Holy Rosary Parish - Order of St Augustine
Holy Rosary Parish - Order of St Augustine
EKLY BULLE TIN WE AL CI Since 1898 OF FI The Church Is Our Doorway To God’s Coming Kingdom A Look at How the Faithful Can Make Christ’s Mystical Body Flourish in a Time of Challenge Y CHURCH IOCESE OF NE W ROSARY ROSARY PAR LY IS H HO - K Y F OR L O Volume1,1,Number Number5,4,Issue IssueofofJuly July16, 9, 2006 Volume 2006 D CH AR H O Holy Rosary Parish-East Harlem Pastor: Rev. Angel S. Dulanto, OSA Associates: Rev. Abel G. Álvarez, OSA Rev. José H. Herrero, OSA Rev. Gilbert Luis R. Centina III, OSA CCD: Dominick Di Certo THE HOLY FATHER The Roman Pontiff, as the successor of Peter, is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of unity of both the bishops and of the faithful. Lumen Gentium, 23 By Dominick F. Di Certo A re you worried about the survival of the Church? Almost every day we read about the closing of a church or Catholic school. We all worry that our Parish church will be the next to close. Is there anything that we can do to save the church? There is a world of difference between “saving the Church” and saving a church building. As Catholics, we know that the Church (God’s Church) has been around for two thousand years, and, according to Christ, it will continue ❝...you are Peter, and upon this have they forgotten that through the Church, Christ has promised to survive until the end of time. As them help and answers to their rock I will build my church, and Jesus informed St. Peter, not even Satan and all the forces in Hell can the gates of Hell will not prevail prayers and needs? St. Paul tells us that life is a take the Church away from us. journey, and people with faith against it.❞ —Matthew 16:18 What we do need to worry know that it’s a spiritual journey, about, however, is that people depending on God’ s help with every step along the way. take themselves away from the Church. Where have all the With body and soul we wander along this spiritual path, people gone? Where are all those members of the church wondering when it will end and where it will lead to. By community that once attended Sunday Mass? Do they feel His death and resurrection, Christ let us know that this that they no longer need God in their lives? Is the guilt journey extends beyond this life, to a life that will last for of a sinful life keeping them away? In their troubled lives, eternity. For better or worse, Heaven or Hell will be our destination. Do we need to prepare for this journey? If we don’t, we’ll be in serious trouble. But, what do we take with RELIGIOUS SERVICES us to guarantee a safe trip? We know that our bodies reMasses on Regular Days: 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. quire food to survive. Our souls also need to be fed. What Masses on Sundays: 8, 9, 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. our soul needs is something that only God can provide. Confessions: Half an hour before Mass or any time by appointment. It’s called “grace,” that heavenly “soul food” that keeps us Baptisms: Third Sunday of the month. close to God and gives us the strength to survive along our Weddings: Three months after application (ask the Rectory for details). journey back to God. Holy Hour: First Friday of the month, after the 7 p.m. Mass. You can’t go to your favorite café or food store and ask Welcome to Holy Rosary! ¡Bienvenidos! for a pound of “soul food” (grace). But you can receive an We welcome all new parishioners and invite them to introduce themendless supply of it through the Church. Jesus planned it selves to the priest after Mass. If you have been attending our that way. When Jesus the Good Shepherd said “feed my church regularly but have not registered, we invite you to do so sheep,” His apostles knew that they were receiving Christ’s by stopping by at the Parish office. Also, if you want to have your house blessed, see the Rectory or give us a call at 212.534.0740 to power to provide His people with sanctifying grace. It’s schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting you. (Please turn to Page 2, column 1) 444 East 119th Street, New York, NY 10035 ☎ Telephone: 212.534.0740 7 Facsimile: 212.534.7572 * Email: [email protected] Holy Rosary Parish 2 | The Church Is Our Doorway (Continued from Page 1) CHRIST HANDING THE KEYS TO ST. PETER: 1481-82, Pietro Perugino, fresco, 335 x 550 cm, Sistine Chapel, Vatican. through the Church, and only through the Church, that Christ has provided the many ways through which we can receive an endless supply of this life-giving spiritual energy to carry us through, and into the loving arms of our dear Lord. The Catholic Church offers a treasure of gifts of grace to bring us strength and courage as we walk, or stumble, along our spiritual journey through life. These gifts include the seven sacraments: baptism to make us children of God; holy communion to feed our soul with the body and blood of Christ; confession to heal our souls from sin or save us from everlasting death; confirmation to bring us many special gifts from the Holy Spirit; and all the other sacraments to provide us with great amounts of life-giving grace. The Holy Mass—the community worshipping God—is a prayer of action