Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church


Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Church
Iglesia del Santo Rosario
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
May 18, 2014
Parish Office
1313 A Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas
(925) 757-4020
(925) 757-6828
Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia
5:30 pm
7:15 am, 8:45 am, 10:30 am
12:10pm & 1:45 pm Spanish/Español
5:30 pm Life Teen/Jóvenes
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday -Friday
8:30 am-8:00 pm
(closed 12pm-1pm)
Lauds & Rosary 7:30am/Laudes y Rosario
Mass/Misa 8:00 am
Vespers/Vísperas 5:15 pm
Mass/Misa 5:30 pm
Holy Days/Días Santos
Vigil/Vigilia 5:30 pm
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 5:30 pm
7:30 pm Spanish/Español
4:00-5:00 pm
Upon Request
A petición
del Santísimo
Durante la Semana
First Friday
Primer Viernes
24 hours/24 horas
Holy Rosary Mission Statement/Declaración de la Misión del Santo Rosario
We are Catholic followers of Jesus Christ devoted to worship, spiritual
growth, serving others and building community.
Nosotros somos católicos y seguidores de Jesucristo; comprometidos con
el culto litúrgico, crecimiento espiritual, servicio al prójimo y construcción de
Parish Administration
Fr. Roberto Corral, O.P., Pastor………….............757-4020
Fr. Francisco Vicente, O.P., Parochial Vicar
Fr. David Bello, O.P., Parochial Vicar
Jackie Hooke, Pastoral Associate.......…..…...…. 757-9595
Deacon Jerry Grigg…….…………………….....….757-4020
Deacon Charles Silvernale, O.P.
Dominicans In Residence
Fr. Edward Krasevac, O.P.
Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial……….……...757-4020
Barbara Daniels, Secretary
Mila Ramirez, Secretary
Jorge Aragon, Finance/Administration
Religious Education (CCD)………………...…...757-9515
Jackie Hooke
Janet Branson, Secretary
Rita Cross, Secretary
Holy Rosary School……………………..............757-1270
Kimberly Cheng, Principal
Youth Ministry………………………….....………757-9515
Karri Reiser
Music Ministry
Allen Espinole, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy…757-1977
[email protected]
Beatriz Figueroa, Renovación
Carolina Bruno, Unidos en Cristo..………………..437-4074
Jose Cadena, Voces de Cristo
Nicolas Hernandez, Santo Rosario
Hermanas Dominicas…………………………….757-7333
Sor. Raquel Avelar, O.P.
Sor. Maria de Los Angeles Gomes Ramirez, O.P.
Sacramentos /Quinceaneras /CCD…………….757-4084
Alejandrina Martinez
Bulletin Editor
Barbara Daniels…………………………………….757-4020
[email protected]
Please stop by the church
office or visit our website to
register. Registration
enables you to enroll in
sacramental and
Religious Education
programs and receive
regular parish mailings.
1st and 3rd Sundays of the
month (Last Sunday in Spanish)
at 3:30pm in the church. You
must be a registered Parishioner
at Holy Rosary. To register for a
baptism, please call the church
office at least two months
prior to preferred date.
[email protected]
Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral
Greg Baatrup
Teresa Celli
Cathryn Freitas
Cara Grahman
Jenny Lantin
Yadira Lopez
Larry Mori
Matt Riley
Wayne Steffen
Lisa Yano
Finance Committee / Consejo Economico
Fr. Roberto Corral
Jorge Aragon
Domingo Delgadillo
Jackie Hooke
Michael Galloway
Liza Lucio
Bob Martin
Joe Stiglich
*Holy Cross Cemetery
Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation Services
E. 18th Street, Antioch
(925) 757-0658
*We recommend using Catholic Funeral & Cemetery
Services at Holy Cross Cemetery. Their staff will contact
the parish office to assist you with your arrangements.
Photography by Juan Tinnirello.
Bulletin board cases designed
by Kathy Sturgeon.
Additional images courtesy of https://www.google.com/search
Sacrament of
Annointing of the sick
If you have a serious or
ongoing illness or are
scheduled for surgery,
contact the church office
immediately at 757-4020.
Weddings should be
scheduled at least six months
in advance. Preparation
pamphlets are available
inside the church office.
Please call the church office
at 757-4020
for more information.
Saturday 5/17
Have a Blessed Day!
