743 InTouch - Sauk Centre Public Schools
743 InTouch - Sauk Centre Public Schools
743 InTouch Sauk Centre Public School Newsletter March-April 2013 Vol. 23 No. 4 State One Act Play Festival Results Three Class A troupes earn “starred performance” ratings were cited for “starred performances” were (in order of performance) Sauk Centre for The Diviners, St. Paul Academy & Summit School for The Yellow Wallpaper, and Belle Plaine for Ridiculosis By Proxy. The other participating Class A high schools were Fillmore Central of Harmony, Win-E-Mac of Erskine, Mountain Lake, Wadena-Deer Creek, and Eveleth-Gilbert. After watching, listening, and then individually critiquing eight Class A dramatic productions, a panel of judges rated three of them “starred performances” on Friday, Feb. 8, during the 2013 State One Act Play Festival sponsored by the Minnesota State High School League. The two-day festival is conducted at O’Shaughnessy Auditorium on the St. Catherine University campus in St. Paul. The top eight Class A productions from across the state took the stage throughout the day. The three schools whose performances Representing Section 5, Sauk Centre’s “starred performance” of The Diviners was directed by Margaret Kitterman. The play was written by Jim Leonard, Jr. It's the dust bowl during the 1930's, and we know when the play opens that Buddy Layman has drowned tragically. The rest of the play explains the struggles of the townspeople and a drifter named C.C. Showers, as they all attempt to quench Zion's thirst for water and religion. Cast members were Cole McElwain, Lily Satterlee, Brendon McElwain, Jake Kluver, Hannah Salto, Briana Ziemer, Stephy Polipnick, Charlie Barhorst, Jamie Jennissen, B.J. Welle, Riley Akervik, Ayden Berg, and Abbi Primus. Support personnel were Rebecca Engel, Kayley Schirmers, Karla Zwack, and Lizzie Wiener. This was the school’s eighth festival appearance and it’s fourth “starred” rating. The school earned previous top ratings in 1975, 1976, and 2007. Thank You Volunteers! Who: What: When: Where: Children who will be 5 by September 1, 2013 and their parents A chance for children to experience a kindergarten classroom and for parents to learn about kindergarten at Sauk Centre Elementary School March 6 or 7 from 8:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Sauk Centre Elementary School Call the Sauk Centre Elementary School to sign up. 352-6521 The Sauk Centre Activities Department would like to thank the many volunteers who help at events all winter. “We have so many events at the school in the winter, it would be impossible to host the events without the help of many people,” commented Activities Director Rick Fischer. “We count on these people and are very thankful that they are willing to give of their time and abilities. I am not sure how we would run our events without these people!” LuAnn Rousslange Patty Odegard Tom Kittleson Rick Meyer Charlie Warring Hockey Association Tom Anderson Jeff Quistorff Salli Brown Deb Sillerud Bonnie Nelson Jerry Poepping Lorraine Peschel Sally Vogt Geri Nienaber Bonnie Donnay Wendy Hagl Staci Ilgen Vonnie Zirbes Pat Super Joyce Hunstiger Sue Griep Boots Juelke Jason McLellan Lois Meyer Joyce Frericks Sports Boosters 743 InTouch 2 March - April 2013 From the Superintendent!s Desk Dan Brooks Investing Early in Children ,QYHVWLQJÀQDQFLDOO\LQFKLOGUHQGXULQJWKHLUHDUOLHVW\HDUV provides a higher rate of return than most any other economic development investment a community, state, nation can make. Numerous studies demonstrate that for every $1 invested in quality care and education in the early years of childhood, $7$16 can be saved in costs of juvenile incarceration, out-of-home placements, special education and other remedial expenses. 7KHVHVDYLQJVDUHGLUHFWÀQDQFLDOVDYLQJVDQGDUHQRWLQFOXVLYH of the many social/emotional tolls. Between the ages of 0-5, the human brain is developing at a rate greater than any other period in our lives. The wiring of a child’s brain is in direct response to the environmental input a child receives after he or she is born. Most of a child’s brain cells are formed before birth, but the connections between those cells are made after birth. It is those connections that make the brain cells work. By the time a child is three years old, they have formed about 1,000 trillion connections! This is twice as many as they are likely to form during adulthood. We can and must continue to insist that our legislators/governor adequately fund educational opportunity for early childhood and K-3 programming. Governor Dayton’s current recommendation to fund a greater portion of voluntary All Day Every Day Kindergarten is a good start. Such an effort will not only provide our state with a solid economic return, but morally such investment has the potential for closing achievement gaps and extending opportunity and success for all children. “Why should taxpayers want to invest their dollars in quality early education for every child whose family wants it? The research is clear that it helps children succeed. That’s one reason. But there is another that is very important but less well NQRZQ7KDWUHDVRQLVWKLVLWPDNHVÀQDQFLDOVHQVH7D[GROlars invested create economic development in communities, and save money for years to come.” – “Early Childhood Education for All: A Wise Investment” by Leslie J. Calman Experts agree that dollars expended for programming in these early years is one of the smartest investments we can make for our future. However, frequently such initiatives get shunted aside as our leaders allow pubic policies and resources to be spent on short-term and politically popular issues. In light of abundantly clear data, the welfare of our children and the well-being and prosperity of our state demands an increased commitment for such programming. Reading – Making a Difference In my regular newsletter comments, arguments for our collective investment in early education program opportunities are made. However, we need and ought not to wait for legislative action. 