August 7, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
August 7, 2016 - St. Mary, Mother of the Church
Saint Mary 0RWKHURIWKH&KXUFK 32%R[-DFNVRQ6WUHHW )LVKNLOO1HZ<RUN ZZZVDLQWPDU\VFKXUFKILVKNLOORUJ 3DULVK2IILFHV 6FKRRO 5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ $XJXVWWK6XQGD\LQ2UGLQDU\7LPH Our Mission Statement: To encourage all parishioners to have a lifelong relationship with the Church by participation in all the sacraments and to encourage regular reception of the Eucharist. 0$66(6 6(59('%< 3$6725 6 X QG D\ 6 DW X U GD \ 3 0 6 X Q GD \ $ 0 3 0 : H H N G D\ V 0 R Q GD \ W K U RX JK ) U LG D \ D Q G $0 6 DW X U GD \ $0 +RO\GD\V 9L J L O 30 $ 0 3 0 6 DF U DP H QW R I 3 H Q DQF H 6DWXUGD\ WR 30DQG WR 3 0RUDW W KH 5HFW RU\E \DSS RLQW PHQW 5HY0U-RVHSK+DIHPDQQ5HY0U0LFKDHO'HFNHU 0LUDFXORXV0HGDO1RYHQDDIWHU$00DVV0RQGD\V 0DULDQ'HYRWLRQV0RQGD\VRI0D\DQG2FWREHU30 6WDWLRQVRIWKH&URVV)ULGD\VRI/HQW30 ([SRVLWLRQRIWKH%OHVVHG6DFUDPHQW7KXUVGD\V$0²30 :H ZHOFRPH DOO QHZ PHPEHUV WRRXUSDULVKFRPPXQL W\ 3OHDVH UHJLVWHUDW WKH 5HFWRU\2IILFH GXULQJ WKH ZHHNRUILOORXWDF DUGLQ WKHEDFNRIWKHFKXUFK:HZDQWWRNQRZDQGVHUYH\RXDQGKRSH \RXEHFRPHDQDFWLYHSDUWRIRXUSDULVKFRPPXQLW \,I\RXPRYH RUFKDQJH\RXUDGGUHVVSOHDVHQRWLI\WKH5HFWRU\ '(927,216 5HYHUHQG-RVHSK$%OHQNOH 3$52&+,$/9,&$56 5HY7KRPDV&ROXFFL5HY$GROI2FFHx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t. Mary’s Chapel - 1863 3$5(17,1*0,1,675< 0 U V & D W K H U L Q H ( & ZL D N D O D / 0 6 : <287+0,1,67(5 0UV&ROOHHQ7HPSHVWLOOL 3$5,6+75867((6 0U.HYLQ.UDPHU 0U*HRUJH0HW] 3$5,6+&281&,/35(6,'(17 0UV6XH,DQQXFFL Remember St. Mary, Fishkill, in your Will &+$,53(56212)),1$1&(&281&,/ 0U)UDQN6WUDXE Luke 12:32-40 Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” “Gird your loins and light your lamps and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival. Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself, havethem recline at table, and proceed to wait on them. And should he come in the second or third watch and find them prepared in this way, blessed are those servants. Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do notexpect, the Son of Man will come.” ',6&29(5,1*&+5,67 DW6W0DU\0RWKHURIWKH&KXUFKVWDUWLQJLQ6HSWHPEHU Where is your treasure? Do you long for peace and lasting joy? Come experience Discovering Christ with us and find what your heart is looking for. We invite you to join us for 7 Saturday evenings, starting September 24th, from 6:30 to 9PM for a complimentary dinner, DVD teaching and faith sharing in small groups. Please see the website at for more information and to register. 0DU\ 9LHWQDP5RVDU\3DULVK8QLW\&DQGOH ,QWHQWLRQRI,Q0HPRU\RI 5HTXHVWHGE\ )RU2XU3ULHVWV 3DULVKLRQHUV ROSEFORLIFE ,QWHQWLRQRI,Q0HPRU\RI 5HTXHVWHGE\ &DURO$QQ9HOWUL 1LFKRODV&RFFLR /XLJL&DSSDUHOOL 7KH&DOOWR&RQYHUVLRQ 5&,$ 6WHYH*OLQVNL±%XOVRQ)DPLO\ 0HOHQFLR/RSH]±/HLODQL/RSH] 'RURWK\6WLOO±-DQH-RKQ:DONHU (ODLQH0LFFLR±%DUEDUD%RE5HQ]D :LOOLDP4XLQQ±)DPLO\ 5LWD&DVWHOODQR±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±$PDQGD3HFRUHOOD -RDQQ*DOOXFFLR $O(UEHU±&DPLOOH-RKQ 0HOHQFLR/RSH]±/HLODQL/RSH] .HQQHWK6KDZ±/RUUDLQH9LWDOH)DPLO\ -RVHSK'HJQDQ±:LIH)DPLO\ 'DQLHO%HULVK±0DKRQH\)DPLO\ +XVEDQG)DPLO\ 6KDURQ%LOO-RUGDQ 3LQD)DPLO\ 3$5,6+1(:6 $11281&('0$66(6)257+( ,17(17,212)RU,10(025<2) 0RQGD\$XJXVW )ULGD\$XJXVW 6DWXUGD\$XJXVW Know a Bit, but Interested in Learning More About the Old Testament? 