WELCOME to ROSWELL KENT MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT The Roswell Kent community ensures that each day, in a safe and affirming environment, our students will experience personal and academic achievement to prepare them for their future endeavors. VISION STATEMENT To establish an instructional environment for all students which will promote lifelong learning. 1445 Hammel Street Akron, Ohio 44306 330-773-7631 330-773-6442 (fax) http://www.akronschools.com/school/Roswell+Kent+Middle+School Rules and regulations are necessary so that we all know what is expected of us. Roswell Kent Middle School follows the Code of Student Behavior adopted by the Akron Board of Education. In addition, the school has established rules and regulations. We want to work with every student who is experiencing problems. See your teacher or counselor as major problems may result in suspension or referral to the Board of Education Administrative Offices. You, your parents, and the school working together will assist in creating a positive learning environment for all. 1 ATTENDANCE The Akron Board of Education has adopted a policy statement regarding compulsory attendance, which conforms to the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education (CRC 3321 .01). In Ohio, school attendance is compulsory for youths between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18), inclusive (CRC 3321.01). Each parent, guardian or custodian having charge of a child of compulsory school age must send the child to school for the full time the school attended is in session (CRC3321.04). The State Board of Education has adopted regulations governing absence from school (CRC 3321.04). In accordance with these regulations, the Akron Board of Education has adopted a policy statement regarding students excused by reasons other than personal or family illness. When a student is marked absent for an “excused” reason, he/she is permitted to make up all classroom work (that is possible to make up). Excused absences: 1. Personal illness or injury 2. Illness in family 3. Funerals (of immediate family or relative) 4. Quarantine 5. Religious holidays 6. Medical and dental appointments 7. Appointment at the Board of Education Administration Building, Child Guidance Center or juvenile court 8. Emergencies (any emergency or set of circumstances judged as sufficient cause by the school principal) The student is considered present and permitted to make up all work for the class time he/she missed because of the following situations: 1. Field trips (authorized by the principal) 2. School activities, such as athletic team events, musical performances, etc., which are authorized by the principal. Unexcused absences: include but are not limited to: 1. Oversleeping 6. Transportation problems 2. Shopping trips 7. Failure to catch the school bus 3. Hunting, fishing, or similar reasons 8. Clock failure 4. Weather 9. Vacation 5. Flicking or truancy The principal has the authority to make the final decision in determining an excused or unexcused absence from school. When you are absent, a parent or guardian must report the child’s absence and the reason by calling the school secretary between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. the day of the absence. If a parent fails to notify the school and provide a satisfactory reason for an absence, the student will be considered truant. The school phone number is 330-773-7631. Parents reporting an absence may still receive a call from the Akron Public School’s automatic phone system. 2 APPOINTMENTS If you have an appointment with a doctor or dentist during the school day, or if you need to be excused for any other valid reason during the school day, bring a note written by your parent or guardian. The note should indicate the reason for the absence, and indicate the time you will leave and return, as well as the date of the absence. These notes may be sent down with the attendance card, or they may be given directly to your counselor. The note may be brought in prior to the day of absence or before 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. If you have not followed this procedure, or if you become ill and need to leave school, you must get the approval of your principal or counselor before leaving the building. Failure to check out under such circumstances is considered unexcused absence, and is subject to a zero for class work missed. Written verification will be required from the doctor, dentist or place of appointment for the time away from school. This note must be brought back from the appointment or returned the next school day. ARRIVAL TO SCHOOL The grade level doors open to students at 7:53 a.m. The school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Each grade level has a designated door in which students are to enter and leave. The 6th grade door is along the Barbara Avenue side of the school. The 7th grade door is at the corner of Barbara and Hammel St. The 8th grade door is the main front door along Hammel St. The parking lot doors are reserved for parents, staff, and community members. The side gym door off the parking lot will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. for students to sit quietly or enter for breakfast. Students should not be in the building before 7:30 a.m. ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY In order for a student to be eligible, to play Middle School sports (Board Policy 2431) - Middle school students must have passed 5 classes (not credits) the preceding marking period to be eligible; Students must have a GPA of 2.0 or better the preceding marking period to be able to participate; Students with a 1.40 to 1.99 GPA the preceding marking period are permitted to play provided they attend a study table 3 days a week for a minimum of 45 minutes per session. BELL SCHEDULE Regular Bell Schedule 7:53 Building Entry 7:59 Warning Bell 8:00 - 8:48 1st Period 8:51 - 9:34 2nd Period 9:37 - 10:20 3rd Period 10:24 - 10:45 4th Period Lunch A 10:45 - 11:07 4th Period Lunch B 11:11 - 11:32 5th Period Lunch A 11:32 - 11:54 5th Period Lunch B 11:58 - 12:19 6th Period Lunch A 12:19 – 12:41 6th Period Lunch B 12:45 - 1:28 7th Period 1:31 - 2:14 8th Period 2:17 - 3:00 9th Period 3:10 PM – All students are to be in an adult supervised activity or out of the building and off the school grounds. After the activity is completed, students are to exit and not to reenter the building. 3 BICYCLES Students may ride their bikes to school and lock them to the bike rack at the front of the building. We strongly urge you to not ride your bike to school, as the school cannot be responsible for stolen bicycles or bicycle items. NOTE: No motorized bicycles/mopeds, skateboards or scooters are permitted. BOOKS Books are issued to you and their care becomes your responsibility. They are expensive. Place your name and teacher’s name inside the front cover for each of your books. Excessive wear and tear is not normal, and you will be charged for such at the end of the year. Cover all books and keep them clean. This will help you avoid fines. BOOKBAGS/PURSES/GYM BAGS/ANY BACKPACK STORAGE CONTAINER Book bags and purses may be used to and from school. No book bags or purses will be allowed to be carried during the school day. ALL BOOKBAGS AND PURSES WILL BE KEPT IN LOCKERS. Gym clothes may be carried in plastic see-through bags only. CAFETERIA: BREAKFAST PROGRAM AND LUNCH HOUR The breakfast program is open to all students from 7:30 a.m. to 7:53 a.m. Students are not to go to their lockers first, but are to go directly to the cafeteria. All school rules apply during breakfast and lunch. The lunch period is divided into two parts: 20 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess in the gymnasium. All students must eat at their assigned times. Good manners are important and the following rules are expected to be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enter by way of the double doors; exit by way of the side doors. Find a table, sit down quietly. Your table will be called to the line. All food is to be eaten in the cafeteria. NO FOOD is to be removed from the cafeteria. Also, for the safety of all, glass bottles are not permitted at any time in the cafeteria. NO FOOD is to be purchased except during your scheduled lunch period. Once you are seated at a table, you must remain in that seat, unless instructed by an adult (no moving locations). When you are dismissed, push in your chair and take all trash to the containers. Students are not permitted to leave school at lunch. Throwing food may be subject to a 10-day suspension. CARD PLAYING Card playing and related games of chance not permitted. Gambling of any type is forbidden any place on school property. CLASSROOM CONDUCT Each teacher is given the responsibility authority to make and enforce any classroom rules which they feel will provide for a more effective, orderly, and productive learning. Behavior which interferes with instruction is considered a serious violation of the code of behavior. Consequences: Teacher assigned disciplinary measures may include writing assignments, CLASSROOM detention, etc. Students who fail to meet their obligations will be subject to receiving an office referral. BUDDY ROOM: The buddy room is another classroom nearby to where a disruptive student may be sent. The student will receive a writing assignment. The student is to be given an essay to write which is to be signed that night by his/her guardian and returned to the teacher the next school day. If a student refuses to go to the buddy room or does not return the essay, signed by a parent or guardian, an office referral will be submitted. 4 Caution Slips Caution slips will be issued to students by teacher or administrators in the following areas: Cafeteria behavior Learning material (Text/ Work Books) No planner Assembly/Athletic Events Dress code Hallway behavior Study Hall behavior Gum (LRC/Computer Lab/Gym/Specific classrooms) Caution Slip Consequences A caution slip is a warning that inappropriate or irresponsible behavior has taken place. The following consequences will be implemented for caution slips. Caution slips reset to zero at the start of each 9 weeks. 