7KHDELOLW\WRUHDGSURÀFLHQWO\LVDIXQGDPHQWDOVNLOOWKDWDIfects the learning experiences and performance of children and adolescents. Research by A. Hoyle informs us that students who are competent readers are more likely to perform well in subjects such as math and science. K. Christie research helps us understand that reading achievement predicts the likelihood of graduating from high school. A multitude of research indicates UHDGLQJVNLOOVDOVRLQÁXHQFHVZHOOEHLQJDVDGXOWV Children develop literacy skills and awareness of language long before they are able to read. Language development is fundamental to all areas of learning, thus skills developed in the early years clearly set the stage for life-long learning and well-being. Without question we know that young children who are regularly read to have: - a larger vocabulary; higher levels of phonics awareness; higher letter name awareness; higher sound awareness; and better success at decoding words. $JDLQUHVHDUFKRQWKHOLIHORQJLPSDFWRIHDUO\UHDGLQJSURÀciency is very dear! Continued on page 3 March - April 2013 3 743 InTouch Elementary News Karen Maschler, Elementary School Principal Preparing for Kindergarten Kindergarten Round-Up will be held March 6 and 7 at Sauk &HQWUH(OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO,I\RXKDYHDFKLOGZKRZLOOEHÀYH before September 1, 2013, he or she is eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year. Teachers and principals are often asked, “What does my child need to know before he/she enters kindergarten?” There are no VSHFLÀF´TXDOLÀHUVµWRHQWHUDSXEOLFVFKRRONLQGHUJDUWHQSURgram outside of the age requirement. Students who have good ODQJXDJHVHOIKHOSÀQHDQGJURVVPRWRUVNLOOVDVZHOODVWKH ability to sit and listen to a story and take turns will have greater success in kindergarten. I recently came across a website (www.isyourchildready.com) prepared by the MN Early Learning Foundation that has a wealth of information about kindergarten readiness. The information is accessible both in English and Spanish. I encourage parents of FKLOGUHQDJHVRQHWRÀYHWRWDNHWKHDJHDSSURSULDWHTXL]IRUWKHLU child. Parents will receive results that indicate if their child is meeting the developmental milestones necessary to be ready for kindergarten. If a child is not meeting the developmental milestones, the website provides parents with resources to increase your child’s kindergarten readiness skills. If your child is eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 2013, and your family has not received information about kindergarten round-up, please contact Sauk Centre Elementary School (3526521) for more information. Early Childhood Screening In the state of Minnesota it is mandatory for every child to participate in an Early Childhood Screening process. Screening is a simple, careful check in the following areas of your child’s development: VSHHFKDQGODQJXDJHFRQFHSWVJURVVDQGÀQHPRWRUDQGVRFLDO emotional development. Vision, hearing, and physical growth are also screened. Screening clinics are offered three times a year. You will receive an invitation when your child is about 3 to 4 years old. There is no cost for the screening. If you are not QRWLÀHGDERXWWKHVFUHHQLQJRUKDYHFRQFHUQVDERXW\RXUFKLOG·V development – please call us at 352-6521. The next screening is March 20. School will be in session on Monday, April 1, 2013 Superintendent Cont. Shared parent-child book reading during children’s preschool years has been demonstrated to provide higher reading attainment in elementary school. Additionally, shared book reading leads to greater appreciation of and enthusiasm for reading and learning. We encourage all to pick-up a book and read with some young person in your life today and frequently. In support of child development and parenting, MDE sponsors Minnesota – Parents Know at www.parentsknow.state.mn.us 743 InTouch 4 March - April 2013 Secondary News and Notes Belinda Selfors, Principal Cory Larson, Assistant Principal $VZHKHDGLQWRWKHÀQDOSRUWLRQRIWKH school year, students and faculty in the Secondary School continue to be busy with the daily routine and a few special events. Incentive Day Field Trip The Secondary School Incentive Day ÀHOGWULSVZHUHKHOGRQ7KXUVGD\)HEUXary 14. Students who met the school’s academic and behavioral expectations had an opportunity to go on three difIHUHQWÀHOGWULSVWR$QGHV7RZHUV+LOOV in Alexandria, AirMaxx in St. Cloud, or Main Street Theater and Sauk Centre Bowl. With over 96% of our students being eligible to participate, we were very pleased with the hard work and efforts demonstrated by our students. Snow Week Activities Throughout the week of February 11-15, the Student Council sponsored several activities for our students and staff. Kendra Zenzen and Miguel Montanez were crowned our Snow Week Queen and King on during Coronation on Tuesday, February 13. Snow Week activities also included dressup days with various themes including Salad Dressing Day, Fictional/Cartoon Character Day, Red/Pink/White Day, and Maxxed Out Streeter Day. We had many students showing their school spirit by participating in the dress-up days. On Friday, the Student Council sponsored a Variety Show during the school day and the Snow Week Dance on Saturday evening at the Lynx Golf Course. The Variety Show included performances from several students. The semi-formal Snow Week Dance was very well-attended. A special thank you to the members of the Student Council and their advisor, LaDonna Wessel, for all of their hard work and efforts to make Snow Week such a success! FFA Week Activities During the week of February 18-22, Secondary School students and staff participated in events to recognize FFA Week. Each day, students answered trivia questions and were given an opportunity to guess the number of corn kernels in a jar. FFA members organized FFA Olympic events for the students and an Appreciation Breakfast for staff. Thank you to the members of FFA and their advisor, Duane Lichy, for their efforts in recognizing FFA in our school. March 8 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 Looking Ahead We will soon be turning our attention to the process of beginning preparations for the 2013-2014 school year. Students will be registering for classes during the month of March. The schedule for registration activities is listed below. February 25 Class of 2016 Parent and Student Meeting 7:00 p.m. Auditorium March 4 Class of 2017 Parent and Student Meeting 7:00 p.m. Auditorium March 6 All Students receive Registration