Social Media for Disappearing Communities
Social Media for Disappearing Communities
SOCIAL MEDIA FOR DISAPPEARING COMMUNITIES .H\YH]P*OH\KOHYP 9VSSUV! .\PKL! 7YVM9H]P7VV]HPHO +Y(QHU[H:LU *V.\PKL! +Y5H[HSPL7HUN +Y:JO\ILY[-VV Theory of Community Social norms Religious Belief Language Value system Cultural belief Shared History Artifacts Aspirations Shared culture shared Involvement Ethnicity genes Community Participation Lifestyle Shared Reverence Shared memory for cultures Practices Physical Occupation Homeland Space common interest Sustenence Political boundary Locality Geographical area Theory of Community Social norms Religious Belief Language Value system Cultural belief Shared History Artifacts Aspirations shared Shared culture Ethnicity genes Disappearing Community Participation Lifestyle Reverence Shared values for cultures Shared memory Practices Physical Homeland Occupation Space Common interest Sustenence Political boundary Locality Geographical area Research Outline :[\K`-YHTL^VYR ;VNL[V]LYHSSPKLHHIV\[JVTT\UP[PLZPU0UKPH *YLH[LKHZ[Y\J[\YLI`KP]PKPUNJVTT\UP[`PU[V[OYLLWHY[Z Community 0U[YVK\J[PVUVMJVTT\UP[` identity 0KLU[P[`VMJVTT\UP[` indicators 0UKPJH[VYZMVYJVTT\UP[` 26304<4)(0 )6<5+(9@ 796)3,4:-69*,: ;OL2VSPZMPZOLYMVSRVM4\TIHPHYLH KPZ[PUJ[JVTT\UP[`0U;OLPYKYLZZ[OLPY SHUN\HNL[OLPYMVVKHUK[OLPYSPMLZ[`SL [OL`HYLLHZPS`KPZ[PUN\PZOHISL 9,.065 ;OL`HYLZ[Y\NNSPUN[VTHPU[HPU[OLPYVJJ\WH[PVUHUK SPMLZ[`SLHTPKZ[[OL\YIHUJOHVZ;OLPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLPU HUK HYV\UK 4\TIHP PTWYV]LK IYPUNPUN PU M\Y[OLY JVTWL[P[PVUMYVTV\[ZPKL;OPZPUJYLHZLKJVTWL[P[PVU MVY [OL 2VSPZ VM 4\TIHP PU NLULYHS HUK [OL 2VSPZ VM >VYSP PU WHY[PJ\SHY ¶ IV[O VM ^OVT JVU[PU\LK [V KLWLUKVUMPZOPUNHZHTHQVYZV\YJLVMLTWSV`TLU[ HUKPUJVTL :;(;, :HZZVVU+VJR=HYZV]H >VYHSP4\TIHP;OHUL 4HOHYHZO[YH 690.05 :0.50-0*(5*, -PZOPUN 30=,30/66+ 05=63=,4,5; *65:;9(05;: OL2VSPZHYV\UK4\TIHPHUKZWLJPMPJHSS`PU>VYSPHYL H[ H JYVZZYVHKZ ;OL` OH]L JOHUNLK [OLPY [YPIHS HMMPSPH[PVUZ [OLPY ^VYZOPW HUK [OLPY VJJ\WH[PVU [V HKQ\Z[[V[OLJOHUNPUN[PTLZPUJYLHZLKJVTWL[P[PVU HUKUL^[LJOUVSVNPLZ 4(3, -,4(3, .96<7 79,:,9=(;0654,;/6+: Ground Research India Disappearing Communities In India Western coast line Central & eastern forest Katkari Birhor Phase Pardhi Oraon Warali Bonda Bhil Toto Parasi Abhuj Maris East Indian Munda Koli Bene Israel Khotachi wadi North East (Himalaya) Bodo Khasi Desert Bhotia Banjara Sahni Meena Kashmiri Pandit Lepcha South eastern Todas Irulas Island Jarwa Onge Sentinelese Great Andamanese Selection of community -VSRJVTT\UP[PLZVM4HOHYHZO[YH :UHRL*OHYTLYZVM0UKPH )LUL0ZYHLSVM0UKPH Bene Israel *OPSKYLUVM0ZZYHLSS 0UKPH HU1L^PZO* *VTT\UP[` Bene Israel Of India INTRODUCTION BHD BHDO[[W!RHWP[HSPZ[LUÄSLZ^VYKWYLZZJVTPZYHLSOPZ[VY`QWN ISRAEL: GEOGRAPHY BID BIDO[[W!PTLKPHPVPSS\Z[YH[PVUZ4PKKSLF,HZ[WUN INDIA: GEOGRAPHY INDIA 0UKPHU1L^PZO*VTT\UP[PLZ )HNOKHKP1L^Z *VJOPU1L^Z )LUL0ZYHLS )LUL0ZYHLS º*OPSKYLUVM0ZYHLS» 3VZ[[LU[YPILZVM1L^Z BJD BJDO[[W!^^^JTHWJVTLYZPZJVTTHWMYLL]LJ[VYTHWVMPUKPHO[TS TIMELINE *VTT\UP[`SL]LS ,UKHUNLYTLU[ 7YLZLU[ +PZHWWLHYHUJL 5V[PJLK :[HY[LKTPNYH[PUN [V0ZYHLSPU :L[[SLKPU ;OHUL4\TIHP 7\UL(OTLKHIHK (KVW[LKSVJHS J\S[\YL 4V]LK[V ^LZ[JVZ[ (YYP]LKPU0UKPH 5H]HNHVU2\SHIH )* BJD BJDO[[W!^^^JTHWJVTLYZPZJVTTHWMYLL]LJ[VYTHWVMPUKPHO[TS ¸0UKPHPZ[OLVUS`JV\U[Y`PU[OL^VYSK PU^OPJO[OYV\NOJLU[\YPLZ1L^ZOH]L K^LS[PUJVTWSL[LZLJ\YP[`HUKOH]LILLU HJJVYKLKHUOVUVYHISLWSHJLPU[OLZVJPHS Z[Y\J[\YLVM[OLSHUK¹BD )`)LUQHTPU10ZYHLS BD)LUQHTPU0¸)LUL0ZYHLSVM0UKPH¹ :HUNHT)VVRZ0:)5! USER STUDY 5HTL!1HJVI+HUKLRHY (NL!`LHYZ ,K\JH[PVU!)JVT 6JJ\WH[PVU!/HaaHUH[(SPIH\N:`UHNVN\L "Bene Israelis settled down in Alibaug but now there are only 4-5 families in this area. All are moving to Israel for better opportunities. If I move to Israel who will take care of this synagogue?" 5HTL!4VZLZ7LURHY (NL!`LHYZ ,K\JH[PVU!)JVT 6JJ\WH[PVU!>VYRPUNPU:`UHNVN\L "For Bene Israelis synagogue is the place of social gathering. All prayers, marriages, malida and religious functions happen in synagogues. Thus synagogues play a critical role for bonding in our community." 