3 caution slips = Detention 6 caution slips = 1 day ISS 9 caution slips = 2 days ISS 15 caution slips = 3 days ISS 21 caution slips = 3 days OSS Every additional 6 caution slips thereafter = 3 days OSS CONFERENCES WITH STAFF Each staff member has an assigned daily conference period. In order to avoid disruptions in education, please call the school office (330-773-7631) to schedule an appointment. COPIERS / COMPUTERS All school office copiers and computers must be used for school business only. No student use. COUNSELORS The Counselors are located in the 1st & 2nd floor office suite. A counselor is available to help you with personal and/or school problems. Ask your teacher for an appointment slip. Fill it out and return it to the teacher. The counselor will call for you as soon as possible. If an extreme emergency arises, ask your teacher for a pass to the counseling office. DO NOT report to the office to see your counselor or other office personnel between classes or any other time without a written pass signed by your teacher, or a call slip from the counselor. Any student that reports without a pass may be sent back to class and receive discipline consequences. DANGEROUS CONDUCT Any action, which endangers the safety and well-being of individuals, will not be tolerated. As a general principle, such actions will result in at least a five day suspension or up to a ten day suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion as well as fines or actions by Akron Police Department or Akron Fire Department. Examples include the following: walking in the streets on the way to and from school, disrespecting citizens personal property, cutting through the staff parking lots, sounding a false alarm, unauthorized use of safety equipment, possession of a weapon, possession of dangerous materials, sale and/or negotiating to sell, distribution of illegal or controlled substances, mob action, and causing physical harm to a student or staff member. Furthermore, if you have knowledge or have reason to believe that the safety of a member of the school community may be at risk, you should immediately contact your assistant principal, counselor, and/or teacher. As a part of the District’s pre-established emergency safety intervention procedures that are in place in our schools, any student who poses an imminent risk of injury to himself/herself or others may be physically restrained and/or placed in seclusion by school staff in accordance with State of Ohio and District policies. As soon as possible after any such incident, the parent or guardian will be informed when any of these actions have occurred. These policies will be available with other school board policies to all parents electronically via our website or as a hard copy, upon request. 5 DISPENSING of MEDICATION When medications must be given during the school day, students must have a form signed by a physician on file. School personnel may refuse to permit any child to take any medication during school hours or supervised school activities unless such signed statement is furnished. A copy of the Request Form for the Dispensing of Prescription Medication may be obtained from the Health Aide. DRESSING AND GROOMING The administration and staff of Kent accept the premise that student dress, grooming, personal appearance should relate to a school’s educational objectives. It is our responsibility to insure the best, healthiest, and safest learning environment possible. Students whose dress, grooming, and personal appearance interfere with student health, safety, or learning maybe placed in ISS or sent home. UNIFORMS POLICY FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES K-12 The Akron Board of Education approved a student uniform policy effective for this current school year for all in kindergarten through grade 8. "See the APS website at http://www.akronschools.com/ for the current dress code" At certain times throughout the school year students may be permitted to dress down (i.e. come to school out of uniform). At those times students must follow “APS Dress code guidelines for grades 9-12” or will be subject to possible discipline action. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT The Akron Board of Education has adopted a policy statement regarding cell phones/electronic devices in school: the use of cell phones and other electronic devices is prohibited during the school day. The only exceptions to this policy are devices used for instruction under the supervision of school personnel. Student may bring cell phones and electronic devices to school, including on school-provided transportation; however, the device MUST be in the off mode and remain out of sight, or be stored in the student locker before and during the school day. "Please see the APS website at... rules "http://www.akronschools.com/ for the current policy. EMERGENCY CARD All students are required by state law to have a current Emergency Card on file. Students will only be released to those individuals listed on their Emergency Card. Students without a current Emergency Card on file may be excluded from school pending compliance. Please call the office if any of this information changes, such as emergency. FALSE ALARMS Any student who initiates or participates in a false fire alarm will receive a ten-day out-of- school suspension. In addition, they may receive a referral to the Board of Education and criminal charges/fines. FIGHTING Disputes between students should be resolved through proper channels. Pushing, shoving, wrestling, causing, participating in or promoting by watching the fight...etc. will be considered as fighting regardless of the intent. If you are involved in a fight you should be prepared to receive the consequences below. CONSEQUENCES: Student Code of Behavior and a possible loss of incentives(s), and may lead to a police report and/or a 10 Day Suspension. 