Guides Advisory Classrooms March 7 Class of 2014 Student Meetings with Counselors During the School Day March 22 March 26 Class of 2015 Student Meetings with Counselors During the School Day Class of 2016 Student Meetings with Counselors During the School Day Class of 2017 Student Meetings with Counselors During the School Day All Students return Registration Forms Advisory Classrooms Class of 2014 and 2015 Online Registration During the School Day Class of 2016 and 2017 Online Registration During the School Day Class of 2018 Online Registration During the School Day Class of 2019 Parent and Student Meeting 7:00 p.m. Auditorium Class of 2019 Students return Registration Forms 6th Grade Classrooms Class of 2019 Online Registration During the School Day During the registration process, students will be receiving information regarding course offerings and graduation requirements. Parents will also receive information regarding registration and will be encouraged to contact the school if there are questions. Continued on page 5 March - April 2013 5 743 InTouch &RXQVHOLQJ2IÀFH1HZV Shelly Backes & Erin Shermak Sophomore Sneak-A-Peek and Spring Testing Tool Technology, Marketing & Business Management, Mechatronics, Medical Laboratory Technician and Paralegal. Our students did a great job representing Sauk Centre Secondary School and really seemed to enjoy learning more about career options. Spring is a very busy time for our students and LVDOVRÀOOHGZLWKORWVRIWHVWLQJGDWHV%HORZLVWKH spring testing schedule for grades 7-12. If at all possible please try to avoid absences on these testing dates. Please contact one of the counselors if you have any questions about these dates. On January 9, 2013 all of our sophomores had the opportunity to attend Sneak-A-Peek at Alexandria Technical and Community College. Pictured above is Shyla Shaney, Elizabeth Chilson and Nicole Kroontje explore WKHFDUHHUÀHOGRI0HGLFDO/DERUDWRU\7HFKQLFLDQ6QHDN A-Peek is a chance for our students to attend hands on OHDUQLQJVHVVLRQVDERXWVSHFLÀFFDUHHUÀHOGV(DFKVWXGHQW ZDVDOORZHGWRSLFNWZRFDUHHUÀHOGVWRH[SORUHIURPWKH following list; Carpentry, Communication Art & Design, Computer Technology, Diesel Mechanics, Fashion Management, Health & Fitness, Law Enforcement, Machine Secondary News continued In each of the classrooms and hallways of the Secondary School, there is evidence of continued enthusiasm and commitment. We are very proud of our students and their willingness to invest the time and effort necessary to achieve success. We would also like to recognize the staff of the Secondary School for their commitment to ensure student achievement is the focus of what they do in their classrooms every day. Dedication to excellence and commitment to quality have been demonstrated by so many people in so many ways. We will continue to focus our energies on ensuring that the students and staff of the Secondary School put forth their best efforts! 3/12/13 4/9/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/16/13 4/17/13 4/17/13 4/22/13 4/23/13 4/24/13 5/2/13 5/3/13 5/6/13 5/7/13 5/8/13 GRAD Math retest, grade 12 GRAD Reading retest, grades 11 and 12 GRAD/MCA Math grade 11 GRAD/MCA Reading grade 10 GRAD Writing grade 9 GRAD/MCA Math grade 11 GRAD/MCA Reading grade 10 MCA Reading grades 7 and 8 MCA Reading grades 7 and 8 MCA Reading grades 7 and 8 MCA Math grades 7 and 8 MCA Math grades 7 and 8 MCA Math grades 7 and 8 MCA Science grades 8 and 10 MCA Science grades 8 and 10 Stadium Chairs are Available for Sale The Sauk Centre Public School’s Girls Swim team has maroon “SC” bleacher/stadium chairs available for sale. Cost is $35 for one chair or $65 for two chairs. Contact James Schreiner or the Activities DeSDUWPHQW2IÀFHDWH[WIRULQIRUPDWLRQ on the chairs. All proceeds, of this fundraiser, go to the girls swimming team to help futher their program. 743 InTouch 6 March - April 2013 Students Recognized for Wall of Fame Sauk Centre Secondary School congratulates students who are recognized through the “Wall of Fame” which is a part of our Renaissance program. Students who have been recognized for their extraordinary efforts by the faculty for second quarter of the 2012-2013 school year are: Technology: Josh Meyer, grade 12, son of Brad and Patty Meyer Phy Ed: Austin Brinkman, grade 10, son of David and Joyce Brinkman Agriculture: Jonathan Gruber, grade 9, son of Ken and Renee Gruber Health: Emma Skalsky, grade 7, daughter of Timothy and Kirsten Skalsky English: Sarah Nelson, grade 11, daughter of Tim and Sandy Nelson; Grace Knoblach, grade 7, daughter of Kevin and Kathy Knoblach Mathematics: Sophia Rick, grade 11, daughter of John and Susan Rick; Luke VanBeck, grade 8, son of Marti and Audrey VanBeck Science: Keenan Pearson, grade 12, son of Scott and 7HU\O3HDUVRQ'\ODQ%HQWÀHOGJUDGHVRQ RI*HRUJHDQG%DUE%HQWÀHOG Choir: Kathryn Macey, grade 12, daughter of Mark and Janet Macey; Ayden Berg, grade 7, son of David and Michelle Berg Foreign Language: Social Studies: Matthew Moritz, grade 10, son of Ron and Deb Moritz; Shelby Gapinksi, grade 9, daughter of David and Gina Gapinksi Ben Middendorf, grade 11, son of Steve and Julie Middendorf; Joshua Fischer, grade 8, son of Kevin and Wanda Fischer Family and Consumer Science: Paige Lawinger, grade 12, daughter of Al and Cheryl Lawinger; Alissa Christen, grade 7, daughter of Glen and Rebecca Christen Elementary Reading Theme February was I Love to Read Month at Sauk Centre Elementary School. This year’s theme was “Live, Laugh, Read: Read for the Fun of It”. On February 1, the students enjoyed a “Kick Off” celebration which included an amazing skit of the book No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by secondary students, some great jokes, and the distribution of a new book from the Sauk Centre PTA. Each year the PTA provides every student with a free book as a way to get the students reading. The remainder of the month included some fun contests and a daily DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) time. March - April 2013 7 743 InTouch Girls Golf A 2013 Mainstreeter Varsity Spring Sports Schedule Baseball A/B/C M F T Th F T Th F T Th F T Th M Th F T Th S T Th T Th 3/18 4/5 4/9 4/11 4/12 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/23 