6XQGD\$XJXVW 3DULVKLRQHUV 'HFHDVHG0HPEHUVRI%HOEDV)DPLO\± Sometimes the best way to learn is to journey :LOYHUV)DPLO\ with others as they learn. Consider being a 6th 'LQD9LJJLDQR±'DZQH&KDUOLH Grade Catechist and working with our youth 6DODPRQH as they are introduced to OT Scriptures. We 'DQLHO%HULVK±*OLQVNL)DPLO\ 5RVHPDULH0RUDQ±3DPSROLQD)DPLO\ are looking to mentor and train a few adults who are willing to take the plunge and share their faith as they grow in scripture knowledge. Is this you? We'll provide the training and support. The commitment is an hour and a half a week during the school year. Several spots open. Contact the Religious Education Office at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perationRiceBowlAppreciation Thank you to the families of our Parish Religious Education Program who contributed $3,735 to Catholic Relief Services for Operation Rice Bowl in order to feed the hungry of the world. Our combined Lenten sacrifice does make a difference! :H$UHD7LWKLQJ3DULVK *RG·V3ODQIRU*LYLQJ “Tithing is a gift from God to be used or not used. Thank you for asking us to tithe. I must put faith into practice and I must use my gift of faith. Tithing helps me to put God first in many things, and also helps me to see more clearly that everything is a gift to be used. Pray for me that I will use the gifts that God has given me in a way He would want me to use them. “ ~ A Parishioner July 31, 2016 $15,754 July 26, 2015 $16,302 Discovering Christ by Ralph Capasso I am Lazarus. So are you! Christ will raise us. This is true. Martha knew it. We do, too. So focus, focus On the goal: Saving your immortal soul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¶VGLIILFXOWLHVYLVLWWKH%OHVVHG 6DFUDPHQWRIWKHLQILQLWHORYHRI&KULVWDQG+LV0HUF\ SUHVHUYHGLQRXU&KXUFKHVDQGRIWHQDEDQGRQHGWR VSHDNILOLDOO\ZLWK+LPLQVLOHQFHWRSHDFHIXOHQWUXVW \RXUVHOIWR+LP3RSH)UDQFLV 6W0DU\¶VKDV(XFKDULVWLF$GRUDWLRQHYHU\ 7KXUVGD\DIWHUWKH$00DVVXQWLO30 %HUHDYHPHQW 0LQLVWU\ .DUHQ .DWDILDV]LQ*ULHI7KHUDS\VWDW HV ³%HRSHQWRWKHSDL QRI\RXUEURNHQKHDUW *RG HQWHUV WKURXJKLWVEURNHQQHVV ´ ³/RVLQJ 6RPHRQH &ORVH´ E\ 'U5REHUW 'L*LXOLR ZLOOEHGLVFXVVHGDWRXUQH[W PHHWLQJ RQ 7KXUVGD\ $XJXVW DW 30 DQGUHSHDWHG DW 30LQ6W 0DU\¶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ould you like to be an angel? Please prayerfully consider sponsoring, or partially sponsoring (no donation is too small), a child’s tuition in our school. Your gift will provide a life-changing opportunity for families who truly want a Catholic education for their children, but need assistance with the tuition. Your donation is tax deductible. Please call the school office at 896-9561 for more information. A special thank you to those Parishioners who have already become our very special “angels”! 5HJLVWUDWLRQ %RRN&OXE Come to the Ark 7KH WZRERRNVIRU VXPPHU UHDGLQJ DUH:KR 'HVLJQHG WKH'HV LJQHU" E\ 0LFKDHO $XJUXV DQG :H OO 1HYHU7HOO 7KHPE\)LRUHOOD'H0DULD%RWKERRNVZLOO EH GLVFXVVHGRQ 6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU WKDW$0LQWKH&KDSHO+DYHDVDIH DQGEOHVVHGVXPPHUDQGKDSS\UHDGLQJ The Ark and The Dove Preschool of St. Denis Church has limited openings in our preschool classes. We offer a variety of programs for 2, 3 and 4 year old children. Our Catholic preschool program provides a