Current Week Bulletin - Westvue Church of Christ
Current Week Bulletin - Westvue Church of Christ
If you are unable to serve, contact Danny Morgan or the elder on call immediately. The week of September 4, 2016 Song Leader 09/04 (Sun a.m.) 09/04 (Sun p.m.) 09/07 (Wed) Freddie Stewmon Freddie Stewmon J.W. Beasley Opening Prayer Trent Alexander Tony Matthews Frank Musgrave Reading Phillip Reese (Jeremiah 6:13-14) Tony Matthews (Revelation 5:6-10) Frank Musgrave (I Timothy 1:12-16) Rick Rolin Rick Rolin “Heaven (part 4)” Lesson “Give Us Some Good News” Closing Prayer Ed Anderson Jim Bingham Kyle Martin For the Month of August Serve Table Thomas Blalock, Frank Cook Serve Congregation - Kyle Martin, Frank Musgrave, Ray Barnett, Brian Cook, Bobby Brown, James O. Whitehead Alternate Tom Hinton, Danny Morgan Serve Table - Evening service Thomas Blalock, Frank Cook Ushers Brian Cook, Gary Owen, Bryan Whitehead Prepare Communion9/4, 9/11 Curtis & Pam Ingram Nursery 9/4, 9/11 Linda Riley, Phyllis Huey Baptismal Assistants Brian Cook, Joyce Blalock Sound Control Race Wilson (Sunday am), Josh Harmon (Sunday pm), Benton Thompson (Wed pm) Library Volunteer week of 9/4 Norma Rutherford (am), Deena Alexander (pm), Sue James (Wed.) Elder on Call Van Driver Thomas Blalock Race Wilson Schedule of Services Sunday AM Worship - 9:00 Sunday Bible Classes - 10:15 Sunday PM Worship - 5:00 Wednesday Bible Classes - 6:30 pm Radio Program (WJJM) - 6:20 am daily Westvue Church of Christ 1710 Mooresville Hwy. Lewisburg, TN 37091 (931) 359-2571 Office e-mail: [email protected] The Tuesday Ladies Bible Class - will begin Tuesday, September 6 at 10:00 a.m. in the Service Complex. All ladies are invited to attend. Conita Potts will be leading the class in their discussions. They will be studying the book A Systematic Study of Ephesians through II Thessalonians by Willar d Conchin. Books are available at the Information Center. Westvue Ladies Day September 17, 2016 Registration: 8:30 a.m. Speakers: Sue Rolin, Jessica Newton, and Deena Alexander Theme: “A Single Bit of Talent” We are in need of ladies to provide some of the food items for our Ladies Day Lunch. If you would be willing to make one of the salads or breads or provide one of the items for the salad & fruit bar, please sign up on the food sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the back hallway. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Owen. When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me.” - Erma Bombeck Record - August 28, 2016 AM - 282 SS - 168, PM - 124, Wed. - 133 Contribution - $5,425 Budget - $4,500 Westvue Nues and Vues Rick Rolin, editor A weekly publication of the church of Christ at Westvue 1710 Mooresville Hwy Lewisburg, TN 37091 Nues & Vues @Westvue Church of Christ Elders Thomas Blalock David Cook Joe George Tony Matthews Deacons Ed Anderson Tres Beasley Mark Blalock Brian Cook Tony Cross Danny Morgan Ministers Rick Rolin 359-2571 (office) Youth Minister Mike Whitehead Volume 48 Choices Well, for some this is the beginning of their favorite time of the year. It will not be long before autumn arrives and with it the cooler drier air and the beautiful colors of nature. I must admit, though, it is one of my favorite times in the year for another reason . . . football! “It is football time in Tennessee!” I read about this fellow who was a big sports fan, and in particular professional football. The professional teams playing their games on Sunday presented a problem because he was a church member who tried to attend the church services. On this particular Sunday he had tickets to go see his favorite team, but he felt bad about “forsaking the assembly” (Hebrews 10:24). So he decided to flip a coin. About an hour later he arrived at the game. The friend he was meeting asked why he was late. He said that he was undecided about what to do: attend the ballgame or gather with the church for Lord’s Day services. He told his friend he decided to flip a coin. His friend said, “That should not have taken very long to flip a coin.” He said, “True, but I had to flip it thirty-seven times. A friend of mine, each time he sends out an email, he has a few interesting quotes such as this one, “If it is important enough to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.” I will say, Amen. I know in my own life that has been the case. Attempting to live the life of a Christian can put you in situations where you will be forced to make a choice. One of the great passages in all the Bible is from the great Joshua: “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15). When it comes down to it, life is about choices, but the one that counts most is the choice we make to serve or not serve the Lord. However, we must realize that regardless of the choice, there will be consequences. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7). One of my favorite people that you read about in the Bible is the great Moses. Though by the time he met the Lord on holy ground he had lost his confidence, the Lord saw his potential for greatness. I will simply say to make a long story short, he became one of God’s greatest servants, yet he paid a price for his commitment to serve the Lord. “Choosing rather to endure ill treatment with the people of God than to enjoy September 4, 2016 No. 36 YOUTH NEWS No birthdays this week S’more Time with God Since school is out Monday, we’ve decided to have S’more Time with God for ALL ages, including parents, at Mike & Susan’s house Sunday evening. Sign up at the Youth Board for finger foods. Once it gets dark, we’ll head to the creek for a bonfire, singing and a devo. Fall Retreat @ Valley View will be Fri., Oct. 7th thru Sun., Oct. 9th @ Valley View Christian Camp in Greenbrier, TN. More information will be available later. Area-Wide @ Chapel Hill will be Sun., Oct., 16th @ 5:15 p.m. Make sure to mark your calendars! Upcoming Events 9/9-11 Rush @ Freed-Hardeman 10/7-9 Fall Retreat @ Valley View 10/16 Area-Wide @ Chapel Hill REMEMBER ME IN PRAYER (CARE Line - 359-9589 after 3:00 p.m.) □Continue to remember Doug & Karen Martin. Doug and Karen are back in Lewisburg. Doug would appreciate visitors, but please call first. □Mary Alice Fielder remains in NHC - Lewisburg (Merihil) room 216. She continues to improve. □Faylynn Haislip is waiting on the results of her lung biopsy. □Roxanne Haller is in Hillside Hospital in Pulaski. □Micah Hart (12 year old son of Jason & Jennifer Hart, Jason is a former Westvue minister) has been diagnosed with Leukemia. Micah underwent another spinal tap and another round of chemo Tuesday. He did receive a good report from the latest spinal tap and there were no leukemia blasts present. Cards may be sent to the Hart’s at 121 Approach Dr. Harrison, AR 72601. □Alice Holbert (sister-in-law of Jimmy Holbert & Ricky Holbert) has been diagnosed with lymphoma. □Rob Huey (son of Roy & Phyllis Huey, brother of Christi Duvall and Misti Warren) is home after a stay in Centennial Medical Center. He did receive a good report from his heart tests. □Mary Smith (grandmother of Kristin Courtemanche) is in St. Thomas Midtown (Baptist). She underwent hip surgery to set a fracture. □Bill Stewart (husband of Betty Stewart) is in St. Thomas West in the critical care unit. He had a heart attack Tuesday. He is in serious condition. □Harvey Victory (father of Tracy Cross) is continuing to take chemo treatments. He is not feeling well and has a sinus infection. □Mary Evelyn Walling (niece of Carolyn Curtis) is in Centennial Medical Center. She is recovering from surgery and is not doing well. □Continue to remember the following who are taking treatments for cancer: Suzette Cheatham (friend of Suzi Polston and Norma Rutherford), McKenna Schummer (great niece of Donna Albrecht, cousin of Mike Albrecht, and Bobby Albrecht), Sarah (daughter of a co-worker of Erik Martin). Additional Prayer List NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil): Evelyn Clift, Nancy Derryberry, Sue Dockery, Mary Alice Fielder, Clarice Wales, Barbara Elise Murphy NHC-Oakwood: Claudie Smith Village Manor: Edna Cheek, Penny Gipson Members and Family & Friends: Ed & Donna Campbell, Richard Cashion, Billy & Barbara Chunn, Virginia Corbin, Dan Courtemanche, Carolyn Curtis, Patricia Hillard, Sue James, Valton & Angie Martin, Dot Parsons, Della Rudd, Dorlene Sargent, Don Smith, Doris Webb, Pam Williams, Bobby Winsett, John Francis, Ruth Hargrove, Maggie Hollandsworth, Jane Keith, Phillip & Michelle King, Polly Middleton, Bill Simons, Lela Victory, Service Personnel: John Chunn, Chris Haley, Robert King, Grant Pinkston, Josh Reese, Juan