4/25 4/26 4/30 5/2 5/6 5/9 5/10 5/14 5/16 5/18 5/21 5/23 5/28 5/30 6/3-6 6/13 6/14 Practice Starts Osakis (A & B) A 4:30 Montevideo (A & B) A 5:00 Melrose H 5:00 Albany H 5:00 Minnewaska H 5:00 Morris A 5:00 Long Prairie-GE A 4:30 Paynesville H 5:00 Benson (A & B) A 5:00 ACGC (A & B) A 5:00 B.O.L.D. H 5:00 St. Cloud Cath. (B @ 4:15) A 7:00 Montevideo (A & B) H 5:00 Melrose A 5:00 BBE @ Elrosa (A & B) A 4:30 Yellow Med. East (A & B) H 5:00 Morris (A & B) H 5:00 Sibley East (A & B) A 11:00 Minnewaska A 5:00 Sub-Section Qtr. Finals Sub-Section Semi-Finals @ Faber Field Sub-Section Finals @ Faber Field Section @ Putz Field State @ TBD State @ Target Field Softball A/B M T Th F M T Th F T Th F T Th F T F T Th F M T F T Th 3/11 4/2 4/4 4/5 4/8 4/9 4/11 4/12 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/23 4/25 4/26 4/30 5/3 5/7 5/9 5/10 5/13 5/14 5/17 5/21 5/23 5/28 & 5/30 6/6-7 Practice Starts Osakis Maple Lake Long Prairie-GE Swanville Montevideo Melrose Little Falls Minnewaska Morris Area St. Cloud Cathedral Paynesville Benson ACGC B.O.L.D. Montevideo Melrose Minnewaska Morris Albany Yellow Med. East Sub Section Qtr. Finals Sub Section Semi Finals Sub Section Finals Section @ Whitney State @ Mankato H A H H H A H A H H A H H A A H H A H A 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 4:00 5:00 5:00 4:30 5:00 M F T Th F Th M T W M W Th F T Th F T Th W M T 3/18 4/12 4/16 4/18 4/19 4/25 4/29 4/30 5/1 5/6 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/14 5/16 5/17 5/21 5/23 5/29 6/3 6/4 6/11-12 Practice Starts B.O.L.D. Invit WCC Yellow Med. East New London-S. Invit Benson Paynesville ACGC Benson Invit Sartell Invit Invit Montevideo Long Prairie-GE Morris Melrose Minnewaska Long Prairie-GE Melrose @ Greystone Cathedral @ Wapicada Section @ Sartell Section Finals @ Sartell State A H A A A A A A A H A A A A A A A A 2:00 4:30 4:30 10:00 4:30 4:30 4:30 9:00 9:30 1:00 4:30 10:00 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:15 1:00 12:00 A Boys Golf A M M Th F 6 M Th F M T Th M T Th F Th S M T Th M T 3/18 4/15 4/18 4/19 4/22 4/25 4/26 4/29 4/30 5/2 5/6 5/7 5/9 5/10 5/16 5/18 5/20 5/21 5/23 6/3 6/4 6/11-12 Practice Starts Paynesville B.O.L.D. Willmar Invit /LWFKÀHOG,QYLW Sartell Invit Yellow Med. East Long Prairie-GE Invit ACGC WCC Benson Minnewaska Morris Melrose New London-S. Invit Montevideo Alexandria Invit @ Miltona Invit Long Prairie-GE Melrose @ Greystone Section @ Sartell Section Finals @ Sartell State A A A $ A A A A H A A A A A A A H A A 4:30 4:30 1:00 10:30 4:30 9:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 10:00 4:30 8:00 1:00 4:15 1:00 A A A A A A A A A A 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 3:30 3:45 3:30 Track A M Th T Th M T Th T Th Th Th Th Th 3/11 3/21 4/9 4/11 4/15 4/23 4/25 4/30 5/2 5/9 5/16 5/23 5/30 6/7-8 Practice Starts Foley Holdingford Melrose Wadena-DC Long Prairie-GE Big Lake BBE New London-Spicer Melrose WCC @ U of MN Morris Sub Section @ Minnewaska Section @ U of M, Moorhead State @ Hamline Univ. 743 InTouch 8 March - April 2013 0XVLF1RWHV The senior high band and choir students planned and presented lessons to elementary students at Holy Family School and Sauk Centre Elementary School right after Christmas. This is an annual event for the band and choir. Both the senior high kids and the elementary students have a great time sharing music together. March - April 2013 9 743 InTouch 743 InTouch 10 March - April 2013 ))$1HZVDQG(YHQWV by Duane Lichy Ben Middendorf named Region 3 FFA Sentinel On February 14 Ben Middendorf interviewed for DUHJLRQDORIÀFHUSRVLWLRQDQGZDVVODWHGDWWKH 2013-2014 Region 3 FFA Sentinel. Only seven FFA members from the region are selected to serve as a UHJLRQDORIÀFHU,QWKLVOHDGHUVKLSSRVLWLRQ%HQZLOO be expected to facilitate workshops at regional FFA events, visit FFA chapters in the region, and continue to develop knowledge of agriculture, education in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, and of the FFA Organization. Ben will undoubtedly represent the Sauk Centre FFA Chapter and school well. On Thursday, February 14 the Sauk Centre FFA Parliamentary Procedure team competed and performed extremely well. In fact so they performed so well that they took 1st place in the region contest. They will compete at the State FFA Convention on April 29-May 1. This event took place at Ridgewater College in Willmar. The Sauk Centre FFA Chapter has a long standing history of excellence in the Parliamentary Procedure contest with several state-participating teams and one that competed at the national level at the 2011 National FFA Convention. This contest requires so much commitment and knowledge of its participants that many FFA chapters across the state chose not to attempt. Traditionally the Dassel-Cokato and Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted FFA chapters are the main hurdles for Sauk Centre at the state competition, however, the team will not know until the day of the contest. Rest assured the Sauk Centre Parliamentary Procedure team will continue to practice hard to best represent at state Sauk Centre Public Schools and the neighboring communities. The purpose of the Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event is to encourage students to learn to effectively participate in a business meeting and to assist in the development of their leadership, research, and problem solving skills. Front L to R: Emily Middendorf, secretary; Abbi Primus, reporter; Tami Middendorf, sentinel; Alexis Strong, alternate. Back: Darrin Middendorf, vice president; Domonic Marthaler, treasurer; Ben Middendorf, president. The National FFA Organization (formerly Future Farmers of America) envisions a future in which all agricultural education students will discover their passion in life and build on that insight to chart the course for their educations, career and personal future. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. To accomplish its mission, FFA: UDevelops competent and assertive agricultural leadership. UIncreases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being. U6WUHQJWKHQVWKHFRQÀGHQFHRI agriculture students in themselves and their work. UPromotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career. UEncourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs. UEncourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community. UDevelops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction. UBuilds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism. UPromotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people. UPromotes healthy lifestyles. UEncourages excellence in scholarship March - April 2013 11 743 InTouch Second Quarter Secondary School Honor Roll The following Secondary School students have achieved a grade point average of 3.00 to 3.66 in the second quarter of the 20122013 school year to be on the “B” Honor Roll: Grade 7 Jonathon Asfeld, Ayden Berg, Laura Bertram, George Bigalk-Rooney, Lauren Butler, Austin Carlson, Caleb Cheadle, Madison Deters, Seth Deters, Jordan Dresch, Simon Duncan, Anika Feitl, Jacob Gamradt, Emily Gapinski, Dylan Haskamp, Chelsy Hendershot, Jaida Horton, Jenna Kill, Jacob Klockenga, Matthew Koep, Lexus Maus, Tyler McClain, Trevor Messer, Mackenzie Meyer, Beth Middendorf, Georgia Nathe, Kate Neubert, Faith Panick, Kelsey Peschel, Brandon Ruegemer, Kailyn Seidel, Devin Thielen, Blaine Timp, Seth Tschida, Corey Walter, Royal Weber, Melissa Zimmermann Grade 8 Riley Akervik, Berenice Ambriz, Mitchell Beilke, Ann Bertram, Haley Blank, Arin Boucher, Kevin Burgess, Noah Fletcher, Kyle Froseth, Breann Gritz, Tyler Hagl, Dakota Himango, Allison Kerfeld, Chase Lawinger, Alexis Marthaler, Morgan Marthaler, Spencer Middendorf, Taysha Miller, Amanda Petermeier, Cory Quade, Aliya Ranta, Tanner Rieland, Austin Shoutz, Tyler Sogge, Joseph Stadther, Grant Struss, Patrick Trebus, Jake VonWahlde, Ashley Weber, Shayne Winter, Julaine Wold Grade 9 Katie Anderson, Abbigale Arends, Brandon Bailey, Benjamin Barhorst, Karley Evans, Ashley Haberkorn, Kaylee Hanson, Katelyn Hens, Anna Holmquist, Josie Karasch, Lillian Klasen, Bryan LeClaire, Taylor Lemke, Eugene Marthaler, Cole McElwain, Zachary Mettenburg, Amelia Meyer, James Morrison, Anthony Morton, McKayla Nathe, Blaine Olson, Nicholas Pachan, Dustin Panitzke, Samuel Proell, Emma Quistorff, Tanner Schmiesing, Timothy Schmiesing, Alyssa Strong, Juan Vasquez-Garcia, Mitchell Wolbeck Grade 10 Morgan Adams, Chris Banal, Torry Buchmann, Lucas Chalupnik, Taylor Danielson, Angel Dresch, Ethan Engle, Brooke Fetterer, Brandon Gamradt, Jennifer Gieske, Devin Hill, Taylor Ilgen, Malorie Koep, Leah Larson, Kayla Marthaler, Henry Porter, Kyle Rutten, Ryan Schulte, CeCealia Schultz, Shyla Shaney, Alexis Strong, Allison Tomsche, Mara Uphus, Leo VanBeck, Nick Wanderscheid, Elizabeth Wiener, Cassidy Zenzen Grade 11 Shawna Anderson, Chelsea Brunotte, Josh Buschette, Myles Cheadle, Mickey Cichon, Katelyn Durbin, Bernie Funk, Michael Hartigan, Adam Jensen, Dakota Johannes, Daniel Kastonek, Christina LeClaire, Chris Maher, Alyssa Maschler, Brendon McElwain, Josie Mensen, Owen Meyer, Tiana Molitor, Steven Muellner, Jesse Nystrom, Janessa Poepping, Arturo Stefanoni, Alex Tiemann, Emily Winters, Steven Winters Grade 12 Shania Arceneau, Luke Baum, Lance Bushard, Stephanie Cheadle, Donald Connors, Aaron Deschene, Jillian Hujanen, Patrick Knoblauch, Tommy Latzka, Colleen LuGrain, Josh Meyer, Austin Moen, Miguel Montanez, Michael Petermeier, Shae Quinn, Christiana Rivers, Ethan Ross, Christopher Schmiesing, Thomas Schwinghamer, Brian Thorpe, BJ Welle The following Secondary School students have achieved a grade point average of 3.67 to 4.00 in the second quarter of the 20122013 school year to be on the “A” Honor Roll: Grade 7 Sara Bailey, Jacob Borgerding, Alissa Christen, Kyle Doetkott, Reece Heinze, Alex Hooper, Maria Jennissen, Emily Johnson, Grace Knoblach, Alex Kowski, Taylor Kroontje, Adam Metzger, Mitchell Reitsma, Ryan Schirmers, Mackenzie Schmiesing, Emma Skalsky, Alexis Thang, Matthew Traeger, Haillie Uphus, Kyle VanHavermaet, Emma Waller, Trevor Weir, Alyssa Ziemer Grade 8 Hannah Berg, Kelly Blonigen, Cassandra Bohnsack, Taylor Borgerding, Sarah Bushard, Cole Deters, Ashley Evans, Adam Fiedler, Joshua Fischer, Emily Frericks, Katelyn Gierke, Kallie Kampsen, Jill Klaphake, Alexander Kluver, Alyssa Kohorst, Morgan Kranz, Alexis Lawinger, Breanna Lewis, Noah Lezer, Emily Maschler, Emily Mensen, Anthony Moritz, Gavin Nelson, Stephanie Nelson, Noah Polipnick, Kalindi Rachey, Isaac Schreiner, Eric Sorell, Luke VanBeck, Simon Weller, Avery Wiese Grade 9 '\ODQ%HQWÀHOG*UHJJ%RVO$QGUHZ Donabauer, Rachel Frericks, Jay Friedrichs, William Funk, Morgan Gamradt, Shelby Gapinski, Joseph Gerhartz, Abigael Gierke, Madison Greenwaldt, Jonathan Gruber, Faith Henry, Anna Hentges, Mason Hubert, Marshall Hujanen, Kalli Kaiser, Kalli Kuhlmann, Amanda Lahr, Nickolas Lamusga, Takhiya Marthaler, Nicole Meyer, Emily Middendorf, Samantha Perry, Tayler Pfeffer, Shaina Poepping, Hannah Pouliot, Riley Primus, Joseph Reitsma, Evan Rick, Lindsey Rose, Lily Satterlee, Hope SchwinghamContinued on pg. 12 743 InTouch Honor Roll continued er, Breanna Thompson, Samuel Uphus, Kelly VanHavermaet, Samantha Walz, Rebecca Weir, Molly Weyer 12 Community Education Classes ,QIDQW3UHVFKRRO6ZLP Starts March 25 Grade 10 Katelyn Ahrens, Mikayla Asfeld, Danielle Banal, Charlie Barhorst, Shania Baum, Austin Brinkman, Elizabeth Chilson, Rebecca Deters, Rebecca Engel, Trisha Graves, Kiley Hooper, Jamie Jennissen, Jacob Kluver, Tracy Kortan, Carter Kranz, Nicole Kroontje, Savanna Metzger, Lindsay Meyer, Cole Middendorf, Tami Middendorf, Phillip Moe, Madison Moritz, Matthew Moritz, Austin Nelson, Richard Polipnick, Dalton Pouliot, Joshua Primus, Shelby Reigel, Jessica Rodenbiker, Isabelle Rolfes, Ana Salgado, Daniel Schmiesing, Amanda Thelen, Desarae Thorpe, Thomas Traeger, Taylor Triebenbach, Matt Tschida, Tasha Vorderbruggen, Abigail Welberg, Olivia Welle, Briana Ziemer, Karla Zwack Grade 11 Julie Bushard, Ashlee Denny, Clay Deters, Bethany Ellis, Alea Gerhartz, Ryan Herickhoff, Robin Holmquist, Shelby Keppers, Amber Kerfeld, Tracie Kuhlmann, Amanda Kulzer, Benjamin Middendorf, Billy Moritz, Sarah Nelson, Meghan Orth, Seth Otte, Ali Peterson, Stephy Polipnick, Abbi Primus, Katie Reitsma, Sophia Rick, Andre Rivers, Kayley Schirmers, Chris Schmitz, Tyler Schwinghamer, Ted Uphus, Casey Weber, Amanda Weir, Elise Zenzen Grade 12 Nick Adams, Megan Chalupnik, Liz Ellens, Jordan