Hurlingham Preschool newsletter Hurlingham Preschool 1 Palmer Avenue Brighton East, 3187 W: End of Term 1 NEWSLETTER Issue 2 April 2014 Inside Update from President Victoria Brown page 2 4 year old Wombat & Koala Update from our Educator and Director Emma Butler page 3 & 4 3 year old Echidna Report by Educator Angela Seaton page 5, 6 & 7 2014 Dear Hurlingham Pre-school families, First term has seen the kinder community achieve so much and importantly we have seen our little ones quickly settle in and understand some of the important aspects of kinder life such as sharing, getting to know the educators, participate, learn and make friends. This edition of our newsletter is full of interesting news and updates including reports from our educators on what our beautiful little ones have been learning and experiencing over the last couple of months. Please take the time to see the updates from our president Victoria, including the new timetable that is being proposed for 2015. I hope you and your families have a lovely break over the school holidays and we look forward to seeing you back at the end of April. Kinder resumes on 22nd of April, but don’t forget Friday 25th is Anzac Day and therefore the kinder will be closed that day. Stay safe, By Louise Potter Presidents Report Victoria Brown I am sure I am not the only one who can’t quite believe this term is almost over. It has been a fantastic first term, with the children very quickly getting used to their new routines: longer hours for the 4 year olds and new surroundings, teachers and friends for the 3 year olds. Thank you to the Social Committee and Class Reps for making the Welcome Picnic such a success – great weather and a wonderful turn out – a very positive way to begin the term. Thanks also to the Building & Maintenance team and to all the families who worked so hard last Saturday at the first Working Bee of the year. The kinder looked amazing and it was great to have it like that for Sunday’s Open Day. With the three year olds having had their visit from the Easter Bunny (the look on their faces when the Bunny called Angela to let her know there were eggs hidden outside was priceless) and the four year-old groups about to have their end of term celebrations, it finishes up a very busy first term. I wish you all a great holiday break and I am looking forward to next term. Victoria Brown 2 4 year old update (Koala & Wombat Groups) By Director & Educator Emma Butler Australian Animals The children have been really interested in Australia and Australian animals so we read a great book called Animals of Australia. This book was a great way to introduce characteristics, diet and habitat of some of our favourite native animals. From this book the children learnt; • A koala eats gum leaves and doesn’t drink as it gets its water from the leaves. It sleeps during the day and has a pouch. • A Kangaroo has a tummy pouch, needs a tail to balance and can jump as long as a bus. They live in a group called a mob and eat plants • A Platypus has webbed feet and a bill like a duck. They live in a burrow and love to swim. • An Echidna has a long sticky tongue to catch ants with. It curls up into a ball when it’s frightened to protect itself with its sharp spines. • An Emu is a giant bird that can’t fly. It is as tall as a man and can run very fast. They lay big green eggs. Indigenous Australians We also talked about some special places in Australia like Uluru, the Bungle Bungles and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Our exploration into our wonderful country provoked interest in Indigenous Australians. Some of the children displayed some knowledge about Aboriginal people and they shared it with the group. 3 Some of the children brought in Didgeridoos to show their group as well as photos from holidays had around Australia. This was a great way for children to share their experiences with the group. We chatted about Indigenous Australians being the first people to ever live in Australia. The children wondered what it would be like back then in the “olden days”. There wouldn’t be any shops, roads, cars, houses, train, planes etc, I posed the question, “Where did they get their food from?” Which lead to a discussion about collecting and hunting for food. Many children then wanted to talk about spears and boomerangs. Some of the children brought in Didgeridoos to show their group as well as photos from holidays they had around Australia. This was a great way for children to share their experiences with the group. Dream Time Stories The children learnt how stories were passed down through generations of Indigenous Australians to explain how the world and the creatures were made. These stories are called Dream Time Stories. We read How the Birds Got Their Colours, How the Kangaroos Got Their Tails and How the Echidna Got its Spikes. We also watched a short video about The Rainbow Serpent. The children wondered if these stories were true or not. We left it up to them to believe what they thought was right. If you are interested, here is the story of How the Birds Got Their Colours. Long, long ago in the dreamtime, when the land was being made, all of the birds were black- all one colour. Until, one day, a little dove flew around looking for food. He flew down to the ground to catch a big juicy grub. But instead he landed right on a sharp stick! It pierced his little foot and he became sick. For days, he lay on the ground in pain. His foot swelled up. He was dying. All of his mates gathered around to see how they could help. All except crow. He just wandered around with his hands