June 12, 2013 EDC Board of Directors Agenda
June 12, 2013 EDC Board of Directors Agenda
Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Meeting Agenda Economic Development Corporation Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:30 PM City Hall The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Sachse will hold a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Sachse City Hall, 3815 Sachse Road, Building B, Sachse, Texas to consider the following items of business: 1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas Flags 2. Regular Agenda Items: 13-1577 Consider and take action on the minutes of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regular meeting of May 8, 2013 and a Special Called Meeting of May 22, 2013. Executive Summary Consider approval of the meeting minutes for May 8, 2013 and May 22,2013. Attachments: Minutes050813.pdf MinutesSpecialMtg052213RRQZPH.pdf 13-1578 Reports and presentations by the Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director regarding special events, announcements and activities. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director provide verbal reports regarding special events, announcements and activities. Attachments: MedicaPressRelease.pdf MedicaPresentation.pdf ICSCReport2013.pdf MonthlyReportJune2013.pdf 13-1579 Consider receiving the Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending April 2013 and the summary Budget Report for May 2013. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation Treasurer will Sachse, Texas Page 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 Economic Development Corporation Meeting Agenda June 12, 2013 prepare reports each month to update the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regarding revenues and expenditures. Attachments: MonthlyRevExp043013.pdf Budget to Actual0513.pdf ComericaBankCD0613.pdf 13-1580 A presentation by Carmen Moran, A.I.C.P., Director of Development Services for the Town of Addison to talk about redevelopment initiatives. Executive Summary Carmen Moran will talk about redevelopment initiatives implemented by the Town of Addison and relate those initiatives to possible redevelopment of Highway 78 corridor in Sachse. Attachments: 13-1581 CarmenMoranBio.pdf A presentation and discussion on a preliminary incentive policy for recruitment of industrial development. Executive Summary Although the City of Sachse has a small industrial park, the expansion of the park could be accelerated with an incentive policy for industrial development. Attachments: IndustrialIncentivePolicyComparison.pdf IndustrialIncentivePolicyPresentation.pdf 13-1582 Consider and take action regarding the Preliminary 2013-2014 Sachse Economic Development Corporation Annual Budget. Executive Summary The Board considers all matters of the annual budget. Attachments: 13-1583 BudgetDraft2013-2014.pdf Future agenda items. Executive Summary The Board lists topics of discussion for future meetings. 3. Adjournment State law prohibits the introduction or discussion of any item of business not posted at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting time. Posted: June 7, 2013; 5:00 p.m. Carlos Vigil, Executive Director ______________ Sachse, Texas Page 2 Printed on 6/6/2013 Economic Development Corporation Meeting Agenda June 12, 2013 If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact Terry Smith, City Secretary at (972) 495-1212, 48 business hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. Sachse, Texas Page 3 Printed on 6/6/2013 Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1577 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC meeting minutes. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: Consider and take action on the minutes of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regular meeting of May 8, 2013 and a Special Called Meeting of May 22, 2013. Executive Summary Consider approval of the meeting minutes for May 8, 2013 and May 22,2013. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Minutes050813.pdf MinutesSpecialMtg052213RRQZPH.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Consider and take action on the minutes of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regular meeting of May 8, 2013 and a Special Called Meeting of May 22, 2013. Executive Summary Consider approval of the meeting minutes for May 8, 2013 and May 22,2013. Background Minutes of meetings are prepared in writing and distributed for approval. Policy Considerations Robert's Rules of Order. Budgetary Considerations None. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the meeting minutes for May 8, 2013 and May 22, 2013. Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SACHSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Wednesday, May 8, 2013 – 6:30 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS§ COUNTIES OF DALLAS AND COLLIN§ The Board of Directors of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation convened in a public meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, notice of the meeting having been posted as prescribed at Sachse City Hall, 3815 Sachse Road, Building B, Sachse, Texas as required by Chapter 551, Local Texas Government Code. The roll of the duly constituted members of the Board of Directors was called, which members are as follows, to-wit: Eric Dumois Spencer Hauenstein Suzanne Politz Jared Patterson Mark Caldwell Carlos Vigil, Executive Director Kenneth Thomas Brian Poff Call the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Mr. Dumois called the meeting to order. 1) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas Flags. Mr. Patterson led the group in the invocation. Mr. Poff led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2) Regular agenda items: 13-1516 - Consider and take action on minutes of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation meeting for April 10, 2013. Mr. Patterson noted that Spencer’s last name was left off the motion to adjourn. Mr. Poff noted that item 13-1470 did not state who had seconded. Mr. Patterson made a motion to approve the minutes with the noted changes. Mr. Caldwell seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. 