Friedrichs, Jordan Gamradt, Kayla Gribble, Honor-Ra Hanson, Breanne Ilgen, Marissa Judes, Kasey Kane, Jena Klaphake, Dylan Kohorst, Ashley Kollman, Paige Lawinger, Andrew Leen, Kathyrn Macey, Azzurra Mazzetti, Simon Meyer, Darrin Middendorf, Rebecca Moe, Tiffany Muellner, Keenan Pearson, Nick Pfeffer, Hannah Polipnick, Matt Rasmussen, Josie Rehm, Mariah Rieland, Callie Rodenbiker, Katherine Rolfes, Melanie Rutten, Hannah Salto, Jidapa Tangkum, Kendyl Tullis, Brianna VonWahlde, Macy Weller, Katie Winters, Kendra Zenzen, Sydney Zenzen March - April 2013 The purpose of the infant/preschool swim lessons is to develop comfort for young children and parents in and around water. Children will learn skills they can use to help them learn to swim, the course is QRWVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGWRKDYHFKLOGUHQ swimming independently. This course allows parents the opportunity to take part in the lessons with their child. This course promotes water safety knowledge and practices, aquatic adjustment, swimming readiness skills, and fun and enjoyment in the water. Parents must enter the water with their child. One parent per child. Times may change based on sign up numbers. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Dates: March 25, April 1, 4, 8 Time: 2 years & under 6-6:20 p.m. Ages 3-6 6:30-7 p.m. Location: JH Pool Fee: $20 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Sessions: 4 Instructor: Jillian Hujanen & Micala Funk Deadline: March 20 Basic Dog Training Starts April 22 $OOGRJVDQGGRJRZQHUVZLOOEHQHÀW from obedience training. A well trained pet is both safer and more fun to be around. First class session is for the owner only. Dates: April 22 - May 20 Mondays Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: JH Room 115 Fee: $55 Minimum: 3 Maximum: 6 Sessions: 6 Instructor: Holly Bushard Deadline: March 27 Wildtree Freezer Meal Workshop April 2 Tuesday Tired of getting home and have to think of something to make for supper? Want a meal that is affordable, healthy and simple to make? Here's your answer: Wildtree Freezer Meal Workshop. :LOGWUHHLVDOOQDWXUDOFHUWLÀHGRUJDQLF cooking products. The grapeseed oils are LQIXVHGZLWKGLIIHUHQWÁDYRUVZKLOHWKH blends, sauces and meals can provide you with anything from appetizers to desserts. No additives, no preservatives, no MSG, low/no sodium and endorsed by the American Heart Association. Come and check out an informational session on what Wildtree freezer meal workshops are all about and taste some great samples. We will discuss what Wildtree is, the healthy, natural way to cook with Wildtree and how simple it is to prep 10 affordable, healthy meals in an hour for you and your family. These are great meals for those with high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, diabetes, food sensitive allergies (gluten free), just wanting to eat healthier or try some different recipes. Time: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 123 Fee: $7 Sessions: 1 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 20 Instructor: Stacie Theisen Deadline: March 22 y unit m Com cation Edu ***Activities/Community Education 2IÀFHLVORFDWHGE\WKH Junior High (Grades 7-9) entrance. Public School’s web site www.isd743.k12.mn.us March - April 2013 13 743 InTouch Community Education Classes Intro to Golf Microsoft Excel Basics Starts April 10 March 25 Monday If you are new to golf or want to improve your game, this is the place to be. Topics will include stance, grip, swing, club selection, strategy and more. All participants will receive a voucher for one free round of golf. This class is open to ages 16 and up. Dates: April 10, 17, 24, May 1 Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m. Location: SC Country Club Fee: $28 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12 Sessions: 4 Instructor: Dan Dickinson Deadline: April 4 If you would like to learn to create and format basic spreadsheets in Excel 2007, this class is for you. We will cover entering data, basic formatting for columns and rows, using multiple worksheets, and some basic functions. Time: 6 - 8:30 p.m. Location: SH Computer Lab Fee: $10 Minimum: 6 Maximum: 15 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Varina Drevlow Deadline: March 18 Hiit Training Cardio Kick Boxing Starts April 4 A very effective interval training class. Bursts of high intensity exercises will help keep energy levels and caloric burn high during the work out and several hours after. Be prepared to work! Dates: April 4 - May 23 Thursdays Time: 6-7 p.m. Location: SH Stage Fee: $45 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 20 Sessions: 8 ,QVWUXFWRU.DOL6FKPLW]&HUWLÀHG7UQJ Deadline: March 27 Basic Knitting Starts March 21 A class to get you started in knitting. Topics will include knit stitch, purl, cast on, and more. Participants will start and ÀQLVKDVPDOOSURMHFWDWFODVV%ULQJWR class two size 8 needles and one skein of cotton yearn. (We hope to have more advanced classes in the future.) Dates: March 21; April 4, 11 Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $32 Minimum: 2 Maximum: 8 Sessions: 3 Instructor: Linda Besse Deadline: March 15 Falls Prevention Class April 9 Tuesday Did you know that one in every three people, age 65 and above, will fall each year? This seminar will provide suggestions that could prevent 50% of these IDOOV7RSLFVLQFOXGHKRPHPRGLÀFDWLRQV medication management, and personal strength exercises. Don’t become a statistic! Time: 1-2 p.m. Location: SC Senior Center Fee: Free (must register) Minimum: 10 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Jackelyn Bekius, Central MN Safety Coalition Deadline: April 2 Starts April 4 Beer Tasting Kick boxing is a fun and fantastic way to burn calories, while shaping your muscles. This class will burn calories, and get your heart rate up! Dates: April 4 - May 23 Thursdays Time: 7-8 p.m. Location: SH Stage Fee: $45 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 20 Sessions: 8 ,QVWUXFWRU.DOL6FKPLW]&HUWLÀHG7UQJ Deadline: March 27 April 19 Introduction to Crochet Starts April 3 Participants will complete a dishcloth or scarf at this beginning class. Basic and complex stitches will be covered, along with single and double patterns. Bring to class