DDGS Feed Guide
DDGS Feed Guide
Feed Guide Edition 1.1, 2013 The Feed Opportunities from the Biofuels Industries (FOBI) The Feed Opportunities from BioFuels Industries (FOBI) Network, which operated from May 2009 to March 2011, was a collaborative and multidisciplinary network composed of researchers from public and private research institutes. The vision of FOBI was to stimulate the sustainable growth of the bio-ethanol and livestock sectors in support of economic activities in rural Canada. FOBI focused on optimization of the feed value chain of wheat dry distillers grains with solubles (wheat DDGS) as well as on value addition to bio-ethanol co-products. The University of Saskatchewan served as the “network lead” with the Feeds Innovation Institute taking the lead administrative role. A contribution of $5.58 million was provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) through its Agriculture and Bioproducts Innovation Program, with the total value of the FOBI research program being $6.18 million. The FOBI Network had 63 researchers representing AAFC, Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Feedlot Health Management Services Ltd., University of Alberta, University of Calgary, Saskatchewan Research Council, Prairie Swine Centre, Western Beef Development Centre and University of Saskatchewan. The FOBI research program provided training for more than 30 highly qualified personnel with the majority expected to continue working within the Canadian bio-economy. The network also partnered with five bio-ethanol producers in Alberta and Saskatchewan provinces: Terra Grain Fuels Inc., Belle Plain SK; NorAmera BioEnergy Corp., Weyburn SK; Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd., Lanigan SK; North West Bio-Energy Ltd., Unity SK; and Highland Feeders Ltd., Vegreville AB. Active collaboration with ethanol manufacturers, related commercial entities and feedlots ensured that “market-pull” rather than “technology-push” drove the FOBI Network. The FOBI Network investigated feed constituents from wheat DDGS and their functionality in relation to multiple livestock species. The wheat breeding group of FOBI focused on identifying opportunities to improve the input side with new wheat varieties from existing germplasm specifically for bio-ethanol and co-product output. The value added group focused on optimization of ethanol processes leading to improvements in the ethanol production systems. FOBI also assessed the impact of the ethanol industry on economics of the livestock industry and governance implications, leading to the development of new markets and the policies required to support them. This feed guide is based on the livestock nutrition work developed by the FOBI Network. For more information on the FOBI Network or wheat DDGS visit www.ddgs.usask.ca. 2 Introduction The Canadian biofuels industry continues to expand, fostered by demand supported by legislated inclusion rates of ethanol in gasoline and biodiesel in diesel fuel. With the Prairies commonly referred to as ‘Canada’s Bread Basket’ Canadian wheat is a natural fit for use in ethanol production. Valuable byproducts such as wet distillers grains, thin stillage, dry distillers grains, and dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) have become available for the Canadian livestock feed industry with wheat DDGS providing a concentrated source of nutrients. This publication provides useful information on wheat DDGS as a feeding option in Canadian livestock production. A copy of this publication can be found on the Canadian International Grains Institute’s web site (www.cigi.ca). Thank you to Janice Bruynooghe, Julie Mackenzie and Sandy Russell, Spring Creek Land and Cattle Consulting; and Dr. Mary-Lou Swift, Pacific Agri Technologies Ltd.; for their significant contributions to this guide, edited by Dr. Rex Newkirk, Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi). Table of Contents WHEAT DDGS – BACKGROUND AND MARKET 4 WHEAT DDGS – PROCESSING 5 WHEAT DDGS – NUTRIENT COMPOSITION 9 WHEAT DDGS IN RUMINANT DIETS 12 WHEAT DDGS IN POULTRY DIETS 20 WHEAT DDGS IN SWINE DIETS 25 WHEAT DDGS IN AQUACULTURE DIETS 29 REFERENCES 30 WHEAT DDGS NUTRIENT COMPOSITION TABLES 34 3 BACKGROUND AND MARKET Wheat Dry Distillers Grains With Solubles (Wheat DDGS) - Background And Market When one considers wheat production in Canada, thoughts of warm bread, freshly baked cookies and flakey pie crusts may come to mind rather than ethanol production. However, in 2010, Canadian plants produced approximately 1.36 billion litres of ethanol derived from 64% corn, 31% wheat, and 1% other feedstocks (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, 2010). As a byproduct of ethanol production, wheat DDGS is in essence a dried combination of the condensed liquid fraction (solubles) remaining after ethanol is extracted and then added back into the coarse ethanol-free solids (distillers grains). Wheat DDGS is used almost exclusively as an animal feedstuff although other minor uses have been explored such as for experimental soil fertility trials (Schoenau, 2010). If ethanol production did not occur, wheat DDGS as a byproduct would not exist. Also, if ethanol were not cost effective to produce, mandated by governments, or in demand, wheat DDGS production would be insignificant. As such, fuel markets and biofuel policy are important to understand. In 2009/2010, Canadian ethanol plants produced approximately 0.26 million tonnes of wheat DDGS per year (International Grains Council, 2010) valued at approximately $51 million annually. There are many factors at play within the biofuels industry in Canada. Unlike the U.S.A., fuels security is not a driving force behind ethanol production in Canada. Federal and provincial commitment to renewable fuels in Canada provides an incentive to industry growth. The Renewable Fuels Regulations, as part of the Government of Canada’s Renewable Fuels Strategy, came into effect in December 2010. By requiring 5% renewable fuel content (ethanol) in fuels produced or imported, the Government of Canada estimates “a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of one megatonne per year over and above the reductions attributable to existing provincial requirements. This is the equivalent of taking a quarter of a million vehicles off the road.” (Environment Canada, 2010). To meet these new regulations, ethanol production is set to increase across Canada (CRFA, 2010) and the production of wheat DDGS is also likely to increase. Canadian farmers produce an average of 23.2 million tonnes of wheat annually (Canadian Wheat Board, 2010), with the majority exported worldwide. Wheat is a readily available and relatively low-cost grain and its production into ethanol results in wheat DDGS as a highly desirable livestock feedstuff. 4 Wheat DDGS - Processing Ethanol and DDGS Production Process Ethanol plants utilizing grain feedstocks follow a process (Figure 1) that takes approximately 60 hours. On average, for every kilogram of wheat processed, one third of that wheat will be converted to ethanol, one third to DDGS and one third to carbon dioxide (http://www.ddgs.usask.ca/MarketingandTechInfo/EthanolIndustryStatusinWestern Canada.aspx). Grain Intake High-starch, low-protein wheat such as winter wheat, soft white wheat and Canadian Prairie Red Spring wheat are purchased with the quality approximately equivalent to a Canadian Grain Commission Grade No. 2 and free of such impurities as ergot, fusarium and vomitoxin. These impurities do not break down in ethanol production, so if infected grains were used they would be concentrated approximately threefold in the DDGS byproduct. Cleaning Wheat is cleaned to remove impurities such as pebbles and dirt. 5 PROCESSING Producing high-volume, quality ethanol from grain is the end goal of the distillation process in which DDGS is a byproduct. At the end of June 2010, 20 plants existed or were under construction in Canada to process feedstocks such as wheat, corn, wood waste, wheat straw, and municipal landfill waste into ethanol (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, 2010). GRAIN SLURRY Dry grinding Cleaning Water Alpha-amylase Other enzymes Yeast Antibiotic Glucoamylase H2SO4 / H3PO4 Liquefaction Cooker MASH Heat exchanges Saccharification CO2 BEER Beer well Fermentation Sieve ETHANOL WHOLE STILLAGE Centrifuge Destillation PROCESSING THIN STILLAGE WET DISTILLERS GRAINS MODIFIED WET DISTILLERS GRAINS WITH SOLUBLES Dryer Evaporator CONDENSED DISTILLERS SOLUBLES Dry Grinding WET DISTILLERS GRAINS WITH SOLUBLES DRIED DISTILLERS GRAINS DRIED DISTILLERS GRAINS WITH SOLUBLES Wheat is ground to increase the surface area of the grain and expose the starch which accounts for approximately 70% of its weight (Gibb et al., 2008). Individual ethanol plants have their own specifications as to what particle size the wheat is ground or ‘milled.’ Liquefaction Ground wheat is mixed with water and the enzyme alpha-amylase then cooked to create a mash. Starches are gelatinized and liquefied. 