Final. 08/12/2014 Zn-Net COST Action TD 1304 Management Committee Meeting 3rd November, 2014, School of Ophthalmology, University College, London 1 Meeting: 3rd Management Committee Meeting Document for: X Approval/Comment Discussion Decision MEETING REPORT AND ACTIONS ACTIVITY GROUPS INVOLVED: MC members PURPOSE OF MEETING: Management Committee Agenda ATTENDEES: MC Members (Appendix N°1) DATE: 3rd November, 2014 TIME / DURATION: 1 hour PLACE / TELE / VIDEO: Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL, London, United Kingdom REPORTER: Marisol Warthon-Medina Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Welcome to participants (Nicola Lowe) Adoption of agenda Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting Update from the Action Chair (Nicola Lowe) a. Status of Action, including participating countries b. Action budget status/update from Grant Holder Formal MC approval of Budget flexibility (Whether MC would approve money between budget headings) will be requested c. Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) status Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) Update from the COST Office Follow-up of MoU objectives a. Progress report of working groups (WG leaders: WG1 Prof. Mike Watkinson; WG2 Prof. Elena Planells; WG3 Prof. Arie Moran; WG4 Dr Gündoğ Yucesan; WG5 Dr Imre Lengyel) Scientific planning a. Scientific strategy- Manifesto and Logical framework (Nicola Lowe) b. Action Budget Planning- Year 2 draft plan for approval by MC c. Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities: Lothar Rink, proposal for joint conference in 2016 with ISZB for approval by MC) d. Dissemination planning (Publications and outreach activities) )- VIZIBI (Imre Lengyel and Elisa Bollomo) Location and date of next meeting: Granada, 14-17 April, 2015 a. Plans for conference and MC meeting for year 2 (2015) (Elena Planells/Irina Korichneva). MC approval of Venue, dates and preliminary programme will be requested. Requests for new members a. Nominations of country representatives and additional substitutes for all countries (List of countries) (Lothar Rink) AOB Summary of MC decisions Closing 2 Minutes 1. Meeting was opened at 8. 00 am. Participants were welcome by NL 2. Agenda was adopted. 3. Approval of minutes and matters arising of last meeting: The minutes were approved and all matters arising will be covered by the agenda, including the action grid. 4. Update from the Action Chair (Nicola Lowe) a. Status of Action, including participating countries: NL gave an update of the ACTION and showed that the ACTION now has 26 partners and 43 MC members and emphasized a reminder for countries where there is one MC to find two MC members and substitutes. See presentation slide (Appendix N°2). b. Action Budget Status: An update on 1 year budget was given and it was noted that year 1 is on a target to meet on a budget of 152 000 euros. However, final expenditure from London Meeting is not yet known. MC members are encouraged to submit claim before the end of November. NL asked the MC for approval to have the flexibility to move up to 5000 euros between budget headings. This approval was given. c. Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) status: PG was unable to attend. NL presented summary of STSM for year 1. See presentation (Appendix N°3). It was noted that in year 2 we will be looking to support 20 STSMs. 5. Promotion of gender balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) NL presented gender balance. For the STSM gender balance, see presentation (Appendix N°2). NL indicated that questionnaires will be handed out to MC members, conference and workshop participants to ask about participation in the Mentoring Scheme and to look for candidates willing to be ESR Rep. IL nominated EB to be ESR rep. then we will 3 also seek a deputy ESR rep through the questionnaire, in order to promote sense of community among ESRs and add their presence in the website. MC committee formally approved the appointment of Elisa Bellomo as the ESR rep. NL also mentioned the mentoring scheme and there was a proposal for collaboration between COST actions TA1201 gender STE and Zinc-Net TD1304, 6. Update from the COST Office: See Maria’s presentation (Appendix N°4), this was presented by Anja, who took questions and answered MC member’s queries. Anja reminded us of the importance to attract Industry under the new Horizon 2020 objectives. Action: Include Industry involvement in our meetings next year (GY) Anja also stated