Winter 2004 Number 66 - Kansas Music Teachers Association
Winter 2004 Number 66 - Kansas Music Teachers Association
Winter 2004 Number 66 President’s Corner Mission Statement IMTF Chair Thanks For Coming To KC Music Progressions Local Associations World Pedagogy Conference MTNA National Conference 3 4 4 5 6-7 8-9 10 11 1 KMTA Honors Auditions KMTA District Auditions Message From VP of Auditions MTNA MTNA Certified Teachers Board Meeting Minutes KMTA Board Members 12-18 19-20 20 22 23 24-25 26 2 Greetings to all Music Teachers! KMTA, MTNA and your local association join to provide inspiring, invigorating, and professional enhancing activities and events this Fall of 2003 and the Spring of 2004. locale and attend. Your professional acumen and teaching will be affected for years to come from all the National Conference has to offer. Plan now to attend. The KMTA board has been working for the best interest of this fine organization. At the last meeting on October 30 several action items were discussed, debated and voted upon. Some of the changes in policy are listed. The Tri-State (Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska) Conference offered a wide variety of teaching ideas and techniques by nationally, regionally and locally recognized pedagogues, performers, and music industry representatives. Members from all three states dedicated an uncountable number of hours and an immeasurable amount of talent to make this event a success. Congratulations to all and thanks to all who contributed to the Tri-State conference. It was truly an exciting weekend; one which I will not forget. If you were not able to attend, visit with someone who did and learn of their first hand experience. The Local Associations and Collegiate Chapters have an opportunity to enhance their projects with a minigrant. Seventeen hundred KMTA sponsored dollars are available to distribute to these affiliated associations/chapters. Every association/chapter applying will receive a minimum $100 award, any money left over can then be distributed at the committee’s discretion. Associations/Chapters will be notified following the Fall Board Meeting. Each association/chapter should plan to participate in this program next year. The money is waiting to support the excellent programs your association/chapter provide. The 2003 KMTA State Honors Auditions and Collegiate Auditions were held November 15th and 16th respectively. The University of Kansas ably hosted the event in Lawrence, Kansas. David Tauscher and Shiao-Li Ding ran and organized the largest State Auditions to date. As always, the auditions ran smoothly under their leadership. The excitement and determination visible on the participants faces as they anticipate the audition for which they have practiced so diligently makes this event worthwhile. For a more professional look, new brochures will be designed and printed for publicity/membership and for advocacy of music study. Several other items can be found in the minutes presented in this issue of the “Update.” Thank you to all the board members who gave their time and energy to the organization during this board meeting. Thank you again to Capital Federal Savings for their wonderful financial support of this event. A total of $2,500 is distributed among several winners to help defray costs of preparing for the state auditions and representing KMTA at the division and hopefully the national MTNA auditions. KMTA appreciates this financial institution’s yearly support of music study. Have a wonderful inspiring beginning to your 2004 teaching year. Look to KMTA and MTNA to help you achieve the highest quality of music teaching you are able to provide for your community. The 2004 Music Progressions are available for you and your students in the Spring. Check this edition of the “Update” and your local association for the dates in your area. Remember Music Progressions is a comprehensive music program designed to evaluate all students. Enroll as many of your students as possible. Sincerely, Tim Shook, President The Tri-State Conference was a warm-up for the 2004 MTNA National Conference March 27-31. Take advantage of the National Conference being at a close 3 IMTF UPDATE Greetings Independent Music Teachers! What could possibly be better than the Tri-State Conference held in Kansas City October 31-November 1? Well, take a look and mark your calendars quickly for the upcoming Music Teachers National Conference to be held in Kansas City, Missouri, March 27-31, 2004. PEDAGOGY SATURDAY VIII, Teaching for Independence: Creating Lifelong Musicians is at the top of the list! Professional Studio Saturday is another exciting possibility. If you missed the IMTF luncheon at the Tri-State Conference, Gary Ingle shared there will be a Free Studio Makeover awarded to an Independent Music Teacher at the National Conference. Entries must be postmarked no later than January 15, 2004. Personally, I am very excited about Barry Green as the keynote speaker. Barry is the author of The Inner Game of Music, a book well worth reading, if you have not done so. Bobby Watson will once again be on hand as a featured performer. For those of you who sat in on the fabulous panel discussion, Improvisation Verses Interpretation at TriState, know first hand that Bobby Watson is profound, inspirational and graced with humor. If you sat in on his Saturday session, you know he is a gifted and inspired jazz musician in addition. Well, the list goes on, and hopefully you have already registered for the upcoming March National Conference. If not do so. It promises to be the afterglow of the Tri-State Conference. Meanwhile, you’ll want to also be tuned into the February 26-28 KMEA/KMTA Convention in Wichita. Daniel J. Masterson is the Liaison between KMTA/KMEA. Dan has been working very hard to promote advocating for one another. I encourage you to be aware of ways we as Independent Music Teachers can work with Public Education. There are many rewards in store for your students and also for you. Doug Talley is a public educator with the Shawnee Mission School District, Jazz Artist and Clinician and loaned several of his CDs for our Tri-State IMTF Luncheon. As a friend and colleague, he was an advocate for me and in turn, I am an advocate for KMTA Mission Statement all he does for the profession of music education and performing. Some