March 10-15, 2015 Divi Southwinds Beach Resort of Barbados


March 10-15, 2015 Divi Southwinds Beach Resort of Barbados
March 10-15, 2015
Divi Southwinds Beach Resort of Barbados
During the Caribbean Fine Art Fair in Barbados
perfect for:
International Studies & Arts Students;
Visual & Performing Artists/Arts Ensembles, Faculty, Critics, and Arts Patrons
what’s in store for you:
A meaningful and fun-filled Caribbean Spring Break
at Divi Southwinds Beach Resort located on the
world-renowned Dover Beach in Barbados
Get FREE access to all Caribbean Fine
Art Fair events and admission to a unique
conference featuring leaders in the field of
social action art
Enjoy local and international artists and
ensembles in workshops, performances,
and exhibits.
Enjoy the company of new friends and global
youth companions from the conference hall to
the beach in beautiful Barbados
Attend incredible special events and
networking sessions led by the Producers
of the Youth Assembly at the United
To register or find more information: Contact [email protected] or
Call Toll-Free 1-800-526-2908
The Beachfront CultureFest is an extension of the Humanicy, a project of The Permanent Mission of Sao
Tome and Principe to the UN and Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, Inc.
Are you ready for the best spring break of your life? If you are looking for an
extraordinary way to spend your vacation this Spring, join us in the beautiful island of
Barbados for five days of meaningful fun--from the glorious Dover Beach to the Caribbean
Fine Art Fair and a UN-related conference. It’s a spring break getaway like no other.
Let’s redefine Spring Break with fun and life-changing cultural exchange that fosters arts
and social development! Please find below the preliminary itinerary:
preliminary itinerary
March 10
Arrival, transfers, check-in; Dinner on the beach; Orientation and introductions
March 11
CultureFest and Caribbean Fine Art Fair begins (CaFA - Official Partner of CultureFest)
9:30 AM - Opening Welcome by Dignitaries and Ambassadors;
Keynote Address: A Conversation with Kathy Eldon (Creative Visions)
11:00 AM - 12:00 NN - Opening Workshops: Friendship Ambassadors Foundation and
Creative Visions
12:00 NN - 3:00 PM - Lunch on your own; Free Time at the Beach
3:00 - 5:00 PM - CaFA Press Conference
6:00 - 9:00 PM - CaFA Gala Opening Night
March 12
CultureFest morning; Free beach time and Fair in the afternoon; Beach at Night
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Small group rehearsals; Work with Kathy Eldon
1:00 - 8:00 PM - Lunch on your own, CaFA Fair; On the Beach w/ UN Ambassador Angelo
Antonio Toriello; Dinner on your own at CaFA Fashion Night
9:00 - 10:00 PM - Theatre Presentation on the beach; Informal talks and Creative Visions
March 13
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - CaFA presentation at CultureFest: Danny Simmons & the Spoken
2:00 - 5:00 PM - Project-specific work: Noted CAFA artist presentation and break-out times;
Participants’ Presentations
6PM onwards - Fair & Beach
March 14
CultureFest and Caribbean Art Symposium Post Breakfast: Island Boat Tour; break out time
for rehearsal or art work
Afternoon: CaFA Symposium and Special Events
7PM - 9PM - Project-specific break-out times; Evening video screening and Participants’
Presentations; Farewell Reception and Closing Ceremonies
Until late Eve - Beach Networking Party
March 15
Departure after breakfast; Transfers Extensions available; all programs subject to
program costs
Land-only Cost per Person
(with Double Room Occupancy)
USD 996.00
Land-only Cost per Person
(with Single Room Occupancy)
USD 1440.00
*The above cost are based on minimum of 20 paying participants. Prices are subject to
increase should the number of paying participants be below the minimum.
cost includes
- Participation in Humanicy’s The Beachfront CultureFest in Barbados Program
- 5-Nights Accommodation at Divi Southwinds Resort
- Daily Admission to Carribean Fine Art Fair and Symposium in Barbados
- Certificate of Completion from the Producers: Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, a UN
Associated NGO, in Association with the Office of the UN Deputy Permanent Representative
Angelo Toriello, Permanent Mission of São Tomé and Príncipe, the Permanent Mission of
Barbados to the United Nations, and the Caribbean Fine Art Fair
For an extra $85 only, we can offer:
- Daily Breakfast
- 3 CultureFest Dinners
- Roundtrip Airport Transportation (Group Shuttle)
costs does not include:
- Flight Arrangement and Airfare
- Food and Beverages not specified
- Optional excursions (Island Tour/Boat Trip at a supplement cost of $100 per person)
- Travel Insurance
- Incidentals and personal expenses
- Any other items not specified in the cost inclusions above
payment plan:
Deadline for full payment - February 26, 2015
cancellation policy:
Due to the proximity of the event, FAF will not be able to
provide any refunds in case of cancellations for any reasons.
please fill out completely.
First Name:____________________ M.I._______Last:____________________
Gender:___________ Birthdate:____/____/____ Citizenship:______________
Email:________________________Phone Number:_____________________
Are you a student?
Yes - Name of NGO:_________________________
Tell us more about yourself and your work:_____________________________
Why would you like to attend the conference?___________________________
choose one of the following payment options.
Check/Money Order (payable to: Friendship Ambassadors Foundation)
Please mail to: Friendship Ambassadors Foundation
Credit Card (fax to: 203-542-0661 or email: [email protected])
Note: 5% Credit Card Fee will apply.
299 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich CT 06830
Card Number
Cardholder Print Name
Wire Transfer
Security Code
Cardholder Signature
Beneficiary: Friendship Ambassadors Foundation, Inc.
Address: 299 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, CT 06830
JP Morgan Chase Bank | Bank address: 3a Pickwick Plaza, Greenwich, CT 06830
Bank account: 100951020 | Routing number: 021202337 | Swift code: CHASUS 33
Please be reminded that FAF has to receive the payments in net (after bank service fee
and tax). Thus applicant is required to cover the costs of the transfer by both banks if
payments remitted by wire transfer.
please send this form to [email protected]