2015 Championship Handbook
2015 Championship Handbook
2015USTASouthwestTennisonCampus SectionChampionshipHandbook February13-14,2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAMPIONSHIP WELCOME LETTER………………………………………………………………………………….3 CHAMPIONSHIP REGISTRATION INORMATION.……………………………...………………………………..4 PROMOTION RELEASE/LIABILITY WAIVER………………………………………………………………………..5 TOURNAMENT INFORMATION…………………………………………………………….……………………………6 TEAM CAPTAIN’S MATCH SCORING GUIDE…………………………………….…………………………………8 EXPLANATION OF TIEBREAKERS……………………………………………………………………………………….9 GENERAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS……………………………………………………………………………………...10 USTA HONOR CODE OF ETHICS………………………………………………………………………………………..11 Dear USTA Southwest TOC Club Presidents, Congratula5ons to you and your team on par5cipa5ng in the USTA Southwest Tennis on Campus program and for coming to compete at the 2015 Sec5on Championships. The event is being held February 13-14, 2015 at Tucson Racquet Club in Tucson, AZ. This packet contains the informa5on your team will need to make the necessary prepara5ons to aAend the Sec5on Championships. Please review the en5re packet carefully and distribute the informa5on accordingly to the players on your team(s). Teams will be responsible for all of their own expenses. All matches will be played at the tennis complex at Tucson Racquet Club. Please find the address below: Jerry Cline Tennis Center 4001 N. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716 (520)795-6960 I look forward to seeing you and watching your teams as they compete in the 2015 USTA Southwest Campus Championships. If you should have any ques5ons, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have fun!! Ashley Redman Tournament Director (480) 289-2351 x 104 [email protected] Championship Team Registraon Registraon must be complete by FRIDAY, January 30, 2015. To Register your team for the championships: PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW. Championship Fee will be $150 per team. Each team is limited to bringing a maximum of 8 players. Registraon Steps for all Captains: Clubs are guaranteed two team spots in the championship. Third team spots will be first come first serve and be placed on a wait list. 1. Each Captain needs to complete the team entry form online. You can find the form here: hAp://www.joMorm.us/form/50056684691158 2. Each Captain needs to have every player on their team complete a promo5on release and liability waiver form on page 5 of this packet. 3. Each Captain must submit the team entry by Friday, January 30, 2015. 4. Each Captain should mail their $150 entry fee to the USTA Southwest Office, postmarked by Januray 30, 2015. Teams unable to mail the entry fee prior to the championship, may bring cash or check with you to turn in at check-in. AAn: Ashley Redman 7010 E Acoma Dr. #201 ScoAsdale, AZ 85254 • The forms are included in this packet, will be e-mailed to each club president, and will be posted at www.southwest.usta.com • Registra5on will be completed once I receive your team entry form. • For those of you wan5ng to bring a 3rd team, I will let you know as soon as possible as to the status of teams on the wai5ng list. If your school would like to bring a 3rd team, please submit a registra5on form for that team along with your first two team registra5on forms and I will hold it for the wai5ng list. Please note: Players will not be allowed to play in the championships unl they have completed and turned in their promoon release and liability form to the me. PROMOTION RELEASE & LIABILITY WAIVER FORM DUE BY January 30, 2015 Each Player Must Sign One Of These Forms (Can be faxed in or brought to the tournament. Please note that players will not be allowed to play in the championships unl they have completed and turned in their promoon release and liability form.) EVENT: 2015 USTA SOUTHWEST TENNIS ON CAMPUS CHAMPIONSHIPS DATE: FEBRUARY 13-14, 2015 LOCATION: Tucson, AZ I hereby authorize and grant permission to the United States Tennis Associa5on Incorporated (“USTA”), USTA Southwest, and any of its authorized agents to use my photographic image for any electronic or non-electronic form or media. I agree that my image may be reproduced, edited and used in whole or in part for any and all media, including, without limita5on, print, audio-visual, mul5media, and/or exhibi5on purposes, in any manner, in perpetuity and throughout the world. I understand and agree that I have no rights to any benefits derived from any such image. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless both the USTA and USTA Southwest from any and all claims of any kind which I, my heirs, executors and assigns, may have on account of par5cipa5ng in and/or aAending the Event. I further waive and release any and all rights and claims against the USTA and/or its employees for any injury or loss suffered while par5cipa5ng in and/or aAending this Event. I have read this release before signing below, and I fully understand the contents, meanings and impact of this release and waiver. ALL INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS PARTICIPATING IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP MUST PLEASE COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW: School: TEAM: (CIRCLE ONE) TEAM A TEAM B TEAM C PRINTED NAME OF PLAYER: SIGNATURE: DATE: (IF SIGNATORY IS UNDER 18, THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST SIGN BELOW) I, AS PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN OF ___________________________________________, AGREE TO THE ABOVE AND I SIGN THIS DOCUMENT TO SIGNIFY MY AGREEMENT. PRINTED NAME OF PARENT: SIGNATURE: DATE: TOURNAMENT INFORMATION DATES: FEBRUARY 13-14, 2015 ENTRY DEADLINE: January 30, 2015 ENTRY FEE: $150 PER TEAM CAPTAIN’S MEETING: Captains from each par5cipa5ng team in the championship will be required to check in their teams at registra5on and aAend the in person Captains Mee5ng on Friday, February 13, 2015 at 10:30am at Tucson Racquet Club. TEAMS: Minimum of 4 players (2 men, 2 women) and maximum of 8 players. Each school is guaranteed 2 team spots in the championships. A third spot may be available for schools. All 3rd team registered will be placed on a wai5ng list. There a maximum of 16 teams par5cipa5ng in the championship. FORMAT/SCORING: World Team Tennis Format consis5ng of one set each in the following linesMen’s Doubles Women’s Doubles Men’s Singles Women’s Singles Mixed Doubles Each individual set will be a 6-game short set (first to 6 games, win by two; no-ad scoring; 9-point set 5ebreak at 5 games all). Over5me and super 5ebreakers will be played if necessary. Team match winner will be determined by total games won. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Players must be an enrolled student with a minimum of 1/2 full-5me enrollment as an undergraduate or minimum of six hours as a classified graduate student of the represen5ng ins5tu5on, throughout the Sec5on Championship event. Each player must have at least one match result from USTA SW TOC Series play or head to head match play. Players who enter the tournament should expect play at a 3.0 NTRP ra5ng level and higher. Teams may have one former varsity player listed on their roster per team. Ineligible players include: • Players listed on a 2-yr or 4 yr college varsity tennis roster or USTA Tennis On Campus Roster prior to Fall 2005. • Players listed on a 2-yr or 4 yr college varsity tennis roster for over 3 weeks from August 2014 to the present 5me (current varsity players) • Players on a college varsity tennis team for more than three years • Players who have par5cipated in USTA Tennis On Campus events for the 7th combined year • Players who have received prize money for par5cipa5on in tennis tournament, which exceeded par5cipa5on expenses TOURNAMENT INFORMATION (cont.) T-SHIRTS: All par5cipants will receive a USTA Southwest Campus Championships t-shirt. MEALS PROVIDED: Dinner will be provided for all players on Saturday during the end of even player party. AWARDS: Awards will be given to the first and second place teams in the championship. The first and second place teams will receive an automa5c entry into the 2015 USTA Na5onal Campus Championships. PHOTOS: Team photos will be taken throughout the weekend as well as candid shots of players and spectators. Each team will need to schedule an appointment 5me for your team photo to be taken by our event photographer. Please complete the Publicity Release form included in this packet. INCLEMENT WEATHER POSSIBILITIES: CANCELLATION: -Matches begin delayed. -Having to wait on-site for further instruc5ons. -Matches being postponed un5l the following day. -A shiV to alterna5ve scoring methods. -Players should commit themselves to the championship for the en5re event, including being ready for evening/night play. If the championship, or part of the championship is cancelled due to rain or unforeseen circumstances, the championship will not be rescheduled. The USTA Southwest Sec5on will not be responsible for reimbursement of airfares and expenses due to cancella5on of the event. TEAM CAPTAIN’S MATCH SCORING GUIDE 1. GAME SCORING: In WTT the scoring is no-ad. Meaning game is won by the first team to capture four points. When the game score is deuce (game point), the receiving team chooses which side is to receive the serve. In the mixed doubles set, the serve must be gender to gender at game point. 