sprrgue electric
sprrgue electric
SPRRGUE ELECTRIC PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY FOR EMPLOYES OF SPRAGUE ELECTRIC NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 7, 1951 Volume XIV COMPANY INiimhcr .*{ Sprague Management Club SPRAGUE ELECTRIC Holds Annual Clambake ORGANIZES TRAINING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Voluntary Training for Advancement 1926-1951 Second Family Day To Be Held On September 15, 1951 In 1949, we had our First Family Day at .Sprague Electric. Because of its success and the genuine interest shown by the families, it was decided to have Family Day again this year. On Saturday, September 15, the doors of the three North Adams plants will be wide open to receive the guests of the Sprague Electric employes. It will be the time for the immediate families to see where their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters work and the operations which they perform. There will be token operations throughout the plants so that we may have a bird's-eye view of the production picture. A television chassis will be on exhibition so that we may see how and where many of our products are used. Some of our customers' products will also be displayed. The regular parking areas will be available for cars and our policemen will be on duty. There will be a souvenir for each person and a special booklet to serve as a memento of the occasion. Refreshments will be served in the plants. There will be guides who will answer questions and explain the various operations. Red and blue arrows will mark the routes. The tours will be conducted as follows: Brown and Beaver Street Plants will be open from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. The Marshall Street Plant will be open from 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Special buses will operate between the Brown and Beaver Street Plants in the morning and the Sprague Electric Clipper will shuttle between the Formation and Ceramics .Departments and the Marshall Street gatehouse in the afternoon. Notice Four girls who live in Adams and work on the 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. shift at Brown .Street would like to have a ride home from work at night. If you have available space in your car, please contact Del ma Mroz in the Mica Department at Brown Street. Left to right: Bernard Schenker, Fred Potter, Jimmy Fitzgerald, Walt Rohane, Odvar Ness, and Paul Chittenden enjoy themselves at Ihe clambake. Pete Jobin, Charlie Dean, and Andy (iirgenti await their turns while Ralph Boisjolie pitches in the horseshoe contest. On Saturday, August. 18, the Sprague Electric Management Club held its Annual Clambake at Wenzel's Farm in Adams with approximately 48 members enjoying a fine outing. Not until mid-afternoon did Old Mother Nature relent and favor us with a pleasant smile and for the first time in three years the weather became ideal. The annual softball game was contested and the team led by Ray Calvi won over another headed by "Hank" Gamari. Fred Potter served them up for the losers and his receiver was Ralph Boisjolie. Dave Cates pitched for the winners and behind the plate was Ray Calvi. Fred Potter was hit rather hard and retired in the last inning in favor of Fred Powers. Dave Cates' offerings were belted too but his support was superb. Substitutes were numerous late in the game and became as confusing as the final score which unofficially was 17-10. Adam Novak, who was at first base for the losers, made many unusual catches. Adam ignored the use of his gloved hand on a number of plays and some of his bare-hand stops were out of this world. Paul Netherwood, who was in left field for the losers, must have run 10 miles during the fray chasing fly balls. The winning team had, in addition to the battery mentioned, Pete Law at first base who found that Dave Cates thought that he was eight-feet tall with his high pegs. At. second base was Bob Peters who played very well. Shortstop was Johnny Puppolo and at third base was Leon Pike, a converted umpire who found that third base was really the "hot" corner. In short field was Ernie Purpura, a veteran of numerous campaigns. Left field was played by yours truly. Center field was ably taken by Ted Dziok and in right field we had a visitor from the Nashua plant, Jim Teeple, who has a real sling-shot arm and is a great fielder. No wonder our club was able and alert both in the field and at bat. The