Spring 2014 - St. Thomas Episcopal Church • Sun Valley, ID
Spring 2014 - St. Thomas Episcopal Church • Sun Valley, ID
The LIFT st thomas episcopal church SPRING 2014 Walk With Christ April 17-20, 2014 We all know that Easter stands at the center of the Christian experience. Everything we hope and do flows out of God’s ongoing work of resurrection. In order to appreciate the power of Easter, it helps to slow down and walk with Christ in Holy Week. When we remember the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane on Thursday...when we grieve the violence of the cross and the emptiness of the tomb on Friday...only then can we appreciate what God has done in the resurrection on Saturday evening and Sunday. Only by walking with Christ during Holy Week can we join wholeheartedly in the eternal song of Easter: “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.” Following is the schedule of events for Holy Week and Easter. All events are at St. Thom- as unless otherwise indicated. April 13 Sunday 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Palm Sunday: The Passion of Our Lord - Holy Eucharist, Rite I Palm Sunday: The Passion of Our Lord - Holy Eucharist, Rite II April 17 Thursday 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday with Stripping of the Altar April 18 Friday April 19 Saturday April 20 Sunday April 21 Monday 12:00 noon 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Ecumenical Good Friday Service at Our Lady of the Snows Episcopal Good Friday Service at St. Thomas The Great Vigil of Easter with Baptism and the First Eucharist of Easter ( time determined by sunset) Easter Day - Holy Eucharist, Rite I with Hymns Easter Day - Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Special Music, Flowering of the Cross, and Easter Egg Hunt (note time change) Church office closed SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday: Après Ski Service 4:30 p.m. (ends March 15) Sunday: 8:00 a.m.- Rite I Eucharist & 9:30 a.m.- Rite II Eucharist with Music Wednesday: 1:00 p.m. Eucharist with Anointing for Healing NURSERY, CHURCH SCHOOL & ADULT EDUCATION Nursery Care is provided during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. Christian Education for children and youth is held during the: 4:30 p.m. service on Saturday through March 15 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday beginning April 6 Adult Education meets after the 9:30 a.m. service most Sundays. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 10:00am—4:00pm TELEPHONE (208) 726-5349 FAX (208) 726-7570 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 1070 Sun Valley ID 83353 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.stthomassunvalley.org www.stthomasplayhouse.org RECTOR’S REPORT “A Holy Lent” I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by selfexamination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and be reading and meditating on God’s holy Word…(BCP, 265). We rarely think of Lent as a time to feast. We normally think of Lent as a time to fast, a time to give things up, a time to go without. In some ways this is true. In Lent, we are asked to reflect on what we give our hearts to. Do we give our hearts to potato chips and soda? Do we give our hearts to TV and cell phones? Do we give our hearts to criticism and gossip? In Lent, we ask: “What am I giving my heart to? Where am I going for nourishment? Am I getting what I really need?” In Lent, we don’t just give stuff up, although that might be part of our spiritual practice. In Lent, we try new “food.” We feast on things that actually make us happier and stronger. What would happen if, for forty days, we made a commitment to attend corporate worship at least once a week? What would happen if, for forty days, we met with others to study the Bible? What would happen if, for forty days, we engaged in acts of service? Metaphorically speaking, Lent is an opportunity to feast as well as fast...to fill ourselves up with good food rather than snacking on empty calories. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and conversations with some of you, I know what I am going to feast on this Lent. I am going to feast on TRUST; I will trust you to perform the ministry that God has given you to do and try not get in your way. I am going to feast on REST; “...for in returning and rest we shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be our strength (BCP, 138)." I am going to feast on HOPE; hope that our communication will be more direct and our assessment of one another will be more charitable. This Lent, we have an opportunity to feast on good things and satisfy our deepest desires. Will you join me at the table? Father Ken Next Opportunities for Baptism The next regular opportunity for Baptism is Easter Eve, Saturday, April 19, at 8:30 p.m. This is the most ancient and powerful time for baptism - the culmination of the season of Lent and the launch