the Velammal newGen park
the Velammal newGen park
june 2014 the Velammal newGen park Surapet, Chennai - 600 066. From the Founding Principal’s Desk, Velammal Global School. As the Founding Principal of the school, I am enthusiastic about this new challenge and looking forward to meeting all of the young people that will be in our care over the next few years. I am a British born qualified teacher, with a broad experience of education worldwide. I also have a range of other experiences, being a musician, children’s entertainer, research scientist and a project manager in IT projects for Ford and Ericsson in Europe and the USA. I have taught in and led schools as a Principal and Vice Principal in the UK, Sweden, India and the Philippines. Education for me is about giving our young people more choices, so that they can choose their own direction towards the happiest life they can have. Being a school principal isn’t about making people happy but about making happy people. For me a truly great school is one that is full of joy. We are all looking forward to a great deal of laughter and learning. Welcome to Velammal Global School. Warmest regards, Mr Carl Piaf BSc MSc PGCE Founding Principal Velammal Global School, Chennai LAUNCHPAD GALLERY A dance session in progress A sculpture model made by students Art session in progress Training on skates The winning team in the cup stacking challenge French class in progress Velammal Global School Summer Induction Day Velammal Global School started off their summer induction programme with a world class event. Beautifully styled and professionally delivered, VGS showed that they are a cut above the rest. started to call their principal Mr Magic and are looking forward to every day of a magical adventure that will be education at Velammal Global School. Parents and students for Velammal Global School’s primary classes from Grade 1 to Grade 6 were left astonished by the presentation by the school’s Founding Principal. Mr Carl Piaf, both an experienced and qualified educator and a children’s entertainer kept the crowd captivated and entertained as he spoke about the new school and its summer workshop. He took questions from the parents and all left with large smiles and happy hearts. Velammal Global School, an International curriculum School has begun with a summer induction program with 230 students in the inaugural year. Truly international, The school has drawn its faculty from across India and abroad. The school also has launched a unique pedagogical research unit to constantly improvise the teaching learning processes and create a world of happy learners. One grade two student was particularly happy as she was presented with a balloon dog, made by the Principal himself, and a card and book from the teachers to celebrate her birthday. The students have already This June, let ideas blossom. Velammal’s Global School opens the doors on a new adventure in education. We are starting this academic year with a summer induction course to launch our children into the exciting world of learning. Let your children be part of this exciting series of workshops. LAUNCHPAD Enlightening, Empowering, Enterprising. Activity Oriented Workshops from 12th June to 4th July. Admissions for 2014-15 open Learning Studios @ Velammal Global School Nursery to Grade VI Campus: #46, Ambattur-Redhills Road, Puzhal, Chennai-600 066. T: 044 - 6050 1525 [email protected], Magic Maths Silly Science French Finesse Super Skating Dynamic Dancing Skilful Sculpting, Active Art English Eloquence Precious Painting Speedy Sports 2 june 2014 THE Velammal newGen park VELAMMAL VIDHYASHRAM Musical prodigy A Network of CBSE Schools Surapet | Mambakkam | Ambattur A sound career needs a strong foundation. REBECCA SHEILA DOSS has been recognised by Record Setter – the Book of World Records in the US and the World Record Association in Hong Kong for passing the grade eight practical exam on the electronic keyboard at the youngest age of 11 by