behind his back. Suddenly, the parrot rushed forward and with her sharp beak burst the little dove’s swollen foot. Colour splashed out all over the parrot. Red and green and blue ran down her chest, wings and tail. It splashed out all over the other birds. Some got red, some brown, some blue and some yellow. Some got spots, some got stripes. All got colours. All except crow, who was standing away from the others. Crow got no colour at all. So that’s how the birds got their colours. And as for the dove, he soon got better, thanked the parrot and was able to fly away.” Dancing The children enjoyed songs and dances about Australia including Highway Number 1 and a Didgeridoo song where the children danced like Aussie animals such as wedge tail eagles, brolgas, dingos, etc. 4 3 year old update (Echidna Group) By Educator Angela Seaton It’s hard to believe a term has passed. We have covered so much and the children are well settled into the kinder experience. In the past weeks we have been looking at summer and sea creatures. We read the story of the Rainbow Fish - a classic children’s story with the underlying messages of happiness and sharing. Children coloured their own rainbow fish with crayons, and then added a wash of water colour over the image. Our rainbow fish sparkled and shimmered in the water. We made jelly fish, explored sea shells, added sea creatures and fish to playdough, and had water troughs with sand and whales, octopus, crabs and other (fake) crustaceans. We then commenced a group activity where all the children were involved in making a giant Rainbow Fish to hang in the kinder room. Those of you who are familiar with the story will notice that our oversized Rainbow Fish has 2 faces – a silver side to indicate when he was sad he had no one to play with - he did not want to share his scales. The opposite face is of Rainbow Fish when he was really happy – he shared his scales with the other fish in the ocean who then became his friends. The moral of the story? Rainbow Fish had to decide whether to choose beauty over emotions. Isabelle brought in the storybook of ‘Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale’. Rainbow Fish and his friends were scared of the big whale who was constantly watching them, but why??? I suggest you find the book and read it together with your child. Several children have been bringing toys and animals to kinder for show and tell, or for comfort. When Sean brought his teddy to the mat, all the children were excited and wanted to tell us about their teddies. This led to an impromptu discussion about our cuddly friends. We progressed around the circle taking turns to each tell a story about a teddy who lives at our house. The idea of a Teddy Bear Picnic was born to be held on the last day of term. This posed a problem. Some children don’t have a teddy but other cuddle toys. It was then decided that teddies and cuddle buddies would all be welcome at the Picnic. A list of friendly foods was drawn up and invitations were sent out. 5 As the children were celebrating their Picnic, and sharing food with their furry friends, the telephone rang. It was the Easter Bunny, telling us that he’d paid a visit, and we proceeded outdoors to an Easter Egg Hunt. Children found eggs all over the playground and gathered them in baskets. After play, the eggs were divided and taken home in specially decorated Easter baskets We have been singing “Little Peter Rabbit” and “Little Easter Bunny Hops” These songs have actions or a game associated, and encourage turn taking, listening skills and responses, and discovering our singing voices. The children are eager to learn different songs and are discovering their volume controls also. We have been playing lots of different matching and sorting games recently–the Lunchbox Game, threading, making patterns with colour, dominoes etc. The cutting table has attracted many children, and the box construction table is gaining pace. The swing set and bikes are, by far, the most popular activities outdoors, and the children use the sand timer to ensure a fair go. As the year progresses, these skills will be offered more and the children will consolidate their understanding of teamwork, rules and routines when at kinder. On Monday, we said goodbye to Ariya and her family who are moving interstate, and we wish them well in their new venture. We will soon say hello to Miley and her family, as they become part of the Echidna group. This week, Parent Teacher Interviews were held which allowed me time to meet with parents to discuss their child’s development further. I am using the information gained from parents and children’s interests to program for Term 2, where we will start by looking at, ‘families’, ‘ourselves’ and ‘the farm’. We will ask for a recent family photo (including names) once term resumes. 