6 saccharification and Fermentation Today, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation occur in most new ethanol plants. The mash is cooled, gluco-amylase emzymes are added to break down the liquefied starches into fermentable sugars, and yeast is added to ferment the sugars. Urea, thin stillage, antibiotics, and a sulfur source may also be added. “Beer” The result of fermentation is a slurry “beer” of approximately 12.5% ethanol by volume. Distillation The fermented “beer” slurry is pumped continually into a multi-column distillation system where 95% pure ethanol is removed off the top and whole stillage is removed from the bottom. Whole stillage contains water, fibre, oil, protein, yeast cells, and unfermented grain particles. Ethanol is dehydrated further to remove all water and produce anhydrous ethanol. Centrifuge The liquid component of whole stillage is removed from the solid components. Thin stillage and wet distillers grains are produced. PROCESSING Thin Stillage Evaporation Thin stillage can be condensed through evaporation, resulting in a syrup called condensed distillers solubles (CDS) of approximately 30% dry matter (DM) (Gibb et al., 2008). Relatively large amounts of fat, minerals, water soluble sugars, proteins and organic acids are contained within CDS. Wet Distillers Grains At this point in processing, ethanol plants may vary in end byproduct type produced: condensed distillers solubles, wet distillers grains, wet distillers grains with solubles, modified wet distillers grains with solubles, dried distillers grains, and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS). Any byproducts that remain ‘wet’ are limited by the need for close proximity of livestock to the bioethanol plant. For such a high-moisture feed, storage time is short because of spoilage and transportation costs are high. Dryer Wet distillers grains, condensed distillers solubles, and freshly dried DDGS are combined in a ratio resulting in the mix entering the dryer at 65% DM and 35-40% CDS (Ileleji and Rosentrater 2008). Rotary drum or ring dryers are used at varying temperatures and air speeds to dry DDGS. By the end of processing, one tonne of wheat has produced 375 litres of ethanol and 370 kilograms (37%) of wheat DDGS (CRFA, 2010) which contains a threefold concentration of protein, fibre and minerals compared to grain entering the ethanol plant. 7 Secondary Processing Opportunities Currently, secondary processing of wheat DDGS is not carried out on a commercial scale. However, researchers have indicated that processing opportunities exist to enhance nutrient digestibility for non-ruminants. Twin-screw extrusion could be used as a process to enhance nutrient digestibility and decrease anti-nutritional effects in monogastrics. Extrusion physically disrupts cells with the cleavage of non-starch polysaccharides into smaller fragments (Oryschak et al., 2009). Pilot-scale dry fractioning of wheat DDGS has been developed in Alberta (Hein, 2010) where particles are separated by size and weight. Although the high-fibre content of DDGS limits nutrient utilization by monogastrics, a carefully dried wheat DDGS can have a very high crude protein (CP) content. Eduardo Beltranena’s FOBI team found that pilotscale fractioning operations resulted in two categories of feedstuffs: a fraction with 29% protein (CP) and 36% fibre suitable for ruminants, and a fraction with 49% CP and 18% fibre well-suited for monogastrics (All About Feeds, 2010). Researchers estimate that returns would be high on investment when fractioning equipment was added to the end of the processing chain. PROCESSING Tumuluru et al. (2010) have tested many processes that could be used to pellet wheat DDGS to overcome challenges in its transport, flowability and animal feed-sorting. Dense, dry, durable pellets were obtained through a 6.4 mm die with the addition of steam at 50-80oC and 5.1% feed moisture content. 8 Wheat DDGS - Nutrient Composition Ethanol plants are designed to process high-starch grain and convert it to ethanol (Katzen International Inc., 2011). A pure wheat DDGS will have a different nutrient composition than a 70:30 corn blend or straight corn DDGS (Tables 1-3). As well, soil nutrients and growing conditions will vary from one region to the next, impacting the wheat nutrient composition. Starting with a feedstock of consistent type and origin improves the ability to produce consistent DDGS. The addition of enzymes, yeasts or sulfur, and the efficiency of fermentation (the ability to capture as much ethanol as possible, leaving minimal starch in the whole stillage fraction) may vary between ethanol plants. The drying process can add significant variability to the end product (Nuez and Yu, 2009). Overheating, variations in particle size, and differing moisture contents are linked to drying. The quantity of solubles added back to distillers grains at drying impacts nutritional values, the binding of feed particles and overall wheat DDGS particle size (Nuez, 2010). In the past, corn DDGS was often used as a reference point for wheat DDGS. It has been well studied and consistencies in the product have been achieved. However, through the work of the FOBI Network the nutrient composition of wheat DDGS has been researched. As discussed in the previous section, ethanol production processes and feedstock sources vary, with the process causing fibre, protein and minerals to concentrate approximately three times within wheat DDGS. When wheat is processed into wheat DDGS, dry matter crude protein levels increase from 8.5-14.0% to 20.0-38.0%, and fat levels increase from 1.6-2.0% to 2.5-6.7% (Aldai et al., 2009). When corn is processed into DDGS, crude protein increases from 7.4-10% to 23-32% and fat increases from 3.5-4.7% to 9.0-12.0% (Aldai et al., 2009). Wheat DDGS 9 NUTRIENT COMPOSITION The average nutrient composition of wheat and corn DDGS are provided in the nutrient composition tables at the end of this guide. Product inconsistency is one of the main issues challenging wheat DDGS acceptance as livestock feed (Neuz, 2010). Because wheat DDGS is a byproduct rather than an end product, quality control in the past has been overlooked on occasion. Variations in nutrient values and moisture content have not only been seen in wheat DDGS from plant to plant, but from batch to batch (Nuez and Yu, 2009; Walter, 2010; Tumuluru et al., 2010). Individualized, plant-specific processing techniques such as fermentation conditions, drying method, amount of solubles added back, and grinding procedure or type of grain used can all contribute to product variability as does the nutrient content of the starting grains. NUTRIENT COMPOSITION is typically higher in protein (40 vs 30%) and considerably lower in oil (5 vs 10%) than corn DDGS (Gibb et al., 2008). Protein molecular structures are altered during ethanol production (Yu et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2009) and although it is too early in the research to know how this impacts nutritive values, it is known that the amide I:II ratio is significantly different between wheat and wheat DDGS (Yu et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2009). High-protein wheat DDGS (38-40% of DM) is a result of gentle drying and care not to scorch the product (All About Feeds, 2010). Walter (2010) and Nuez (2010) noted that lysine is susceptible to heat damage and variability between wheat DDGS batches exists. Component Wheat DDGS Wheat/Corn DDGS (wt/wt) 70/30 50/50 30/70 Corn DDGS Crude Protein 37.5 33.7 34.3 32.0 28.1 Ether Extract 4.1 5.9 9.6 8.8 9.9 Ash 4.6 5.7 5.4 4.9 3.8 Calcium 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.05 Phosphorus 0.96 0.83 0.92 0.90 0.77 Non-Phytate P 0.78 0.64 0.72 0.62 0.57 Simple Sugars 0.9 1.1 - - 1.9 Starch 1.6 3.3 2.2 2.4 6.6 NSP 20.0 23.2 18.6 22.6 20.6 NDF 24.5 27.0 35.9 40.3 30.0 Total Fibre 30.9 35.5 38.1 45.2 32.7 Amino Acid Wheat DDGS Wheat/Corn DDGS (wt/wt) Corn DDGS 70/30 50/50 30/70 Arginine 1.48 1.46 1.35 1.29 1.23 Histidine 0.73 0.75 0.80 0.79 0.75 Isoleucine 1.11 1.09 1.38 1.17 1.02 Leucine 2.45 2.59 3.42 2.97 3.24 The quantity of Lysine 0.92 0.97 0.79 0.84 0.86 solubles added to Methionine 0.73 0.67 0.68 0.64 0.57 wet distillers grains Cystine 0.34 0.77 0.60 0.60 0.50 pre-drying is the Phenylalanine 1.65 1.56 1.76 1.62 1.32 most easily controlled process that can Tyrosine 1.03 0.97 1.14 1.18 1.24 potentially create Threonine 1.17 1.16 1.19 1.19 1.06 increased variability in Tryptophan 0.40 0.23 wheat DDGS (Nuez Valine 1.71 1.67 1.55 1.36 1.35 and Yu, 2009; Neuz, 2010). Solubles are high in fat (up to 34%) and low in neutral detergent fibre (NDF), so the more solubles added to wheat DDGS the higher the fat and lower the NDF content. Mineral content in wheat DDGS can vary as different lots of wheat are sourced (Nuez and Yu, 2010). Differences between grain lots may be attributed to wheat class, soil parameters within each field (plants take up minerals from parent soil) and/or year (moisture-stressed plants concentrate nutrients). A statistically insignificant mineral difference between two lots of wheat that is amplified three times when manufactured into wheat DDGS may cause the difference to become significant. 