Simpkins Swim Center
Simpkins Swim Center August, 2016 Next meeting August 19, 2016 Doors open 7:00 p.m. Meeting7:30 p.m. Place Simpkins Swim Center th 979 17 Avenue, Santa Cruz Newsletter of the Monterey Bay Iris Society Meeting Location Simpkins Swim Center 2016 Calendar Monthly meetings are held in Simpkin Swim Center unless otherwise stated. Annual Sale Sale.. . . . Cabrillo/Aptos Farmer Mkt Saturday, August 20th. 8 a.m.–12:00 p.m Regular Meeting Friday, August 19,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. Bill the Bloom Baron Refreshments Potluck at the Swim Center Regular Meeting Friday, September 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. Beardless Joe Ghio Refreshments Carolyn Craft, need second volunteer New Meeting Location Over the the history of the MBIS, we have been meeting a variety of venues. Our first meetings and founding meeting was at the meeting hall at the UC Extension offices on Freedom Blvd. in Watsonville. Our first show was held there the next year. In those years (the ’70s, 80s, 90s) S&L had community meeting rooms. We moved to the Salinas Valley S&L (now Chase) on Main St. in Watsonville. As S&L began phasing out their meeting rooms, we moved to Watsonville S&L on East Lake in Watsonville. From there we moved to Citicorp room at Ocean and Water streets in Santa Cruz. With its room closed, we moved to the Native Sons Hall. With our welcome there ended, we are now moving to the Simpkins Swim Center on 17th Avenue in Live Oak area in East Santa Cruz. There is a link to Google maps on the website and you can also access that the map here, but it is easy to find. Take the Soquel Ave. exit from Hwy. #1 to the frontage road on the ocean side of the freeway, Soquel Ave. (the frontage road on the Dominican Hospital side of the freeway is Soquel Drive). On Soquel Ave. continue to the 1st signal which is 17th Ave. (Staples is on the south corner). Turn onto 17th Ave and continue about 1½ miles. Pass Brommer which has a signal and in 2 blocks when you cross the railroad tracks, turn RIGHT immediately and some yards down that road is the Swim Center. Regular Meeting Friday, October 21,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. PCIs Refreshments Kathy Wood, need second volunteer Regular Meeting Friday, November 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. TBA Refreshments Barabara Hanson, need second Annual Holiday Dinner Location to be Decided Friday December 16 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m August Birthdays Suzanne Caron August 18 Carolyn Craft August 18 bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza Board of Directors 2016 President Craig Tarr [email protected] Past President Barbara Hanson [email protected] Vice President Barbara Hanson [email protected] 408-425-7207 831-335-4949 831-335-4949 Treasurer/ Librarian Larrissa Daniel [email protected] 831-724-9162 Secretary Entry doorway to Swim Center Brenda Wood Jim Cummins August Meeting Hospitality & Refreshments Our August meeting on Friday the 19th, will feature a special speaker—Bill the Bulb Baron. This is your chance to learn about planting and growing those wonderful bulbs that bloom at the same time as iris. And, bulbs don’t take over your garden and push out the iris, but are right there as a accent. To find out more about Bill, check out his website, This will be our first meeting at the new location, Simpkins Swim Center. To kick off the event we will be having a potluck dinner prior to the meeting. Please bring all those wonderful dishes! JULY PICNIC AND AUCTION [email protected] [email protected] 831-724-5415 831-438-1369 Shirley Trio Show Chair Charley Kearns [email protected] Newsletter Editor Joe Ghio [email protected] Webmaster/Newsletter Editor Ann Pike [email protected] 408-315-1520 831- 423-3656 831-426-8855 1 Year Board Kathy Hartman Ann Pike Shirley Trio 2 Year Board On July 16, we returned to our old location, under the Sherry Austin big oak, for our picnic/auction. It seemed like coming Wayne Crabbs back home. Craig Tarr again, supervised the raffle ticket Rosanna Kennedy bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza sales and called out the raffle winners. Larissa Daniel and Charley Kearns recorded and tallied the auction bids with the valuable assistance of Rosanna Kennedy remembering winning bid numbers. Joe Ghio, auctioneered with detailed descriptions of each rhizome, assisted by Jim 2016 AIS Symposium Cummins with pictures. Of course, this created interest The symposium is an annual popularity poll of Tall Bearded in each one. Spotters and runners were Jim Cummins and (TB) iris conducted by the AIS. All AIS members may Wayne Craft. vote in this symposium. The top 100 Tall Bearded iris are There were 27 bidders. The highest amount paid was $23 then ranked and the results of the symposium each year are for ‘Valley of Dreams’. The second highest was ‘Cross My published in the official publication of the AIS, the AIS Heart” for $22. The highest amount paid in 2015 was $35 Bulletin, usually within the January issue. All AIS members for ‘Arriverderci’. The highest total purchased, this year, receive this quarterly publication as part of their AIS was $120. membership. The full results are published on the We did much better this year raising $1,134, compared to AIS website. $828 lat year. This year totals: auction—$832, raffle and Every member of