April - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
April - Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Conference Call Coffee Break See who we surprised last month! 9 Make your voice heard, see when you can join us. 13 A Birthday Celebration Life Choices celebrates 35 years of life! 24 Chamber Luncheon Business After Hours Thursday, Apr. 18 Wednesday, Apr. 10 at at Lewis Clark Recyclers Quality Inn & Suites April 2013 CHAIRMAN’S THOUGHTS 9TH Annual Refresh The Valley JOIN US SATURDAY, APRIL 6TH Share the Value of the Chamber Refresh the Valley, a 9-year-old program created in an effort to spruce up Lewiston and Clarkston's appearance, will take place on Saturday, April 6th. The event, with a goal of encouraging business owners in both cities to beautify their storefronts, is sponsored by Clearwater Paper Corporation and is produced by the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce and Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, in conjunction with the City of Lewiston Parks Department. EER To UNT OL page 2 WHAT'S HAPPENING See the events coming up this month AP 10 a.m. S a t u r d a y, page 3 & 7 R I L 6t h PRESIDENT’S VIEW .– 8 a.m Refresh the Valley PRO SHOP 2013 Sponsorship Opportunities Available page 25 p o s t- w page 9 or art y! kp All Volunteers Vernon Park 10 a.m. Free brunch, live music, & children’s chalk art competition! Clarkston Volunteers: Meet at Vernon Park 8 a.m. Lewiston Volunteers: Meet at Brackenbury Square 8 a.m. TITLE SPONSOR: “Business owners and residents throughout the valley are encouraged to clean their own sidewalks and property, remove litter, plant flowers and otherwise freshen things up after the winter season. Adopt-astreet organizations and individuals are being asked to clean their sections on the same day or as near to it as possible,” said Breanne Durham, Executive Director for Beautiful Downtown Lewiston. Volunteers from Lewiston will gather at 8 a.m. in Brackenbury Square between Main and D streets in Lewiston. Volunteers from Clarkston will gather at 8 a.m. at Vernon Park on 6th Street in Clarkston. When work is done, at 10AM, a light brunch, provided by sponsors, will be served in Vernon Park. Volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves, water bottles and garden tools such as trowels, brooms, and even leaf blowers. Garbage bags and some blowers will be provided. “The time was picked to have the valley looking its best for the upcoming Alive After Five season in Clarkston, Dogwood Festival, Asotin County Fair and Rodeo, and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics baseball tournament at Lewis-Clark State College,” said Kristin Kemak, President and CEO of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. (208)790-1148 or (509)758-7712 for more information. Rain or shine, the projects will go ahead that day, so dress appropriately. The group hopes to see a large turn-out of volunteers for the valley-wide beautification effort. 502 BRIDGE STREET CLARKSTON, WASHINGTON 99403 [email protected] 509.758.7712 509.751.8767 FAX WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG chairman'sthoughts Share the Value of the Chamber I am always amazed at this time of year. There are so many things happening around the valley and our community. The weather is changing and warming up, the days are longer and more productive and it is a great time to get involved with the many activities and functions of the chamber! TODD BLAMIRES Chairman, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber ArtBeat We recently had the Annual Spring Break Dinner & Auction that was a great success. Many thanks go out to all of those that helped and participated in this great fundraising event. I would like to mention just a few of the events that are coming up this month that are a great way to get involved and network in YOUR chamber…April 6 - “Refresh the Valley”, April 10 – General Membership Luncheon, April 18 – Business After Hours and Lewis Clark Recycler’s 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration. These are just a few of the many things that YOUR chamber participates in that brings value to the community that we live and work in. The chamber is growing at a wonderful pace right now, it is awesome to introduce our new members at our functions, as well as seeing our extraordinary group of existing members at these events. It proves the value of the chamber to all in being able to come together, network among ourselves and establish those new and lasting relationships to strengthen and grow our business’. Now is the time to act…now is the time to share what you have…the value of the chamber! Let us know of business’, groups, or individuals that would benefit from membership. We are ready and willing to contact and visit those that you know that would like to strengthen and grow their business’ in the valley. The chamber has all types of memberships and sponsorships that can be tailored to the needs of everyone. Let’s continue to grow and establish those bonds within our communities! Many thanks again to all those that help and participate in all of YOUR chamber functions and activities! chinatrip China Trip in October 2013 OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013 “Join us as we spend nine memorable days exploring many ancient and modern sites! For only $2199 you will enjoy round trip airfare, four and five star hotel accommodations, English speaking tour guides, and three meals a day!” Congratulates Year-End 2012 Top Lending Partner and Top Loan Originator in Lewis-Clark Valley HIGHLIGHTS Beijing, Tian An Men Square, Palace Museum aka. the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Great Wall, Ming Tombs, Lama Temple and the Temple of Heaven, Lingering Garden, Tiger Hill, Hanshan Temple, National Embroidery Institute, Lignyin Temple, Yu Garden. and Ronda Edwards with To view our complete itinerary please click here! 1-866-432-4066 APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 2 what'shappening COAST GUARD AUXILIARY MEETING Tues. Apr. 2nd and the first Tues. of each month Time: 6PM Location: Hells Canyon Boat Club 208.791.4334 | [email protected] KID’S DAY IN THE PARK – SPRING FLING Wed. Apr. 3rd Time: 10AM – 2PM Location: Nez Perce National Historical Park Picnic Area 208.843.7009 | [email protected] WINTER CLOTHES GIVEAWAY AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Sat. Apr. 13th Time: 9AM – 4:30PM Location: 609 3rd Street, Clarkston and 3138 5th Street, Lewiston 509.758.7061 | [email protected] US BANK CUSTOMER OPEN HOUSE Wed. Apr. 17th Time: 6PM – 7:30PM Location: 835 Main Street, Lewiston 208.799.2503 | [email protected] www.usbank.com UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO RODEO Fri. Apr. 19th and Sat. Apr. 20th Time: 4PM – 7PM Location: 49’ers Saddle Club Arena, 6601 Tammany Creek Road, Lewiston 406.855.2184 | [email protected] www.collegerodeo.com BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB THUNDERBIRD GOLF CLASSIC Sat. Apr. 20th and Sun. Apr. 21st Time: 1PM Shotgun Start on Sat. and 9AM Shotgun Start on Sun. Location: Sat. at Lewiston Golf & Country Club, Sun. at Clarkston Golf & Country Club 208.746.2301 | [email protected] www.poweroftheclub.org IDAHO SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER APRIL WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Register online at www.idahosbdc.org or call 208.792.2465 Start-Up Decisions, Capital, & Regulations Date: April 2, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 119 Fee: $30 Instructor: Barbara Leachman by reviewing the complexities regarding your team, business structures, risks, regulations, records, taxes, credit, and capital. Business Website Basics Date: April 9, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 119 Fee: $30 Instructor: Barbara Leachman Decide your website’s purpose, avoid pitfalls, learn the lingo, get the eCommerce course book, and find out how to get your business online through Google, for free, for a year. Learn the steps to get a URL, pick a template, use keywords, load your information, insert links, and get found. keeping in QuickBooks. This workshop helps you learn to enter sales, receive payments, make deposits, enter and pay bills, set up inventory, track and pay sales tax and review reports. Register online at www.idahosbdc.org or call 208792-2465 Ongoing Events LEWIS CLARK STATE COLLEGE WORKFORCE TRAINING COURSES Dan Faller LCSC Workforce Training www.lcsc.edu/wft Winning the Search Engine Race: Practical Tips to VETERANS APPRECIATION DAY AT Ranking Higher Than Your Competition Date: April 16, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 204 Fee: $30 Instructor: Jeff Purcell We rely on internet search engines to provide us with the information we want, when we want it. Ranking higher in Google (and others) for the keywords that matter to your business is more important every day. This workshop will show you how to get your website seen by more of the right people, those who are ready to purchase your products or services. Our instructor, Jeff Purcell is an LCSC Alumni and has been helping small businesses through search engine optimization and pay-per-click consulting for nearly a decade. He is a Google AdWords Certified Professional and works full time managing local and national business SEO and PPC accounts. QuickBooks Basics Part 1 Date: April 18, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 122 Fee: $40 Instructor: Judy Schumacher This workshop gives you the hands on basics of getting started with QuickBooks. Learn to navigate and balance your bank statements, process credit card transactions, and create your balance sheet accounts. HAPPY DAY RESTAURANTS Thurs. Apr. 11th and the 11th of every month Time: 11AM – 3PM Location: All Happy Day Restaurants LANCER LANES & CASINO COMEDY KNIGHT Tuesdays at 8PM Location: 1250 Bridge St. Clarkston LANCER LANES & CASINO WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE Wednesdays at 8PM Location: 1250 Bridge St. Clarkston 509.758.4400 [email protected] www.lancerlanesandcasino.com Local comedy acts will be performing on Tuesdays and local singers and musicians will be featured on Wednesdays. THE CHRISTIAN COWBOY BALLADEERS COWBOY CHURCH First Sunday of each month: 9AM – 10:30AM Third Wednesday of each month: 6PM – 7PM Location: Guardian Angel Barn The Christian Cowboy Balladeers invite you! Cowboy poetry and gospel music, come enjoy fellowship the way it used to be and enjoy award winning performers. Everyone is welcome! QuickBooks Basics Part 2 Date: April 25, 2013 Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Location: LCSC, Sam Glenn Complex Room 122 Fee: $40 Instructor: Judy Schumacher CONTINUED ON PAGE 7... Part two gets you through the setup of accounts Learn what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. payable, accounts receivable, and other record Determine if you are headed in the right direction APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 3 lunchexchange Chamber Lunch Exchange! ARE YOU CONNECTING? APRIL’S LUNCH EXCHANGE AND BIZ BUZZ SPONSORED BY: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2013 12PM – 1PM QUALITY INN & SUITES COST: $17 You’re invited! As a member of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber, you have a standing invitation to come have lunch with your fellow Chamber members. Know someone new to the area? Guests are welcome and encouraged! Introduce new employees, supervisors, managers or community group leaders from your business or organization. As though you’d need more reasons, attending the luncheon provides business advocacy, networking opportunities and member-to-member referrals. You’ll get to hear from informative speakers, and don’t forget, 50/50 drawings, Ray-isms, door prizes and Biz Buzz this month! The Chamber Lunch Exchange is generally held on the second Wednesday of each month at noon, unless otherwise stated. There’s always something special going on – don’t be left out! DON’T BE LEFT STANDING, OR WORSE………..HUNGRY! PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SEAT BY CALLING THE CHAMBER OFFICE IN ADVANCE! 