Spring 2014 - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston


Spring 2014 - Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Neighbor with Neighbor and Neighbor with God
VOL 22 #2
Spring 2014
Office of Mission Advancement
Office of Mission Advancement
Mission Statement
The Office of Mission Advancement
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fully supports the mission and
ministries of the sisters. We raise
funds to support all present and future
ministries and to continue the legacy of
the community.
We also provide funds through
donor generosity to care for our elderly
and infirm sisters. All donations enable
the Congregation to strengthen its
mission of unity and reconciliation
among the people it serves.
Connecting is published
semi-annually by the Office of
Mission Advancement of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Margaret L. Sullivan, CSJ
Council Liaison
Carol Mack
Cheryl Duggan
Mary Black, CSJ
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Director of Communications
Darlene Rogers
Graphic Designer
Claire Archambault, CSJ
We do not share, rent or sell
our donor list.
Connecting is produced on
recycled paper and environmentally
friendly inks, at low cost.
The Office of Mission Advancement
makes every effort to list accurately
all information from donors who have
given to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston during the year.
If you find inaccurate information
or want to notify us of a change
of address, please call us at
From the President
he anthropologist, Mary Catherine
Batson, wrote a book a few years
ago entitled Composing a Further
Life. In it, she challenges us to think about
and approach our lives “with the full force
of imagination, curiosity and enthusiasm.” As
we intentionally plan for the ways we can
further serve the “dear neighbor,” it is with
this imagination, curiosity, and enthusiasm
that we, the Sisters of St. Joseph, celebrate
140 years of dedicated service to the people
of Boston and beyond.
Of course, we know we are not alone in this
great venture. Thanks to you, our faithful donors, our sisters
and associates can roll up their sleeves to educate curious young adults, provide
English lessons to new peoples, be a welcoming presence to hospital patients,
offer spiritual guidance, and assist the diocese in parish planning.Your generosity
enables our retired sisters to continue to be an active presence among the people
of God as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, home visitors, and tutors. And your
kindness supports our infirm sisters as they attend with great fervor to their
ministry of prayer.
This spring issue of Connecting is one which moves our hearts to a place
of celebration, remembrance, and gratitude. We celebrate those who are being
honored on a notable occasion, for a particular accomplishment, or for enhancing
the lives of others in a special way. We also prayerfully remember with fondness
all who have lived the fullness of their lives and have now entered into a new life.
As we continue celebrating our 140th anniversary, please know our hearts are
filled with gratitude for you, our benefactors. By your ongoing generosity, each
of you enhances our capacity to continue to “roll up our sleeves,” be about our
mission and ministry, and witness to God’s active, inclusive love alive in our world.
With deep gratitude,
Rosemary Brennan, CSJ
Elected Chairperson of LCWR Region 1
We are pleased to announce that at a recent LCWR Region 1 meeting,
Rosemary Brennan, CSJ, was elected as chairperson.
As chair of Region 1, Rosemary will also serve on the
national board of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
From the Office of
Mission Advancement
elcome to our spring issue of
In this issue we remember those
who enriched your lives. We pray for those you
have remembered through loving tribute gifts, our
memorial card program, and our “in lieu of flowers”
program. We thank the friends and relatives who
generously chose to recognize special achievements
and milestones with a gift to the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Boston.
When I see all the names in this issue, I am
overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and generosity
you have shown us. I can’t help but wonder about
the lives that each name represents - about the
goodness and joy these people brought to your life.
I reflect on how your deceased loved one may have
been a teacher, parent, sibling or friend who had
a profound influence on the course of your life. I
wonder about those you have honored who are still
living and I pray that they continue to be a positive
force in your life and the life of our world.
I hope you enjoy this issue. As you read the
stories of our sisters and associates with their
“sleeves rolled up” for ministry or volunteers who
help to support our events, please know that we
consider you, too, a real and valued partner in our
mission of uniting “neighbor with neighbor and
neighbor with God”.
Thank You.
Carol Mack
Director of Mission Advancement
Something New
We just wanted you to be the first to know….Starting
in spring of 2015 we will be sharing and displaying
your tribute gifts in a different way. Instead of printing
tribute names in Connecting, we will be posting them
each spring on our website at www.csjboston.org. This
will allow us to post more names and the names will
be viewed by a larger audience for a longer period of
Our website is constantly being updated.You can
keep up with the latest activities and milestones of the
sisters, see the latest Connecting and Soundings
magazines, see invitations to Sisters of St. Joseph events
and make on-line donations there as well.
