Newsletter Lutheran Church of Our Saviour December 2014
Newsletter Lutheran Church of Our Saviour December 2014
The Communicator December 2014 BRUNCH WITH SANTA SATURDAY, December 13 at 11:30 AM Light Lunch of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Chips Wednesday, December 24 –Christmas Eve The Communicator LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR Candlelight Lessons and Carols Service – 5:00 PM MAILED NOVEMBER 26, 2012 Festival Candlelight Service with a Carol Setting of Holy Communion – 10:30 PM Sunday, December 28 One Service at 9:30 AM A message from the Stewardship Committee:As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10 This year’s stewardship theme “Fearless Generosity” emphasized the importance of trusting in God and giving back what was first given to us by God. All that we are and have is truly a gift from our Lord and Savior. We would like to thank everyone that has participated in our Stewardship campaign this year. We have not yet met our goal, but I am confident that with everyone’s support we will. If you have not yet turned in your Estimate of Giving card, we pray fully ask that you do so. The Commitment Card box will remain on the Narthex through the month of December. Look to the Lord for guidance as you consider what it is that you will give back to God and ourChurch. Beginning this month we will be distributing the Caring and Sharing sheet. We ask that everyone please complete one. If you have never turned one in before consider volunteering for even just one thing or one committee. It is when we all work together that we can accomplish great things! We need everyone’s help and support to ensure we can meet all our goals and plans for the upcoming year. Cindy Borzilleri Stewardship Chairperson Newsletter of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour 2415 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 585/247-7824 E-mail:[email protected] Rev. Joachim Wilck, Pastor Mrs. Mary Pleten, Editor A member congregation of the Upstate New York Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sunday School Christmas Program – December 14, 9:30 AM The children of Our Saviour Sunday School present the annual Sunday School Christmas program on Sunday December 14 during the 9:30 AM Worship Service. (The program is set within a “Service of the Word” type of worship service). This is a special time for our children and you are invited to attend this wonderful event. Bring your family and friends and then join in the fellowship time which follows in the Augsburg Room. FROM THE BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School Christmas Program Sunday, December 14th at 9:30 AM Worship Service PUNCH AND COOKIE RECEPTION Rehearsals after Sunday School Christmas Program December 7 at 10:30 to 11:30 AM During the Sunday School hour December 13, 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM Dress Rehearsal December 14, Program at 9:30 AM On Sunday, December 14 the youth of Our Saviour will present the Christmas Program during the 9:30 AM Service, followed by a “Punch and Cookie” Reception for our young “stars”. Please plan on coming and bring your friends and relatives to this special program: Following the Sunday School Christmas Program, we are planning a “Punch and Cookie” Reception. This is an opportunity for parents to speak with the teachers as well as fellow-members and visitors. Donation of chips or cookies for the brunch with Santa will be much appreciated. Thanks to all who have donated or helped with our events. Without you, these fun times would not be possible for our children and families. HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! TENTH ANNUAL BRUNCH WITH SANTA Save the date! Saturday December 13, 11:30 AM Forms are available on the narthex table to sign up. Santa will be in attendance and pictures will be taken. ANNUAL REPORTS COPY DUE, Please! In order to have the Annual Bulletin of Reports completed in time for distribution prior to the January Congregational Meeting, all Boards and Organizations should submit summary reports for the 2014 Ministry Year by Wednesday, January 7. This gives the office staff the necessary time for preparation and printing. Thank you for your cooperation. T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 00 01 47 Page 2 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY and BEST WISHES to all these members of Our Saviour who celebrate birthdays during the month of December. We pray for your continued growth in God's grace. 