509.758.7712 ***As a reminder, advance RSVP is due for all luncheons, and all other chamber events that have an entrance or ticket fee. After you have reserved your spot, we will plan on you being there. If you find that you will not be able to attend, please call our office at least 24 hours prior to the event to avoid being charged. If you must cancel after the 24 hour period, or do not notify our office of your absence, please expect to receive an invoice for the missed event. A one-time exception will be granted for medical emergencies for either you or a family member.*** APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 4 lunchexchange Thank You! FOR ATTENDING THE CHAMBER LUNCH EXCHANGE! We'd like to thank everyone who attended the monthly Lunch Exchange on Wednesday, March 13th. We would especially like to thank the American Red Cross of Greater Idaho, North Central Idaho District, our luncheon sponsor. Deborah Snyder gave an informative presentation about the services that they provide, and the goals they strive for. “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The Greater Idaho Chapter of the American Red Cross is part of the largest and most diverse service organization in the United States. We serve more than 1.4 million people and cover nearly 84,000 square miles in 39 Idaho counties, as well as Malheur county in Oregon and Asotin and Garfield counties in Washington. We provide food and shelter in emergencies, assist members of our armed forces and their families, teach lifesaving skills, and more. All American Red Cross disaster assistance is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people. The vision of the Greater Idaho Chapter of the American Red Cross is to be the most trusted community service organization in education, preparation and response to natural disasters and human emergencies.” CONTACT INFO Deborah Snyder American Red Cross Greater Idaho Chapter/North Central Idaho District 3332 10th Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 800.853.2570 ext. 202 (p) | 208.553.5147 (c) [email protected] www.redcross.org THANK YOU TO THE AMBASSADORS THAT HELPED ALSO! Libby Fender, Wells Fargo Ashley Kuykendall, LCCU Reuben Russell, Russell Specialty Services Barbara Craigie, FastSigns Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market Lunch Exchange Schedule Lunch Exchange will be held at Quality Inn & Suites through July of 2013 and RSVPs are required, please call the chamber office in advance to reserve your seat. Apr. 10 May 8 Jun. 12 July 10 Aug. 14 Sponsored by: Family Promise LCSC/NAIA World Series OPEN! OPEN! OPEN! Sept. 11 Oct. 9 Nov. 13 Dec. 10 Lewiston Clarkston Partners Habitat for Humanity State of the Valley Address OPEN! Chamber/Rotary Christmas Luncheon Sponsors are encouraged to bring visual aids, promotional items and to be creative with their 20 minute presentation. If you would like to get on the calendar to sponsor a luncheon in 2013, contact Kristina Bickford at the Chamber office today at 509.758.7712! APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 5 businessafterhours Business After Hours COME CELEBRATE WITH US! Network with your current or associates at Business After Hours. potential business Bring plenty of business cards, enjoy refreshments and door prizes. Join us at this free event for all chamber members and their employees! Lewis Clark Recyclers, the Outlaw 106.9 and the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce are proud to host Lewiston’s 8th Annual Earth Day Celebration on April 18th, 2013 from 4pm-7pm. Come help educate the neighborhood about the Earth’s natural resources and what we can do to help preserve them. With food, live music from 7 Devils and Elliott Marks and educational activities for kids and adults, all provided free thanks to the generosity of local businesses, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the world. It’s our neighborhood, our earth, so LET’S RECYCLE! HOSTED BY: Thurs. April 18 Capital Street between 2nd and 3rd Streets AND 3rd Street between C and B Streets in Downtown Lewiston 4PM – 7PM Business After Hours Schedule Business After Hours is held on Thursdays unless otherwise stated. Apr. 18 Lewis Clark Recyclers Earth Day Celebration May 16 Public Consulting Group June 20 Clearwater River Casino July 18 Lewiston Roundup Association Aug. 15 Tri-State Memorial Hospital Sept. 19 Potlatch #1 Federal Credit Union Oct. Oct. 17 Outdoor) Nov. 14 Dec. 12 LC Valley Chamber Business Expo RMT Equipment (Formerly Tumac Stonebraker McQuary Insurance Inland Cellular Showcase your business by hosting a Business After Hours! Contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office to reserve your spot today, 758.7712 or [email protected]. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 6 businessafterhours Thank You, Rustebakke Veterinary Service! Thank you to Rustebakke Veterinary Service for hosting a wonderful Business After Hours on Thurs. March 21st!! Dr. Rustebakke and his staff transformed the equine section of their clinic into the perfect networking venue, and even prepared tri-tip steak and homemade baked beans for those that attended! “Rustebakke Veterinary Service is a Full-Service Veterinary Medical Facility. We are located in Clarkston, Washington, and service Clarkston, Lewiston, Idaho, and the surrounding 50 to 60 mile radius. Originally Specializing in Equine Medicine, our practice has evolved to now serve Equine, Livestock, and Small Animal patients. The Professional and Courteous Staff at Rustebakke Veterinary Service strives to provide the best possible Medical, Surgical, and Dental Care for our Highly-Valued Patients. We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and what'shappening CONTINUED... IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: CAREER BUILDING WORKSHOPS Thursdays Time: 10AM – 11:30AM Location: Idaho Department of Labor, Lewiston 1st Thursday : Writing Resumés for Results 2nd Thursday : Stress Free Interviewing 3rd Thursday : Applications to Success 4th Thursday : Exploring Career Options The workshops are free, but please reserve your seat by calling 208.799.5000, ext. 3522. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION health-related educational opportunities for our clients. Please take a moment to contact us today, to learn more about our Veterinary Practice and how Rustebakke Veterinary Service can serve You and the needs of Your Cherished Pet.” CONTACT INFO: Jon Davis, Practice Manager 705 15th Street Clarkston, WA 99403 509.758.0955 | [email protected] rvs.vetstreet.com SPECIAL THANKS ALSO TO THE AMBASSADORS FOR VOLUNTEERING TO HELP: Barb Hilty, Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Kristy Barton, Community Bank Sharon Julias, Springleaf Financial Jill Charpentier, Alfac Libby Fender, Wells Fargo FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER Every Thursday from 5:30PM – 7PM Location: First Christian Church, Clarkston First Christian Church hosts a FREE Community Supper every Thursday. It is free and open to everyone. The supper consists of bean soup and bread or cornbread, and whatever the cook or helpers care to also serve. Coffee, milk, water, and juice are also provided. We chose Thursday to do this as the other soup kitchens and meal sites were not serving a meal on Thursdays. This helps close that gap. Contact [email protected] or 509.758.2943. WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 7 chambersponsors ELITE/VISIONARY LEADERS DIAMOND/CORPORATE LEADERS PLATINUM/BUSINESS LEADERS MEDIA SPONSORS SMALL BUSINESS/ENTREPRENEUR SPONSORS APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 8 president'sview Refresh The Valley KRISTIN KEMAK President/CEO, Lewis Clark Valley Chamber Spring is in the air! Please join us this Saturday, April 6th at 8am in either Vernon Park in Clarkston or Brackenberry Square in Lewiston as we Refresh the Valley. The Chamber and Beautiful Downtown Lewiston are thrilled to be partnering again on this worthwhile day of welcoming spring and beautifying the community for residents and guests alike. We would like to thank Clearwater Paper Corporation for being the title sponsor and for their pride in health and beauty of our community. We are asking for two hours of your time on Saturday, April 6, from 8 am to 10 to help us Refresh the Valley and take pride in the community in which we live. We will wrap up the day’s cleaning at Vernon Park in Clarkston with a free brunch for participants, provided by Clearwater Paper Corporation, and live music. If you have questions, please call the Chamber at 509.758.7712 or Beautiful Downtown Lewiston at 208.790.1148. Thanks for your help in keeping your community beautiful! coffeebreak COFFEE BREAK WITH Simple Eats Catering Simple Eats has also expanded to offer cooking classes upon request and has been a significant force behind cross promotion of other restaurants in the Lewis Clark Valley with their “Eating at the Square” promotion. They also specialize in private in-home catering, where a chef will prepare a spectacular meal for you and your friends, all in the comfort of your own home. Allow us to assist in all of your party needs!” CONTACT INFORMATION Simple Eats Catering Magen Goforth 504 Main Street, Lewiston 509.254.1620 | [email protected] www.simpleeatscatering.com A special thanks to Albertson’s for donating the donuts and Daily’s Bakery for donating