of the Easter season. If you or a loved one would like to learn more about being baptized on April 19, please speak to Father Ken. Special Lenten Bible Study March 10, 17, 31, and April 7 This Lent, Father Ken will lead a special Bible study based on Lectio Divina, or “divine reading.” In this approach, a selected passage is read several times, interspersed with silence, questions for reflection, and sharing by mutual invitation. The goal is not to “figure out the text” as much as to “enter into the text.” The study will be held in the Fireside Room on the above Mondays from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Although attendance at many or all of the sessions will deepen your experience, it is fine to come whenever you are available. Bible study on Thursday at 12 noon will continue as usual. If you have questions or want to learn more, please contact Father Ken. 2 MEET YOUR NEW SENIOR WARDEN Heather Black grew up in Stowe, Vermont. After graduation from Colby College in Maine, with a degree in Spanish and studies in French and German, Heather went to work in the international department of BayBanks in Boston. The opportunity arose for Heather to take her linguistic skills and financial training back to her home state of Vermont when she applied for a job as Assistant to the Publisher of Ski Racing Magazine. While in this role, Heather lived out of a suitcase, traveling the world managing the magazine’s logistics for major events such as Olympics, World Championships and the ski industry trade show. While at these events, Heather indulging in her serious hobby, took photographs which she eventually shared with the editor. The editor liked her work and soon Heather’s hobby became her profession. Eventually Heather was asked to become Chief Operating Officer of Sports File, a stock photo agency owned by Ski Racing Magazine. Over the course of three years, Heather oversaw the agency go from losing six figure amounts a year to turning a profit. Five years after starting with Ski Racing, Heather married the Publisher, Gary Black. Four years later, Alexandra Kathleen was born. When Alexandra (aka Lexi) came on the scene, Heather stepped off the World Cup circuit and did photography locally and on a “loose” basis so that she could dedicate herself to being a full-time mom. Heather’s interests include participating in anything musical, photography, Masters alpine ski racing (where she has been a 4 time medalist at the nationals and a 3 time Western Regional Champion in her age bracket), tennis, gardening, hiking, shooting, fly fishing (though this is not a strong suit!) among so many other wonderful things we can do here! HILDEGARD, TERESA, AND DOROTHY: Women Saints with (un)usual Lives of Prayer “Hildegard of Bingen had a wonderful prayer life in many ways, but is known for her music; Teresa of Avila was a reformer and prickly personality, with a very introspective prayer life; Dorothy Day was an advocate for social ministries, grounded in a community of intercessory prayer. All three are quite wonderful — bold, creative and thoughtful. I think that we, as women, benefit from these qualities in them, for they speak to our yearnings and our passions.” ~ Canon Lucinda Hildegard of Bingen 1098—9/17/1179 Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. when Canon Lucinda, from the Episcopal Idaho Diocese in Boise, Teresa of Avila 3/28/1515—10/4/1582 will be leading our 2nd Annual Women's Retreat. Our theme this year will be: Hildegard, Teresa and Dorothy: Women Saints with (un)usual Lives of Prayer. Each of us will have our own unique experience of these three saints including expanding love and finding our own spiritual center. There is a fee of $11 for lunch from Perry's. A sign-up sheet is posted downstairs at the church with a deadline of March 22nd. This year we are inviting the ladies from Our Ladies of the Snows, Emmanuel and the Central Deanery churches. There will be a mass email sent on March 1st with all details of the retreat and hopefully no one will be missed. Bring a friend if you wish and plan on spending a memorable day of sharing, learning and enjoying some quiet time. ~ Pat Jorgensen Dorothy Day 11/8/1897—11/29/1980 3 ADULT EDUCATION by Don Liebich The St. Thomas Adult Education winter and spring schedule features a 12-part series First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God with Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan. This series examines such questions as: Why did Jesus happen when he happened? Why the confluence of the Baptism movement of John and the Kingdom movement of Jesus? Why the tiny villages around the Lake? Why the confrontations in Jerusalem? Why then? Why there? Here is the spring schedule as currently constituted: March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 April 6 April 13 April 20 April 27 May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 Leslie Wilson: USAID in Iraq and Afghanistan St. Thomas Playhouse Children’s Tour Show—Cool Suit First Light -Jesus and the Kingdom of God Parables as Lures First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God Jesus as Lord Canon Lucinda First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God Substitutionary Atonement? First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God Demonstrations in Jerusalem Easter Sunday Earth Day Sunday First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God The Crowd and the Crucifixion Mother’s Day First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God Resurrection as Resistance First Light- Jesus and the Kingdom of God America as the New Rome COLUMBARIUM by Sidney Brooks Why did we suggest creating a Columbarium for St. Thomas? Was it because there was no place for a cemetery—and we were thinking about a “final resting place?” Most important to me was that I really wanted to know where I was going to be! Also, Dick and I strongly felt that it would take a burden off our family and planning ahead put our minds and hearts at rest. Our children and grandchildren have already seen where our spot is in the Columbarium (and they approve). Each prospective resident of the Columbarium may choose in advance a place for their ashes: the lovely solid bronze faceplate for custom urns which were designed by Armento Ecclesiastics of Buffalo, New York; a stone niche to accommodate a larger personal urn; or a nameplate on the Memorial Plaque for those who wish their ashes scattered or interred elsewhere. Close family members may also be included in the Columbarium. To see the Columbarium, turn right at the church door across from the Labyrinth, through the gate which is in bloom in season. Lists and diagrams of those already reserved are found at the bottom of the stairs on the way to the offices. Because there is much to learn, Carolyn Nystrom of the Wood River Hospice and Palliative Care has, at our request, kept us up-to-date with state guidelines and procedures. Those getting to know their “neighbors” in the Columbarium have really enjoyed the annual “Hole in the Wall Gang” party. This year the Brooks will host the get-together on July 16. 4 MUSIC DIRECTOR by Joel Bejot Jesu, Juva It’s my first real Lift article, yahoo! The first three months of my tenure here have been adventurous: from serving alongside Dick for three weeks, to getting my feet under me with the choir and service planning, and planning, rehearsing, and playing for three funerals in February. But despite the business of church and the busy-ness of life in general, I know that God is working in this parish. God works in all of us, whether in the choir, on staff, or in the pews. I got to go to two of the three inquirers’ classes, and explore if I’d like to be confirmed in the Episcopal Church. I’m still on the journey, but I’m pleased so far. But working in church isn’t always easy, like any profession. I am led to seek and lean on the mercy of God on nearly a daily basis. In one of the readings from the recent funerals are the following words: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The waves of life can sometimes crash right in our faces – but know that despite that, God seeks us and loves us every moment of every day. I will do my best to do follow in God’s example. We are blessed to be a part of such an active parish. Here’s a rundown of everything that’s happening in the next three months. First, join a choir! The adult choir will rehearse from 5:30-7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through May 6. On May 18, the slack season schedule will begin, with rehearsals only on Sunday mornings, from 8:30-9:15. This will go for 6 weeks, through June 22. The Children’s Choir rehearses from 3:45-4:30 on Tuesdays, and is open to elementary-aged children. We sing at the Après-ski service about once a month while it is going, and then will sing on Sunday mornings. Come to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed and Talent Show! This will be a ton of fun. March 4, 5:00 p.m. dinner; 6:00 p.m. show. Special Services Ash Wednesday Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Great Vigil of Easter Easter Sunday March 5 April 13 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 12:00 noon (spoken) and 5:30 p.m. (sung) 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 12:00 noon at Our Lady of the Snows 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas 8:30 p.m. 