January 2013 - First Presbyterian Church


January 2013 - First Presbyterian Church
Good News Edition - January 2013
A monthly newsletter of First Presbyterian Church - Jody McDevitt & Dan Krebill, co-pastors
Willson at Babcock, PO Box 1150, Bozeman, MT 59771
(406) 586-9194 - www.fpcbozeman.org - Editor - [email protected]
To unsubscribe, email [email protected] and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
Co-Pastors’ Corner…. Think about a Little League team practice. The players practice hitting,
catching, running, fielding, and working together. Now consider a professional baseball team. The players, the best at the game, still practice
hitting, catching, running, fielding, and working together. There are basics to the sport that, if any team wants to achieve their mission, they
will always practice.
That’s the analogy which United Methodist Bishop Robert Schnase puts forth when he describes the Five Practices of Fruitful
Congregations. As bishop, he spends time in congregations of all sizes, socioeconomic situations, and theological emphases, but sees the
common threads of the core process by which God uses
congregations to make disciples.
Radical Hospitality
Passionate Worship
Intentional Faith Development
Risk-taking Mission and Service
Extravagant Generosity
If you don’t recognize these phrases now, we hope you surely will know what they mean by May 2013. Following the intensive work of a task
force which met through Advent, the session accepted its recommendation that the entire congregation commit itself to learning and growing
in these five practices, beginning in January. By focusing on these five practices for five months, we hope to provide a common language for
our mission and for the growth in personal discipleship which all
followers of Jesus Christ seek. We want to be a more faithful, fruitful church for Jesus Christ!
The five practices are not:
A program which the church will seek to follow
A prescription which will cure all problems OR
Another marketing gimmick for selling books, DVDs and church paraphernalia.
Instead, the five practices are:
A common language for the core process by which God uses congregations to make disciples
A provocative set of questions to help a congregation look at itself and deepen, extend and improve its ministry
A stimulus for discovering the achievable tasks and practical strategies that will strengthen any church.
What will our congregational emphasis look like in these next five months? For five weeks, beginning January 6, we will focus Sunday
worship and adult Sunday school on each of the 5 practices. Then we’ll go deeper into each one, with guest speakers, task forces, and study
groups looking more closely at the Biblical and theological basis of each, our current practices, and proposals for improvements. Does one
of the five practices really interest you? You could be on the task force for that practice. This renewal effort must be congregation-wide to be
effective. Your prayerful contribution is essential.
Prepare yourself! Spend some time pondering the ADJECTIVES attached to each practice, and see if you have some ideas why these
descriptors are key to this way of looking at the church!
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January 2013
Session Meeting Notes: December 20
The session meeting began with a joint discussion between elders and deacons to talk about the findings of the Advent
Task Force. This Task Force was formed to draft short term actions that we as a church could immediately take that would
help us move in the right direction as a worship community. Tom McMakin shared the concerns that have been identified
within the congregation and the path forward that the Task Force has suggested to address those concerns. It was exciting
that the deacons considered the recommendations worth following up on. One particularly noteworthy decision is for
Session to have an ombudsperson available to whom any member with a concern or idea for the church community can go
to, to be heard and report back to Session.
Another exciting event was that Session voted to adopt a budget for 2013, well ahead of previous years.
Christmas Eve services promise to be excellent opportunities to observe our Lord’s birth, with three times available (5, 8
and 11 pm). Do join us for at least one of them. Of course, we are all looking forward to the Blessing of the Animals
service on December 30th. We had so many well-behaved animals last year and are looking forward to seeing “who” comes
this year.
The Fall Merry Munchers was a very enjoyable opportunity to meet and get to know church members. The hosts provided
beautiful homes for these evenings and the food was great. For those of you who could not make any or many of these
occasions, you have another chance with the Spring Merry Munching, beginning in February. Sign-up sheets will be available in church in January. We would love to have you join us.
Not only that, Sally Broughton’s First Friday at First Church will be resuming in February. Another super time to get to know
others and enjoy a meal (if you wish) followed by a carefully chosen film. Children of all ages are welcomed with their own
movie and, if we know in advance that very young children/babies will be present, we will have a sitter present for them.
Since I am talking about food, put February 10 on your calendars for a brunch, to be held between services.
Gill Erlandson
Advent Task Force Ombud
Ombud:: A person who receives concerns, suggestions or grievances for a concerned group.