mighty mite, Walt Rohane, received a damaged digit on a line drive and the last word we heard from Walt was that the thumb was on ice. You see WTall is a golfer and he needs the use of that thumb. "Nothing serious," Walt stated. All in all, it was a lot of fun and we wonder how With the expansion of facilities, products, and personnel, the Company has found it necessary to formalize its Management. Training Program to provide more adequately trained management personnel. In order that all livisions of the Company will benefit, and to bring together the collective experience of those responsible for maintaining Company policies and procedures, a Training Advisory Committee has been appointed. The Committee is comprised of Messrs. Courtney W. Flanders, Carroll Killen, Samuel S. McClure, William J. Nolan, Fred H. Potter, John Schimmel, III, Robert C. Sprague, Jr. Robert. S. Teeple, Ernest L. Ward, and John I). Wrashburn. This Committee will function in an active advisory capacity to assure the Company of a well-rounded program to develop trained personnel within the Company who will be able to step in to more responsible positions as the need arises. The continued growth of Sprague Electric has made it necessary to develop a broader program to assure the Company of a pool of trained personnel for future advancement. The Management Training Program will not concern itself as much with individual skills, but rather with the art of Supervision which is proving more essential each day in the American Industrial life. The program, which is based on a continuing fiveyear basis, will be held on Company time and attendance is voluntary. 11 trainees in a sjK'cial orientation course to give them a comprehensive overall view of the Company, its products, policies, and procedures. This special course is designed to show the interrelationship of various production and service departments and to give the trainees a complete background to aid them in their future responsibilities. All programs in the training will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee to evaluate the benefits received and to guide the Committee in planning future needs in training. many were using linament the following day for stiff, unused muscles. Horseshoe pitching was another sport which attracted many fellows. Outstanding tossers were Charlie Dean, Andy Girgenti, Ralph Boisjolie and Peter Jobin. Mr. Ward was taught the fine art of playing "Barnyard Golf" (horseshoe pitching) by Charlie Dean. The two-man potato bag race was won by a fine team composed of Jimmy Fitzgerald and Bob Peters. A couple of spectacular spills were encountered in this race. A bottle race was run off with Sid Chertok, Charlie Dean, and Ralph Boisjolie participating. However, the spectators helped and hindered the contestants so much that the chairman, Art Giroux, declared the contest void. Sid Chertok worked hard during the race and seemed depressed at the decision. Charlie started fast followed closely by Ralph but Charlie then slowed down to a mere walk. At 5:15 p.m. the "Bake" was on and everyone sat down to the real sport of eating and it was a typical grand feed. Prizes were awarded for the extras which were left and Chairman Art Giroux had quite a time running this off with so many telling him how to do it. Don Meiklejohn won the top ten-dollar prize. Finally, we must say that Al Horsfall again came in and shot up the place with his camera and Paul Chittenden was seen snapping unsuspecting groups with his camera. Perhaps many other interesting things occurred at the "Bake", but yours truly hopes that we did not omit or say anything to cmbarass anyone. To those who handled the affair, may we take this time to thank each and everyone on behalf of the club. by Kenny Russell Courtney W. Flanders of the Employe Relations Department has been given the assignment of developing and coordinating the various Training Programs and will be assisted l>y members ol both the Employe Relations and Personnel Departments. At various times, other members of the Management Group will participate as Guest Conference Leaders in their particular fields or skills. It is intended thai through this type of exchange conference training, all Management and Supervisory personnel will have a voluntary opportunity to prepare themselves for advancement as well as improving their present supervisory abilities. The Program will lie available (o the more than 2.