coffee! Last month Simple Eats Catering was recognized by the Ambassadors for their continued investment in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. They have been in business in the Lewis Clark Valley for just a few years, and have already become a “MUST VISIT” in downtown Lewiston. “Simple EATS is dedicated to providing customers with the most sensational food along with the highest level of service. We operate with our customers in mind, saving you time and money. Our event planners are here to assist in all of your catering needs. THANK YOU ALSO TO THOSE THAT JOINED US FOR THE COFFEE BREAK Libby Fender, Wells Fargo Beverly Simpson, Syringa Bank Sharon Julias, Springleaf Financial Services Barb Hilty, Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Tyler Garrison, Sterling Bank WE CATER... •Weddings •Birthdays •Graduations •Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties •Company Parties & Luncheons •Baby Showers •Holiday Parties •or just any occasion to EAT! APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 9 chamberevents ALIVE AFTER FIVE NEEDS YOUR HELP MUSIC! SHOPPING! DINING! SPIRITS! IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CLARKSTON PROVIDING A QUALITY COMMUNITY EVENT ENCOURAGING THE SPIRIT OF FRIENDSHIP, FAMILY AND A FRESH LOOK AT A FAMILIAR PLACE It’s that time of year again! Clarkston’s 2013 Alive After Five has officially kicked off. Join us on the first Thursday of each month, with the exception of July. Mark your calendars for June 6, July 11 (one week later due to the July 4th holiday), and August 1 from 5pm -9pm, and September 5 from 5pm-8pm. Due to inclement weather in recent years, there will not be a Clarkston Alive After Five in May this year. There will be vendor booths, musicians, food, and fantastic local entertainment for your enjoyment along 6th Street in downtown Clarkston. Come on out and join us for Alive After Five. “We greatly appreciate the support we have received from our downtown businesses, community members and vendors,” Tina Davidson, Committee Chairperson said. “It is our goal to secure APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION additional sponsorship for this year’s event, as Alive After Five cannot continue without the generous support of our community.” Vendor booths are being sold for $30 per space per month, and chamber members receive a $5 discount. There are only 80 spots available each month, and anyone is welcome to participate. Sponsorship opportunities are available at all levels, and include recognition prior to and at each of the Alive After Five events. If you are interested in being a sponsor or a vendor, visit www.lcvalleychamber.org, or contact the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber at events@lcvalleychamber. org or 509.758.7712. Click Here to Download Our Alive After Five Vendor Application WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 10 chamberevents THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HELPED WITH AND ATTENDED OUR ANNUAL SPRING BREAK DINNER AND AUCTION “An Evening Under the Shimmering Shamrocks” Our annual Spring Break Dinner and Auction, “An Evening Under the Shimmering Shamrocks” was a huge success this year, and we would like to thank all of those that donated items, served on the committee, attended the event, or helped us in any way. THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING CORPORATE TABLE SPONSORS Banner Bank - 2012 "Head Table" Winner Clearwater Paper Corp. Clearwater River Casino Columbia Bank Eye Care Specialists H & R Block Inland Cellular Joyce Keefer, Century 21 Price Right LCCU Morgan Stanley Port of Clarkston Quality Inn & Suites Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Sterling Savings Home Loan Division Tri-State Memorial Hospital Twin River Physical Therapy US Bank - 2012 "Tail Table" Winner SPECIAL THANKS TO Greg Craber, Master of Ceremonies Mike Weiss, Auctioneer Lewiston Roundup Association Directors and Royalty, Auction Spotters and Runners Greg Craber, Slide Show Presentation Lewis Clark Valley Chamber Ambassadors Columbia Bank, “Bank” Operation APRIL 2013 SPRING BREAK COMMITTEE Chairperson - Tami Randall, Alliance Title & Escrow Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market Gina Rinehart, Banner Bank Crystal Nelson, Wells Fargo Bank Greg Craber, Ida Vend Broadcasting Deby Lutes, Columbia Bank Nikki Ausman, Inland Cellular Kathy Brown, Twin River National Bank Wendy Witt, Martin Insurance Kristy Barton, Community Bank Danielle Scott, Quality Inn & Suites Lisa Hechtner, US Bank Thank you to the following businesses and individuals that donated items or cash: LIVE AUCTION Alliance Title & Escrow Atlas Sand & Rock Concrete Banner Bank Bi-Mart Camp, Cabin, and Home Christian Leer, Edward Jones Clarkston Fire Department Clarkston Heights Market Columbia Bank Community Bank Deby Lutes Fazzari's Fuch's Flower & Garden Center Gary Hughes, Limotyme IdaVend Broadcasting Jilly Bean Catering Joanne McQuary Kristin and Kip Kemak Lewiston PhotoBooth Lewiston Roundup Association Lisa Hechtner Morgan Stanley LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Riverview Marina Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Snake Dancer Excursions Rooster's Waterfront Restaurant Tri-State Memorial Hospital Twin River National Bank US Bank BEVERAGE BOARD Bert Sahlberg, SJRMC Bi-Mart Deby Lutes, Columbia Bank Jill Charpentier, Aflac John & Terry Blankenship, H & R Block Kammy Cox, Heartland Payment Systems Kathy Brown, Twin River National Bank Mary Lee Frazier, Clarkston Heights Market Michael Gruben, Inland Cellular Michelle Bly, TD&H Engineering Mike Bly, Inland Cellular Port of Clarkston Sherry Skalicky, Sattler Insurance Tami Randall, Alliance Title & Escrow Tammy Lewis, SEL Tim Barker, City of Lewiston Todd Blamires, ArtBeat Wendie Kause, Kause Success Management SILENT AUCTION …and BOOKS, too! Aflac Art Beat Avista Utilities Backyard Attractions Banner Bank Best Western Lodge at River's Edge Big Country Radio Body Health & Relaxation Clinic, Becky Olinger Bruneel Tire Factory Clarkston Golf & Country Club Clarkston High School Metal Shop Clearview Eye Clinic Clearwater Medical Clinic Columbia Bank David Wilkinson, DDS Orthodontics for Children & Adults FastSigns Granite Lake Premier RV Resort Greg Craber H & R Block Hay's Produce Hazel's Good Eats Headmaster's School of Hair Design Hells Gate State Park It Works Global, Ashley Heger Jawbone Flats Café Kendall Auto Group LC Ice Arena LCCU Ledgerwood & Burns Lewiston Civic Theatre Pacific Steel & Recycling Papa John's Pizza Patt's Garden Center Reel Time Fishing Ridinger's Photography Rogers Toyota Scion Roosters RussFit Schurman's True Value Ski Bluewood St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Elizabeth Gift Shop Sterling Bank Su Brown & Assoc. Sun Pest Management Swiss Salon Tami Meyers Photography Waddell & Reed Wasem's WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 11 chamberevents THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HELPED WITH AND ATTENDED THE 2013 Agriculture Appreciation Banquet Realizing the positive impact that agriculture has on our economy, the Ag Committee of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce works to address issues which impact local agriculture providers in both the rural and urban areas. The committee annually recognizes the producers of the region at this appreciation banquet, and awards $1000 and $500 scholarships to area high school seniors that will be seeking higher education. Congratulations to Collin Wolff, the recipient of this year’s $1000 Ag Scholarship, and to Hannah Hill, the recipient of this year’s $500 Ag Scholarship. 2013 AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chairperson - Dale George, Retired Don Kerby, Western Appraisals Kyle Conklin, Columbia Bank Dave Troy, Troy Insurance Agency John Mainini, Troy Insurance Agency Arvid Lyons, Lewis-Clark Terminal Art McIntosh, Harvest Ridge Organics Bardell Faux, FSA Lynn White, Retired Debra Ausman, Stonebraker McQuary Phil Kaufman, Kaufman Farms Kendra Trump, Northwest Farm Credit Jill Bruce, Northwest Farm Credit Laycie Smith, Community Bank Mary Hasenoehrl, LCSC/Port of Lewiston Jaynie Bentz, Port of Lewiston APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION THANK YOU TO OUR PREMIER TABLE SPONSORS Primeland Cooperatives Stonebraker McQuary Northwest Farm Credit Banner Bank Troy Insurance Lewis Clark Terminal Columbia Grain (3 tables) Les Schwab Tire Centers of Lewiston – Main St. THANK YOU TO OUR REGULAR TABLE SPONSORS Les Schwab Tire Centers of Clarkston Port of Lewiston (2 tables) George Brocke & Sons Western Appraisal Intermountain Feed Rain & Hail Insurance Pro-Ag Columbia Bank Kenworth Sales Commercial Tire The McGregor Company LCSC Professional & Technical Division Joe Hall Ford (2 tables) Perfection Tire Blue Mountain Agri-Support THANK YOU to the Lewiston Roundup and Asotin County Fair Royalty for their help with hospitality! ASOTIN COUNTY FAIR ROUNDUP Sienna Swift Tabi Forkner Chaperone Pam Kimble LEWISTON ROUNDUP Queen Darryl Kerby Princess Charli Young Princess Liz Gibbs Chaperone Tammy Thomason Chaperone Candyce Forsmann Director Rollie Thomason WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 12 legislativeconferencecall Legislative Conference Call & Meeting Schedule WASHINGTON LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE CALL & MEETING SCHEDULE Thursday, April 11 Time: 7AM - Committee Meeting, 7:30AM - Call Location: Port of Clarkston Office CONTACT INFO Kristin Kemak 509.758.7712 [email protected] www.lcvalleychamber.org CONTACT INFO FOR WASHINGTON SENATORS AND LEGISLATORS Senator Mark Schoesler Republican Floor Leader (R) 9th Legislative District Olympia Office: 110 Irv Newhouse Building PO Box 40409 Olympia, WA 98504-0409 360.786.7620 Fax: 360.786.1999 Email Visit Website APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Rep. Susan Fagan (R) 9th Legislative District Olympia Office: 406 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0409 360.786.7942 Fax: 360.786.7942 Email Visit Website Rep. Joe Schmick Assistant Minority Whip (R) 9th Legislative District Olympia Office: 432 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0409 360.786.7844 Email Visit Website WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 13 memberrenewals THANK YOU! Your membership in the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce is a symbol of confidence in the work of the Chamber and its volunteers. We sincerely thank our members who renewed their membership for their ongoing support. Please remember these companies when you do business! If you don't see your business listed here, please contact Kristina Bickford, Membership Services Coordinator at 