10 Ethanol plants in Canada commonly use a blend of grains to produce ethanol. The ratios of corn and wheat in the feed stock are likely the greatest source of variation in wheat DDGS. Researchers at the University of Manitoba (B.A. Slominski, A. Rogiewicz, M. Nyachoti, K. Wittenberg) have studied the impact of corn/wheat ratio on the nutritive value of wheat DDGS for swine and poultry. Tables 1-4 show the impact of changing this ratio on the DDGS nutrient composition based on their research. Table 4 contains equations that can be used to calculate the nutrient content of DDGS based on the proportion of wheat and corn used to generate the DDGS product. Amino Acid Wheat DDGS Wheat/Corn DDGS 50/50 30/70 Corn DDGS 82.7 76.5 77.2 82.7 Histidine 76.1 68.9 71.9 76.0 Isoleucine 79.3 69.8 73.7 76.0 Leucine 83.3 81.3 83.4 85.7 Lysine 59.0 51.2 55.4 62.7 Methionine 81.2 71.0 74.7 81.3 Cystine 77.5 55.1 65.7 72.4 Phenylalanine 85.4 82.6 82.9 83.2 Tyrosine 93.9 86.9 88.0 89.0 Threonine 70.7 68.3 62.4 68.3 Valine 78.2 76.6 74.3 75.6 NUTRIENT COMPOSITION Argine Source: B.A. Slominski, A. Rogiewicz, M. Nyachoti, K. Wittenberg, 2010. TABLE 4. Equations to calculate the approximate nutrient content of corn/wheat DDGS based on the proportion of wheat in the product (8% moisture basis). Component Equation R2 Crude Protein (%) % wheat grain x 0.0869 + 28.775 0.93 Non-Phytate P (%) % wheat grain x 0.0021 + 0.6196 0.74 AMEn (kcal/kg) % wheat grain x (-3.67) + 2902.8 0.95 % wheat grain x (-3.0506) + 3205.2 0.99 TMEn Source: B.A. Slominski, A. Rogiewicz, M. Nyachoti, K. Wittenberg, 2010. 11 Wheat DDGS In Ruminant Diets RUMINANT DIETS Ethanol byproducts such as wheat DDGS, corn DDGS, and wet distillers grains are an excellent feedstuff for inclusion in ruminant diets. Microbes within the rumen enable ruminants to utilize feeds that are high in fibre and low in starch. Ruminants can also utilize poorer quality protein sources and non-protein nitrogen (Walter, 2010). Overall, wheat DDGS research has shown that ruminant performance is favourable with dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), gain:feed ratio, days on feed, milk production, milk quality and meat quality being equivalent to, or slightly better than standard industry diets. Wheat DDGS can act as an energy and/or protein source for ruminants at 15% inclusion (Walters, 2010; Klopfenstein et al., 2008). Zhang et al. (2010b) carried out a separate parallel trial with a corn DDGS/wheat DDGS mix (70:30) used to replace the forage component for one set of animals, and the concentrate component for another. The animals responded well in both instances. Wheat DDGS can provide an excellent source of rumen undegraded protein (RUP) (Nuez 2010; Walter 2010). RUP of crude protein (CP) is 54.5% in wheat DDGS vs 26.2% in wheat grain. Nuez and Yu (2010) noted that optimal heating/drying, starch removal, breakdown of readily available proteins during fermentation, and addition of solubles all contribute to RUP. Ruminants fed high levels of corn DDGS have a decreased DMI. This effect has been linked to the high oil content (11.2% ether extract [Schingoethe et al. 2009] ) of corn DDGS which helps meet animal requirements at a lower DMI (Anderson et al., 2006; Walter et al. 2010). Diets formulated with 20-40% wheat DDGS rather than barley grain maintain fat levels equivalent to barley-based diets (Walter et al., 2010). Wheat DDGS has consistently been reported to maintain or increase DMI (Beliveau and McKinnon 2009; McKinnon and Walker 2008; Walter et al. 2010; Gibb et al. 2009). The concentration of nutrients from cereal grains in the resulting DDGS is an issue that requires careful monitoring in the ration. For example, in wheat DDGS the sulfur content is typically 0.35-0.45% (see nutrient composition tables at the end of this guide). However, depending on the plant of origin, DDGS sulfur content can vary from 0.3-1.1% (DM basis) in both corn and wheat DDGS (Nunez, 2010). Sulfur levels in excess of 0.4% (DM basis) in beef and dairy cattle can cause depression, behavioural changes, and neurological disorders (Nuez, 2010). In some instances, supplemental copper may need to be fed in order to guard against any sulfur-induced copper deficiencies (Walter, 2010). 12 The calcium (Ca):phosphorus (P) ratio in wheat DDGS is approximately 0.18:1 (see nutrient composition tables at the end of this guide). Wheat DDGS may contain more than 1% phosphorus compared to 0.3% in barley grain, while calcium levels are typically 0.15% of DM (McKinnon and Walker, 2008). A 2:1 Ca:P ratio in ruminant feeds has been the industry standard formulation to prevent metabolic and urinary problems associated with an imbalance of these two minerals (NRC, 1996). Most ruminant diets, particularly finishing diets, will require supplemental calcium when DDGS are fed. The implication of excess dietary phosphorous in DDGS-based diets is further discussed in the ruminant manure management sub-section. Sub-Acute Rumen Acidosis (SARA) is a condition that can occur in ruminants when rumen pH drops below 5.8 for extended periods of time (Li et al., 2010). The cause is most likely due to diet fibre not being ‘physically effective1’ coupled with a diet high in starch. SARA lowers feed intake, decreases gains and can result in liver abscess problems (Walter, 2010; Beliveau and McKinnon, 2009). Until recently, researchers hypothesized that wheat DDGS may decrease the occurrence of SARA due to its relatively low-starch and high-fibre content. However, Beliveau and McKinnon (2009) have shown that even though wheat DDGS is a low-starch, high-fibre product, the small particle size does not allow it to be physically effective in reducing SARA. As a result wheat DDGS is not effective in stimulating sufficient chewing activity to generate saliva production that would help buffer rumen pH when DDGS replaces a portion of the barley grain in an 89% barley grain diet. Beliveau and McKinnon (2009) also suggest that the low pH (4.3) of wheat DDGS may negatively impact rumen pH. Similar results were noted by Walter et al. (2010) who concluded that replacing barley grain with up to 40% wheat DDGS did not mitigate rumen fermentation processes associated with acidosis. Li et al. (2010) reported that feeding a concentrate-based diet, where wheat DDGS replaced mainly barley silage at 30% (5% silage remaining) and 35% DM (silage excluded), lowered rumen pH below 5.8 for 14 hours. Feeding 25% DDGS (10% silage remaining) resulted in no change in the amount of time (10 hours) rumen pH was lowered, as compared to the control. The current trend within the cow/calf industry is towards low-cost extensive winter feeding with a focus on environmental sustainability. Typically lower-quality forages high in fibre and low in protein are the basis for these operations. Forage-based wintering beef cow diets normally require supplementation to meet late pregnancy nutritional requirements (Van De Kerckhove and Lardner, 2008). Van De Kerckhove and Lardner (2008) found that in an extensive chaff/hay grazing system2 supplemented with rolled barley, wheat DDGS or 50:50 rolled barley:wheat DDGS fed at levels to meet the cows’ total digestible nutrients (TDN) needs, that wheat DDGS was an acceptable alternative to barley grain as an energy and protein supplement. In this work, all supplementation regimes resulted in similar weight increases (-2.27 to + 11.79 kilograms), and positive changes to body condition scores (0.1-0.2 change) and rump (1-3 millimeters) and rib fat (0.6-1.1 millimeters) increase. Backgrounding Backgrounding is the process of growing cattle at moderate rates of gain. The goal is to develop frame and muscle, yet minimize fat deposition. Typically target gains are 0.9-1.2 kg/day, depending on the type of cattle being backgrounded. Such gains can be achieved in a feedlot or on-farm through a forage-based diet supplemented with a protein and energy source (Clark and Lardner, 2009). 1 Physical effectiveness is calculated by multiplying total NDF by particles sized over 1.18 mm (Mertens, 1997). 2 With the addition of equipment and slight modifications to a combine, chaff can be collected during combining and left in the field or hauled to a centralized location to be utilized as a feedstuff. 