that the COST office is going through changes and that she will no longer be our COST administrative officer for next year, Ms Milena Stoyanova [email protected] will take over. Prof Jaap Keiger and Prof Judit Ovadi queried the measurement of the ACTION success. This is measured by the number of meetings, workshops/symposia/training schools, number of STSMs, number of participating countries/participants, percentage of female, percentage of ESR, joint publications (numbers and impact), website, joint workshops with other actions, developed resources, funded resources. See selected slide from Budapest Minutes (Appendix N°5). Anja also stated that rapporteurs will no longer be invited to meetings. Dr. Ioanna Stavridou remarks: “The mandate of the COST Domain Committees will end on 30 September 2014. After this date the role of the DC Rapporteur ceases to exist and DC Rapporteurs must not be invited to attend Action activities. Any funds paid to DC Rapporteurs for Action activities taking place after 30 September 2014 will be considered ineligible expenses and will not be accepted by COST”. 7. Follow-up of MoU objectives 4 NL reminded MC Members the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) objectives of the action. a. Progress report of working groups (WG leaders: WG1 Prof. Mike Watkinson; WG2 Prof. Elena Planells; WG3 Prof. Arie Moran; WG4 Dr Gündoğ Yucesan; WG5 Dr Imre Lengyel). All working group leaders: MW, EP, AM, GY and IL gave a summary of year 1. (Appendix N°6) Action: All MC members to acknowledge our COST Action in publications, either in a) any article where the author is an MC member or b) if the publication is a direct result of COST funding. Action: MWM to circulate statements to use in both scenarios. Send to all MC members. (this is done, see the action grid for the statements) GY mentioned the preparation of the workshop in Antalya and to get industry on board. NL clarified that WG2 EP and WG5 IL will be speaking later in the agenda. Action: GY to draft a letter of invitation for Industry for the Antalya meeting, to be sent by the MC Chair. 8. Scientific planning a. Scientific strategy- Manifesto and Logical framework (Nicola Lowe) The manifesto and logical framework has been circulated and it is a working document that will be updated periodically and will be placed in the VIZIBI. NL welcome contributions and suggestions. Action: All to input in logical framework b. Action Budget Planning- Year 2 draft plan for approval by MC. See Slide (Appendix N°7). MC gave approval for the Year 2 workplan and budget. c. Long-term planning (including anticipated locations and dates of future activities: Lothar Rink, proposal for joint conference in 2016 with ISZB for approval by MC). 5 MC approved in principle. Further discussions with the ISZB and its membership was necessary before final decision can be made. d. Dissemination planning (Publications and outreach activities) - VIZIBI (Imre Lengyel and Elisa Bollomo). IL gave us an update on the VIZIBI website. VIZIBI was improved and showed new features, explained log in, forum and sharing box documents for MC members. IL highlighted the 2 day Zinc-NET Workshop 4-5th November, 2014: Measuring Zinc at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology. Other dissemination events that have highlighted the launch of Zinc-Net in 2014 include: LR presented Zinc-Net at TEMA (Trace Elements in Man and Animals) in Orlando, USA 22-26th June, 2014. NL presented Zinc-Net at ISZB (International Society for Zinc Biology) in Asilomar, US from the 14-19th September, 2014. 9. Location and date of next meeting: Granada, 14-17 April, 2015 a. Plans for conference and MC meeting for year 2 (2015) (Elena Planells/Irina Korichneva). EP presented both planned Granada 14-17 April, 2015 and Metallothionein Czech Republic 15-16 June, 2015 Meeting. Action: MC members to volunteer to speak at the Granada meeting and contact EP. There was a discussion whether ESRs will be invited to this meeting, but NL explained that this was not a priority because the concept of the meeting was to have “high level” discussions in the form of the “think-tank” rather than a conference style meeting with presentations from ESRs. A meeting specifically for ESRs is planned in Antalya later in 2015. EP also gave a positive reflection on the 1st year. The CG will be discussing by skype details of the Metallothionein meeting which will be circulated. 