2007 NRSCCA Schedule: REality Check
2007 NRSCCA Schedule: REality Check
June 2007 2007 NRSCCA Schedule: schedule w/legend on pg. 2 In This Issue: REality Check BoG, Officers, Contacts, New Members Interview with Patc Henry May 6 MAC Solo Results Mid-America Motorplex May 27 Solo Results MVRG May Run Results MiDiv Calendar, Contacts, Region Chiefs. Etc SCCA Application Upcoming Events pg. 1 pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 4 pg. 6 pg. 7 pg. 9 pg. 10 pg. 11 pg. 12 REality Check Candy Gerber Regional Executive Wow, another month has come and gone and now we are almost done with the first half of 2007. It just amazes me how quickly times passes. I first want to say GET WELL, SOON!! To Patt Buell, our Exhaust Notes Editor. As of this writing, she is in the hospital and I hope she is in for a speedy recovery, because the newsletter is huge and is almost more than I can handle right now on top of everything else. Besides, she does such a great job! cover and a cool breeze with no rain to be had. The 64 entrants had five runs each and I heard people say they really enjoyed the course design that West and Jan Gerber put together. Also wanted to say good going to Sue Eckles for top time of day. Way to go, girl! Great job to all Solo Eventmasters! The next events coming up are the June 10th Solo at the Lancaster Event Center with Scott Embury as Eventmaster and June 24th back at the Lincoln Airpark with Dave Brown as Eventmaster. On Saturday, July 14th, there will be a Solo school put on at Lincoln Southwest High School. This is the day before the Solo on July 15th; both will be put together by Jon Simmons. There is more information later in this Exhaust Notes. How is this for getting more females involved; Natha Waldbaum is putting together a “BootY Camp” at Motorsports Park Hastings set for June 23rd. More information is in this Exhaust Notes. The NRSCCA Board has determined that we will use the SPS Divisional event at Heartland Park Topeka on August 4th & 5th to score points toward the Gymkhana Driver of the Year award. See you at the track! Candy Gerber Congratulations to John & Ann LaRandeau Nebraska Region has had a race and two Autocrosses since They married on May 12, 2007 in St. John Virgin Islands. the last edition of the Exhaust Notes hit your mail box. The It was a beach sunset wedding. race was MVRG’s May Run at Mid-America Motorplex with our partner Des Moines Valley Region. I believe that fun was had by most. I know of a few troubled engines and those make for some disappointments. The Solo on May 6th was at Mid America Center and the Eventmasters were Suraj Pradhan and Phillip Tesar. There had been rain in the forecast for the entire weekend; however, they managed to run the event totally in the dry. The set-up was in the rain and as soon as we had the course cleaned up, it began to rain again. Great timing, guys! Overall, the day went well, the 62 entrants had five runs each and the event ran smooth. Eventmaster West Pierce’s Solo was May 27th at Lincoln Airpark. His event went off very nicely as well. There was cloud Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 1 NRSCCA Website: http://www.nrscca.com NRSCCA Region Board of Governors: Jerry Doctor............................402-592-7918 Chuck Garcia..........................402-672-3370 Candy Gerber.........................402-339-7276 John Hunter............................402-598-2119 West Pierce............................402-871-4183 Jon Simmons..........................402-250-8916 Check the nrscca.com web page for email addresses NRSCCA Regional Officers: Regional Executive: Candy Gerber 402-339-7276 Assistant Regional Executive: Tim Heaton 402-991-7221 Secretary: Julie Heaton 402-991-7221 Treasurer: Tim White 402-896-8646 Membership Chair: Mark Ross 402-571-6220 Activities Director: Tom Riss 402-321-0480 RallyCross Chair: James Phillps 402-730-7861 Solo Chair & Publicity: Chuck Garcia 402-672-3370 Solo Novice Advisor: John