of Christ and His Church. And, while we have life, we can build up our own treasure chest of sanctifying grace, which will help us to find our way to heaven. Unfortunately, death has a way of interrupting our DECIMOQUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Primera Lectura: Amos 7:12-15 Salmo Responsorio: Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia y danos tu salvación. Salmo 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14 Aclamación antes del Evangelio: Cf. Lucas 4:18 Evangelio: Marcos 6:1-6 En aquel tiempo, llamó Jesús a los Doce, los envío de dos en dos y les dió poder sobre los espíritus inmundos. Les mandó que no llevarán nada para el camino, ni pan, ni mochila, ni dinero en el cinto, sino únicamente un bastón, sandallas y una sola túnica. Y les dijo: “Cuando entren en una casa, quédense en ella hasta que se vayan de ese lugar. Si en alguna parte no los reciben ni los escuchen, al abandoner ese lugar, sacúdanse el polvo de los pies, como una advertencia para ellos.” Los discípulos se fueron a predicar al arrepintimiento. Expulsaron a los demonios, ungían con aceite a los enfermos y los curaban. lives and our spiritual journey. And, since no tomorrows are promised to anyone, we have no way of knowing when this journey will end. Will it be today, next week, or next year? If we died today, would we be prepared to explain to God why we had no time for Him, not even one hour for Sunday Mass, no time for daily prayer, no time to help someone in need? Fortunately, God loves us just the way we are, and He will never stop loving us. But where we end up after our spiritual journey is over depends entirely on us. God gives us the freedom to choose life or death, Heaven or Hell. As we walk in grace, or struggle in sin, keep in mind that God is always with us on our road through life. Satan is also along for the ride, trying hard to make us take the wrong road, the road to Hell, not because he loves us, but because he hates us and our Creator. But God gives us grace through the blessings of the Church to overcome all the temptations that Satan throws our way. With grace comes the power to say “yes” to God and “no” to the devil. Sanctifying grace comes from Christ through the Church. God will save the Church, His Church, but we can help to save our local parish churches by our daily and Sunday attendance, and by helping to bring back, with love and patience, those families that have forgotten that the Church is truly our doorway to heaven. La Santa Misa: Nuestra Última Oración La santa misa es el sacrificio de Jesucristo realmente presente en el altar bajo las formas de pan y vino. En la Última Cena, la noche en que él se entregaba, instituyó el sacrificio de la eucaristía de su cuerpo y sangre, con él cual iba permanecer por los siglos hasta su venida: el sacrificio de la cruz. Por lo tanto, la misa es: 1) el verdadero sacrificio en que se ofrece una víctima santa y viva, Jesucristo y nosotros junto con él, en amor y obediencia al Padre; 2) una comida sagrada (banquete espiritual) de los hijos de Dios; 3) una comida pascual, que nos recuerda el paso de Jesus (la Pascua) desde este mundo hasta su Padre—y anticipa nuestra entrada definitiva en el reino de Dios; 4) una comida comunitaria, es decir, una reunión de la cabeza y de sus miembros, de Jesús y su Iglesia, su Cuerpo Místico, para llevar a cabo un culto divino perfecto. La misa es la oración más grande que tenemos; en ella damos gracias y alabanzas al Padre por el futuro maravilloso que nos ha dado su Hijo. También pedimos perdón de nuestros pecados y rogamos que nos dé su bendición a nosotros y a todos nuestros semejantes. Debemos asistir a misa con reverencia, atención, y devoción y unirnos con el sacerdote. —Carmen Torres Holy Rosary Parish cor a Un O n zó la NEa so Gospel recording artist Hanan Haddad has responded to our call for volunteers after reading in last Sunday’s bulletin that we need a choral group to lead the faithful in singing at the 12:30 p.m. Sunday Mass. She’s determined to have that group formed. Anyone interested in becoming a part of the singing group may call her at 646.316.0579. The Jordan-born Hanan is a performer who has cut a record of Gospel music. Her email address: [email protected]. T AR ONE D AyNuD N I M alma n solo HE Anuncios/What’s News Gospel Recording Artist Volunteers to Form Singing Group for 12:30 p.m. Sunday Mass | 3 ❝Let me know Thee, O Thou who knowest me; let me know Thee, as I am known.❞ —St. Augustine ❝Conózcate a ti, conocedor mío, conózcate a ti, como soy conocido.