6 Thank you to the 25 families who assisted at the Working Bee last weekend, the kinder looks immaculate and you literally moved a mountain (of soft fall) to make it so. We appreciate your efforts to make our workplace so inviting. It was certainly noticed on Open Day when we were joined by local families looking for a kinder for their children in the next year(s). Our kindergarten photographer will be in on Wednesday 23 April, and again the following week when our group portrait will be taken. Please drop me an email if you know that you will be absent during that time. Wishing you all a safe holiday and a Happy Easter. Ange 7 NEW TIMETABLE FOR 2015 Hurlingham Pre-school has decided to change the timetable for 2015. We will be offering one 4 year old group with two long days and the other group will remain sessional. This has been in consultation with our Educators, community need and changing times, and we are hoping everyone's needs will be met. The three year old group will remain as two sessions, but the days will change from this year. If anyone has any queries about the upcoming changes, please feel free to ask the educators or Sarah Pitts, the Enrolment Officer, on 0426 206 202. Please see below the 2015 timetable: 8.00 – 8.30 8.30 – 9.00 9.00 – 9.30 9.30 – 10.00 10.00 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.00 12.00 – 12.30 12.30 – 1.00 1.00 – 1.30 1.30 – 2.00 2.00 – 2.30 2.30 – 3.00 3.00 – 3.30 3.30 – 4.00 4.00 – 4.30 4.30 – 5.00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Wombat 7.5 hours 8.30am – 4pm Echidna 2.5 hours 8.30am – 11am Wombat 7.5 hours 8.30am – 4pm Koala 5 hours 8.30am1.30pm Koala 5 hours 8.30am 1.30pm Koala 5 hours 11.30am – 4.30pm Echidna 2.5 hours 2pm – 4.30pm 8 Fees for Term 2 Please note the Term 2 invoices were sent out via email on Monday 27 March. If you have not received a copy, please check your junk box, otherwise, please let Elaine know, and she can check the email address and either resend or print off a copy for you. Please note, to avoid paying the late fee, payment should be made in full by the due date, Wednesday 30 April. If you do not think you will be able to meet this deadline, please advise Elaine ASAP on 9553 8491 or at [email protected]. 9 10 11 Working Bee - update Working Bee - update Thank you to the Henery, Edwards, Kelada, Phillips, CarrollKirkwood, Razkowski, Chandra and Potter families from Wombat, the Faiman, Golec, Hall, Gattusso and Ziccardi families from Koala and the Smith, Jones, Doyle, Zimmerman, Katsieris and Leask, families from Echidna for all of their amazing hard work at Hurlingham’s first Working Bee for 2014. The day was a huge success with a great turn out to tackle a VERY large pile of soft fall for the play ground and garden areas. It was all hands on deck, kids included, to get 8 cubic meters of it spread around. The kinder got a lovely spruce up with lots of sweeping, cleaning, scrubbing and organising, inside and out…... including the kitchen sink! It was a great opportunity for many of the families to get to know each other a little better, particularly the dads who did lots of heavy lifting with spades and wheelbarrows, blower vacs and drills! The kinder really looked lovely at the end of the hard work and everyone should feel very proud of what was achieved, for our open day on Sunday. And an enormous thank you to Jacquie and Jo for organizing it all!! 12 Healthy Eating – ITS OUR POLICY!!!! In keeping with Hurlingham Preschool’s policy on healthy eating, we require our families to promote the following ideas when packing your children’ s food for snack time; A minimum of one item in your child’s snack box is a fruit or vegetable Minimise pre-packaged foods where possible Bring a full water bottle to Kinder Unacceptable food list items brought to kinder, will be left in the snack box to be consumed out of kinder hours. Why are healthy lunches/snacks promoted at kinder? There’s nothing wrong with an occasional treat but when you multiply it by up to 25 kids in a group, it becomes difficult to explain to the children that these treats are only ‘sometimes’ foods when they are seeing them everyday. This is why we ask all our families to embrace the healthy food only policy when you are packing the kids lunches or snacks. Just as we do with physical education, water and road safety, caring for the environment, promoting kindness and respect, we are always educating the kids about best practice. Healthy eating is best practice. As the national framework (EYLF) states: “Good nutrition is essential to healthy living and enables children to be active participants in play. Early childhood settings provide many opportunities for children to experience a range of healthy foods and to learn about food choices from educators and other children.” The framework demands in many of the Quality areas and in the Outcomes that are being assessed, that the Educators embed healthy food and nutrition in the program. We welcome your support and understanding in promoting healthy food only coming to kinder except of course, for birthday cupcakes etc as birthdays are definitely treat occasions! 13 Kinder Photo Dates for 2014 Kinder photos for all groups have been booked for the beginning of Term 2. The photographer will come to each group over two consecutive weeks as follows: WOMBAT: Tuesday April 22nd ECHIDNA & KOALA: Wednesday April 23rd ALL GROUPS: Tuesday April 29th and ALL GROUPS: Wednesday April 30th There will also be the opportunity for family shots on Sunday May 4th for anyone who is interested. The cost for this session is $10 which will be collected by the class reps. A booking sheet is in the foyer for you to fill in your preferred time if your are interested in this. 14 Holiday Kinder Movie Fun! Tuesday 15th April 10 - 10:30am Start (exact screening time to be confirmed a week prior) The Muppets Most Wanted Family and friends welcome, we hope to see you there!! Where: Dendy Palace Brighton, 26 Church Street, Brighton Cost: $10 per ticket (prepaid) - children under 3 free (may need to to sit on your lap) Please book using our new on-line ticketing system via the link (Make sure you have your credit card handy!) Tickets must be purchased in advance to obtain special rate regular ticket pricing applies on day. Family & Friends welcome Hope to see you there! 15 16
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