Becker 402-660-2858 Competition Chair: Mark Beacom 402-571-7414 Pointskeeper: West Pierce 402-871-4183 Editor & Historian: Patt Buell 402-391-0120 Webmaster: Christy Carlson 402-483-9034 Race Coordinator MVRG: Jennifer Igou [email protected] 2007 NRSCCA Calendar . . . NOTE:Some Events are pending until further notice Date June 10 June 24 July 8 July 15 July 28-29 Aug 12 Aug 19 Sept. 1-2 Sept. 9 Sept.15-16 Sept. 30 Oct 7 Oct 21 Oct 27-28 Nov 11 Event Solo X Solo X Solo Solo RNI Solo Solo SRE Solo RR X Solo RallyX X Solo NRX RallyX Site LEC LAP MAC LSW MAM LSW MAC MAM LSW MPH MAC MPH LAP MPH Woods Eventmaster Scott Embury Dave Brown Dan Costello Jon Simmons MVRG Christy Carlson TBA MVRG Chuck Garcia Col/Neb Reg Gary Graybill TBA Tom Riss Championship TBA Points S&A S&A S&A S A RC & A RC & A Abbreviations for Events: Race Abbreviation: A Activity Points N National Race RC Rallycross Points S Drive r’s Sc ho o l ( Ra c e ) S Solo Points E Enduro Race S/A Solo & Activity Points R Regional Race IT IT Tour Race Location Abbreviations: IWCC Iowa Western Comm. College - Council Bluffs, IA LAP Lincoln Air Park - Lincolb, NE LEC Lancaster Events Center - Lincoln, NE LSW Lincoln Southwest High School - Lincoln, NE MAC MidAmerica Center - Council Bluffs, IA MAM Mid-America Motorplex - Pacific Junction, IA MPH Motorsports Park, Hastings, NE TBA To Be Announced at a later date TOP HPT, Topeka, KS Wo o d J im Wo o d ’s p ro p e rt y, Linc o ln, NE NRSCCA Newsletter The Exhaust Notes is published monthly by the Nebraska Region SCCA, Inc. Permission to reprint from the Exhaust Notes is given. Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the SCCA o r t he NRSCCA a nd it ’s m e m b e rs . Le t t e rs to the editor must be signed, please. NRSCCA Meetings The Nebraska Region SCCA holds membership meetings as the need arises. Check with a Board member or the web page at nrscca.com when the next meeting has been scheduled. The Board of Governors and Officers of the Nebraska Region, SCCA meet at 8pm the last Thursday of each month except December. The meetings are at Action Signs, 4425 South 50th Street, Omaha NE. Members are welcome. Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Welcome! New Members Ben Brandt - Regular - Omaha, NE Terry Davis - Regular - Omaha, NE Bart Wormington - Regular - Omaha, NE Page 2 An Interview . . . by Patt Buell, Editor & Historian – Photos by Patt Meet NRSCCA’s Member of 42 Years, Patc Henry P a t c l i k e d having f u n w i t h Rallies. Patc Woolery (now Henry) came out to an NRSCCA event in September 1964 as a guest. She is listed in that months Exhaust Notes newsletter as joining after that rally. It also said; ‘Pat Originally Patc was spelled Patsy - my fault. I was putting drives a 1964 Austin-Healey her name on a banner and ran out of room. I had Pat writMark II Sprite.’ ten out and no room for the “sy” so I replaced them with a “c”. It was a joke at the time but it stuck. (Of course, my Patc tells me, “When I bought my new 1964 Sprite from name use to be Pat but Patc and another friend added the the dealer part of the sale was a free membership in the extra “t”). See what belonging to the SCCA can do for you SCCA! I had no idea what the SCCA was at that time but - it can make you famous. met the NRSCCA RE, Ralph Barbe when I picked up my new Sprite and he invited me to an event. The beginning of Patc and I ran some of the first Funkhana’s together. (See a wonderful fun experience, one that changed my life!” photos) They blindfolded the driver (me) and the navigator (Patc) gave directions - when you can’t see, “turn, turn” At the next rally event she and her navigator finished 4th and “that way” are very confusing. out of 27 entries. Not bad! Off to a good start - but by the next few events she began winning the “Hero Driver” In 1967 the NRSCCA board appointed Patc Secretary, and trophy and probably won that award more than any other in 1968 and 1969 she was Assistant R. E. member in the 