13 RUMINANT DIETS Cow/Calf Production Demand is high for research and information on lowering backgrounding costs and using alternative feedstuffs. Clark and Lardner (2009) determined that bale grazing3 weaned calves and supplementing them with 0.8-1.0 % body weight of wheat DDGS or 50:50 wheat DDGS:barley combination had no adverse impact and produced 3.5-4.0 % higher gains. Summer pasture-grazed stockers supplemented with 0.5% body weight wheat DDGS or 50:50 wheat DDGS:barley grain combination consistently gained equal to or slightly more than straight barleysupplemented animals (Clark and Lardner, 2009). McKinnon and Walker (2008) determined that wheat DDGS could be included at levels of 25-50% of the ration dry matter (replacing barley grain) without any adverse impact on cattle performance. A 50% wheat DDGS diet, at approximately 21% CP, did not provide any additional growth response over a 25% wheat DDGS diet (McKinnon and Walker, 2008). In agreement are results from Gibb et al. (2008). Replacing half (20% DM) or all (40% DM) of the barley grain in a backgrounding diet with wheat DDGS did not impact DMI, ADG, or gain:feed ratio. The rate at which to include wheat DDGS as a replacement for barley grain is a matter of cost as there is no improvement in performance when wheat DDGS is included at levels greater than 25% of the diet DM. It is clear that backgrounded cattle fed in dry lots or on pasture have the potential to use wheat DDGS as a supplemental source of protein and energy. Depending on the relative cost of wheat DDGS versus barley grain, inclusion rates as high as 25% of diet DM can be fed without adverse effects on performance. TABLE 5. Impact of DDGS on beef performance in feedlot rations. Relative to Control Results DDGS Replacement DMI ADG Gain: feed ratio Days on feed Alberta - Gibb, Hao & McAllister (2008) 20% of diet DM replacing steam rolled barley Equal Equal Equal - Alberta - Gibb, Hao & McAllister (2008) 40% of diet DM replacing steam rolled barley Equal Equal Equal - Alberta - Gibb, Hao & McAllister (2008) 60% of diet DM replacing steam rolled barley Equal Equal Equal - Alberta - Gibb, Hao & McAllister (2008) 60% of diet DM + calcium replacing steam rolled barley Equal Equal Equal - Saskatchewan Walter, Aalhus, Robertson, McAllister, Gibb, Dugan, Aldai & McKinnon (2010) Replacement of 20% of rolled barley grain Equal Equal Equal 3 days less Saskatchewan Walter, Aalhus, Robertson, McAllister, Gibb, Dugan, Aldai & McKinnon (2010) Replacement of 40% of rolled barley grain Increase of 0.5 kg/day Equal Equal 15 days less RUMINANT DIETS Study 3 Bale grazing is a feeding technique where bales are set out in an area and livestock are allowed to feed free choice on the bale without a feeder around it or it being further processed. 14 Finishing A beef finishing feedlot diet is unique. Animals are expected to gain at a rate to maximize growth, lay down adequate marbling, deposit backfat, and maximize carcass yield all within a limited time frame. Usually, cattle are gradually introduced to an 85% grain-based finishing diet (Gibb et al, 2008). Wheat DDGS can be substituted for a portion of the concentrate (grain) in the ration depending on opportunity costs. As seen in Table 5, wheat DDGS can be successfully incorporated to replace a portion of grain within finishing diets with no identified adverse impact on animal productivity. When evaluating a potential new feedstuff for feedlot cattle, productivity is typically the first thing that is looked at. However, product quality and meeting consumer expectations is just as important. In many ways, corn DDGS research has provided insight into the impact that feeding wheat DDGS will have on ruminants. The effect that corn DDGS has on meat quality and carcass traits has been debated. In a review of the literature, Walter (2010) noted that marbling scores steadily decreased with increases in corn DDGS at inclusion rates over 23%. Concurrently, carcass hot weight and yield grade increased. Meat quality, including shelf life and colour and stability, has been noted to decrease with higher levels (40-50 %) of corn DDGS feeding (Aldai et al., 2009). In contrast, Swanson (2010) found that when corn DDGS was included in finishing diets at 0%, 17%, 33%, and 50% there were no significant differences between dressing percentage, marbling score, and yield grade. Meat quality from animals fed wheat DDGS is comparable with that currently produced with more traditional diets in Canadian beef production systems. Aldai et al. (2009) fed animals 20% and 40% wheat DDGS with no change in meat quality (chemical composition, cooking time, cooking loss, tenderness, drip loss, colour) or differences in sensory tests (taste, smell, sight). Stoll et al. (2010) found steaks from steers fed wheat DDGS were lighter, but meat and cooking characteristics were not affected. Although steaks from barley-fed steers held their colour better, steaks from animals fed wheat DDGS had better colour stability than steaks from animals fed corn DDGS (Stoll et al., 2010). When ethanol is produced, starch is removed from the grain and as a result the byproduct has minimal starch content and other nutrients such as protein, fibre and oil are concentrated. The increased fat content, particularly with corn DDGS, has the potential to alter fat composition of the beef carcass. The addition of wheat DDGS to the diet (20-40% DMI) decreased the fatty acid isomers 10t-18:1 (unhealthy trans fat isomer) and increased the fatty acid isomer 11t:18:1 (health promoting isomer) in studies conducted by Aldai et al. (2010) and Dugan et al. (2010). These researchers concluded that the change was not great enough to warrant the addition of wheat DDGS in diets simply to alter trans 18:1 (11t:10t ratio) for the benefit of consumers. 15 RUMINANT DIETS With these contradictions and some obvious differences in wheat DDGS nutrient composition, FOBI researchers led an in-depth study of meat quality and carcass traits to compare wheat DDGS to corn DDGS on performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of cattle (Aldai et al., 2009; Walter et al., 2010; Aldai et al., 2010). Walter et al. (2010) included 40% wheat DDGS or corn DDGS in finishing diets with no identified negative impact on carcass quality or sub-primal boneless boxed beef yields. Animals fed wheat DDGS included at 20% or 40% produced backfat, yield, ribeye area and marbling scores consistent with barley-finished cattle (Aldai et al., 2009). Within the same trial, animals fed corn DDGS had greater backfat, lower lean yield, and less ribeye area in comparison to animals fed barley and wheat DDGS (Aldai et al., 2009). Aldai et al. (2009) noted that three other Canadian studies agreed with their findings. Dairy Due to the small particle size of wheat DDGS resulting from the processes involved in ethanol production, dairy producers and nutritionists formulate dairy rations to ensure cow chewing time is sufficient to maintain rumen pH which is linked to maintaining milk fat concentrations (Nuez, 2010; Chibisa et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2010a; Zhang et al., 2010b). Penner and Christensen (2009) found that wheat DDGS or corn DDGS could effectively replace 19% of the concentrate (e.g. barley, canola meal) without negatively impacting milk yield, milk composition or chewing. Zhang et al. (2010) replaced a portion of the barley silage with 20% DDGS or 20% DDGS + 10% alfalfa hay. DMI, milk yield and milk protein yields were increased slightly with overall DDGS inclusion. Somewhat contrary to Penner and Christensen’s findings (2009), eating, chewing time and ruminating time were reduced for cows on DDGS-containing diets (Zhang et al., 2010b). No differences were seen by including 10% alfalfa hay. Further studies on higher rates of alfalfa hay inclusion may clarify the effectiveness of including hay in the diets with wheat DDGS to maintain milk fat. TABLE 6. Effect of wheat DDGS on milk yield, milk fat yield, and dry matter intake in dairy cattle rations. Relative to Control Results RUMINANT DIETS Study Wheat DDGS Replacement Milk Yield Milk Fat Yield DMI Germany - Franke et al. (2009) Replaced 16.5% rape seed meal No change No change No change Saskatchewan - Chibisa et al. (2012) Replaced 10% canola meal (protein) 2.0 kg/day 0.08 kg/day 1.0 kg/day Saskatchewan - Chibisa et al. (2012) Replaced 15% canola meal (protein) 1.2 kg/day 0.14 kg/day 0.3 kg/day Saskatchewan - Chibisa, et al. (2012) Replaced 20% canola meal (protein) 1.6 kg/day 0.07 kg/day 2 kg/day Alberta - Zhang et al. (2010b) Replaced part of barley silage at 20% of diet DM 2.8 kg/day higher No change 2 kg/day higher Alberta - Zhang et al. (2010b) Replaced part of barley silage at 20% of diet DM + add 10% alfalfa hay 3.6 kg/day higher No change 2.6 kg/day higher Alberta - Zhang et al. (2010a) 70/30 corn/wheat DDGS fed to replace 20% barley silage (forage portion), 3.4kg/day higher No change 3.6 kg/day higher Alberta - Zhang et al. (2010a) 70/30 corn/wheat DDGS fed to replace 20% barley grain (protein portion) No change No change No change Saskatchewan - Penner et al. (2009) Replaced 19% of concentrate fed No change No change No change Significantly more research has been carried out on feeding corn DDGS to dairy cattle than on wheat DDGS (Schingoethe, 2009). Today in Canada and the U.S., corn DDGS is frequently included in dairy herd rations. In a lactation performance study Anderson et al. (2006) concluded that corn wet or dry corn-based DDGS improved feed efficiency by increasing milk yields, protein yields, and milk fat yields while tending to decrease DMI when included at up