2. SET SCORING: A match consists of five no-ad sets and includes men’s singles & doubles, women’s singles & doubles, and one set of mixed doubles. Mixed doubles is always played last. The five set format is the standard WTT format used at the USTA Campus Championships. Each no-ad set is won by the first team to reach six games. A nine-point 5ebreaker will be played at five games all in any set. (See the Explana5on of Tiebreakers on the next page). 3. MATCH SCORING AND OVERTIME: Teams must submit the star5ng lineup before play of each set. Teams have un5l the end of the three-minute break between sets to submit a star5ng lineup for the next set. The winner of the match will be determined by the total number of games won. AVer all of the games are totaled, if the trailing team won the mixed doubles set, the match is not over. The procedure is as follows: -If the leading team won the mixed doubles set, the match is over. -If the trailing team won the mixed doubles set, the match con5nues into over5me un5l the leading team wins one game or un5l the score is 5ed, leading to a Super5ebreaker. -If the overall score ends 5ed, you automa5cally begin the Super5ebreaker. Over5me is a con5nua5on of the mixed doubles set. Once you have come out of the mixed doubles set, you cannot return in Over5me. The first person to serve in Over 5me is the person who was next to serve at the end of the mixed doubles set. This Over5me rule gives the trailing team a chance to make a comeback. It also emphasizes the importance of the mixed doubles set. 4. PLAYER LIMITATIONS: A roster player may play in only two sets per match whether as a starter or a subs5tute (excluding the Super5ebreaker). 5. SUBSTITUTIONS: A team can, upon comple5on of a point, subs5tute a player (same gender) into a set for any reason. Once a player is replaced, he/she cannot return in that set. If a subs5tu5on occurs in doubles, the remaining player cannot change the side on which they receive or the service order. Subs5tu5ons are allowed in over5me (if a player has not already played in mixed doubles) and the Super5ebreaker. Once a player has come out of the mixed doubles set a player cannot return in over5me as it is the same set. 6. WARM UP TIME: In WTT, you warm up with your teammate. All players are allowed a 5 minute warm-up. Once play has begun, a three minute warm-up is allowed between sets. 7. SERVICE ORDER: The home team serves first in all doubles sets. The visi5ng team serves first in the singles sets. NOTE: Since the serving order is predetermined, the receiving team selects from which end of the court they want to receive. 8. CHANGING ENDS: AVer every four games, players change ends of the court. 9. COACHING: Coaching is allowed throughout the match as long as it does not interfere with con5nuous play. We encourage team members to stand along the court and support their team. 10. DEFAULT RULES: 15 minute team default = team match default = 30 games to 0 15 minute player default = set default = 6 games to 0 Injury: if a player re5res during a set and cannot be subs5tuted for, the score will be recorded with the played standing with the opposing team receiving six games. EXPLANATION OF TIEBREAKERS NINE-POINT TIEBREAKER: A nine-point 5ebreaker will be played at five games all in any set. The person who is next to serve begins the 5ebreaker. Each player serves two points in succession star5ng from the deuce court. Players change sides aVer four points. The first team (or person) to score five points wins the 5ebreaker. If the 5ebreaker reaches 4-4, the person who served the eighth point serves the ninth (final) point. The receiver, however, has the choice of sides (except in mixed doubles, where they must be gender to gender). The winner of the ninth point is the winner of the set. SUPERTIEBREAKER: If the match enters into a Super5ebreaker, a coin toss will decide which team serves first in the Super5ebreaker. The Super5ebreaker is mixed doubles and should be treated as a new set and subs5tu5ons are allowed. Either player on the serving team may serve first. In addi5on, court posi5ons may be changed (i.e. person who played forehand posi5on may switch to play backhand posi5on). Each player serves two points in succession star5ng from the deuce court. Players change sides aVer six points. The first team to score seven points wins the Super5ebreaker. If the Super5ebreaker reaches 6-6, the person who served the 12th point will serve the 13th (final) point. Since this set is mixed doubles, the final serve will be gender to gender. The winner of the 13th point wins the Super5ebreaker and the match. The Super5ebreaker counts as one game in overall match scoring. GENERAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Please note that this schedule is tentave and subject to change. Day Date Time What Where Friday February 13, 2015 