13-1517 - Reports and presentations by SEDC President, Board Members, and Executive Director regarding special events, announcements and activities. (a) President – Mr. Dumois announced the Chamber golf tournament; Bike Rodeo; voting times; Pet Shot Clinic; Seniors Sock Hop; City offices closing; Water restrictions; attendance at ICSC by Mr. Hauenstein and Mr. Vigil. (b) Board Members (c) Executive Director – Mr. Vigil reviewed the on-going projects as reported in the written report in the agenda packet. Mr. Dumois asked about scheduling a strategic planning session later in the year. 13-1518 - Consider receiving the Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending March 2013 and the summary Budget Report for April 2013. Teresa Savage was present to review all the financial reports in the agenda packet. There were not any questions or discussions held. Mr. Hauenstein made a motion to approve the Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report and the Budget Report as presented. Mr. Poff seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. Minutes050813 Page 1 of 3 13-1519 - A presentation by Clayton Collins on the real estate inventory data base for Highway 78. Mr. Collins presented the real estate inventory and provided an update of all the research that was performed to date on all the property along Highway 78 in the City of Sachse. Mr. Collins noted that information collected on all the properties. A short discussion followed about the next step to take for beautification and redevelopment efforts. Everyone provided a different perspective on the improvements that need to be implemented in order to create a more appealing transportation corridor and be inviting to businesses and their customers. A suggestion was made to talk with other cities who have gone through similar redevelopment efforts and invite them to speak with the Board. It was suggested to set aside funds for beautification and redevelopment strategies. It was suggested to develop a wish list of the top 10 items that would make the most impact. Mr. Thomas volunteered to serve on a committee with Mr. Vigil to develop the wish list. Mr. Dumois also agreed to meet and provide input. No other action was taken. 13-1520 – Consider and take action regarding the Preliminary 2013-2014 Sachse Economic Development Corporation Annual Budget. Mr. Vigil presented the overall budget as was approved for 2012-2013. He talked about how the budget was within the approved amounts and that there was not any one line item over budget. He also noted that the SEDC budget was different than any city department budget due to the nature of business negotiations and that there may be a requirement to act on an expenditure and it is necessary to have funds available without having to get preliminary approvals at regularly scheduled meetings. It was suggested to include items that the City of Sachse may want to request, and also set aside funds for the Highway 78 project. A short discussion was held on holding a strategic planning session and allowing funds for a facilitator. Mr. Vigil stated he would revise the budget and make another presentation at the next meeting to get preliminary approval to take to the City Council at the June budget workshop. No action was taken. 13-1527 - Convene Executive Session pursuant to the provisions of Texas Government Code: Deliberation regarding economic development discussion of commercial and retail projects to be located generally along vacant land tracts bordering the north side and south side of the President George Bush Turnpike within the City of Sachse. At 7:53 Mr. Hauenstein made a motion to Convene Executive Session. Mr. Thomas seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. 13-1528 - Convene open session and consider any action necessary as a result of Executive Session. At 8:29pm Mr. Patterson made a motion to Convene Open Session. Mr. Poff seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. The Board suggested that Mr. Vigil contact LARC and the North Place Church representatives for discussions about development of the Sachse Sports Station. There was not any action taken 13-1521 - Consider and take action regarding Sachse Economic Development Corporation real estate being approximately 3.75 acres located at 2 Ben Davis Road, Sachse, Texas. Several ideas were proposed about the land that the SEDC owns. Mr. Thomas suggested that we contact the YMCA. Mr. Hauenstein suggested that the property be listed for sale after an appraised value is determined. Mr. Vigil he needed to have the unanimous vote of the Board to contract for an appraisal and survey if the property was going to be listed for sale. Mr. Caldwell made a motion to expend funds for the appraisal and survey. Mr. Thomas seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. Minutes050813 Page 2 of 3 13-1522 - Convene Executive Session pursuant to the provisions of Texas Government Code Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property owned by the Sachse Economic Development Corporation. The Board did not Convene Executive Session 13-1523 - Convene open session and consider any action necessary as a result of Executive Session. No action taken. 13-1524 - Convene Executive Session pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074 relating to the personnel matters: Discuss semiannual evaluation of the Executive Director. At 8:41pm Mr. Poff made a motion to Convene Executive Session. Mrs. Politz seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 13-1525 - Convene Open Session to consider and take action as a result of Executive Session. At 9:29pm Mr. Poff made a motion to Convene Open Session. Mr. Thomas seconded and the motion carried unanimously. No action taken. 13-1526 - Future agenda items. Arnold Automotive sign grant application. Land appraisal information on SEDC property. LARC update. Highway 78 wish list. City Planner presentation. ICSC Report. 2) Adjourn At 9:32pm Mr. Patterson made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hauenstein seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. ______________________________ Eric Dumois, President Minutes050813 ____________________________ Carlos D. Vigil, Executive Director Page 3 of 3 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SACHSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Wednesday, May 22, 2013 STATE OF TEXAS§ COUNTIES OF DALLAS AND COLLIN§ The Board of Directors of the Sachse Economic Development Corporation convened in a Special Called Meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, notice of the meeting having been posted as prescribed at Sachse City Hall, 3815 Sachse Road, Building B, Sachse, Texas as required by Chapter 551, Local Texas Government Code. The roll of the duly constituted members of the Board of Directors was called, which members are as follows, to-wit: Kenneth Thomas Jared Patterson Darrell Lensch Eric Dumois Mark Caldwell Brian Poff Suzanne Politz Carlos Vigil, Executive Director Call the meeting to order: At 7:05pm Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order. Mr. Patterson and Mrs. Politz were noted as being absent. 1) Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. and Texas Flags. Mr. Thomas led the group in an invocation. Mr. Hauenstein led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2) Regular agenda items: 13-1549 Conduct Public Hearing regarding a funding request for a project for the City of Sachse for a Railroad Quiet Zone along the Kansas City Southern Railroad parallel with Highway 78 for an amount not to exceed $142,450.00. Mr. Dumois invited Mr. Billy George to present the funding request for the Railroad Quiet Zone funding request. Mr. George gave a brief outline of the project and the request for funding. Mr. Dumois opened the public hearing invited anyone to speak in favor or in opposition to funding this request by the SEDC. There was not any other present to speak for or against the funding request. At 6:34pm Mr. Dumois closed the public hearing. 