We thank you sincerely for using our cards to honor
and remember your loved ones. These tribute gifts
are greatly appreciated. Thank you also for designating
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston as the recipient of
memorial gifts given “In Lieu of Flowers”. We are truly
touched that in a time of grief and mourning families
are moved to support our Sisters with this designation.
We are honored and grateful for your thoughtfulness
and generosity.
Visit our website at: www.csjboston.org
From the President From the Office of Mission Advancement
In Honor of List
2014 Living the Dream Dinner
Sister Anna Edge
Sister Jean Mulloy
Sister Ellie Wiegand Associate Cecile Darcy Associate Kathy Tighe
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Cover Image, top left to right: Sisters Anna Edge, Jean Mulloy and
Ellie Wiegand, CSJ Associates Cecile Darcy and Kathy Tighe.
Calligraphy by Sister Nanine Tuller.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 3
he following names have been given by donors through our cards for the living program. Their
lives are celebrated for a special occasion, accomplishment, or because they have contributed
to the lives of others through their daily work.
All are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph and their Associates.
January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
2013 CSJ Golden Jubilarians
2013 CSJ Jubilarians
A Special Intention
Cera Ageicff
Mary Ahern
Salvatore Aia
Katherine Alexander
All CSJs
All Loving Fathers
Helen Allen 's 100th
Carol Amaroso
Greg Ambrose
Nancy Amicangelo
Charlie, Jo & Kathy
Jo & Charlie Anastasia
Christopher Angelone
Judy Angus
Mary Antworth
Sister Alice Armata
Judy Arrigo
Ann Ashur
Marjorie Attardo
Grace Avery
Kathleen Avery
Sister Marylena Avery
Mike & Keri Babish
Madeline Bacon
James & Elizabeth Baggett
Jim Bain
Jim Baines
Jonathan & Teresa Baker
Mary Baker
Sister Martha Marie Baker
Ava Bannister & Family
Sister Edna Barbadoro
Mr. & Mrs. John Barrett
Lucretia Barrett
Peggy Barrett
The Bartley & Maloney
Nakhil Batel
Sister Marian Batho
Judy Beatrice
Raymond D. Belanger
Fr. George Bergen
June Berlinguet
Catherine Berlo
Sister Regina Bernard
Lorraine Bernier
Shannon Craig & Joshua
Bethany Healthcare Center
5th Floor Staff
Ross Birch
Sister Mary Black
Jeanne Blanchard
Ann M. Blanchette
The Bokun Family
The Bonner Family
Joanne & Hugh Bonner's
40th Wedding Anniversary
Linda Boothroyd
Concetta & Gerard Boyce
Sister Patricia Boyle
Virginia & John Boyle
John Braccia
Sister Nancy Braceland
Josephine Brannigan
Elizabeth Breen
Sister Nancy Brennan
Nancy Brodeur
The Brovelli Family
Lorraine Brown
Marah Brown
Mary & Joseph Brown
Ruth Brown
Isabella Browne's 100th
Catherine Bruno
Denise Bruno
Jeanne Bua
Nichos & Deborah Bua
Dorothy Buckley
John Burbridge
Helen Burgarella
Mary F. Burke
Roberta Burke
Claire Burley
Anne Burns
Kevin & Dottie Burns
Mary Burns' 90th Birthday
Maureen Burns
Paul Burns
Barry Butler
Janice & Barry Butler
Keegan Caffyn
Dan Cahill
Mayor Michael Cahill
Karen, Lynda & Stephen
Sister Eusebia Callahan's
100th Birthday
Sister Marian Callahan
William P. Callahan
Elizabeth Campbell
John Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Campbell
Sally Candelieri
Sister Rose Canney's Golden
Sister Rose Canney
Sister Gloria Capozzoli
Sister Stella Caramitros
Craig Carbone
Sister Donata Marie
Connie Carey
Barbara Carney
Shaun Carney
The Carr & Maguire
Deborah Carr
Gloria & Ricky Carr
Mary Carr
Sister Kathleen Carr
Sister Marie Carr
Steve Carrell
Anne Carriere
Catherine Carrigg
Charles Carroll
Charlie Carroll
Lauren Carroll
Ruth Carter
Dr. Philip Caruso
Connie Casey
Linda Casey
Marie Casey
Maureen Kilroy Cassavant
Dorothy Cassesso
Sister Marylou Cassidy
Frank Castaldo
Rodrigo Castillo
Sister Betty Cawley
Deb Chausse
Elsie Cheverie
Sister Agnita Chonko
Mr. & Mrs. James Christie's
50th Wedding Anniversary
Alice B. Cianci
Alfred Cicchese
June Cieri & Tom Brown
June Cieri
Fran Cipriano
Mary A. Clancy
Elizabeth Clarkin
Lenny Colasant
Hank & Jean Colbert
Paul Colbert
Paul & Kate Colbert
Sister Helen Thomas
Bob Collins
Eileen Collins
Thomas Collins
Julie Comerford
David Comerfore
Sister Dominic Condon
Sister Eunice Condrick
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Conlon
April Conn
Carol Connell
Steve Connolly Jr.