The Advent Task Force has created this position for an Elder to fill for a period of time. Chuck Poremba is our
current ombud and will be in the library after church on Sundays to listen to and receive any comments,
suggestions or grievances from the congregation. If one would prefer to email Chuck, his address is:
cporemba @ bridgeband.com This position was created so that any concerns of the congregation will be heard and
some kind of action can be considered. (He will also take some compliments on actions as they are implemented!)
Please feel free to talk to Chuck at any time. Your concerns and suggestions are very important to all of us.
Advent Task Force and the Session
2 Corinthians 9:7
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly
or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Thank you for giving your time, talents, and financial contributions. Without your generous support we could not
do all the great things we do to Glorify God.
Below is a table showing our financial status as of the end of November, 2012
November Income
$34,244.33 Year to Date Income
November Expenses
$39,964.75 Year to Date Expenses
November Balance
$-5,720.42 Year to Date Balance
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PresbEnews: Good News Edition - January 2013
Thank you for a joyous Advent and Christmas season
During the month of December we have numerous special worship opportunities and events. Once January comes, we sometimes
forget to thank all those who worked extra hard to make these occasions joyous and welcoming. This year we want to remember:
Those who decorated the sanctuary and other parts of the church interior so beautifully
Those who arranged for the lovely and inviting exterior decorations
Those who contributed poinsettias
Boy Scout Troop 679, who provided the Christmas trees
Church musicians, including the Worship Choir, who prepared extra music for the season
All those involved in the Messiah, a community event which shows our hospitality
Those who provided extra cookies and welcome at all events
Those who planned, decorated, shoveled, cooked, led worship, and cleaned up at Rockhaven
Those who shoveled and cleared snow around our church building
The Mt. Ellis Academy and Church choir who shared their faith in song with us
Kevin Emmerson of Mt. Ellis Academy, who shared his collection of Nativity scenes
Children and youth who provided art, music, worship leadership, and happiness at our largest Christmas Eve service
Adults who helped the children and youth express their faith
Nursery workers and volunteers who offered Christ’s welcome to the youngest
Candle lighters who added ambiance to all the services
Advent “visitors” who memorized scripts and wore costumes for four Sundays
Guest musicians who enhanced our worship
The crew that prepared, served and cleaned up our church family lunch on December 23
Our church staff who worked overtime with no extra compensation
Generous givers of financial resources
Those who provided rides and companionship to those in need on Christmas Eve
Ushers and greeters who offered our congregational welcome
All who invited guests to worship with us
All our guests
God, who sent us Jesus Christ as Savior!
WOW, it is true! We have everything we need to carry out the ministry God gives us! We have each other, and we have the Holy Spirit!
Blessing of the Animals
WOW! The second annual Blessing of the Animals service on
December 30 showed that the first was not a fluke—the smiles,
laughter, joy and occasional bark were evidence of a happy day
celebrating God’s gift of animals in our lives. This year we blessed 57
dogs, 8 cats, 1 goat, at least 5 stuffed animals, and numerous photos
of favorite pets. Pets ranged from the Becks’ three 6-wk-old
“chorkies” (Gus, Gizmo, and Gidget) to the Bergs’ faithful 16-yr-old
dog, Western. There was an impressive array of breeds and sizes,
and many people who had never been in our church before. Once
again, the animals behaved beautifully and the people followed their
example. Thanks to Jeff Krogstad for some great photos which are
posted on Facebook. (You don’t have to have a Facebook account to
see these—just go to www.facebook.com/fpcbozeman for a look.)
Any and all photos of this event or others in our congregational life
are wanted! Please forward them to the church office so that we can be up-to-date as we tell our story!
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PresbEnews: Good News Edition - January 2013
Photos and letter from Mary Hektner and John Sacklin
in Mexico with the Peace Corp
Dear Friends,
We have been in Ciudad Guzmán for a month now and are starting to settle into
a routine. So it is again time to say hello, thank you again for your emails of
support and news of home, and tell you about what we are doing.
First, work. We, like the other Peace Corps México Natural Resources
Volunteers, are working in offices with Mexican natural resource federal
agencies. In our case, on-paper, we are working with the Mexican equivalent of
the US National Park Service. Work at the park is pretty good—although we
are both frustrated with the limitations of our Spanish, because we both have so
many questions we can’t ask yet– we know that we would lose the important
subtleties in the translation. So we have to wait until our Spanish improves.