a girl. “My father motivated me and I started playing keyboard when I was three years old,” she recollects. Rebecca began to appear for both exams at the Trinity College of Music, London. At the same age, she also performed for television channels. Passing with high scores in the subsequent practical exams and completing grade three in theory, Rebecca appeared for grade eight – the highest exam in electronic keyboard in India in December last year and got through with 73 percent. YOUNG RAVIVARMA ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION Young Ravivarma Art & Craft Exhibition was conducted in Yoga Hall of Velammal Vidhyashram Campus in the month of February 2013. Goda Varma Raja, Shobana Thamburatti (Raja Ravi Varma family members), Renowned Artist Jayaraj, Mrs. Malarmangai Velmurugan (Velammal Trust) were the chief guests. The exhibition was open for 10 days. Learning without distraction means total dedication and complete concentration. The Ambience at Velammal Vidhyashram provides for this. It is a competitive environment yet every child is given individual attention. On passing out, the students blossom into self made, self confident and self motivated individuals ready to take on the world. Velammal CBSE School spread across the state has all the ingredients make schooling fun enjoyable for the child. Suchir India ‘ CV Raman Young Genius Awards’ Winners. 1. Abhijna V IX A VA Wing 2. Kruthik J VIII VA Wing 3. Yashas Jain III Gandhi Wing ‘AIMS’ (All India Maths & Science) Talent Test Winners. 1. Abhijna V IX A VA Wing III SIMO Education Final Level Best Achievers SIMO: 1. Prajeeth S VII VA Wing 2. D J Hemesh BS Wing SISO: 1. Shiaq M VII VA Wing 2. Jessenth Ebenezer VII VA Wing 3. Dinesh Kumar S VII VA Wing 4. Prajeeth S VII VA Wing 5. Simhaq M VII VA Wing 6. Bharath Eswar W VII VA Wing SIPHO: 1. Akshaya R X VA Wing 2. Shrivarshini R VIII VA Wing The Tech Whiz MEET S. Arjun whose school bus locator app has won him the MIT App Inventor award The teachers in the lower classes are patience personified. Emphasis is laid on communication skills, developing motor skills and discipline that helps shape their character. The student centric curriculum and scientifically designed modules adopted here ensures that every student is benefited. Together, children and teachers reflect on the meaning of each activity and explore it thoroughly; in doing so, every child finds the learning experiential and relevant. Teachers attempt to understand the social and cultural background to which the children belong. They take cues of their emotional, cognitive and social needs, to provide for them. A 14-year-old boy in Chennai has developed a mobile application that will help women in distress. An SOS mode in the app, i-Safe, when activated, repeatedly sends SMS alerts giving location details to friends and family members whose numbers have been pre-set. Orientation programmes and periodic parent-teacher meetings are conducted to help parents understand the approach and values of the course planned. S. Arjun is a seventh grader in Velammal Vidhyashram, Surapet in Chennai. He is now working on adding a functionality to rope in the local community so that during a distress National 1st Tamilnadu State 1st Tamilnadu State 2nd National 2nd National 16 Rank National 141st Rank th National National National National National National VA Wing students, Syed Junaid Ahmed, Jayakarthick. S, Balaji. R also bagged a cash prize of Rs. 5000/- for the project “Car Parking Tower” in the Expo. The main objective of the project is to conserve space in car parking with special features. Both the projects were guided by Mr. Balachandran, project coordinator of our school. that an d The curriculum provides a broad e d u c a t i o n a l programme, which extends learning beyond academics to the ethical, physical, creative and emotional development of the child. OLYMPIAD BEST PERFORMERS I II AWARD WINNING PROJECTS 12th Rank 18th Rank 20th Rank 21st Rank 70th