Ramirez, Travis Shaddy, Andrew Smith, Chris Tarte Sympathy – We extend our sympathy to the family of former member Dave Preston. Dave passed away August 16. His funeral service was conducted August 23 at Forbis & Dick Pleasant Garden Chapel Funeral Home in North Carolina. Cards may be sent to Joan at 2425 Varner Rd., Greensboro, NC 27406. the passing pleasures of sin, considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward” (Hebrews 11:26). Moses accepted the painful consequences that came to him as a result of serving the Lord. He could have chosen a palace in Egypt; instead he chose to serve the Lord and accept the consequences for doing so. Why? He did it because he was looking to the reward. Moses was able to see beyond the temporary struggle to a better day. He weighed the choices before him and the consequences that would be produced by them. He examined the pluses and the minuses of each choice: to serve the Lord or not to serve the Lord. Serving the Lord would produce for Moses some immediate unpleasantries, which perhaps is not a strong enough word, yet serving the Lord would not only provide immediate joy and other intangibles, serving the Lord would provide eternal blessings. As we (Christians) go through life and find ourselves having to make choices, we must be willing, if possible, to be deliberate so as to choose wisely. The Lord has given us the gift of free will so we are able to choose our path. We must realize, however, that each path will take us somewhere, knowing “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12). Therefore, let us remember this from God’s holy word.” Thus says the Lord, stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16). Rick Tennessee Children’s Home— Food & Supply Drive Each fall we collect items for the children who are residents at the Children’s Home at Spring Hill. Items requested are: 100% bottled Orange and Grape Juice, Sugar (granulated), Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Cereal (Apple Jacks, Coco Crispies, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch). Ritz Crackers, Hot Sauce, Canned Fruit, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Cream of Chicken Soup, Laundry Detergent (Liquid), Shampoo, Aluminum foil, Toilet Paper, Paper Plates and Cups, Liquid Bleach. Cash donations of ($15.00) or check (payable to TN Children’s Home) for them to purchase perishable items such as milk, meat, fresh produce, etc. may be given to an elder. Boxes are set up in the hall and items need to be here by September 25. Their truck will be here September 27 to pick up the items. (Information is posted on the bulletin board.) BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARIES 9-08 9-10 9-12 Ann Cochran, Betty Hill, Judy Ann Mealer Denise Brown, Diane Derryberry, Gary & Marlene Hardison James O. Whitehead AREA & FAMILY EVENTS 9/5 Labor Day Holiday - The office will be closed. 9/6 Tuesday Ladies Bible Class begins 10:00 a.m. 9/9 - 9/10 The Diana Singing 9/10 *Ladies Day at Hardin Chapel 8:30 a.m. 9/11 NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil) Service 9/11 Visitation Team 3 (Rick Rolin) 9/12 Secret Pals 9/13 Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00 a.m. 9/17 Westvue Ladies Day 8:30 a.m. *Information is posted on the bulletin board. Thank you - You have received a thank you note from Trent & Deena Alexander. This thank you note is posted on the bulletin board. Please take a moment to read this note. Secret Pals Invitation to our Ladies - Westvue ladies (16 and older who are interested in the Secret Pal program) are invited to our Secret Pal meeting, September 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Service Complex. Infor mation about 2017 Pals will be given at that time. Your menu for the night is Potluck. Current Pals, please bring extra food for our guests. Haiti Schools— August 21 concluded another school year of support for the schools in Haiti. The 2016-2017 school year will begin on September 18. We hope you will prayerfully consider supporting a school. Any amount is accepted, whether it be per month or a one-time donation. Please contact one of the elders or the office to let them know how much you wish to contribute whether you gave this past year or not.
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