There are at least two university satellite campuses in Guzmán and we are
hoping they will turn out to be sources of concerts, etc. Catholicism is of
course the primary religion and there are many religious festivals this time of
year. They all involve very loud music far into the night and lots of fireworks Mary and John with park director,
with “cherry bomb” like sound effects—also far into the night. When we first Jose Villa (next to Mary), and park
manager Erick Sanchez.
arrived, they were celebrating the two-week long Christ the King festival. This
was quickly followed by the celebration of the virgin of Guadalupe,
which was the start of Navidad celebrations that last until January 6.
We did just find out about an interdenominational Christian church
which we went to for the first time last Sunday. We went to both the
morning and evening services since they told us they would be celebrating Christmas that day, and the 25th--Navidad was for families in
their homes. We had been told at a tienda near the church that the
morning service started at 11 am (which is when we arrived), but it in
fact started at 10. Not to worry, they went strong until 1 pm. The evening session went from 6 pm until 8:30 pm. All in español. They
were very friendly and helpful, showing us which hymns to sing and
what sections of scripture were being read (there were many of both).
Nevado de Colima
We felt very welcome. Luckily, a number of years ago we had had a
taste of church services in México on adult mission trips to Tijuana
and Ensenada, so we guessed ahead of time we would be in for a
lengthy service. We also attended a Christmas concert in the main
cathedral. It is a beautiful building with high vaulted ceilings (and
terrible acoustics). Even so, when they sang Oh Come All Ye Faithful, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, and Silent Night it brought tears
our eyes and shivers down our backs.
We hope your Christmas season has been blessed.
Mary and John
(The full letter and more photos may be emailed and are posted on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall)
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January, 2013
Birthdays this Month
Chris Kurz
Bob Furu
Betty Vaughn
Don Mathre
Gill Erlandson
Erica Hoffman
Aidar Haynes
1/6 Ann Staffanson
Donna Mandeville
1/8 Betsy Crabs
1/9 Mary Bradford
1/12 Christine Holland
1/13 Ric Tieman
1/14 Don Frye, III
1/15 Alison Todd
McKinley Hall
1/17 Lyle Biekert
1/18 Jennifer Frye
1/19 Jolene Baldwin
Linda Miller
Jan Montgomery
Kara Baldwin
1/20 Fritz Dickensheets
1/21 Scott Thompson
Chuck Broughton
1/22 Jill Brauss
Holly Sinnema
1/23 Helen Craig
1/24 Jim Gannon
Jim Monger
1/25 Bruce Wilson
Spencer Hallin
1/26 Lindsey Kurz
1/27 Stephanie Breen
1/28 Ken Mosley
1/30 Margaret Heath
1/31 Don Frye II
Dan Archer
First Fridays at First Presbyterian Church
February 1, 2013
First Fridays will return in February, watch for updates.
Pledge Envelopes and Per Capita
Please contact Linda at [email protected] or call
the church office, 586-9194 if you wish to receive pledge
envelopes for 2013. The Per Capita this year is $42.90.
Bible Study Fellowship – “Genesis”
Come to Bible Study Fellowship and study the book of "Genesis". BSF is international, interdenominational, no cost and has a local class for Women with an infant/
preschool program hosted at Grace Bible Church resuming Wed Jan 9 from 9-10:50
a.m. Bozeman is also privileged to have a Men’s class with a School Program
hosted at Evangelical Free Church resuming Tues Jan 8 at 7 p.m.
For further information, please call Jim Jarrett, 388-6314; Lloyd Mandeville 580-9566;
Vern Bandy 586-9635; or check the BSF website: www.biblestudyfellowship.com
Women’s Ecumenical Bible Study (WEBS)
WEBS invites you to join the 2013 Winter-Spring Study of A Window into Genesis 1750. Journey with Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Esau and Jacob, Joseph
and others. The classes are Mondays, January 14 – March 18, 2013 at 9:30-11:30
am with refreshments served at 9:15 am at the Hope Lutheran Church 2152 Graf St.
Childcare and ministry for preschool children is free for participating women. For more
information, visit our website: websbozeman.org or contact a member of our Leadership team: Susan Johnston at [email protected] 587-0278 or Sally Griffin,
[email protected] 388-6005.