of you did catch me after the luncheon to inquire as to how to get his CDs. For those of you who did not, contact him personally at [email protected] or you may also contact me at [email protected]. The CDs were Kansas City Suite, Night and Day and Town Topic. Borders Books and Music Store also carry his CDs. Finally, many thanks to all who worked so creatively and artistically to make for such a inspired Tri-State Conference. I was truly blessed by the wonderful IMTF Luncheon table hosts/hostesses, who lead the table conversations on Foundation, Advocacy, and Certification. Each Independent Music Teacher was a blessing as experiences and creative ideas were shared in great fellowship, and ALL THAT JAZZ! Caren S. Loper IMTF KMTA Please Keep An Eye Out Two Yamaha Clavinova digital pianos were stolen from Judy Bisek’s piano studio in Wichita, KS on November 29th. The pianos are both model CVP-208. They feature dark rosewood, a large LCD display, disk drive and four post legs. The pianos have a full 88 key keyboard. We have the serial numbers for proper The KMTA Update is published by identification. These pianos could be the Kansas Music Teachers Assoanywhere. If you come across one, ciation. For information about please call Judy at 316-945-9649. membership, contact Pat Ziegelmeier, Executive Secretary, Judy is a member of the Wichita 2154 County Road 27, Gem, Kan- Metropolitan Teacher's Association. Kansas Music Teachers Association is dedicated to helping each student experience the joy of music. Through its educational programs and activities, this organization will empower its members – teachers with high professional standards – to foster in students a lifelong commitment to music as patrons, performers, teachers and hobbyists. KMTA will also work in partnership with communities across Kansas to insure that music is an ongoing, vital part of the cultural life. KMTA Publications Fall Auditions Handbook (2001) - $5 Music Progressions Handbook - $10 Free publications to members Power of One Brochure (1997) Membership Brochure (1994) Officer’s Handbook (1995) Membership Directory KMTA Update (January and June) Contact Pat Ziegelmeier to order: 2154 County Road 27 Gem, Kansas 67734 sas 67734 For submission or sponsorship information, contact Melissa Falkner, Front page graphic is from the 5800 West 89th Terrace, Overland MNTA web site. Park, Kansas 66207 Credits p 22 4 Thanks for Coming to Kansas City Linda Featherston, President-Elect What an exciting year it has been for KMTA. Thanks to all of you who made it to Kansas City for the Tri-State Conference. As always, it was wonderful seeing old friends and making new. Conferences are such a great time for professional and personal growth. Each new idea I pick up from a session or a talk with a colleague helps me as a teacher and a person. I hope to see you all back in Kansas City in March for the MTNA National Conference. I’ve only made it to one national conference, but I promise you that it’s worth every penny. On a different note, thanks to all of you who returned the membership surveys that were included in the last Update. Thanks to the local associations that were kind enough to bring the surveys to a local meeting. It’s that kind of local action that keeps KMTA a vital organization. It’s still not too late to send in surveys to me via regular or e-mail. 5 Music Progressions A Comprehensive Musicianship Program submitted by Keturah Lawrence Music Progressions is designed to be a suggested curriculum of independent music study for the members of KMTA and their students. This curriculum is coupled with an annual test sponsored by KMTA local associations and/or groups of KMTA teachers. This noncompetitive program consists of ten progressive levels. Each level requires proficiency in performance, music terminology, rhythm and pulse development, sight-playing, scales, written theory, and ear-training. Students may enter any level. Participation is not based on year in school or years of music study. The test provides a music event evaluating the progressive growth of ALL students – those studying music as a hobby as well as those aspiring to enter the music world professionally. A new Music Progressions Resource Handbook has been created by Wendy Stevens & Keturah Lawrence to enhance the Music Progressions curriculum. All activities and worksheets provided in the resource handbook are 100% reproducible so that teachers may use them to prepare students for the Music Progressions testing event. Effective January 1, 2004 the price of the resource handbook will increase to $12 to cover shipping/handling costs. With over 90 reproducible pages of valuable teaching ideas from multiple KMTA teachers, it’s an inexpensive resource that you will use over & over again with your students. Music Progressions resources may be ordered through Pat Ziegelmeier, 2154 County Road 27, Gem, KS 67734. Please make checks payable to KMTA. · · Music Progressions Curriculum Guide $10 Music Progressions Resource Handbook (reproducible) $12 2004 Music Progressions Schedule District 1 Northeast Kansas Music Teachers Association Washburn University, Topeka January 24 Linda Smith, Chairperson Northwest Kansas PTA Colby Community College May 8 Sharon Kriss, Chairperson District 6 South Central Kansas Music Teachers Association First Baptist Church Mulvane, KS April 16 & 17 Debra Alexander, Chairperson Kansas City Music Teachers Association Schmitt Music and Vaccaro’s Piano & Organ Overland Park, KS February 6, 7 & 8 (as needed) Entry Deadline : December 15 Melissa Falkner, Chairperson South Central Kansas Music Teachers Association Immanuel Lutheran Church Wichita, KS March 13 Annetta Smith & Becky Schmidt, Co-Chairs District 2 Southeast Kansas Music Teachers Association Pittsburg State University, McCray Hall May 1 Loretta Kehle, Chairperson Newton Music Teachers Association Hesston College April 24 Carol Klingenberg and Lillian Harms, Co-Chairs District 4 North Central Music Teachers League DCHS, Oberlin April 17 Cheryl Metcalf, Chairperson If your center is not listed, but will be participating in Music Progressions, please send me the appropriate information as soon as possible. This will enable me to send you the test packets and listening CD’s. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns regarding KMTA Music Progressions. Thank you! Keturah Lawrence 11815 Cindy Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 655-6451 or (316) 729-1916 [email protected] 6 Music Progressions Enrollment Form Entry Fee for all levels $17.00 per student KMTA District No. _______ Location_____________________ Date______________ Name of Student__________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Circle level entered: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Preference for time of day _____a.m. _____p.m. Name of Teacher______________________________ Phone___________________________ Teacher’s Address_______________________________________________________________ Performance Requirements: 1. Memorized solo_______________________________________________________ Composer____________________________________________________________ 2. Contrasting solo (memory optional)________________________________________ Composer_____________________________________________________ OPTIONS (Levels 3-10) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Important Information Students – please make checks payable to your teacher. Teachers – make one check payable to KMTA for total amount of students and give to your Music Progression chairperson. Levels 1-10 will all be scheduled for 30 minutes with the Facilitator. This includes: Performance, Music Understanding and Vocabulary, Functional Skills, and Options. Written Theory (all Levels) and Listening (Levels 3-10) will be scheduled separately. 7 8 MTNA Local Associations Presidents Kansas Central Kansas Piano Teachers Rebecca Dudrey 1900 Harrison Great Bend, KS 67530 Manhatten Area MTA Carol Dodderidge NCTM 3101 Harahey Ridge Manhattan, KS 66502 South Central Kansas MTA Debra Alexander 16 Circle Drive Mulvane, KS 67110 (620) 793-5603 (785) 539-1077 (316) 777-4150 No e-mail given [email protected] [email protected] Hutchinson PTL Jeanette Krenzin 1508 Linda Lane Hutchinson KS 67502 Newton MTA Marilyn Reimer 629 Stone Creek Drive Newton, KS 67114 Wichita Metropolitan MTA Kathy Fehrmann 4419 Eagle Lake Drive Wichita, KS 67220 (620) 662-4983 (316) 283-8047 (316) 744-2947 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] High Plains PTA Leona Schulte 2708 Golf Course Road Victoria, KS 67671 North Central Kansas MTL Cheryl Metcalf 310 W. Hall Oberlin, KS 67749 Walnut Valley MTA Melba Maechtlen 2017 East Chestnut Arkansas City, KS 67005 (785) 735-2444 (785) 896-2449 (620) 442-3719 No e-mail given [email protected] [email protected] Kansas City MTA Sharon Eckart 3906 West 141st Drive Leawood, KS 66224 Northeast Kansas MTA Cynthia J. Strait 6324 SW Urish Rd Auburn, KS 66402 (913) 851-1678 (785) 862-5310 [email protected] [email protected] McPherson Area PTL Maridene Lundstrom 208 N. Chestnut Lindsborg, KS 67456 Northwest Kansas PTA Sharon Kriss NCTM 1820 Harvey Ct Colby, KS 67701 (785) 227-3536 (785) 462-2800 [email protected] [email protected] 9 9th Annual World Piano Pedagogy Conference Dedicated to John Perry Las Vegas, NV October 27th-30th, 2004 Dear Kansas Music Teachers, World Piano Pedagogy Conference continues to innovate, reinvent and create inspiring and educational international events for piano teachers and students of all levels and ages. This year we dedicate our conference to one of the most distinguished, successful, and beloved international artist teachers, John Perry, for his 70th birthday celebration. He will illuminate your musical imagination in a recital featuring the Schubert Sonata in B flat, D. 960. Leon Fleisher will, in Mr. Perry’s honor, give a master-class, lecture, a recital and more. Among others, our presenters will include Yoheved Kaplinsky and Adam Wibrowski (Poland, teacher of Christian Zimmerman) and some of the most successful former students of John Perry. Attention: John Perry’s Former and Current Students, Colleagues! You are invited to attend the conference and a reunion/celebration of John Perry’s students and colleagues in Las Vegas. Please inform any and all of Mr. Perry’s students that you have contact with. Our goal is to have all John Perry’s former students join us! Please contact Ruthanne Miller with any questions or information you may have to help us reach John Perry’s students: 1-866-Piano-Talk or [email protected] NEW!!! The WPPC Injury Diagnosis Clinic will, for the first time, offer an opportunity for injured musicians to be diagnosed and given professional advice on how to overcome injuries. Yoheved Kaplinsky (Chair of the piano dept. at Juilliard) and Hans-Christian Jabush (MD Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians Medicine, Hanover, Germany) will oversee the Clinic. Wellness and Prevention of Injuries Sessions with Veda Kaplinsky, Dr. Robert Poczatek (MD, Director, the Focal hand Dystonia Laboratory, Birmingham AL), Dr. Hans-Christian Jabusch and Dr. Eckart Altenmuller (both MDs, Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians Medicine) specializing in hand injuries, will be of the highest quality offered in our profession. Visit after March 1st for all the details about the conference program and much more (we are preparing an intriguing surprise!). 10 MTNA National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri March 27–31, 2004 CINCINNATI (November 2003)— The 2004 Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) National Conference will be held March 27–31 in Kansas City, Missouri, at the Marriott Downtown and the Kansas City Convention Center, Bartle Hall. Nearly 2,000 independent music teachers, collegiate faculty, students and parents will be among those attending the informational sessions, master classes, evening concerts and exhibits. Highlights of the conference include: Four full days of educational sessions presented by well known clinicians covering topics pertinent to music-teaching professionals Free evening concerts featuring pianist, Jon Kimura Parker and chamber trio, Zephyr Technology sessions, presented in partnership with the International Association of Electronic Keyboard Manufacturers, offering technological strategies for the music studio Group Teaching Track presented in partnership with the National Piano Foundation A 175-booth exhibit hall offering opportunities to browse and purchase teaching methods, sheet music, music technology and more Industry showcases introducing the latest teaching innovations Informative and timely Pedagogy