WELS Kingdom Workers - Fairview Lutheran Church


WELS Kingdom Workers - Fairview Lutheran Church
WELS Kingdom Workers
Mission Festival
November 9-10, 2013
Reverend Kurt Grunewald, worship leader
Reverend James A. Aderman, pastor
Greg Naumann, staff minister
Mark Nimmer, Susan Oakes, Suzanne Pajunen, organists
Our Order of Worship
About our Worship Service This worship service is called The Service of the Word.
It focuses our attention on the proclamation of God’s W ord. Believers respond to this
divine gift with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. The service is printed out along with the
music for the songs of the liturgy on page 38 and following in the hymnal.
W orship Leader: W e welcome back to Fairview Rev. Kurt Grunewald. Pastor Grunewald
serves on the board of directors for the Milwaukee chapter of W ELS Kingdom W orkers.
Difficulty Hearing? Please ask an usher for a personal Telex Sound Enhancement
Difficulty Reading? Please ask an usher for a large print worship folder.
M : Minister; W : W orshipers
Ringing of the Bell
Hymn: [573] Hark! The Voice of Jesus Crying
Worshipers stand.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of
God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with
Worshipers: And also with you.
Today’s Worship Theme:
Do Something More in
Jesus’ Harvest
Confession of Sin and Assurance of Forgiveness
We have come into the presence of God, who created us to love and serve him as his dear
children. But we have disobeyed him and deserve only his wrath and punishment. Therefore,
let us confess our sins to him and plead for his mercy.
All: Merciful Father in heaven, I am altogether sinful from birth. In countless ways I have sinned
against you and do not deserve to be called your child. But trusting in Jesus, my Savior, I
pray: Have mercy on me according to your unfailing love. Cleanse me from my sin, and take
away my guilt.
God, our heavenly Father, has forgiven all your sins. By the perfect life and innocent death of
our Lord Jesus Christ, he has removed your guilt forever. You are his own dear child. May
God give you strength to live according to his will.
W: Amen.
Hymn of Praise
M: In the peace of forgiveness, let us praise the Lord.
For musical accompaniment see Christian Worship, p. 39
W [sing]:
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed are they who take refuge in him.
Your Word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues forever.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Blessed are they who take refuge in him.
Prayer of the Day
M: Merciful Father, your kindness caused the light of the gospel to shine among us. Use us now
as instruments of your love to reach out with the message of salvation to all people. Bless
those who labor in the mission fields of our world and grant success to their witness that many
may be freed from sin; through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
W [sing]: Amen.
Worshipers sit.
Scripture Readings
THE LESSON: 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
M: All this is evidence that God’s judgment
is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy
of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 6 God is just:
For souls without a
He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief
with Jesus,
to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when
the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his
powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and
an eternity of
do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished
punishment for sins.
with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the
We are called on to
Lord and from the majesty of his power on the day he comes to
rescue them.
be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all
those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed
our testimony to you.
This is the Word of our Lord.
GOSPEL LESSON: Matthew 9:35-38
Worshipers stand.
M: Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching
the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and
Because the harvest
sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on
is so plentiful,
them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep
on us to pray
without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The
... and then
harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
be volunteers.
the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest
This is the Gospel of our Lord.
W [sing]: Praise be to you, O Christ!
Worshipers sit.
Hymn of the Day: [579] Lift High the Cross
THEME: Do Something More in Jesus’
TEXT: Matthew 9:35-38 Printed above.
Worshipers remain seated.
Prayer for the Lord’s Blessing on the Message
W [speak]: Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through your Word to me draw near.
Let me your Word e’er pure retain; Let me your child and heir remain.
CW 282:1
Confession of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
Worshipers stand following the Message.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge
the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints; the
forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Worshipers sit.
Gathering of Offerings for the Lord
Friendship Register: Our Friendship Register is an
important part of our ministry of welcome at Fairview. As
the register is passed down the pew, both guests and
members have the opportunity to identify who is sitting
with them. When the register reaches the opposite end of
the pew, it is passed back to the center (please be sure to
check the names of the people you are worshiping with).
We ask that every worshiper is registered each service.
Like registration for Lord’s Supper, the worship register
enables us to express our loving concern also for our
members who are missing these worship celebrations with
their spiritual family.
Prayer of the Church
An Encouragement to Joyful Giving: We give our
offerings at this time in thanksgiving for our Lord and
Savior’s perfect and unending love for us. God does not
need our gifts; rather we give to express our thanks to God.