10. Requests for new members 6 a. Nominations of country representatives and additional substitutes for all countries (List of countries) (LR). This was covered by the chair’s presentation. 11. AOB It was noted that MC members should put a link of the Zinc-Net in their professional profile. For meeting in November, 2015 the venue was confirmed to be in Antalya Anja also emphasized for claims, that taxi fares will not be reimbursed without prior consent from the COST office and can only be used when there are no other options. Public transport should be used whenever possible. She also mentioned that COST Vademecum will be updated therefore we should check the COST website: Action: EB to link to the new COST Vademecum in our VIZIBI website. 12. Summary of MC decisions NL gave a summary of approved items: MC Approval of budget flexibility MC Approval of year 2 workplan and budget MC committee formally approved the appointment of Elisa Bollomo as the ESR rep. MC Agreement in principle of joint conference in 2016 with ISZB MC Approval of venue, dates and preliminary programme of scheduled meetings in Granada, Czech Republic and Turkey . 13. Closing Meeting was closed at 10.00 am. Action Date for completion All MC members to acknowledge our COST Continuous Person responsible All MC Members Action in publications 7 Three acknowledgement types: 1. For works at least partially inspired by exchanges fostered by an Action or benefiting from the coordination provided by an Action, regardless of the number or the status of authors, use the following text: The author(s) would like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action <Action id>. 2. For works co-authored by at least two WG/MC members from at least two different countries participating to the Action: The author(s) would like to acknowledge networking support by the COST Action <Action id>. 3. For outputs of Short-Term Scientific Missions: This work was supported by a STSM Grant from COST Action <Action id>. To engage Industry with the Antalya meeting Continuous GY/ALL and other meetings taking place in 2015 GY to draft a letter of invitation for Industry for March 2015 GY the Antalya meeting, to be sent by the MC Chair. To circulate acknowledgment statements to use Dec 2014 MWM- Done, see above in both scenarios. To contribute to the Logical Framework (this is Before June located in the share folder in VIZIBI) All MC Members 2015 MC members to come forward / volunteer as January 2015 MC Members speakers and to contact EP regarding Granada and Metallothionein programme meeting. To link to the new COST Vademecum in our January 2015 EB VIZIBI website. To send publications to EB/IL to be added to our Continuous All VIZIBI website Complete Expertise slide template (if not Nov MC Members already done so) and forward to MWM 8 Appendix N°1: Attendees: Chair and Vice-Chair Name Nicola Lowe Lothar Rink Category/Position MC Chair MC Vice-Chair Country United Kingdom Germany Management Committee Members Name Category/Position Country 1. Radostina Alexandrova MC Member Bulgaria 2. Antje Biesemeier MC Member Germany 3. Vesna Dragutinovic MC Member Serbia 4. Tamas Gajda MC Member Hungary 5. Jasenka Gajdos Kljusuric MC Substitute Croatia 6. Claudio Gomes MC Member Portugal 7. Hector Gonzalez-Iglesias MC Member Spain 8. Ivo Grabchev MC Member Bulgaria 9. Michal Hershfinkel MC Member Israel 10. Joanna Kaluza MC Member Poland 11. Jaap Keijer MC Member Netherlands 12. Renata Kobetic MC Member Croatia 13. Irina Korichneva MC Member France 14. Agnete Larsen MC Member Denmark 15. Imre Lengyel MC Member United Kingdom 16. Fernando Lidon MC Member Portugal 17. Nicola Lowe MC Chair United Kingdom 18. Saulius Marcinkonis MC Member Lithuania 19. Ladislav Mensik MC Member Czech Republic 20. Maarten Merkx MC Member Netherlands 21. Arie Moran MC Member Israel 22. Danina Mirela Muntean MC Member Romania 23. Judit Ovadi MC Member Hungary 24. Katarina Pavsic Vrtac MC Substitute Slovenia 25. Elena Planells MC Member Spain 9 26. Lothar Rink MC Vice-Chair Germany 27. Pal Rongved MC Member Norway 28. Anna Tomas MC Substitute Portugal 29. Giovanni Tosi MC Member Italy 30. Robert Gabriel Tripon MC Substitute Romania 31. Mike Watkinson MC Member United Kingdom 32. Gundog Yucesan MC Member Turkey Administrative Officer of the Action: Name Anja Van Der Snickt Category/Position Country Action Administrative Officer Belgium Apologies: Science Officer: Dr Maria Moragues Canovas Apologies from Management Committee Members: Name Category/Position Country 1. Melih Aksoy MC Substitute Turkey 2. Mustafa