Rank 124th Rank National 61st Rank National 110th Rank GOLD MEDALIST Easwar Srinivasan won Gold Medals in International Math Olympiad, National Science Olympiad, NSO, Silver zone Olympiads-IOS International Olympiad of Science, IOM International Olympiad of Math’s, IOEL International of English Language. He has attended Finals in National Level in National Astronomy Olympiad. call, people nearby are automatically alerted to reach out to the person in danger, without having to wait for the police. JET TOY The teen had developed an app called Ez School Bus Locator the previous year, which won the first place in an app contest organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Winner of the MIT App Inventor contest in the K-8 division, Arjun’s app was considered “one of the most creative and well thought out app of any age group.” That app for Android phones helps parents track the location of their children’s school bus, and also calculate how much time the vehicle will take to reach the destination. Even those with basic phones can use it by SMSing. Chennai NewGen Park, Ambattur-Redhills Road, Surapet, Chennai - 600 066. Tel.:044-2659 1840, 0808. vvsurapet@velammalvidhyashram. Ambattur K. Shivany and Divyan Ritus of class VI ‘A’, M. Jyotsana Shree and Shrihari of class VI ‘B’, under the guidance of Mr. Balachandran and Mr. Santhosh Reddy, won the I Prize with a trophy and merit certificate in JetToy contest conducted by SAE International. The competition was held in Amirtha Vidyalaya in the month of Nov, 2013. No.17, Venkateshwara Nagar Main Road, Venkateshwara Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 053. Tel : 044 - 26582813, 64533373 vvambattur@ Mambakkam Vandalur-Kelambakkam Main Road, Mambakkam, Chennai-127. Tel.: 044-2747 9006 / 07 / 50, vvmambakkam@ THE Velammal newGen park VELAMMAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST june 2014 3 Surapet, Chennai - 600 066 Velammal Merit Scholarship Congratulates the students for producing 100% result in Free Education to the students of all schools with CGPA 10/10 CBSE Class X Board Exam * 2014 Hats off to the Sameena Rahman Bernice Dainty Praveen P Dharani M Thangamugila S Gaurav Gour M Grace Monisha J P Abijayan M Rachel Priyadharshini K Vaishnavi R G Hariharan M Hayagrivkailash S Hema Varshini R Deepika S Sandhya S Shahila S Sinishaa S S Sowmiya Syedkameela Banu Tejasri M Naga Aswin S Rohini V Sangeetha Thamarai Kannan Adithya M M Aditi Balgujar A Akash K Harshini A Ishwarya R Lalitha Priya V Nachammai N Nived R Pradeep Jasmine Davidson Poornima S Promodh Jain Thulasi Ram N Vikram R Shankar Yeswanth Ramesh Yuvan Shankar M Aparna S Arvind Vignesh K Boopesh S 65 achievers honoured with Free Education for their CGPA 10/10 GRADE NO. OF STUDENTS CGPA 10/10 65 A1 (9.1 - 10) 65+89 154 A2 (8.1 - 9) 139 Arun Raj J Chakradhar D Darwini A For Admission to Class XI Dhivya Meena S M Gautham E Rishi Malyala Jagannathan M Geetha Sushma K Rohith S V Jaswanthi V Sai Hemanth B Shyam Kumar L Kaviya S Siva Selvi C Krithika K M Srivardini A Monika S Suriyanarayanan W B Pavithiraa S Swetha K Priyadharshini C Vijay Ajitha Contact the Admission Officer Rajhesh R Velammal Vidhyashram Surapet, Chennai - 600 066. Vijay Aravindh V VELAMMAL FUTURE SCHOOL No.17, Venkateshwara Nagar Main Road, Venkateshwara Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai-600 053. I III II 497 Harikumar T STD – X RESULTS 2013-14 ABOVE 490 494 Nizar Fathima M 496 Shwetha S 494 Gayathri R Deepak Yeshwanth R 493 Jai Balaji J 493 Malini P 493 Niaz Fathima M 492 Kiruba Gladis L 492 Vani R 491 Dhivya Bharathi R 491 Akash K 491 Nithyanantham S P 490 Revathi M 490 Karthika R 491 Double Centum – 15 Students Karthik V Maths & Sci Arshiya I Sci & Soc Banumathi V Sci & Soc Karthika R Sci & Soc Manjula M Sci & Soc Malini P Sci & Soc Vani R Maths & Soc Abirami K Sci & Soc Tejasree G Sci & Soc Pavithra M Sci & Soc LohaPriya L Sci & Soc Niaz Fathima M Dhivya Bharathi R Karthika S Sci & Soc Sci & Soc Sci & Soc Four Centum Triple Centum – 6 Students Juanita Lamentia J Sci & Soc Deepak Yeshwanth R HariKumar T Eng, Maths, Sci, Soc Eng, Maths, Sci, Soc Jai Balaji J Eng, Sci & Soc Shwetha S Maths, Sci &Soc Single Centum – 24 Students Rajesh R Science Preethiv D Science Nivedha K Science Karishma G Science Roger Franson R Science Nizar Fathima M Maths, Sci &Soc Revathi M Maths, Sci &Soc KirubaGladis L Maths, Sci &Soc APPEARED – 77, PASS – 77 Akash K Science Krian Shankar U Nithanantham SP Dharanya S Science Science Science EmyJovitha D YuvanShanhar PTV Sai Krishna S Science Science Science Pradeep R Science Karthik S Science Viswapriya C Science Harish K Science Pushkala S Anand Kumar K Science Science Gogul S Science Aparna S Science Gayathri R Madhumitha S Science Science Swedha V NithyaShree H Science Science >490 – 15 >475 – 20 >450 – 25 >400 – 16 No. of Centum – 76 [ Eng -2, Maths-9, Sci-41, Soc-24 ] 4 june 2014 THE Velammal newGen park Velammal Matric Hr. Sec. School IIT | JEE | Medical | CLAT The Source and resource of Knowledge V e l a m m a l Matriculation School aims to provide a lifechanging experience for its students in a collaborative environment that is ideal to grow and flourish. Today, Velammal Matriculation School stands tall as a symbol of quality learning beyond compare. It has embarked upon a new approach in educating children with the firm belief, that rote-learning system does not address the needs of the highly aspiring student community. The desire to shape children as successful individuals with a positive frame of mind and attitude in this highly competitive environment has been the driving force that sets Velammal Matriculation School in its course. Students are offered unique curriculum combining challenging, agespecific programmes and enriching experiences with academic rigor and creative opportunities. When you are fishing in the ocean, you do not use a fishing line. You spread a net. Similarly when the students are being prepared for highly competitive challenges the education and curriculum too needs to be innovative and result oriented. Everything about Velammal Matric. Hr. Sec. School is futuristic. The students are groomed to be self made, self confident and self motivated to achieve their goals. Following the new age ICT programme exponents Velammal helps the students gain experience of testing, mailing, word processing, spreadsheets, graphics software, databases, simulations, animations and multimedia presentations. Velammal aims to deliver a programme that is futuristic, interactive and highly practical. It helps to cultivate creative skills of students while giving shape to the theoretical expressions. The students participate and practice the theory taught in separate and full-fledged labs for real time experience. To kindle the scientific temper, students are formed in groups and are guided by their facilitators right from conceiving an idea, planning the exhibits and execution of the work. Prestigious projects executed by the students are sent to several competitions held at state and national level. Talented students of IIT foundation are trained and encouraged to participate in Mathematics and Science Olympiad and other renowned competitions. The combined efforts for calibrated growth. The integrated coaching programme is offered for both day and residential school students in the group. This well-defined p r o g r a m m e implemented in a stress free environment enables the students develop a conceptual thought process to solve the complex problems easily. Every day in the academic schedule extra hours are allocated for mathematics and physical sciences in addition to the regular classes. Periodical examinations are conducted to test the grasping levels of the students. The assessment of the progress made by the individual student is done scientifically and recorded. The senior students opting for this competitive course are made to participate in seminars, where eminent career consultants