one size G needle and one skein worsted weight yarn. Dates: April 3, 10, 17 Wednesday Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $32 Minimum: 2 Maximum: 8 Sessions: 3 Instructor: Linda Besse Deadline: March 28 Friday A fun opportunity to sample craft and specialty beers from around the U.S. including several from Minnesota Breweries. Snacks provided throughout the evening. Please register soon as this FODVVZLOOÀOOXSIDVW Time: 7 - 8:30 p.m. Location: Jitters Java Cafe Fee: $8 Minimum: 25 Maximum: 65 Sessions: 1 Deadline: April 10 Introduction to Basic English Starts April 22 If you would like to learn the basics of English Nancy can help. If you have any questions you can call her at school and ask for Nancy 320-352-6521 ext 1000. Dates: April 22, 25, 29; May 2, 6, 9 Time: 6:30-8 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $30 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 20 Sessions: 6 Instructor: Nancy Cervantes Deadline: April 15 743 InTouch 14 March - April 2013 Community Education Classes Defensive Driving 8 Hour Registration Information Class and trip registrations will be taken by mail or RIÀFHVWRSRQO\5HJLVWUDWLRQZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGRQO\XSRQ payment of fee. No exceptions. 7KHUHZLOOEHQRFRQÀUPDWLRQRQPDLOLQUHJLVWUDtions. In case of class cancellation, you will be contacted and payment will be returned. Telephone registration will not be given priority in HYHQW WKH FODVV LV ÀOOHG <RX PD\ FDOO IRU WKH VWDWXV RI D class but you are not registered until your fee is received. Trips and tour refunds will not be given after the UHJLVWUDWLRQGHDGOLQH<RXPXVWÀQGDVXEVWLWXWHWRWDNH\RXU SODFH &DOO WKH &( 2IÀFH DW ([W IRU D possible waiting list. All request for refunds must be received before the FODVVVWDUWV1RUHIXQGVDIWHUWKHÀUVWclass starting date. 2SHQ6ZLPPLQJ Bring your family and enjoy the pool! Open swim has two lifeguards on duty at all times. This is a great way to relax and have fun. (Please note that these dates may change due to the pool and lifeguard availability.) If there is a change of schedule, it will be announced in school. No preregistration is necessary. Location: Pool - 7-9 Bldg. Dates: March 4, 25; April 8, 15, 22; May 6 Time: 7-8:45 p.m. Fee: $1.50 students $2.50 adults $5.00 family (one parent must be in the water.) (DUO\0RUQLQJ/DS6ZLP March 1 - April 29 Get your exercise done before you start your work day. This is a great work out for anyone who likes to start their day. The pool is open to lap swimming only. $FHUWLÀHGOLIHJXDUGLVRQGXW\DWDOO times. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Time: 6-7 a.m. Fee: Adults - $12/month* Students - $6/month* Location: Pool - 7-9 Bldg. *No daily fee Minnesota Safety Council March 25 & 26 Monday and Tuesday This class is for beginners or refreshers for those who wish to KDYHWKHWRWDOHLJKWKRXUFRXUVH$&HUWLÀFDWHRI&RPSOHWLRQLV awarded to the individual at the end of the course. Minnesota law dictates anyone over 55 completing this course must receive a 10% discount on their auto insurance. Nonseniors check with your insurance company. Please note that if you register for a class and can not make it you need to call before the registration date to get a full refund. Location: SH Media Center Fee: $15 Sessions: 2 Time: 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Deadline: March 18 Introduction to Spanish Starts April 1 A perfect class if you want to be able to communicate with customers, patients, or employees. We will cover basic words and phrases to help all participants communicate better. (Class will be tailored to the needs of the participants, based on suggestions DWWKHÀUVWVHVVLRQ Location: JH Room 124 Dates: April 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18 (M/TH) Time: 6:30-8 p.m. Fee: $30 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 20 Sessions: 6 Instructor: Nancy Cervantes Deadline: March 25 Bachman!s & Macy!s )ORZHU6KRZ7RXU April 4 Thursday Enjoy a guided tour of Bachman’s Floral Store, where you will receive a coupon and time to shop. From there you will attend the Macy’s Flower show. Macy’s State Street is transformed into a wonderland of spectacular gardens. It is GHÀQLWHO\DVLJKWWRVHH/XQFKLVRQ\RXU RZQDWRQHRIWKHÀQHLQVWRULHVHDWHULHV and more time to shop. Time: Motorcoach will leave the Chamber of Commerce parking lot at 7:15 a.m. and return approximately 6 p.m. Fee: $42 Sessions: 1 Deadline: March 21 James J. Hill House and Summit Ave. Tour May 8 Wednesday Great Mother’s Day outing. Enjoy a guided tour of the James J. Hill House, which provides a glimpse into life in a 19th century mansion and the impact James J. Hill had on this region. Enjoy an included lunch at Fabulous Ferns. Then get back on the bus for a guided tour of the entire length of Summit Avenue all the way to the Mississippi River; one of the best-preserved boulevards of Guided Age mansions in the country. Time: Motorcoach will leave the Chamber of Commerce parking lot at 7:15 a.m. and return approximately 6:30 p.m. Fee: $72 Sessions: 1 Deadline: April 19 March - April 2013 15 743 InTouch Community Education Classes CPR March 14 Thursday This course covers CPR for all ages, infant, children and adult. The American Heart Association offers this course to ÀUVWWLPHDQGSHRSOHZKRQHHGUHIUHVKHU credit. Learn the new order for CPR, spells C-A-B (Compressions-AirwayBreathing), Choking and AED (AutoPDWLF([WHUQDO'HÀEULOODWRUZLOODOVREH FRYHUHG&HUWLÀFDWHVDUHSURYLGHGZLWK successful completion of the course. Time: 6-10 p.m. Fee: $30 Minimum: 4 Sessions: 1 Location: SC Ambulance Garage (321 4th St. N.) Instructor: Ambulance Personnel Deadline: March 11 Last class offered will be May 16 until Sept./Oct. 2013. /DQGVFDSLQJZLWK1DWLYH )ORZHUVDQG*UDVVHV April 2 Tuesday Learn how to put down some roots and use native plants in your landscaping, ÁRZHUJDUGHQVDQGHYHU\ZKHUHHOVH:H will help identify some of our favorite natives for a wide variety of soils, shade levels, and overall hardiness. Also learn some easy ways to integrate native plants into your current landscaping, or start a whole new project. Participants will receive a free native plant book and there ZLOOEHVHYHUDOJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHVIURPORFDO nurseries given away as door prizes. Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $3 Minimum: 10 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Adam Hjelm, Watershed District Deadline: March 26 First Aid +HDOWK\/DZQV April 9 Tuesday Lawn care can be expensive and puzzling You will learn some simple tips and techniques that can help you get the best performance out of your yard while protecting area lakes and stream from pollutants and runoff. We will cover a wide variety of topics and answer your questions about watering, fertilizing, ZHHGLGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQGVRPXFKPRUH to make your lawn the best it can be. Participants will receive an informational folder full of great publications, and several door prizes will be given away from local plant specialists. Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $3 Minimum: 10 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Adam Hjelm, Watershed District Deadline: April 2 March 18 Monday Everyone encounters situations where NQRZOHGJHRIEDVLFÀUVW DLGZRXOGEHEHQHÀFLDO This course teaches you how to handle day-today injuries, Diabetic reaction, seizures, broken bones, burns, poisons, breathing problems, sudden illness, and many emergencies. Time: 6-10 p.m. Fee: $15 Minimum: 4 Sessions: 1 Location: SC Ambulance Garage (321 4th St. N.) Instructor: Ambulance Personnel Deadline: March 13 Last class offered will be May 20 until Sept./Oct. 2013. Rain Gardens Composting 101 April 16 Tuesday Whether you live in a country cottage with a strawberry patch the size of an Olympic pool or a high-rise city apartPHQWZLWKÁRZHUSRWVIRUDJDUGHQWKH time to start composing is now. Yes, it’ll make your garden happy, but it also has a double environmental payoff: ComSRVLQJNHHSVZDVWHRXWRIODQGÀOOVDQG it fertilizes without chemicals. In other words, it isn’t just for you--it’s for all of us. Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $3 Minimum: 8 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Adam Hjelm, Watershed District Deadline: April 9 May 2 Thursday A rain garden is a garden of native perennials, grasses, and shrubs planted in a depression which captures rainwater runoff from your roof, driveway, or other KDUGVXUIDFH5DLQJDUGHQVVLJQLÀFDQWO\ reduce the amount of storm water runoff and pollution into area lakes and streams. Join us to learn the basics of a rain garden site selection, design and installation. Participants will receive a native SODQWERRNDQGVHYHUDOJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHVWR area greenhouses will be given as a door prizes. Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $3 Minimum: 10 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Adam Hjelm, Watershed District Deadline: April 25 743 InTouch 16 March - April 2013 Community Education Classes Sauk River Recreational Resources May 7 Tuesday Canoeing, bird watching, hiking.... and much more is just a few miles from you. Have you ever thought about canoeing the Sauk River or a portion of it, but wanted more information or recommendations? Are you looking for some great spots for bird watching or wildlife photography? This class will highlight some of the great locations and opportunities for folks of all ages to enjoy all that Sauk River has to offer. Participants will receive a folder full of materials and several door prizes will be given away from local sponsors. Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Location: JH Room 124 Fee: $3 Minimum: 10 Sessions: 1 Instructor: Adam Hjelm, Watershed District Deadline: April 30 Soo Bahk Do Martial Arts Class Are you prepared to protect yourself in today’s crazy world? We have been teaching a tradition martial art called Soo Bahk Do in Sauk Centre since 1979. Students learn techniques such as kicks, punches, grabs, and releases. Students also develop endurance, discipline and respect for others. Soo Bahk Do can be learned by anyone. All are encouraged to participate - no experience necessary. Ages: 9 years of age and older 70+ Location: Elementary Cafeteria Dates: Sundays and Thursdays Time: 6:30 - 9 p.m. on Sundays and 7-9 p.m. on Thursdays )HH,QWURGXFWRU\FRVWLVZKLFKLQFOXGHVXQLIRUPFODVVHVWRWKHÀUVWWHVW DSSUR[LPDWHO\PRQWKVDQGWHVWLQJIHH&RVWDIWHUÀUVWWHVWZLOOEHSHU month. Fee is payable to the instructor at class Master Instructor: Bruce Westbrock, 4th Degree Black Belt &HUWLÀHG,QVWUXFWRU5LFK/DXHU)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO0U/DXHUDW 352-3961 DISTRICT 743 COMMUNITY EDUCATION Registration Form NAME ___________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ _________________________________________________ Phone (Home) _______________ Phone (Work)___________ Winter Walking Come in out of the cold and walk in a safe and warm environment. Get your free exercise by walking in the school halls. Walking is allowed before school and after school on days school is in session. Time: 6:15 - 7:30 a.m. or 3:15 - 5:30 p.m. No walking after 5:15 p.m. on evenings we have home events. Evening walking at 3:15 - 9 p.m. is available on March 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27; April 1, 2, 3, 4. Please use the Senior High School entrance only. Course Title Date/Time of Course Course Fee _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ E-mail address ____________________________________ Identify special assistance needed STATEMENT OF RELEASE Ideas Wanted Sauk Centre Community Education is looking for new ideas for classes and/or instructors. If you would like to teach a class, earn some money, and spend an evening with people interested in your knowledge this is for you. You would have the opportunity to pass along your abilities and earn money DV\RXGR3OHDVHFRQWDFWWKH&RPPXQLW\(GXFDWLRQ2IÀFHDW 320-352-2258, Ext. 4005. I agree to release District 743 Community Schools, Community Education and its employees of all liability related to accidents or injuries which myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above mentioned activity. _________________________________________________ Signature of participants or parent of student under 18 years of age. Make check payable to ISD. #743. Mail to: Community Education 2IÀFH6&-U+LJK6FKRRO6WDWH5RDG6DXN&HQWUH01 1698.
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