^5 members of the Management and Supervisory Groups with regular classes lirld monthly and special classes scheduled throughoul the year. The Program at present is processing SPRAGUE Page 2 Publishing Staff Ajiriiversary Electric Maintenance Test KNOW YOUR FOREMAN Social Chairman: Ann Heath ASSISTANT EDITORS Kit Carson, Joann Deans, Tom Cullen, Etta Owen, Mary Gordon, Jim Oldham, Peter Mancuso and Larry Haskins. Sports Kenneth Russell September 7, 1%1 by E . B . R y a n Editor Katharine Rosenburg Circulation: Marion Caron ELECTRIC Photographer Al Horsfall BEAVER STREET REPORTERS Betty Fleury, John Davis, Susan Bishop, Harry Embry, Joyce Harrington, Gertrude Hall, Marie LaFlamme, Frances Melito, Florence Clough, John Walsh, Marge Wittig, Clifford Domenichini, Delia Keating, Barbara Jones, Dora Landry, and Frances Partenope. MARSHALL STREET REPORTERS Audrey Bowen, Gloria Dragotta, Cecile Trudeau, Laurence Hiser, Janice Robinson, Marjorie Hauptfleisch, Nini Sacco, Mary Bernard, Barbara King, Mario Magnani, Emma Mutart, Edward O'Neil, Rita English, Jane Gordon, Julia Desrosiers, Ralph Fressola, Elizabeth Ryan, Nick Richardello, Ida Gigliotti, Ceil Risch, Ceil Shanahan, and Viola Levesque. BROWN STREET REPORTERS William Currant, Ruth Bass, Mary Bua, Jeannette Cady, Charles Felix, Ann Heath, Elizabeth Jangrow, Dorothy D'Arcangelo, Gladys Kirkpatrick, Corena Tatro, Connie Urbano, Bertha Vaughn, Laddie Meranti, Frank Santelli, Eleanor King, Marion Andrews, Lillian Forbush, Erminia Sweeney, and Georgimae Joy. "Every Sprague Employe an Assistant Reporter" Published by the SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO., North Adams, Mass. ENGAGEMENTS It's au-revoir to DON BRIERLY year at Drury High School. We all wish him ihchcsi of luck in his .studies. We, who arc fortunate, or unfor a ganlen, a r c reaping have generously shared the benefits t h e r e s u l t s ol their "green thumbs" with us. This will sa\ thank you f,,r us to MARY CANTON I, NORMA LUSCIER and I'd) LAM I'll IER. Congratulations to MR. and IV] US. E D W A R D SHAKER who recently observed their cotton wedding anniversary. May you both enjoy countless more. Birthday greetings to N O R M A LUSCIER who will attain the legal voting age on September 18. May it We have been told that HOB BARDSLEY, a recent vacationer, spent the greater part of it in finishing the inside renovating job on his house. From all reports, Hob, you may well be proud of it. He did find lime, however, to visit old friends in Boston, and Troy, N. Y. BILL CHAMPAGNY literally "SPENT" his vacation ai Saratoga. GEORGE REMILLARD had the usual fisherman's luck at Camp Ashfield. Too bad we were not able Lo enjoy a fish fry at. George's expense. Keep trying, George. The tang of sail water breezes and Virginia sunshine was wafted into our department recently when MR. and MRS. CHARLES LINCOLN returned from their extended vacation to Baltimore, Maryland, and Portsmouth, Virginia, and brought back a gifi of sail water taffy for us as a remembrance. Their deep-sea fishing expeditions were not as successful as anticipated due Lo the arrival and departure of the fleet which, according Lo Lheold timers, kept the water churned and made for p fishing. Charlie, however, netted some large flounders bin his son proved lo be the better fisherman and successfully accounted for a baby shark. It was fun listening to your reminiscing, Charlie, and almost, as much pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Lucius M. Goody, Sr.1 have announced the engagement, of dick, to Edward P. Beckwith, son of Arthur J. Giroux, Foreman of Maintenance at Beaver Street their daughter, Arline Isabella Coody, Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Beckwith to Pfc. Leo J. Lamore, Jr., son of Mrs. Miss Burdick is employed in the EmB "What is your favorite pastime, Valley. He also spent, some time with Emily Lamore. Miss Coody is em- ploye Relations Department. Art?" "Fishing! Any kind, anywhere, the Stone and Webster Company, in ployed in Metal Clad Finish. Pfc. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rotolo have anytime. Trout, bullhead, pickerel, whose employ he traveled extensively Lamore, formerly of F. P. Assembly, announced the engagement of their and pike in that order." Art is not throughout the United States. Art has is stationed in Germany. daughter, Theodora Delores, to James averse to deep-sea fishing either, and held numerous other positions which Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Burdick Alfred Delisle, son of Mr. and Mrs.has taken frequent excursions on the are too lengthy to include here. Imhave announced the engagement of Henry Delisle. James Delisle is em- King Phillip, out of Boston. Now mediately before coming to the Sprague their daughter, Evelyn Elizabeth Bur- ployed in Industrial Oil Stacking. that he owns the Lee-Ann Camp on Electric Company, he was at. the G. E. Windsor Pond in Windsor, Massa- Company in Pittsfield. Art attained chusetts, which was built last year, his present position as Foreman in Art finds little time to travel extensive- 1940. A charter member and originator of Thanks to both of you for remembering lyBorn in Adams, Massachusetts, and the Cartier Club in Adams, and also a Marshall Street using that (own as his permanent member of the Civic Club of that address since, Art now resides at 21 town, Art's social obligations are adeMiller Street. His wife is the former quately filled. Because of his in- Marshall Street Rolling Miscellaneous Dry Test, CELESTE PONTIER enjoyed a Orella Roi, presently employed at the creased activities, he found it necessary by "Choo-Choo" rest ful vacation at home. She went on Finish, and Ship Berkshire Textile Store in Adams. to terminate his membership in the FRANK GORDON enjoyed a resther first boat ride with an inner tube by Ceil Risch They have one daughter, Mrs. Rachel Elks, St. Jean de Baptiste, and Forces ful two-week vacation at home. wrapped around her. JOEZONA is making frequent trips Highlights of the Testers' vacations: LUCY DEPARI was also at home. Boggiolotti, and two grandchildren, of America Societies, all of Adams. Ann, who is two and a half, and a Among other sports, Art's favorites into nearby states on his vacation. ROSE COYNE went to Hampton She is going to wait for another vacaJOE VITRO is taking golf lessons Beach, New York and Boston. Now tion to do the things she didn't have Dlonde heartbreaker according to Art, include football, he is a Notre Dame and a constant companion of her fan, and baseball, where he loyally sup- for his coming match with JOE ZONA, she wishes she hadn't gone to sleep dur- time to do this year. granddad at baseball games. The fun CHUCK MULCAHY and "CABports the Boston Red Sox. Art ening the show at the Music Hall. LILLIAN BINGHAM went to comes when she recounts all the plays joys boxing and had a wish of his BAGE" GILMORE. This should be CEIL RISCH went to Canada. It Caribou, Maine and Andover, New to Lee, Art's grandson who will be quite a match. granted when Jersey Joe Wolcott won rained just as much in Canada as it did Brunswick. Eating out at all the dif- ive in January. the title of Heavyweight Champion of DANNY DONOVAN must have in North Adams. had "cats' eyes" to weight, up the secHAZEL CAMADINE went to ferent places on her travel of 1700 Tying trout flies and putting on the World. miles was fun. clambakes for the family and friends tions in the dark the other night. The Art has a record for safe driving Hampton Beach and Old Orchard FLASH and DOT RACETTE went occupy a good part of Art's time, as which we all can envy. Although a fuse would blow! Beach. She got wet more from the rain than she did from the Atlantic to Lake George. Just one word — does his camp which is being made into driver and a car owner since 1915, he AL GIBEAU has a new Nash which a veritable resort from all reports. has never had an accident of major le likes very much. honeymoon! Ocean. Art attended school in Adams and proportions and only a few scratched JOHN RABY and his family spent EMILY WLODYKA enjoyed her EDDIE O'NEIL started out for the Labor-Day week end in New York vacation at Hampton Beach and meet Brooklyn, New York but got lost in the Chicago Engineering Works where bumpers. le majored in Electrical Engineering, City. Whenever anything needs immediate ing relatives for the first time. Pittsfield. before coming to Sprague Electric, he attention at Beaver Street, such as the DELLA REMILLARD went to We all envy ORVILLE PATRIE be- was employed by the Adirondack sprinkler system, broken windows, etc., New Jersey and spent her vacation cause his vacation is yet to come. 3 ower Company which enabled him to who is the man to call? That's right, Network and Filter learning how to drive on straight travel the entire area of the Mohawk Art Giroux! Development Section stretches. Her next step will be learning how to take a corner. by