13-1550 – Consider and take action regarding a Resolution approving a Project Development Agreement for a funding request for a Railroad Quiet Zone. Mr. Hauenstein made a motion to approve by Resolution #0522 the funding for the City of Sachse for a Railroad Quiet Zone for an amount not to exceed $142,450.00 and to make a recommendation to the City Council for approval. Mr. Thomas seconded and the motion carried with a unanimous vote of the four members present. At 6:46pm Mr. Poff made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hauenstein seconded and the motion carried with a unanimous vote of the four members present. APPROVED: ATTEST: ___________________________ Eric Dumois, President Sachse Economic Development Corporation __________________________ Carlos D. Vigil, Executive Director Page 1 of 1 Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1578 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC Reports and Presentations. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: Reports and presentations by the Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director regarding special events, announcements and activities. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director provide verbal reports regarding special events, announcements and activities. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date MedicaPressRelease.pdf MedicaPresentation.pdf ICSCReport2013.pdf MonthlyReportJune2013.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Reports and presentations by the Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director regarding special events, announcements and activities. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation President, Board Members and Executive Director provide verbal reports regarding special events, announcements and activities. Background Announcements are made at this time only for information purposes. Policy Considerations There is no action or discussion of topics presented. Budgetary Considerations None. Staff Recommendations None. Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ Press Release Contact: Paul McCleary (972.499.6309) [email protected] INCEPTA HEALTHCARE ANNOUNCES NEW MEDICAL CENTER TO BE BUILT IN THE CITY OF SACHSE, TEXAS Sachse Regional Medical Center to be the city’s first hospital Sachse, TX –Incepta Healthcare is proud to announce the development and operation of the first general acute care hospital to be located in Sachse, Texas. Sachse Regional Medical Center, will anchor a new 35-acre integrated medical services campus being developed by Medica Development, LLCat the intersection of Miles Road and the President George Bush Turnpike in Sachse, Texas. The new 80,000 square foot hospital will provide 24 general acute care inpatient/observation beds, a 24-bed emergency department, 2 surgical suites and fullservice diagnostic capabilities: MRI, CT Scan, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound and Digital X-Ray, available 24/7 to serve inpatients and outpatients. The hospital also will include a full laboratory and blood bank, pharmacy and dietary department/cafeteria. The hospital will be complemented by medical offices, as well as post-acute and ancillary care facilities, that will ultimately provide a wide range of medical services for patients of all ages. “We are excited to have this unique opportunity to join with the City of Sachse, our project teammates and leading medical professionals to serve as a hometown healthcare resource to this vibrant community and surrounding area,” said Incepta Healthcare CEO,David S. Wanger. “We are especially privileged to play a role in supporting the continued growth, prosperity and well-being of Sachse.” In addition to the commercial development, Sachse Regional Medical Center will create 250 new jobs and add significantly to the area’s growing tax base. William W. (Bill) Persefield, CEO of Medica Development and a longtime resident of the area, added, “Sachse Regional Medical Center and the medical campus that it anchors are intended to address the underserved medical needs of the Sachse community. We look forward to being a significant contributor to the health and well-being of the residents of Sachse and surrounding communities.” Sachse Regional Medical Center is scheduled to open in September of 2014. ABOUT INCEPTA HEALTHCARE Incepta Healthcare is a provider of acute care hospital services whose culture of speed and quality results in a timely, high-touch patient experience in state-of-the-art facilities and fosters innovation at all personnel levels. ABOUT SACHSE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Sachse Regional Medical Center is a private acute care community hospital providing twenty-four inpatient beds and twenty emergency care beds to meet the healthcare needs of Sachse, Texas and the surrounding community. ABOUT MEDICA DEVELOPMENT, LLC Founded in 2007 by veteran healthcare architect William W. “Bill” Persefield, AIA, ACHA, ASHE, NCARB, Medica Development, LLC is a Texas-based development company that specializes in build-to-suit medical facilities for a national clientele of operators, managers, owners and investors of acute and post-acute hospitals, surgery centers, clinics and ancillary facilities. Visit Medica on the web at www.medicadevelopment.com. ### Sachse Regional Medical Center An Incepta Healthcare Hospital Developed by Medica Development, LLC in Sachse,Texas Sachse Regional Medical Center Site • 35 Acre Site Currently Under Contract • Location: President George Bush Turnpike and Miles Road Sachse Regional Medical Center Site • 35 Acre Site Currently Under Contract • Location: President George Bush Turnpike and Miles Road Proposed Sachse Regional Medical Center Site Sachse Regional Medical Center Site • 35 Acre Site Currently Under Contract • Location: President George Bush Turnpike and Miles Road Sachse Regional Medical Center Site Sachse Regional Medical Center Team • Developer: Medica Development, LLC • Operator: Incepta Healthcare, LLC • Architect: Curtis Group Architects • Engineers: Walter P. Moore (Structural) SSR (Mechanical/Electrical) Kimley-Horn (Site / Civil) • Contractor: Rogers-O’Brien Construction Company What is Sachse Regional Medical Center? • Full-Service General Acute Care Hospital • Twenty-Four (24) General Acute Care Licensed Inpatient Beds • Twenty-Four (24) Full Emergency Department Beds • Two (2) Surgical Suites • Licensed by Texas Department of Health Services • Certified by U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) for participation Sachse Regional Medical Center Services • Inpatient and Outpatient Medical Services • Full-Service Laboratory and Blood Bank • Full Range of Diagnostic Services (available 24/7) • MRI • CT Scan • Nuclear Medicine • Ultrasound • Digital X-Ray • Pharmacy • Dietary Department Niche General Acute Care Medicine • Hospital is highly efficient and smaller by design, with future expansion capabilities • Proven model to deliver state-of-the art emergency medicine services backed by a “no wait” service guarantee • Speed is a core element of high quality, patient-centered