These thank offerings are used to support God’s work at
Fairview, in the community and throughout the world. The
Christians at Fairview also view these offerings as a
confession of oneness in faith and purpose.
Our Guests and the Offering Our guests are certainly
welcomed to participate in this offering; however; we also
urge them to feel comfortable in refraining from giving.
Worshipers stand.
Offering Prayer
Lord Jesus,
forgive us for arguing with your claim on our lives. You died for us; we desire
to live for you. Accept these gifts as evidence of our determination to follow you as you work
to equip us for a life of service. Amen.
Prayers for the Day
M: Almighty God and Father, you sent your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, to overcome the world for
us through his cross and resurrection. Grant us grace and peace in him, that whatever troubles,
tribulations and temptations afflict us in this world of sin and sorrow, we may never forget you
or forsake you, but rather be strengthened by your grace, that we are committed to do something
more in Jesus’ harvest and remain faithful to our Savior, until he comes again in glory.
W: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Compassionate Lord, you carried our sins, infirmities and sorrows and secured the victory for us
through your cross and resurrection. You promised to return, to bring us to yourself, to deliver
us from all evil and to give us the fullness of salvation in your kingdom. Aid us now, while we
remain in this life, and prepare us for the end, that we may leave this valley of sorrow with
gladness, that we may look forward to your return with eager expectation, and that our heart’s
affection may be bound firmly and solely to you.
W: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Gracious eternal Father, in your wisdom, you raise up leaders to restrain evil and uphold
goodness, and you have entrusted them with the power of the sword. Bless our veterans who have
wielded the sword in the service of our nation. Give them humble satisfaction for their stalwart
service. Comfort those who still bear the scars of battle. Console the grieving families of those
who gave their lives. And as we prepare to observe Veterans Day, grant us all thankfulness for
their loyalty, valor and sacrifices.
W: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Faithful Lord Jesus, as you ministered among us you made healing and wholeness a sign of your
kingdom. Look with compassion on those who, in any distress, look to you for help and comfort.
Remember in mercy the sick, the homeless, the discouraged, the lonely, the homebound and those
who face surgery and treatments. We especially hold up to you _____, and those whom we name
before you in our hearts. [Pause] Grant them patience in their afflictions, confidence in your
steadfast love and mercy, and– according to your gracious will– speedy healing, health and relief.
W: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord God, you grant us the privilege and responsibility to carry on your ministry of nurturing the
faith those who are Jesus’ disciples and calling into the faith those who will become your
disciples. Increase our resolve to minister in your name and increase our trust in your power and
grace so our Fairview Family is willing to strive to accomplish huge goals for your kingdom.
Prosper our planning for the future with your insight, wisdom, and assurances.
W: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Into your hands, O Lord, we commend our bodies and souls, our hearts and minds, together with
all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
W: Amen.
Responsive Lord’s Prayer
M: O God, in Jesus’ name,
W: Our Father in heaven.
as your forgiven children, we pray:
Help us to know you through your revealed Word and to live as your children who revere your
W: Hallowed be your name.
By your grace, send the Holy Spirit that you may rule in our hearts that we lead lives that glorify
you now on earth and forever in heaven.
W: Your kingdom come.
Make us earnest to conform our desires and our actions to what you desire.
Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Merciful Lord, you are providing us with all the things necessary for our bodies. Fill us also with
appreciation and trust.
W: Give us today our daily bread.
Continue to show us your pardon, and make us ready to show mercy and to do good to those who
wrong us.
W: Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Defeat the treachery of the enemy who seeks to destroy our souls by deceiving us into
disobedience; bring to naught the world’s persistent appeal to our corrupt nature; and guard us
from the trap of unrepented sin and the poison of doubt.
W: Lead us not into temptation.
Preserve our faith, so that when we depart this life we will be ready and confident, still trusting
in Jesus.
W: But deliver us from evil.
In all our requests we look to you as governor of your universe and Lord of your church, and we
join the angels to adore you from whom all blessings flow.
W: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.
This is most certainly true.
Sending Prayer
M: O Lord, God of all grace, at the end of another worship service we rejoice in your love that you
have called your church to minister in the name of your Son.
W: Inspire our hearts and the hearts of all believers to consider if you are directing us to serve you
in the sacred public ministry as pastors, missionaries, and teachers.
M: Then, serving in your power, use them to draw many to your kingdom. We pray through Jesus
Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
W [sing]:
Sending Blessing
M: Brothers and sisters, go in peace; live in harmony with one another; serve the LORD with
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to
you; the LORD look on you with favor and give you peace.