Saturday and Professional Studio Saturday events and sessions National competitions finals and winners’ concerts in all instruments and levels, showcasing the best young performers nationwide Music Teachers National Association is a nonprofit organization of independent and collegiate music teachers committed to furthering the art of music through teaching, performance, composition and scholarly research. Founded in 1876, Music Teachers National Association is the oldest professional music teachers’ association in the United States. For additional information about MTNA or the 2004 National Conference, contact the MTNA national headquarters at (513) 421-1420, [email protected] or visit our website at 11 KMTA HONORS AUDITION November 15,16 2003 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas MTNA Junior High School - Baldwin Winner: Alec Tauscher Alternate: Anne Wicoff Honorable Mention: Kimberly Yager Iris Logeman Melody Stroth Sylvia Coats Raytown Overland Park Wichita Alec Tauscher MTNA High School - Yamaha Winner: Mi-Eun Kim Alternate: Erica Tauscher Honorable Mention: Jeanette Wong Yuriy Vereshchagin Richard Cass Iris Logeman Jack Winerock Tatiana Kouznetsova Overland Park Raytown Lawrence Overland Park Connie Hu Kevan Clarkston Pei-In Yang Pei-In Yang Leawood Leawood Jenna Vorndran Pei-In Yang Leawood Satori Iwamoto Jackie Kerstetter Manhattan Hali Baker Alyssa Boone Tod Kerstetter Amy Hoffman Manhattan Wichita Nina Murphy Patricia Plake Overland Park Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher Shiao-Li Ding David Tauscher Overland Park Overland Park Overland Park Topeka Overland Park MTNA Junior - Strings Winner: Alternate: Connie Hu MTNA Senior - Strings Winner: MTNA Senior - Brass Winner: MTNA Senior - Woodwinds Winner: Alternate: Jenna Vorndran MTNA Senior - Voice Winner: Piano Plan B Grades 3-4 Winner: Julie Chang Runner Up: Daria LeGrand Honorable Mention: Anthony Shen Patrick Elisha Patricia Susanto 12 Julie Chang Piano Plan B Grades 5-6 Winner: Kasha Prinzing Runner Up: Richard Sun Honorable Mention: Kathryn Scherich Connor Clarkston Johnny Wang Kaya LeGrand Iris Logeman Iris Logeman Jane Wheat David Tauscher Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher Raytown Raytown Emporia Overland Park Overland Park Overland Park Kasha Prinzing Piano Plan B Grades 7-8 Winner: Dane Callstrom Runner Up: Crystal Lu Honorable Mention: Simon Yu Serena Lu Kevin Hsu Diane Abelson Tatyana Rubchinsky Iris Logeman DeeAnn Brown Tatyana Rubchinsky Kansas City Overland Park Raytown Wichita Overland Park DeeAnn Brown Iris Logeman Tatyana Rubchinsky Mara Balke Wichita Raytown Overland Park Overland Park Iris Logeman Nancy Blockcolsky Myra Lemons Tatyana Rubchinsky Raytown Olsburg Lenexa Overland Park Tatyana Rubchinsky Charyl Singer David Tauscher Tatyana Rubchinsky Overland Park Leawood Overland Park Overland Park David Tauscher Tatyana Rubchinsky Rui Ju Shen Norah Ryan-Figg David Tauscher Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher Overland Park Overland Park Manhattan Salina Overland Park Overland Park Overland Park Piano Plan B Grades 9-10 Winner: Andrew Sun Runner Up: Simon Zhang Honorable Mention: Stanley Liu Christine Kim Andrew Sun Piano Plan B Grades 11-12 Winner: Cicy Li Runner Up: Haley Masterson Honorable Mention: Eric Byrd Amy Chang Cicy Li Piano Plan C Grades 1-2 Winner: Cynthia Wang Runner Up: Annie Zhang Honorable Mention: Amanda Hou Emerson Wang Piano Plan C Grades 3-4 Winner: Tiffany Wu Runner Up: Michael Lee Honorable Mention: Christine Wang Aaron Diederich Christopher Chang Annie Xue Stephanie Liang Cynthia Wang Tiffany Wu 13 Piano Plan C Grades 5-6 Winner: Jennifer Yu Runner Up: Kate Sopcich Honorable Mention: Melissa Wang Selena Cochran Tim Yang Ashley Bornhorst Lydia Peterson Emily Li Joe Hou Rex Tai Iris Logeman Marles Dudley Virginia Houser Marles Dudley David Tauscher Mara Balke Pat Ziegelmeier David Tauscher David Tauscher Mara Balke Raytown Overland Park Manhattan Overland Park Overland Park Overland Park Gem Overland Park Overland Park Overland Park David Tauscher Sheila Schmitt Mara Balke Tatyana Rubchinsky Tim Shook Millie Mehnert Overland Park Hillsboro Overland Park Overland Park Wichita Lenexa David Tauscher Brenda Harter David Tauscher DeeAnn Brown Overland Park St. George Overland Park Wichita Jennifer Yu Piano Plan C Grades 7-8 Winner: Wei Lang Runner Up: Darla Schmidt Honorable Mention: Lori Hartman Camilla Han-He Connie Yang Keith Swafford Wei Lang Piano Plan C Grades 9-10 Winner: Janie Chen Runner Up: Charissa Beer Honorable Mention: Katie Fessler Angela Steiner Piano Plan C Grades 11-12 Winner: Noelle MacMillan Runner Up: Linda Kuo Honorable Mention: Brian Ho Terri Shriwise Emily King Calen Henderson Janie Chen DeeAnn Brown Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher John Huber Tatyana Rubchinsky Mara Balke Wichita Overland Park Overland Park Hays Overland Park Overland Park Strings Grades 4-6 Winner: Yanjie Yu Runner Up: Chanel Watkins Honorable Mention: Preston Werth Noelle MacMillan Pei-In Yang Pei-In Yang Kay Werth Leawood Leawood Hays Larisa Elisha Larisa Elisha Pei-In Yang Topeka Topeka Leawood Strings Grades 7-9 Winner: Annalisa Ohse Runner Up: Jacqueline Qi Honorable Mention: Katy Clarkston Yanjie Yu 14 Strings Grades 10-12 Winner: Runner Up: Matthew Finlay Sarah McQuere Steven Elisha Larisa Elisha Topeka Topeka Jenna Dick Susan Buehler Baldwin City Voice Grades 10 - 12 Winner: Collegiate Winners MTNA Young Artist - Piano Winner: Nathan Brandwein Alternate: Charles Srstka Honorable Mention: Tate Addis Elaine Fukunaga Pavlina Dokovska Jack Winerock Andrew Trechak Jack Winerock New York Lawrence Wichita Lawrence Pamela Hinchman Pamela Hinchman Vernon Yenne Pamela Hinchman Lawrence Lawrence Wichita Lawrence David Fedele Bruce Gbur Tod Kerstetter Amy Hoffman Lawrence Manhattan Manhattan Wichita Jack Winerock Trilla Lyerla Trilla Lyerla Lawrence Baldwin City Baldwin City Richard Reber Shiao-Li Ding Reena Berger James Rivers Lawrence Topeka Pittsburg Topeka Jack Winerock Jack Winerock Richard Reber Jack Winerock Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence MTNA Young Artist - Voice Winner: Greer Brown Alternate: Michael Brown Honorable Mention: Stephanie Curtis Lindsay Ohse MTNA Young Artist - Woodwinds Winner: Anne Davidson Alternate: Brittany Toll Honorable Mention: Amy Chapman Amy Gill KMTA Freshman/Sophomore - Piano Winner: Margaret Kobawoo Runner Up: J.J. Desimone Honorable Mention: Dana Phelps KMTA Junior/Senior - Piano Winner: Maya Tuylieva Runner Up: Clara Zhang Honorable Mention: Scott Sternberger Nadia Li KMTA Graduate - Piano Winner: Rebecca Mergen Runner Up: Sarah Geske Honorable Mention: Andi Dhimitri Bruce Mallie 15 KMTA Freshman/Sophomore - Woodwinds Winner: Runner Up: Lisa Smith Sara Emde Rebecca Meador Rebecca Meador Topeka Topeka Rebecca Meador Rebecca Meador Topeka Topeka Ann Marie Snook Ann Marie Snook Pamela Hinchman Topeka Topeka Lawrence Pamela Hinchman Pamela Hinchman Lawrence Lawrence KMTA Junior/Senior - Woodwinds Winner: Runner Up: Sylvia Klingbeil Janie Mollenkamp KMTA Freshman/Sophomore - Voice Winner: Sarah Lockwood Runner Up: Alexandra Blasi Honorable Mention: Candice Bondank KMTA Graduate - Voice Winner: Runner Up: Yoojin Jeon Soyoun Lim 16 Recipients of the Capitol Federal Cash Awards Back Row: CapFed Rep. Alec Tauscher, Connie Hu, Janie Chen, Mi-Eun Kim Front Row: Noelle MacMillan, Cicy Li, Andrew Sun Erica Tauscher, Jeanette Wong, Yuriy Vereshchagin, Mi-Eun Kim Connie Hu, Chanel Watkins, Annalisa Ohse, Matthew Finlay Patrick Elisha, Daria LeGrand, Anthony Shen, Patricia Susanto 17 Scenes From The 2003 KMTA Auditions 18 Calen Henderson Emily King Linda Kuo Brian Ho District I PIANO: Plan C Student Naomi Kurata Emerson Wang Jacqueline Ma Amanda Hou Claire Shen Judy Zhu Emma Truax Austin Bachar Cynthia Wang Annie Zhang Charles He Cindy Ouyang Allen Zhu Christopher Chang Maddie Douglas Stephanie Liang Susan Xu Tiffany Wu Brooke Fox Annie Xue Michael Lee Ashley Bornhorst Rex Tai Kate Sopcich Abby McLeod Jennifer Yu Joe Hou Stella Liang Selena Cochran Chris Ouyang Amy Johnson Emily Harn Emily Li Tim Yang Kathryn Zalenski Sydney Andrew Camilla Han-He Tian Zhang Wei Lang Lori Hartman Emily Fuller Keith Swafford Philip Cellitti Ryan Thomas Alaina Larson Clarissa Wedemeier Alisha Xu Robert Chen Janie Chen Katie Fessler Christine Hansen Brian Tung Marie Cellitti Kaela Thomas Jimmy Chen Julie Hartman Grade 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 Mara Balke Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 11-12 11-12 11-12 David Tauscher David Tauscher Emily Davidson Shiao-Li Ding Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher Jean Drumm Jean Drumm Jean Drumm Iris Logeman Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher Pei-In Yang Iris Logeman Rubchinsky David Tauscher Shiao-Li Ding Julie Rivers Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher Diane Abelson Janet Johnson Iris Logeman Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher Mara Balke Janet Johnson Iris Logeman Tatyana Rubchinsky Iris Logeman Tatyana Rubchinsky Myra Lemons Chanel Watkins Yanjie Yu 4-6 4-6 Pei-In Yang Pei-In Yang Jacqueline Qi Katy Clarkston Annalisa Ohse 7-9 7-9 7-9 Larisa Elisha Pei-In Yang Larisa Elisha Dan Ketter Matthew Finlay Sarah McQuere 10-12 10-12 10-12 Steven Elisha Steven Elisha Larisa Elisha 12 Susan Buehler Plan B Teacher Jean Drumm Tatyana Rubchinsky Charyl Singer David Tauscher David Tauscher David Tauscher Mara Balke Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky Charyl Singer Jean Drumm Carolyn Fuhrberg Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher David Tauscher David Tauscher David Tauscher Jean Drumm Tatyana Rubchinsky Tatyana Rubchinsky Mara Balke Mara Balke Marles Dudley Kathy Judd Iris Logeman David Tauscher David Tauscher Marles Dudley Carolyn Fuhrberg Kathy Judd Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher Sharon Eckart Janet Howard Tatyana Rubchinsky David Tauscher David Tauscher Mara Balke Mara Balke Millie Mehnert Pat Thompson Pat Thompson Kathy Judd Millie Mehnert Tatyana Rubchinsky Melody Stroth David Tauscher David Tauscher Charyl Singer David Tauscher Pat Thompson Pat Thompson Tatyana Rubchinsky Mara Balke Anthony Shen Daria LeGrand Natalie Ortega Wells Patrick Elisha Brandon Bachar George Liu Julie Chang Carleigh Douglas Patricia Susanto Ulrich Johanning Jason Chang Jimmy He Kasha Prinzing Lee Wu Connor Clarkston Kaya LeGrand Johnathan Kay Richard Sun Johnny Wang Andrea Susanto Jacqueline Qi Emily Hochstetler Crystal Lu Kevin Hsu Tiffany Kang Dane Callstrom Justine Ahle Simon Yu Melanie Su Kevan Clarkston Christine Kim Jordan Crice Simon Zhang Stanley Liu Cicy Li Amy Chang Eric Byrd STRINGS: VOICE: Jenna Dick 19 District 3 PIANO: Plan C Grade Teacher Tim Lin Christine Mintert Larissa Liggett Christine Wang Amy Zheng Lucas Richards Elizabeth Poppe Aaron Diederich Andrew Diederich Xian Sun Johnny Hendon Lauren Stipp Melissa Wang Kelsy Schoen Chad Hobson Abigail Triemer Patrick Lin Jim Weaver Emilia Chiroy Whitney Flinn Maura Wery Charissa Beer John Weaver Sarah Jones 1-2 1-2 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-9 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 11-12 11-12 Sibylle Kuder Sibylle Kuder Verna Davidson Rui Ju Shen Sibylle Kuder Sibylle Kuder Sibylle Kuder Nora Ryan-Figg Nora Ryan-Figg Rui Ju Shen Leonetta Bibby Sibylle Kuder Virginia Houser Sibylle Kuder Sibylle Kuder Jane Wheat Edvardo Orozco Sibylle Kuder Jane Wheat Edvardo Orozco Leonetta Bibby Brenda Harter Sibylle Kuder Jane Wheat 5-6 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 Nancy Blockolsky Jane Wheat Jane Wheat Richard Reber Nancy Blockolsky Verna Davidson Nancy Blockolsky Nancy Blockolsky District VI PIANO: Plan C Olivia McCoy Kathryn Scherich Robyn Meahl Amy Lauters Haley Masterson Patricia Barker Bryce Ingmire Eleanor Burton Haley Barrett Elizabeth Beckman Emma Halling Sarah Yun Katie Winter 3-4 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 Debbie Black Becky Schmidt Maridene Lundstrom Priscilla Hearn Shirley Wiebe Priscilla Hearn Timothy Brock Caitlin Cassity Grace Chong Sarah Enterkin Susan Hansen Emily Keimig Annie Lessard Hillary Nugen Erika Palmer Laura Carlson Angela Steiner Jamie Warkentin Corrie Williams Nathan Holcomb Chad Ingram Noelle MacMillan Heather Stepanek 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 7-8 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 11-12 11-12 11-12 11-12 Wendy Stevens Christy Williams Shirley Wiebe Susan Paige Cress DeeAnn Brown Sally Buxton Shirley Wiebe Judith Fear Annetta Smith Dan Masterson DeeAnn Brown Judith Fear Christy Williams Wendy Stevens Paige Cress DeeAnn Brown Sheila Schmitt 3-4 3-4 5-6 5-6 Debbie Black Priscilla Hearn Christy Williams Maridene Lundstrom Catherine Anne Farquharson Plan B Grade Teacher Plan B Bailey Wilkerson Bridget Winter Francile Hackett Annika Schneider A Message From Your Vice President of Auditions Congratulations to all students and teachers who participated in the 2003 Fall District Auditions and KMTA Honors Auditions held in Lawrence. Karen Schlabaugh and myself wish to thank the University of Kansas and Jack Winerock and all the teachers for their help to make this another successful year. Please join us this fall at Wichita State University, November 13 and 14, 2004. If you have never participated in the Fall Audition program, this would be the year to start! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the auditions. Look for applications and information on the website KSMTA.ORG and in the summer KMTA UPDATE. Also mark your calendar for 2005! Pittsburg will host the auditions on November 12-13, 2005. Submitted by David Tauscher 20 21 Music Teachers National Association Joins Initiative to Keep Music in Schools CINCINNATI, OHIO (August 2003)—Music Teachers National Association, an association of 24,000 independent and collegiate music teachers committed to advancing the value of music study and music making to society, has joined the Music Education Coalition in its massive initiative to help parents and educators appeal to school boards and other decisionmakers to keep music in schools. The Music Education Coalition is an entity formed by NAMM, the International Music Products Association and MENC: The National Association for Music Education. Music Teachers National Association Executive Director Gary L. Ingle, concurring with Pieffer, added, “Public and private music teachers must work together to preserve the importance of music study in our society. The one-on-one relationships developed though music lessons allow independent music teachers to develop valuable relationships in the community, enabling them to have an influential voice advocating the preservation of music study.” The Music Education Coalition created and launched, the source of information for the largest national grassroots initiative ever in support of school music programs. Dedicated to inspiring action to support music education in the United States, the initiative offers resources empowering parents to act locally. Because of the positive impact of music education on child’s development, the federal government named music a “core academic subject” alongside reading, writing and arithmetic in the No Child Left Behind Act (the controlling federal education legislation). At the same time thousands of school boards across the country are implementing unprecedented and massive budget cutbacks. All too often, music is the first to be sacrificed and more than 60 percent of the children in school (grades K–12) may be deprived of a music education. The MTNA Board of Directors ratified the partnership between Music Teachers National Association and at its summer meeting in July 2003. The ratification of this agreement marked the joining of forces of the two organizations to preserve the importance of music education and its role in both the private and public sectors. Music Teachers National Association is a nonprofit organization of independent and collegiate music teachers committed to furthering the art of music through teaching, performance, composition and scholarly research. Founded in 1876, Music Teachers National Association is the oldest music teachers’ association in the United States. “Music education is a vital aspect of every child’s development,” stated Phyllis Pieffer, NCTM and MTNA President. “Studies have shown a direct correlation between exposure to music and academic achievement, social awareness, responsibility, discipline and work productivity. Dr. Todd Siler, author of Think Like a Genius and Breaking the Mind Barrier, states, ‘There’s not a single area of human endeavor that hasn’t benefited from the arts or been influenced by them.’ In addition, based on the 2003 Gallup Poll, ‘American Attitudes Toward Music,’ 85 percent of Americans believe participating in a school music program corresponds with better grades and 95 percent of respondents said that music was a vital part of a wellrounded education.” For additional information about MTNA or the partnership with, contact the MTNA national headquarters at (513) 421-1420, [email protected] or visit our website at To find out how your organization can help keep music in schools, log onto 22 MTNA Nationally Certified Teachers of Music Abelson Diane Adams Romona J. Akin Susan Arnett Agnes Balke Mara Bretton Boley Darlene Brown DeeAnn Brown Julie Barnes Cline Ruth Coats Sylvia Confer Jean Ann Cress Susan Paige Dietz Margaret Dixon Patricia Lea Dodderidge Carol Dolnik Nata Dudley Marles Smith Epp Marian Erikson Karole J. Falkner Melissa Fear Judith Frailey Julia Scherer Gerner F. Annette Gilpin Jacqueline E. Goering Celia Graff Zani Gustafson Steven C. Hadduck Carol R. Hallstrom,Marlene Hamilton Linda S. Hampton Nancy Jane Hand Lucille Harms Lillian B. Hickman Enid E. Houser Virginia Jung Nancy S. Kliewer Carol Klingenberg Carol Knutson Mary Louise Kriss Sharon LaBach Donna Lemons Myra Lyerla Trilla R. Macha Judith L. Mahoney Peg Malcolm Shirley Maust Ezma M. McClellan Karen Mehnert Millie Miller Marguerite Moon Lois Plagge Judy Pracht Carole Rasmussen Verlene Reed Paul Rubchinsky Tatyana M. Sander Mary Dean Schlabaugh Karen Bauman Schneweis Connie Shishnia Liane D. Shook Timothy Singer Charyl Trayhern Smith Annetta Marie Smith Betty Todd Smith Mary Stevens Wendy Thompson Patricia M. Tiger Laurel Unger Joyce Watson Julie A. Wellman Joan Werner Betty S. Wetzler Maryann Williams Christina Woerner Mary Yang Pei-In Zarnowski Marge Ziegelmeier Pat Zousel Ruth Stephanie KMTA Continuing Education & MTNA Certification At the KMTA 2003 Fall Board Meeting the members voted to automatically extend the Kansas Continuing Education Document to those teachers who have been granted the MTNA Nationally Certified Teacher of Music Certificate. With this new program in place there will be no additional fee to receive the Kansas documentation. The Kansas Continuing Education program will still exist for those teachers who desire to meet the requirements for