5HTL!4HY`+LZOWHUKL (NL! `LHYZ ,K\JH[PVU!)JVT 6JJ\WH[PVU!/V\ZL^PML "In those days I married a Deshpande and now I am following both cultures. My all siblings are in Israel but India is my motherland and Israel is fatherland, thus I want to stay here only." 5HTL!:OHYVU.HSZ\YRHY (NL!`LHYZ ,K\JH[PVU!4( 6JJ\WH[PVU!1L^PZO,K\JH[VY “New generation is not interested in preserving our identity. They are unaware of Judaism and other core values of the Jewish community. Proper knowledge of Jewish customs is lacking in this generation." 5HTL!4H`LY4VZLZ (NL!`LHYZ ,K\JH[PVU!4:J 6JJ\WH[PVU!>VYRPUN "After establishment of Israel my all cousins migrated to Israel. Now a days because of technology like facebook & email we are connected with each other. But I am worried about the rapid disappearance of our community from India. We should do all we can to preserve our identity." 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They have been largely influenced by their Marathi and Muslim neighbours. Wherever they went, they adopted the local culture, dressing style and language of the region, Marathi, for all secular and social purposes. In olden times, the Bene Israeli women wore nine yard sarees, just like the Marathi women, so that in time it became difficult to distinguish between them and the Hindus. Since many years now, the locals and the Bene Israelis have been living together peacefully and happily. Bene Israelis adopted the occupation of oil pressing in Konkan and became known as “Shanwar Telis”, or “Shabbat-observing oilmen”, because they did not work on the Sabbath. Many became skilled carpenters. Within village society, the Bene Israel were clearly differentiated from others because of their adherence to Judaism. Jews in the Indian subcontinent have religious freedom and they build synagogues in India. The building of the synagogue is a matter of pride for the entire community and a turning point as it marks the beginning of an organized religious and communal life. VISUAL STUDY Bene Israel Of India Bene BeneIsrael Israel “Children of Israel” ¸*OPSKYLUVM0ZYHLS¹ Indian Jewish Community 0UKPHU1L^PZO*VTT\UP[` “Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000 year old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.” Charles Krauthammer The Weekly Standard, May 11, 1998 BeneIsrael Israeli Bene OfFestivals India Some of the most important Jewish festivals for the Bene Israel are Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah and Passover. On Rosh Hashanah, the entire community appears in its finery in the synagogue, and between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur it is customary to visit friends and family. Hanukkah is known as the festival of lights! It is a nine-day Jewish holiday which pays tribute to the dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah is celebrated by a series of rituals that are performed every day throughout the eight-day holiday. Holy Scripture “Torah” The Torah is the primary holy scripture of Judaism. The Torah is the Jewish name for the first five books of the Jewish Bible of the Bene Israelis. According to Jewish traditions, the Torah was dictated to Moses by God. As a part of the morning or afternoon prayer services on certain days of the week or holidays, a section of the Pentateuch is read from a Torah scroll. So that the entire Pentateuch is read consecutively each year. On Jewish holidays, the beginnings of each month, and fast days, special sections connected to the day are read. The Indian Jews are an ancient community, mainly categorized into three: Cochin Jews, the Bene Israelis and Baghdadi Jews. All these communities have made a remarkable contribution to the economic, cultural and social development of the country and they are equally proud of our Indian heritage, traditions and culture. The largest of India’s Jewish communities