wonderful faith foundation in a nurturing and stimulating early-childhood environment. Our curriculum is literature-based and teacher-created, following the NYS Pre-Kindergarten Learning Standards and the Common Core. For more information or to register, please call us at 227-5232. We are on summer hours, so please leave a message and your call will be returned. )RRG3DQWU\ :HQHHGWRUHP HPEHUWKDWWKHUHLVVWLOOD QHHGIRU IRRG LQWKHVXPP HU (YHQP RUH VREHFDXVHWKH FKLOGUHQ DUHKRP H ,I\RXFDQGHOLYHUIUHVKRU IUR]HQIRRGWRWKH3DQWU\SOHDVHFRQVLGHUKRWGRJV FKLFNHQ OHJVEXUJHUVURWLVVHULHFKLFNHQIUR]HQ SRWDWRHVULFHLQER[HVRUEDJVIURPOEWRID PLO\ VL]HDQ\NLQGRIER[HGSRW DWRHVUROOVFRQGLPHQWV DQGEDNHG EHDQVFDQQHGSDVWDVVXFKDV 6SDJKHWWLRV UDYLROLHWF :H FDQDOZD\VXVHEDWK WLVVXH EDUVRDSVKDP SRR FRQGLWLRQHURU RWKHU SHUVRQDO K\JLHQHSURGXFWV7KDQN\RXIRU\RXU FRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWDQG*RGEOHVV\RXDOO CATHOLIC WIDOWS and WIDOWERS of DUTCHESS and PUTNAM COUNTIES The group will meet on the third Tuesday of the month, August 16th, at 7:00PM in the Parish Meeting Room at Saint Kateri Church, 1925 Route 82, in Hopewell Junction. For more information, please call Joan at 2233097. WARMER WEATHER IS HERE, AND SO IS SUMMER CLOTHING… /HW XVEHUHP LQGHG RI WKH LPSRUWDQW UROHWKDWR XU FKXUFKJRLQJ DSSDUHOSOD\ V LQKHLJKWHQLQJRXU IDPLOLHV¶DZDUHQHVVRIWKHXQLTXHDQGVDFUHGDFWLYLW\ WKDWLVRXUSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQ WKH(XFKDULVW2XUFXOWXUH FDQ EHRYHUO\ FDVXDODERXWDWWLUH :H GRQRWZDQW WKDWWRKDSSHQWRRXUPRVWSUHFLRXVVSLULWXDOPRPHQW 7KDQN\RXIRU\RXUFRRSHUDWLRQDQGVXSSRUW 0DU\ 6HQLRU+HDOWKDQG:HOOQHVV)DLU Archcare and HRHCare are pleased to invite you to a Senior Health and Wellness Fair to be held at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 62 Mill Street, Dover Plains, on August 11, from 10AM-2PM. A complimentary lunch will be served. There will be over a dozen local agencies sharing important health and wellness information. Additionally, the Archcare/HRHCare Mobile Clinic van will be on site to provide health screenings such as blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring. This event is open to seniors, caregivers and those who work with elders such as parish volunteers, deacons and Eucharistic Ministers. There is no charge but reservations are required. Please RSVP to Marilyn/St.Charles at 845-877-9934 extension 3 (or [email protected]) or Sr. Mary Anne/Archcare at 718407-2913 (or [email protected]) and leave your name, contact number and number attending. )HDVWRI(GLWK6WHLQ 3OHDVH MRLQ XVRQ 7XHVGD\ $XJXVW WKIRU WKH )HDVW GD\RI6W7HUH VD %HQHGLFWD RIWKH&U RVV (GLWK6WHLQDWRXU $00DVVWREHIROORZHG E\DOLJKWOXQFKDQGYLGHRSUHVHQWDWLRQLQWKH(GLWK 6WHLQ &RQIHUHQFHDUHD 7KHFRVWW R DWWHQGLV SHUSHUVRQ3OHDVH5693WR&DURO %H]DN6KULQH 'LUHFWRU DWEHIRUHQRRQRQ0RQG D\ $XJXVWWK Saratoga Raceway & Casino The John Paul Assembly 2917 is running a bus trip to Saratoga Raceway and Casino. The bus will leave Knights’ Hall at 9:30AM on Thursday, August 25. The cost will be $35 per person, which includes the gratuity for the driver. The Hall is located at the corner of All Angel’s Hill Road and Route 82, behind the Mobil Gas station. For more information, contact Bill Hunt at 896-6187 or 549-5165. All proceeds will go to a charity of the Knights’ choosing. For the people going just to the Casino, I will need your card number. Thank you. Safe Environment Program Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-8611762 or Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 at ext. 2949. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, In keeping with the ADNY policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. E XPRESS D EPOT , I NC . 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(800) 333-3166 • Halvey FAMILY HEARING CENTER Lori Lowney Biasotti, Au.D, CCC-A Three Generations of Service Doctor of Audiology Hearing Aid Sales & Service Funeral Home Peter T. Halvey Patrick J. Halvey 831-0380 24 Willow Street, Beacon, NY Real Mexican Taste In Every Bite. Child & Adult Hearing Evaluations 896-3020 18 WESTAGE BUSINESS CENTER DR., SUITE 16, FISHKILL 213 Route 82 • Fishkill 897-3059 “We Treat You Like Family” A & G Community Auto Repair Ltd. 1060 Route 82 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 845-223-7253 • 845-227-6587 General Contractor Construction Management Fishkill, NY • 845-896-5496 24 Hour Towing • Nights 227-6587 CHRISTIAN CAMPILII, P.T. LYNN CAMPILII, P.T. BETH SNYDER, P.T. 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JOSEPH SEALCOATING (845) REFUSE REMOVAL SYSTEMS (845) 845) 896-6000 (800) 522-7235 BARRE MEMORIALS 475-9218 STANCO’S AUTO BODY Need a mortgage? Trust US. • Expert Collision Repairs • Free Estimates Parishioner Owned • Over 20 Years Experience 265-7825 3340 Route 9, Cold Spring Matthew Eugenio Mortgage Specialist • NMLS# 1044321 (845) 987-2866 • meugenio Pregnant? Need someone to talk to? BIRTHRIGHT can help! 473-1300 1-800-550-4900 National 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline (845) 221-9195 Fax: (845) 221-9028 2449 Route 52 (845) 226-9934 Fax: (845) 226-4351 567 Old Hopewell Rd ‘A Black Belt Is A White Belt That Never Quits!’ Home Heating Oil • Propane • Diesel 24 Hour 365 Days A Year Service All Star Karate Martial Arts & Fitness 1475 Route 9D, Suite A9, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 CHURCH BULLETIN ADVERTISING DOES YOUR • Establish a relationship? • Earn referrals? ADVERTISING • Capture repeat business? • Build a friendship? • Generate a testimony? This happens for thousands every day with church bulletin advertising! The constant visual presence your business needs to succeed. Jp Community support worthy of patronizing! © (845) 831-3113 845-265-3663 JOHN PATRICK publishing company, inc. F A M I L I A R • T R U S T E D • P R O V E N E F F E C T I V E . . . NOW THAT’S ADVERTISING! 1.800.333.3166 ext.161 | 418 St. Mary, Mother of the Church, Fishkill, NY (i) FX John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • SEDORE & COMPANY, CPA’S Robert H. Auchmoody Funeral Homes, Inc. ESTABLISHED 1929 Shawn L. Auchmoody, Michael J. Sontheimer Anthony J. Calabrese, Ginny L. Servay 900 Route 82 Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 845-221-9234 David A. Brand BRAND CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 1545 Rte. 52, Suite 8 Fishkill, NY 12524 845-440-8250 [email protected] Tutoring for Success on: 1028 Main Street Fishkill, NY 12524 845-896-6166 Fishkill Beer & Soda (845) 897-5812 Private Math Tutoring Parishioner NYS Certified Mathematics Teacher WANTED Scrap Metal Of Any Kind 845-897-1040 