3-Stacey Tesch 3-Becky Wiesmore 3-Abigail Wiesmore 4-Helen Pleten 4-Richard Ransom 4-Wilbur Keller 6-Lance Strasser 6-Gregory Lombard 6-Kevin Gear 7-Tammy Popen Cuyler 7-Jamie Vogel 7-Carmela Hepworth 8-Hans Richard Strasser Jr. 11-James Hartfiel 11-Brian Forest 11-Drew Emerson 12-Paul Hamblin 12-Esther Clark 12-Trevor Pennington 14-Chris Austin 14-Krystle Francisco 14-Danielle Gatto 15-Ric Seiling 16-Laura Pleten Bugajski 16-Nancy Schwach 17-Dawn Wyszomirski 17-Joseph Greene 17-Diane Hair 17-Stephanie Dalba 17-Brendan Guhl 18-Agnes Richardson 18-Laurie McDonald 19-Aidan Pennington 20-Scott Meli 21-Edith Pharmakis 21-Christine Kipybida 22-Linda Palmer 22-Taylor Farruggia 24-Lorraine VanOrden 24-Edward Ellis 25-Kyra Pellegrino 26-Julie Stich Lowe 26-James Palmer 26-Bradley Potter 28-Yvonne Dougherty 28-Jill Sutter 29-Kurt Wehrmann 29-Riley Martin 31-Alice Crawford December Anniversaries DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES . . . Congratulations and Best Wishes to these members of Our Saviour who celebrate Wedding anniversaries during the month of December. May God continue to bless you and increase your love for one another! 15—John and Joyce Tesch 19—Brian and Katie Crnkovich Happy 5th Anniversary 27—Thomas and Laurie McDonald 29—Janeen and David Oliver BAPTISM ANNOUNCEMENT NOVEMBER 16— DOMINIC JAMESON DERLETH VINCENT RYAN MARCERA PLEASE KEEP THEM IN YOUR PRAYERS AS THEY JOINED OUR CHURCH FAMILY The members of Our Saviour extend Christian love and sympathy to the family of Matthew Maas Matthew died November 9, 2014, his service was held at Our Saviour on Saturday, November 22. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR MISSION STATEMENT Let Us Pray Together in Church November 30—1st Sunday in Advent Worship 9:30 AM December 7—2nd Sunday in Advent Worship 8:00 AM & 11:15 AM Contemporary 9:30 AM We, the members of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, as baptized followers of Jesus Christ will foster a living, expressive relationship with our Lord and our neighbors. We will do this in a way that seeks to serve all segments of our congregation and community by: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Providing a welcoming environment for youth and young adults. Strengthening the family unit. Involving the elderly and recognizing their special needs. December 14—3rd Sunday in Advent Holy Communion 8:00 AM & 11:15 AM Sunday School Christmas Program 9:30 AM December 21—4th Sunday in Advent Worship 8:00 AM & 11:15 AM Contemporary 9:30 AM Making Christ visible through worship. Recommended by the Long Range Planning committee on October 27, 2010 On This Wondrous Holiday WATCH FOR OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2015 The office staff is preparing a set of envelopes for each household in the congregation. The sets are arranged in alphabetical order on the tables in the narthex. Please pick up your set in December, when you are in church. Should you not find a set with your name, please contact the office staff immediately. Thank you. PRESCHOOL NEWS In November we learned about giving thanks to God for all our many blessings. In Jesus time we learned that God gave us a family to love us and care for us. Each child made a family banner with their family. Each family did a great job! We also learned about the Pilgrims and the Native Americans and the gathering together for the First Thanksgiving dinner. The children also helped with the making of our Mayflower bulletin board in our classroom and our Thanksgiving bulletin board in the hallway outside our classroom. They made Pilgrims for the Mayflower and thankful turkeys and corn stalks for the board in the hallway. In December we will learn about the coming of baby Jesus. The Preschool class and their parents will be going to Stokoe Farms on Friday, December 12, 2014 to see the live Nativity. On Wednesday, December 17 all the Preschool children will be performing in our Christmas Celebration in the church at 6:30PM. Everyone is invited to come to our Celebration. On December 19, we will have our Christmas party and Santa will arrive at our Preschool. What an exciting month. We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Mrs. Marti Stefaniak and Mrs. Carla Bartello T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 4 EVANGELISM January 12, 2014, we will begin “The Jesus Lifstyle” Series. It will consist of 3 six-week sessions discussing various topics. The nice thing about this study is you can choose to come to one or you can attend all, depending on your interest. The Jesus Lifestyle is led by Nicky Gumbel who also does the Alpha Course. The “Foreword” written by Bishop Sandy Millar, Assistant Bishop in London, says: “One of the great challenges for the church today—made harder I suspect because the world seems largely to have given up the attempt—is to hold together teaching and ethics. The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ teaching on how to conduct our lives. It is His answer to the question, “How exactly can we fulfill our calling to be ‘in’ the world but not ‘of’ it?” What could be more important for us in our generation than an earnest attempt to understand and apply this teaching of Jesus? As we move toward the so-called “post-Christian” era, Nicky Gumbel’s choice of material, combined with his experience of life, his humor, and his passion for bringing practical sense and sparkle to biblical teaching has produced an invaluable book for today. It will prove equally useful to both mature and new Christians, provides excellent follow-up material to the Alpha course, and will help the church to “shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).” The topics of “The Jesus Lifestyle” are: How to handle money. How to find the secret of happiness. How to stop worrying and start living. How to change the world around you. How to deal with criticism. How to understand the Old Testament How to respond to the most challenging words ever spoken. How to handle anger. How to make the big decision. How to understand sex in the twenty-first century. How to spot false profits. How to view marriage and divorce. How to build a secure future. How to live and act with integrity. How to respond to difficult people. How to handle conflict. How to become a generous giver. How to pray (and fast) like Jesus. Please join us January 12, 2014, 7:00-8:00 p.m. (refreshments provided) to learn more about “The Jesus Lifestyle.” On January 15, 2014, the Christian Book Club, will discuss the book “Sensible Shoes, A Story About the Spiritual Journey” by Sharon Garlough Brown. It is a story about the spiritual journey of 4 women. A quote from the book: Dr. Allen says, “The things that annoy, irritate, and disappoint us have just as much power to reveal the truth about ourselves as anything else. Learn to linger with what provokes you. You may just find the Spirit of God moving there.” I encourage you to begin your own Spiritual Journey by reading this book. It is worth your time. Thank you Colleen Forsey for recommending this book. T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 5 NEWS FROM CHURCH AND COMMUNITY The Angel Tree is set up in the Narthex. Please take an ID tag from the tree, and return it with an appropriate Christmas gift for th needy child identified by The Rochester Family. The gifts are requested to be put under the tree by Monday, December 8th. Gifts should be about $40. For more information see detailed instruction sheet attached to the ID tag, or Jerry Stich cell #857-3996. Community Lutheran Ministry annual Thanksgiving Dinner The annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Community Lutheran Ministry House on Joseph Avenue was held on Saturday, 11/22 to serve local residents. Again it was a great success; thanks to Maggie Harris, her staff and all of our church members that donated or helped out. Sunday School Merry December Can you believe the year is almost over? It seems like just yesterday we were learning how God created the world in just 7 days and now we're preparing to celebrate the birth of his son Jesus. What a wonderful and busy time of year for the youth of Our Saviour! We have already begun to practice for our wonderful Christmas pageant during Sunday School. We will be having a Special dress rehearsal Sat. Dec. 13th at 9:30 followed by lunch with Santa at 11:30 AM. Our Annual Sunday School Christmas Pageant will be Dec.14th at the 9:30 service followed by a cookie and punch reception. The children have been working real hard and are excited to share it with you. If you'd like to donate cookies or juice please sign up on the narthex table. Thank you in advance . Dec. 21st during our regular Sunday School class we will be having a special birthday party for Jesus complete with cake, games music and goodies!! I hope all the children can attend our special celebration!! On behalf of myself, Mrs. Sheila, Mrs. Becky, Mrs. Cheryl, Mrs. Forrest, Mr. Ransom and Mrs. Pond; the Sunday School Staff, we'd like to wish you and your family a very blessed holiday season! We look forward to seeing our 'flock' in 2015. In Gods Grip Michelle Coval Sunday School Superintendent T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 6 Jubilees and Adult Fellowship ALTAR GUILD WORK SESSION Members of Our Saviour Altar Guild meet Saturday, December 6, 9:30 AM to prepare for the festival Christmas Eve Services. Many hands make for quick we hope that a good number of the ladies of the Guild are present to prepare bows and candles for the aisles, prepare individual candles for the candlelight services, and get other materials in order for the Festival Services. On Friday December 12th we will be decorating the church for Christmas, we will start at 6:00PM with snacks and drinks at around 7:30PM, There is a sign-up sheet with more information on the Narthex table, for the Christmas decorating It's a great time of the year for celebrating our love of Christmas and fellowship with our church family, please join us. The Jubilees will be having their annual Christmas luncheon at Cracker Barrel in Henrietta on Thursday, December 11th at noon.. A sign-up sheet is on the Narthex, you can contact Ed or Daryl Jarvis for additional information. HARVEST HOME FOOD DISTRIBUTED Food items donated by the children of Our Saviour Sunday School, their families and other members of the congregation are distributed during the month of December. Thank you to all who donated items. ROBERT WESLEYAN COLLEGE will be presenting their annual Christmas Concert on December 6th (7:30P) and December 7th (3:00P), the cost is $8.00. This concert by the RWC students is a wonderful Christmas Concert for the price. It would be nice to get a group of church people to attend