Atalay MC Member Finland 3. Ovidiu Bedreag MC Member Romania 4. Philipp Gerber MC Member Switzerland 5. Breda Jakovac Strajn MC Member Slovenia 6. Jozef Janda MC Member Czech Republic 7. Jozica Jezek MC Member Slovenia 8. Fridbert Jonasson MC Member Iceland 9. Theodore Karyotis MC Member Greece 10. Artur Krezel MC Member Poland 11. Snezana Mandic MC Member Serbia 12. Christos Noulas MC Member Greece 13. Peep Palumaa MC Member Estonia 14. Giuditta Perozzi MC Member Italy 15. Giulia Ranaldi MC Substitute Italy 16. Suzana Rimac Brncic MC Member Croatia 17. Kamille Smidt MC Member Denmark 18. Belma Turan MC Member Turkey 10 11 Appendix N°2: Status of Action (Chair’s presentation) 12 13 14 15 16 Note: Error on Slide. The meeting in Granada is proposed for April 2015 After CG discussion, the STSM conference in Antalya will take place in November 2105 17 Appendix N°3 : Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) status (Summary by PG) 18 19 Zinc-Net The Network for the Biology of Zinc Short Term Scientific Missions 2015 Call for travel grant applications Deadline for applications: Friday 5 December 2014 Support of Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) is one of the core objectives of Zinc-Net (,, COST Action TD1304). Eligible scientists (see below for criteria) working in the field of zinc biology are encouraged to plan visits at other eligible institutions (see below for criteria) in order to expand their knowledge and research skills, to strengthen international collaboration and to work on multi-institutional, multidisciplinary projects aligning with the remits of Zinc-Net. STSM support is a unique opportunity to financially support young, early stage researchers (PhD students or up to 8 years after PhD) to build collaborations and learn new methodologies. Advanced stage researcher (over 8 years after PhD) may also apply to build collaboration and/or write grant proposals with Zinc-Net members. Details Short Term Scientific Missions – what is supported? - Financial support of scientific exchange visits of the applicant to a host institution Duration of supported missions should be 5-90 days, or up to 180 days for early stage researchers (ESR, PhD students and up to 8 years of experience after the PhD) Visits should start on or after Monday 5 January 2015 but end before or on Friday 27 November 2015 Applicants – who will be supported? - Applicants must be engaged in a research programme as a postgraduate student or 20 - postdoctoral fellow or be employed by or officially affiliated to an institution or legal entity (=Home institution) Applications from early stage researchers (as described above) will be prioritised Home and host institutions Home institutions must be: a participating COST country ( - or an approved near neighbours country (NNC) ( - or European RTD organisation ( Host institutions: - another participating COST country - or a cooperation state - or they must be approved as a host institution by the zinc-net STSM committee ([email protected]) - Financial support - - - A STSM grant is a fixed, reimbursable contribution based on the budget requested by the applicant and the evaluation of the application. The aim of this grant is to support the costs associated with the exchange visit. This grant may not necessarily cover all expenses; it is intended as a contribution to the travel and subsistence costs of the participant. IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT EXPENSES ARE REIMBURSED AFTER THE EXCHANGE IS COMPLETED AND A REPORT IS SUBMITTED AND ACCEPTED BY COST The calculation of the contribution for an STSM is based on the following rules: o Reimbursement rate per day is a maximum EUR 160 o up to EUR 500 may be attributed for the travel expenses; o maximum amount that can be claimed is EUR 2 500 in general o in case of early career researchers (up to 8 years after PhD) exchange visits can be extended to up to 180 days, in which case the contribution can be raised to a maximum of EUR 3 500. Criteria for grant allocation - Projects must comply with the aim of the COST initiative Novelty and feasibility of the project Scientific reputation of the host institution / group Scientific record of the applicant Applications – formal requirements - Obtain written agreement of the host institution before submitting an application Completion of the online application form ( The completed file as e-mail attachment together with the necessary supporting documents (CV, full work plan, list of publications, motivation