Fax 845-896-8416 1068 Main Street Fishkill, NY 12524 fast and easy bottle & can redemption we take ‘em all! OPEN 7 DAYS HOME IMPROVEMENT PATRICK BURKE, Lic. Contractor Fishkill, NY • PARISHIONER Cell 845-656-1858 (Next to Jerricks) Fishkill, NY Open 7 Days 845-897-582 820 Custom Cakes Cupcakes Cake Pops Cookie Favors Leo’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria Take Out Or Dine In • Catering St. Christopher’s Inn Thrift Shop 845-424-3635 10% off total purchase with this bulletin 1004 Main St. Fishkill 845.202.7281 “That Nothing Be Lost” Free Removal Of All Scrap STADIUM PLAZA Four floors of treasures to explore! Pay CA$H For Vehicles Wed – Sun, 10am – 5pm, Donations until 3pm 1475 Rt. 9D, Wappingers Falls Running Or Not 16 Franciscan Way, Graymoor, Garrison Cleaning Up Pleasant Valley Since 1994 845-392-2941 Dutchess Park Plaza Flowers & Gifts for every [email protected] Occasion Daily Deliveries Local and PAT P. REAL ESTATE If you are selling or buying, Pat’s proven track record, knowledge Around the World and experience will get the job done for you. Flowers • Plants • Gift Baskets PATRICIA PETROSILLO Balloons • Boyd’s Bears REAL ESTATE BROKER Crabtree & Evelyn Cell: 845-705-7130 45 Jackson Street • Fishkill Office: 845-298-8939 (845) 896-6268 We Deliver 7 Days A Week FREE ESTIMATES Spirits Sp irits & 1545-3 Rt. 52 985 Main St., Fishkill 845-897-5412 - Grades/Final Exams No job is to big or too small. - NYS Regents - NYS Assessments Kitchens/Baths/Tile/Decks - 7 thru 12 including Powerwashing/Painting Common Core Roseanne Freih Serving the Community for over 30 years Supple’s Wines 845-838-3446 Mary Ellen Roth 30 Year Agent • Parishioner President’s Club Agent 982 Main Street • Fishkill (behind CVS) 845-896-6661 www. Mobile Service - Just Give Us A Call - We’ll Come To You! Providing Insurance and Financial Services - State Farm Insurance Companies - Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois “A Family Business You Can Trust” THE HUDSON VALLEY’S PREMIER JEWELER 184 Exit 13 (9 North) Btwn. 184 & Red Line Diner • Fire Extinguisher Sales & Service • Industrial / Medical Gas • Welding Supplies Store: 845-202-7367 Deli: 845-202-7369 LOS ANDES 845-473-3357 Buying? Selling? Questions? Call ME - Your Neighborhood Specialist! Dawne Salamone Associate Real Estate Broker Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/HVP Main St., Fishkill 845.453.0925 [email protected] Parishioner Catechist 418 St. Mary, Mother of the Church, Fishkill, NY (b) FX General Construction Fully Insured • Free Estimates On-Site Jewelry Repair • Watch Batteries Custom Design Services Baptism, Communion & Confirmation Gifts PANDORA, Alex & Ani and much more... 1655 Route 9 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-298-8599 The Law Offices Of Karen Crotty Palumbo,LLC BY APPOINT. 272 MILL STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12601 MORTGAGES NEW YORK CONNECTICUT 1203 NORTH AVENUE P.O. BOX 110 BEACON, NY 12508 (845) 831-8300 All Home Improvements Purchase * Refi * Renovate * Reverse Demolition • Sheetrock • Painting Roofing • Kitchens • Taping • Siding Decks • Flooring/Tiling (845) 677-5298 Mike Decker Call 845-590-MIKE (6453) Fairway Mortgage Services, NMLS #55219 • NMLS #67336 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •