Your donations change lives. When you give to Goodwill, your donation of clothing and household items changes lives. At Goodwill we use your donations to provide job-training / ,_..---... and employment services helping people .. go to work throughout our community. At Goodwill, we turn donations into items we sell in our retail store. Items we cannot sell are recycled and kept from going to the landfill. The revenues we earn in our stores are turned into education, training and employment services helping lpeople go to work. Thank you for supporting Goodwill! For a complete list and description of programs and services, visit us online at Caring for our community, our people, and our planet. Thank you! GOODWILL ------- I N D UST RI ES Your donations change lives. OF THE COLUMB IA WILLAMETTI Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette acknowledges that a non-cash donation was received from: Received by:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: _ _ __ THIS IS YOUR TAX RECEIPT Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Federal law provides that clothing and household goods must be in "good used condition or better" in order to qualify for tax deductions. For your records, use the space below to itemize your donation. IRS regulations prohibit charitable organizations from establishing or affirming the value of contributions.