Eleanor Connolly's 90th
Florence Connolly
Michelle Connolly
Steve Connolly
Yami Connolly
Yamileth Connolly
Mary Connor
Helen Conroy
John & Helen Conroy
Joan & Paul Conti
Sister Anne Conway
Diane Cook
Sister Cecilia Corbett
Helen Corcoran
Mary Ellen Corcoran
Sister Patricia Corkery
Richard Cormio
Fran Coronity
Joseph Corrieri
Jessica Costello
Larry Costello
Donna Cottens
Very Rev. Arthur Coyle
Sisters Anna & Margaret
Robert A. Craven
Marge Crawford
Sister Christiana Cronin's
90th Birthday
Patricia Cronin
Sister M. Christiana Cronin
Wanda Cronin
Patty Cross
Eileen Crowley
Kay Crowley
Mary L. Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Daniel James Croyle
Paul CrumpCSJ Party of 1963
CSJs From Arlington
CSJs From Blessed
Sacrament School
CSJs From Matignon H.S.
CSJs From Regis College
CSJs From Sacred Heart
CSJs From Santa Rosa, NM
CSJs From St. Catherine
School Somerville
CSJs From St. John School
CSJs From St. Charles
CSJs From St. Francis
deSales Roxbury
CSJs From St. Pius V Lynn
CSJs From St. Thomas
Aquinas H. S.
CSJs at Bethany Healthcare
CSJs From Immaculate
Conception Revere
CSJs of Boston
Sister Romula Cullen
Rose Cundari
Teresa Cunnane
Sister Margaret Cunningham
John E. Curley
David Curreri
James Curtin
Sister Patricia Cushing
Theresa & Anne Marie
Jennifer Hebert Cusson
Francis Cyr
Sister Anne D'Arcy
Mary D'Attanasio
Rose Daily
Paul V. Daly
Theresa Damian
Sister Mary Francis
Davidson SC
Sister Mitrina Davidson
Janet Davis
Sister Rita Anne Davis
Susan Davis
Chris Day
Sister Anna Edge
Sister Anna answers questions from Sister Helen Thomas Colbert about iPad usage
during a recent Cyber Cafe session.
ometimes, they call her the ‘computer doctor’ because responding to
calls for technical help is part of Sister Anna’s day. She loves her ministry
working in the IT Department of the Congregation because it allows
her to use her gifts and talents to further the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston.
Sister Anna, who entered in 1978, taught for 11 years in grades three through
eight at St. Clement Elementary School in Somerville. During that time computers
were being introduced in the classroom, so when asked if she would attend a
workshop on Apple computers she willingly volunteered. And thus it began.
Today, her job includes teaching the sisters and associates computer programs,
applications, and the use of iPads. Sister Anna helps to keep the sisters who
live out of state, at Bethany Health Care Center, and those who are unable
to attend Congregation gatherings at the Motherhouse remain connected by
video streaming these events over the Internet. She can also be seen repairing
computers and answering many and varied questions related to technology.
