rockmelon watermelon and honeydew
rockmelon watermelon and honeydew
21 22 rockmelon watermelon and honeydew What did the Mama melon say to the baby melon's boyfriend? You Cant-Eloupe. are delicious sliced and eaten on their own Honeydew There are three main types of melons - Honeydew, Rockmelon and Watermelon but Galia, Charentais and Hami melons are sometimes grown in Australia as well. Melons are grown all over Australia, and due to the wide climate range, delicious Australian melons are available all year. Watermelon, rockmelon (also known as canteloupe) and honeydew melons can be prepared in various ways, these include slices, cubes, balls, or juiced. Did you know that melons do not ripen further after harvesting? Juiced watermelon makes a refreshing healthy drink. Rockmelons can also be dried into fruit strips. Rockmelon All melons are from the same botanical family as pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. Watermelon, Rockmelon and Honeydew melons grow on vigorous trailing vines, and are large fruit with thick rinds, and soft, sweet fruit in the centre. The vines have separate male and female flowers that are pollinated by honey bees. It is recommended for all kinds of fruits and vegetables, that they be washed before eating or preparing, this includes any fruit and vegetables with rinds. Clean knives and cutting surfaces should also be used. It is standard hygiene practice that anyone preparing fruits and vegetables or other food items to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water prior to commencement. Melons are grown all over Australia, and due to the wide climate range, delicious Australian Melons are available all year. Watermelons are a good source of Vitamin A. Rockmelons are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. Honeydew melons are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. Rockmelons as seedings and fully grown on the vine. • Darwin Kununurra • • Katherine Atherton Tablelands • Bowen/Burdekin • Bundaberg Burnett • • Carnarvon • North Moreton Darling Downs • North Coast Riverland Melon Growing Regions For more information visit and Watermelon • • Hunter Valley • • • Sydney Sunraysia • Riverina • Basin Harvesting Melons in Queensland