1960-70’s. (This trophy was given to the member that did something, ahhhh ... outstanding. Maybe In 1970, Patc became NRSCCA’s first female R.E. This a large goof and often something dumb. It was embar- was when I got to really know her and we have been very rassing to get it but it was good for a free entry at the good friends ever since. next event - Patc has always been good at saving money). Patc said; “I enjoyed the many areas of participation you She claims, “I broke the code early on in my SCCA career, could get involved with in the SCCA. I think I served time when something was free go for it! Actually, my first Rally in almost every position you could in the region. Being RE event was a fluke the next several was the real me. Never was quite an experience and one I enjoyed very much. By was great at following directions couldn’t tell left from the end of my term as RE the NRSCCA had survived and right! Once Patt and continued on to become one very active region.” I started rallying together she put a She was also on the MiDiv Executive Committee as Secre“L” on the back of tary at this time. They had to meet in a central location my left hand but (usually some small town in Kansas) in the early 1970’s as didn’t do much good conference calls were too expensive, there were no peras still made more sonal computers or e-mail but gas was cheap. And she use wrong turns than to make me ride with her to the meetings. She also had me correct turns!” appointed MiDiv editor at her first meeting. What? (and, Patc at a winter event also, I had not been an NRSCCA member a year when she Patc has been very active in the region. She participated recommended that I be appointed to the BoG in Jan. 1971 in everything she could from autocrosses, funkhana’s, ral- as one member was leaving for military reasons). Patc had lies, crewed for several racers and had licenses in many of a knack for getting me into “things” but I’m sure I did the the specialties. She was also NRSCCA’s first Stew- same to her. ard. (Read her story on Stewards in the February 2007 Continued on Page 8 Exhaust Notes). Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 3 May 6, 2007 Solo at MidAmerica Center (MAC), Council Bluffs, IA Eventmasters: Suraj Pradhan & Phillip Tesar # Name Class = SS 1 Ed Fisher Car 5 Runs and Best Lotus Elise 1)038.683 2)036.946 3)036.534 4)035.991 5)035.809 35.809T Class = AS 50 Christy Carlson 18 Dallas Clemens Subaru STI Corvette 1)035.91/1 1)038.882 2)034.665 2)037.482 3)034.38/1 3)046.54/1 4)034.789 4)037.22/1 5)034.259 5)037.228 34.259T 37.228 Class = BS 68 Tim Heaton 168 Julie Heaton Mazda RX8 Mazda RX8 1)036.11/3 1)036.94/1 2)035.102 2)035.399 3)034.564 3)034.491 4)035.053DNF 5)034.209 4)035.278 5)034.820 34.209T 34.491 Class = CS 92 John LaRandeau 33 Fred Schaffert Toyota Spyder 1)034.95/1 Miata 1)037.860 2)034.447 2)036.629 3)033.981 3)036.465 4)033.851 4)034.318 5)034.384 5)033.855/1 33.851T 34.318 Class = DS 71 Lisa Lee 47 Robert Mavis Audi TT 1)038.390DNF 2)037.63/1 Subaru WRX 1)038.309 2)037.480 3)037.38/1 3)037.200 4)036.838 4)037.004 5)036.41/1 5)036.964 36.838T 36.964 Class = ES 8 Caleb Fintel 24 John Pecoraro Miata Miata 1)040.453 1)041.528 2)038.026 2)039.866 3)038.141 3)039.401 4)037.218 4)039.112 5)036.474 5)038.278 36.474T 38.278 Class = FS 49 Don Knop 59 Timothy Gray 95 Wayne Manion 86 Jeremy Schacherer Camaro Z28 Mustang Lexus SC400 Mustang GT 1)038.779 1)038.833 1)037.741 1)040.424 2)036.263 2)037.225 2)037.51/2 2)039.64/1 3)035.301 3)037.918 3)038.919 3)038.223/2 4)034.886 4)037.329 4)037.840 4)038.812 5)035.348 5)037.526/1 5)038.354/1 5)038.131 34.886T 37.225T 37.741 38.131 Class = GS 123 West Pierce 3 Dave Campise 17 Zach LaGrone 23 Jerry Gregis 45 Thomas Hansen 76 Lance Daris 66 Tim Walter 55 Kyle Erixon Nissan Spec V 1)037.665 Civic Si 1)038.645 Integra 1)039.931 Nissan Spec V 1)038.484 Merced C230 1)047.119 Honda Civic 1)043.164 Mustang 1)042.419 Mustang 1)041.344 2)037.110 2)038.111 2)039.563 2)037.52/1 