W [sing]:
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Sending Hymn: [560] I Hear the Savior Calling Verses 1,3
I hear the Savior calling! The gospel comes to me.
My eyes once closed in blindness Are opened now to see
That I myself was helpless To live eternally,
But, dying, Christ did save me, And now he calls for me!
I hear the Savior calling! He gives this charge to me:
To serve the best I’m able, Whate’er the call may be.
Thus hand in hand with others Who share the gospel key
We spread the gospel tidings – My Savior calls for me!
Worshipers sit.
Scripture quotations from the Holy Bible, New
International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984
International Bible Society. This worship service is
from Christian Worship, A Lutheran Hymnal, copyright
Northwestern Publishing House, 1993. Reprinted by
Dismissal: W orshipers leave the Lord’s House at their own
pace following worship. Post-worship time is wonderfully
suited for catching up with the people you know and
getting acquainted with those you don’t. Greet at least five
folks who worshiped with you before you leave today.
Preparing for Next Sunday Our synod has a
valuable mission group for lay people called
Kingdom Workers. This weekend Pastor Kurt
Grunewald will be with us. He is a board
member of the metro-Milwaukee chapter of
Kingdom Workers. He will focus our attention
on the blessings the Spirit is providing through
this organization. His message text is Matthew
9:35-38. The theme is Do Something More in
Jesus’ Harvest: See the need–more;
Pray–more; Do something– more.
The final weekends of the church year give
us an opportunity to explore more of what the
Bible tells us about heaven. On November 1617 our theme is Heaven: It’s much better than
you can imagine (Luke 20:27-38). On
November 23-24 our theme is Heaven: It’s
being with the King (Luke 23:35-43). We’ll also
use that theme on Thanksgiving Eve – Heaven:
It’s the reason to thank Jesus
(2 Corinthians 9:15).
The Scripture readings for next weekend
are Psalm 150, Isaiah 65:17-25, Revelation 22:15, and Luke 20:27-38.
W eek of November 2-3, 2013
W orship
Saturday/Sunday (30+48)
Number as a % of worshipers .....................56%
Worship average 2013
WELS (2012)
Adult Bible Study
Saturday, 654 study
St Luke Bible Group
This Week’s Adult Bible Studies
SATURDAY: 654 Study, 1 John 4-5
SUNDAY: St Luke study, 1 John 4-5
MONDAY: W omen’s Bible study
WEDNESDAY: W omen’s Bible study
THURSDAY: Men’s Prayer Breakfast; Our
Legacy Men’s Bible study
SATURDAY: 654 Study, 1 John 5
SUNDAY: Family Forum
Family Forum to be held on Sunday, November
17th at 10:30a to discuss Unite’s School
Lutheran Study Bibles are available at a sale
price between now and Christmas.
We will send in our order by
December 1st. Use the large sign-up
sheet on the window in the foyer to
register for your copy. Note this
Bible uses the English Standard
Version (ESV) translation, not the New
International Version (NIV).
HomeWORD Bound leaders will meet this
month on Monday, November 25th at 6:00p.
# WEEK At A Glance
W orship service
Family Bible Hour
Beginning November 10, 2013
M onday
W omen’s Bible study
W ednesday
W omen’s Bible study
Food Pantry
W orship service
W orship service
St. Luke Bible study, Be
Transformed, Jesus &
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Our Legacy Men’s
Bible study, 10:30a
Communion Set-Up/Take Down
November: Tim/Toni Schlosser
Communion Assistants 11/16 and 11/17/13:
5:00 John Cook and Matt Sved
9:00 Greg Naumann and Dave Hoover
Ushers for Saturday, 11/16/13:
5:00 Team 5 - Tim Schlosser, Lead Usher
Damon Schlosser, Mark Nimmer,
Dave Gebhard
Ushers for Sunday, 11/17/13:
9:00 Team 6 - Jerry Lilly, Lead Usher
Michael Koepke, Ray Montoure,
Ron Frank
with Lord’s Supper
Bethlehem Bazaar, 6p
654 Bible study, 6:10p
with Lord’s Supper
Bethlehem Bazaar
Family Bible Hour;
Family Forum, 10:30a
Bazaar Luncheon, 11:30
Fairview’s November Calendar is now
available for viewing on Fairview’s website
(www.FairviewLutheran.com). Paper copies are
also available on the foyer table.