to 20% of dietary DM. 16 As discussed previously, the oil content of corn DDGS has been shown to meet animal requirements while decreasing DMI (Anderson et al., 2006), whereas wheat DDGS is lower in oil content. Studies consistently show the inclusion of wheat DDGS in diets results in no DMI reduction. As seen in Table 6, feeding wheat DDGS to dairy cattle has been evaluated under many different parameters to determine suitability for use in dairy rations. Feeding wheat DDGS compared to control diets did not negatively affect animal performance, and often increased milk yield, milk fat yield, and dry matter intake. Considerations for Other Ruminants Limited research has been conducted globally on feeding wheat DDGS to other ruminants including bison, sheep and goats. The basic nutritional qualities, chemical properties, and feeding principles of wheat DDGS for the bovine industries should be taken into consideration when applying wheat DDGS to the rearing of other ruminants. The exact nutritional requirements of bison have not yet been researched, calculated, or tested on-farm (Hauer, 2005). The species differences between bison and cattle in respect to seasonality, rate of gain, and ability to digest forages may alter how bison react to different feedstuffs (Feist, 2005), including wheat DDGS. Indications from research in Bulgaria show that wheat DDGS can be successfully fed to dairy ewes during lactation. No significant differences in milk yield or composition, wool yield, fertility of lambed ewes, overall flock fertility, or weaned lamb weights were seen between 101 ewes fed a standard roughage/sunflower meal compound feed diet and 101 ewes fed roughage/wheat DDGS/grain diet of equal CP and energy (Dimova et al., 2009). This is in agreement with bovine wheat DDGS research within Canada. Although goats are ranked tenth behind other livestock in production numbers in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2006), ongoing opportunities exist in the marketplace. Wheat DDGS and corn DDGS feed intake data has not been compiled for goats. Initial indications from a small-scale corn DDGS feeding trial in Alabama (Gurung et al., 2009) point toward success in feeding male goats for slaughter up to 31% corn DDGS (DM) in the ration. No differences in feed intake, growth performance (ADG, gain:feed) and carcass quality (dressing percentage, ribeye, body wall fat, longissisimus muscle) were seen between control diets and corn DDGS inclusion diets (Gurung et al., 2009). Inclusion of corn DDGS above 31% DM was not explored. Distillers grains, solubles, and DDGS are discussed as a viable feeding option for sheep and goats within the Sheep & Goat Management in Alberta - Nutrition Manual produced by the Lamb Producers and Alberta Goat Breeders Association (2009). If wheat DDGS is chosen as a feedstuff for sheep and goats, species-specific feeding principles should be taken into account: - Nutritional requirements of a 150-pound (68 kilogram) sheep range from 9% crude protein (CP), 55% total digestible nutrients (TDN) with intake of 1.58 kg/day during gestation to 15% CP and 69% TDN with intake of 3.18 kg/day in heavy lactation (North Dakota State University Extension, 1996). 17 RUMINANT DIETS The Canadian sheep industry is poised for expansion. Currently, lamb has the highest red meat growth potential in Canada while the overall national herd and individual herd size is low (Canadian Sheep Federation, September 2010). Research on feeding wheat DDGS to sheep has been limited worldwide. - Sheep and goats have the ability and tendency to sort feeds – pelleted complete feeds are ultimately best (Alberta Lamb Producers & Alberta Goat Breeders Association, 2009) - Lamb creep rations should contain 18-20 % CP. The protein in creep feed should be urea free (Schoenian, 2009). Wheat DDGS high-protein levels may have an opportunity to fill this role. - Goats are very sensitive to phosphorous levels. Recommendations are to include no more than 0.40% in the feed (Alberta Lamb Producers & Alberta Goat Breeders Association, 2009). Care should be taken as wheat DDGS is a high-phosphorus feed stuff. RUMINANT DIETS Male sheep and goats are susceptible to urinary calculi (stone-like mineral crystals) that can block the urethral tract and normal urination (Canadian Sheep Federation, 2011). Urinary calculi form when calcium (Ca) to phosphorous (P) ratios are not balanced at 2:1. Wheat DDGS is a high P, low Ca feedstuff. The addition of limestone (Ca) can be used to meet Ca:P ratio requirements within the diet. Manure Management Considerations from Ruminants Fed Wheat DDGS As provinces move away from nitrogen-based to phosphorus-based manure management legislation, the concerns focused on preventing excess phosphorus run-off have become more clear and stewardship within the livestock feeding industry even more critical. The threefold concentration of nutrients in wheat DDGS from processing, as compared to the grain from which it was derived, has the potential to alter the standard calculated manure composition (phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and its form, pH, C:N ratio) used to set current allowable manure application rates (Hao et al., 2010, Hao et al., 2009, Benke et al., 2010). Windrowed, composted manure from cattle fed 60% wheat DDGS has been found to have higher available N and total N than manure derived from barley grain-based diets according to FOBI funded researcher, Hao et al., (2010). Hao et al. (2010) and Hao et al. (2009) determined that elevated electrical conductivity and water soluble ammonium (NH4+), potassium (K), and sulfate (SO42+) within wheat DDGS feeds would result in a greater N and salt excretion into the manure. Both can be difficult to mitigate against repeated land application without irrigation as salinity problems may develop (Hao et al., 2009). 18 The impact that ruminant production has on greenhouse gas emissions [nitrous oxide (N2O)] and the ability for feeding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions continues to be an important issue for producers and industry stakeholders. Hao et al. (2010) caution that although an increase in N nutrients passed into manure may be beneficial for crop or forage production, N2O was produced and emitted at significantly higher levels in 60% of cattle fed wheat DDGS, with a potential 37% increase in global warming. Hao et al. (2009) found that when feeding 40% or 60% wheat DDGS, fecal total P and manure total P were positively correlated to feed total P indicating that increased feed P intake also increased P excretion. Benke et al. (2009) have shown that repeated applications of DDGS manure to soils continue to raise available P levels to nearly two times that of conventional manure. The generally high water solubility of P negatively impacts water quality and aquatic life. Hao et al. (2009) did determine that water-soluble P levels from 60% DDGS manure can be maintained at control levels. The addition of Ca (limestone) to the diet fostered the formation of calcium phosphate with low water-solubility. Although this publication’s main focus is on feed characteristics and quality, animal care and manure management implications must also be considered prior to implementing any feeding strategy. Therefore, it is important to test manure to ensure spreading is in compliance with provincial manure regulations or agricultural operations acts. Up to 75% more land may be required to apply 35% DDGS feedlot manure at proper nutrient rates for crop uptake (Benson et al., 2005). Feeding above 20% wheat DDGS (at 40% and 60% wheat DDGS) has shown significant negative differences in odour-causing volatile fatty acids, water-soluble P, and greenhouse gas emissions versus controls (Hao et al., 2009, Hao et al., 2010). Mitigation may include moderation of wheat DDGS levels (20% wheat DDGS inclusion is no different than manure produced from the current barley ration), maintaining 2:1 Ca:P levels in the ration or spreading manure at lower rates over a larger land base. RUMINANT DIETS 19 Wheat DDGS In Poultry Diets POULTRY DIETS Introduction Ethanol byproducts such as wheat DDGS can be an effective ingredient for inclusion in poultry diets. Wheat DDGS can effectively comprise 10% of practical broiler diets if xylanase enzyme is not used and 15% if it is. Due to the more mature digestive tract of the laying hen and its specific nutrient requirements, a practical inclusion level of wheat DDGS would be 20%. However, as stated earlier, the nutrient content and feeding value of wheat DDGS for poultry can be inconsistent due to variation within the feedstock itself and the processing conditions which, in some cases, may limit inclusion levels in poultry diets. For example, Vilariño et al. (2007) showed that leaving the bran layer on the kernel during the fermentation process resulted in wheat DDGS having greater protein, ash, lipid and fibre content and decreased starch and sugar content as compared to wheat DDGS manufactured by removing the bran pre-fermentation