The 7 Best Emergency Remedies and Digestive


The 7 Best Emergency Remedies and Digestive
The 7 Best Emergency Remedies
and Digestive Supplements for
Belly Bloat, Intestinal Pain
and Excessive Flatulence
Helen Sanders
More than 100 million Americans are
estimated to have gastrointestinal
problems and it's one of the most
common reasons for visiting a doctor.
Natural remedies can often treat
digestive upsets more effectively than
drugs and this report will cover the best
of them.
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A Quick Look into the Presentation
Ahead are 3 quick,
inexpensive and
effective remedies
to keep on hand if
you experience
bloating, excessive
flatulence or other
intestinal upsets.
Following these are
4 valuable
supplements that
can prevent you
ever experiencing
digestive issues in
the first place.
In fact, the last one
will improve your
environment so
much that belly
bloat, intestinal
cramps and bad
gas can become a
thing of the past.
Over 70 million Americans everyday suffer from some form of digestive issues.
First let’s look at 3
remedies for
digestive problems,
why they work and
how to use them.
- American Nutrition Association
Fennel Tea
Drinking a strong fennel tea can alleviate bloating and
intestinal pain in as little as 15 minutes. It also quickly
works to alleviate bad gas and other problems
associated with poor digestion.
Fennel tea is rich in volatile oils that relax contracted
intestinal muscles on contact and allow trapped gas
to dissipate.
Make it by pouring just boiled water over 1 tbsp of
crushed fennel seeds or a high strength fennel tea
bag like this.
Steep for at least 5 minutes and sip before a meal to
prevent digestive problems or as soon as you notice
them as a fast acting treatment.
Peppermint Oil Capsules
Even stronger that fennel tea, peppermint oil is especially
effective for bloating, abdominal pain and irritable bowel
syndrome. Peppermint oil capsules also improve digestion
transit time, control bad bacteria and help prevent
Use enteric coated peppermint oil capsules, like these
medicinal strength tummy tamers, so they are only released
in the intestine, not in the stomach.
For maximum effectiveness take them at least 15 minutes
before a meal or on an empty stomach with a big glass of
For people who regularly experience digestive upsets like
IBS after eating, taking a peppermint oil capsule just before
a meal can be especially effective. They also work if you are
already experiencing symptoms, though can take longer
than fennel tea to provide relief.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a special form of incredibly porous
carbon that can bind to and eliminate many thousands of
times it’s own weight in toxic compounds.
It is an excellent gastrointestinal detoxifier that absorbs
intestinal gas and noxious compounds as it passes through
your system without being metabolized in any way.
Activated charcoal should be taken on an empty stomach
well away from food, other supplements and especially
medications. This page has the best timing and a few
precautions when taking it.
Recommended dosage for excessive gas is 2 to 4 of these
detoxifying capsules on an empty stomach with a big glass
of water.
Many vegetables and particularly beans and other legumes
are high in indigestible carbohydrates known as galactans.
These compounds ferment in your lower intestine, leading to
bloating, abdominal cramps and excessive flatulence.
Humans lack the alpha-galactose enzyme needed to properly
break down galactans but you can add it when eating
vegetables or beans with a vegetarian product called Beanzyme.
You take 2 capsules with any meal containing beans,
chickpeas, lentils, soybeans or other galactan rich vegetables
like broccoli, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, mushrooms or
If you want to enjoy these otherwise healthy foods then get
an inexpensive bottle of Bean-zyme and keep it in the
cupboard next to the beans to remind you to take it.
Lactase Enzyme
The lactose in milk is another very common cause of
gastrointestinal problems. Lactose is a malabsorbed carbohydrate
found in foods and drinks made with dairy products and most
people are sensitive to it to some degree.
Lactose is broken down by the lactase enzyme. As children we
produce a lot of this enzyme but as we age production
diminishes dramatically.
If you’d like to continue to drink milk and eat high lactose foods
like ice cream, soft cheese and many manufactured goods
without the gas, then the best solution is to increase the amount
of lactase you have to deal with lactose.
Probiotics can help over time, but for a quick solution these high
strength lactase capsules can be taken with dairy to prevent
prevent belly bloat, intestinal cramps and bad gas.
Betaine HCL
Poorly digested protein can putrefy in the colon and be a major
source of the highly odorous compounds that make some gas
smell so terrible.
Chewing protein foods well is important but many people aren’t
producing enough stomach acid to deal with the amount of
protein they are eating. This is commonly felt as a meal that sits
heavily in your stomach for hours like a rock.
If you experience this feeling regularly then low stomach acid is
a likely culprit. Betaine HCL capsules can help by supplementing
your natural stomach acid production and improving digestion.
They should be taken at least half an hour after eating a high
protein meal to give your stomach time to produce its own acids
before supplementation. Many people find them very helpful
though in preventing smelly gas from poor protein breakdown.
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that promote a healthier
and less gassy intestinal environment. They can also improve
nutrient absorption, enhance your immune system and promote
overall health and well-being.
Taking probiotics regularly has been shown to prevent both
constipation and diarrhea and lower the risk of IBS, leaky gut
syndrome and other serious digestive disorders.
Using antibiotics, having poor digestion, environmental toxin
exposure and eating mainly processed foods can all greatly
reduce your intestinal populations of good bacteria and lead to
an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeasts.
A high quality probiotic supplement is the most potent way to
improve your intestinal environment for better health. Look for
one like this that is enteric coated, room temperature stable and
has tested and guaranteed potency.
These supplements will
help you to tackle the
painful and
symptoms of gas and
bloating. However, it is
also important to tackle
the root cause of your
problems and fix them.
Click here to discover:
3 Little Known Factors that Damage
Your Digestion and Cause Bloating,
Intestinal Pain and Excessive
If you suffer from
digestive problems which
cause you to experience
bloating or excessive gas,
click the link (on Left) to
read our new guide
covering 3 hidden things
which most people do
that causes gas and
bloating. Plus, how to fix
it for good.