explain them various career options available to pursue after the XII grade. An assertive present for a perfect future. and Medical competitive examinations. They successfully implement IIT foundation programme to give a head start for the students. Over the years, Velammal has the largest pool of experienced teaching fraternity in the state with highest success rate in IIT-JEE, AIEEE Velammal has observed that most of the talented students following different syllabi lack in logical and analytical skills in solving the problems in competitive exams. It has endeavoured to set it right with its unique 7-years integrated coaching programme. The yearlong programme of Integrated Foundation Programme is well planned and implemented by experienced faculty in phases. The process of learning includes periodic examinations, presentations, discussions, case studies, investigations, problem solving, project works, and other interactive activities. The students who follow this multifaceted course with full sincerity have brighter chances of to join IITs, NITs, BITS and reputed Medical and Engineering institutions in the state and country. STATE LEVEL SCIENCE PROJECT EXPO – 2013 Students of VA Wing Boopesh, Shankaranarayanan, Poornima won a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- for the projects “Eco-friendly house and hybrid car” in State Level Science Project Expo – 2013, held at SRK Engineering College in the month of Jan, 2013 sponsored by SRK Engineering College and Times of India. Eco-friendly House: The highlight of the project is the use of plastic cement in the construction of eco-friendly houses. This plastic cement is a combination of finely ground plastic with sand and cement in the proportion 2:1:3. In the process, the non-degradable plastic is used up in the construction which makes the building water resistant, and adds strength. Hybrid Car: The inmates of the house use an Intelligent Hybrid Car, powered by two sources of energy, viz., solar and bio-gas. The car is designed to have two batteries – a running one and a standby one. 1st STATE LEVEL INTER-SCHOOL TENNIS TOURNAMENT 1st State Level Inter-school Tennis Tournament was organized by Velammal Vidhyashram. It was a 3 days tournament held in the month of Aug, 2013. 250 players from 30 schools participated in two categories – under 12 boys and girls and under 14 boys and girls. Velammal Vidhyashram proudly won the Team Overall Championship. 1st STATE LEVEL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT The Tournament took place in Velammal Vidhyashram, Surapet in the month of October 2013. 350 students from 30 schools of age category under 13 for boys and under 14 for girls participated in the tournament. The winners were Velammal Vidhyashram boys. Velammal Vidhyashram girls took the II position. VELAMMAL MATRIC.newGen HR. SEC. SCHOOL THE Velammal park june 2014 5 (An ISO 9001:2008 (E) Certified Institution) SURAPET, CHENNAI- 66. The Management, Staff & Parents congratulate the achievers of Std XII – Board Examination, March 2014. Bhavani Mahalakshmi.G Shamily. R Diwakar. S Suresh.K PHYSICS Suresh.K Aswin. B Somesh.V Pooja Rani T Surekha.G Vignesh.T Charanya. G BIOLOGY Nanthini.M MATHEMATICS Somesh.V Nandhakumar.S Diwakar. S Sahithya.S Sanjana. D KAVYA.S Jemshia.S.Canis Sheela.S Suchitra.S SRIGURU.B SWAROOP.P ANUPRIYA.K VINODHINI.V Vimal Pratap.R.A. Pown Krishnan.B Physics -200/200 Physics -200/200 Arun. A Swetha..S Suresh.K Saveetha Priya.M.G Deepika.G Gowtham. P Naveenkumar K Swathi Sri.R Ramya.B Vishnu Priya. G Morris Jayakumar. M Yamini. V Thenmozhi. R ANIRUDH.T.V SOMESH.V LEKHASHREE.U.S SURYASIVAPRANAV.J JUDEWINELSON.J VINEETH K RAMNATH.K THIRUMARAN.T SHALAKA.R Anusha. R Nisha. V ASHWINI.V Gopinath. G SANDEEP KHANNA.L Rishabh. R Shameera Fathima.M.J. Varsha A Patel 62 69 211 487 Elavarasi K COMMERCE Kanish Kumar.N Nandha Kumar. K Sanjana. D : : : : Karthikeyan. S COMPUTER SCIENCE Naveenkumar. K Centum achievers Scored above 1150 Scored above 1100 