6 GRADING You are advised to use your study time in school and to plan on at least an hour of study at home daily. Some students will find it necessary and desirable to do more, while others will need less. Grades are an evaluation of what you have learned. They become a part of your permanent record that lasts as long as you live. Institutions of higher learning, potential employers and the various military services are interested in your school records. Academic grades (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C- , D+, D, D-, F) encompass an evaluation of homework, test grades, class work, quizzes, reports, projects, participation and-attendance-citizenship grades (1- Excellent, 2 - Above Average, 3- Average, 4Needs to Improve, 5- Very Poor) encompass courtesy, participation, attitude, dependability, trustworthiness, effort, initiative, and general behavior. GRADE POINT AVERAGE A great many parents ask how the GPA (Grade Point Average) is computed. This is done by a formula, which computes, from the semester designation (duration) and units of credit (course credit). The grades received are assigned the following values: Letter Grade Quality Points (QP) Letter Grade Quality Points (QP) A 4 C 2 A3.8 C1.8 B+ 3.2 D+ 1.2 B 3 D 1 B2.8 D0.8 C+ 2.2 F 0 as well as variations of each letter grade. The units of credit of the subject must be considered on a semester basis. HOME ACCESS CENTER – Access to Student Progress via Computer The Home Access Center is a web application which allows parents to view their children's schedule, attendance, class assignments, progress report, report card, test scores, and registration information. With the Home Access Center, you can: View a summary of your child’s schedule and attendance for today, and class assignments for the week. View your child's scheduled classes for the entire school year. View your child's attendance information in calendar format, with color-coded absence types. View your child's class assignments (class work). View your child's Interim Progress Report and Report Card information for the current year. View your child's standardized test scores. View demographic information for your child, such as student name, birth date, gender, building, grade, counselor, homeroom number, and residency status. View the doctor and hospital information on file for your child, and your child’s bus or van number, stop, and pick up/drop off times. Click on the name of a teacher or counselor to automatically generate an e-mail to the teacher or counselor GUM CHEWING/CANDY & FOOD ITEMS Gum is not permitted in specific classrooms as well as in the LRC, Computer Labs, Gyms and Auditorium. Candy and food items will only be permitted in school if given by a staff member as a reward and consumed in the class of that teacher. No food or drinks are to be purchased other than at your assigned lunch period. No food or drink is to be taken from the cafeteria. HALLS Students walk on the right side of the hall. During class passing, talk quietly to the person near you and keep your hands to yourself. Roswell Kent takes pride in the cleanliness of its building; therefore, assist by putting litter in its place. Also, plan to be out of the building or in an activity by 3:10 p.m., as failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. 7 HALL CONDUCT 1. 2. 3. Keep moving to your next class. Walk—No running or horseplay. Use indoor voice in the halls. Walk on the right. Avoid blocking the halls. 4. 5. 6. Form drinking fountain lines along the wall to avoid blocking traffic. Pick up trash. Close your locker - do not slam it. HALL PASSES Anytime you are in the hall you must have a signed hall pass from your teacher in your planner. Failure to have a signed pass will result in disciplinary action. Teachers will only give a hall pass for emergency situations. Hall passes are written in student planners. ILLNESS AT SCHOOL If a student becomes ill at school, teachers will provide a request to the health aide. The office will not give out medicines of any kind except antiseptics and Band-Aids for cuts. Ice for bumps and bruises will be given in extreme emergency situations. Students who become ill will be sent home as soon as parental permission is obtained. Students are not to leave the school building for any reason unless the office excuses them, and properly sign out in the attendance office. If a student suffers from a chronic physical problem for which school adjustments may need to be made, parents or guardians must provide the school with a verifiable medical excuse. IN-SCHOOL STUDY Students must come in uniform; failure to do so is a violation of the school’s dress code policy and will result in additional days of ISS. Students assigned to In-School Study spend their regular school day under the close supervision of a Supervisor. Students are expected to complete all assignments from their classes and are not permitted to talk, make noise, put their heads down, sleep, or behave in any other manner that would disturb the quiet atmosphere of In-School Study. Students who cannot follow these guidelines or the rules below will be removed from In-School Study. In-School Study is an alternative to Out-of-School Suspension in dealing with violations of school or Board of Education rules. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Students who are tardy to ISS will serve the remainder of their day in ISS and may be assigned an additional day. Students assigned to ISS for the day are to eat breakfast in the cafeteria before school (between 7:30 a.m. and 7:53 a.m.). Students will not be permitted to go to breakfast once they are in ISS. Students must gather materials needed from their locker before arriving to ISS no later than 8:00 a.m. Textbooks are available in the ISS room for students to use. Students are to bring textbooks, assignments, and work supplies to the ISS room. ISS Supervisors will check your assignment books. NO reading books or magazines will be allowed, unless they are used to complete assignments or assigned by the ISS Supervisor. Students in the ISS room will be given a group restroom break once in the morning and once in the afternoon, at a time which is at the discretion of the ISS Supervisor. Any additional restroom breaks will be at the discretion of the ISS Supervisor. Any student who is in ISS will not be allowed to attend any extra-curricular activities, participate in any celebrations, or participate in any athletic events. ISS students will be required to serve their After-School Detentions for Tardies on the day in which they are assigned. ISS Disruption/Consequences: 1st Offense: Warning, 2nd Offense: Discipline Writing Assignment, 3rd Offense: Sent to Assistant Principal for conference and possibly further consequences. 8 INTIMIDATION/ BULLYING/HARASSMENT Every member of the school community is entitled to attend school free from harassment, threats, or fear. Bullying and/or intimidation of others may include but is not limited to any repetitive aggressive, or negative gesture, written, verbal or physical act that places another student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person/property, or that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school environment. In addition, soliciting, encouraging, aiding, or engaging in hazing is prohibited. “Hazing” means any intentional, knowing or reckless act directed at a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliating with, and holding office or maintaining membership in any organization, club, or athletic team whose members are or include other students. If you witness humiliation or harassment of another student, make an appointment to see a counselor to report it so all students can feel safe in our school. LOCKS - LOCKERS Every student is issued a locker that must have a combination lock for security purposes. School locks are for sale in the main office. Lockers are not to be entered between classes. Students may enter lockers before homeroom, immediately prior to and after lunch and at the end of the school day. If students enter at any other time, they must have a pass from a teacher. Give no one your combination and permit no friends to use your locker. NOTE: Lockers are subject to search by school officials at any time deemed necessary. Probable cause will result in a search with or without the knowledge of the student. The school cannot be responsible for items left unsecured in the student’s locker. For the safe keeping/protection of items, students are to secure items in their lockers. LOST AND FOUND All items found will be placed in the cafeteria and kept for a brief period of time. If not claimed, they are given to volunteer agencies. MAKE-UP WORK When you are absent and excused or suspended, it is your responsibility to get with your teachers and obtain the make-up work. Once the student receives the work, they have number of days equal to the number of days out, (up to ten) to make it up. Students who are suspended will receive their make-up work after they return from suspension. Please note that some work is impossible to make up; and in those instances, students may receive a zero. Roswell Kent offers After-School Suspension Intervention where students may complete their work from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday. LUNCHTIME GYM EXPECTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Students are to enter gym and sit quietly until directions are given to release them to play (sit on bleachers in assigned area; nobody sits or moves to the top four [4] rows). No running or horseplay on the bleachers. Students are not permitted on the stage. If a student chooses not to participate in gym activity, they should remain seated the bleachers, or around the outside of gym floor in the second gym. Ask others to join in. Pick up trash. Put away equipment when done and use equipment appropriately. METAL DETECTORS/DRUG DOGS From time to time during the school year, metal detectors/drug dogs will be at our school. Walking through the detector is just like walking through a metal detector at an airport. This is a very simple procedure if you do not have items on you which are considered inappropriate for school. Items that are confiscated may be picked up from our main office by a parent. Students are encouraged to notify an adult if knowledge of a weapon or drugs in school . 9 OFFICE DETENTIONS- Served daily during lunch periods Detention is served during the students entire lunch period. Instead of going to the gym or cafeteria, the student must report to the assigned detention room. Lunch will be eaten in the detention room. Misbehavior will result in removal from detention, and the detention will be classified as one the student failed to serve. Failure to serve office detentions may result in ISS, After School Detention or Out of School Suspension. Whenever school personnel assign a detention, it becomes the student’s obligation to serve the detention on the designated day at the designated time. Excused absence is the only acceptable reason for not fulfilling a detention obligation. In that situation, the detention is to be served on the next day of school attendance, or at the direction of school personnel. Detention lists will be posted daily and it becomes every student’s responsibility to check the list and serve their assigned detentions. PBS or Positive Behavioral Supports Positive Behavioral Supports is a positive and effective alternative to traditional methods of discipline. PBS methods are research-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a safer environment, increased academic performance and a more positive school climate. To learn more go to www.akronschools.com/pbs PERFECT ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE A perfect attendance certificate is awarded to those pupils who have Zero days absent and Zero days tardy every day that school is in session during the school year. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Participation in physical education classes is mandatory. To be excused from physical education, a note from your doctor must be on file in your school records. The required appropriate gym dress includes shorts, T-shirt, socks and gym shoes. Failure to dress and/or participate in physical education will result in a zero and students will be in danger of failing the grading period. NOTE: The school cannot be responsible for items left unsecured in the locker rooms. For the safe keeping/protection of items, students are to bring a lock from home to secure items in the locker room lockers. This lock is to be removed at the end of the gym period. PLANNERS The planners are designed to help students be academically and socially successful at Kent Middle School. It is an aid for organizing homework assignments. All students are required to carry their planners at all times. Loss or destruction of planners will result in consequences. Students are required to take the planner home for parents to read in order for them to be aware of classroom content and student assignments. Planners are also used to maintain a dialogue between parents, teachers and students. Students without a planner will be issued consequences. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Akron Board of Education, in response to state law, adopted a policy requiring all students and staff to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag daily. This daily activity helps foster and perpetuate the ideals, principles, and spirit of our Democracy. All students and faculty members will be expected to join in the daily salute to the flag unless religious, personal, or political convictions prohibit them from participating in this activity. Parents who do not want a student to recite the Pledge must notify the student’s assistant principal in writing. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION School is an inappropriate place for holding hands, kissing, and embracing one another. This type of behavior will not be condoned. On the first offense, students will receive a warning. On the second offense, students will be referred to the unit office for appropriate consequences. 10 SAFETY DRILLS Fire Drills Each room will have the fire exit posted. When the fire alarm sounds, you are to immediately leave the building by the correct exit. This is to be done under the direction of your teacher, and in a quiet orderly manner. If you are in the hall, report to the nearest assistant principal, principal or safety team member. Tornado Drills Each room has an assigned shelter area in the building to report to in case of a tornado drill. Your teacher will direct you to that location. Directions are posted in each classroom. During tornado and fire drills there is absolutely NO TALKING permitted!! Students should face the wall and cover their heads with their hands and arms. Listen to instructions from staff while participating in a drill. SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT Students who sign in after 9:45 a.m. or sign out before 1:45 p.m. in the school day are to be counted 1/2 (half) day absent. If the student has signed in at the beginning of the school day before 9:45 a.m., the student is tardy (excused or unexcused). Students may only be signed out through the main office. SNOW PLAY While playing in the snow can be a fun and healthy activity, it can also become dangerous to anyone in the area. For this reason, throwing snow on school property, or en route to or from school, is not permitted. Disciplinary action will be taken for those who violate the policy. SPECTATOR RULES FOR ATHLETIC EVENTS/AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES 1. Students are to go to their lockers for all belongings before going to after-school events. 2. After entering the gymnasium, students are to remain seated except to use the restrooms. Students are not to move around the bleachers socializing. Remain seated for safety reasons. In addition, students are not to run onto the playing floor after the game or activity, but are to remain on the bleacher side of the painted line on the floor. 3. Stomping one’s feet on the bleachers can damage the bleachers, rendering them unsafe; therefore, this is not permitted. Also, this can often be interpreted as a sign of unsportsmanlike conduct. Therefore, this and any other inappropriate/ unsportsmanlike conduct (such as “booing”) will not be tolerated. 4. Roswell Kent’s staff is concerned about the safety and welfare of all students. The purpose of attendance at athletic events is for enjoyment by all; however, dangerous acts, rudeness, and poor/disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Students engaging in this type of activity will be dismissed from the activity without a refund of the entry fee and may receive additional disciplinary consequences. NOTES 1. Students are not permitted to attend any activities at another school unless they enter, and remain, with their parents or guardians. 