2)041.555 2)042.451 2)040.534 2)039.803 3)036.616 3)037.770 3)038.423 3)038.775 3)040.160 3)040.921 3)039.736 3)039.696 4)036.482 4)037.233 4)037.985 4)038.117 4)039.008 4)038.964 4)039.480 4)039.989 5)035.930 5)037.932/1 5)038.116/1 5)038.804 5)039.540 5)040.393/1 5)038.681/1 35.930T 37.233T 37.985T 38.117 38.804 38.964 39.480 39.696 Class = ASP 88 Jim Rybar Mazda RX7 2)039.066 3)045.954/2 4)037.249 5)038.245 37.249T Class = BSP 9 John Rudder 65 Mike Ashbaugh 20 Christopher Jones Datsun 260Z 1)033.88/1 Datsun 260Z 1)036.241 Sub.Imp STi 1)039.803 2)034.58/1 2)034.421 2)036.968 3)033.12/1 3)035.025 3)035.45/1 4)032.569 4)033.74/1 4)035.06/1 5)032.643 5)033.240/1 5)034.922 32.569T 34.421 34.922 Class = CSP 27 Matt McCabe 127 John Becker Miata Miata 2)037.915 2)037.622 3)034.510 3)035.12/1 4)033.21/1 4)033.620 5)032.393 5)032.570 32.393T 32.570 Class = DSP 93 Ryan Bowers 32 Tom Riss 48 Egan Shearer Acura Integra 1)039.158 Cavalier 1)039.24/1 Lexus IS300 1)044.373 2)039.067 2)038.899 2)040.811 3)038.362 3)038.463 3)041.226 4)037.272 4)038.483 4)038.510 5)037.409 5)038.829 37.272T 38.463 38.510 1)037.821 1)037.574 1)037.663 Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 4 # Name Class = ESP 74 Gilbert Sherman 70 Chuck Garcia Car 5 Runs and Best Camaro Mustang 1)037.699 2)036.520 1)039.630DNF 2)041.275 3)035.489 3)039.801 4)035.297 4)039.591 5)034.931 5)039.180 34.931T 39.180 Class = EP 78 James Phillips Neon 1)036.948 2)036.03/1 3)035.137 4)035.156 5)034.770 34.770T Class = FP 30 David Fink 43 Cal Smith Porsche 911 Mazda RX7 1)036.47/1 1)042.437 2)034.785 2)038.920 3)033.969 3)039.284 4)033.456 4)039.026 5)033.199 5)039.351 33.199T 38.920 Class = STS 63 Jan Gerber 80 Travis Barker 61 Kevin Welch 4 Drew Davis 6 Trevor Williamson 53 Bart Wormington 82 Andrew Smith 91 Michaela Brannan 46 Steve Morrison Honda Civic Si 1)037.470 Ford ZX2 1)036.285 Protege5 1)037.713 Honda Civic 1)041.511 Grand Am 1)038.59/1 Ford ZX-2 1)043.042 VW GTI 1)041.753 Prelude 1)043.929 Avenger 1)046.091 2)036.244 2)036.845 2)037.515 2)039.469 2)038.778 2)041.279 2)039.196 2)042.461 2)045.060 3)035.501 3)035.532 3)037.238 3)038.719 3)038.110 3)039.043 3)038.795 3)040.594 3)042.854 4)035.253 4)035.28/1 4)037.178 4)037.765 4)037.777 4)038.174 4)038.593 4)040.855 4)041.387 5)034.751 5)035.258 5)036.932 5)037.289 5)038.890 5)038.404 5)038.592 5)041.243 5)040.855 34.751T 35.258T 36.932T 37.289 37.777 38.174 38.592 40.594 40.855 Class = SM 84 Michael Tran 21 Jeremy Hawzek 90 Haime Dias Mitsub. Evo Honda Civic Audi S4 Class = STX 38 Chuck Rudisill 77 Shawn Dodson Nissan Sentra 1)036.588 Acura Type R 1)038.573 Class = STU 134 John Hunter 34 Jon Simmons 13 Michael Chenery 81 Chris Bilger BMW M3 BMW M3 Sub.WRX STI Mazda RX8 1)040.322 2)038.416 3)038.240 4)035.627 4)037.826 1)039.210 2)041.24 DNF 3)039.687 3)039.500DNF 4)041.20/1 1)037.620DNF 2)039.633 3)035.61/1 3)037.026 4)037.00/1 4)037.744 5)035.648 5)036.105 35.648T 36.105 1)035.106 2)034.804 1)035.746 2)035.484/1 1)040.030 2)039.014 1)040.05/DNF 2)041.558 3)034.178 3)034.943 3)037.832 3)039.010 4)033.468 4)034.732 4)038.366 4)040.338 5)033.430 5)034.942/1 5)036.931 5)039.128 33.430T 34.732T 36.931 39.010 1)038.888 1)040.78/2 1)039.965 1)040.38/1 2)037.663 2)039.15/2 2)038.749 2)038.67/1 3)037.134 3)039.51/1 3)039.187 3)038.61/1 4)036.349 4)038.484 4)038.157 5)036.430 5)038.22/1 5)038.649 30.097T 32.096T 33.120 33.356 Class = Ladies 62 CS Ann Commerford Toyota Spyder 1)036.835 163 STS Candy Gerber Civic Si 1)038.736 44 FS Jean Smith Mustang 1)044.743 2)034.74/1 2)038.689 2)036.61/D 3)035.29/1 3)037.697 3)040.664 4)034.593 5)034.924 4)040.885 5)041.61/1 28.435T 30.346 32.897 Class = EVM 10 Suraj Pradhan 95 Phillip Tesar 2)035.788 2)036.18/1 3)034.491 3)035.126 4)034.748 4)035.187 5)036.250/1 5)034.763 34.491 34.763 Class = Street Tire 2 BS Dean Clark BMW M3 7 ESP Aarion Nielsen Ford Cobra 40 FP Nathan Olson Laser RS 64 ES Dean Redinbaugh Mazda RX-7 Mitsu Evo8 1)042.761 Sub.WRX STI 1)035.981 Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes 2)035.80/3 2)038.812 5)035.985 35.627T 5)036.389 36.389 5)047.11 DNF 39.633 Page 5 Flightline 500 Solo Results at Lincoln Airpark May 27, 2007 Eventmaster: West Pierce # Name Class = SS 1 Ed Fisher Car 5 Runs and Best Elise 1)41.340 2)41.531 4)39.889 5)40.124 39.889 Class = AS 50 Christy Carlson 45 Kent Culver WRX STi Corvette 1)41.928 1)45.800 2)40.293/2 3)40.618 4)39.643 2)44.900 3)43.478/1 4)43.087 5)39.832 39.643 43.087 Class = CS 92 John LaRandeau Spyder 1)39.033 2)37.902/1 3)38.912/2 4)38.581 5)37.845 37.845 Class = DS 10 Suraj Pradhan 71 Lisa Lee 2 Robert Bruce Audi TT Audi TT BMW 325ic 1)42.646 1)44.048 1)45.405 2)41.237/1 3)40.671/3 4)41.689 5)41.907/1 41.689 2)41.866 3)41.374/1 4)42.029/1 5)42.572 41.866 2)45.790 3)45.108/1 4)44.936 5)45.676 44.936 Class = ES 15 James Wood Miata 1)58.604DNF 2)44.902 Class = FS 49 Don Knop Camaro Z28 1)39.584 Class = GS 3 Ryan Luedtke 53 Jon McKenny 23 Jerry Gregis 4 Clay Woodka Mini S Cavalier Spec V Merc 230c Class = HS 41 Ed Bates 36 Daniel Strohl 3)40.153 3)44.902 4)43.858 5)43.641 43.641 3)37.705 4)37.795/1 5)38.001 37.705 1)46.358/1 2)44.821/1 3)44.150 1)44.045 2)46.266DNF 3)44.797 1)29.756DNF 2)44.485 3)45.450 1)49.138 2)50.749 3)48.068/1 4)43.579/1 4)43.749 4)44.591/1 4)46.849 5)43.421 5)44.823 5)44.241 5)45.326 43.421 43.749 44.241 45.326 Civic Si Subaru GL 1)46.183 1)51.260 4)43.505 4)49.860 5)48.080 43.505 48.080 Class = ASP 13 Kyle Loftis 88 Jim Rybar Corvette Mazda RX7 1)43.023/1 2)42.688 3)42.435 4)41.259 1)45.003 2)44.669/1 3)43.047/1 4)44.437 Class = BSP 65 Mike Ashbaugh 9 John Rudder 260z 260z 1)39.071/1 2)39.140 3)37.915 1)38.925 2)44.138/1 3)39.172 Class = CSP 21 Dale Lind Toyota MR2 1)46.737 Class = DSP 43 Chris Kirk Civic 1)50.067/3 2)47.615/1 3)48.264 4)47.274 5)47.046 Class = ESP 74 Gilbert Sherman 70 Chuck Garcia Camaro Mustang 1)41.348/1 2)39.911/2 3)40.712 1)46.450 2)45.907 3)45.453 4)40.381 4)45.788 5)40.146 40.146 5)48.883/1 45.453 Class = FSP 20 Tony Koester Swift GT 1)40.494 4)38.948 5)38.954 Class = CP 57 Gary Graybill 39 Dave Bremer 37 Scott Embury Mustang 1)39.189/2 2)41.920 3)40.268 4)39.153/1 5)38.495/1 40.268 Firebird TA1)99.999DNF2)44.563 3)44.931/1 4)44.609/2 5)44.839 44.563 Camaro 1)43.819/2 2)42.891/2 3)42.571/1 4)41.591/2 5)42.275/2 44.571 Class = EP 78 James Phillips Neon 1)42.228 2)41.464/1 3)40.800 4)40.088 5)40.151 40.088 Class = FP 47 Nathan Olson Laser 1)46.703 2)43.985 4)43.359 5)42.785 42.785 Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes 2)38.182 2)45.006 2)50.455 2)46.439 2)40.301 3)44.507 3)50.435 3)45.403 3)38.872 3)43.343 5)42.433/1 41.259 5)43.037/1 44.437 37.915 38.487 4)38.487 4)43.836/1 5)43.387 43.387 47.046 38.872 Page 6 # Name Class = DM 146 Lael Cleland 46 Tim Oehlerking Car 5 Runs and Best Del Sol Del Sol 1)40.737 1)42.847 2)39.648 2)41.642 3)40.815/1 4)39.412 5)40.609/2 39.412 3)41.032 4)40.221/1 5)40.637/1 41.032 Class = EM 73 Gary Bouc Mustang 1)54.474 2)50.580 3)49.541 4)48.490 5)47.520 47.520 Class = STS 63 Jan Gerber 100 Adam Walker 69 Andrew Smith 40 Bart Wormington 91 Wayne Manion 48 Clay White 82 David Cosseboom 25 Jim Rosenau Civic Si Grand Prix GTi VR6 Escort ZX2 Escort GT VW Jetta Mazda 6s Celica 1)41.815 2)40.491 1)44.827 2)43.974 1)46.249DNF 2)44.341/2 1)46.220 2)45.685 1)47.518 2)48.057/1 1)50.436/1 2)47.259 1)50.817/1 2)46.666/1 1)54.125 2)51.567/1 3)40.054/1 3)42.100 3)45.105/1 3)45.659 3)45.223 3)45.855/1 3)47.068/1 3)46.994/1 4)39.782 4)42.084/1 4)43.883 4)45.680 4)45.011 4)45.791/1 4)45.858/2 4)45.503/1 5)39.400/1 5)41.999 5)44.084/1 5)44.875 5)44.841/1 5)45.407/1 5)45.270/1 5)46.888/2 39.782 41.999 43.883 44.875 45.011 47.259 47.270 47.503 Class = SM 89 John Williams 19 Daniel Giesbrecht 42 Dave Brown 64 Jason Brozak 119 Jeremy Kester 164 Jesse Tuttle 81 James Campbell 90 Tanner Bandiola 35 Ron Sothan Mustang BMW325e A4 Avant Niss 180SX BMW 325e Niss 180sx Neon SRT4 NX2000 Mustang 1)41.163 1)41.368 1)40.496 1)42.164/2 1)44.200 1)51.376 1)46.110 