Sunday 5/18
Dominican Laity
Angels in Training
Today at Holy Rosary
8:30am Rectory
10:30am Rectory Basement
Baptisms (English)
Life Teen
Monday 5/19
Boy Scout Meeting
6:30pm Dominican Hall
Tuesday 5/20
Cub Scout Meeting
Charismatic Prayer Group
6:30pm Dominican Hall
7:30pm Chapel
Wednesday 5/21
Legion of Mary
Confirmation Rehearsal
Knights of Columbus 4th
8:30am Rectory Basement
7:00pm Church
7:00pm Rectory Basement
Music Ministry
Confirmation Rehearsal
Grief Ministry
6:00pm Parish Center
7:00pm Church
7:00pm Parish Center
Friday 5/23
Ladies Night
6:00pm Parish Center
Religious Education
Saturday 5/24
2:00pm Church
7:00pm Church
Sunday 5/25
Angels in Training
Thursday 5/22
Parish Center
• Holy Rosary Office Open 9am-1pm
• Angels in Training 10:30am Rectory Basement
• Life Teen 3:30pm Parish Center
• Baptisms (English) in Church 3:30pm
3:00pm Church
The Church offices will be closed on
Monday, May 26th to observe Memorial Day.
Mass will be celebrated at 8:00am and 5:30pm.
There will be no Adoration.
May 24th
June 6th
HRS Baccalaureate Mass
June 6th
HRS 8th Grade Graduation
June 7th
Spanish CCD First Communion
June 10th
HRS Kindergarten Graduation
Harvest Faire
Lawn Area
Parish Evangelization Retreat
All Facilities
September 12th-14th
October 3rd-5th
May 4, 2014
1st Collection
Capital Campaign
10:30am Rectory Basement
Baptisms (Spanish)
The Collection Report
May 11, 2014
1st Collection
Diocesan Tax
Capital Campaign
Today’s 2nd collection is for:
Buildings & Grounds
Next week’s 2nd collection is for:
Holy Rosary School
Thank you for your generous contributions!
¡Gracias por sus contribuciones generosas!
Have you noticed the beautiful flowers
around the church lately?
Thank you to Romy & Linda Myszka and Alma Marek
for planting flowers and caring for the grounds
at Holy Rosary Church!
May 17
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
May 18
7:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:10 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28;
Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5;
Jn 15:1-8
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10;
Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12;
Jn 15:12-17
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5;
Jn 15:18-21
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17;
Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20;
1 Pt 3:15-18 or 1 Pt 4:13-16;
Jn 14:15-21 or
Jn 17:1-11a
Holy Rosary Grief Ministry
will meet on the following Thursdays:
May 22nd, June 5th & 26th
7pm—8:30pm in the Parish Center
Ann Wangan at 207-9950
Calvin Fong†
Frank & Gertrude Mendivil†
Denden Parayno†
May 24
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Aurea Caballa†
Alan Lara†
May 23
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Carmen Olvera†
Nithin Mathew
(Special Intention)
May 22
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Felipa Yu†
Tom Rojas†
May 21
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Bernardino Torres†
Ramon Mendivil†
May 20
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Joe Heredia†
Evo Baldocchi†
Joe & Zola Beratto†
Stan Martin†
Maria Baudelia Guzman
Malcolm Ita
May 19
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
Gavin Cano
Diane Aires†
Veronica Salazar
Mary Kelly
Norman Deans†
May 25
7:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:10 p.m.
1:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Elisa Guzman†
Gavin Cano
Joe & Zola Beratto†
Genoveva Saucedo†
Jorge & Margarita Rodriguez
(50th Anniversary)
Carrie Canalas
JoAnna Abranches
Consuelo Alvarez
Maria Lucybel Alvarez
Joe Anzini
Mark Bagnaschi
Raul Benuelos
Kathy Bradley
Jennene Buffo
Paul Cross
Esperanza Esquivel
Esperanza Fonseca
Francisco Garcia
Jim Gentile
Carolyn Fish-George
Thelma Giovannoni
Jennifer Hilty
Vince Iacona
Stella Jensen
Charles Kain
Barbara Karabinos
Winifred McKinnon
Maria Medrano
Kathleen Mikula
Mitchell Mikula
Eileen O’Leary
Eduardo Padilla
Daniel Padilla
Elia Padilla
Raul Padilla
Gina Rubin
Amaya Sanchez
Rose Scudero
Amanda Sechrest
Artemio Solis
Annie Sterling
Kristen VanTassel
Robert Velasquez
Junior Valencia
Br. Leroy Viera, S.M.
Maureen Wertz
A Message From Fr. Roberto
Wake up to…Jesus; Wake up to…your Catholic faith; Wake up to…dropping your nets.
“Angels-in-Training” Babysitting at 10:30 Mass Every Week for children 2-6!