509.758.7712 or [email protected]. ...and Books, too! (509) 758-3626 Inland 465 (208) 743-6505 Shinn-Reimers TV & Appliance (208) 746-5711 4J Electric, Inc. dba Engel Electric (208) 746-5573 Johnson, Dr. John, DDS (208) 798-7955 St. Vincent DePaul (509) 758-7061 Asotin County Blues American Legion Baseball (208) 746-9685 Keltic Engineering, Inc. (208) 743-2135 State Farm Insurance/Shauna Besaw (509) 758-0800 Land Title of Nez Perce County (208) 746-3513 Steve Wittman Construction (208) 746-8895 Lewis Clark Credit Union - Lewiston (208) 746-7233 Subway - Clarkston #1 (509) 758-5000 Lewis Clark Credit Union - Clarkston (509) 780-4120 Tara's Elegance (469) 232-7827 Lewiston Golf & Country Club (208) 746-2801 TD&H Engineering; Thomas, Dean & Hoskins (208) 746-0938 Asotin County Library (509) 758-5454 B & F Power Vac (208) 746-1461 B & I Computer Systems (208) 746-5980 Backyard Attractions (509) 751-9273 Battles & Ells, P.A. (208) 746-3681 Broyles & Laws PLLC (509) 758-1636 CENTURY 21 Price Right - Kathy Spring (509) 552-9203 CENTURY 21 Price Right - Joyce Keefer (208) 305-7401 Clark Communications, Inc. (208) 746-9671 Clarkston Heights Pharmacy & Gifts (509)758-3376 Clearwater Credit Union (208) 746-9836 Credit Bureau of Lewiston/Clarkston, Inc. (208) 743-1525 Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center (509) 758-5141 Dwyer Chiropractic Clinic (509) 758-9214 Fazzari's (509) 758-3386 Grangeville Super 8 Motel (208) 983-1002 Granite Lake Premier RV Resort (509) 751-1635 Howell CNC and Machine (208) 743-7418 Idaho Recreation Council (208) 743-2616 Impressions Childcare (509) 758-7122 APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION Liberty Mart, LLC (208) 746-3865 Licensing, Etc. (509) 758-7761 Linn Pemberton EA (509) 758-3985 Marker Smith Accounting (208) 743-3227 McCall's Classic Construction (208) 798-8946 Moneysaver Ads & Printing (208) 746-0483 Nez Perce National Historical Park (208) 843-7051 Northwest Mailing (208) 790-7196 Peak Performance Physical Therapy (208) 746-0455 Quality Inn & Suites (509) 758-9500 Quality Inn & Suites – Bogeys Restaurant (509) 758-9500 Rick's Family Foods (509) 758-6961 Thomason, Mike (208) 743-5722 University of Idaho Executive MBA Program (208) 885-0555 US Bank District Center Downtown Lewiston (208) 799-2500 US Bank District Center - Orchards (208) 743-1897 US Bank District Center - Clarkston (509) 758-2584 Valley Painting & Services (208) 305-3342 Wasem's Drug (509) 758-2565 Wayne-Dalton Genie Sales Center (208) 743-2101 Windermere Real Estate/ Dina Pisani (208) 790-0058 Windows, Doors, and More (208) 746-9000 Rick's Family Foods - Heights Market (509) 758-3601 Rustebakke Veterinary Service (509) 758-0955 S.P.O.R.T. Physical Therapy Clinic (208) 746-7573 Seubert's Quality Home Care (208) 743-1818 WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 14 committeenews Natural Resource Committee Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 19, 2013 The Natural Resource Committee supports, promotes and protects the values and treasures of the Lewis Clark Valley by providing natural resource issue awareness and education to the business community. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Mike Bowman, Earl Beasley, Tony Snodderly, Butch Odegaard, Jerry Klemm, Wanda Keefer, Scott Carlton, Carol Asbury, Kathryn Claassen, Dave Johnson, Art Seamans, Mike Thomason, Jill Pakkala and Kip Kemak. Thanks to all for supporting the committee and your community. GUEST SPEAKERS This month’s guest speakers were Kathryn Claassen, winter GREEN project and Dave Johnson, Program Manager of Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management. WINTER GREEN PROJECT Kathryn presented her project which focuses on keeping the LC Valley green, even throughout the winter. She is accomplishing this by encouraging the planting of more evergreen trees as opposed to deciduous trees. Her focus is to appeal and promote this idea to residents and businesses and not to cities or counties due to their already strained budgets. She offered recognition to Granite Lake Park who has an abundance of evergreens within their few acres of land and she also recognized Costco for their numerous evergreens. Kathryn asked that the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce support the project. An e-mail vote was taken with the following response: 8-Yeas, 0-Nays, 6-no response This recommendation will be sent to the chamber board for approval. She is also assisted by these local sponsors; Landscape Architect, Don Brigham, Kelsey Grafton of Blue Sky Mondays, Hays Produce and Garden Center, Idaho Women in Timber, Patt's Garden Center and Printcraft Printing. For more information please send an e-mail to wintergreeproject13@gmail. com or follow on Facebook at winter GREEN project. Kathryn will also be present at Alive After Five events this spring. Tribe. A 2001 study by Idaho Department of Fish and Game shows $46.2 million in direct angler expenditures for chinook fishing and $35 million in direct angler expenditures for steelhead fishing. Dave mentioned the Tribe offers online fishing licenses that are less expensive than the state's license. Dave highlights their fisheries program is one of the largest in the country and is made up of 7 divisions that include Administration, Research, Habitat Watershed, Conservation Enforcement, Resident Fish, Harvest and Production. They employ around 200 employees that include 150 full time and 50 seasonal. Half the workforce are college educated professionals. They have 58 contracts equaling around $20 million annually. They have offices in Lapwai, Sweetwater, Orofino, Joseph, McCall, Powell and Grangeville. Their watershed program focuses on ridge-top to ridge-top. The focus used to be in the streambeds but has been found that inclusion of the entire watershed is essential to ensuring health of the system in its entirety. Their crews conduct road inventories, remove or replace culverts, decommission roads, fence cattle out of streams, plant riparian vegetation, stabilize stream banks and reconfigure stream channels. Dave showed a great slide of a road crossing a stream before and three years after it was decommissioned. With the landscape contouring and vegetation planting, nobody would guess a road ever cut through the area. They're also involved in making land use practices more "fish friendly" and bringing money to large conservation easements. They do more restoration work on the Snake River Basin than any other entity. Dave states the Production Division is responsible for restoring natural salmon runs and creating harvest opportunities for tribal members and non-Indians. The department released over 8 million fish in 2010 with 1/3 of the fish released within the Snake River Basin. All released were in streams and rivers where the fish will return to spawn. Dave referenced the following graph showing the number of returning natural-origin and hatchery-origin fish from 1975 to 2010. NEZ PERCE TRIBE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Dave Johnson, Program Manager of Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management, shared an overview of what their program provides to the Nez Perce people and to the LC Valley. Dave has been in his position for 30 years and has seen the program grow exponentially. The program started in 1981 after a couple of natural resource management issues arose along the Columbia River and Rapid River. Dave emphasizes that fish are a very important resource to the tribe, not only for their diet but also economically. There's a quote from the Indian Claims Commission stating "the economic cycle can generally be summarized as ten months of salmon fishing and two months of berry picking, with hunting most of the year." Fish are important to the tribe's health and wellness since tribes exhibit higher rates of unemployment, poverty, diabetes, inflammatory disease, cardiovascular disease, alcoholism and suicides. Fish and fishing are a necessary part of restoring balance. Fish also mean business, providing revenue for Idaho and the APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION This graph alone highlights the success of the program due to the number of returning natural-origin fish rising along with the returning hatcheryorigin fish. WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 15 committeenews Their Research Division conducts monitoring and evaluation to provide information on the status of the fish populations. They operate traps and weirs, video weirs, PIT tag arrays, count redds and snorkel streams. They also target fish coming in and fish going out. Their Resident Fish Division offer recommendations for in-stream flows for the Snake River Basin Adjudication. They also offer recommendations on operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System (dams) to provide best conditions for the fish. They construct and manage pond systems for tribal and nontribal fishing opportunities. COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND BUSINESS • Next Meeting April 16th, 2013 (3rd Tuesday) at noon. We'll be discussing Legislative issues with: Scott Carlton, Representative Labrador; Tony Snodderly, Senator Crapo; and Mike Hanna, Senator Rische at the Quality Inn Board Room. Mark your calendars today. See you there. Natural Resource Committee Kip Kemak, Co-Chair Harvest monitoring staff keep track of tribal fishing consistent with co-management principles and develop the harvest plans to harvest ESA-listed and non-listed stocks. Conservation Enforcement staff patrol throughout the treaty territory to ensure that the tribe's hunting and fishing rules and regulations are obeyed and that protection is afforded tribal lands. A question was asked about whether they do anything with Lamprey eels and Dave responded that they do run some acclimation ponds at Cherry Lane but at this point he states that there's nothing large scale and that they're just dealing with a small amount of eels. Dave pointed out that they now run Kooskia Hatchery and co-manage Dworshak Hatchery. In the future they plan to add more fish acclimation ponds in North Lapwai Creek. Dave later followed-up with the following e-mail answering Butch Odergaard's question of "how many fish do they release in the Snake River?" and Mike Thomason's question of "how many fish in the river system are clipped?": • • There are 2 releases at each of the three acclimation sites, Captain John’s Rapids, Big Canyon and Pittsburg Landing. One release is of Yearling fish (the extended rearing fish) of about 150,000 at each site – that release occurs in the first couple weeks in April. The second release is of about 500,000 subyearlings (the “normal” age for fall Chinook migrants) at each site – that occurs at the end of May and first of June. With respect to marking, the graph below identifies, for the Columbia Basin releases, how many are adipose fin clipped (the green bar is for non-clipped fish released from the upper Columbia). As you can see – the overwhelming majority have their fins clipped. The Tribe does not agree with such “mass marking” for a couple reasons – one being that it doesn’t respect the fish (a number of fins have been removed from fish by hatcheries through time with little regard to how that effects the fish’s ability to survive). The second being that because fin-clipped fish are specifically targeted in the fishery, fin clips can compromise the program’s intent of using the hatchery to return fish to spawn and rebuild the run. Fisheries are managed (for example in Alaska) without fin clips, but we have gotten in the habit of using that as our primary fishery management tool in the Columbia. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 16 committeenews Lewiston Government Affairs Committee MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 5, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The February 05, 2013 Lewiston Government Affairs Committee was called to order at 12 Noon by Co-Chair Jeff Nesset at the China Inn. ATTENDANCE Pete Gertonson, Darren Williams, Tom Eier, Tony Snodderly, Jerry Klemm, Mike Bly, Mike Tatko, Bert Sahlberg, Julia Crea, Jeff Nesset, Jacqui Gilbert, John Pernsteiner, Dave Pankey and Patti Roberts. MINUTES Moved by Klemm, seconded by Gilbert and carried to approve the January 8, 2013 minutes. CHAMBER DAYS Mike Tatko shared his experiences at the Chamber Days in Boise. Several members from the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber attended the Idaho Chamber Alliance meeting in Boise. Mike reported we asked the ICA to modify their position on the elimination of the personal property tax. Kristin Kemak will be asked to follow-up with the ICA, to see if/ how they disseminated the revised position statement to ensure that legislators know about the change. LEGISLATOR PHONE CALLS Phone calls with Representatives Rusche and Stevenson, and Senator Johnson are held on Wednesday mornings: • February 27 • March 13 • March 20 • March 27 • April 3 • April 10 • April 17 (if needed) Calls commence at 6:30 AM (Pacific) at the LCSC SUB 225. Parking is open during these dates/times. You may choose to phone in from your home or office by calling (208) 332-1444. If you call in, you will not be greeted by a recording; rather, you will be transferred directly into the call. Applicable long distance charges may apply. Calls normally last for one hour and may include discussion after (for those at the SUB). LINCOLN DAY BANQUET Tom Eier has tickets available for the Lincoln Day Banquet on February 8, 2013 at the Red Lion. LEGISLATIVE FORUM The Legislative Forum will be held Saturday, February 16, 2013 from 10:30 AM to Noon at the LCSC SUB Solarium. Representatives Rusche and Stevenson and Senator Johnson will be in attendance. BRIDGES TO WORK Patti Roberts distributed information on the Bridges to Work program, designed to help low- or no-income individuals get and keep jobs. Erin Cassetto would be available to speak to the GAC. PORT OF LEWISTON FIBER OPTICS PROJECT Jerry Klemm reported on the Port of Lewiston dark fiber optic project. There has been strong opposition from two major competitors. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION NEZ PERCE TRIBE Darren Williams reported the Nez Perce Tribe is again applying for an exemption in order to obtain an Idaho alcohol license. The Tribe would like our support on this and would appreciate a letter from the Chamber. The casino expansion is projected for completion in May 2013. OTHER IDEAS Jeff Nesset asked the group to begin thinking of other topics beyond our usual discussions. Some of the ideas included: flights in and out of Lewiston (Airport Authority or airlines), consolidation of local governments, Valley Vision, City Council issues and elections. Dave Pankey asked if the GAC has specific bylaws to govern its activities. Pete Gertonson will check on this. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned by Mr. Nesset at 12:50 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at the China Inn at Noon. Lewis Clark Young Professionals Lewis Clark Young Professionals are off to a busy start this year! Their February get-together at Simple Eats in Lewiston’s Towne Square included Coldwell Banker realtor, Levi Gibson, talking about investing in rental properties. Over 20 people came to the eatery after hours to hear a wonderful presentation from Levi and enjoy delicious creations by chef/owner, Magen Goforth. In March, the group met at Bogey’s restaurant in The Quality Inn. Participants shared a range of volunteer opportunities associated with various events coming up in the valley over the next few months. Among them: Refresh the Valley and the NAIA World Series. We planned a group work day in mid-March to help out with the Habitat for Humanity home being constructed in Clarkston. The crew leader reminded them how valuable the work is even if it seems like just a few simple hours logged on a Saturday morning. LCYP will be meeting for coffee Wednesday, April 3rd at 7:15am. Location TBD. The next evening get together will be April 17th at 5:30pm. Location TBD. The group is open to anyone ages 21 – 40. If you are a young professional interested in being part of this dynamic group, contact Eric Justis at [email protected]. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at varying locations. Find their page on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Lewis-Clark-Young-Professionals. WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 17 committeenews Lewiston Government Affairs Committee MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 14, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The joint meeting of the Government Affairs Committee and the Board of Directors was called to order on February 14, 2013 at 12:08 p.m. at Mandarin Pine by Kathy Martin. ATTENDANCE Michael Gruben, John Pernsteiner, Mike Bly, Jacqui Gilbert, Allen Phillips, Tony Snodderly, Kathy Martin, Jerry Klemm, Mike Tatko, Eric Justis, Mark Yochum, David Doeringsfeld, Pete Gertonson, Dave Pankey, Tony Fernandez, Jeff Nesset, Doug Mattoon, Tammy Lewis, Michelle Bly, Kristin Kemak and Patti Roberts. GUEST SPEAKER Kathy Martin introduced Dave Doeringsfeld, Port Manager for the Port of Lewiston. He distributed information on the Port’s dark fiber optic project (DOWNLOAD). THE FOLLOWING POINTS WERE DISCUSSED • Prospective businesses now look at a community’s ability to move data when considering relocation sites. • What does dark fiber service look like in Lewiston; are we competitive? • The Port’s mission is job creation and economic development. It reads, in part, “…a primary objective of the Port is to encourage economic growth to make the valley a competitive force in the regional marketplace…” • The Port has no current authority to enter the dark fiber market; authorization must come from the Legislature. • The Port of Lewiston is currently working with the Port of Whitman County and the Port of Clarkston, who have been sharing their experiences in the dark fiber market. • “Bridging the digital divide” is a common theme. • The Port wants to invest where it can get the highest rate of return. • One question for consideration is, do we want a competitive, open access market? • Century Link, Cable One and X-O would be direct competitors. Century Link provides fiber optic; Cable One provides coaxial cable service. Currently, businesses must obtain service from one of these. • Lack of redundancy [of dark fiber optic cable] may be a barrier to other companies relocating here. • The legislation will be a tough sell in Boise. • Having a public entity involved in a private enterprise business will be an issue. • Mr. Doeringsfeld expects strong opposition from potential direct competitors. • The Port would be running fiber optic lines parallel to the Century Link fiber optic lines. • With other utilities, public entities provide the basic infrastructure (such as water and sewer systems, etc.). • The deadline for introduction of new bills in the legislature is coming up. The Port’s legislation will be introduced on the House side, and they are talking with District 6 legislators. • The Port project would not include transmitters or receivers; rather would be limited to the dark fiber only. • The Phase 1 build-out would cost about $800,000. The Phase 2 built-out would cost about $400,000. This would be funded by the Port from cash on hand, and would have an expected full payback in 7 to 8 years. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION • Mr. Doeringsfeld talked about other communities in Idaho that have either put in dark fiber or are doing feasibility studies. This is a national issue. The Port has authority to work within all of Nez Perce County. • Excess revenues generated after the payback of the initial investment would be reinvested in Nez Perce County. • The Port of Whitman County and/or Port of Clarkston will likely be installing dark fiber optic into Nez Perce County if the Port of Lewiston doesn’t act soon. • Competitor fiber optic lines may not have the same capacity as the Port project. • Is there a win/win solution for the Port and the competitor businesses in this venture? • Tax-paying business entities may be concerned that their tax dollars are being used to help fund the Port project, which directly competes with them. • Could the Port project focus on “unserved” areas? • Mr. Doeringsfeld pointed out that the Port cannot legally co-own property with a private business. • The Port of Whitman County is currently servicing the University of Idaho with dark fiber optic. • Mr. Doeringsfeld talked about “backwards compatibility” being an issue for legacy companies. • It is possible that the Port of Lewiston could lease the dark fiber optics to its competitors. • There is a need to be mindful of unfair competition. • Lewiston has the only port district in the State of Idaho. • Phase 1 and Phase 2 build-out maps are available on the Port of Lewiston website, along with the feasibility study: • http://www.portoflewiston.com/wordpress/ • The Port of Lewiston is looking for support of their bill from the Lewis-Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce and Valley Vision. They would also appreciate support from the City and/or County. FOLLOW-UP ACTION Kathy Martin suggested that the notes from the discussion be sent out to Government Affairs Committee members, and that a vote be taken on whether to support the project. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 18 membertomemberdiscount One of the many benefits of your chamber membership is cost savings and networking through member-to-member special offers. The program features discounted rates on products and services from chamber members, for chamber members. When you take advantage of these valuable products and services, you’re supporting your fellow members and your chamber. If you are a member of the chamber and are interested in offering discounts to fellow members, please contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office, 758.7712 or [email protected]. RENTAL SPACE CONSULTING/FACILITATION First Christian Church in Clarkston has space available for rent to any group. Our schedule is fairly open as of now. The cost to chamber members will be $25/meeting and $35/meeting if the kitchen is used. We have a fully functioning kitchen and a nursery, no worker provided. Also, we are available for weddings for $350 for the building. 15% discount for chamber members seeking leadership and organization development consulting and facilitation services, including: annual Retreat Facilitation, Communication Audits, Leadership Training and Organization Program analysis & design. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 840 10th St, Clarkston 509.758.2943 HOTELS/MOTELS MOTEL 6 222 Bridge St., Clarkston 509.758.1631 Winner of Motel 6 Quality Award for the USA 2005. We have available an indoor pool and hot tub, pool parties, Executive Suites, and extra parking for your fishing boat. Have company coming to visit and need an extra room. Receive a 10% discount off our low rates. We will leave the light on for you. INSURANCE PEACOCK VAUGHN INSURANCE 914 6th St., Clarkston 509.758.2222 We are an Independent Agency that has been providing insurance services for over 40 years. We believe every customer should receive personal service from an Agency they can count on. Contact us for a FREE insurance review. FREE NOTARY SERVICE Exclusively for chamber members. WATER - BOTTLED & BULK NORTHWEST PURE BOTTLED WATER 509.751.9305 One-month FREE machine rental and two FREE bottles of water, when you give us a try. (A $21 value) MOBILE MUSIC DJ MOBILE MUSIC 509.758.3301 [email protected] For chamber members, 15% off a rental sound system in the Lewis/Clark Valley. Outside areas, please call for rates and based on availability. Discount not to be used with any other offer or special. Call today to reserve our rental sound system for all your party needs! MORTGAGE COMPANIES CHERRY CREEK MORTGAGE COMPANY 829 6th Street Clarkston, WA Phone: (509) 751-2222 Mobile: (208) 790-2324 Fax: (509) 751-2228 Email: [email protected] NORTHWEST LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES 509.254.3688 [email protected] Book Your Jet Boat Tour or Fishing Trips Today! It’s that time of year again. Book your fishing trip with one of these amazing outfitters. Need gift ideas? Want to thank your employees? A fishing trip would be a great gift…. PEST MANAGEMENT SUN PEST MANAGEMENT 1140 15th St., Clarkston 800.422.4803 [email protected] www.riverquestexcursions.com 15% discount for chamber members for soil sterilization, weed treatments and just plain ol’ insect/spider treatments. EVENT HOSTING LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE 500 8th Ave. Lewiston 208.792.2060 Lewis-Clark State College has meeting, conference, and overnight accommodations available. We would like to invite you to host your next event on our campus. All chambers members will receive a 10% discount on room rental fees and overnight accommodations. For more information, please call or visit our website at www.lcsc. edu/summerstays BEAUTY/SKIN CARE SHANNON BROWN Cruzin’ to Cadillac with 3 new car drivers! 509.552.3039 www.marykay.com/domesticdiva www.steeldreamsfishing.com Hells Canyon - South Entrance 1.800.422.3568 541.785.3352 Jet Boat Tours Lodging - RV/Tent Fishing Charters www.hellscanyonadventures.com Create your ideal beauty experience. I offer personalized service that fits you. Just tell me if you’d like a one-on-one consultation, a party with friends, a virtual party, makeup tips, or skin care advice. You can always try before you buy. If you prefer to shop online only or order by e-mail or phone, the choice is yours. I’d love to help you with any or all of your beauty needs. Let’s talk! Chamber members enjoy 20% off; if you shop online use code CHAMBER. UTOPIA NAILS & SPA 644 6th St. E Clarkston, WA 99403 509.295.6128 www.reeltimefish.com Utopia Salon is offering 30% off all services over $13 every Monday & Tuesday in March 2013. www.snakeriveradventures.com Cherry Creek Mortgage will waive the appraisal fee (up to $500) on purchase loans to all chamber members and their employees. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 19 newmembers Please extend a warm hand of welcome to the following companies who joined the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce. Be a good partner…remember these companies when you do business. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO EXTENSION NEZ PERCE COUNTY Kathee Tifft 1239 Idaho Street, Lewiston 208.799.3054 | [email protected] www.uidaho.edu/extension/nezperce HILLCREST AIRCRAFT CO. Linda Jones 540 O'Connor Road, Lewiston 208.746.8271 | [email protected] www.hillcrestaircraft.com WRANGLER BAR & GRILL Bill Behrens, Manager 750 21st Street, Lewiston 208.746.1811 | [email protected] Event venue, bar, arts & entertainment. CLARKSTON COMMUNITY GARDEN Dan Cease, CEO 1440 Fair Street, Clarkston 509.254.1720 | [email protected] www.clarkstongarden.com The Clarkston Community Garden offers residents a community space to grow their own fresh, nutrient rich produce in a sustainable manner, while also dedicating a large portion of our garden to grow fresh, healthy vegetables. MAP TRAVEL CO. Martha Pierce, Manager 208.798.3200 | [email protected] www.maptravelco.com Full service, locally owned, travel agency. We organize tours, cruises, travel packages and air. BRIDGE BAKING….GLUTEN FREE BAKERY Jan Calvert, Owner 208.413.1460 | [email protected] www.bridgebaking.com Fresh gluten-free baked goods prepared for your order! ourvalley Make Sure Your Inventory Numbers Are Accurate For many companies, inventory is a significant dollar amount on the company's financial statements. So it's crucial that recorded inventory balances reflect actual values. When such accounts aren't properly stated, the cost of goods sold and current ratios — numbers that often matter to decision makers — may be skewed. If banks discover that your company's inventory accounts are overstated, they may not extend credit. If, when necessary, inventories aren't "written down" (their values lowered in the accounting records), fraud may go undetected or the company's net profits may appear unrealistically rosy. Inventories decline in value for a variety of reasons. You might be in the business of selling electronic equipment to retail customers. Over time, yesterday's "latest and greatest" gadgets become today's hohum commodities. Such goods still have value, but they can't be sold at last year's prices. Your inventory is experiencing "obsolescence." Inventory "shrinkage" is another term that's often used to describe declining inventory values. Let's say you run a construction materials company. Unbeknownst to you, a dishonest supervisor is skimming goods from your shelves. A periodic inventory count that's compared to your company's general ledger might show that inventory is declining faster than it's being sold. As a result, you may decide to investigate and to reduce inventory values in your accounting records. Other examples of shrinkage might include a clothing store that loses inventory due to shoplifting or a warehouse facility that's hit by a storm. In both cases, inventories may need to be written down in the company books to more accurately reflect actual values. If your company holds goods that are subject to evaporation, some of your inventory value might "vanish into thin air." Under another scenario, a shady supplier might bill your company for goods that aren't actually shipped or received. If invoices are recorded in your accounting records at full cost, your inventory may end up being overstated. For some companies, several sources feed into inventory values. A manufacturing concern, for example, might add all the expenses APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION needed to prepare goods for sale — including factory overhead, shipping fees, and raw material costs — into inventory accounts. When those supporting costs fluctuate, inventory accounts are often affected. To ensure that your inventory numbers remain accurate, it's a good idea to conduct regular physical counts and routinely analyze the accounts for shrinkage, obsolescence, and other evidence of diminishing value. This article contributed by: Su Brown & Associates, PLLC 77 Southway Suite B Lewiston, ID 83501 contact: [email protected] www.subrown.com Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories offers a complete range of solutions that improve how electric power is delivered. Our mission is simple—make electric power safer, more reliable, and more economical. Explore the possibilities at www.selinc.com WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 20 ourvalley Our Lewiston Library is Moving! The library will be closed from April 15 to June 7th, 2013 to get ready to move to our new downtown location. There are no scheduled events at the Lewiston City Library until the June 8, 2013 Grand Opening Celebration at the new location 411 D Street. Citizens of the LC valley are invited to join the fun and explore the new library. There will be games, crafts, food and fun for all ages. During the closure, resources from Overdrive and online databases will continue to be available through our website www.lewistonlibrary.org. Any items checked out now until April 15 will be due on July 1, 2013 and overdue charges will not accrue on Lew items during our closure. Patrons can return books at any ValNet library. CONTACT INFO Debbie Allen Library Assistant Lewiston City Library 428 Thain Road Lewiston, ID 83501 208.743.6519 Ext. 105 [email protected] “The ancestor of every action is a thought.” - RALPH WALDO EMERSON I believe in visioning and placing my desired intentions into the universe. I believe that what you focus on will happen, eventually. In addition to the above mentioned belief, I believe that to effectively make it happen, there must be ACTION. It would be great to sit around on a meditation pillow visioning all your desires for hours every day, and POOF they come true. Unfortunately, that action will provide you with nothing more than a great vision and perhaps a sore lower back. Your passion/idea must be followed up by Action. Does this