1)49.311 1)46.239 2)39.649 2)39.200 2)39.698 2)41.455 2)41.544 2)43.213 2)45.400 2)45.978/1 2)44.726 3)39.283 3)38.873 3)39.152/1 3)40.694 3)41.939/1 3)41.927 3)43.328 3)44.317 3)45.082 4)39.161/1 4)38.638/1 4)39.229 4)39.297 4)42.082 4)42.550 4)44.348 4)44.046 4)44.892 5)38.781 38.781 5)38.286/1 38.873 5)38.766/2 39.229 39.297 5)40.839/1 41.544 5)42.553/1 41.927 5)45.014 43.328 5)44.206/1 44.046 5)44.976 44.726 Class = SM2 151 Sue Eckles 51 Justin Eckles S2000 S2000 1)38.018 1)41.523 2)38.097 2)39.613 3)37.622/1 4)37.844 3)39.073 4)38.980 5)37.233 5)38.625 37.233 38.625 Class = STX 38 Chuck Rudisill 28 Ralph Gutekunst 6 Armen Badeer 8 Jesse Benedict 76 Andy Peters Sentra Mustang BMW 535i Audi A4 WRX STi 1)40.985 1)46.792 1)51.396 1)49.689 1)50.786 2)39.942 2)44.147 2)49.019 2)48.017/1 2)46.371 3)39.458/2 3)44.576 3)46.676 3)45.890 3)44.984/1 4)39.298 4)43.346 4)45.291 4)45.226 4)44.681/1 5)39.615/1 5)44.417 5)44.269 5)45.770 5)46.148 39.298 43.346 44.269 45.226 46.148 1)42.393 1)42.942 1)44.908 1)49.898 1)45.301 1)46.657/1 2)39.569 2)40.831 2)43.717 2)46.491 2)57.536/2 2)45.811/1 3)39.300/1 3)40.743 3)44.334 3)46.100 3)43.906/1 3)44.661 4)39.238 4)41.445 4)43.587 4)45.573 5)39.579/2 5)41.364 5)42.821/1 5)45.175 4)44.164 5)44.246 33.588 34.876 36.526 36.682 37.962 38.158 1)41.131 1)54.025 2)39.444 2)50.905 3)38.510 3)49.959 4)38.532 4)48.440 5)38.774/1 31.655 5)48.129/2 39.188 1)40.662/2 2)39.537 6)39.454 7)41.469 3)41.723 4)41.685/2 5)41.501 Class = 86 SM 61 SM 18 AS 31 ES 145 AS 66 CP Street Tire Chris Jones WRX STi Ayoub Talha WRX STi Dallas Clemens Corvette Dianne Lind Toyota MR2 Kevin Culver Corvette Ian Brown Ford Cobra Class = Ladies 62 CS Ann LaRandeau Spyder 44 FS Jean Smith Mustang Class = EVM 35 West Pierce Mooch Mobile 39.454 Top Time of Day Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 7 Patc Henry continued . . . She said, “Being a member of the Midiv committee meant She won the Rally Navigator trophy in 1978 and again in being active in the Division and for NRSCCA brought us 1980. into the heart of the workings of SCCA. This was the beginning of my being involved with the National office.” From 1972 until 1983, she was Treasurer of the region. That’s when she started talking about “wanting to “Since my time many NRSCCA members have been on the work in the National Office.” Midiv committee and this involvement made NRSCCA much “I think the position I liked the best was being Treasurer stronger in all specialties.” of the Region. Handling money has always been my thing”, “Patt’s talents were brought into focus when she became she said. editor of the Midiv newsletter and then a member of the BoG. I learned at an early stage of my business career to “I had ways of getting members dues” always have people better at things than you are so you she smiled. look good! Patt was one of those people!” Patc held a position on the NRSCCA Board of Governors from 1972 until 1983. She comments, “Back in the 70s and 80s I thought being on the BoG for so many years was okay but today after many years under my belt, new blood in leadership is necessary to keep a region vital and healthy. But it is also very good to keep the long time people involved so history Patc finally got her wish and was given an interview with doesn’t repeat itself with making the same mistakes over SCCA. (Yes, she made me go to Denver with her, too towing a race car on the way back from La Junta Raceway and over.” - in April - in the snow). Patc was also Membership Chairman in 1977 through 1979 and belonged to the 100% Club from 1972 until 1980. But we made it to Denver, on time and she was interviewed. “I had many doubts about this interview and glad She won the prestigious “Woody Dunn” in 1970 and again in Patt wanted to go to La Junta to race even in the snow. 1979. The Woody Dunn Memorial Trophy is presented to a Come to think about it Patt raced in several snow events!” member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Nebraska