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Team Check In Tucson Racquet Club All Captains Must Be Present. Other team members must be on site by 10:30am Friday February 13, 2015 10:30 a.m. Mandatory Team Tucson Racquet Club Captains Mee5ng Friday February 13, 2015 11:00 a.m. Round 1 Day 1 of Match Play 1:30 p.m. Round 2 Pool Play Tucson Racquet Club 4:00 p.m. Round 3 Saturday February 14, 2015 10:00 a.m Round 4 12:30 p.m. Round 5 Day 2 of Match Play Bracket Play Tucson Racquet Club 3:00 p.m. Final Round Saturday February 14, 2015 Immediately Following Final Match play Awards Presenta5on* Tucson Racquet Club Saturday February 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. Player Party Tucson Racquet Club *Awards Presentaon: At the compleon of the championship, we will present the awards to the first and second place teams in the event AND present the 2015 USTA Southwest Tennis on Campus winners for Club of the Year and Leader of the Year. The Honor Code of Ethics The Honor Code of Ethics is prepared under the philosophy that “today’s opponent is tomorrow’s tennis friend.” To ensure that end, the code should be used as a guideline during league play. Courtesy • The game of tennis depends upon courtesy and fairness. • Hosting teams should extend themselves to provide pleasant conditions for their guests. Water (or other beverages) should be placed on each court, and rest room facilities must be provided. Above all, it is important to treat visiting teams like friends. • All teams should be courteous and friendly, supporting their opponents efforts at providing a pleasant tennis atmosphere. Friends, Coaches, Children, Parents • Friends, coaches, children, and parents are not permitted on the court at any time. • Spectators or coaches may not volunteer advice on line calls, scoring, or the conduct of a match. • No coaching from parents allowed during play. Conduct of Players • The highest type of sportsmanship is expected from every player. • If you do not have an umpire, then you must call all balls as if you were a linesman, except that any doubt must be resolved in favor of your opponent. • It is your obligation to help your opponent make a call when your help is requested. • Do not enlist the aid of a spectator in making calls. • It is the server’s responsibility to call the score before each point. • Calls of “out” or “let” must be made instantly. A delay in making the call implies that the ball was not seen clearly and is therefore “good.” • In doubles, if one partner calls the ball “out” and the other partner calls it “good,” then it is the opponent’s point since doubt has been raised. • When the first serve is obviously out, it is discourteous to return it across the net. • Never try to take advantage of an opponent by serving before he/she is ready. Your opponent may ask for a “let” if you quick-serve him/her. However, if he/she either hits the ball or tries to hit it, he/she cannot claim that he/she was not ready. • You must volunteer honestly against yourself such violation such as a double-bounce, ball touching your body or clothing, touching the net or reaching over the net. • In doubles, there should be no conversation during the course of play other than brief instructions to your partner, such as “mine,” “out,” “run,” or “bounce it.” USTA regulations specifically prohibit the following: • • Loud, abusive, or profane language, racquet throwing or slamming of balls. Stalling. There will be no continuous strolling to the net to use towels or get sip of water or to rest between points. • Making a comedy of the match, whether winning or losing. • Cheating - the Golden Rule of tennis is that every player calls balls on his/her side of the net as he/she would want them called on the other side. • Intentional waving of a racquet or arms, or making distracting noises. • Foot-faulting. A person who unknowingly foot-faults is taking advantage of his/her opponent. The person who knowingly foot-faults is cheating. Get Social! Stay up to date with the latest event details by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We are encouraging players to follow us on these social media accounts and to tag their photos and posts before, during and after the event with 'USTA Southwest'. We love seeing our players in action on and off the court. Plus, we give out prizes to teams and individuals who are the most socially savvy! #SWTOC15 Player Party Saturday, February 14th 5:30 p.m (Immediately following final match play) Tucson Racquet Club Celebrate the end of a great season with your team! Raffle Prizes Burgers, Hotdogs, Drinks Photo Booth *Award given to best mixed doubles team matching outfit Get creative with your mixed doubles partnerThe best outfit throughout the weekend will win a prize!