“Talking with Neighbors” Interfaith Forum on January 9
Co-pastor Jody McDevitt along with Rabbi Ed Stafman, Father Leo Proxell
(Holy Rosary), Dr. Ruhul Amin, MSU professor and president of the Islamic
Center of Bozeman take part in the interfaith panel to promote interfaith
understanding. The forum next week “Does God Change? Can we change
God?” What is the nature of God, and what effect does human relationship have on God? With Florence Guest, Bozeman Sufis. The forum is held
the first Wednesday of the month at 11:30 am at Temple Beth Shalom at
2010 W Koch behind the Albertson Shopping Center. All are welcome to
these 1-hour forums, and you are welcome to bring your lunch along.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January, 2013
Winter Clothing Project
Thanks to the generosity of our Congregation to the
Deacon’s Benevolence Fund, we were able to give
coats, hats, scarves, mittens/gloves & boots to 122
children, 113 of those children needed
One of the School Counselors called to thank us &
said a Grandmother called to say they were so
grateful for the coat her Granddaughter received.
The little girl wouldn’t take it off & slept in it all night.
Michelle of J.C. Penney’s was so helpful selecting
the clothing. She saved us many dollars. We
encourage the Congregation to patronize Penney’s.
Adult Sunday School class to study the 5 practices
At its meeting in December the session endorsed a congregation-wide emphasis in the new
year on what United Methodist Bishop Robert Schnase calls the five practices of fruitful congregations. For the first 5 Sundays of 2013 the adult Sunday school class, led by Dan Krebill, will
focus on each of the 5 practices: ● radical hospitality (Jan. 6), ● passionate worship (Jan. 13),
● intentional faith development (Jan. 20), ● risk-taking mission and service (Jan. 27), and ●
extravagant generosity (Feb. 3). After an initial examination of each of these practices, the
class will delve more deeply into them over the next several months. These practices will also
be emphasized in worship and in other aspects of the church’s program including the winter
session of Feed Your Soul. Please plan to join in this conversation as we move forward in the
ministry to which God is calling our congregation. The adult Sunday school class meets on
Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15 in the church library.
Thursday Morning Book Group New Book for the New Year
Thursday Morning Women's Book group will begin meeting in the new year on January 10th. All women who enjoy reading, coffee, a breakfast treat and getting up
early are welcome to join us. We gather at 7:30 am every Thursday. Our new book
will be An Altar in the World, written by Barbara Brown Taylor, author of Leaving
Church. In the introduction to her book she writes "I have no idea what you will see
when you look at your life but if you are tired of arguing about religion, tired of
reading about spirituality, tired of talk, talk, talking about things that matter without
doing a single thing that matters yourself, then the pages that follow are dedicated
to you. My hope is that reading them will help you
recognize . . . some of the altars in this world".
Any questions? Call Maureen Poremba. 582-7954 for more information.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January 2013
Poem for Those Lost
This poem by Cameon Smith was read and 26 bell tolled after as a tribute to the 26 lost lives in
Newton, CN on Sunday December 23rd. Circle A would like to share it with everyone.
Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."
Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA
The Prayer Chain will meet right after the 10:30 worship service on January 13.
Please join to pray for those who need our prayers.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January 2013
It’s time for the next round of Merry Munchers!! All adults are welcome, whether you are a
church member, a friend of First Presbyterian, or visiting in the Gallatin Valley.
The Fridays selected are February 15, March 15, April 19, and May 17.
As always, hosts may reschedule as needed.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not need to be a host in order to sign up as a guest.
To Participate as a Guest:
Please CHECK the date(s) you are available to be a GUEST, and complete the following information below.
_____ February 15_____ March 15_____ April 19_____ May 17
Name(s): _____________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________
Number of adults participating: ________
E-mail _________________________
To Participate as a Host:
Please CHECK the date(s) you are available to HOST (below) and indicate the number of people your home can
accommodate including yourself.
_____February 15 number_______________
_____March 15
_____April 19
_____May 17
Sally Broughton 585-3544 or email at [email protected].