Region. This recognition is given by a vote of the They offered her a job with National SCCA, in Denver, Region’s Board of Governors and is not necessarily pre- where she held several jobs through the years. sented each year. Patc said, “I started with National SCCA in January 1984 She laughingly claims, “I think I was presented the as project manager for the new ‘Sports Renault’ car pro“Woody Dunn” award in 1970 because I didn’t kill the gram. Today it is handled by SCCA Enterprise and still the largest class in Club Racing. This program has come a long region as RE.” way!!” She also won the Byers Memorial Trophy in 1976 (with Patt Buell) and in 1980. It is awarded in recognition of the “I worked for Pro Racing as Operation Manager for 10 best event of the year. This is determined by the contest- years and then took the job as Director of Club Racing till November 2002 when the National office moved to ant’s votes at the events. Topeka.” Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 8 She retired from the SCCA office, as director of Club Racing, when they moved to Topeka. MVRG's May Run - May 19 & 20, 2007 at Mid-America Motorplex Saturday, May 19th Race Results Patc says, “Since retirement from SCCA National staff I Pos Cls PIC No. Name City ST now work part time for ACCUS and do contract work as Group 1; FF, FV, F500, DSR director of Race Central for many street racing events.” 1 CF 1 48 Hans Iwand Omaha NE 8 FF 2 21 Duane Eitel Lincoln NE “SCCA has been a huge part of my life and I wouldn’t Group 2; EP, GT1, GT2, GT3, AS, T1, BP, DP, ST, SP change a thing!” 6 AS 1 37 Mark Beacom Omaha NE 7 AS 2 79 Frank Safranek Omaha NE Patc wrote a lot of articles for the Exhaust Notes in the 10 AS 3 81 Tim White Omaha NE 70’s – my favorite was “Patc Facts”… so I’ll add a few of Group 3; T2, T3, SSB, SSC, SM my own 12 SM 12 51 Bill Pemberton Blair, NE 20 T2 1 56 Prestin Read Patc Facts: Patc’s 1970 MGB had her name on the hood in “lace”. Patc’s Honda 90! When Patc became a Steward we had a shirt made for her. She was great with money - but not with “words”. Patc and her husband, Tex, live in Parker, CO. Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Best Tm 01:42.686 01:47.149 01:46.530 01:55.329 01:48.484 01:50.532 01:49.057 Group 4; FA, FC, FM, CSR, S2000, F1000, FSCCA, SRSCCA, FS, CC DNF FA 2 0 Patrick Witherspoon Omaha NE 01:29.408 Group 5; GTL, FP, GP, HP, SRF, ASR 2 SRF 2 59 Mark Hutchins Lincoln NE 01:44.608 Group 6; ITS, ITA, ITB, ITC, ITE, IT7, ITR 1 ITE 1 86 Andy Wolverton Papillion NE 01:39.775 2 ITE 2 33 Jeff Demetri Omaha NE 01:42.576 3 ITE 3 82 John Waldbaum Omaha NE 01:43.605 4 ITR 1 32 Ralph Woodard Omaha NE 01:48.075 6 ITA 1 51 Bill Pemberton Blair, NE 01:50.608 Wakefield, 14 ITE 4 65 Lyle Ekberg NE 01:53.216 Sunday, May 20th Race Results Pos Cls PIC No. Name City ST Group 1; FF, FV, F500, DSR 9 FF 4 21 Duane Eitel Lincoln NE 10 FF 5 48 Hans Iwand Omaha NE Group 2; EP, GT1, GT2, GT3, AS, T1, BP, DP, ST 10 T1 2 5 Natha Waldbaum Omaha NE 14 AS 3 79 Frank Safranek Omaha NE 15 GT1 2 3 Buddy Cisar Bellevue NE 17 AS 4 37 Mark Beacom Omaha NE DNF GT1 3 52 Dan Downs Bellevue NE Group 4; FA, FC, FM, CSR, S2000, F1000, FSCCA 8 FA 3 0 Patrick Witherspoon Omaha NE Group 5; GTL, FP, GP, HP, SRF 4 SRF 1 66 Mike Wold-Steele Omaha NE 7 SRF 3 59 Mark Hutchins Lincoln NE Group 6; ITS, ITA, ITB, ITC, ITE, IT7, ITR 2 ITE 2 33 Mike Tederman Omaha NE 3 ITE 3 37 Henry Davis Omaha NE 8 ITA 4 51 Bill Pemberton Blair, NE Wakefield, 17 ITE 4 65 Lyle Ekberg NE 18 ITE 21 ITR 22 ITE 5 82 John Waldbaum 2 32 Ralph Woodard 6 86 Andy Wolverton Best Tm 01:42.892 01:43.851 01:43.705 01:54.929 01:37.116 01:46.930 01:34.193 01:28.552 01:44.402 01:45.980 01:44.355 01:45.696 01:50.460 01:55.930 Omaha NE 01:48.713 Omaha NE 01:49.485 Papillion NE 01:38.767 Page 9 MiDiv Executive Committee Officers Chuck Clark, Chairman [email protected] Jan Rick, Vice Chairman [email protected] Chris Safranek, Secretary [email protected] Betty Martin, Treasurer [email protected] Regional Executives: (REs are the voting members of the Midwest Division Executive Committee) Arkansas Jonathan Jackson [email protected] DMVR Nancy Pratt [email protected] Kansas Larry Hinton [email protected] Kansas City Dale Smith [email protected] Mid-South Phil Harris [email protected] Mississippi Teddy Gibson [email protected] Nebraska Candy Gerber [email protected] NEOkla Patrick Lipsinic [email protected] Oklahoma Wendell Karr-Ake [email protected] Ozark Mountian Rick Carr [email protected] St. Louis Curt Faigle [email protected] Salina Dennis Smith [email protected] Southern Illinois Chris Albin [email protected] Wichita Keith Pfautz [email protected] MiDiv Scheduler Monica Shaw 313 - 59th St., Des Moines IA 50312, [email protected], [email protected] MiDiv Pointskeeper Rocky Entriken 2731 Scott, Salina, Ks. 67401, [email protected], [email protected] NRSCCA Solo, Rallycross & Race Chiefs of Specialty: RallyCross: Solo Registrar: Waivers: Solo Novice Driver: Solo Tech: Solo Starter: Solo & Race Timing: James Phillps Jean Smith Jean Smith John Becker Gary Graybill Jerry Gregis Candy Gerber & West Pierce Race Sound Control: Mike Ashbaugh Race Tech: Chris Safranek Race Paddock Marshall: Eric Salem Keeper of Timing Equipment & Trailer: Chuck Garcia Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes 2007 MiDiv Calendar June 2-3 MiDiv Solo Series Salina hosted by Wichita 16-17 N/HPT/KVRG 22-24 (June Sprints) 23-24 MiDiv Solo Series Kansas City July 30-1 RNI/HMRC/AVRG 7-8 RRC/HPT/KVRG 13-14 (GrandAm - Iowa Speedway) 28-29 RNI/MAM/MVRG August 4-5 MiDiv Solo Series Topeka 11-12 RNI/GIR/STL 18-19 N/HPT/KVRG September 1-2 RR/NSS/MS-ATL (Labor Day) 1-2 SRE/MAM/MVRG (Labor Day) 1-2 MiDiv Solo Series Arkansas 15-16 RR/MPH/NE-CO 22-23 ProSolo Finale 25-28 Solo Nationals Heartland Park, Topeka KS October 6 Witches Ryde Rally MRRS - Wichita Region 1-7 Test Days hosted by HPT 8-14 National Runoffs Heartland Park, Topeka 27-28 R*r/GIR/STL London to Paris Rally MRRS - Arkansas Region November 3-4 MiDiv Convention Hosted by St. Louis Region 10-11 ARRC? Road Atlanta, Atlanta Region AVRG - Arkansas Valley Race Group: NeOkla, Okla., & Wichita Regions KVRG - Kaw Valley Race Group: Kansas & KC Regions MVRG - Missouri Valley Race Group: Nebr.& Des Moines Valley Regions Tracks: GIR - Gateway International Raceway - St Louis, MO HMRC - Hallett Motor Racing Circuit - Hallett, OK HPT - Heartland Park Topeka - Topeka, KS MMP - Memphis Motor Sports Park - Memphis, TN MAM - Mid-America Motorplex - Glenwood, IA MPH - Motorsports Park Hastings, NE NSS - Nashville Super Speedway S = Drivers School N = National C = Performance Driving Experience (PDX) R = Regional (MidAm) I = IT Tour HC = Hill Climb R* = Bonus Regional (MidAm) E = Enduro CT = Club Trials r = Regional (non-points) ProV = ProVee TT = Track Trials MRRS = MIDIV Road Rally Series 402-730-7861 402-553-5263 402-553-5263 402-660-2858 712-366-9262 402-430-7920 402-339-7276 402-398-1830 712-323-3234 402-553-3081 402-391-7239 402-672-3370 Page 10 Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 11 June 10, 2007 Solo Points Event #3 Lancaster County Event Center (LEC) Eventmaster: Scott Embury Registration 9:00am - 10:30am Drivers Meeting at 10:45am First Car Off at 11:00am Members $20.00, Guests $30.00 Extra SOLO at Lincoln Air Park on May 27, 2007 Eventmaster: Dave Brown Registration 9:00am - 10:30am - Drivers Meeting at 10:45am First Car Off at 11:00am - Members $20.00, Guests $30.00 Call the Nebraska Region hotline at (402)827-4418 or check the Nebraska Region web site at http://www.nrscca.com for the latest event updates and schedules. Exhaust Notes 1115 So 92nd Circle Omaha, Nebraska 68124 If you have purchased a Solo number, this requires magnetic/static cling numbers on your car with the appropriate number. Window paint is not good enough for reserved numbers. Nebraska Region - Exhaust Notes Page 12
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