care • Fully complies with the Patient Affordability Healthcare Act • Nimble and able to offer full battery of community hospital services to care for residents of Sachse and nearby area • Proactively complements larger, more specialized hospitals in the service area • Full transfer agreements with surrounding facilities provide mechanism for caring for higher-acuity patients • Majority of medical staff anticipated to be Board Certified Anticipated Community Impact of SRMC • Job Creation: 250 new FTE employment positions in initial phase • Generally higher salary, higher educated positions, with a Year One payroll of $14 million • Anticipated first year gross revenues: $160 million • Anticipated first year net revenues: $64 million • Banking locally, which means bringing in outside Federal, State and Insurance monies Anticipated Community Impact of SRMC • Attracting physicians and healthcare professionals to reside in Sachse • SRMC will anchor a full medical campus, including: • • • • • Two Medical Office Buildings Surgical Hospital Long-Term Acute Care Hospital Physical and Occupational Rehabilitation Hospital Assisted Living + Memory Care Facilities Going Forward • The Operations Team from Incepta and Sachse Regional Medical Center look forward to the start of our collaborative relationship with the City of Sachse, beginning with: • In-Depth Operational Overview in July 2013 • 90-Day Updates during Construction • Invitations to Major Milestone Events • Participation in Hospital Advisory Board Activities • Community Health Screenings and Health Education Events Discussion Thank You! May 23, 2013 International Council of Shopping Centers Report Overall, the attendance by Spencer Hauenstein, VP of the SEDC and Carlos Vigil was positive for the meetings held and optimistic for future development. We held 11 scheduled meetings with retailer representatives and cold called on several others that would meet with us. Below is a synopsis of the meetings: Costco Wholesale – Meeting with Steve McArthur, Master Broker. The market trade area for the Rockwall and Plano stores border each other in Sachse and they do not want to take away from either store by building in Sachse. The Sam’s stores around the area of each store provide too much competition for them to build another store. Best Western – Interest in building after the development of the projects on the PGBT. Will be looking for incentives to attract a franchisee and will need to have a hotel feasibility analysis performed. Fazoli’s Restaurant – A restaurant operation that can be corporate or individual franchise with a capital investment of $250 to 750k. Will require an inline center building location of approximately 2400sf and will require a drive through. Arby’s – One person has purchased 50 existing locations within the Sachse area. The corporate office will offer him the Sachse district as soon as he proves to the corporate office that he can sustain the ones purchased. Academy – There is a store being built on Garland Road and Naaman Road. They are going to monitor the store for a few months to determine the need for another store. They received the site plans for the proposed Page 1 development next to the future Walmart and like the idea of being in that location. Steak N’ Shake – Currently, the corporate requirement is 25 miles between restaurants and Sachse is too close to the Rockwall location. They are considering relaxing the 25 mile distance requirement and are trying that in Tyler and Texarkana. They opened 25 stores last year, 40 this year and propose 100 for next year. A franchise operation cost $40k for the license and $1.2 to $1.6M investment. Marriott Corporation – At this time, Sachse is suited for a Fairfield Inn & Suites, but could be upgraded if the population and trade area changes. The proposed new developments of medical and sports venues will be a good catalyst for a hotel. There is a possibility to include a conference center with the development. Jack in the Box – We met with the scheduled representative however she referred us to another contact who was not at the conference. I will follow up with them at a later time. Some of the stores are individual franchises and others are corporate. YUM! Brands – They are the corporate owners of Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell. Each restaurant has their own broker and we could only meet with the Pizza Hut broker, David Rowell, however if he can determine that the market supports any of the others they will share the information. At this time, KFC is not considering any new fried chicken restaurants. They are introducing a new concept and will have to prove its market acceptance before considering the small urban markets. Sachse is a growing market for a Taco Bell and will be considered. Pizza Hut will schedule to tour the city for another location in the proposed new development across from Walmart. Safeway – They manage the Randall’s and Tom Thumb stores. The Randall’s store in Murphy is too close for another location in Sachse. Cato Fashions – They have considered the Sachse market and are interested in the new retail development. They have been considering Fire Wheel. One of their requirements is to be close to a grocery store operation. They wanted to be next to the Kroger’s store but did not find the square footage they needed. Corner Bakery – They like the demographics of Sachse and will consider the proposed new retail development. Although the broker for Corner Bakery was not available for a meeting, we obtained the Texas representative Page 2 contact information. They asked us to submit the site plans on the new retail development for consideration. Moe’s Restaurant – Sachse fits their market requirements and are interested in the new retail development. They want to consider other sites as well so have asked for us to submit the real estate information for available sites that may be a good location for one of their restaurants. Ace Hardware – Their stores are franchisee owned. The rents on these locations need to be triple net and must be $9.00/SF in order for a store to generate $1m in sales/year. They asked for me to send them a real estate package for further consideration. Kossman Development – This developer opened the shopping mall in Mansfield and Waxahachie. They may be interested in Sachse Sports Station and want to review the concept plans and feasibility study. Schostak Brothers & Company – This is a retail developer who typically develops around Walmart stores. Contact him again after the Walmart has started construction. Edge Realty – I keep in contact with Josh Flores of this company in Dallas and he was not aware of all the new development in Sachse. We will schedule a time to meet and tour Sachse for possible developments. Venture Realty – Joe Berry has been a contact with Venture for three years and although we missed meeting with him at the conference I will schedule a meeting to update him on the new developments in Sachse. 