off-road parking Ample off-road parking 24hron-call on-callEmergency EmergencyServices Services 24hr workshop closed from February 8th to march 1st 2016 Militaria wanted to buy by collector. Firearms, badges, bayonets or any items of military interest. German items are of particular interest. Ph Pete Young 693 8876 a/h. Eating out / Kai wahi kē VILLAGE Inn, open 7 days from 11am. Ph 693 1033. central, licensed café, daily from 6am. Ph 693 9770. Verdé Café Deli, open 7 days. Clinichours: hours:8am-5pm, 8am-5pm,monday mondayto toFriday Friday Clinic Cnrwoodbury woodbury//main mainnorth northrds rds Cnr Phone:693 6939060 9060 Phone: [email protected] [email protected] ELECTRIC appliances we may able to assist your needs at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. $50 BALE LINSEED straw Be the man she wants you to be and treat her right! We hope to see you again on our new address: 221a talbot Street geraldine 03 6937055 / 022 159 2560 Trades and services / Mahi a ratonga Builder available for renovations, pergolas, decks, fences, retaining walls, carports. Ph Steve 021 141 6129. SIGNS for all your signage needs, digital printing, vehicles, boats etc. Ph Geraldine Signs 693 8527 or 027 439 2308. brookside Boarding Kennels. Farmstay for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road. Ph 693 9929. Computer taming: Geraldine Computer Solutions. Ph 693 9496. TRAVEL broker, Sue Hammond. Ph 693 9141. Email: [email protected] 6 $35 BALE Start it off with breakfast at Central. Be my Valentine Have a free shake on us when you order two meals this Sunday Breakfast, lunch, dinner From 6am-8pm The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 Ph 693 9616 EMPLOYMENT é Production Supervisor 28 hours per week Monday - Thursday GERALDINE CINEMA (some flexibility necessary) Cinema Ph: (03) 693 8118 We are looking for a reliable, energetic & positive person to join our team. SCREENINGS FROM THUR 11th TO WED 17th FEB Probably one of the most offensive films English National Opera Company ever made! but you WILL laugh out loud! presents with pride! Two sessions only! Robert DiNero & Zach Efron star in (R16) LA TRAVIATA DIRTY GRANDPA NO COMPS (G) ID Required - NO COMPS SUN & WED (17th) AT 2PM ONLY! THUR & TUES AT 7.15PM Great entertainment for the '3*"51.t46/"51. whole family! Jack Black stars in Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this GOOSEBUMPS great true life story! (R16) (PG) SATURDAY AT AT 4PM FINAL! THE REVENANT Delightful family film! (G) ID Required - NO COMPS ODDBALL '3*"51.t4"5.0/"51. SATURDAY AT 2PM 46/"51. COMING SOON... Outstanding British Film (M) #SPPLMZO t%BET"SNZ SUFFRAGETTE Singing In The Rain (25/2) THURSDAY AT 5PM The Danish Girl (TBA) WEDNESDAY (17thŸ"51.FINAL The Lady In The Van (Tba) The position will involve overseeing our small but busy production department. You will be responsible for production planning (time management) , quality control and stock management. You will be the first point of contact for a small team so a confident and professional communicator/negotiator is needed. Experience in food preparation/production is essential preferably in a manufacturing environment. Previous supervisory experience would be advantageous. The successful candidate will have a methodical approach to tasks, have good numeracy skills, be meticulous with detail and have an ability to constantly reprioritise. A good level of fitness is also necessary. Forklift license would be an advantage but training can be provided to the right person. Please send CV with a covering letter to: Karen Pace, Operations Manager, Functional Whole Food, PO Box 49, Geraldine or to [email protected] Country Hospitality at its best The ORIGINAL AIR CONDITIONED COTTON shirt Men’s sizes to 4XL Women’s to size 24 28 edible Talbot Geraldine. Phpm 693 7118. Incredible ad Street, 100x180.qxp 8/02/16 4:15 Page 1 GREAT MOVIES Still GREAT PRICES So get to the Geraldine Cinema and see the movies on the GREAT BIG SCREEN Closing date: Wednesday 17th February 2016 Full job description available on request. BUTCHERY PACKER – immediate start! Matt and the Butchery team are after a packer to cover 3-4 days a week including the weekends. Supporting the butchers is the objective and will include meat preparation, traying, wrapping, filling, stocktaking and shop merchandising Early starts and early finishes. Contact Aaron on 021 285 5007 [email protected] Upcoming events / Mea pakiri haere YOGA CLASS, Woodbury Hall, Wednesdays 6-7pm. Ph 692 2980. Geraldine Squash Club AGM, 17 February, 7.30pm, at the club rooms. All welcome. MARCH Community Diary. To list an event or activity that is happening in March for your non-profit community organisation please phone the Resource Centre 693 7001 with details by Friday 19 February. SOLAGARD 8 litres white paint just $99 while stocks last at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. GERALDINE Arts & Plants Festival (Inc) AGM, Monday 22 February 2016 at 7.30pm. The Crown Hotel conference room. All welcome. KARATE KID movie fundraiser for the Geraldine Seido Karate Club, Sunday 28 February, 4.30-7.00pm, $10 ticket. Ph Gisell 021 0228 7049. WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENCE CLASS. Fundraiser for the Geraldine Seido Karate Club, Saturdays 5 and 19 March at the Bowling Club. $10 per session. Pre-registration on 027 232 1316 (Lizzy) or 021 0228 7049 (Gisell) FREE roller kit with every 10 litres of paint sold until the end of February at Geraldine Hammer Hardware. geraldine news deadline, noon on Mondays at Hammer Hardware. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016 AN EVENING WITH PAM WARHURST CELEBRATING THE ABUNDANCE OF COMMUNITY Geraldine is leading the way towards building edible urban landscapes in New Zealand. Founder of Incredible Edible and TED Talk presenter Pam Warhurst will share with us the inspirational story of this global movement to fill urban spaces with edibles and the positive impact it is having. 7pm Wednesday 17 February Geraldine Primary School Hall ENTRY BY DONATION 7 12 $ 1 99 kg $ 49 each Fresh NZ Beef Rump Steak 2 for 5 $ 00 McCain SuperFries 1kg 1299 $ kg Fresh Tegel NZ Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets Hass Avocados 7 8 $ 50 $ 99 kg Loose White Button Mushrooms Alpine Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg WINE DEAL OF THE WEEK 3200 $ pack DB/Export Gold/Tui 24 x 330ml Bottles 7 $ 99 each Longridge 750ml each 2 for 400 $ 5 $ 00 each Keri Fruit Drink/Juice 2.4-3L Coke/Sprite/Fanta/ Lift/L&P 1.5L til the 1st February un hChoice from to be won in each store. es Fr at se ha y purc lmets Entries with an 16. Two kids bikes and he for more details. 20 ise 14th Februarye FreshChoice.co.nz/bike-w Se FCGN1102 Prices apply from Thursday 11th February to Sunday 14th February 2016, or while stocks last. Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. F FreshChoice.co.nz 8 FreshChoiceNZ FreshChoice Geraldine Peel Street, Geraldine. Phone 693 8529. Open 7am-8pm, 7 days. The GERALDINE NEWS, thursday 11 february 2016
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