Wall Calendars You are invited to take a 2014
Thrivent wall calendar home with you – you can
find one on the foyer table. They are looking for
a good home to hang themselves in.
Game Night Stop by for another Fairview
Family game night Saturday, November 23rd
beginning at 7:00. If you’d like, bring a board
game you enjoy. Snacks to share are also
New Fairview Ladies Present:
The 2013 Annual Fairview Bazaar on the
weekend of Saturday, November 16th (after the
worship service) and Sunday,
November 17th from 10:00a1:00p. Our theme this year is
Bethlehem Bazaar. The Packers
don’t play on that Sunday so
there will be lots of time for you to shop and
enjoy a delicious lunch and other menu items
here at church. Please consider donating baked
goods and craft items. If you are donating a
craft item, please price it. Baked goods this year
will be a freewill offering. Please have all your
items here if possible by November 15th.
Proceeds support children’s outreach ministries.
Please Note: The Bazaar will be open on
Sunday from 10:00-10:30a. We encourage
everyone to attend the Family Forum that begins
at 10:30a. The Bazaar will reopen after that
and the luncheon will be served at 11:30a.
Come for the meeting and stay for lunch and
At the Bazaar – Lunch is Served:
Ham and rolls/
croissants, chips,
veggies and dip, jello
salads, and beverages
will be available at the
bazaar on 11/17
following the Family
Forum . Enjoy dessert from our bakery
Luke 4:4 Happenings During October
Fairview’s Luke 4:4 Bible Study met on
October 9th and 23rd . We read and discussed
God’s love and protection as he led the
children of Israel across the Red Sea and
then provided food and drink for some three
million people in the desert. Afterwards, we
offered food and tickets to 52 visitors to our
church. Our November dates events will be
held on the 13th and 27th. For questions on
how you can help, contact Greg Naumann.
Small Group Meetings with the Pastor
Our brainstorming sessions that began our
planning process for the future are now
completed. What a joy that so many members
participated in those meetings. A list of all the
ideas that were offered is available on the table
in the foyer.
The next step is for a group of members to
sort through the ideas and note the ministry
themes (no programs, but overall ministry
emphases). Once that is completed, we will
provide opportunities for all of our members to
discuss and refine those themes. The step after
that will be to prioritize all of the approaches to
ministry we have available to us and determine
what are the two or three we should especially
focus on. Next, we’ll want to design programs
that will let us get those forms of ministry done
over the next 3-5 years. And, finally, we’ll all
need to commit ourselves to action. Please keep
our planning process – and its outcomes – in
your prayers.
Be Transformed Class begins again on Sunday,
December 8th at 10:30a in the St. Matthew room.
We meet right after our Sunday worship service
and fellowship refreshments. Each lesson will
last no longer than 60 minutes. This course is
uniquely designed to answer every question you
have ever had about your faith, and the God who
has forgiven our sins by dying on the cross....
all because he loves us too much to miss you in
his eternal heaven.
Be Transformed is
completely free of charge and requires no
homework, no passages to memorize, and no
tests. Course members are never required to
read or even answer a question if they so choose.
You will find the sessions enjoyable, relaxing
and informative. Come for at least a few lessons
and see if this isn’t true. And please consider
bringing a friend or family member along.
Please let Greg Naumann know if you plan to
attend (cell: 262/993-2130 or email:
[email protected]) so he has sufficient
materials on hand.
Midweek Advent services Our midweek
Advent services will
follow the same
family devotion
format as in the past
four years. After our
f e l l o w sh i p m e a l
(5:30-6:15p), we will
gather for our evening devotion (6:30). This
year those devotions will be guided by daily
Advent devotions written by Dr. Paul Meier.
You’ll remember him from the video-assisted
Bible study last summer called Christianity and
the Competition. All of our members will
receive a copy of Dr. Maier’s booklet, Faithful
Facts for Advent, to use each day of Advent as
well as to direct our Wednesday evening
worship. Our worship themes are: Fulfilled
prophecies affirm God’s Promise (December
4th), Pictures of Messiah Portray God’s Promises
(December 11th), and People of Advent Proclaim
God’s Promises (December 18th).
New Issue Available Now
Thanksgiving Prayer Vigil will be held at
Fairview on Wednesday, November
27th from 5:30 to 6:30p. Our church
will be open for anyone who would
like to spend some individual time in
prayer prior to our Thanksgiving
worship service. Prayer guide booklets are
available on the foyer table to assist worshipers.