Scored above 1000 29 STUDENTS QUALIFIED FOR IIT-JEE ADVANCED 2014 HATS OFF TO CENTUM ACHIEVERS Bhavani Mahalakshmi.G RESULTS AT A GLANCE Third Toppers 1178 School Topper of the Toppers 1186 Second Topper 1179 VIGNESHWARAN.P PRASANNA GANESH.N.J SUBHASH.G SURENDHIRA GANESH.S Vigneshwaran. K Bhageswari. G GOMATHY.V SREETEJA.P RASHMI.M RENUKA DEVI.V PAVITHRA.G Lalith Kumar. B CHEMISTRY ECONOMICS JOHNSON.M ESHWAR SRINIVASAN SHYAM KUMAR.R DIWAKAR.S ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMS Sanjana. D Gowtham.C Yogapriya.K Deepika. T Sathya Narayanan.l ACCOUNTANCY Varsha A Patel Vishnu Priya .G For Bhageswari. G Lakshna. M Srinivasan. M Std. XI Admission Priyadharshini S Priyadharshini. S B.Maths 200/200 Divashini. N Contact Admission co-ordinator Velammal Vidhyashram (CBSE) Ph : 26591840, 0808 Velammal Matric. Hr. Sec. School Ph : 044 26590166/0188 Foundation Program Class VI - Class X (CBSE) • Highly qualified and experienced faculty • Personalized student attention • IRCT (Identification, Rectification, Counselling and Training) Engineering and Medical Integrated Program Class XI & Class XII (State Board & CBSE) • Ambient learning environment • Scientifically designed study material • Online testing environment Velammal Scholarship for 2 years open to all Boards 495 - 500 490 - 494 487 - 489 : : : Free Education 75% Scholarship 50 % Scholarship 6 june 2014 Velammal newGen park VELAMMAL MATRIC. HR. SEC. SCHOOL (An ISO 9001:2008 (E) Certified Institution) SURAPET, CHENNAI- 66. Std. X Board Examination, March 2014 ARCHANA V 498 3 SNEHA SHAJAN 498 District III SANJANA S Centum State III & District II 4 State II & District I JENIFFER RIYA I 497 496 SNEHA SHAJAN Centum Aishwariya R 2 Archana V Jennifer Riya I Mohan S Sangavi S Sanjana S Sindhuja A Valarmathi R Varshitha N M Centum Aishwarya P Akshay Arvind T Akshaya J Allwyn Francis D Amrutha J Aparna V Ashlin Felix R Bhuvanesh M Dasari Deepika Davidraj J Deepak Rajan S Deepika S Dheepika N Esther Manova D Hari Preetha T Keerthana M Lokesh R Lokeshwari K Madhumitha A Mahalakshmi M Narmadha P Pachava Sumanth Pon Aravind Raj C Prathiksha A G Pushpaprem P Rubesh Kumar V Sabari E Sailesh R Shiam S T Supriya S Swetha T Vishal V RESULTS AT A GLANCE Centum achievers Scored above 490 Scored above 475 Scored above 450 : : : : 219 25 94 133 Velammal Scholarship for +1 & +2 open to all Schools 495 - 500 490 - 494 487 - 489 : : : Free Education 75% Scholarship 50 % Scholarship june 2014 1 7 THE Velammal newGen park Centum Aakash K Aakash S M Deepak T Dharani B Jemima P Kaamela Parveen S Abdullah J Dinesh Kumar S Kameshwaran J Mogith M Mohamed Riyaz S Mohammed Zamman P Pushkala G Raghul Ganesh V Ramya J Sibi Sharanyan R Abishek A Dinesh V Kannan S Aishwarya K Aishwarya Y Divina Julia R Divya Preetha N Karthekayan M Mohan Mohana Priya R Kumar V G Ranjith Raj Kumar R Silambarasan A Subhasree T Sumyutha P S Revathi S Harish Kumar K Nithya Lakshmi M Nithya R Nivetha P Manish U Reshma V Hareesh P Nishok Aanand Y Keerthana T Reena M Gokul I Lakshmi Jyothi C H Kavusalya M Mythre R Bala Krishnan M Kumaran V Jeffrey Melvin S Mugilan B Aruna Devi G Kirupa Shankar R Ganesh B Mounicka H Arun Kumar K Haritha V Frediczen M A Mathew Monisha M Rathi Meenaa P Ravirajan K V Balaji D Deepak Sam A Karthikeya S R Vithani P Vivekanand R Yamineswari S Yuvaraj B N Kiran Kumar A V Durga Meenakshi G Elakkiyaa S R Surya Supraja A Suriya Kumar J J Prakash P Balaji C Arun K S T Aravindha Sivabalan J Archana M Karthick Kumar N Vishali S T Vishal A Anantha Raman K N Vignesh B Balaji S Vasantha Priya K Vignesh M Kavinraj S B Balasanthosh K Bhuwanesh S Shiva Harish KTE Charan R Poornima S Janani R Janani R S Santhosh S Maheshwari E Malarvizhi M Pavithra P Santhosh Kumar M Harrys Melvin Raja P A Hithesh S Jaganbalaji P Jahnavi A Prajith P Prasanth R Lavanya M Lavanya P K Logeshwari M Lokendar Ram P S Shalini D Shanofar Nisha M Padmapriya E Pavithra B Sachin E Priyashalini R Rishi S Veeraragavan K B Chandhosh S Vinitha S