Kansas. The KMTA Continuing Education and MTNA Certification programs are available to help us as teachers promote music education and maintain a uniform set of teaching standards. They exist to improve the level of professionalism within the field of music teaching. For the music teaching professional, they provide prestige, recognition and the potential for student recruitment and increased earning power. For the public, they help readily identify competent applied music teachers in their communities. As KMTA Vice President for Education, I would encourage all members to look into these programs and plan to participate. If you have any questions about the KMTA Continuing Education or the MTNA Professional Certification Program, please do not hesitate to call, write or email. Sharon Kriss, KMTA Vice President for Education 1820 Harvey Court Colby, KS 67701 785-460-2800 [email protected] 23 David Tauscher, Vice-President for Auditions, reported a large increase in student and teacher participation for the fall of 2003. State Honors Auditions will be held in Lawrence on November 15 and 16. MINUTES OF THE KANSAS MUSIC TEACHERS ASSOCIATION FALL BOARD MEETING Thursday, October 30, 2003 Grand Ballroom, Overland Park Marriott Overland Park, Kansas Keturah Lawrence shared with the Board the projects she has been working on as Music Progressions Chair. She and Wendy Stevens will be presenting a session at the Tri-State Conference. They have also prepared the new Music Progressions Resource Handbook to complement the curriculum guide. During the next year Keturah plans to create an informational brochure explaining the Music Progressions curriculum to studio parents and new teachers as well as update the KMTA website with Music Progressions information. Members met at 5:30 p.m. for discussion and work time in small groups. The Board meeting was officially called to order at 6:45 p.m. as members ate dinner together. Caren Loper, IMTF Chair, reported on her activities for the year and suggested that members of the Board update their section of the officers handbook. Information can then be printed in a new, updated handbook. Sharon Kriss, Vice-President for Education, reported on the continuing education program. Judy Plagge suggested upgrading the certificate given for meeting the certification standards, and Nancy Blockcolsky offered to help on it. Discussion followed on the possibility of allowing nationally certified members to be automatically certified by the state. Trilla Lyerla moved that any KMTA member who is certified by MTNA should automatically be certified by KMTA with no additional fee being charged. Linda Featherston seconded the motion, and it carried. We will still have Kansas certification for those who wish to be only state certified. Sharon Kriss moved that the minutes from the spring board meeting be approved as they were printed in the Summer Update. Leonetta Bibby seconded the motion, and it passed. Pat Ziegelmeier, executive secretary, presented complete financial reports for KMTA and reported that she is handling the money and paying the bills for the Tri-State Conference. President Tim Shook reported on his activities and said that we will continue efforts to contact every KMTA member this fall. Linda Featherston, as President Elect, said that about 100 people have responded on the member information form sent out with the Update. She is continuing her work in this area and on membership. Public Relations: Vice-President for Public Relations, Leonetta Bibby, reported that work is being done to prepare a brochure for advocacy and publicity of our events. She would like to coordinate efforts into one brochure. Melissa Falkner, Update editor, told members the deadline for information in the Winter issue is December 1. All information should be sent to her. Deadline for information to be in for the Kansas Music Review is December 15. Information should be sent to Kerry Woodward, KMTA Review editor. Nancy Blockcolsky, OTS Chair, reported that her committee is going to evaluate the process and criteria for the OTS award for the future. She shared her efforts in promoting the OTS award for this year. Wendy Stevens, Arts Advocacy Chair, shared her work on a brochure which she has created. This will be voted on later in the meeting. David Tauscher discussed the KMTA website and reported that members may send information to Rick@LucasGraphics or [email protected]. He shared guidelines with the Board on submitting material for the website. Judy Plagge, Vice-President for Associations, reported on activities in her area. Julie Brown, Local Associations Chair, reminded members that a breakfast meeting for local associations will be held on Saturday morning of the conference. She also told members to pick up checks from her if they were awarded IMTF grants for this year. Karen McClellan, Student Chapter Chair, asked the Board for direction on how student chapters are to proceed at this time. She asked if student chapters would have a session at fall conference next year. After discussion, the consensus was that students will help plan a session that will be of interest to all conference attendees. 24 If cost will exceed this amount, the executive committee needs to be contacted and a vote taken before the computer is purchased. Leonetta Bibby seconded this motion, and it passed. The following district presidents reported on fall auditions in their areas: Mara Balke, district I; Nancy Blockcolsky in place of Lois Moon for district III; Karol Hickel for district IV; and Annetta Smith for district VI. No reports were given for districts II or V. Keturah Lawrence moved that we allow teachers who are not KMTA/MTNA members to enter Music Progressions for a fee of $75 plus the student entry fees. Leonetta Bibby seconded the motion, and it carried. Local association presidents were welcomed to the meeting, and those present shared reports of activities for their local groups. President Tim Shook gave a history of the salary for the executive secretary from 1987 to the present. Leonetta Bibby moved that the salary be raised; there was no second. After more discussion, Linda Featherston moved to raise the salary to $7,670 and have Pat keep a log of her hours per month. Annetta Smith seconded the motion, and it passed. Judy Plagge moved that we review the salary annually at the