Worshipers may also choose to pick up a prayer
guide book for use at any favorite prayer
WELS Together is the biweekly newsletter of
our Wisconsin Evangelical
Lutheran Synod. You are
invited to subscribe
directly to the email
version of Together. You can do this at
http://together.wels.net/subscribe. A copy is
also posted on the bulletin board in the hallway;
paper copies are also available on the foyer
Thanksgiving Worship with Communion at
Fairview is Wednesday, November
27th, at 6:30p.
This special
Communion service celebrates the
personal touch of Jesus offering the
assurance of forgiveness.
Thanksgiving prayer vigil is held during the
hour preceding worship on this date.
Advent Fellowship Meals We are in need of
volunteer families to serve our meals on
December 4th , 11th, and 18th. Meals will be
served in the St. Luke room from 5:30-6:15p.
If you are interested in helping your Fairview
family this way, please contact Tim Pajunen,
Nancy Wangerin, or Pastor Aderman. Thank
Save the Date
A list of upcoming events at
Fairview not already noted in the
worship folder.
First midweek Advent service,
12/24 Christmas Eve service, 6:30p
12/25 Christmas Day service, 10:00a
12/31 New Years Eve service, 6:30p
Kids and Worship
Little kids.
wonderful to have babies, toddlers, and
preschoolers with us in worship!
sometimes little kids aren’t of a mind for
worship. When that happens, as much as the
rest of us may try, it’s hard for us to
concentrate on honoring Jesus and to listen to
his Word. That’s why we ask that, when little
children find it impossible to be quiet during
worship, that someone from their family brings
them to the parents’ room until they are
Theater Production The WLC Theater
Department will present The Importance
of Being Earnest November 14-16 in
the Center for Arts & Performance
Raabe Theater. Tickets may be purchased
at www.wlc.edu/boxoffice or by calling
Wisconsin Lutheran High School invites you
to attend an upcoming concert presented in
conjunction with a residency partnership with
the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music. Join
them on November 16th at 7:00p to enjoy the
Conservatory’s resident jazz sextet, We Six,
performing with the WLHS high school and
grade school jazz bands. The concert will take
place in the WLHS auditorium. Cost is $7 for
adults and $4 for youth ages 14 and under.
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Anniversary Festival Service The seminary
will celebrate the 150th anniversary of it
founding in special services on November 17th.
Services will be held at
3:00 and 7:00p featuring
WELS President Mark
Schroeder as preacher and
the choirs of our synod’s
four ministerial education
schools: Martin Luther
College, Michigan Lutheran
Seminary, Luther Preparatory School, and the
seminary. The services will be held in the
auditorium on the seminary campus in
The afternoon service will be
streamed via a link on the website. For that
link and more information, go to
WLHS Craft Fair Wisconsin Lutheran High
School invites you to the
Colors of Christmas Craft Fair
held at the school on Saturday,
November 23rd from 9:00a to
3:00p. Enjoy the handmade
crafts of over 100 exhibitors,
dine at the Christmas café, bid in the silent
auction and purchase baked goodies from the
bake sale. Admission is just $3 and all
proceeds support the ministry of WLHS.
Host Family Needed Immediately
International Program at Wisconsin Lutheran
High School is in need of a host family as
soon as possible for a 9th grade male Chinese
student for the 2013-14 school year. For more
information about compensation and details
about the host family requirements, please
contact the Director of the International
Program, April Goldschmidt at
414/453-4567, extension 2192 or
[email protected].
WLHS International Student Host Family
Information Night Wisconsin Lutheran
High School is already enrolling international
students for the 2014-2015 school year and is
seeking great families to experience the
blessings of being a host family. If you think
you might be interested, please join them on
Tuesday, November 26th, in the WLHS
Conference Room to learn about the benefits
and compensation involved. A current host
family will be present to answer all your
questions. Refreshments provided.
Mt. Lebanon Lutheran
Addictions Support Group Every Monday
night at 7:00p there is an addictions support
group meeting at Mt. Lebanon Lutheran
Church, 60th and Hampton in Milwaukee.
The purpose of the group is to gain intentional,
goal-directed Christian growth using God’s
Word as the basis for the 12-Step program of
Meetings are open to anyone
seeking support in their recovery from
addictions, to anyone needing support to deal
with a loved one’s addiction, and to everyone
who would like to share their experience,
strength, and hope with others. For more
information, contact Staff Minister Michael
Schuessler at 414/510-1143 or
[email protected].