Julia Desrosiers MARY ZIAJA was in New Hamp- Network and Filter O'DELL who celebrated her fifteenth SYLVIA KOWALSKI is out on a DORIS LUCHIN1 enjoyed a Few shire. She went horseback riding on anniversary on August 15. May you leave of absence. We were sorry to lays at Rome, New York visiting her a wooden horse on yours truly's 48 by Mae and Marie enjoy many more, Mickey. hear that your little girls are ill, Sylvia. sister. Belated congratulations to MICKEY MARY COOK is enjoying her vacaHELEN UNIS is enjoying a week GLADYS DUBIE was;; very happy tion with her family at Camp Ashmere. end in Boston and Gloucester, but watch girl when she received her driver's ROZ VINCELETTE enjoyed a out when she gets back - she starts her icense. "I'm glad to meet you," said the Why, I hardly know him." pleasant holiday trip with her son and driving lessons. EDWARD BOIII. and BOB HAM Hindu. parents. The most quiet people in our de- ILTON both enjoyed a one-week "Charmed, I'm sure," said the snake. "How dare you swear before my We wish MARGARET FOOTE a partment are MR. BEAMAN and vacation. wife," demanded the indignant hus- speedy recovery and hope to have her FRANK COMO. How do you do it, We hope LORRAINE BENNETT sack with us soon. First Actress: "Is it true what. I band. boys? enjoys her new Ford. "I am very sorry," replied the in- Congratulations to MARY UNIS hear —• that you're going to divorce Congratulations go to MAURICE EMMA PUDLO has four new lovely toxicated man, "I was unaware that and FERDINANDA LUSCIA who LAFOND on his recent marriage to kittens. Too bad she can't, deduct your husband?" recently celebrated their birthdays. Second Actress: "Of course not. your wife wanted to swear first." Irene Burke. them from her income tax. September 7, 1951 SPRAGUE ELECTRIC Page 3 SAFETY CORNER BROWN STREET MARSHALL STREET Wire Coating t hereby missing a chance to pitch for by Betty Jangrow and Corena Tatro the New York Yankees. While in to Hot Tin Platers. Good luck on your On Saturday afternoon, August 25, the service for six years, Slim visited Personnel Department new assignments. by Pi'iscilla Northup several members of the Wire Coating the South Pacific and Europe, A welcoming hand was extended DAVID CATES left for WaterDepartment attended the wedding of New Foundland, Iceland, Greenland recently to GEORGE and EDDIE. Russia, Bermuda, Trinidad, Egypt, ville, Maine on Friday, August 31. their co-worker, MARGARET BRUNO. Margarei became the bride of Australia, India, Algiers, Casablanca, He is spending his vacation with his They are our two newcomers. Hope you will enjoy working with us. Donald Moullon al the Congrega Portugal, Scotland, South America, family on their farm. We are sure he tional church. We all enjoyed the and Hawaii. He won a jitterbug con- will enjoy himself while he is there. wonderful reception al the Sons of test in Honolulu. At present, Slim is After all, what, could be nicer than a Metal Clad (Nights) by Ethel Chilson Italy Hall and we wish the both of yon pitching for the Williamstown Legion. week in Maine! Good luck to VERONICA SOBON Welcome to JENNIE SKUBEL. LORRAINE DELISLE spent Labor a very long life of happiness together. k'ALPII BLOOD is on our sick list We hope you enjoy working with us, Day week end visiting relatives in who has left us to go on the day shift. Montreal. This was her first visit to We will miss you, Ronnie. this time. We hope he will be back Jennie. We all recently helped GWEN Canada, and she enjoyed every minute with us soon. GALLIGAN celebrate her birthday. of it. LORIN JANGROW is leaving us to We certainly enjoyed those hotdogs. Industrial Oils (Night Shift j We are wondering who enjoyed the enter his junior year at North Adams by Justine Miner party at the Mathews' the most — the And, Gwen, don't forget that we expect Stale Teachers College. to have those glasses filled when we who recently received her diamond. This is birthday time for CONNIE Mr. or Mrs. ART. EVA FAOUR is enjoying her vacaIt's really lovely, Sandy. Jordy GoldGORDON and ETHEL KING. The PAM CLARK is leaving us to re- come down to your house. tion. Vacations: MARTHA LI PA is visit- ing is the lucky boy. HELEN BURDICK and LUCILLE girls were presented with a huge, turn to Skidmore College where she ing her husband at Boston University. MARLENE MIRKE has set her MILLER have returned Iron, their decorated cake from everyone in the will be a junior. This is the second department. summer she