fall conference; David Tauscher seconded the motion, and it carried. New business: Julie Brown moved that the application for both the local associations and the student chapters be published in the Summer Update with a due date of October 1. The application will need to include the name of the local association/chapter; the name/address of its president; the name/purpose/description/date of project; the dollar amount of the mini-grant request; and the name/address/email/phone of the person submitting the application. The committee will award monies based on the following criteria: $1700 total allowance, every association/chapter applying will receive a minimum of $100; any money left over can then be distributed at the committee’s discretion. Associations/chapters will be notified following the fall board meeting. Leonetta Bibby seconded the motion, and it passed. There was no old business to come before the Board. In closing the meeting, President Tim Shook reminded members of the MTNA Conference to be held in Kansas City March 27-31, 2004. He also announced that the spring KMTA Board Meeting will tentatively be held in Salina on June 5, 2004. No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned. David Tauscher moved that KMTA provide lunch for judges at the district fall auditions. Judy Plagge seconded the motion. After discussion, Linda Featherston moved that we amend the original motion to provide lunch for the judges at fall district auditions to limit the cost to a maximum of $15 per judge. Nancy Blockcolsky seconded the motion, and it carried. Respectfully submitted by Leonetta Bibby and Pat Ziegelmeier Linda Featherston moved that KMTA print publicity/membership/advocacy brochures as needed to advertise within and without the organization. Linda will oversee the formatting and printing of the brochures as well as maintain a reasonable cost for them. Judy Plagge seconded the motion, and it passed. 2004 Kansas Conference October 29 - 30 After discussion on purchasing a new computer for the executive secretary, Trilla Lyerla moved that KMTA purchase a new computer from a Colby store that offers support. Leonetta Bibby seconded the motion. After further discussion Nancy Blockcolsky moved that the motion be amended to authorize Pat to get a new computer and printer not exceeding a cost of $2,000. Baker University 25 KMTA EXECUTIVE AND ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 2002-2004 President Timothy Shook Southwestern College Dept. of Performing Arts 100 College Street Winfield, KS 67156 w) 620-229-6270 h) 316-651-0177 [email protected] President-Elect Linda Featherston 14118 W. 87th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66215 913-599-1586 [email protected] Immediate Past President Trilla Lyerla Baker University Music Depart. P.O. Box 65 Baldwin City, KS 66006 w) 785-594-4500 h) 785-594-2914 [email protected] Vice President, Associations Judy Plagge 10519 Cora Wichita, KS 67205 [email protected] Vice President, Auditions David Tauscher 5504 W. 131st ST Overland Park, KS 66209 913-385-3321 [email protected] Vice President, Education Sharon Kriss 1820 Harvey Ct. Colby, KS 67701 785-460-2800 [email protected] Vice President, Conference Millie Mehnert 12689 W. 82nd Terrace Lenexa, KS 66215 913-859-9424 [email protected] KMTA-KMEA Liaison Daniel Masterson 605 N. Washington Lindsborg, KS 67456 785-227-3124 [email protected] Music Progressions Keturah Lawrence 11815 Cindy Wichita, KS 67212 316 729-1916 [email protected] District 1 President Mara Balke 10707 Walmer Street Overland Park, KS 66219 913-648-0326 [email protected] Student Chapter Chair Karen McClellen 14437 Summertree Olathe, KS 66062 913-764-3102 [email protected] Local Association Chair Julie Brown 1469 N. Pine Grove St. Wichita, KS 67212 316-729-7915 [email protected] District 2 President Becky Buckler P.O Box 567 Altamont, KS 67330-0567 620-784-5854 [email protected] College Student President Jennifer Hamilton 414 E. Cedar, #5 Olathe, KS 66061 913-710-0382 District 3 President Brenda Harter 11925 Anton’s Road St. George, KS 66535 785-494-8201 [email protected] [email protected] Jr. High & High School Performance Chair Karen Bauman Schlabaugh 301 East 4th Newton, KS 67114 [email protected] District 4 President Karol Hickel 105 N 12th WaKeeney, KS 67672 785-743-6452 [email protected] Collegiate Artist/Chamber Music Performance Chair Shiao-Li Ding Department of Music Washburn University Topeka, KS 66621-0001 785-231-1010 ext. 1517 [email protected] District 5 President Rebecca Dudrey 1900 Harrison Great Bend, KS 67530 620-793-5603 College Faculty Chair John E. Huber 505 W. 30th St. Hays, KS 67601 w) 785-628-5328 h) 785-625-2023 [email protected] District 6 President Annetta Smith 1015 Redwood Derby, KS 67037 Vice President, Public Relations 316-789-8653 Leonetta Chaves-Bibby [email protected] 1418 Bel Air Drive Junction City, KS 66441-1819 IMTF Chair 785-238-6642 Caren Loper [email protected] 8829 Reeder #808 Overland Park, KS 66214 913-888-0942 [email protected] Kansas Music Review Editor Kerry Woodward 4157 Danbury Wichita, KS 67220 316-744-7171 [email protected] 26 Newsletter Editor Melissa Falkner 5800 W 89th Terrace Overland Park, KS 66207 913-381-8064 [email protected] KMTA Executive Secretary/ MTNA Foundation Chair Pat Ziegelmeier 2154 County Rd. 27 Gem, KS 67734 h) 785-462-7808 w) 785-462-3984 ext. 307 [email protected] Outstanding Teacher Award Nancy Blockcolsky P.O. Box 4 Olsburg, KS 66520 785-468-3381 [email protected] Arts Advocacy Chair Wendy Stevens 4710 E Mt Vernon Wichita, KS 67218 316-683-2533 [email protected] Composer Commissioning/ Student Composition Chair 27 No-Host Dinner for West Central Division members and friends Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:00 pm Hereford House Downtown 20th and Main Your choice of chicken, salmon, or steak entree Salad, side rolls, and beverage Dessert Cash bar available Mail reservation with check and menu choice to: $27 per person, inclusive Deadline: Mary Ellen Moore - 2416 Elite Terrace - Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Must be received by March 19, 2003 Kansas Music Teachers Association Pat Ziegelmeier, Executive Secretary 2154 County Rd. 27 Gem, KS 67734 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 001 Gem, KS 28
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