together AN IMPORTANT REMINDER From the Financial Secretary Candlelight Services Christmas Eve Candlelight Carol Service 5:00 PM Rod Potter, the Assistant Financial Secretary, and the Assistant Financial Secretary for the Mortgage Reduction Fund, remind all members of the congregation that December 31 is the closing date for posting contributions and offerings to be credited for 2014. After that date any contributions received are credited to the new year-2014. Your help and understanding in this matter is appreciated. T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Festival Candlelight Service with Holy Communion 10:30 PM. Sunday, December 28 One service 9:30 AM Page 7 Those who are homebound or reside in nursing homes...Audrey Citro (St. Johns Home), Hans Strasser (Jewish Home, Winton Road) Betty Tesch (Emeritus Home on Long Pond Road); Helen Pleten (Emeritus Home on Long Pond Road). Page 8 T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 God comes to us in strange and wonderful ways, sometimes at the most unusual and unexpected times. For instance, there was a father who discovered his little daughter wrapping a Christmas present, and she was using lots and lots and lots of wrapping paper. So he scolded her and told her to be more realistic in her wrapping and not to waste paper like that. Feeling rather satisfied at this little lesson he taught her, he went on about his pre-Christmas preparations. On Christmas Day the presents were being unwrapped and there for him was the very package he scolded his daughter for wrapping. Feeling a bit abashed, he opened the present, taking off layer after layer of paper and then he opened the box, which was empty! He turned in confusion to his little daughter and said, “You mean you used all of that wrapping paper just to give me nothing?” But the little one, with great wisdom, said, “But, Daddy, what I gave you were all of my kisses. I blew them into the box and it took a really big box to hold them, and it took a lot of wrapping paper.” And he hugged her, giving thanks for her wisdom. It’s said that this father kept that box for years and whenever he was down and needed the blessing of heartfelt love, he opened the box. When Christmas comes, it will be like God’s kisses to us — God comes to us as a small child, filled with love for all people, and that wonderful package is wonderfully full. Jesus was a gift far beyond all imagining — a kind of visit from that which is beyond. —Roy T. Lloyd, “Tear open the heaven” We open this gift of Christmas in several ways at our church. We celebrate Advent, remembering Christ’s coming in the past and his coming to us in our present and at the end of time. We celebrate with our children, as they present the annual Christmas pageant on December 14. We celebrate as we worship Christmas Eve at our services at 5:00 PM and 10:30. PM I pray that you rejoice in this season and remember why we celebrate and let your celebrations be filled with God’s Spirit as we welcome the Christ child in our hearts. Some announcements: The Sunday school will meet for dress rehearsal for the SS Christmas program is December 13 at 9:30 AM. December 13: Brunch with Santa. 11:30 AM Join us for brunch with the jolly old elf, and have your picture taken with Santa. There is no cost for this event but a free will offering will be received and reservations are a must! December 28- Christmas 1. There will only be one service of Holy Communion at 9:30 AM. Sunday school resumes its normal schedule on January 4. Please remember that we start promptly at 10:30. In His grip, Pastor Joe WHERE IS MY PEW NEIGHBOR? I HAVE NOT BEEN IN CHURCH FOR 2 WEEKS I haven’t seen my pew neighbor in 2 weeks. I’ve been sick They usually sit next to /behind/ in front of me. My child has been in the hospital Are they ill? Are they taking care of a family member? Do they need help and we don’t know? My father passed away I should give them a call and find out. I wonder if anyone at church misses me I don’t know this other pew neighbor that’s also been missing. Maybe they don’t know- they would want to know. The Pastor or the elders may not realize they are missing. I should ask them if they could check. I will call them and let them know. We are family! We do care; but we just might not know! T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR I can’t drive, but I would love to go to church We are family! They do care, but they just might not know! DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 9 LYO NEWS ATTENTION LYO: Some reminders for December. December 13th: We are asking members of the group to help with Brunch with Santa. We need help setting tables and distributing food to guests. Plan on joining us that morning at 9:30 AM for set up. Come and see our Christmas Hall. December 17th: We are gathering at 6:00 PM to go Christmas caroling to our members. We want to leave at 6:00 PM so plan on coming a little early. Following the caroling we will return to church for refreshments and a gift exchange. We are asking you to bring a gift (no more than $5.00 in value). We plan to