mean a lot of hard work? No way!! The more you define your goals and desires in your mind and/or on paper and create an action plan the easier it will get, I promise! To begin visioning, first have the idea. The idea is represented here as “X”. The next step is to make sure that your “X” is in alignment with your life. Why do you want “X”? How will “X” feel? How will your life change when you have “X”? What must you do to achieve “X”? How determined are you to achieve “X”? What are you willing to give up, if necessary, to achieve “X”? What is your preferred timeline to achieve “X”? Here is an example. Let’s say you want to start a newsletter for your organization. Is this in alignment? Yes, it will communicate clearly the goals/needs/events of your organization. Why? Because there is much information that should be sent out regularly to the supporters of your organization, in turn this will allow a more seamless operation. How will it feel? It will feel great to achieve in one newsletter what took a phone tree or many e-mails to accomplish. How will your life change? It will improve communications, thus saving you time and make more money in the long run. What must be done to achieve this? Define your subject matter; begin writing up articles and events. Establish a database. You may even need to hire someone to do the writing for you. How determined are you? If you are not a good writer and do not have a budget to hire someone, taking classes to become a better writer will be required. What are you willing to give up? If you decide to take writing courses, you will need to give APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION up some personal free time and provide an investment to take the necessary courses. What is the preferred timeline? Set a deadline for your first print or e-mail date. That way you are ensuring it will be completed and not stay an “Idea” indefinitely. I understand that this is a minor subject, but you can apply the same principles to anything, starting a business, changing jobs, getting married, you name it. Choose your passion/idea and vision it. Often we imagine that the “X” that we desire seems unattainable. The final destination is sooo far out there, that the road is too long to even begin the journey. The trick is to get moving. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Quoted from Chinese philosopher Laozi, (c605bc – c531bc). Wow, that’s a long time ago! This makes me realize that this problem is nothing new to us. Unfortunately, we still get bogged down in the How to get there. But in reality, once we get moving the “X” will develop and happen, seemingly on its own. In the above mentioned example, you could stop the flow of action by worrying about the last item on your list, when you really only need to understand the concept and get moving on the first item. You don’t need everything laid out perfectly before you get going. Today is April 1st! My birthday…no really it is!! My birthday wish for you is that you follow your path with every thought and desire and apply Action to the passion and make your dreams come true! This article contributed by: Wendie Kause Kause Success Management Wendie Kause is the Owner and Operator of Kause Success Management. If you would like further information contact Wendie at [email protected]. WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 21 ourvalley 46TH ANNUAL BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS Thunderbird Golf Classic Golf Season is right around the corner, which means it is time for the 46th Annual Thunderbird Golf Classic, a benefit for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Lewis Clark Valley Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee's motto is "a child will never be turned away due to lack of funds,” and we know you support this as well. All proceeds from the Thunderbird Golf Classic provide scholarships for low income children to utilize various Boys and Girls Clubs programs including transportation to the Club, Early Bird before school program, athletics and more. Please join us to golf for a great cause! The Thunderbird Golf Classic, presented by Joe Hall Ford Nissan is a two day event and will be played on Saturday, April 20th at the Lewiston Golf & Country Club, and Sunday, April 21st at the Clarkston Golf & Country Club. Each participant will receive a tee prize for participating in the tournament, a buffet dinner on Saturday thanks to our food sponsor P1FCU and will be entered into the raffle for a chance at great prizes. In addition, there are prizes each day for closest to the pin, long drive, and accuracy drive as well as the opportunity to win part of the $2,500 payout for gross and net flight winners. We are grateful from the support of our sponsors; Major sponsor Lewis & Clark Orthopaedic Institute, Nez Perce Express & Thunder Jet Boats; green sponsor McDonald's of the Valley, dinner sponsor P1FCU, hotel sponsor Red Lion & all of our hole and tee sponsors. Saturday is a 2 person scramble with a 1:00pm shotgun start at Lewiston Golf & Country Club with dinner and raffle prizes following the round. Sunday is a two person best ball with a shotgun start at 9:00am at the Clarkston Golf & Country Club. Please complete a registration form for each 2 person team. This year's cost is $110 per golfer and the field is limited so don't delay. You can also purchase mulligan's and special beverage raffle tickets at check in on Saturday. A $150 package is also available which includes registration, prepayment of your 4 mulligan's, and 5 tickets for our special beverage raffle. Please fill the form out completely to include your name, address, email address, USGA Index, etc. You can also register online at www.poweroftheclub.org. If you have any questions, please contact Chad Zollman at the Boys & Girls Club by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your past, present and future support of the Boys and Girls Clubs Scholarship Committee. See you on the links. ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFO Brad Overberg | 208-746-2301 | [email protected] | www.poweroftheclub.org Pride and Prejudice AT THE LEWISTON CIVIC THEATRE Performing Through April 14, 2013 Directed by: Mel Syverson Rated PG Thursdays are Family Night with all tickets $10 plus tax. Group Rates may be available for groups of 25 or more. Contact our box office. Idaho Sales Taxes apply. This adaptation of Pride and Prejudice captures the comedy and romance of Jane Austen’s timeless novel, originally published in 1813. The story centers on the Bennet family, a comfortable but not excessively wealthy family living in the English countryside in the early 1800s. Mrs. Bennet’s objective is to find wealthy husbands for her daughters to marry. Mrs. Bennet believes her problems are solved when Jane, the eldest daughter, seems to have caught the attention of a wealthy landowner named Charles Bingly. But Bingly’s snobbish family and close friend and acquaintance, Mr. Darcy, have other ideas. CONTACT INFO Beth Larson, Executive Director Lewiston Civic Theater 805 Sixth Avenue, Lewiston 208.746.3401 | [email protected] www.lctheatre.org NON-MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS Child, Age 12 & Under: $8 Student with ID: $11 Senior, age 60+: $12 Adult: $14 APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 22 ourvalley BANNER BANK HIRES New Branch Manager in Clarkston Banner Bank has hired Brenda Hall as Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager to lead its Clarkston branch located at 749 6th Avenue. Hall will lead a skilled team of banking professionals to assist Banner clients achieve success in their personal and business financial goals. LCSC’S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Become the BIG Fish Wed. June 5th Time: 8AM - 4:30PM Location: Lewis-Clark State College | Williams Conference Center, 837 4th Street, Lewiston Cost: $70 which includes continental breakfast, lunch, 3 sessions, and a keynote speaker Learn from local experts the skills you need to excel in your professional career in the LC Valley – become the BIG fish in this small pond; we have an exciting lineup of workshops focusing on several areas of learning including communication, business management, leadership, customer service, and technology. CONTACT INFO Julie Crea, LCSC 208.792.2333 [email protected] For the past ten years Hall has worked at US Bank where she was frequently recognized for her service and performance. Prior to US Bank, Hall worked as an assistant manager, Brenda Hall, New Branch then manager for Twin City Foods, Inc. for five Manager at Clarkston Banner Bank years. Dedicated to the community where she lives and works, Hall is an active member of the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce and frequently volunteers for the Clarkston Lion’s Club and fund raising events to support the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Bantams Booster, Lewiston High School Soccer and Hot August nights. ABOUT BANNER BANK Banner Bank is a Washington-chartered commercial bank that conducts business from 86 locations in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Banner Bank is a community bank which offers a wide variety of commercial banking services and financial products to individuals and small and medium-sized businesses and their employees in its primary market area. Visit Banner Bank on the Web at www.bannerbank.com. Establishing a Triple Bottom Line Dave Barrett, a senior practitioner with Cascade Engineering, is coming to the LC Valley to explain why and how his company is investing in their people and the planet and how that has led to increased profit. The company has been awarded “Manufacturer of the Year” for the State of Michigan and has implemented dynamic projects which result in extremely reduced employee turnover costs, from 16% monthly to only 2% monthly. He will present at Happy Day’s Clarkston Event Center on May 1 from 11:30-1 p.m. about their company’s journey. On May 2, from 9 am-3 pm, he will explain how other companies can do the same. Community Action Partnership has received funding from The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to support the “Bridges to Work” project that helps individuals obtain and retain jobs. The project works with supervisors and entry-level employees at local businesses to develop a shared understanding of both the obstacles faced by employees and the expectations held by employers. Bridges to Work helps employees and APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION employers develop mutually supportive strategies that reduce employee turnover and the associated costs. Contact [email protected] to register for the “Triple Bottom Line” events. Special thanks to these