and adding it back to the dried fraction post-fermentation. A comparison of the nutrient content of wheat DDGS reported in the studies reviewed and soybean and canola meal is presented in Table 7. Overall, wheat DDGS contains similar amounts of protein and branched chain amino acids (isoleucine, leucine and valine) as canola meal, and is comparable to soybean meal in crude fibre and total sulphur amino acids. Wheat DDGS contains more lipid but significantly less arginine, histidine, lysine and threonine than canola or soybean meal. 20 TABLE 7. Composition of wheat DDGS in scientific studies (first author listed) to determine energy, protein and amino acid content and digestibility and growth (values in brackets represent range of samples used in the study). Soybean meal and canola meal are included for comparison. Thacker Cozannet Bandega Kluth Oryschak Vilariño Vilariño Soybean Meal (44)* Canola Meal* Protein (% DM) 35.7 36.1 (32.6-38.9) 39.9 (38.2 – 41.3) 36.1 39.2 32.1 35.1 44 38.0 Ash (% DM) 4.6 5.2 (4.3 – 6.7) 5.5 4.7 5.8 Lipid (% DM) 5.4 4.6 (3.6 – 5.6) 5.8 7.0 5.7 6.4 0.80 3.8 8.6 7.8 6.1 8.5 7.0 12.0 29.2 (25.1 – 33.8) 46.8 21.8 24.8 ADF** (% DM) 12.0 (7.7 – 17.9) 10.5 7.4 9.8 Starch (% DM) 4.1 (2.5 – 9.5) 11.7 3.0 Sugar (% DM) Calcium (% DM) Phosphorus (% DM) 5.1 (3.6 – 8.7) 3.9 0.15 0.29 0.68 Crude Fiber (% DM) NDF** (% DM) 33.2 0.18 0.24 6.5 0.13 0.91 0.99 0.81 0.90 0.27 1.17 1.67 1.40 1.52 3.14 2.08 0.77 0.66 0.72 1.17 0.93 4974 (4883 – 5064) 4724 Arginine (% DM) 1.59 1.61 (1.53 -1.67) Histidine (% DM) 0.77 0.82 (0.78-0.85) Isoleucine (% DM) 1.42 1.37 (1.3 -1.41) 1.26 1.43 1.09 1.20 1.96 1.37 Leucine (% DM) 2.45 2.46 2.65 2.09 2.33 3.39 2.47 Lysine (% DM) 0.92 2.63 (2.51 -2.77) 0.74 (0.69 -0.79) 0.69 1.01 0.70 0.64 2.69 1.94 0.61 (0.59 -0.62) 0.52 0.59 0.46 0.51 0.62 0.71 1.50 1.36 (1.30–1.39) 1.27 1.08 1.17 1.28 1.58 1.03 1.81 (1.72 – 1.9) 1.73 1.71 1.38 1.54 2.16 1.44 Threonine (% DM) 1.13 1.13 1.24 0.99 1.06 1.72 1.53 Valine (% DM) 1.64 1.18 (1.13-1.19) 1.70 (1.63-1.74) 1.49 1.75 1.37 1.52 2.07 1.76 Methionine (% DM) Total Sulphur AA (% DM) Phenylalanine (% DM) 5160 1.52 *Values taken from Nutrient Requirement of Poultry, Ninth Revised Edition, 1994. **NDF, neutral detergent fibre; ADF, acid detergent fibre Energy Content Energy digestibility, apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and AME corrected for endogenous nitrogen excretion (AMEn) of wheat DDGS has been determined in roosters, broilers, layers, and turkeys (Table 8). The estimations of Vilariño et al. (2007) appear high in relation to the other published values. These values were determined using pelleted diets which may have improved the energy digestibility in relation to the other studies in which mash diets were used. The diets used in the determination of energy digestibility in Oryschak et al. (2010) and Thacker and Widyaratne (2007) included an exogenous commercial enzyme designed for wheat-based diets. Cozannet et al. (2010) showed that AMEn was highly correlated to ADF content (r = 0.80 to 0.93) regardless of poultry type. 21 POULTRY DIETS Gross Energy (kcal/kg) Energy Digestibility (%) AME (kcal/ kg) AMEn (kcal/ kg) Roosters 2345 Metayer et al. (2009) Cozzanet et al. (2010) Vilariño et al. (2007) 2464 2469 2701/2562* 2672/2524* 2421 2371 Broiler Cozzanet et al. (2010) Metayer et al. (2009) Oryschak et al. (2010) Thacker and Widyaratne (2007) Layers Cozzanet et al. (2010) 2047 54 (48)** 68.6*** 2412 2300 2314 2164 Turkeys POULTRY DIETS Cozzanet et al. (2010) Protein and Amino Acid Content and Digestibility Unlike energy, there are widely divergent estimates of amino acid content and digestibility (Table 9) within the literature. Lysine content of wheat DDGS ranged from 0.69% DM (Kluth and Rodehutscord, 2010) to 1.01% DM (Oryschak et al. 2010) (Table 1). Expressed as a percentage of protein, lysine content ranged from 1.82% (Vilariño et al. 2007) to 2.58% (Thacker and Widyaratne, 2007; Oryschak et al. 2010). This may be due, in part, to the variation in lysine content of the feedstock used to manufacture wheat DDGS. Wheat protein content, and therefore lysine and other amino acid content, varies significantly between and within classes of wheat. Soft white wheat, the primary class of wheat used for ethanol production in Canada, contains approximately 2-3% less protein than Canadian hard red spring wheat, the primary wheat produced in western Canada for milling. Changing the ratio of soft to hard wheat used to produce ethanol would be expected to have significant affects on protein and amino acid content of the DDGS produced. Estimates of protein and amino acid digestibility are shown in Table 9. Cady et al. (2009) reported that lysine digestibility ranged from 26-54% in eight samples of wheat DDGS collected from six countries. The report of Bandegan et al. (2009) is of interest in that the data was generated from batches of wheat DDGS manufactured from five different feedstocks within the same plant under the same manufacturing procedures. The lysine content in the five batches of wheat DDGS ranged from 0.69-0.74% DM but the digestibility of lysine within those same batches ranged from 24.4-45.7%. 22 Bandegan Kluth Mean (Range) Mean 15% Inclusion 30% Inclusion 67.0 (64.1 - 71.0) 65.0 72.8 69.4 Arginine 68.2 (63.3 -73.3) 74.0 82.2 80.5 Histidine 63.7 (57.4 – 69.1) -- 76.1 74.4 Isoleucine 68.8 (67.3 -72.4) 63.0 78.3 76.0 Leucine 73.4 (68.8 - 77.0) 65.0 82.8 81.1 Lysine 35.6 (24.4 - 45.7) 73.0 68.2 63.6 Methionine 73.7 (69.3 - 76.4) 70.0 86.5 84.3 Total Sulphur Amino Acids 67.3 (76.0 - 81.6) Phenylalanine 79.2 (76.0 – 81.6) 71.0 81.8 80.6 Threonine 54.8 (48.2 – 60.9) 61.0 71.9 68.3 Valine 64.7 (58.6 – 69.7) 67.0 79.6 76.3 Protein Oryschak et al. (2010) The manufacturing process for wheat DDGS may involve high temperatures which can affect the digestibility of lysine and other nutrients through the Maillard reaction. Cozannet et al. (2010) showed that energy content, protein and amino acid digestibility is related to colour as measured by a colour meter and luminance measurements. A summary of their findings comparing dark versus light is presented in Table 10. FEEDING STUDIES POULTRY DIETS Several studies have investigated the growth of broiler chickens fed diets incorporating wheat DDGS. Thacker and Widyaratne (2007) substituted equal parts of wheat and soybean meal with wheat DDGS at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% inclusion levels. An exogenous enzyme, commonly used in wheat-based diets, was included in all diets. Although no statistical difference in broiler weight gain, feed intake or feed conversion (feed:gain) was noted between treatments, these authors recommended a maximum inclusion of 15% wheat DDGS in broiler diets. However, in this study the researchers did not base the formulation on digestible amino acid content and the numerical trend to reduced performance at the 20% inclusion level is likely a result of insufficient digestible essential amino acids. In contrast, Métayer et al. (2009) measured the AME and digestibility of amino acids prior to formulating the diets and reported that growth was not different between broiler birds fed starter diets containing 0% or 3% wheat DDGS, and grower-finisher diets containing 0%, 10% and 15% wheat DDGS. However, feed intake increased which reduced feed efficiency (gain:feed) by 4% and 5%, respectively, for birds consuming diets containing 10% and 15% wheat DDGS. The authors also investigated the effect of an exogenous enzyme addition and found that performance was equalized between birds consuming 15% wheat DDGS and enzyme, and birds consuming the diet containing 10% wheat DDGS. Oryschak et al. (2010) reported that inclusion of wheat DDGS at 5% or 10% in broiler diets (0-42 days) had no effect on body weight, feed intake, feed efficiency (gain:feed), breast weight or yield. In a study designed to determine the AMEn of DDGS samples, average daily gain decreased when wheat DDGS was incorporated into broiler and turkey diets at 25%, but feed intake was not affected in either poultry type (Cozannet et al. 2010). The diets were not formulated to meet digestible amino acid requirements and this may account for the reduction in average daily gain. Vilariño (2007) reported a slight reduction in feed intake (1.9%) in broilers consuming diets containing 10% wheat DDGS. The reduction in feed intake was significant (5.4%) in birds consuming diets containing 20% wheat DDGS, which resulted in a significant decrease in final body weight. The authors (Vilariño et al. 2007) noted a difference in feed conversion in the first 10 days of the experiment and attributed this effect to an overestimation of the digestible lysine content during the formulation of the diets. The feed conversion ratio of broilers consuming control, 10% and 20% wheat DDGS treatments were 1.43, 1.56 and 1.61, respectively. 