be finished by 8:00 PM. This is our Random Act of Kindness. The LYO wishes you and yours the happiest holiday season. Warm thoughts and Christmas cheer to you. Janeen Oliver. SIGN UP NOW FOR A CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA Our Saviour Altar Guild invites you to place a Poinsettia in the chancel for the festival Christmas Services. Plants are placed as an expression of joy at the celebration of the birth of our Lord and/or in loving memory of family and friends. The cost of a poinsettia this year is $9.00—each plant is wrapped in foil. Please sign up on the special Flower Sheet on the narthex table, take an envelope for the cost of the plant and place it in the offering at any of the Services between now and the sign up deadline of December 14. Plants may be taken home or given to a sick or homebound person following the 10:30 PM Christmas Eve Service. God bless you once again for your thoughtfulness and generosity. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The Women of the ELCA would like to express their thanks to all who contributed in any way to a very successful Election Day Soup and Baked Food Sale. We made in excess of 472. from this sale and the monies earned will allow us to carry out our mission projects within the church and community. Thrivent Financial for Lutheran Choice Dollars donated $600. to the Women of the ELCA as matching funds. THE CHURCH SERVICES ARE RECORDED AND ARE ON YOUTUBE GO TO WWW.OURSAVIOURROCHESTER.ORG AND T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 10 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION BEGINS IN JANUARY FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Registration for the next Nursery School Year—September 2015 to May 2016—opens for members of the congregation in early January. All parents in the congregation with a three or four year old child should receive registration materials in the mail. If you do not, please contact the church office (247-7824). Enrollment opens to the community on a first come first serve basis in mid-January. Members of the congregation are encouraged to register during this special enrollment time in early January. ADVENT WREATH LIGHTING Advent is more than waiting for Christmas. It is a season of the church year that emphasizes beginnings and new creation. It is a time of waiting and anticipation. It is a time of hope. It is a time to remember that God is faithful. God has come. God will come again. God is with us. This year the four Sundays of Advent are observed beginning November 30. Advent is a season of preparation and expectation. Our culture seems to ignore Advent and move right to Christmas. In society today many people are not comfortable with waiting. Advent is a time of waiting. In years past God's people waited for God to act. They waited for the chosen one to come. As Christians we are called to wait. Our waiting has purpose and meaning – we wait in faith for God. Our waiting is active and mission filled. During this season of waiting, Advent points us to the three comings of Jesus. He came among us at Bethlehem. He comes among us now in the scriptures, the sacraments and the community of faith. He will come again in glory to bring God's kingdom to fulfillment. As we wait, come and worship during the Season of Advent. We celebrate God's ongoing love and grace in our lives and the life of our congregation. NEW FLOWER CHART POSTED A new flower chart for 2015 is posted on the Narthex bulletin board. The Altar Guild invites you to indicate the date on which you wish to place flowers on the altar as expression of devotion to the Lord, in memory of a loved one, as an expression of joy and thanksgiving on an anniversary or birthday, or other special occasions in life. The cost for the flowers is $30.00. We encourage and appreciate your participation. T H E C O MM U NI C AT OR DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 11 THANK YOU Carol Werth, Daryl Jarvis, Gordon and Ann Seppa, Linda Loughlin, Mary Ellen Saur, and Richard Yackel for collating, stapling and addressing the November newsletter. Sharon and Richard Yackel and Mary Ellen Saur for assembling the Sunday bulletins. Becky Wiesmore for overseeing the sale of additional daycare items Bob Snyder for opening and closing the building for Election Day. Mary Ellen Saur for the stewardship mailing. Ayden Plowe for continuing to fill the oil candles every other week. Marielies Renke for continuing to water the plants in the narthex area. Mary Ellen Saur for continuing to change the message on the outdoor sign. John Tesch for continuing to recruit ushers for the 8:00 AM Service. Deb Housel for leading the songs in the Contemporary Worship. Ed Jarvis for installing a new larger mailbox and overseeing the security system annual inspection. The Evangelism Committee would like to thank everyone for participating in the Trunk or Treat Event. Thank you to the LYO for the Halloween Hallway. It was a pleasure to see all of the cars decorated, the adults and children dressed up. I’m not sure who had more fun, the adults or the