7-11 Convenience Store – A meeting with Mike Triantafellou, Senior Director Regional Development Lone Star Zone, who stated that he “killed” the deal for developing in Sachse due to the many requirements for development. After the expense of $100K, they felt it was better to walk away. They are willing to meet with us and show all the money spent on the project. I will schedule a meeting with city representatives and 7-11. Dunkin Donuts – They need morning traffic counts on Highway 78. Will consider the end cap to a shopping center or a free standing conversion. The store model ranges from 800SF to 1100SF. Jimmy Johns – They have asked to see a marketing package with demographics and maps that show residential concentrations. LA Fitness – This group is in discussions with Bob Colley about a lease at the proposed development next to the Walmart. Page 3 Famous Footwear – Are very interested in the proposed new development as soon as it opens. Send site plans for review and consideration. La Madeleine – This restaurant is under the LeDuff group and will consider the proposed new retail development when it opens. They asked for site plans and demographic analysis. Page 4 On-going SEDC and City Projects June 12, 2013 Update Leisure and Recreation Concepts (LARC) – Mr. Jenkins has indicated he has developers who are interested in this development. He will be contacting those that are interested and send our way for further discussion. He is talking with Children’s Hospital Group about subdividing the land for the sports station. I have been in contact with Northplace Church, Bryan Jarrett for values on the 70 acres. Highway 78 Beautification – Carmen Moran will be talking to the SEDC Board about redevelopment efforts that occurred in Addison and talk about the steps and goals to implement a strategy for redevelopment and beautification of Highway 78. Industrial Development Incentive Policy – The draft policy will be presented to the Board for discussion. Woodbridge and Cody Lane extension –The city engineer is coordinating with the developer and the contractor regarding the SH 78/Woodbridge Parkway intersection. Final walkthrough will be requested by the Developer soon. Lizzie B’s Florist (Variance) – variance for parking approved by Zoning Board of Adjustment. Lizzie will proceed with remodeling plans. Frankie’s Restaurant (Variance) – variance for patio approved by Zoning Board of Adjustment. Will proceed with design plans. Mansions Multifamily Development (Preliminary Plat) – to be considered by the City Council at a future date. Sambina Brookview – The anniversary date for completion of the project is August 10, 2013. No activity to date. Church’s Chicken (Building Permit) – Currently under construction. Wal-Mart (Sign Variance) – the applicant has requested a postponement until a future meeting. This item is tentatively scheduled to go on the July 1 City Council meeting. Wal-Mart (Building Permit) – issued engineering comments to the consulting engineer. Barnyard Gate Daycare 4693 Bunker Hill – received engineering plans. Pirkey Vet Clinic – Construction of private improvements is ongoing. Glen Carr House of Sachse – Construction has begun. The building will not be able to go vertical until the final plat has been approved and filed for record. DeFeo Property/Ranch Road –Staff is working with the developer to prepare the first draft of this Agreement. The City Attorney is preparing a draft of this agreement, which is tentatively scheduled to proceed to City Council for consideration in July 2013. North Place Church – A Final Plat Application was submitted. This item is expected to go before Planning and Zoning Commission on June 10 for final approval. MonthlyReportJune2013 SEDC Property – The survey has been ordered from Precise Land Surveying, Inc. ANB will provide comparable on values for the land without a complete appraisal cost. Subway Restaurant – Open for business. Weekly SEDC Project Report May 3, 2013 Economic Development Corporation: Attended management leadership meeting with department directors. All directors share of ongoing activities in their departments. Bi-weekly meeting with city manager to discuss on-going projects. Meeting with Carmen Moran, City Planner, Town of Addison, discuss vision and strategic goal planning processes for business development and recruitment. Compiled agenda for legistar posting. Received revisions to SEDC economic development contract for Railroad Quiet Zone. Posting of agenda. Attended city staff meeting and Verizon service representatives to discuss telephone service and reception issues. Managing small revisions to impact video with inclusion of additional photographs. Processing purchase orders for payment of membership dues, subscriptions and marketing advertisements. Meeting with a prospective day care operating inquiring about available property. Coordinating with Bob Colley Development for retailer meetings for ICSC. Weekly SEDC Project Report May 17, 2013 Economic Development Corporation: Made a presentation at the monthly Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Bi-monthly meeting with the city manager for update on current projects. Meeting with Anne Ricker and Mark Bowers on strategic economic planning for redevelopment of Highway 78 by leveraging investments for highest ROI. Attended free workshop on “Balancing Land Use with Financial Health” sponsored by North Central Texas American Planning Association. Reached out to the YMCA to talk about use of the SEDC land. Will schedule to discuss next week with Carmelita Gallo. Coordinating with Chamber of Commerce for joint ad publication. Cost sharing for ¼ page ad in “In and Around” magazine for June. Scheduling to meet with Michael Jenkins of LARC to discuss Sachse Sport Station development. Contacted Greg Allen of Harbor House Restaurant and Country Club Café about opening Sachse location. Will visit next week to discuss and look at possible locations. Confirmation of scheduled meetings for ICSC conference. Finalizing meeting minutes from May 8 SEDC regular meeting. MonthlyReportJune2013 Listing agenda packet for public hearing meeting on legistar. Posting to web and front cabinet. Researching for appraiser and surveyor to determine cost and boundaries of the SEDC property located on Ben Davis Road. The SEDC Board is exploring the idea of selling the land. Working with Teresa Savage to send annual compliance letter and report to Elizabeth Sorrels, Dallas County Appraisal District. Coordinating with Bob Colley Development for joint meetings at the ICSC conference and meeting with retailers. Provided real estate analysis on Sachse Christian Church to Woodbridge Bible Fellowship Church for possible purchase. Scheduling Town of Addison city planner, Carmen Moran to speak at June SEDC Board meeting. Weekly Project Report May 23, 2013 Economic Development Corporation: Requesting bids for appraisal and surveying the SEDC land for consideration of listing for sale. Attended ICSC conference. Scheduled meetings with retailers and cold calling on others. Will provide more detailed report at a later time. Held Public Hearing on Railroad Quiet Zone. Will present to the City Council at June 3rd meeting. Listing Railroad Quiet Zone