2. Suspended students may not be on grounds or attend any event during the suspension, either at Roswell Kent Middle School or any other Akron Public School. 11 TARDINESS AND TRUANCY FROM SCHOOL OR CLASS. State law requires students to attend school. Students must attend all assigned periods as listed on their schedule. Only a principal, assistant principal, counselor, or the teacher whose class is being missed may excuse student from class attendance. The penalty for truancy (flicking) includes: 1st Offense: 1 day lSS 2nd Offense: 2 days ISS 3rd Offense (and on): 3 days ISS Continuous truancy or flicking from class may result in OSS. Chronic truancy from school will result in a referral to the Juvenile Court. Students are permitted to go to their lockers at 7:53 a.m. every morning. To assist you in your efforts at punctuality, a warning bell rings at 7:59 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. It is our expectation that you will be seated in first period class before the tardy bell. If you are tardy to school after 8:00 a.m. you are instructed to report to the main hall outside the office and sign into school. Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will receive an admit pass. To be considered on time, a student must be seated in each class before the tardy bell rings. Students who are not seated are tardy to class. A student arriving to class after 9 minutes will be considered flicking, and subject to the penalties listed above. Tardy to class will result in a caution slip offense and will follow consequences of caution slip violations. Tardy to School Tardy 3 = after school detention and communication home Tardy 6 = after school detention and communication home Tardy 9 = one day ISS Tardy 12 = one day ISS Tardy to school count will reset at the beginning of each grading period. Tardy to homeroom due to eating a late breakfast WILL count as a tardy to school and will add to the above consequences. In order for a tardy to be considered excused, a parent or guardian must notify the school within 24 hours via phone, note, or in person of the reason for the tardy. **Students who do not serve their assigned after school detention will be issued one day of ISS the following school day. TELEPHONES School telephones are very busy. Students may use office phones only for an emergency call to a parent. The office staff will get messages to students. However, we will not pull students out of class for phone calls. Students may not use school phones during any class period without a pass from an Administrator. TRAVELING TO AND FROM SCHOOL Students should display good behavior in the community. Students traveling to and from school should respect private property in the community and cross streets in the designated crosswalks. TRESPASSING Middle school students are not permitted on the grounds of any other Akron Public School during the school day or during school functions. Violation of this rule may result in suspension. Middle school students must be accompanied by a parent if they go onto the grounds of any other school. Students suspended from school are not permitted at any school site unless coming for after school tutoring. The consequences of such action may be additional suspension time. Police charges may also be filed for trespassing on school grounds. 12 TRANSPORTATION A student’s assignment for school bus transportation is based on student’s home address. Information regarding bus stop locations may be obtained by calling the office. BUS RULES (in compliance with State Law) All students riding the bus must: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Show their bus pass daily to ride the bus. Students must get on and off the bus at the assigned bus stop. Arrive at your bus stop 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Be careful crossing streets. Cross only at cross walks. Make sure you wait in an area 10 giant steps away from where the bus stops. Be cautious of strangers. Report anyone suspicious to your driver. Make an orderly line, no pushing or shoving. Wait for the driver to open the door, and then walk onto the bus, being careful not to trip. No pushing. Go directly to your assigned seat. Stay seated at all times and keep aisles clear. Place backpacks on your lap. Do not block exits. Talk quietly to your seat partner, no yelling or screaming. No profane language No eating or drinking. Do not throw or pass objects on, from or into the bus. Do not put heads hands, arms, or feet out any window. If stopped at a railroad crossing, there is to be no talking. Remain quiet until driver’s signal. Upon arriving at school, stay in seat until dismissed by the driver. Do not leave belongings on the bus. If you drop anything around or under the bus, get the drivers attention for help. Do not try to retrieve it. After departing the bus, take 10 giant steps away from the bus. In addition to the above, the Akron Board of Education’s Code of Student Conduct as well as Kent Middle School’s policies and regulations apply to all bus students. Violation of any of these rules or regulations will result in disciplinary action, to include but not limited to, suspension of bus riding privileges and/or suspension from school. VANDALISM Acts of vandalism including destruction of property and graffiti writing will be referred to the unit office for action under the Code of Student Behavior. VISITORS Persons on official school business shall report to the Main Office to sign in. Students from other schools are not permitted to visit during the school day without the permission from the building principal. WEAPONS Ohio law makes it a felony for any person to convey, attempt to convey, or possess any weapon or dangerous ordnance onto or on any property owned or controlled by, or to any activity held under the auspices of a school. Students possessing weapons on school property will be referred to the Board of Education and action may be taken by the Akron Police Department. WEATHER RELATED CONCERNS On a day school is closed due to the weather, all activities are cancelled. There will be no athletic practices, games, or any other activity. ***All suspension days scheduled for a day of school closure will be moved up and must be served after school reopens.