Sister Anna has witnessed the wonders of technology reuniting sisters with
their families. Like the time a sister was able to video chat using Skype with a
family member she hadn’t seen for a number of years; or when another sister
contacted her family in Ireland through email for the first time; or the privilege
she experienced when residents at Bethany Hill School received certificates for
completing courses she offered.
". . .Sister Anna feels blessed because she sees the mission
of the Congregation being lived out each day, connecting
neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God."
Enabling others to use technology with comfort and ease is a goal that Sister
Anna strives for in her ministry. Through this ministry Sister Anna feels blessed
because she sees the mission of the Congregation being lived out each day,
connecting neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God. †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 5
Joyce Dealy
Barbara DeCamp
Sister Francis Marilyn
Sister Francis Marilyn
DeCoste’s Jubilee
Joseph DeFilippis
Paul, Danielle, John & Paul
Sister Janis Delaney
Joanne DelaPorte
Priscilla Delong
John DeLorenzo
William DelOrfano
Edythe DeMarco
Mary DeMarco
Jim DeSimone
Pam DeSimone
Marie Deneen
Fr. DiPecci
Eleanor Derby
Phyllis DesRosiers
Peggy Connors Deutchman
Patricia Devine
Rev. Terry Devino SJ
Kathleen Ryan DiChiara
Elisa DiDomenico
Joan E. DiMaggio
Rose DiMare
Fr. James DiPerri
Jean DiPhillipo
Denise Dilenduck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dillis
Jeff Dillon
Sherry Doane
Barbara Doherty
Joanne Doherty
Patricia Doherty
Fran Dombrowski
Helen Dominico
Doris Donaher
Deacon Leo Donahue
James Donahue
Janet Donahue
Sister Gail Donahue
Paul & Kathleen Donellan
Kathleen Donellon
Paul & Kathleen Donellon
Sister Ann Donohoe
Anne Donovan
Joseph Donovan
Anne Doody
Pat Dorsey
Patrica Dowling
Edward P. Downs
Sister Karen Doyle SSJ
Rita Doyle
Sister Marie Doyle
Sister Mary Anne Doyle
Charles & Elena Drane
Rev. Michael Drea
Rita Drogo
Barbara Duane
Philip Duffy
Sister Joan Duffy
Cheryl Duggan
Loretta Dumont
Alexah Dunham
Joanne Eagan
Florence Earl
Rosemary Edwards
Eileen & Frank
Gerald Eisenhaur
Ida & Bob Emde's 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Richard Enus
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Faggiano's
50th Wedding Anniversary
Mary Fahey
Dolly Faia
The Fallon Family
Jane Fallon
Mary Fallon
Catherine Falvey
Families We Serve
Margaret Farrell
Olivia Farrell
Alice Farren
Paul Farrington
Joan Fay
Maureen Feenan
Francis P. Ferraro
Marie Ferrazzini
Kevin Feyler
Sister Eunice FitzGerald
Kelly J. Fitzpatrick
Paula Fitzsimmons
Sister Brigita Fitzsimmons
Sister Carol Fitzsimmons
Judith Cronin Flaherty
Rita Flaherty
Michael Flahive
Eileen Flanagan
John Flanigan
Francis X. Flannery
Rev. Austin Fleming
Ruth Fleming
Rev. James Flynn
Judith Flynn
Kit Flynn
Joan Foley
Melissa Foley
Joseph Fontana's 65th
Sister Julia Ford
Joe & Lois Forry
Sister Brenda Forry
Fr. Mack & Ronnie
Audrey Francis
Francis Frecero MD
George & Carole Friedman
Friends & Family of Janice
Friends & Family of Judy
Friends & Family of Mary
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Gavin
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Marie Ghiloni
Friends & Family of Sister
Barbara Reney
Friends & Family of Sister
Claire Blake
Friends & Family of Sister
Declan Sullivan
Friends & Family of Diane
Friends & Family of Sister
Dominic Condon
Friends & Family of Sister
Greta Turner
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Sullivan
Friends & Family of Sister
Jeanne Ibach
Friends & Family of Sister
Joanne Solari
Friends & Family of Sister
Kay Gilmore
Friends & Family of Sister
Kay Magno
Friends & Family of Sister
Margo Shea
Friends & Family of Sister
Francis Marilyn DeCoste
