builder`s - HPM Building Supply
builder`s - HPM Building Supply
WHAT’S THAT? KNOW WHAT THIS IS? WALL PANELS FOR SENIORS For a chance to WIN a $50 HPM gift card, visit our Facebook page at and look for this image to submit your answer OR email your answer to [email protected]. Have fun and good luck! Sun Construction has installed more than half of the 10K lineal ft of HPM Wall Panels for the HICDC Mohouli Senior Housing Project in Hilo. “Once you learn a few tricks, they really go up quick,” said Mike, Sun’s lead framer. Heartwood Pacific is the GC for the project which includes 13 buildings where HPM is supplying trusses, doors, windows, roofing, cabinets and more. Deadline to submit a guess is May 24th. WHAT WAS THAT? Congrats to Rebecca Mitchel who correctly identified the March mystery item as 1100-CLEAR Concrete Curing Compound! MAY 2013 HPM BUILDER’S briefs BUILDING SUPPLY 380 KANOELEHUA AVENUE HILO, HAWAII 96720 HILO 935-0875 • SHIPMAN 966-5466 WAIMEA 885-6036 • KONA 334-4200 OAHU 682-8560 • KAUAI 332-7376 WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM r... GET READY fo TOOL S2A0L1E3 Go online and enter to WIN A BOSCH JOBSITE RADIO! or scan this QR Meet the Owner: Tracie White “Those who serve follow a noble path.” Sounds like something the Dalai Lama would say, right? Actually he did. . . the day Tracie Gonzalez White waited on him while working as a waitress in San Francisco. The story of how Tracie ended up working at HPM, starting as the Hilo Retail Supervisor in March 2012 and moving on to become Operations Manager there in October of last year, is an interesting one. And while it stars famous people and has her traveling the world and even flying a plane, the way she tells it, it’s all part of a “fortunate” experience that has “definitely continued at HPM.” So, yah, as far as Tracie’s concerned, you’re right up there with the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Tracie most enjoys the service aspect of her job and she takes pride in being part of a team that gets customers what they need. A recent visit to a massage studio built by a grateful customer reinforced her belief that the effort is worth it: “It was a great feeling to see all of the individual products and services we offer come together and result in such a beautiful workspace.” On her days off, you’re likely to find Tracie on a beach, enjoying the company of her husband, Javier, her two children, 8-year-old Kai and 3-year-old Ava Luna, and their border collie, Nuggets. If you do, ask her about the 80-year-old customer who said she’d smack Tracie if she didn’t come through with some composite decking. . . it’s a great story. HPM IS 100% OWNED BY ITS EMPLOYEES SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE FROM FUTURE “BUILDER’S BRIEFS” MAILINGS, FAX OR EMAIL YOUR INFO TO: (808) 934-4364 OR [email protected]. PLEASE INCLUDE: YOUR NAME, COMPANY NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, PHONE, FAX & EMAIL ADDRESS. HPM BUILDING SUPPLY WWW.HPMHAWAII.COM CONTRACTOR hot deals! 4 22 959 41 97 4”x4” 8’ Standard & Better S4S Treated Doug Fir 2”x4” 92¼” Standard & Better S4S Treated Doug Fir 1835 34408T 32408ST 2”x8” 16’ #2 & Better S4S Treated Doug Fir $8.99 2”x4” 18’ 32418T Hardel ½” 4’x8’ Hi-bor Treated Doug Fir CDX 4-Ply Plywood • APA Certified • Hi-bor treated 3CDX124PLYT 32816T GET READY FOR... TOOL S2A0L1E3 HPM BUILDING SUPPLY 249 99 ols! to buy to year the hours of The best 4 DOORBUSTER DEALS! R BE EARLY FO 199 99 AFTER $100 INSTANT REBATE 6am-10am only! /16 - Kona THURSday 5 - Waimea FRIday 5/17 /18 - Hilo SATurday 5 DOORBUSTER ! FIRST 15 AT $189.9 9 Introducing the NEW MAG77LT Worm Drive! Milwaukee 4-Piece 18V Combo Kit Includes ½” Compact Hammer Drill, Hackzall, ¼” Impact Driver & Worklight 7029215 (2695-24) Who else but Skil could invent the world's lightest worm drive saw? 33124 (MAG77LT) 4 LBS. LIGHTER THAN SKIL 77 free skil worm drive tune-up! Bring in your own Skil worm drives and Skil's factory trained technician will replace the oil, brushes and brush caps as needed at no labor charge while you shop. Offer good during Extreme Tool hours only. LIMIT 30 TUNE-UPS PER STORE. 399 SAVE 25% 99 AFTER $100 INSTANT REBATE 25% OFF ENTIRE STOCK OF TENRYU CIRCULAR SAW BLADES! DeWalt 5-Piece 20V Max 3.0 AH Premium Combo Kit Includes ½” Hammer Drill, ¼” Impact Driver, 6½” Circ Saw, Recip Saw & Worklight 31999 (DCK592L2) 9999 AFTER $30 MAIL-IN REBATE SALE $129.99 REG. 139.99 HITACHI 10” 15 AMP Single Bevel Compound Miter Saw 7017356 (C10FCE2) 19999 AFTER $100 INSTANT REBATE DeWalt 20V Max 3.0AH Premium Hammer Drill & Recip Combo 31998 (DCK292L2) 1799 Grip-Rite ¼”x50’ Polyurethane Air Hose w/ Couplers 7030103 (GRPU1450C) $34.99 ¼”x100’ w/ Couplers 7029237 (GRPU14100C) 25999 REG. 289.99 HITACHI 2”-3¼” Framing Nailer 7017391 (NR83A2) 34999 10” Portable 15 AMP Worksite Table Saw 199 99 W/PURCHASE OF ANY BOX OF QUIK DRIVE COLLATED SCREWS SALE $239.99 REG. 339.99 SIMPSON Quik Drive Multi-Purpose Auto-Feed Screw Kit Includes Makita professional screwgun 7019010 (PROSDDM35K) SAVE BIG! ON ENTIRE LINE OF STABILA LEVELS SAVE 25% 25% OFF ENTIRE LINE OF TAJIMA CONTRACTOR GRADE PRODUCTS! 31467 (GTS1031) R! BUSTEIN DOORET G LD FREE FO PRICES TOO LOW TO ADVERTISE! FIRST 10 G ND (GTA500) WORKSTA - $89.99 VALUE! ASE WITH PURCH PRICES VALID DURING HOURS OF SALE ONLY! LIMITED TO STOCK ON-HAND. NO RAINCHECKS. FOR ADDITIONAL OFFERS AND EVENT UPDATES, JOIN US ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER @HPMHAWAII PRICES GOOD 05/06/13 - 05/31/13 PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE SOME ITEMS MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. NO RAINCHECKS. CONTRACTOR ACCOUNT REQUIRED FOR PROMOTIONAL PRICING. ATTENTION LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIALS, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING CUSTOMERS: PRICES IN THIS AD MAY VARY FROM THE ACTUAL PRICE AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE. WE ADJUST OUR PRICES DAILY TO THE COMMODITY MARKETS. PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE: We wilL match legitimate competitor’s prices on identical items that we offer for sale – limited to the stock on-hand at the location where the “price match” is requested. Please see store associates for details.
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