on legistar for City Council approval. Phone conversations with YMCA representative about use of SEDC land. Follow up letters and promotional packages to ICSC contacts. ICSC report. Continue to contact YMCA but missing each other’s telephone calls. Have reached out to LARC but office states that Mr. Jenkins has been traveling but will return call when he is back in the office. Weekly SEDC Project Report May 31, 2013 Economic Development Corporation: Sent thank you e-mails to all contacts from ICSC. Sent promotional marketing packages to contacts from ICSC. Compiled ICSC report for distribution. Contacted Michael Jenkins of LARC. Will schedule meeting when available. Telephone discussion with Greg Allen for restaurant location in Sachse. Mr. Allen owns Harbor House restaurant in Lavon and Country Café in St. Paul and would like to open a location in Sachse. Meeting with International Leadership of Texas Superintendent for building location in Sachse. They require a 20k SF building to be operational by August. Telephone discussion with DFW Warriors for multi-sports training and development facility. Will schedule meeting with investors to discuss in more detail. Ditmar Sports surveying Sachse for a 5 star impact sports compound/hotel. Will meet after review of feasibility study and regional demographics. MonthlyReportJune2013 Compiling budget revisions for SEDC Board review. Initiated land survey for SEDC tract with Precise Land Surveying. Requested land sale comparable from American National Bank for SEDC land. American National Bank has agreed to provide comparable land sales for area adjoining the SEDC property with the sale of the Glen Carr Memory Care Facility and the Barn Yard daycare. Submitted Schedule A & B of last transaction of SEDC property for surveying company to begin survey. Listed on legistar Railroad Quiet Zone agenda item #13-1560 and SEDC staff update (#13-1570). Coordinating with Carmen Moran, Addison City Planner for SEDC presentation at June 12 meeting. Reached out to Carmelita Gallo of the YMCA for discussion of use of SEDC land. We keep missing each other’s calls. Will continue to connect. ICSC briefing with Bob Colley, Colley Development (adjacent to Wal-Mart). Mr. Colley is reviewing the ICSC report that I submitted and will be sending the site plans and retail development package to prospective retailers. Provided marketing package for Bluestone real estate development and construction firm based in Sherman looking to expand into high-growth areas around DFW. Preparing for SEDC update to the City Council for Monday, June 3, 2013. MonthlyReportJune2013 Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1579 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC Budget reports. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: Consider receiving the Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending April 2013 and the summary Budget Report for May 2013. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation Treasurer will prepare reports each month to update the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regarding revenues and expenditures. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date MonthlyRevExp043013.pdf Budget to Actual0513.pdf ComericaBankCD0613.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Consider receiving the Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending April 2013 and the summary Budget Report for May 2013. Executive Summary The Sachse Economic Development Corporation Treasurer will prepare reports each month to update the Sachse Economic Development Corporation regarding revenues and expenditures. Background Included in this report are the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report and the summary Budget Report. Policy Considerations The budget of the Corporation is approved by the Board, and they maintain knowledge of ongoing revenues and expenses. Budgetary Considerations To date revenues are on target and operating budget expenditures are below approved budget. Staff Recommendations Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 2 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ File #: 13-1579, Version: 1 Staff recommends that the Board receive Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the period ending April 2013 and the summary Budget Report for May 2013. Sachse, Texas Page 2 of 2 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ Budget to Actual Account Summary City of Sachse For Fiscal: 2012-2013 Period Ending: 05/31/2013 Prior Year Budget Prior Year Actual 2012-2013 Budget MTD Activity YTD Activity Encumbrances Percentage Remaining Balance Fund: 06 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Revenue 000 - Non-Departmental 06-000-40060 Sales Tax 06-000-45000 Interest Income 000 - Non-Departmental Total: 380,664.00 7,500.00 388,164.00 372,122.34 5,867.44 377,989.78 410,273.00 7,500.00 417,773.00 47,333.22 -1,067.61 46,265.61 289,335.60 4,411.03 293,746.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.52 % 58.81 % 70.31 % 120,937.40 3,088.97 124,026.37 Revenue Total: 388,164.00 377,989.78 417,773.00 46,265.61 293,746.63 0.00 70.31 % 124,026.37 6/4/2013 11:12:14 AM Page 1 of 4 Budget to Actual For Fiscal: 2012-2013 Period Ending: 05/31/2013 Prior Year Budget Prior Year Actual 2012-2013 Budget MTD Activity YTD Activity Encumbrances Percentage Remaining Balance Expense 019 - Economic Development Services 06-019-50000 Wages and Salaries 06-019-50010 Overtime 06-019-50030 Longevity Pay 06-019-50050 Social Security and Med Fica Contributions 06-019-50060 TMRS Contributions 06-019-50070 Health Insurance 06-019-50080 Dental Insurance 06-019-50100 Workers Compensation 06-019-50110 Unemployment Tax 06-019-51030 Utilities - Communications 06-019-51050 Office Supplies 06-019-51070 Postage 06-019-51230 Business Retention Efforts 06-019-51400 Special Programming Supplies 06-019-51510 Small Tools and Equipment 06-019-51550 Fuel and Lubricants 06-019-51800 Dues and Subcriptions 06-019-51810 Employee Training 06-019-52000 Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance 06-019-53002 Professional Fees 06-019-53060 Printer Services 06-019-53380 Advertising and Legal Publications 06-019-53600 Copier Rental & Maint 06-019-54500 Local Business Grant Program 06-019-55000 Operating Transfer Out - General Fund 019 - Economic Development Services Total: 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 6,503.00 9,545.00 0.00 0.00 335.00 180.00 1,008.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,580.00 8,750.00 800.00 66,638.00 2,500.00 68,000.00 0.00 194,000.00 56,401.00 515,740.00 87,675.89 0.00 76.00 6,596.95 9,662.37 5,709.58 7.02 304.68 261.00 1,552.59 553.28 48.34 0.00 139.69 0.00 195.47 2,870.00 1,819.24 118.16 62,685.70 109.19 8,159.50 0.92 14,505.00 56,064.00 259,114.57 86,962.00 0.00 124.00 6,662.00 9,896.00 4,914.00 3,304.00 343.00 261.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,580.00 8,750.00 500.00 57,000.00 2,500.00 66,500.00 0.00 164,000.00 56,570.00 485,866.00 7,689.40 0.00 0.00 587.89 751.26 365.48 0.00 0.00 1.15 54.00 34.