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Alves
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Nagle
Friends & Family of Sister
Marylena Avery
Friends & Family of Sister
Prudence McCarthy
Friends & Family of Sister
Regina Harrington
Friends & Family of Sister
Virginia O'Connell
Friends & Family of Sisters
Mary Jo & John Mary
Friends & Family of the
Ghiloni Family
Mary Frotim
Edward Galante
The Galasso Family
Joseph E. Galente
Donna Gallo
Eugene Galloway
Tom Galvin
John Gapter
Ann Garvey
Fred & Ann Gateman's 50th
Patricia Gaudette
Rev. Carney Gavin
Sheila Gavin
Carol & William Geary
Carol Ghiloni
Theresa A. Ghiloni
Joan Gianino
James Gianquitto
Valarie Gibbons
David T. Gill
Sister Rosenda Gill
Rita Gillespie
Sister Catherine Gilmore
Sister Barbara Ginther
Barbara Glasheen
Elaine Glass
Sandie Gleichauf
Virginia Goggin
Sister Catherine Gorman
Sister Sara Goss
Sister Mary Gowern
Sister Maria Grande's 101st
Anna Greene
J. Peter Griffin
Kacie Guild
Sister Charlotte Gulino
Ruth Hackett
Carol Hagan
Ruth Hamilton
Carl Hampe
Mary Hamrock
James Harding
Beth Harris
Peg Hart
William Hart
Bridget Hartigan
Lilla Harvey
Madeleine & David Harvey
Fr. James Hawker's 50th
Rev. James Hawker
Ellen K. Hayes
Maureen Hayes
Rev. Fergus Healey OFM
Marie Healy
Lucy Hebard
Virginia Heffernan
Msgr. William Helmick
Cathy Hennington
Jeanne Hession
Ann Hickey
Irene Hickey
Rev. Gerald J. Hickey
Susan Hillman
Donna Cooley Hilton
Sister Lorraine Hinrichsen
The Hogan Family
Mary Hogan
Sister Patricia Hogan
Gertrude Holland
James Holland
Linda Hooley
Mary Horan
Maureen Howard
Sister Marjorie Marie Howe
Christine Abbadessa Hudson
Catherine Hughes' 100th
Midge Hughes
Robert L. Hughes
Rita C. Hurley
Rita C. Hurley's 93rd
Sister Jeanne Ibach
Intentions of Nieces &
Linda Jacobe
Catherine Jacobson
Robert Jordan
Sister Margaret Joyce
Margaret M. Judge
Sister Florence Kahler
Rev. Joseph Kane
Cheryl Kanelas
Gregory Patrick Kanelas
Pamela Kanelas
Cheryl Kanelos
Kathy Kanelos
Patricia Ryan Kanelos
Shirley Kanelos
Catherine Keane
Barbara Keaveney
Sister Patricia Keefe
Jean Kelleher
Sister Virginia Kelleher
Madeline Kelley's 100th
Anita & Paul Kelley
Rev. William Kelly
Sister Denise Kelly
Timothy Kelly
Gregory Kemper
Elaine Kenneally's 80th
Charles Kenworthy
Gill & Mary Ellen Keteltas
Rev. Thomas E. Keyes
Rev. Walter Keymont
Virginia Kiejna
Nancy Kilduff
Bill King
Sister Thomasine Knowlton
Kathleen Kougias
Sister Mary Krause
The LaCivita Family
Lorraine Lachapelle
Elizabeth Lagarde
Judy Lamonica
Elaine Lamoureux
Rosina Landes' 90th Birthday
Nancy Lane
Dorothy Laracy
Jeff Larson
Sister Helen Laughlin
Mary Ann Lavezzo
Ann & Bob LeClair
Bob & Shirley LeFave
Geraldine Leach
Patricia Leahy
Mary Lee
Linda Libby
Rev. Jurgen Liian
Michael Loftus
Sister Carole Lombard
Alice Looney
Andrea Mackiewicz Looney
Bill Looney
Fr. Tom Lopes
Mary Lopez
Anthony & Marie Loscocco
Martye Lospennato
Hannah Lovett
John Luther
Jake & Heather Lynch
Sister Patricia Lynch
Lisa Lyons
Ann MacNeil
Barbara MacQueen
Marynia Mackiewicz
Joseph Macy's Retirement
Kelsey Madden & Steven
Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire
Susan Maher
Peter Mahon
Jack Mahoney
Marcia Mahoney
Caroline Maider
Haley Malloy
Sister Pat Malone
Geraldine A. Maloney
Marie Maloney
Mary Maloney
Thomas Maloney
Grace Marciano
Maribel Marin
Kathleen Marino
Sister Mary Patricia Maroney
Please Join
“Partners In Ministry”
Enrollment in “Partners in Ministry” is the way we recognize
those generous people who have chosen to leave a legacy
gift to the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
with a planned gift through their estates. A planned gift is
an excellent way to say thank you to the sisters who have
touched your life and ensures that the vital ministries of the
congregation continue to serve the next generation.