has worked \viih us. Hope ROMA MORRIS has gone to Cape wedding date as October 6. Good luck, vacations al I lampion Beach. We are very happy to welcome back she has enjoyed being with us as much Cod and Maine. ANN CANZONA Marlene. KKNEST CAM AC! IK tells us that went to Taunton, New York. HELEN NANCY POTTER lias left us to rehe doesn't mind the thought of winter JEANNETTE BOUCHER who has as we have liked having her. returned from a leave of absence. Glad Everybody seems to be at the State RICHARDSON is vacationing at turn to school. We are sorry to see yon coming on because he has installed a leave, Nancy. to see you back, Jeannette. Line Speedway in Bennington on Fri- Hampton Beach. new oil furnace in his home. PAUL SANFORD visited his son JACKIE DOSTIE is on the sick list day evenings. Now that Number 14 If you should notice the girls in Metal Clad smacking their lips during this time. Hope you are back with us is back on the track there will be even and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Plating Department more interest. See you there, MRS. lunch time, it's because MRS. COLRobert Sanford, during his vacation very soon. by Isabel Parent LINS has sent up more of her homeDOTTIE BASTIEN and SIMONE BEVERLY! and also enjoyed a little deep-sea fishMr. and Mrs. ERNEST (BABE) PIETTE are vacationing. The Personnel Department expects ing while he was in Rhode Island. LUSSIER are the proud parents of a HELEN MANCUSO has a sore to move to its new quarters at Marshall baby boy who was born on August 8. spot — the \<vd Sox. Forget them, Street sometime in September. This Can Shop Industrial Oil Rolling Congratulations from all of us in the Helen. by Cliff will be much more convenient for all. Plating 1 )epartment. by Erminia Sweeney If anyone wauls to know how a pin Almost everyone is back from vaca"NES" ROBERTS has returned ANN WABNIG and HELEN I'NIS cushion feels, just ask ETHEL KING. tion and some relurned with sunburns, from Iris two-week vacation and from Miscellaneous Paper have been transferred to the Networks We would like lo take this opporbut everyone enjoyed themselves. all reports he had a very pleasant time. Department at Marshall Street. We tunity to welcome all the new girls in Assembly All the boys in the Can Shop are Many others also have had well-earned by Marie Rose LaFlamme certainly miss you both. the department. We are all glad to see Has anyone noticed the smile on wondering if HOB HAAS' truck runs. rests and they are: RED, JIM, NICK, Vacation news: MARGARET ANGIE BAGDONAS. He insists that it doesn't look like DON and ZIG, nighi supervisor. PAT CLERMONT's face? Her sister WOHLER was off to Saratoga, ELIZAWe are waiting for MAC RYAN to recently gave birth to a bouncing baby much but that there is a good motor We all wish STAN BROWN a BETH SLATTERY had two glorious be with us soon. boy and now Pat is a very proud aunt. under the hood. weeks in New York, and ALICE OSBORNE EDWARDS, known to valescing from an appendectomy. IRENE RICHARDSON,DOLORES BEAUCHAMP went to Cape Cod. TANGUAY, DOT DAVIDSON and us as "Pop", has a chain and lock for STAN LESNICK is a newcomer to FRANCES MILKS recently cele- Resistor Department JACKIE GAYDA all enjoyed their his dust pan and broom. We wonder our department as an electro-tin by C h i c k a n d C h u c k why! vacation at home. helper. H o p e y o u will like working We now have LORRAINE BULSTELLA B E A U C H A M P lias reWe have a new crooner in our de- with us. HAZEL MARTIN has joined the LETT, sports announcer Bucky Bullurned from her vacation which was grandmother staff. Her dog gave birth partment, DONALD KLEINER. Don let t's wile, as our co-worker. We hope spent in the eastern part of the state to puppies. If anyone is interested, claims that he and ANNA WHITE you will enjoy working with us, Block Annex and Boston. just contact Hazel - she has four to sell. are going on the stage together and Lorraine. by Delia Keating CELIA WILK is back from her vacaJEANETTE OLESKIEWICZ and "Pop" will play the guitar. We would ill like Lo know where We welcome hack LEE CIMtion in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. IDA FOWLER have recently moved. We all wish HARRY TROMBLEY KYKLYX JUNKS developed her treONETTI alter her receni illness. FLORINA S T R A N G E enjoyed her Hope you girls enjoy your new homes. the best of luck in his new job as desk mendous appetite. She ale all day A speedy recovery to ESTHER vacation motoring to Boston and New CHARLES DESROSIERS no doubi clerk. long al the clambake. Hampshire. We are sorry to see AL LANOUE DRISCOLL and we all hope she will will do a lot of fishing on his vacation. 