23 Summary and Recommendations In summary, the energy content and digestibility of energy, protein and amino acids are related to the processing conditions used in manufacturing. Indicators such as acid detergent fibre content and the amount of protein (nitrogen) in the acid detergent fibre fraction can provide some information regarding energy content and protein digestibility, respectively. Colour (dark vs light) is another indicator of product quality with dark-coloured wheat DDGS, indicating overheating and loss in nutrient content and quality. From the data presented in the literature, it would appear that the AME content of good quality wheat DDGS is in the range of 2400-2500 kcal/kg for roosters, broilers and layers, and 2300-2400 kcal/kg for turkeys. Standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in wheat DDGS is lower than for soybean and canola meals. For example, the true ileal digestibility of threonine in soybean meal, canola meal and wheat DDGS (NRC, 1994; Brandegan et al. 2010) is 88%, 78% and 62%, respectively. TABLE 10. Digestive utilization of nutrients in wheat DDGS and the impact of colour (from Cozannet et al. (2009 and 2010). Wheat DDGS Dark Light Luminance (L)* 46.2 57.4 NDF (% DM) 33.6 30.1 ADF (% DM) 18.4 10.7 ADCIP (% DM)** 41.2 11.6 Lysine (% CP) 1.01 2.29 Protein 59.8 81.8 Non-Essential Amino Acids 64.1 83.9 Essential Amino Acids 51.0 78.0 Lysine 11.8 60.7 Rooster 2235 2564 Layer 2257 2519 Broiler 2164 2531 Turkey 2058 2424 POULTRY DIETS Digestibility AME kcal/kg 24 Wheat DDGS In Swine Diets Ethanol co-products such as wheat DDGS can be included in swine diets. Under current pricing scenarios, wheat DDGS is cost effective and can be included in mash diets. Wheat DDGS of good quality can be included up to 10% in a weaner/nursery diet and up to 20% in a grower or finisher diet. Wheat DDGS contains more non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) than wheat grain. The NSP content of wheat DDGS is also slightly higher than in corn DDGS. Within the NSP, the content of xylose and arabinose sugar is increased, indicating that the content of arabinoxylans is substantially higher in wheat DDGS than in the parent wheat. Wheat DDGS contains more xylose than corn DDGS (Table 11) but has similar arabinose content. These data indicate that the ratio of arabinose to xylose in the arabinoxylans in wheat DDGS is different than in corn DDGS. SWINE DIETS Energy Digestibility and Content Increased wheat NSP is related to reduced energy digestibility for swine (Zijlstra et al. 1999). Estimations of energy digestibility and energy content differ substantially among studies, depending on study design, wheat DDGS inclusion level, feedstock quality and fermentation, and drying technologies used in the manufacturing process. Widyaratne and Zijlstra (2008) reported apparent total tract energy digestibility of 68.3% and 67.1% for wheat DDGS and a 4:1 mixture of wheat:corn DDGS when each replaced 40% wheat in the diet. Nyachoti et al. (2005) also replaced 40% of the wheat in the basal diet with wheat DDGS from two different lots and reported total digestibility of energy as 65% and 68% as compared to wheat at 86%. The diets in the studies of Widyaratne and Zijlstra (2007) and Nyachoti et al. (2005) were not balanced for energy or amino acid content. The impact of fibre-degrading enzymes on digestibility of wheat DDGS is not clear. The addition of a commercial xylanase to a diet containing 40% wheat DDGS did not improve total tract energy digestibility (Widyaratne et al., 2009). Thacker (2009) incorporated 20% of wheat DDGS into diets for growing pigs and reported the total tract digestibility of dietary energy was 76.5% with no improvement with the addition of a xylanase and ß-glucanase cocktail (76.7%). Some ethanol plants add fibre-degrading enzymes during the production process, making a positive enzyme effect on DDGS less likely. 25 TABLE 11. Non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) including part of the constituent sugar profile of wheat, and corn, wheat/corn, and wheat DDGS (% DM)1. Wheat DDGS Corn Wheat/corn2 Wheat 2.15 7.57 9.72 1.39 17.85 19.24 5.35 16.56 21.91 7.76 15.13 22.89 Xylose Soluble Insoluble Total 1.03 2.39 3.42 0.29 5.86 6.15 2.53 5.58 8.11 3.08 5.00 8.08 Arabinose Soluble Insoluble Total 0.68 1.64 2.32 0.21 4.06 4.27 1.22 3.51 4.73 1.58 3.29 4.87 Variable Total NSP Soluble Insoluble Total SWINE DIETS Emiola et al. (2009) reported total tract and ileal dietary energy digestibility estimates of 68% and 65.6% when wheat DDGS was added at 30% to pig diets balanced for energy and amino acid content. In this study, diets were formulated to meet nutrient requirements (positive control, NRC, 1998) or formulated to be 4% and 5% below requirements for digestibility energy and lysine (negative control), respectively. Two enzyme mixtures containing glucanase, xylanase, and cellulase (low vs high) were each added to individual negative control dietary treatments. The diet high in enzymes was equal in growth, efficiency and energy digestibility to that of the positive control diet. Recently, Yáñez et al. (2011) reported results of a study that incorporated 43.7% of a co-fermented wheat:corn (1:1) DDGS in ground or unground form, with or without xylanase and/or phytase. Grinding wheat DDGS before inclusion in the diet increased apparent total tract digestibility (70.9% vs 69.6%) and DE content (3.34 vs 3.28 Mcal/kg). Phosphorus Digestibility Digestibility of phosphorous (P) in wheat DDGS differed among studies. P digestibility in wheat DDGS was substantially higher (62%) than in wheat (15%) (Widyaratne and Zijlstra 2008). In contrast, P digestibility did not differ between two batches of wheat DDGS (50% and 55%) and wheat (44%) in another study (Nyachoti et al., 2005). The difference might be due to difference in phytate and intrinsic phytase content among wheat samples. Widyaratne and Zijlstra (2007) reported a phytate content of 1.39% DM in wheat versus 0.30% (air-dry basis) for the wheat used in the study of Nyachoti et al. (2005). The remaining phytate in wheat DDGS still reduces P digestibility, because the addition of phytase improved P digestibility of diets containing wheat DDGS (Yáñez et al., 2011). The phytate content of the wheat:corn DDGS in this study was 1.05% DM. 26 Amino Acid Digestibility The standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids was higher in wheat than in wheat DDGS (Widyaratne and Zijlstra 2008), especially for lysine (71.4% vs 46.4%), indicating that heat damage of lysine during the manufacturing process likely occurred. Nonetheless, the SID content of amino acids was higher in wheat DDGS due to the higher content of total amino acids. The reduced (apparent) digestibility of amino acids for wheat DDGS compared to wheat was also observed by Nyachoti et al. (2005). Yan et al. (2008) reported SID values for lysine, threonine, and methionine of 49%, 72.3% and 78%, respectively. Cozannet et al. (2010) reported a mean SID of lysine in wheat DDGS to be 55.6%. However, these authors also showed that lysine SID was dependent on processing conditions, as shown by colour of the final wheat DDGS product. Samples with dark colouration, indicating the browning (Maillard) reaction occurred during processing, had a mean SID of lysine of 55% while lighter-coloured samples had a mean SID of lysine of 79%. The mean SID values for threonine and methionine were 75% and 72%, respectively. These authors also showed that the SID of lysine was highly correlated (-0.84) to the protein content of the acid detergent fibre (ADF) in wheat DDGS. The addition of xylanase did not improve the apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of lysine in wheat DDGS (Emiola et al. 2009) regardless of inclusion level (15% or 30%). However, the AID of lysine in this study was approximately 74%, indicating that less damage had occurred during the drying process. Similarly, Yáñez et al. (2011) reported that the addition of phytase, with or without xylanase, did not improve the SID of amino acids in wheat:corn (1:1) DDGS. Grinding the wheat:corn DDGS did improve SID for lysine (70.5% versus 64.3%) but not for threonine or methionine. Dietary Inclusion and Growth Thacker et al. (2006) replaced wheat and soybean meal with up to 25% (5% increments) wheat DDGS in grower diets, and up to 15% (3% increments) in finishing pig diets. Weight gain of grower hogs decreased with increased wheat DDGS inclusion due to decreased feed intake. However, no effect of wheat DDGS inclusion was noted in finishing hogs. The DDGS came from an old-style ethanol plant so the nutrient availability (e.g. lysine) of the wheat DDGS in this study may have been limiting due to high drying temperatures used in the manufacturing process. Wheat DDGS has been studied in nursery pig diets. Increasing wheat DDGS inclusion from 0-20% at the expense of soybean meal and wheat was studied in diets balanced for net energy and SID content (Avelar et al., 2010). Increasing wheat DDGS in the nursery diet reduced feed intake, weight gain and feed efficiency. Up to 10% inclusion growth performance was maintained, whereas inclusion of 15% and 20% wheat DDGS in the diet decreased