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.; music at both services After Easter, we have the “Great Fifty Days of Easter Concert Series” May 4, 4:00 pm. Sundance Trio (Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano faculty from BYU) May 10, 6:00 pm. Dinner and Jamie Thietten Concert. Presented in conjunction with Children, Youth, and Family Ministries. May 18, 4:00 pm. Student Recital May 25, 4:00 pm. Movie Screening and Discussion: “Apparition of the Eternal Church” June 1, 4:00 pm. Organ Recital, Joel Bejot All concerts open to the public. Freewill offering, suggested $20 donation. Wine and light refreshments follow. Proceeds offset cost of concerts and benefit the Barry Keller Fund at St. Thomas. Thanks for reading! Joel Bejot, Music Director Soli Deo Gloria 5 From Your Postulant for Holy Orders Hello all my dear, dear friends at St. Thomas! You need to know that I would not be where I am today without your love and support. My heart thanks each and every one of you every day! Where to begin about the past 6 months at seminary? I am attending the Utah Ministry Formation Program in Salt Lake City. It is located on the grounds of St. Mark’s Cathedral in downtown Salt Lake. We meet one weekend a month and have been doing so since August. The weekend starts with a communal dinner (food is good!) followed by an evening class called “The Nuts and Bolts of the Episcopal Church.” Saturday is devoted to either the Old or New Testament and Saturday evening is “The Context of Ministry.” Sunday is early Eucharist followed by the “Spiritual Syllabus” which requires all of us to keep a daily journal which is discussed at length in class. My teachers are all exceptional. My fellow seminarians are so engaging and each so different. When I return to Hailey after these weekends, I spend the next month reading for hours every day and writing (seems like forever!) to keep up with my assignments. I’m taking it one month at a time. It is a lot of work and very challenging for me but I am so excited to be here. If all goes well, I will graduate in May, 2015. I am so honored and humbled to have been called to do maybe just a little bit of God’s work! God Bless every one of you. Love, Jane Reynolds. STEWARDSHIP by Marcia Liebich Today, in our adult education class, we heard a paraphrased quote from Desmond Tutu: “Man can’t without God. God won’t without man.” This seems to me to be a perfect statement about the value of stewardship. When we contribute our money, time and talent through St. Thomas Church, we are joining with God to help “create heaven on earth.” The stewardship committee thanks you for your generosity in our most recent campaign. We met our goal for the coming year. We urge you to consider your other gifts of time and talent. Can you be a “paper angel”? serve on the vestry? serve our children’s ministries? help with playhouse? sing in the choir? Make goodies for coffee hour? or help with other myriad tasks in our church which serves our community so well. We will be forming a new stewardship committee in the late spring. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Father Ken or Marcia Liebich at 578-8002. MILESTONES December, 2013 through February, 2014 MARRIAGES December 30, 2013 Sara Shealy Innes and William Marion Davis CONFIRMATIONS ~ RECEPTIONS ~ REAFFIRMATIONS February February February February February February 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2014 214 2014 2014 2014 2014 Dawn Kimberli King Meredith Susan Van de Bunte Justin Willimas Kristin Sayre Duryee Jane Reynolds David Gilbert Caldwell Confirmed Confirmed Confirmed Reaffirmed Reaffirmed Received BURIALS ~ MEMORIAL SERVICES December 30, 2013 February 1, 2014 February 8, 2014 February 20, 2014 February 28, 2014 Leonard Wayne Blanchard Ann Agnew Woolley Jeanne Merrill Pudoff Richard John Wooley Darcie Olsen 6 Departed: Departed: Departed: Departed: Departed: December 24, 2013 January 15, 2014 January 20, 2014 February 11, 2014 February 5, 2014 CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES by Jessica Bejot Friends, Peeps, Fellow Parishioners, Brothers and Sisters, Dear Ones, and to those I have not met yet or know personally -- Hello! Each of you is as varied as my greeting for you, though how appropriate for it to be so. St. Thomas, as a community, is as diverse and full of life as they come. And, oh, how I enjoy it! Every week in Sunday school, our teachers and I are surprised by the children that come. Some are our regulars and some are here for a week or two each year. Some are here with their parents, or grandparents, and others come with friends. Not much is different upstairs in the sanctuary or even in the office. Each new week brings a new collection of people that make up a part of our varied and vast community. I get up every day with a sense of wonder, "Who will I get to meet today?" "Who will I see that I haven't seen in a while?" "How have they been?" Isn't it wonderful? How perfect then that a sense of wonder is exactly what we are consciously implementing in our Sunday School classrooms. Their wondering about the mystery of God and his promises for their/our lives instills a life long relationship with faith and their Savior. They are being taught what it means to worship, wonder, pray, and live out their Episcopalian faith. Instilling this sense of wonder and mystery