letter, letter of support from the home institution etc.) should be sent to [email protected] 21 - Deadline for applications: Friday 5 December 2014 For reimbursement: o Submission of a short scientific report to [email protected] for approval within 30 days after the end date of the STSM (Purpose of the STSM; Description of the work carried out during the STSM; Description of the main results; Future collaboration with host institution (if applicable)) o Foreseen publications/articles resulting from the STSM (if applicable) o Confirmation by the host institution of the successful STSM execution o Travel tickets and receipts o Other comments (if any) 22 Appendix N°4: Update from the COST Office (Summary by Maria presented by Anja, selected slides) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Appendix N°5: From Budapest Minutes: Giuseppe Lugano presentation 30 From Budapest Minutes: Ilana Nathan Presentation: 31 Appendix N°6: Summaries of Year 1 WORKING GROUP 1: CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, REPORT OF YEAR 1 Key note talks were given at the Budapest meeting, including Wolfgang’s excellent plenary lecture and the discussions that then followed. MW has spoken at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; The University of Lille, France and at the IC3EM 2014 conference in Caparica, Portugal and highlighted the Action at these. Significant contribution to the planning of the London training School- MW is one of the speakers. MW organised a session on probes for zinc with speakers from the US, Australia, The Netherlands and the UK- including the opportunity for a PhD student (female) to present her work to the meeting. Publication: We don’t acknowledge the Action as we didn’t get any funding from it, but it’s relevant to the mission and part of the ethos of the action (Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 3528-3535). MM gave a lecture at the ISZB meeting in Asilomar discussing the use of genetically encoded FRET sensors and will present in London on the 3rd. STSM exchanges in this area that I am aware of include Mrs Anne Hessels (PhD student from my lab visiting Kathrin Taylor’s lab in Cardiff) and Mr Adam Pomorski (PhD student form Krezel lab in Poland) visiting my group. Anne Hessels and MM have contributed tutorial reviews to the book edited by Fukada and Kambe (Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders) and Metallomics (DOI: 10.1039/c4mt00179f). The latter acknowledges support by the COST action! 32 WORKING GROUP 2: BIOMARKERS DISCOVERY SUMMARY OF YEAR 1 From the beginning of the year 2014, our Working Group Zn- Biomarkers Discovery has developed different activities based on the planned objectives. In this first year, we have achieved the following objectives: In the meeting of Istanbul (January, 15th, 2014), we prepared the expected objectives for each of the 4 years of our Network. We have recruited and registered 30 working group participants, but we hope to welcome more. We have completed a database of researchers and groups interested in Zn biomarkers, available in the web-based portal VIZIBI that permits the implementation of several channels to inform and communicate our WG objectives and activities. Several presentations on biomarkers were given at the Budapest meeting, stimulating discussions that have led to the proposal for a biomarkers discovery meeting in Granada in 2015. This was proposed at the last meeting in Budapest and discussed by skype by the WG2 Committee on the 1st October and the draft of the program was decided. We are going to present it to the CG and MC in the Meeting in London on November 3rd. 33 34 35 36 37 WORKING GROUP 3: CLINICAL COORDINATION, REPORT OF YEAR 1 The goals of WG3 for first year were to identify the interest and open questions as well as searching for the people working on these subjects within Zinc Net. During the two MC meetings, in Budapest and London, we had the opportunity to meet face to face and discuss the issues in details. This was especially intensive during the Budapest meeting to which non MC members of the zinc community were invited. The speakers included Kathy Taylor, Mathieu Gautier, Andreas Grabrucker, Francesco Piacenza, Ovadi.Judit and Zvezdana Jemuovic. Janet King was the key note speaker for WG3. The talks were followed by general discussion. The discussion pointed out that studies today are usually focused on a single issue (zinc homoeostasis in a given tissue, a certain transporter or