Your gift, through a bequest in your will (or other planned
gift such as a trust, an annuity, property, IRA, stocks, or life
insurance) will be used to provide care for our elderly and
infirm sisters and will provide for the continuation of our
ministries. Truly, you become our “Partner in Ministry”.
We would like to recognize your thoughtful gift during
your lifetime. If you are planning to leave a legacy gift to the
Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Boston, please
complete the simple form below, and we will enroll you in
“Partners in Ministry” and send you an enrollment certificate.
Thank you!
Name _______________________________________
Phone _______________________________________
Email address__________________________________
____I have included the Congregation of the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston in my estate plans.
Please mail to:
Office of Mission Advancement
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street, Brighton, MA 02135
If you have any questions contact Carol Mack, Director of
Mission Advancement at 617-746-2115 or email
[email protected]
David Masse
Sister Dorothea Masuret
Stanley Mathews
Nancy Matterazz
Joanne Mauldin
Richard Mayo
Margaret F. Mazzola
Mary McAdams
Sister Marie McCann
Janet McCarthy
Sister Marie Ancilla
Sister Patricia McCarthy
Sister Prudence McCarthy
The McClellan Family
Sister Mary McCormack
Mary McCormick
Thomas D. McCormick &
Paul McCoy
Helen McDade
Maureen McDevitt
Brian McDonnell
Jessie McDonnell
Jessie & Jack McDonnell
James McDonough
Sister Pat McDonough
John McEwan
Robert McEwan
Rose McGarry
Cynthia McGinty
James McGinty
Diana McGowan
Rita McGowan
Bryan McGrath
John McGrath
Terri McGrath
Connie & Elena McGreal
Monica McKenna
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 7
We would like to make this donation in honor of
Sister Marie Carr. I have the pleasure of working with
her at Our Lady’s Academy in Waltham. Sister Marie
represents all that is wonderful about our faith. She is
kind, generous, compassionate and understanding.
She makes me proud to be a Catholic.
Lawrence & Mary Santapaul
Lexington, MA
Meg Cronin McKenzie
Fr. Gerry McKeon
Jean M. McKinney
Clare McLaughlin
Helen McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
Rev. Patrick McLaughlin
Christine McMahon
Elizabeth McMahon
Joseph McManus
Joseph McNamara
Kathleen Ryan McPhee
Annmarie Mazzocchi Mead
Sister Dorothy Melanson's
99th Birthday
Judy Melly
Celestino "Mike" Mihaich
Gregory Mihaich
Michael Mihaich
Leslie Mili
Sister Mary Mills
Janet Miranda
Helen Mirarchi's 95th
Jen Mitchell
Mary Lynch Mobilia
Sister Marion Montague
Anne Monte
Margaret M. Moran
Sister Kathleen Moran
Paul & Fran Moriarty
Fred & Celia Morrill's 50th
William Morrissey
Angelina T. Mottola's 95th
Sister Cathy Mozzicato
Roger Muir
Emmet K. Mulhern
Ann & Paul Mullen's 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Helen Mullin
William J. Mullin Jr.