allows for us to build special programs and ministries on special occasions and throughout the summer that allow the children and families to carry that wonder into new areas such as fellowship, mission, social action, and self expression. We have made some wonderful plans for this spring that will build on that excitement and wonder. We hope you and your children will come and join in. Check them out below. March: 4 5 15 23 29 30 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and Talent Show Ash Wednesday Final Après Ski Service and Family Potluck at the Cleven's No Sunday School -- Spring Break 2nd Annual Women's Retreat with Canon Lucinda No Sunday School -- Spring Break 5:30-7:30 p.m. Noon & 5:30 p.m. (nursery care) 4:30 p.m. 17 18 18 19 20 27 Maundy Thursday Services - Christian Yoga following Good Friday Ecumenical Service @ Our Lady of the Snows Good Friday Service @ St. Thomas Easter Vigil with Baptisms Easter Sunday Celebrations Earth Day Celebration 7:30 p.m. Noon 7:30 p.m. (nursery care) 8:30 p.m. (nursery care) 8 & 10 a.m. (nursery care) 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 18 25 27 31 Last Day of Regular Sunday School Beginning of Artist in Residence Last Children's Choir and Potluck Party Safeguarding Training (for those that need it) 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 3:45 p.m. 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. April: May: 7 YOUTH MINISTRY by Sara Gorby St. Thomas youth have been busy in their activities over the last several months. Hockey, ski team, dance, work, choirs, community service and more. Many have found time to come check in during Sunday School. We worked on iTunes Playlists with music inspired by Epiphany and the Season of Light. What music makes us feel inspired and keep our spirits light? We also baked some goodies to take to the Senior Center in Hailey. Our youth face so many challenges and struggles. It is easy for us to judge where they spend their time. We hold a place for youth at St. Thomas to learn what it means to be an adult, which includes their choice to attend church or not. But we hold the place no matter what they decide. We always keep them in our prayers. Middle School Youth (6-8 grade) March: 5 8 14 15 22 & 29 April: 4-6 6 13 May: 20 25 27 9 Ash Wednesday Services, Noon & 5:30 pm Mission Lent Begins. This is going to be a time of preparing ourselves for Easter. Sundays school, fellowship and service will focus on how we are called to serve Christ in our lives. Volunteer @ the Animal Shelter, 4:00-5:15. Rides available! MISSION LENT Continues ~ Final Saturday Service Join Family Ministry for Potluck at The Cleven’s in Hulen Meadows. Spring Break! Enjoy time with family & friends. If you are in town, let Sara know. We can catch a movie or ice cream. Diocese of Idaho Youth Event at St. Thomas! Youth Group will resume on Sunday mornings with MISSION LENT. Parent/Youth Meeting about Paradise Point Teen Camp (July 20-26) following the 9:30 service Come play the Easter Bunny! Volunteers needed at 8:30 am. Volunteer @ the Animal Shelter, 4:00-5:15. Rides available! Earth Day Sunday! Volunteer @ the Animal Shelter, 4:00-5:15. Last one, rides available! High School Youth (9-12th grade) March: 5 8 12 15 22 & 29 April: July: 4-6 6 9 13 17 20 27 21 20-26 Ash Wednesday Services, Noon & 5:30 pm Mission Lent Begins Volunteer for Ketchum Community Dinners, 5:00-7:30 Mission Lent Continues ~ Final Saturday Service Join Family Ministry for Potluck at The Cleven’s in Hulen Meadows. Spring Break! Enjoy time with family & friends. If you are in town, let Sara know. We can catch a movie or ice cream. Diocese of Idaho Youth Event at St. Thomas! Contact Sara for details. 4:00 High School Youth Group resumes Volunteer for Ketchum Community Dinners, 5:00-7:30 pm Parent/Youth Meeting about Paradise Point Teen Camp (July 20-26) following the 9:30 service After the Maundy Thursday service, Christian Meditation & Yoga Come play the Easter Bunny! Volunteers needed at 8:30 am. Earth Day Sunday Volunteer for Ketchum Community Dinners, 5:00-7:30 pm Paradise Point Teen Camp! Let’s get together and go! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 8 March 1 2 2 3 4 6 Sam Thornton Wally Morgus Betsy Ashton Molly Thornton Jack Tierney Aubrey Pace April 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 7 7 7 Chip Mills Kathy Jones Ed Watson Cynthia Tillinghast Melissa Lee Bobby Van Fossan Glenn Crumrine Petra Morrison Ella Wolter Jim Vaughn May 2 2 2 3 3 Kristin Morton Michael Bulls Alaina Bejot Richard Brooks Becky Smith 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 Margi Gould Robert Robideaux Edith Wiederman Katherine Constable Marcia Liebich Lilian Tierney Maureen Ott Paige Mercer Devra Mary 7 8 8 9 12 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 Karen Bulls Nancy Bates Connie Hoffman Gini Baumgardner Suzie Orb Terry O’Reilly Jessica Bejot Penny Monger