In the Serendipity Room beneath the rectory.
Congratulations to our Portuguese Community for another wonderful celebration of Our Lady of Fatima
a couple of weekends ago. It is always a lovely celebration of faith and culture that is shared with the entire parish.
Congratulations to all our children in our CCD program and in our school for receiving their First Holy Communion the last few weeks.
Medical Mission Update
I never got around to thanking in our bulletin the generous folks who were part of our
medical mission to the Philippines back in January: Matt Riley, Pacita Aducayen, MD,
Christine Smith, FNP, Gerald Jeffrey, DDS, Rachelle del Rosario, MD, RN, Lynn
Farizell, RN, Ed Pangilinan, Kay Yamagata, Anne Hayes, EMT and Aileen Hayes, RN.
Matt Riley did an especially great job of organizing
things in the Philippines before, during and after the
trip. There were also many others in the Philippines
who helped make the trip so successful.
They saw 1,903 patients over 8 days – Wow!
The group is now preparing for their summer mission back to Peru where
we were in 2012. Check out the Holy Rosary International Medical Mission website for more information and pictures at www.hrimm.org. See
how you might help!
Here is a reflection that was sent to me recently:
I asked God to take away my pride, and God said "No." He
said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, and
God said, "No." He said her spirit is eternal, while her body is
only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience, and God said, "No." He
said patience is a by-product of tribulation. It isn't granted - it is
I asked God to give me happiness, and God said "No." He
said He gives blessings;
happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain, and God said "No." He said, "Suffering draws you apart from
worldly cares and brings you close to Me."
I asked God to make my spirit grow, and God said "No." He said I must grow on my own, but he
will prune me to make it fruitful.
I asked God if He loved me, and God said "Yes." He gave me His only Son, who died for me, and
I will be in heaven someday because I believe.
I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me, and God said, "Ah, finally you have
the idea."
Holy Rosary
International Medical Mission
Vacation Bible School 2014
Weird Animals
IPad Mini Raffle
Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind
Help fund our trip to Peru!
June 16th –20th
Parish Center
6pm to 8:30pm
We are attempting to clear
$2,000 and need your help!
$2 per ticket or
3 tickets for $5
Friday night finale &
Ice Cream Social at 8:20pm
You can purchase raffle tickets at the
rectory office. For more information,
please visit www.hrimm.org,
email [email protected]
or call 757-4020.
Drawing on June 15th.
Holy Rosary International Medical Mission
is on the road...again!
$40 per child (includes VBS t-shirt)
Register by 6/13
For kids age 4 (by July 1st) through 6th grade
To register, go online to holyrosaryantioch.org
for registration form or visit the parish office.
Make checks payable to Holy Rosary.
Forms can be turned in to parish office,
school office, or rectory office. You may also send to:
HRIMM is on its way to Peru in July and is
looking for nurses, medical assistants, EMTs,
translators, doctors, physician assistants and
nurse practitioners.
Holy Rosary Religious Ed
VBS Registration
1313 A Street
Antioch, CA 94509
For more information,
please call
Please email [email protected]
or go to www.hrimm.org for more information.
Kathy Sturgeon
(Daily Adoration)
Lois Hernandez
(First Fridays)
Altar Servers
Lynn Vella
Allison Norris
Grief Ministry
Ann Wangan
CYO Basketball/Track/
Cross Country
Tim & Diane Chavez
Detention Ministry
757-6534 Jail Ministry
Deacon Charley Silvernale
513-6658 Dominican Laity
706-2188 Angie Verdun
Evenings for the Engaged
757-8946 Jim & Earline Lanter
Eucharistic Minister
Catholic Daughters of America
Betty Scott
Sophie Zimmerman 628-9891
Filipino/American Club
Charismatic Prayer Group
Ed Pangilinan
Dana Blobner
First Saturdays Devotion
Evelyn Isidro
Sherlee Beaver
Larry Hopwood
813-1364 Greeters
Lisa Yano
Bible Study
Gary Gorball
Andrea Vitalie
Divine Mercy
207-9950 Andre LoGrasso
Harvest Faire
Small Faith Sharing Groups
Tim & Gina Rubin 779-0182 Mary Scott
King’s Kids
Kerry Bremhorst
St. Anne’s Altar Society
625-8722 Helen Worley
Knights of Columbus
St. Vincent de Paul
Robert Velasquez 706-7636 Barbara Karabinos 754-7246
Cathryn Freitas
Theatre Group
519-6018 Tim Hooke
Legion of Mary
Jr. Legion of Mary
Francis Barnes
Susan Nelson
Wedding Coordinator
Mobile Mall
Dee Voight
757-4020 ext. 50
Music Ministry
Sammie Garcia
Allen Espinole
Richard Burke
Our Lady of Fatima
Fatima Salgueiro 240-1787
Youth Ministry
(Edge, Life Teen, ARK)
Parking Lot Security
Karri Reiser
Marc Lucio
Confirmation Updates
Confirmation is scheduled for
Saturday, May 24, 2014
High School
Youth Ministry
Sundays 3:30pm in the Parish Center
Thank you core team for a great year.