is the Bene Israel community which literally means “Children of Israel”. Although they are Jews by religion, their habits and traditions have amalgamated with the prevalent local culture with the passage of time. This is the major jewish community in India, but till recently, it used to be completely isolated from most of the other Jewish communities of the world. Bene Israeli Cuisine They are very particular about their food. They follow strict rules and regulations as per Judaism with respect to the food they eat. For instance, they only consume fish with scales. They never have meat and milk products at the same time. Owing to strong cultural influences, they never consume beef just like the Hindus. They eat Kosher food. They have a special shop for “meat” which specially sells Kosher food. The Bene Israelis only use utensils purified in a large container of boiling water. The Torah scroll is made up of plain or decorated wood or embossed silver. The Torah is read standing up without being removed from holy case. The silver stick is used for reading as a pointer. Each synagogue has several Torah scrolls, each one handwritten by jewish scribes. Artefacts Jewish culture has various artifacts based on their tradition and culture. All these artifacts have a some meaning and thought behind them. A certain artifact with 12 studs shows the twelve tribes from Israel. It is an auspicious cultural artifact of the jewish people. Star David is one of the main symbols of judaism. There are some artifacts which mainly contain the 10 commandments of God. All of these different artifacts are based on Jewish traditions, culture and religion and are a symbol of their culture. Fish also hold a place of importance in their culture. Law of Return The Law of Return 5710-1950 was enacted by the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, on July 5, 1950. The Law of Return declares the right of Jews to come to Israel, claimed to be their ancestral homeland, and to facilitate their immigration. The Law stated: “Every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh.” Follow-up legislation on immigration matters was contained in the Nationality Law of 1952. The Law of Return was modified in 1970 to include non-Jews with a Jewish grandparent, and their spouses. Attire and Jewellery The Bene Israli adopted local culture of Konkan and thus they have maximum influence of lifestyle of Marathi people. There are two intense Indian influences on the Bene Israel community - the mangalsutra and the mehndi ceremony. Bene Israelis adopted the tradition of the mangalsutra, but did not accept the bindi and the filling of sindoor. The wedding ring is the only essential jewellery and has a ritual importance. For the mehndi, the bride wears a green sari and green bangles which symbolize fertility. White is worn for the wedding as it signifies purity and virginity and for the barat, she wears a red & golden coloured brocade sari which is a symbol of her marital status. In the western region, most Bene Israeli women and men have adopted a modern style of clothing. There is no particular dress code; but in a synagogue, a Bene israeli woman can be identified by a folded handkerchief pinned on her head or a fancy embroidered cap. Hebrew Throughout their presence India, the Bene Israel OfinIndia Bene Israelis smoothly adopted local culture and lifestyle of Maharashtra. They have been largely influenced by their Marathi and Muslim neighbours. Wherever they went, they adopted the local culture, dressing style and language of the region, Marathi, for all secular and social purposes. In olden times, the Bene Israeli women wore nine yard sarees, just like the Marathi women, so that in time it became difficult to distinguish between them and the Hindus. Since many years now, the locals and the Bene Israelis have been living together peacefully and happily. Bene Israelis adopted the occupation of oil pressing in Konkan and became