WLHS Fruit Sale The annual citrus fruit
sale to benefit the WLHS Veterans Day
celebration is going on right now! Simply
order by November 19th and WLHS will notify
you when your Florida citrus is ready to pick
up. You may also ship fruit directly to your or
someone else’s home. Order forms can be
found on Fairview’s foyer table or order online
at www.FloridaIndianRiverGroves.com with
code 138078.
Time of Grace Ministry presents messages
from Pastor Mark Jeske of St. Marcus
Lutheran Church. This TV broadcast, which
is also captioned for the hearing impaired, will
air Sundays on CBS Channel 58 at 7:30a with
a 30-minute program including a sermon and
music videotaped at St. Marcus. For further
information log on to www.timeofgrace.org.
W e urge you to include the following items on your prayers list this week. God’s gracious prayer
promise is, The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16).
For God’s Kingdom
There are thousands within our parish area who are without a relationship with Jesus. You
probably know several of them. You know others who don’t live close by. Pray for them by
name this week. Ask the Spirit to use you and others to reach them with the gospel.
Calvary Academy is a WELS related ministry that cares for children whose behavior has
made it impossible for them to live at home. Ask the Father to use this important ministry to
bring healing into those young lives and to their families. Visit the website at
For The Sick and Hospitalized Please remember these people with your prayers, cards, and visits.
Stephanie Geyer, friend of Taleen Wagie; Allen Gross, friend of Dave Knapp;
Steve Feustel; Gary and Eunice Wenzel; Karl and Marla Koepke’s grandson, Soren
For Each Other Our entire membership has been divided into 52 sections so that in the course of a
year we will be able to pray for each of our brothers and sisters in Jesus by name at least once. The names
below are the family members we especially will want to remind our God about during the next seven days.
Although we will pray for the personal needs we know these people have, Paul’s prayer for the
Philippians’ spiritual blessing (1:9-11) will serve as a good outline for our prayers for these dear Christians.
This my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you
may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the
fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.
Carl Wagnerin
Nancy Wangerin
Magdalena Wegner
Gary Wenzel
Eunice Wenzel
Nathan Westendorf
Marilyn Wilcox
Arlene Williams
For the Gospel’s Spread in the World Through our denomination Fairview supports missions around
the globe. This week pray for the outreach work in which we participate in Nepal. Ask for the Spirit’s
blessings on our sister congregations there, along with their pastors, our expatriate missionaries, and their
members. Pray for the gospel to impact the cities they serve and for those the Spirit would bring to faith. For
more information, go to www.wels.net and search for Nepal.
Welcome to Fairview
W elcome, Guests! W e are most pleased you are
here and we pray you will be blessed. And we look
forward to your worshiping with us again.
Fairview Congregation cooperates with our
sister W ELS congregations to provide a Lutheran
elementary school
education for our
children. W e have
also joined with
other Lutheran
congregations to operate W isconsin Lutheran High
School located just south of Bluemound Road and
84th Street. For more information
please contact our pastor or staff
If you would care to learn more
about the free gift of forgiveness
Jesus has won for you, our pastor,
our ushers, or any of our members
would be most pleased to speak
with you.
Rest Rooms On this level rest rooms are located in
our educational wing. There are also rest rooms in
the fellowship hall on the lower level.
Nursery W e offer a parents’ room for the worship
enhancement of parents with small children.
Although we encourage parents to worship with their
small children, we also acknowledge that from time
to time, small children may not be in a mood for
public worship. Parents may sit with their children
in this room, giving their children a place to move
around while they listen to the service. The Parents’
Room is located off the entryway to the church.
Visitor and Handicap Parking W e have set aside
the parking places directly in front of the church on
Stevenson Street (from the corner to the no parking
zone) for the convenience of our guests at worship
and anyone who is handicapped.
W e ask our members to leave those spaces
open for that purpose. That may mean that some of
us will have to walk a few steps farther than we’re
used to, but providing parking close to church is
another way we can show our guests and
handicapped worshipers that we care about them.
W e...ought to love one another.
Fairview’s M ission Statement:
Empowered and equipped by God through
the Holy Spirit, Fairview exists to share the
message of salvation through Jesus Christ and to
preserve God’s W ord and sacraments as we live
lives of worship and service for Christ and grow
in our relationship with him. To God be the
W orship Schedule
Contact Information
Pastor James Aderman
Office: 414/771-2530
Cell: 414/403-6224
[email protected]
Greg Naumann, staff minister Cell: 262/993-2130
[email protected]
Taleen W agie
Office: 414/258-1534
[email protected]