Regular meetings will resume in September.
Enjoy your summer!
Activities are being
planned now.
Don’t miss a thing.
Make sure to check the
bulletin and follow us on
2pm– Ruth, Karen/Alizu, Miguel, Sam,
Kay/Julie, Kevin’s Classes
Rehearsal: May 21st 7 pm
in the church
7pm-- Theresa, Karri/Jim,
Gaby/Angeles’ Classes
Rehearsal: May 22nd 7 pm
in the church
Sign ups for 2014-15
Confirmation year will be in August.
Check the bulletin for more information.
EDGE Jr. High
Youth Ministry
Thanks to the core team and parents for a
great year. Enjoy your summer!
Sign ups for next year will be in August 2014.
Holy Rosary Youth &
Young Adult Ministry
For more information
regarding our ministry
contact Karri at 925-757-9515 or
[email protected]
and visit our website at www.hryaya.org
Use #hryaya when posting
our activities on
social media sites
Vuelve La Hermana
Yenny Morales
A Holy Rosary
Misa de Sanación Bilingüe
“Noche de Viernes con Jesús”
Español; En Unidad
Holy Rosary Church
El día Lunes, 19 de Mayo, 2014
Viernes, 13 de Junio, 2014
Predicación y Alabanza con la
Hermana Yenny Morales
de la comunidad de misioneros
Marianos de Engaveta, Colombia
Rev. José Corral
Ministerio Musical:
Unción del Espíritu Santo
Habrá Hora Santa
Oración De Intercesión
Presentara Fuerte Testimonio de Fe
La Acompaña El Coro
“Unción del Espíritu Santo”
Rosa E. Ríos y
Herminio Ríos
(925) 756-2747
Los invita el Grupo de
Oración Carismática
(925) 756-2747
Hch 14:5-18; Sal 115 (114):1-4, 15-16;
Jn 14:21-26
Hch 14:19-28; Sal 145 (144):10-13ab, 21;
Jn 14:27-31a
Miércoles: Hch 15:1-6; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Jn 15:1-8
Hch 15:7-21; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10;
Jn 15:9-11
Hch 15:22-31; Sal 57 (56):8-10, 12;
Jn 15:12-17
Hch 16:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-3, 5;
Jn 15:18-21
Domingo: Hch 8:5-8, 14-17; Sal 66 (65):1-7, 16, 20;
1 Pe 3:15-18 ó 1 Pe 4:13-16;
Jn 14:15-21 ó Jn 17:1-11a
Bodas Comunitarias
Sábado 23 de Agosto 2014 a las 2:00 pm
en Holy Rosary Church, Antioch, California
“Para parejas Católicas con todos sus
Sacramentos y casadas al Civil o unión libre”
Se darán unas charlas de explicación de lo que es
el Sacramento y la importancia de la unión ante Dios.
Al final de las charlas las parejas estarán preparadas
para recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio.
Más información llamar al tel. 925-848-6067
(Ministerio Matrimonios) y 925-757-4084 (Oficina Hispana)
La Pastoral Juvenil de la Diócesis de Oakland, JPC,
EPJ, La Renovación Carismática Juvenil y
los grupos juveniles parroquiales les
invitamos a nuestro concierto con
Martin Valverde
el viernes 6 de Junio del 2014 de 6:30 a 9:30 pm
en el gimnasio de la Parroquia de St. Elizabeth en Oakland
Costo del boleto es $20 antes del evento,
en la entrada será de $25
También habrá boletos VIP a $35 es limitado el cupo.
Se recomienda que usar el BART y bajar en la parada Fruitvale.
Para mayor información o adquirir boletos
llamar a Ramon Coria (925) 778-6071 o
llamar a Hector Medina (510) 496-7224
Un Mensaje de Padre Roberto
Despiértate a...Jesús; Despiértate a...tu fe católica; Despiértate a...dejar tus redes.