children. The commitment and dedication of all members of Our Saviour is important to the congregation's mission and ministry. We want to recognize the tasks done by members. Committee/Board Chairs and others are asked to share these names with Office Manager, Mary Pleten for inclusion in future issues of the Communicator. WATCH FOR OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2015 The office staff is preparing a set of envelopes for each household in the congregation. The sets are arranged in alphabetical order on the tables in the narthex. Please pick up your set in December, when you are in church. Should you not find a set with your name, please contact the office staff immediately. Thank you. December WOMEN OF THE E.L.C.A. EVANGELISM MEETING Women of the E.L.C.A. Christmas Party, Tuesday, December 9 at 6:30 PM Thursday, December 4, 7:00 PM ALTAR GUILD WORK SESSION JUBILEES and ADULT FELLOWSHIP DECORATES THE CHURCH Saturday, December 6, 6:30 AM. Friday, December 12, 6:30 PM. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING BRUNCH WITH SANTA In recess in December Saturday, December 13, 11:30 AM ELDERS MEETING LYO CHRISTMAS CAROLING December 7, 12:30 PM The Youth meet Wednesday December 17, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PRESCHOOL CHRISTMAAS PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, December 17, 6:30 PM T H E C O M M U NI C A T O R DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 12 The Women of the ELCA would like to thank all who donated to our Annual Election Day Soup and Bake Sale. It was a huge success and I am happy to announce that we raised over $450. Thank you also to Thrivent Financial for their donation from their Choice Dollars Program. With this money, we will be able to continue making donations to various organizations. Our group will again be donating gift cards towards Thanksgiving food baskets. This is the only fund raiser we do and we are always grateful to be able to continue our work at Our Saviour. WOMEN OF THE E.L.C.A. PAGE Our Annual Christmas Party will be held at the home of AnnMarie MacBride on Tuesday, December 9th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome, just bring your favorite party snack. Secret Pals will also be revealed and new ones chosen. A sign-up sheet will be on the table in the Narthex. As we take our winter break, no meeting will be held in January. The number of women attending our meetings is increasing and we hope that this will continue as we move through the new year. We always have room!!! The Women of the ELCA would like to wish you all a very Blessed Christmas Season and a very Happy New Year! Ann Seppa, Secretary BINGO PRIZES FOR WESTGATE NURSING HOME The Women of the ELCA here at Our Saviour continue to collect items to be used as bingo prizes at Westgate Nursing Home. Members of the congregation are invited (and encouraged) to participate in this activity. A plastic box for donations is located on the large table in the narthex. The suggestions that follow were provided by the Recreation Leader at Westgate Nursing Home. Women Men Stuffed animals Stuffed animals Jewelry* After-shave lotion or cologne Cologne Shaving cream Lotion (small bottles) Playing cards, large print Non-slip stocking slippers Non-slip stocking slippers Large print word search books. * clip-on earrings only, necklaces must be long enough to fit over the head, and bracelets large enough to fit over the hand. Jewelry with clasps is difficult to handle. Thank you for your support of this activity and to Donna Evenson who delivers our donations. THE DE C E MB ER 2 01 4 Page 13 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR Richard House 2415 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 Phone: 585-247-7824 Fax: 585-247-7849 Day Care Center :585-247-7849 Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-3:30 PM RICHARDS HOUSE 290 Cypress Street, 14620 (a facility which houses homeless veterans) is holding their 5th annual Christmas Dinner for veteran residents and their families. The dinner is on December 5th from 5PM to 7PM. They are in need of desserts—cookies, pies, cakes, cupcakes etc. They can be both homemade or store bought. Please sign-up on the tan response sheet by Nov 30. The desserts need to bought to church by December 4th. Thank you. Pastor Wilck is normally in his church study Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 AM12:00 PM He is available to meet you at church or at other mutually arranged times. You may also contact him or leave a message at his phone number 269-9086. On Friday, Pastor’s day off, he is available for pastoral emergencies. Please inform Pastor Wilck whenever there is an illness or hospitalization in your family. He appreciates your help. When you are admitted to a hospital , please list your religious preference as “Lutheran Church of Our Saviour” and contact Pastor or the church office. Permit No. 1559 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR 2415 CHILI AVENUE ROCHESTER, NY 14624 Rochester, NY PAID U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Org.