11 is our sincere wish thai DORIS >e hark with us soon. CHICK C U R R A N T is enjoying the Speaking of fish, did anyone see the go but wish him the best of luck in his DOWNES' husband is well again soon. rest of his vacation. new job. He tells us he is going to hit Best of lurk to YVONNE DAY in large bass Charlie received as a gift? SALLY CHANNELL is "wearing" her newly-buili home. VICTOR GAY had two pleasant Guess you folks didn't get a chance to the wide open spaces. her coffee these days instead of d-inking Vacations: ALICE CARPENTER weeks motoring to Lake George and see much of it for it suddenly disTONY MOHL has a car but says all journeyed to Niagara Falls and Canada. Niagara Falls. appeared from his desk. But at the he needs is a body and a motor to go HARRIET CON WAY is at ramp in EDA PINSONNAULT is now the ALICE JOSEPH has returned from end of the day, it reappeared and with the tires and wheels. He had Cheshire. DOT MARLOW and MILher vacation in the eastern part of the Charlie said the trip didn't do any better see BOB HAAS or CLIFF We all miss MILLIE MARCH Istate. DOMENICHINI — they specialize in UK DEAN are enjoying their vaca.harm for it made a delicious meal. GIANI'S cheerful face. tions a, home. GEORGE MESSINA C H I C K FELIX spent one week of junked bodies. WV11, | ( ) l l \ SMITH, you didn't his vacation working around his home. Plating Department HILL F0RTIN1 is going around in went to Westfield and Springfield. slav will, us lor long. JOE B R E W E R is sporting around in circles waiting for his son or daughter to MELVA HEELAN vacationed in (Night Shift) Boston. a 1947 Dodge. by Isabel Parent CLARENCE MAXWELL and his KVA ALTHKA HORN has returned to We take this opportunity to welcome financee have set their wedding dale by Mary Bua and Frank Santelli work after a week of illness. RICHARD HOSLEY and STEPHEN Product Engineering for October 13. "ACE" JOHNSON, a former .BrookHOI? P E T I T T is taking a ribbing by Fran Melito GAGNE. lyn Dodger Farm Club pitcher, has from the boys but he will not say w i n . Hello" to BABE CIMONETTI and EDWARD SPRAGUE and ELtraveled in nearly all the stales in the M A R Y CARNOHAN has just reBERT BECKER have been promoted JOAN BURNS. Both are working in PAPER ROLLING (Night Shift) turned from her vacation, p a r t ^ o f Ed. Note: Your LOG reporter, our Blueprint. Department. Hope you Born in Texas, Slim went lo school in which was spent in Providence, Rhode FRANCES PARTENOPE, has been like it! Tennessee and Canada, attended Colby Island. ETHEL PIRRELLO has left us to out for two weeks because of illness. College iii Maine, and worked in R A L P H LEWIS is hack from a trip join her husband in Pennsylvania. We are very happy to have her hack Connecticut and New Mexico. He has and she will be reporting for you again Good luck to both of you. played ball for the Nashua, New BUCKY WILLIAMS again became The best of lurk to SANDY HIRSH Hampshire Dodgers. Slim was re- a lather and handed out cigars to all his co-workers. T h a n k s , Buckv. Hank Gamari takes a determined stance ai the bat. Ra> Calvi The chef prepares the bake for Don Meiklejohn pitches a good horseshoe in spin- of the critical catches, and Jack Shields looks on. j the hungry crowd. | audience. SPRAGUE Page 1 September 7, l<).r>l ELECTRIC Anniversary The Lollypop Left: Set S P O R T S TANK COMPANY OF THE NATIONAL GUARD TO SPONSOR HORSE SHOW Two and a half year old Teddy Bombardier is the son of Jeannette Bombardier. Jeannette is employed in Miscellaneous Paper Finish. Right: Liny Ella Markey lives in Florida. Her grandmother, Catherine Letalien, is employed in P.P.A. Soldering, and her aunt, Irene Trimarchi, is employed in Miscellaneous Paper Assembly. Kenny Russell Some of the Best Show Horses in East to Participate Members of the Tank Company, Massachusetts National Guard have completed plans for their first annual horse show to be held September 30, at the North Adams-Williamstown line. Mr. Arthur Bass, local prominent horse owner, will be in charge of the program and promises to have some of the best show horses in the east. The list of classes will consist of the following: Three-gaited saddle horse division: Model three-gaited saddle horse, open three-gaited saddle horse, three-gaited