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 795.00 273.20 0.00 0.00 425.00 2,745.00 0.00 0.00 4,680.00 18,402.36 61,971.63 46.23 124.00 4,751.04 6,413.20 3,028.42 0.00 313.67 14.46 799.08 352.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 619.00 88.74 3,255.00 2,792.40 138.96 10,433.75 621.93 14,132.68 6.04 0.00 37,440.00 147,342.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 71.26 % 0.00 % 100.00 % 71.32 % 64.81 % 61.63 % 0.00 % 91.45 % 5.54 % 53.27 % 17.64 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 61.90 % 0.00 % 90.92 % 31.91 % 27.79 % 18.30 % 24.88 % 21.25 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 66.18 % 30.33 % 24,990.37 -46.23 0.00 1,910.96 3,482.80 1,885.58 3,304.00 29.33 246.54 700.92 1,647.27 2,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 381.00 -88.74 325.00 5,957.60 361.04 46,566.25 1,878.07 52,367.32 -6.04 164,000.00 19,130.00 338,523.04 Expense Total: 515,740.00 259,114.57 485,866.00 18,402.36 147,342.96 100.00 30.33 % 338,523.04 Fund 06 Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses -127,576.00 118,875.21 -68,093.00 27,863.25 146,403.67 -100.00 -215.01 % -214,496.67 Total Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses: -127,576.00 118,875.21 -68,093.00 27,863.25 146,403.67 -100.00 -215.01 % -214,496.67 6/4/2013 11:12:14 AM Page 2 of 4 Budget to Actual For Fiscal: 2012-2013 Period Ending: 05/31/2013 Group Summary Prior Year Budget Prior Year Actual 2012-2013 Budget MTD Activity YTD Activity Encumbrances Percentage Remaining Balance Revenue Total: 388,164.00 388,164.00 377,989.78 377,989.78 417,773.00 417,773.00 46,265.61 46,265.61 293,746.63 293,746.63 0.00 0.00 70.31 % 70.31 % 124,026.37 124,026.37 Expense Total: 515,740.00 515,740.00 259,114.57 259,114.57 485,866.00 485,866.00 18,402.36 18,402.36 147,342.96 147,342.96 100.00 100.00 30.33 % 30.33 % 338,523.04 338,523.04 Fund 06 Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses -127,576.00 118,875.21 -68,093.00 27,863.25 146,403.67 -100.00 -215.01 % -214,496.67 Total Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses: -127,576.00 118,875.21 -68,093.00 27,863.25 146,403.67 -100.00 -215.01 % -214,496.67 Fund: 06 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Revenue 000 - Non-Departmental Expense 019 - Economic Development Services 6/4/2013 11:12:14 AM Page 3 of 4 Budget to Actual For Fiscal: 2012-2013 Period Ending: 05/31/2013 Fund Summary Fund 06 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Total Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses: 6/4/2013 11:12:14 AM Prior Year Budget -127,576.00 -127,576.00 Prior Year Actual 118,875.21 118,875.21 2012-2013 Budget -68,093.00 -68,093.00 MTD Activity 27,863.25 27,863.25 YTD Activity 146,403.67 146,403.67 Encumbrances -100.00 -100.00 Percentage -215.01 % -215.01 % Remaining Balance 214,496.67 214,496.67 Page 4 of 4 Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1580 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC Presentation by Carmen Moran. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: A presentation by Carmen Moran, A.I.C.P., Director of Development Services for the Town of Addison to talk about redevelopment initiatives. Executive Summary Carmen Moran will talk about redevelopment initiatives implemented by the Town of Addison and relate those initiatives to possible redevelopment of Highway 78 corridor in Sachse. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date CarmenMoranBio.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title A presentation by Carmen Moran, A.I.C.P., Director of Development Services for the Town of Addison to talk about redevelopment initiatives. Executive Summary Carmen Moran will talk about redevelopment initiatives implemented by the Town of Addison and relate those initiatives to possible redevelopment of Highway 78 corridor in Sachse. Background Carmen Moran has been with the Town of Addison since 1984 and has worked with development of the city to help make it what it is today. Policy Considerations This is only for discussion purposes. Budgetary Considerations Carmen Moran has voluntarily agreed to talk with the Board. Staff Recommendations Staff has no recommendation. Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION CARMEN S. MORAN Carmen Moran currently holds the position of Development Services for the Town of Addison. As Director, she supervises the divisions of: Planning and Zoning, Building Inspection, Environmental Services, and Code Enforcement. She handles all comprehensive planning and zoning issues for the Town and serves as staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment. Carmen has been with the Town of Addison since 1984. Since 1991 she has been instrumental in the development and construction of Addison Circle, the Town of Addison’s award-winning neo-traditional, mixed-use development. She worked with residents and business citizens on a visioning effort for the Town called Vision 2020, which resulted in the original concept for Addison Circle. She managed the effort among the Town Council, developers, and planning consultants to develop a funding agreement and development ordinance for Addison Circle. Beginning in 2007, she also managed the zoning and entitlement process, as well as the negotiations for the Master Facilities Agreement, for Vitruvian Park, Addison’s newest mixed-use development. Carmen joined the Town of Addison staff in 1984 as a Planning Technician. She was promoted to Planner in 1986 and received certification from the American Institute of Certified Planners in 1988. She was promoted to Zoning Administrator in 1988 and was promoted to Director of Development Services in 1992. Carmen has a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Texas Tech University, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Texas Tech, and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of North Texas. She has been an Associate member of the Urban Land Institute since 1995, and became a full member in 2005. She served on the ULI Public-Private Partnership Council from 2007 to 2011. She is a member of the American Planning Association and served as Director for the North Central Texas Section of APA for 1999-2000. She is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1581 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC incentive policy for industrial development. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: A presentation and discussion on a preliminary incentive policy for recruitment of industrial development. Executive Summary Although the City of Sachse has a small industrial park, the expansion of the park could be accelerated with an incentive policy for industrial development. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date IndustrialIncentivePolicyComparison.pdf IndustrialIncentivePolicyPresentation.