Navaneeth S Sadiq Basha R Sahira Banu J A Sangeetha J Sanjay R Sanjay P 8 june 2014 THE Velammal newGen park Velammal Engineering College Many streams form the sea. AICTE | Affiliated to Anna University | NAAC | NBA | ISO The first link in the chain. Velammal Engineering College has emerged as the Numero Uno Technical Institution in the region open for the talented aspirants, who are ready to join the league of successful Velammalians. Communication goes hi-tech. Pioneering Success Year after Year 154 University Ranks & 6 Gold Medals Our AlumniOur Pillar of Strength. Velammal ensures that the latent skills of every student are developed to the full. Students are encouraged to form informal groups and clubs based on their areas of interest, to share information and exchange ideas. Students of group are involved in organizing annual meets, which offer wide scope of opportunities to develop closer interaction with other colleges. They operate as our pillar of strength and mentor the their juniors in academics and in preparation for placements. Mentoring for Placement Success Velammal has a very professionally managed department of Electronics and Communication led by a team of highly qualified teachers who in their own right have contributed to the development in this dynamic field. With an intention to provide in-depth knowledge in every specific area, creative projects are assigned to the students. The students have benefited from live projects and assignments. Senior faculty members are always present to guide the students in their Electronics Lab, Digital & Analog Integrated Circuit Lab and Communication Lab, Microprocessor Lab, Networks Lab, VLSI Design Lab, DSP Lab, Advanced Electronics Lab and System Design Lab and also in their research and presentations. Right from the first batch, Velammal has one of the best placements records in the region. Every year a large contingent of students are gaining entry into renowned organisations on the completion of the course. Today, Velammalians are considered as the best breed for their quality performance in these companies. The list of the companies coming for the placements is growing by the day. VEC is one of the few colleges in the country with a fullfledged training department with the best training talent drawn from Industry and academia. The soft skill training begins in 1st semester and concludes in the Placement Finishing School which is conducted in the 6th semester to help students prepare for the ensuing placement season in the fourth year. The Joy of Learning Begins Play School, Day Care & Kindergarten Surapet | Ambattur | Mambakkam Why Bloomingdale Play School? • Theme & playway activity-based learning curriculum & child safe environment. • An all-new, child-friendly air-conditioned play school and day-care in your neighbourhood. • Safe, eco-friendly and hygienic environment to nurture your child. • Individual attention and technology facilitated learning. • Modern infrastructure with Discovery area, Audio and Visual area, Doll house, Play area with foam based flooring, First Aid on emergency, Snacks area, Story corner, Arts & crafts, Sand pit, etc. Velammal’s Kindergarten provides quality education by imparting • • • • Experience Knowledge Skills development Disposition to learn • • • • • • Colourful and Child friendly Environment E-Learning Facilities Child appropriate Classrooms Discovery room with fun based activities Educational Corners to support Teaching learning process Spacious outdoor space Facilities Available at Velammal’s Kindergarten SURAPET ‘Velammal NewGen Park’ Ambattur-Redhills Road, Surapet, Chennai-66. Tel.:044 2659 0155 [email protected] PUDUR No: 52, 3rd Main Road, Palaniappa Nagar, (Behind Malliga Mahal), Pudur, Ambattur, Chennai–600 053. Phone : 044 6543 5667 [email protected] MAMBAKKAM (OMR) Vandalur-Kelambakkam Main Road, Mambakkam, Chennai-127. Tel.: 044-2747 9006 / 07 / 50, [email protected]
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