Dawn King Joel Bejot Allie Cleven Nancy Swaney George Merchep 4 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 Gary Oyen Barbara Dembergh Beau Mills Bill Swaney Cherie Kessler Sylvia Cunningham Conagher Kane Isaac Brannon 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 11 12 13 16 17 19 20 22 19 20 21 21 22 25 27 30 31 Anne Jacobi Sara Pettit Maeve Bailey Reuben Perin Philip Truax Louisa Waycott Nancy Winton Fred Zauner Kaye Kearns Lauren Robideaux Fred Filoon Mary Van Fossan Rachel Schneider Olivia Ott Amanda Walton Cody Thornton John Dominick Austin Nalen Michael Hawkey Braden Buchanan Linda Bergerson Mary Malkmus Gregory Merchep Lucy Brannon Dick Hare Sara Gorby Ann Scales Trip Nabors Christine Davis-Jeffers Devon Sherrerd Gina Knox 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 Linnea Collins Norah Bretall Blakeslee Davis-Jeffers Abby Crist Maggie Sturdevant Mike Wolter Dydy Cleven Chuck Sloan Pat Thorne Jon Thorson Elise Buchanan Thea Robideaux Gus Robideaux Grayson Tierney Sally Horn Don Liebich Aila Pettit Brack Hale Nicole Detra Jima Rice Bobbie Dahl 22 23 24 25 26 28 28 Hunter Dean Katrina Cord Saba Grossman Karley Johnston Don Carley Genevieve Lowe Dan Riviera OPEN AUDITIONS South Pacific Hello, Dolly! SUMMER THEATER PROJECT FOR TEENS FAMILY MAIN STAGE (ages 5 and above) Monday Wednesday May 12 May 14 4:00-6:00 pm (St. Thomas Church) 3:30-6:00 pm Saturday May 17 12:00 noon-2:00 pm Saturday May 17 3:00-6:00 pm (WR High School Choir Room) (St. Thomas Church) (Community Campus) Rehearsals begin on May 18 Performances are June 18-21 Rehearsals begin in late August. Performances are October 16-19. Local thespians will be asked to read lines from a few scenes and sing sections of songs from the show. Copies will be available when you arrive, not before. Participation requires a total commitment of time and effort from all cast members. Copies of scene readings will be available by May 1. Participants are asked to prepare 16 bars of a song. 9 ST. THOMAS PLAYHOUSE CHILDREN’S THEATER TOUR “COOL SUIT” based on “The Emperor’s New Clothes” musical version of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” called “Cool Suit.” The show continues to be performed until March 11, with one special showing for the St. Thomas family on March 9 at church after the 9:30 service. You won’t want to miss it! Every year the Children’s Theater Tour selects a highly entertaining version of a fairy tale or fable which conveys an important moral message for children. This season our show Cool Suit urges children to think for themselves and to not always go along with the crowd. In addition, the story emphasizes the folly of being self-centered and not appreciating others. STP will tour with the show to elementary schools, preschools, the CSI campus and libraries throughout our valley and reach about 4,000 individuals, the vast majority being children from ages 1-12. The cast is Sara Gorby, Matt Gorby, Cherie Kessler, Kristy Kuntz and newcomer and professional actor Chris Carwithen. SUMMER THEATER PROJECT FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS COMPANY B PERFORMING ARTS DAY CAMP ~ JUNE 9-21 Another fantastic Disney musical adaptation of a classic story, Disney’s Jungle Book, will be the show for “all monkeys and lions” from ages 4-13 in Company B this summer right after school ends. Our excellent cadre of performing arts instructors and interns will once again perform miracles in only two weeks and have the kids putting on a musical full of bright costumes, terrific songs and stage acting. This program has grown to about 100 young campers, and we anticipate the same numbers for Jungle Book. There will be three showings for parents, grandparents, siblings and the entire community at the Community School Theater on June 19-21 at 2:00pm. Children can be registered at any time by calling Sara Gorby at 726-5349 x16. The younger set (4-7 years old) attends Monday-Friday from 9:00-12:00. The “more mature group” (8-13 years) attends from 9:00-3:00. If needed, parents may register their young child for Company B Club, an aftercare program, until 3:00. The first week of camp is at St. Thomas Church and then everyone moves up to the Community School campus for the second week. Call for camp pricing and to inquire about scholarship availability. Company B Performing Arts Day Camp is an unforgettable creative experience for all children. St. Thomas Playhouse is excited to present another Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, South Pacific, as the musical for our Summer Theater Project. This is a tremendous and timeless show with wonderful messages about prejudice, the severe costs of war and how love conquers all. In addition to these important themes, the show has lots of humor and terrific songs. Kevin Wade returns to our valley (from his studies at Harvard and Russia for his Master of Fine Arts Degree in Theater) as Director and