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title A presentation and discussion on a preliminary incentive policy for recruitment of industrial development. Executive Summary Although the City of Sachse has a small industrial park, the expansion of the park could be accelerated with an incentive policy for industrial development. Background At the present, the only incentive for industrial development is a Tax Abatement program. An incentive policy can incorporate performance measures and milestones to attain in order to meet the requirements of an incentive policy. Policy Considerations This is the first draft of considering performance parameters for the industrial business incentive policy. After final review, the Board will make a recommendation to the City Council for approval. Budgetary Considerations Cash incentives and other financial incentives will be considered in developing the incentive policy. Staff Recommendations Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 2 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ File #: 13-1581, Version: 1 Staff recommends that the Board provide feedback for developing the incentive policy. Sachse, Texas Page 2 of 2 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ Industrial Incentive Policy City of Rowlett Amount of Capital Investment Years of Abatement % of Abatement $500,000 - $1,999,999 1-3 10-50% $2,000,000 - $4,999,999 1-4 10-75% $5,000,000 – $9,999,999 1-5 10-75% $10,000,000 - $19,999,999 1-6 10-100% $20,000,000 - $39,999,999 1-7 10-100% $40,000,000 - $59,999,999 1-8 10-100% $60,000,000 or greater 1-10 10-100% Bryan and College Station Year 1 Capital Investment $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 or Gross Payroll $250,000 to $1,000,000 70% Capital Investment $4,000,001 to $8,000,000 or Gross Payroll $1,000,001 to $2,500,000 70% Capital Investment $8,000,000+ or Gross Payroll $2,500,001+ 70% 2 50% 60% 70% 3 30% 50% 60% 4 20% 40% 50% 5 10% 30% 40% 6 0% 20% 30% 7 0% 10% 20% 8 0% 0% 10% City of Waco New Structure Square Footage % of Abatement Years of Abatement 0 – 4,999 sq ft 0% 0 5,000 – 9,999 sq ft 40% 2 10,000 – 49,999 sq ft 40% 5 50,000 – 99,999 sq ft 65% 5 100,000+ sq ft 90% 5 Jobs Created Year 0 - 5 full-time jobs 5 – 15 full-time jobs 31+ full-time jobs 40% 16 – 30 full-time jobs 40% 1 0% 30% 30% 30% 3 20% 20% 4 10% 10% 2 5% 5 City of Denton Value of Structure and Personal Property $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $65,000,000 $50,000,000 $35,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 40% Years of Abatement 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 City of Des Moines Year % of Abatement 1 75% 2 60% 3 45% 4 30% 5 15% New Mexico Average Wage Incentive/New Job $36,985 $2,000 $40,201 $3,000 $48,242 $4,000 $64,322 $5,000 Industrial Incentive Policy City of Rowlett Amount of Capital Investment Years of Abatement % of Abatement $500,000 - $1,999,999 1-3 10-50% $2,000,000 - $4,999,999 1-4 10-75% $5,000,000 – $9,999,999 1-5 10-75% $10,000,000 - $19,999,999 1-6 10-100% $20,000,000 - $39,999,999 1-7 10-100% $40,000,000 - $59,999,999 1-8 10-100% $60,000,000 or greater 1-10 10-100% City of Bryan and City of College Station Year Capital Investment Capital Investment Capital Investment $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,001 to $8,000,000 $8,000,000+ or or or Gross Payroll Gross Payroll Gross Payroll $250,000 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $2,500,000 $2,500,001+ 1 70% 70% 70% 2 50% 60% 70% 3 30% 50% 60% 4 20% 40% 50% 5 10% 30% 40% 6 0% 20% 30% 7 0% 10% 20% 8 0% 0% 10% City of Waco- New Buildings Square Footage % of Abatement Years of Abatement 0 – 4,999 sq ft 0% 0 5,000 – 9,999 sq ft 40% 2 10,000 – 49,999 sq ft 40% 5 50,000 – 99,999 sq ft 65% 5 100,000+ sq ft 90% 5 • Additional 10% annually, if 2/3 new employees are hired from the city. City of Waco- Jobs Created Year 0 - 5 full-time jobs 5 – 15 full-time jobs 16 – 30 full-time jobs 31+ full-time jobs 1 0% 40% 40% 40% 2 - 30% 30% 30% 3 - - 20% 20% 4 - - 10% 10% 5 - - - 5% City of Denton Value of Structure and Personal Years of Abatement Property $100,000,000 10 $80,000,000 9 $65,000,000 8 $50,000,000 7 $35,000,000 6 $20,000,000 5 $15,000,000 4 $10,000,000 3 $5,000,000 2 • Abatements begin at 25% and can range up to 50% based on additional factors City of Denton • Additional Factors (5% each) - The project will occupy a building that has been vacant for at least two years - At least 25% of the new jobs created by the project will be filled by Denton residents - A minimum of 25% of local contractors and local subcontractors will be utilized during the construction of the project - The project will provide knowledge-based jobs (at least 25% of jobs require college bachelors degree at entry level) - The project is an international or national headquarters facility - The project is a medical manufacturing or research facility - The project incorporates significant environmentally sustainable practices City of Des Moines Year % of Abatement 1 75% 2 60% 3 45% 4 30% 5 15% Gathered by Clayton Collins Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1582 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC preliminary budget. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: Consider and take action regarding the Preliminary 2013-2014 Sachse Economic Development Corporation Annual Budget. Executive Summary The Board considers all matters of the annual budget. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date BudgetDraft2013-2014.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Consider and take action regarding the Preliminary 2013-2014 Sachse Economic Development Corporation Annual Budget. Executive Summary The Board considers all matters of the annual budget. Background In order to meet the timeline of the City to present the budget to the City Council for approval, the Board reviews the budget document and makes changes before approval and a recommendation to the City Council. Policy Considerations Key dates for completing and adopting the annual budget are: June 17 - first preliminary consideration by the City Council; July 10 - Board meeting to discuss budget; August 7 - Board approval of annual budget; September 9 - City Council adopts budget. Budgetary Considerations To be determined from discussion of the Board. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends to review annual budget. Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™ Sachse, Texas Sachse City Hall 3815 Sachse Road Building B Sachse, Texas 75048 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 13-1583 Type: Version: 1 Name: SEDC Future agenda items. Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 6/5/2013 In control: Economic Development Corporation On agenda: 6/12/2013 Final action: Title: Future agenda items. Executive Summary The Board lists topics of discussion for future meetings. Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Ver. Action By Action Result Title Future agenda items. Executive Summary The Board lists topics of discussion for future meetings. Background The Board will make suggestions on topics of discussion for future meetings. Policy Considerations Only items listed on the agenda can be discussed. Budgetary Considerations None. Staff Recommendations None. Sachse, Texas Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/6/2013 powered by Legistar™