major sponsors: The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, ATK CCI-Speer and Happy Day Restaurants. CONTACT INFO Angie Titus Community Engagement Director Community Action Partnership Phone: 208-798-4174 Fax: 208-798-1831 [email protected] WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 23 ourvalley We’re Having a Party! (AND YOU’RE INVITED ) WHO Life Choices Supporters, Former staff, board, & volunteers, Community, CHS Jazz Band/Choir WHAT Celebration of 35 years of Ministry WHEN Tuesday, April 23rd 6:30pm WHEREClarkston High School Auditorium WHY Celebrate what God has done, Look ahead to the future, and Offer an opportunity for partnership We are really excited about this year’s big party to celebrate 35 years of embracing Life through the work of Life Choices (formerly Pregnancy Care Center). This event will take the place of our annual banquet, and will allow for many more to attend. If you have been involved as a staff member, board member, or volunteer, please consider yourself our very special guest on this eve of remembering together what God has done. This grand celebration will highlight the impact of the center, and look forward to where God is leading us in the future. We will be holding this special evening at the Clarkston High School auditorium at 6:30pm on Tuesday, April 23rd. Enjoy a cake reception prior to a fun and stirring program, including special performances by the Jazz Band and Jazz Choir from Clarkston High School. We will also be sharing a special announcement with the community that night. In years past, our annual banquet has been the most significant opportunity to raise finances for the ministry. At this year’s celebration, we will offer a special opportunity for the community to get behind this life-affirming work in a big way. You can begin that partnership with us today by going to www. lcpartners.org and clicking on the upcoming events tab. Follow the link to our registration page and let us know you are coming – you can even host a row at the party and invite your friends. Your registration helps us be good stewards by giving us an idea of how many people to plan for. Save the date and be sure to join us for this community celebration! Let’s fill up the auditorium that night and have a joyous time together commemorating God’s goodness. Join the Chamber Mobile Alerts Group Text LCVC to 87940 to join the Chamber’s Mobile Alerts Group. Through mobile alerts, you will be notified of upcoming Chamber events straight to your phone! Only one text message per week max. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 24 ourvalley PRO-SHOP 2013 Sponsorship Opportunities Available ProShop 2013 is the LC Valley's first "shopping scramble," a golf-themed Shopping event in downtown Lewiston and Clarkston. Teams of "pro" shoppers will "play the front nine" by shopping at participating downtown businesses and keeping track of their purchases on their official score card. The event will incorporate fantastic prizes and a festive atmosphere at the "Ninth Hole," a local downtown restaurant or bar. The objective of this entertaining new take on a shopping promotion is to directly benefit local businesses and to further promote a strong economy through the "Shop Local" concept. The event will take place on May 10, 2013 from Noon-5:00 PM. The ProShop 2013 Committee is comprised of staff and volunteers from both Beautiful Downtown Lewiston (BDL) and the Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce (LCVCC). CONTACT INFO Click Here to Check Out Our Sponsorship Opportunities! Questions regarding ProShop 2013 can be directed to Lee Ann Hancock at 509.758.7712 or Breanne Durham at 208.790.1148. Thank you very much for considering these exciting new sponsorship opportunities for your business! PROSHOP COMMITTEE Kristin Kemak, Breanne Durham, Lee Ann Hancock, Tim Lynch, Angie Weiland, Rebecca Sarmiento, Jill Charpentier and Michelle Witthaus. CLARKSTON FIREFIGHTERS PARTICIPATED IN THE Scott Firefighter Stairclimb On Sunday, March 10, 2013, seven members of the Clarkston Fire Department raced up the 69 flights of stairs at Seattle’s Columbia Tower in full fire gear in a timed competition to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for blood cancer research and cures. The Columbia Tower is 788 feet of vertical elevation, it stands as the second tallest building west of the Mississippi. It takes 1,311 steps to reach the observation deck overlooking the city of Seattle. This year, over 1,500 firefighters from 300 different departments competed in the event, making it the single largest firefighting competition in the world. The Clarkston firefighters would like to thank you for your help in supporting their fundraising efforts. CONTACT INFO Ben Schuster 208.750.2629 www.llswa.org APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 25 ourvalley You're Invited! U.S. BANK CUSTOMER OPEN HOUSE NEZ PERCE NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK Kids Spring Fling Wed. Apr. 17th Time: 6PM – 7:30PM Location: 835 Main Street, Lewiston 208.799.2503 | [email protected] www.usbank.com The Nez Perce National Historical Park is having, “Kids Day in the Park- Spring Fling” April 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Spalding picnic area. Activities include: beading, doll making, nature walk and more. It is a great time to get outside and enjoy the spring weather. You’ve got big dreams, let U.S. Bank help you achieve them more quickly. Stop in at our Open House to learn more about what we can offer! At U.S. Bank, we can provide you with solutions that match your lifestyle and your financial needs. With more than 3,069 branches in the country, you can be sure to find us near you. For more information about our products and services, speak with a banker today. Rangers will be on hand to teach some of the intricacies and history of beading techniques and each child will make their own beaded item. Learn about the importance of qáca’ to Nez Perce children and take home a doll of their own making. Explore the budding spring trails with a Ranger. Young children should be chaperoned by an adult, lunch will not be provided. •Credit and Debit Cards •Financial Management •Home Mortgage •Auto, Boat, and RV Loans •Home Equity Loans •Personal Line of Credit •And much more! The visitor center is currently open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Spalding Visitor Center is located on US Highway 95, approximately 12 miles south of Lewiston and three miles north of Lapwai. CONTACT INFO Nez Perce National Historical Park 39063 U.S. Highway 95 Lapwai, ID 83540 208.843.7009 www.nps.gov/nepe Winter GREEN Project The Winter GREEN project is a campaign to encourage residents and businesses of the Lewiston/Clarkston valley to plant more evergreen trees. From November through March our valley is predominately shades of brown and gray due to the lack of evergreens. Can you imagine how beautiful our winters could be if every household and business planted just one evergreen tree? More evergreen trees would not only increase the appeal of the valley, they would help clean the air in the winter and provide a more diverse bird habitat. We associate evergreens trees with alot of things we enjoy, so they also just make us feel better. Plant one now and make a difference! Our local nurseries will have trees available for purchase soon. CONTACT INFO Kathryn Claassen 509.758.7895 [email protected] Facebook @ winter-GREEN-Project APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 26 Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce Leadership and Staff Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS - OFFICERS Todd Blamires, Chairman ArtBeat Tim Lynch , 1st Vice Chair My Architect Scott Corbitt, 2nd Vice Chair Clearwater Paper Corp. Sherri Skalicky, Past Chairman Sattler Insurance BOARD OF DIRECTORS - DIRECTORS Tim Barker, City of Lewiston Parks & Recreation Darcy Weisner, Clarkston School District Wendie Kause, Kause Success Management Kim Casey, Avista Utilities Eric Justis, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Bert Sahlberg, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Michelle Bly, TD&H Engineering Tammy Lewis, SEL Gina Rinehart, Banner Bank Deby Lutes, Columbia Bank Tina Davidson Greg Craber, IdaVend Broadcasting CHAMBER STAFF Kristin Kemak, President/CEO [email protected] Lee Ann Hancock, Marketing & Events Manager [email protected] Mary Ann McNeely-Cooper, Business Services Coordinator [email protected] Kristina Bickford, Membership Services Program Coordinator [email protected] Jill Pakkala, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Questions about marketing and sponsorship opportunities? If you have any questions regarding marketing and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kristina Bickford at the chamber office, 758.7712 or [email protected]. APRIL 2013 LEWIS CLARK VALLEY CHAMBER CONNECTION WWW.LCVALLEYCHAMBER.ORG 27 april2013 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Asotin Co. Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 8 • Asotin County Commissioner 9 3 • Asotin County Commissioner 10 • Idaho Legislative Phone Session, LCSC-SUB, ROOM 225, 6:30AM • General Membership Luncheon, Quality Inn & Suites, 12PM 15 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 21 WEDNESDAY • Idaho Legislative Phone Session, LCSC-SUB, ROOM 225, 6:30AM • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Telecommunications Classroom, 6PM • Clarkston City Council Meeting, City Hall, 7PM 14 • Asotin Co. Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer 2 • Asotin County Commissioner • Government Affairs Committee Meeting, China Inn, 12PM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 7 TUESDAY 22 16 17 • Idaho Legislative Phone Session, LCSC-SUB, ROOM 225, 6:30AM • Natural Resources Committee, Quality Inn & Suites, 12PM SATURDAY 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 3 4 • Asotin County Commissioner • Ambassadors Committee Meeting,Paraiso Vallarta, 1PM 11 • Washington Legislative Meeting/Phone Session, Port of Clarkston, 7AM • Business Showcase Committee Meeting, Columbia Bank, 10:45AM • Ag Committee Meeting, Mandarin Pine, 12PM 18 • Business After Hours and Earth Day Celebration, Lewis Clark Recyclers, 4PM 23 24 25 • LCV Chamber Board of Directors Meeting, Timber Creek Grill Buffet, 12PM 29 • Asotin County Commissioners, Asotin Courthouse Annex Building, 9AM • Nez Perce County Commissioners, Brammer Building, 1:30PM 4 •A County Commissioner FRIDAY • Lewis Clark Young Professionals, TBD, 5:30PM Building, 1:30PM • Lewiston City Council Meeting, LCSC Telecommunications Classroom, 6PM • Clarkston City Council 28 THURSDAY 30 1 2
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