❞ —San Agustín *** The flea market scheduled for next Saturday, July Be an active member of Holy Rosary Parish! Live your faith by regularly attending our daily Masses. We have a number of organizations that you can join. Bring along your friends and family. For more details about how you can become a member, please call our Parish office at 212.534.0740. IN OF H OL RY PAR I SH O L Y ROSARY CHURCH L ET UL SA RO H Vol. 1, No. 5 July 16, 2006 B • Asociación de la Virgen de la Nube. Ernesto Robles. • Caballeros del Santo Nombre. Efraín González, 212.828.2823. • Camino (Neocatechumenal Way), Ira Comunidad de Holy Rosary. Arturo Rodríguez, 646.296.6394. • Carismáticos (Circulo de Oración). Emiliano Toribio, 917.587.7565. • Cursillistas. Teófilo Peralta. • Damas del Santo Rosario. María Yrizzáry. • Hijas de María. Jackie and Jennifer Vásquez. • Legión de María. Francisca González, Carmen Torres. Y For the many different needs of our parish, of the Universal Church and for the relief of the poorest of the poor among us, at any time you can send your offering to Holy Rosary Parish. Please consider including the Parish in your will. Come, join us! IAL WEEKLY The Joy of Giving BAPTISMS. At 1:30 p.m. last July 8, Fr. José H. Herrero, OSA baptized Steven Adrian Pintado, son of Fausto Bolivar Pintado and Aida Beatriz Pintado. Carlos Segarra and Ludmila de Segarra stood as godparents. At 3 p.m. on the same date, Fr. Angel S. Dulanto, OSA, pastor of Holy Rosary Church, baptized William Benjamin Velazquez and Jillian Kristina Velazquez, the twins of beaming parents Jeorge Lazarus Velazquez and Kristen Ann Velazquez. Donna Marie Di Certo and Benjamin Tejada stood as godparents for William Benjamin; Laura Anne Chu and Peter Chu, for Jillian Kristina. IC FF *** Kudos to a group of parishioners who are unequivocally committed to restoring the images of the saints in the church: Jerry Cepeda, Carlos Soto, Sara Soto (granddaughter of Sara Soto), Danny Parrilla, and Pedro Franco. They volunteer their time, effort and material resources to achieve this noble purpose. May their tribe increase! *** The first thing Rita María Illescas did when she moved into the neighborhood was to visit Holy Rosary, the church closest to her new home. And while attending Sunday Mass, she picked up a copy of our parish bulletin and right away responded to its invitation to register as a parishioner. She introduced herself to the parish priest, made some Mass offerings and brought her family, including a grandchild, to the 7 p.m. weekday Mass. Milestones O 22, to raise funds for the repair of the church has been postponed to a still undetermined date in the fall. Flea Market al Aire Libre is part of a series of activities being launched by the Pro-Restoration Committee to raise at least $75,000 for the immediate repair of the church’s roof. Committee president Magdia de Jesús cited the delay in the granting of a city permit to close the street around Holy Rosary Church as the main reason for the cancellation. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Since 1898 Editor: Gilbert Luis R. Centina III, OSA; Executive Editor: Dominick Di Certo; Contributing Editors: Magdia de Jesús, Carmen Torres, Carmen Bonet; Business Manager: Wilson Irizzáry; Circulation: Sara Cepeda, Fructuoso Pérez Published every Sunday, HOLY ROSARY CHURCH welcomes contributions from parishioners. Email articles, news and other parish-related events to [email protected]. Holy Rosary Church assumes no responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited materials. Editorial/Circulation/Advertising: 444 East 119th St., New York, NY 10035. Tel: ☎ 212.534.0740 Fax: � 212.534.7572. Holy Rosary Parish 4 | GUIDE TO WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS S unday/Domingo/July 16 8 am: Virgen del Carmen [ Jackie Rivera]; Virgen de la Nube [Ecuatorianos]; 9 am: Donante; 11 am*: Ismenia Bourdierd(+) [Ramón Bourdierd]; Iris Durán(+) [ José Espada]; José Nesto(+) [Providencia Andrades]; 12:30 pm: Virgen del Carmen [ Jackie Rivera]. M T onday/Lunes/July 17 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: María del Carmen Morales(+) [Alejandrina Morales]; Eugenia Torres(+) [Carmen Torres]. uesday/Martes/July 18 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: Inocencia Castillo(+) [Rita María Illescas]; San Judas Tadeo (Acción de Gracia) [María Batle]. W T ednesday/Miercoles/ July 19 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: Angela Cerda(+) [Rita María Illescas]. hursday/Jueves/July 20 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: Antonio(+) [Familia Illescas Obando]; Rafael Barbosa(+) [Familia Barbosa]. F riday/Viernes/ July 21 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: Acción de Gracia [Familia Illescas Obando]; San Antonio de Padua (Acción de Gracia) [María Batle]; Margarita Ortíz(+) [ Juanita Tomas]. S aturday/Sábado/July 22 8 am: Donante; 7 pm: St. Therese of the Child Jesus [Anthony McKiernan]. *The 11 a.m. Mass is sponsored by Damas del Santo Rosario HOW TO READ THIS GUIDE: Each day of the week serves as the heading under which you may find the time of the Mass, the name/s of the person/s or the specific intention for which the Mass is offered, and the name/s of the person/s who requested the offering. A cross (+) indicates the person is deceased. The name of the person who offers the Mass is enclosed in brackets. “Donante” means no one has made any offering. REGISTER NOW for the school year beginning this September! Mount Carmel — Holy Rosary School 371 Pleasant Avenue, New York, NY 10035 Children of all faiths are welcome (Between 119th and 120th streets, one block east of 1st Avenue) ✓Grades Pre-K4 to 8 ✓Scholarhips Available (Becas Disponibles) For September 2006 Please call 212.876.7555 to schedule an appointment to visit at your convenience. Suzanne Kaszynski Principal Photos courtesy of www.fresh-paint.net