The American Iris Society may partici“Pick from the lawn”—$302. pate in this balloting of the irises listed below. Each member We auctioned 2 more rhizomes this year, but the average is allowed twenty-five votes. There will be extra ballots at the per rhizome was $10.27, compared to $7.37 last year. We August meeting or you can go to: did quite well raising funds for our club, and everyone to have a good time and ate more than our fill, and sium.html that is what is important. Another great MBIS event. Thanks to all that helped, brought iris, contributed culinary masterpieces, AND bought iris! 2 Bay News, August, 2016 Charley Kearns July Picnic 2016 Bay News, August, 2016 3 4 Bay News, August, 2016 From The Prez CULTURE TIPS f you haven’t done so already, this is the month to kick your replanting of bearded irises into high gear. If your soil has been used before or it is very light, it is well to add organic matter to your beds in the form of compost, manures or even something like mushroom compost. A light application of super phosphate or bone meal is also helpful. You can apply by broadcasting and work them in or put a handful in each hole as you plant. Before replanting it is best to dip all your irises, newly acquired or even your own, in a bleach solution, one part bleach to 9 parts water. Submerge the plants up to at least one inch above the rhizome. Keep them in the solution for 10-15 minutes, then dunk them in clear water and set them out to completely dry before planting. This last direction is very important or else you are likely to have deformed plants in the spring. This process of soaking in bleach is helpful in killing off any fungus you do not want to introduce to your garden. Bearded irises tolerate being out of the garden for some time, but keep them in the shade. Cut them back just before planting to keep them from falling over and to force new growth to form. TBs do best if the sun can get to the top of the rhizomes. Keep the weeds away from the plants, If you do not feel like pulling weeds later on, sprinkle some pre emergent on your beds after you are done with your planting. Be sure to use markers to label your plants, and draw a map of the new area showing the new varieties, so you will know which iris is which even if you loose the markers. If you have rebloomers planted together, this is the month to give them a light application of a balanced fertilizer and a weekly watering. This is more likely to encourage repeat bloom. If they are mixed in with your other irises, you can do the same to them, but more growth on non-repeaters won’t encourage them to rebloom. % Joe I Door Prizes Members need to bring to the August meeting good recent iris to share as door prizes. Bring favorite irises for the drawing. The door prizes will depend on what members bring to this meeting. Rebloomers would be really great! Bloomers Bring your rebloomer to share! First drawing goes to those who have brought blooms. Rebloomer drawing starts in August and goes until February. Bay News, August, 2016 ow is the time for cataloging all the new iris for your garden and renewing your vow never to buy more than you have room for. Out with the old and in with the new. Karin and I expanded our passion and are building 80 feet of new raised beds to accommodate all the recent arrivals. I hope we can fit them all in. The Spring Region 14 dig was last Tuesday, (Same day as the Cummins dig). I went up to Nola’s iris garden to represent MBIS and met many nice people and hung out with Gary and Nola Prevost during the dig. I had no idea how many iris needed to be dug up and was glad it was not a National. By the end of the day I was tired but came home with a nice iris or two to add to my collection. Thursday was Joe’s dig at the farm. As usual we had a big turnout, food by Irene and laughter. At the end of the day we sauntered into the berry patch and “sampled” some. Again, I came home with some good rhizomes and now have to add a small bed to put them. Our big event, the Deer Park sale was August 6th and it was well attended by volunteers and customers. I was there early and had lunch at Red Apple afterwards. It seems to be tradition. We have one more sale coming up where we will need help—the Aptos Market sale on the 20th. And a reminder to all…call me if you need my opinion or have to contact me. E-mail is only checked twice a week % Craig N Upcoming Meetings Our September meeting on Friday the 16th will feature Beardless Iris. Learn about Japanese, Spuria, Siberian, Lousianna, and a variety of other iris. Many of these iris are tall. All are a wonderful addition to your garden. The speaker will be Joe Ghio who for several years hybridized Spurias. Our October meeting on Friday the 21st will feature Pacific Coast Iris. These are the iris native to our area and are often found wild in our coastal hills. Our speaker is Joe Ghio. If you have been to our Spring Iris shows, then you are familiar with his PCI introductions and seedlings. The American Iris Society annually gives out the Sydney B Mitchell Award for the best Pacific Coast Iris and Joe Ghio has won this award over a dozen times. He is the expert to hear when you want to learn about these wonderful little iris! Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. Come join us, have fun and learn tips about gardening and iris! 5
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