Actualización de Nuestra Misión Médica
Nunca llegué a agradecer en nuestro boletín la gente generosa que formaron
parte de la misión médica a las Filipinas en enero: Matt Riley, Pacita Aducayen,
MD, Christine Smith, FNP, Gerald Jeffrey, DDS, Rachelle del Rosario, MD ,
RN, Lynn Farizell, RN, Ed Pangilinan, Kay Yamagata, Anne Hayes, EMT y
Aileen Hayes, RN. Matt Riley hizo un especial gran trabajo de organizar las cosas
en las Filipinas, antes, durante y después del
viaje. También hubo muchos otros en las Filipinas que ayudaron
a hacer el viaje tan exitoso. Vieron a 1,903 pacientes durante 8
días – ¡Guau!
El grupo se está preparando para su misión este verano a Perú
donde estábamos en 2012. Échale un vistazo a la página web de
la Misión Médica Internacional del Santo Rosario para más información y fotos en www.hrimm.org. ¡Vea cómo puedes ayudar!
…Y Dios Me Dijo que “No.”
Esta es una reflexión que recibí recientemente.
Le pedí a Dios que quitara mi orgullo, y Dios
me dijo que "No." Él dijo que no era para él quitármelo
sino que yo lo renuncie.
Le pedí a Dios que sanara mi hija discapacitada,
y Dios me dijo que "No." Él dijo que su espíritu es eterno, mientras que su cuerpo es sólo temporal.
Le pedí a Dios que me concediera la paciencia,
y Dios me dijo que "No." Dijo que la paciencia es un
producto de la tribulación. No se concede – se gana.
Le pedí a Dios que me diera la felicidad, y Dios
me dijo que "No." Él dijo que Él da bendiciones; la felicidad depende de mí.
Le pedí a Dios que me quitara el dolor, y Dios
me dijo que "No." Él dijo: "El sufrimiento te aleja de
las preocupaciones del mundo y te trae cerca de Mí."
Le pedí a Dios que hiciera crecer mi espíritu, y Dios me dijo que "No." Dijo que yo debía crecer
por mi cuenta, mas él me va a podar para que sea fructífero.
Le pregunté a Dios si Él me amaba, y Dios dijo que "Sí". Él me dio a su Hijo único, que murió
por mí, y voy a estar en el cielo algún día porque creo.
Le pedí a Dios que me ayude a amar a los demás tanto como Él me ama, y Dios dijo: "Ah, por
fin tienes la idea."
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
18 de mayo de 2014
“Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida. Nadie va al Padre si no es por mí”.
— Juan 14:6
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Holy Rosary Theatre Group
Ministry to Catholic Women
of the Oakland Diocese
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Auditions will be held
Tuesday, June 10th 7pm
Wednesday, June 11th 7pm
Dominican Hall
Crowne Plaza
45 John Glenn Drive in Concord
You won’t want to miss our speaker...
Oakland Diocese’ own Julie Figueroa!
She will encourage us with her dynamic and humorous
testimony as she tells us how God’s amazing
presence makes a difference in everyday life.
Come and let Julie encourage you and touch your spirit.
$28/$35 after 5/31/14
Maribel 925-788-7762
or www.magnificatsoti.org
What a joy to remember that Mary is our Mother!
Since she loves us and knows our weakness, what have
we to fear?
—Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Mobile Mall News
Schedule of Events
June 14, 2014
Sorting from 8am-12pm
Holy Rosary Dominican Hall
June 20, 2014
Shopping 11am
St. Peter Martyr Church
740 Black Diamond Street in Pittsburg
July 19, 2014
Sorting from 8am-12pm
Holy Rosary Dominican Hall
Please drop items off Monday through Friday
at the storage containers behind rectory.
Please do not leave donations
in the church or on office steps!
Thank you!
Those auditioning only need to attend one evening, must be able
to stand on stage and do a short reading and answer a short
series of questions. Rehearsals begin June 12th and will be
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7pm-9pm.
Performances are scheduled for August 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16.
For more information, please call 757-9515
Bilingual Healing Mass
“Friday Night with Jesus”
Friday, June 13, 2014
Holy Rosary Church
Fr. Jose Corral
For more information
please call:
Rosa E. Rios or
Herminio Rios
(925) 756-2747
Immaculate Heart of Mary presents
Mini Marian Conference &
Marian Movement of Priests:
“Our Lady’s Beloved Sons
Living in Time of Fatima”
Saturday, May 24th
IHM 500 Fairview Avenue in Brentwood
The day begins with Mass at 9am.
Speakers include:
Fr. John Hampsch, Fr. Charles Becker, and
Fr. Jerry Brown & Fr. Jim Sullivan from IHM.
Lunch will be provided.
For more information, please email
Fran at [email protected]