Sister Cecilia Agnes
Dr. Joseph Murano DPM
The Murphy Family
Ann L. Murphy
Mary N. Murphy
Rev. Timothy Murphy
Walter Murphy
Nolan Murray
Alison Nastari
Mike Nastari
Donald Nave
Colleen Neault
Theora Neault
Sister Marie Nelson
Sister Diane Neumyer
Marijane Newhall
Kathleen M. Nickerson
Dr. Karen O'Brien
Mary O'Brien
Sister Catherine O'Brien
Virginia O'Brien
Sister Phyllis O'Callaghan
Sister Mary Ellen O'Connell
Marie O'Connor
Rev. Thomas O'Connor
Rt. Rev. Thomas O'Connor
Sister Doroma O'Connor
Rev. Joseph O'Keefe SJ
Michael O'Leary
The O'Neill Family
Jane O'Neill
Jeanne O'Neill
Sister Mary Theresa O'Reilly
Brian O'Rourke
Timothy O'Shea's 80th
Isabelle O'Shea
Edward O'Toole
Rev. Thomas F. Oates
President Barack Obama
Kevin & Maureen Oliver
George Ralph Olson
Margaret Olson
Fr. Mario Orrigo
Katie Owen
Connie Pagan
Nancy Papp
Estella D. Paulino
Mary Pawlowski
Margaret Pearlstein
Joseph Pedro
John & Erin Pels
Alice & Tom Pendergast
Virginia Phillips
The Piscioneri Family
Robert J. Piscioneri
Joseph Pitello
Sister Jean Plausky
Pauline Poitras
Niel & Sharon Porcaro's
30th Anniversary
Dennis Power
Kathleen Power
Sister Ellen Powers' Jubilee
Sister Ellen Powers
Sister James Frances Powers
Jeanne Powers
John Prior
Sister Ernestine Quealy
Regina Quinlan
Sister John Mary Quirk
Sister Mary Jo Quirk
Sister Mary Jo Quirk’s
Deanna Rae
Annette Rafferty
Rev. James Rafferty
Monica Rapasky
Sister Joan Rea
Janice Reese
William Reeve
Colleen Reilly
Judy Reilly
Karen Reilly
Sister Susan Reilly
Sister Susan Reilly’s Jubilee
Sister Barbara Reney
Nancy Rennie
Mr. & Mrs. Andras Reposi
Eleanor Reppucci
Sean Richardson
Ann Robinson
Karen Roche
Jennifer Rogala
Marion Rogantino
Sister Evelyn Ronan
Arthur & Eleanor Ronayne
Mary Dawn Rooney
Barbara Rush
Michael Rush
Lois M. Russell
Sister Mari Ryan's Jubilee
Brenda Ryan
James Ryan
Joseph F. Ryan
Megan & David Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Ryan
Vincent B. Ryan
Mary Santo
Sister Barbara Scanlon
Guy Schrag
Roseanne Schwendeman
Jane Scott
Jim & Ginny Seibert
Sandra Selvarajah
Elly Sennott
Mike & Carol Shaughnessy
Elizabeth Shea
Karen & William Shea
Leann Shea
Ursula Shea
Margaret Shields
Bob Shone
Sister Kathy Short
Theresa Shumway
Jean Sidlowski
The Silveira Family
Antonio F. Silveira
Ann Simmons
Sister Anita Constance's
50th Jubilee
Sister Joseph Francis
Sister Mary Elizabeth
Sister Sebertus
The Smith Family
Cathy Smith
Madeline Smith
Norma Smith
Phyllis & Robert Smith
Rev. Brian Smith
Rev. John Soares
Donata Sodano
Peter & Sue Srozenski
St. Ignatius Loyola Lay
St. Joseph
St. Joseph Retreat Center
Richard & Peggy Stakenborg
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Stavainos
Pat Stickney
Sister Dorothy Stinson
Elizabeth Stone
Karen T. Stone
Mary Lou Storella
John & Marcia Sulfaro
Anne Sullivan
Bonnie Sullivan
Gil Sullivan
Sister Declan Sullivan
Sister Peggy Sullivan
Suzanne Sullivan
Gloria Summerley
Maria Surao
Norman & Barbra Swain
Mary Swiatkowski
Doris Talios
Ronald Taylor
M. L. Tedeschi
Maura & Dan Tenaglia
Adrianna Terrasi
Connie,Verne & Diane
Kathleen & Tony Tiberii
Barbara Tierney
Marie Tierney
Thomas Tierney
Kathy Tighe
Mil Todd
Gerry Toland
Nan Tonaszack
James Trainor
Maureen Trainor
Joan M. Troy
Sister Nanine Tuller
Ann & Patrick Tumilty
Colleen Twohig
Helen Twohig
The Valicenti Family
Jeannette Vargas
Vito Vatalaro
Richard Vesey
Sister Teresa Vesey
Lee Viola
Rev. Richard W.Visbisky
John Waldron
Bill Walsh
Catherine Walsh
Edward Walsh
Pat Wasilewski
Helen Watson
Amy & Heather Webb
Sister Dorothy Welch
Sister Rita Welch
Mary Wessling
Judy West
Sister Martha Westwater
Ellen Fallon White
Ellen J. Whitney
Sister Joan Wicker's 60th
A. Bruce Wicklund
Mary & Sister Eleanor
Bob Wilkinson
Bob & Marilyn Wilkinson
Martha Williamson
Maureen Winnitt
Isy Winslow
Margaret & Michael
Winston's 50th Anniversary
Sister Frances Wool
Rita Wright's 90th Birthday
Sister Jean Young
Sister Eleanor Zito †
Arlington Catholic High School Honors
140 Years of CSJ Service
Arlington Catholic’s wall of memories.