channel, etc.). It was agreed that work investigating integration of several such subjects and their interelationship are needed. In addition, the need for new interdisciplinary approaches for study of zinc and zinc related protein and their functions in health and disease were discussed. The feeling is that Zinc Net may provide a suitable platform to facilitate these needs. Subjects and researchers affiliated in the Clinical coordination group attracted 6 of the 8 STSM approved in the first year of Zinc-Net. These included: Dr Marco Malavolta Zinc homeostasis and cellular senescence in Dianne Ford laboratory Ms Anne Hessels Zinc-Net: The network for the Biology of Zinc in Kathy Taylor laboratory. Dr Trine Maxel Juul to work on Zinc metabolism in obesity: ZIP14 and its zinc transporting functions in pancreatic beta cells inf. Irina Korichneva laboratory. Ms Marianne Perriere TRPM7 and Zinc Homeostasis in Anti-Hormone-Resistant Breast Cancer Cells in Kathy Taylor Laboratory Dr Judit Olah Zinc and the tubulin polymerization promoting protein TPPP/p25 in eye health in Imre Lengyel laboratory Dr Robert Gabriel Tripon Zinc Biology in Retinal Physiopathology in Imre Lengyel laboratory List of recent publication of WG 3 members will be collected later. We hope that in the future members of Zinc Net will add and acknowledgment to their published papers as well as list the paper on VIZIBI. 38 WORKING GROUP 4: INDUSTRIAL LIAISON, REPORT OF YEAR 1 Istanbul Meeting was organized in collaboration with the Yıldız Technical University Office of Technology Transfer. The first workshop on intellectual property and commercialization was given by UCL office of technology transfer during London Meeting. The second workshop about commercializing intellectual property and patent laws will be given during the second year in Antalya meeting in collaboration with TÜBİTAK and office of technology transfer at Yıldız Technical University. The support letters will be available shortly. During Budapest meeting, we’ve had invited industrial representatives from different areas from zinc biosensors to agriculture. All of the industrial representatives gave their short talk in respect to zinc-net. Prof. Chris Frederickson gave the planetary speech for the WG4. In addition, his wife gave a talk about their success stories and product development based on their research. All meeting participants had chance to talk to each of the invited industrial representatives during the talk. We have developed the agenda for the WG4 based on the perspectives from the industrial and academic representatives. Major companies working on zinc-biology including Nestle, Unilever and Ülker have been contacted. Canon and Olympos offered their support for the FRET workshop. As the VIZIBI website is open and functioning now we will be able to promote zn-net and we will be able to attract industrial partners into the network. Letter of interest is now ready All MC members were connected during the meeting in London to connect to their corresponding office of technology transfers to spread our letter of interest Workshops on intellectual property and commercializing was held during the London meeting. These workshops were given by the office of technology transfer of UCL. Involvement of new industrial members will be promoted through VIZIBI and local office of technology transfers Open calls, involving the collaboration of academy and industry are planning to be announced on VIZIBI web site and related e-mails about the open calls will be sent to the zinc-net academic and industrial members, We will invite the potential collaborators to the Antalya, Granada and Istanbul meetings We will immediately start delivering the letter of interest to the office of technology transfers. 39 Appendix N°7: Action Budget Planning- Year 2 Budget Heading Length of meeting Participants Budget Request Core Group, Management Committee, All working groups meeting : Granada (April 2015) Biomarkers “think tank” 2 days, 3 nights 45 (management committee) 2 invited speakers €34,800 Metallothionein Training school (June 2015) Czec Republic 3 days, 4 nights 9 ESRS, 3 Trainers €12,720 Core group meeting and STSM conference (October 2015) VENUE TO BE CONFIRMED 2 days, 3 nights 12 CG members 20 STSM 11 ESRs €32,000 Meetings Dissemination meetings €1,000 STSMs N=20 €50,000 VIZIBI/Dissemination €1,500 Sub total (scientific) €132,020 Financial & Scientific Administration and Coordination (FSAC) (max 15% of above) €19,803 TOTAL €151,823 40