known as “Shanwar Telis”, or “Shabbat-observing oilmen”, because they did not work on the Sabbath. Many became skilled carpenters. Within village society, the Bene Israel were clearly differentiated from others because of their adherence to Judaism. The Mezuza One of the most distinctive artifacts of the Bene Israelis is the Mezuza which is a selection of scriptures from the Torah, written on parchment and encased in a decorative box. This is affixed to the doorpost of every Bene Israel home as also any other Jewish community from the world over. The mezuza is generally made of brass, marble, wood and silver and also it often has the Star of David attached at either end. Every Bene Israeli home is decorated with a Mezuza on the main doorpost and a Hanukkah candelabrum or Shabbath lamp suspended on its inner walls, signifying the Bene Israli’s sense of religious identity as indian Jews. These two are the distinct features which are different from their neighbouring communities Israel is a small and semi-arid country on the southeastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is bordered by Lebanon in the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, Egypt to the southwest and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. Thus surrounded by several Arabic countries, the Jewish people have been heavily influenced by the Islamic and Arabic cultures. Although small in size, Israel encompasses the varied topographical features of an entire continent. A wide spectrum of lifestyles characterizes the country, ranging from religious to secular, from modern to traditional, from urban to rural, from communal to individual. Synagogue Througout the expanse of India, synagogues are located in few, well-defined locations. The Konkan coastal region is home to elven synagogues belonging to the Bene Israel community. Other synagogues of are situated in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Ahmedabad. There are Baghadadi synagogues as well in Mumbai and Calcutta and Delhi. All synagogues vary considerably in size, extent, and quality of detail, materials, and design language. In metro cities, synagogues are large while in small villages they are comparatively compact in size, but all over they have maintained their design language. Life in Israel Life in Israel Even after migrating to holy land Israel, the Bene Israelis have successfully maintained their distinct identity. There are 3-4 cities in Israel which are known as purely Marathi Bene Israeli places. All Bene Israelis from Israel follow Indian as well as Jewish rituals. They follow the same lifestyle and dressing style which they followed in India. They also worship at the Bene Israeli synagogue according to the rituals they followed in India. In spite of settling in Israel, they have preserved the Maharashtrian culture in all ways possible. They prefer Marathi as a language of communication amongst themselves. They are completely Indianised in their lifestyle. They listen to Indian music and watch Indian films whenever possible. There used to be a publication called “Maayboli”, exclusively published in Marathi to share literature, thoughts, poems, books of the Bene Israeli community.. They are socially and culturally attached to each other. After establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the Bene Israelis from India began to emigrate to their holy land, Israel. The Bene Israel community’s integration into the Israeli society was not easy. In 1951, a small number of Bene Israelis claimed discrimination and demanded repatriation; after a series of strikes, they were returned to India. After 1964, when the religious status of the Bene Israelis was finally settled in Israel, emigration increased. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru played a notable role in giving them freedom in India and for their acceptance in Israel. Surnames The Bene Israelis derive their surnames from the villages where their ancestors had settled. The surnames generally comprise of the name of the village and suffixes such as “kar” signifying ‘belonging to’ or ‘from’. Thus, those settled in Pen called themselves Penkar, those in Kihim, Kihimkar, and so on. Pingle is the only surname amongst the Bene Israelis which is does not have the suffix “kar”. In fact, many of the surnames are also used in Hindus and Muslims from the Kulaba district. Today there are 142 such surnames. In the past, the first names of Bene Israelis usually used to be typical Indian names like Bapuji, Rowji, Abaji for men and Sonabai, Sakubai, Aka for women. But, nowadays, they prefer Hebrew Biblical names. Some of the more common surnames are Penkar, Ashtamkar, Divekar, Talkar, Navgavkar. Bene Israel Of India Disappearance of this community will be a great loss to India, because the Bene Israelis have played a significant role in the development of India. By their very existence in sizeable numbers along the west coast, they have constituted a Jewish presence in India which in its small way has enriched India’s multifaceted culture. More importantly, they have provided a living evidence of the fact that in atleast one country in the world, the jews can exist with pride, honour and without any need for self consciousness or protective withdrawal into self created ghettos. The Jews of India cannot claim to have any extraordinary achievements to their credit, but they did maintain their identity over centuries in the midst of an alien civilization and in their small way, they have prospered. Hebrew is the original language of the Bene israelis as well as the Jewish people all over world. This is the key language which helps the Jewish communities from all over the world bond. As the Bene Israelis are living india, they have adopted Marathi as a primary language. They use Hebrew mainly for all religious prayers and processions. Like Urdu, Hebrew is also read from right to left. Bene israelis use the Hebrew calendar which is the Luni Solar calendar. The Luni Solar calendar is a combination of lunar and solar calendars. As per the Hebrew calendar, the day starts at sunset. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, and daily Psalm reading, and many other ceremonial uses. For civil purposes, they use both the Gregorian and the Hebrew calendar. Bene Israelis in India also use a Marathi version of Hebrew Calendar. Life in Israel As Israel is the holy land for Jew, new generations of Bene Israelis are in the process of migrating to Israel. After the completion of basic education, everyone is interested in shifting to their holy land. They are more attracted towards their Fatherland, Israel. Even the government there is providing facilities like pension, child support for them, thus they are getting more benefits in Israel than in their motherland (India). The migration ratio is increasing rapidly. As a result, only about 4000 Bene Israelis are left in India as of today. Every month, at least one member of a family is migrates to Israel. Hebrew Hebrew is the original language of the Bene israelis as well as the Jewish people all over world. This is the key language which helps the Jewish communities from all over the world bond. As the Bene Israelis are living india, they have adopted Marathi as a primary language. They use Hebrew mainly for all religious prayers and processions. Like Urdu, Hebrew is also read from right to left. Bene israelis use the Hebrew calendar which is the Luni Solar calendar. The Luni Solar calendar is a combination of lunar and solar calendars. As per the Hebrew calendar, the day starts at sunset. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, and daily Psalm reading, and many other ceremonial uses. For civil purposes, they use both the Gregorian and the Hebrew calendar. Bene Israelis in India also use a Marathi version of Hebrew Calendar. 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