Marcia Jarrett 388-6314 or email at [email protected]
Drop this registration in church offering or the church office.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January, 2013
Coming Soon! Eco Cafe for Honduras and Belize
Our youth and PresbyCats mission team has received a wonderful fundraising opportunity from church members John and Judy Harrison. Following service in the
Peace Corps in Honduras, their son Eric (MSU ChemE’02) returned to Seattle with a
second vocation—marketing fair-trade, organic coffee from the high mountains of
Honduras where he had lived. 100% of the profits from this coffee are directed to
building clean water systems in Honduras.
Until now when, thanks to the generosity of John & Judy, a portion of the profits of
coffee sold by our mission team will also help our mission trip. Eco Café is coming
soon. Treat yourself to this superb coffee, from high altitude, shade grown organic coffee trees
grown in the world’s best growing region for coffee. Small independent farmers are paid fairly to
hand select their coffee beans and roast them in small batches.
Building a house for a poor family is one way to make the world a more just place—paying attention
to our daily economic choices is another. Eco Café will help us do both!
Missionaries Doug and Elaine Baker
We recently received an email from Doug Baker, PC(USA) mission co-worker in
Northern Ireland,
providing his perspective on recent sectarian violence in Belfast over the flying of
flags. Doug, a PC(USA) minister originally from Washington, has been in Northern
Ireland for more than 30 years working on peace and reconciliation issues. He also
mentors a cadre of PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteers in Belfast each year. His thoughtful analysis and
insight are worth reading! You can read it through the link at:
Then click on his name then December letter.
Caps Needed
Thank you knitters and kind providers of caps, scarves, gloves and mitts lots of kids are kept warm because of your skills and generosity.
We are still in need of caps, I have a very easy pattern, it takes an
evening to do, if any of you are interested. If so, you can call Joyce Armour at
624-6292 or e-mail at [email protected]
The library committee meeting will take place January 7, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. in
FPC library. You are invited to join the members as they plan library
activities for the coming months. This is YOUR library and any suggestions/
comments you have are welcome. We'll look for you on the 7th.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January, 2013
(by Dan Holland)
Happy New Day
Through the heat of the day I served the
with all of my strength in this place.
And my Lord smiled upon me this new day
through each human’s heavenly face.
Happy New Day, my Savior declared,
as I woke to the chill of the dawn.
Happy, indeed, my reluctant reply
as I struggled to throw my clothes on.
My Father has crafted a new day for you,
a day like none gone before.
Come and greet this new breaking day;
see what your God has in store.
As the shadows grew long, onward I went
to serve the Lord of my heart.
Though I grew tired I said a new prayer
and the day was as fresh as its start.
Then my Savior left me alone with the day,
this new day of which he foretold.
What shall I make of this new dawning day?
I asked of the lingering cold.
The voice of my ancestors heard my request;
their answer as clear as the air.
Each day belongs to the Lord, my son,
resolve to start it with prayer
Then the light began to fade from the day;
soon it was totally dark.
But another new prayer spoke from my lips
provided a heavenly spark.
My Savior once more came to my side
by the bed where I wearily lay.
Well done, my Lord declared unto me,
tomorrow is another new day.
So this new day found me down on my knees
giving thanks for the gathering light.
Then I asked for strength in this day,
strength to do what is right.
The new day began to warm with the sun,
it warmed along with my heart.
What next? I asked of this marvelous day,
after such a marvelous start.
Ah, do what is right I recalled,
thus shall I strive to do what is kind;
and love the Lord, my God above all
with my heart, my soul, and my mind.
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PresbEnews - Good News Edition - January, 2013
January 2013
New Years Day
Family Promise
Family Promise
Office Closed
7pm Deacons
Family Promise
Food Bank Sunday
8:30 am Worship
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
10:45 Sunday
Family Promise
Family Promise
Family Promise
Family Promise
7:30am Women’s
Morning Book
6:45 pm First Bells
7 Boy Scouts
7 pm Choir
7pm Committee
17 7:30am
1 pm
10:30 am
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
10:45 Sunday
11:30 Prayer Chain
11:45 Presby Cats
Morning Book
10:30 am
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
10:45 Sunday
11:45 Presby Cats
10:30 am
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
10:45 Sunday
11:45 Presby Cats
6:45 pm First Bells
7 Boy Scouts
7 pm Choir
24 7:30am
Morning Book
6:45 pm First Bells
7 Boy Scouts
7 pm Choir
7pm Session
31 7:30am
Morning Book
6:45 pm First Bells
7 Boy Scouts
7 pm Choir
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