*** 13 Roswell-Kent Middle School Title I Parent Involvement Policy 2015/2016 Dear Parent and/or Guardian, Roswell Kent Middle School is considered a Title I School wide program. A Title I Schoolwide program is a method of delivering title I services in eligible schools. It allows the school to address the educational needs of students living in a community with an economic disadvantaged middle school student population of 40% or greater. As a Title I Schoolwide program, our Title services can provide comprehensive strategies for improving the entire school so every student achieves high levels of academic proficiency. Schoolwide programs have the latitude to determine how to organize their operations and allocate the multiple funding sources available to them. They do not have to identify particular children as eligible for services. Schoolwide programs can use all allocated funds to increase the amount and quality of learning time. In this way, they can embrace a high-quality curriculum according to a comprehensive plan that ensures all children meet the state’s challenging academic standards. Schoolwide programs serve all children in the school. All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall Schoolwide program. The purpose is to generate high levels of academic achievement in core subject areas for all students, especially those most in need. The purpose is achieved through: High quality instruction. Programming based on the use of scientifically based research. Strategies and methods to improve teacher quality and professional development. Consolidated use of funds. Some students simply need more time and direct, explicit instruction in order to succeed. Classroom teachers and Title I staff will utilize data from Title I assessments, benchmark assessments, and classroom work to determine those showing the greatest need. Students showing the greatest need, and who are not receiving special education services, are serviced first. How are parents involved? Parents are notified about Title I services. Parents, teachers, and students sign a compact that indicates goals and shared responsibilities of the child, school and parents for student success. Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities/meetings. Parents may participate in Title I meetings and learning opportunities. Parents are provided Title I information via newsletters, conferences, and parent involvement plan. What can parents do? Share a love of learning and set a good example by reading, practicing math facts, playing with money (identify coins/make change), writing letters and/or lists, comparing prices, etc. Make learning fun by playing educational games, visiting the library, and listening to and talking with your child. Show interest in your child’s school day by asking specific questions and praising effort and improvement. This year as a Schoolwide Title I program, all families will receive the compact letter, which is in this student planner (see below). As a building, we welcome your ideas and feedback about our Title I services. We are looking forward to delivering our Title I services schoolwide! This will be a great benefit to our students. 14 STUDENT TEACHER PARENT/GUARDIAN I AGREE TO: I AGREE TO: I AGREE TO: Attend school and be on time. Show respect, personal responsibility and self-discipline. Maintain a level of academic performance that meets or exceeds standards. (“C” or above) Follow classroom, school and district rules and policies regarding behavior and dress code. Communicate with my parents and encourage them to attend school functions. Strive to master Ohio’s high academic standards, pass the Ohio Achievement Test, and continue to Support regular attendance and preparedness. Have my child at school each day on time. Provide a safe and orderly environment where all students can learn each day. Teach and model respect to my child for self, others, and their environment. Maintain a productive, standardsbased learning environment. Create a positive attitude towards education at home so my child can learn and succeed. Enforce classroom, school and district rules and policies regarding behavior and dress code. Attend school activities and functions. Support classroom, school, and district rules and policies regarding behavior and dress. Attend interim pickups and school functions to keep communications open. the next grade. Help my students master Ohio’s high academic standards, pass the Ohio Achievement Test, and continue on to the next grade. Student sign ____________________ Teacher sign _________________ Parent sign ___________________ Date ____________________ Date ___________________ Date ___________________ 15 Help my child master Ohio’s high academic standards, pass the Ohio Achievement Test, and continue on to the next grade.