saddle horse, stake. Five-gaited saddle horse division:Model five-gaited saddle horse, open five-gaited saddle horse, five-gaited saddle horse, stake. Hunter division, to be run over an outside course:—Novice hunter, working hunter, any weight; hunter hack, The Little League Baseball Team sponsored by the K'.W No. 2 hunter stake. The Jumper division will be of great stands at attention during flag-raising ceremonies preceding a game. Left: interest to all seeing this show, as this This little girl's name is Betty is the part of the show where real Florence Roberts, and her grand- horsemanship and control of the mother, Elizabeth Maynard, i s c m - animal will count. ployed in Industrial Oils. Then comes the Junior division for children under 18 years of age. In this The Rotary team, winner of the tirst town Legion have broken even in two division will be:—Medal class - saddle half has roarpd hack in their last encounters. The veteran Al Priete seat: hunter seat: and open horseman- three games to draw into a tie with the pitched the college (owners to victory ship: a western horse division, working Kiwanis team. in the opener. » western division and a pony division A play-off game for second hall "Red" Bakey evened the series for will also be part of the program. honors is now in store. The game the Blu-Haven Nine when he threw a What should prove of great interest originally planned on September 2 had to local horse owners is the "local to he postponed because ol the in-nifty one-hitter. As yet, the third and deciding conpleasure horse division". This will be clement weather. opened to owners whose horse is stabled test has not been played. within a 25 mile limit of North Adams. Both teams are playing in tournaThis Challenge Trophy, to be donated Semi-Pro ments and the Blu-Haven has won iis by members of Tank Company, is to The Blu-Haven and the Williams- opener. be won 3 times by the same owner fo~ | permanent possession. All in all, it sounds like a good show and the members of our local Tank Company are counting on your support in order to enable them to make this an annual affair. BASEBALL Little League Right: Michael and Sheryl Martin are twins and they are three years old. Their grandmother, Hell Dow, is employed in Industrial Oils. Softball The Corner Cafe fell after 34 straight wins. However, in suffering their Hell Dow's grandson, Craig Mar- initial defeat, 1-0, the local lads tin, is one and a half years old. He acquitted themselves very well and only lost because they faced an imis Michael and Sheryl's brother. ported pitcher. This column does not believe in alibis, but in this particular case, the Corner got the so-called business. Many fans who live in and around Chicopee admitted to some of the Corner Cafe players that they had John Allen, son of Irma Allen of Molded Tubulars, takes bis turn never seen the pitcher who opposed the at bat during a Little League game. John is one of the Leading bailocal entry. There was no denying ters in the League. that he was a great pitcher, but his name did not appear on the roster. The Corner Cafe protested to no avail. If Winston hadn't served up a homerun ball, the game would have gone on In about two weeks, tall will officially issued practice sessions and light drills for some time. This opposing pitcher was good enough to "whiff" 11 Corner be underway and summer (what little are now underway. Righ An interesting note comes from the batters. His delivery and blinding we have had of it) will be at an end. The mornings are becoming crisp and Shire City where Coach Art Fox is speed had the locals helpless. Do you recognize her? This Once again, we state that the pitchers with Mother Nature about to paint abandoning the " T " for the old fashyoung lady, eighteen months old of softball in this area have an awful the landscape, our immediate thoughts ioned single wing. when the picture was taken, is are FOOTBALL. Yes, fall and footThe season will be that more inlot to learn. now employed as a winder in the The Adams Merchants and Corner ball go hand in hand with the sports teresting to watch as the 1'ittsfield Resistor Department. She is Alice "Purple" try the wing versus the " T " Cafe won the Town and City Leagues enthusiast. Joseph, daughter of Harry lladdad Already the high school coaches have employed by Drury and Adams. respectively. of the Resistor Department. Left: FOOTBALL
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