R.L. Rowsey will be the Musical Director. With the help of Peter Burke and Sara Gorby as Choreographers, it just can’t get any better than that for teens interested in being in a show which will challenge and thrill. Auditions will be held Monday, May 12 from 4:006:00pm at St. Thomas and on Wednesday, May 14 from 3:30-6:00pm at the Community Campus adjacent to the high school. There are places for all teens in the show or on the production end…we do not turn anyone away! South Pacific will be presented at the Community School Theater from June 18-21 at 7:30pm. Call Sara Gorby for further information 726-5349 x16. SPACC AT CAMP PERKINS The Summer Performing Arts Conservatory Camp for youth ages 10-18 will be at beautiful Camp Perkins from June 23-28. This unique camp is for young people who want more intensive (but still fun!) study in all genres of the performing arts. Besides our wonderful local performing arts professionals, STP flies in three working Guest Artists to instruct the kids in morning rotations of singing/music, acting/Shakespeare, all types of dance, rock band and film-making. The afternoons are spent taking advantage of water activities on Lake Perkins, lounging on the beach, volleyball, arts & crafts or private lessons. Every evening is filled with special activities from a talent show to an ice cream fest. Parents are invited to a showcase on the last day of camp. Call Sara Gorby for tuition information and scholarship applications (first come, first served basis for those with financial need). 10 Photos courtesy of Heather Black Beginning in late February, STP’s troupe of five actors began performing a delightful GIRLFRIEND CABARET LUNCHEON ↓ Kristy Kuntz, Page Klune, Cherie Kessler, Sara Gorby, Peter Burke, and Joel Bejot belt out “Elegance!” ↓ R.L. Rowsey in action. ↑ Rebecca Waycott, Cherie Kessler and Susan Bilkey greet the guests. Dear Wonderful Girlfriend Lunch Attendees and Donors, What a spectacular showing of support from all of you for Playhouse’s only fundraising event, the GIRLFRIEND’S CABARET LUNCHEON! Once again the Elkhorn Springs Restaurant was sold-out with over 90 happy ladies enjoying a “Gilded Age” style luncheon menu (in honor of our fall musical Hello, Dolly!) and each other’s company. Your kind response to our STP performers was heart-warming and we are so proud of all our participants, especially the children and teens. We are honored to offer our performing arts camps and programs for these young people, and also for grown-ups, who truly blossom when given a chance to shine on stage. Your robust participation in our raffle package sales and auction bidding amazed us. Thank you so much for those extra donations. However, the event of the day was when R.L. Rowsey called for your financial support for the H. Edward Bilkey Memorial Scholarship Fund with a paddle-up. So many of you generously pledged support which ensures that STP can offer tuition scholarships to all passionate children and teens who want to be in Company B, SPACC, Company B Winterized and the Winter Shakespeare Workshop for teens. I would like to extend my personal thanks to Sara, Rebecca and Heather and the entire STP Committee for doing such an excellent job of planning, organizing and decorating. Also thank you to our wonderful volunteers, especially our crew of Handsome Waiters. See you again next February! ↑ Fred Wagner and Roger Gould join the ranks of “Hot Waiters” Love and Blessings, Photos courtesy of Becky Smith Cherie Kessler, Managing Director STP ↑ Sandra Maier and Nancy Cord plan their strategy for the bidding ↑ Logan Wojcik and Bryn Downey charm the audience with “A Whole New World” ← Sara Gorby and Joel Bejot perform “It Only Takes a Moment” from Hello Dolly! 11 st. thomas episcopal church Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Ketchum, Idaho Permit No. 77 201 Sun Valley Road PO Box 1070 Sun Valley, ID 83353 Address Service Requested Bishop The Rt. Rev. Brian J. Thom Rector The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vestry Officers Heather Black, Senior Warden Carolyn Wicklund, Junior Warden Doug Cleven, Treasurer Judi Fuller, Clerk Vestry Members Ragna Caron, David Harrison, Page Klune, Wally Morgus, Sara Pettit, Ann Scales, Mardi Shepard Administration Joel Bejot, Music Director Jessica Bejot, Children and Families Ministries Director Judi Fuller, Parish Administrator Sara Gorby, Youth Ministry Director and Playhouse Education Director Cherie Kessler, Playhouse Managing Director Vicki Riedel, Pastoral Care Coordinator The deadline for the next issue of The Lift is 4 p.m., Monday, May 19. Please submit information and story ideas to the church office or email to Judi Fuller at [email protected] Should you have any comments or suggestions that will help us improve our newsletter, we will be pleased to receive them. Should you wish to discontinue your subscription to The Lift please let us know via email. 12