body weight of weaned pigs by 0.4 and 5.4 kg, respectively. Therefore wheat DDGS should be limited to 10% inclusion in nursery diets. In a commercial-size study by FOBI researchers, wheat DDGS was included in the diets for growing pigs at 0%, 7%, 15%, 22.5% and 30% (Beltranena and Zijlstra, 2010). For every 7.5% increase in wheat DDGS inclusion, feed efficiency decreased because pigs consumed 42 g/day more feed per kg of body weight gain. As a result, the monetary return decreased linearly with increasing wheat DDGS inclusion. These authors recommended a maximum of 20% inclusion of wheat DDGS in diets for growing hogs. 27 SWINE DIETS In a follow-up study, Thacker (2009) reported that dietary inclusion of 20% and 12% wheat DDGS in grower (19.7-43.6 kg) and finisher (43.6-114.3 kg) diets, respectively, did not affect on weight gain, feed intake, or feed conversion. Carcass Quality Feeding high levels of corn DDGS in finishing pig diets has been shown to reduce backfat hardness so as a result some have suggested limiting amounts in the finishing diet (Beltranena and Zijlstra, 2010). However, feeding wheat DDGS has not been shown to have the same impact on carcass quality and therefore it can be used at higher levels in finishing pig diets (Beltranena and Zijlstra, 2010). The reduction in backfat hardness when feeding corn DDGS is attributed to the high levels of polyunsaturated fat in the oil. Both corn and wheat germ oil contain large quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids, but the total fat content of wheat DDGS is markedly less than corn DDGS (5.4 vs 13.6%) so the impact of wheat DDGS on carcass quality is relatively minor. Summary Wheat DDGS is a co-product that can potentially be used as a feed ingredient in swine diets. To properly characterize wheat DDGS, samples should be evaluated for digestible or available energy and amino acid content. Energy and amino acid values can be predicted using protein, lipid and fibre content (detergent fractions). In addition, a measure of protein content of the acid detergent fibre fraction might provide valuable information regarding amino acid availability. Growth performance can be maintained if wheat DDGS is of good and known quality and diets are formulated to an equal energy and amino acid profile. Published studies to date indicate that the inclusion of wheat DDGS in nursery and grower/finisher formulations should be limited to 10% and 20%, respectively. Fibre content of wheat DDGS will increase the size of viscera, thereby reducing dressing percentage. Feeding corn DDGS reduces backfat hardness but wheat DDGS has a relatively small impact on carcass quality due to the lower fat content of the product and can therefore be used in higher quantities than corn DDGS in the finishing diet. SWINE DIETS The energy value of wheat DDGS is less than wheat. Formulation values for digestible energy content vary but range between 13.4 (Nyachoti et al. 2005) and 14.6 MJ/kg (Cozannet et al. 2010) for growing pigs. The availability of amino acids, particularly lysine, is dependent on processing conditions, especially during drying. A weak link exists with colour, with darker wheat DDGS having decreased lysine availability. 28 Wheat DDGS In Aquaculture Diets Further improvements in the nutritive value of wheat DDGS were obtained through aqueous extraction of protein from wet wheat distillers grains (WWDG). This method has the advantage of performing all fractionation steps on WWDG before the drying process. Therefore, no additional drying costs are incurred in the production of this product. This process increased the protein content of WWDG from 43.2-68.5% and decreased nonstarch polysaccharides from 27.2-8.1%. The product also had significantly increased the apparent digestibility coefficients for dry matter, gross energy and acid ether extract (P < 0.05) when fed to rainbow trout. The addition of this product at up to 30% of the diet did not decrease the growth performance of rainbow trout. Wheat DDGS may be added to salmonid diets at low levels but fractionation prior to feeding offers significant benefits nutritionally and makes it more practical as an aquaculture feed. 29 AQUACULTURE DIETS Limited information is available on feeding wheat DDGS to aquaculture species. Hilton and Slinger (1986) demonstrated that it is feasible to use 10% corn DDGS in rainbow trout diets. However, as a salmonid species which, like other carnivorous fish, require high levels of protein and fat and have little to no capacity to digest fibre, corn DDGS is only marginally feasible as it contains high levels of fibre and only modest levels of protein and fat. Wheat DDGS contains significantly higher levels of protein but less fat and more fibre than corn DDGS, limiting its use in salmonid diets. Randall and Drew (2010) fractionated wheat DDGS, based on particle size, and found that the fine components of the product are elevated in protein (43.2% vs 37.2% as fed basis) and contained less neutral detergent fibre (21.6% vs 27.12% as fed basis), rendering the product more suitable for salmonid diets. The digestibility of the energy and dry matter of the fine fractions of wheat DDGS (83% and 79%, respectively) were higher than in the starting material (75% and 66%, respectively) and were similar in composition and digestibility to that of soybean meal. References Bandegan, A., W. Guenter, D. Hoehler, G.H. Crow and C. M. Nyachoti. 2009. Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in wheat distillers dried grains with solubles for broilers. Poultry Sci. 88:2692-2599. Aldai, N., J.L. Aalhus, M.E.R. Dugan, T.A. McAllister, L.J. Walter and J.J. McKinnon. 2009. 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Sci. 88: 3304-3312. 33 Wheat DDGS Nutrient Composition Tables (Range Of Values Shown Below Average Value In Brackets) 50% Wheat DDGS/ 50% Corn DDGS 100% Corn DDGS 8.5 (6.5-11.5) 35.9 (33.8-36.8) 12.8 SV 11.1 (7.4-14.9) 2 (1.2-2.9) 57 (54.4-59.5) 63.8 SV 13.8 (10.8-18.1) 42.3 (29.3-55.4) 34.9 SV 7.6 (6.3-8.6) 33.9 (30.6-37.3) 51.7 SV 19.6 SV 6.1 SV 47.3 SV NA NA 11.2 (10.2-12.1) 42.1 (39.0-43.9) 29.4 SV 8.7 (8.0-9.4) 30.5 (28.4-32.0) NA 32 32.6 NA NA SV 5.4 (3.9-7.0) 3.2 (0.0-6.2) 5178 (5160-5197) 5.3 (4.6-6.3) 0.17 0.95 0.39 1.22 0.62 0.22 275 115 95 12 4.8 (4.3-5.3) SV 7.6 (6.4-8.5) 3.8 SV 5273 SV 5.5 (5.2-6.2) 0.15 0.91 0.37 1.17 0.65 0.20 215 85 84 10 4.7 (3.66-5.8) NA 8.2 (5.3-10.4) 3.4 (2.2-5.5) 5126 (5099-5153) 4.9 (3.3-5.4) 0.11 0.88 0.36 1.13 0.67 0.19 175 65 77 9 4.3 SV 13.6 (10.8-16.8) 4.9 (4.0-7.2) 5221 SV 4.6 (4.1-5.7) 0.05 0.81 0.32 1.04 0.71 0.17 74 14 58 5 2.8 SV Wheat Grain Moisture (%) 11.7 (10.5-12.6) 15.3 (13.3-17.2) 25.4 SV 24.7 (24.6-24.9) 0.1 (0.0-0.9) 12.3 (11.0-13.5) 26.3 SV 3.6 (2.97-3.9) 16.1 (15.02-17.22) 14.6 SV 7.6 (3.7-9.7) 39.3 (32.1-45.8) 19.2 SV 16.8 (15.7-17.7) 13.3 (4.85-23.98) 55.6 (47.7-60.7) 54.4 SV 15.1 (7.4-22.9) 38.8 (21.8-54.1) 29.7 SV 14.4 SV 1.9 (1.6-1.9) 61.7 (60.35-63.0) 4814 (4543-5086) 2.0 (2.0-2.12) 0.09 0.43 0.15 0.5 0.15 0.01 72 42 40 5 0.8 (0.6-0.99) CP (%DM) NPN (%CP) SCP (%CP) ADICP (%CP) NDICP (%CP) RUP(%CP) NUTRIENT COMPOSITION TABLES 100% Wheat 70% Wheat DDGS/ DDGS 30% Corn DDGS COMPONENT ADF (%DM) NDF (%DM) NDFn (%DM) NDF with Na2SO3 (%DM) Crude Fat (%DM) Starch (%DM) GE (cal/g) Ash (%DM) Ca (%DM) P (%DM) Mg (%) K (%DM) S (%DM) Na (%DM) Fe (PPM) Mn (PPM) Zn (PPM) Cu (PPM) ADL (%DM) *values in brackets represent the range reported in literature SV – value based on single value found in literature 34 10.7 (9.9-11.4) 6.4 SV 34.4 SV 60.5 (55.0-66.1) 15 (9.5-23.2) 38.1 (31.6-49.5) NA DM basis 100% Wheat DDGS 70% Wheat DDGS/ 30% Corn DDGS* 50% Wheat DDGS/ 50% Corn DDGS* 100% Corn DDGS Poultry AMEn (kcal/kg) 2782 2901 2981 3180 Pigs DE (Kcal/kg) 3924 3991 4036 4147 Cattle TDN (%) 76 76 77 77 NEM (kcal/kg) 2080 2077 2075 2070 NEG kcal/kg) 1410 1410 1410 1410 NEL (kcal/kg) 1940 2036 2100 2260 100% Wheat DDGS 70% Wheat DDGS/ 30% Corn DDGS 50% Wheat DDGS/ 50% Corn DDGS 100% Corn DDGS Arginine (% DM) 0.76 1.62 1.59 1.57 1.4 Histidine (% DM) 0.38 0.79 0.82 0.87 0.81 Isoleucine (% DM) 0.6 1.32 1.19 1.47 1.15 Leucine (% DM) 1.14 2.56 2.82 3.37 3.54 Lysine (% DM) 0.46 0.89 1.05 1.00 (0.86-1.14) 0.99 Methionine (% DM) 0.27 0.64 0.73 0.67 0.61 Total Sulphur AA (% DM) NA 1.16 NA NA NA Phenylalanine (% DM) 0.8 1.67 1.7 1.97 1.47 Threonine (% DM) 0.48 1.18 1.26 1.27 1.17 Tryptophan 0.21 0.41 0.3 0.24 Valine (% DM) 0.74 1.7 1.82 1.66 1.6 Phytate (% DM) NA NA 1.63 11.49 mg/g DM NA Alanine (% DM) 0.59 1.55 2.05 1.67 2.16 Aspartic acid (% DM) 0.82 2.04 0.85 1.97 2.11 Cystine (% DM) 0.37 0.62 10.41 0.68 0.57 Glutamic acid (% DM) 5.24 10.36 1.55 7.23 5.02 Glycine (% DM) 0.69 1.66 3.3 1.47 1.23 Proline (% DM) 1.66 3.59 1.83 2.8 2.26 Serine (% DM) 0.69 1.71 1.06 1.5 1.42 Tyrosine (% DM) 0.46 1.17 NA 1.38 1.22 NA 0.89 NA 1.07 0.97 Available Lysine (% DM) NUTRIENT COMPOSITION TABLES Wheat Grain Component All values are on a 100% dry matter basis 35 Publication design, layout and coordination provided by: Canadian International Grains Institute (Cigi)