Pictured above top L-R: Sister Frances
Agnes Blake, Sister Mary Scanlon, and Sister
Cathy Clifford. Group picture: Sisters at the
Pictured right: Sister Barbara McHugh and
Sister Catherine Nevin.
ecently, Arlington Catholic High School honored past and present Sisters of St.
Joseph in celebration of their 140th year in Boston and beyond. Following a Mass
at St. Agnes Parish, nearly 30 sisters walked to the high school to view a wall of
memories designed by Arlington Catholic alumna, Donna LaValle Rockwell, with images
provided by CSJ Archivist Sister Mary Rita Grady. Sister Frances Agnes Blake was honored
for being the only living, founding CSJ of Arlington Catholic High School, which opened in
Sister Mary Scanlon was honored for being the longest serving Sister of St. Joseph at
Arlington Catholic High School, and Sister Cathy Clifford was honored for being Arlington
Catholic’s principal for 19 years. Also acknowledged were Sisters Catherine Nevin and
Barbara McHugh, who presently minister at Arlington Catholic.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 9
Awards and Recognitions
Sister Mary O’Rourke received
a Cheverus Medal from the
Archdiocese of Boston in
recognition of her service to the
Catholic community. The medal
recipients - lay people, religious,
and deacons - are chosen for their
service to the Church and God’s
people. Some have served their
parishes over an extended period of time and have done
so in a quiet, unassuming and, perhaps, unrecognized
fashion. Most recipients are nominated by their pastors,
forwarded by the area vicar, and approved by the regional
bishop and Cardinal O’Malley.
For sixteen years, Sister Mary ministered at Blessed
Sacrament, Saugus, first as a Pastoral Associate and later
by teaching faith formation classes and offering prayer and
Sister Ellen Powers,
a 1963 graduate
of Regis College,
was presented with
the 2013 Alumnae
Excellence Award
during Regis’ Reunion
Weekend 2013. This
award recognizes
alumnae who have
achieved excellence in profession or community, in
education, or in the arts. Sister Ellen’s closing remarks
stated, “The next chapter of my journey is unknown.
One thing I know, I will continue to learn that productive
giving is an art, perfected by my constant reflection on
the changing needs of others and my ability to respond to
these needs. . .” Her comments truly reflect the charism
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Sister Anne D’Arcy
and Sister Pat Boyle
were honored for their
years of service in the
Archdiocese at a staff
meeting held at the
Pastoral Center of the
Archdiocese of Boston.
Sister Anne has served
58 years and Sister Pat
has served 45 years. A
plaque was hung in the foyer of the Pastoral Center to
acknowledge their many years of service.
Sister Jacquelyn McCarthy,
Director of Bethany
Health Care Center, was
honored by the American
College of Health Care
Administrators (ACHCA).
Each year, ACHCA
recognizes the leaders
of top-performing skilled
nursing facilities across
the country through its Eli
Pick Facility Leadership Award. ACHCA believes that facility
excellence is a reflection of leadership excellence.
Sister Laura Turbini, Consultant for
International Reliability Consultants,
received the Electronic, Magnetic &
Photonic Materials Division (EMPMD)
Award for her great passion for
student education, not only in the
classroom, but also at the Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) annual
meetings. Her vision and passion were
demonstrated in her activities of
volunteer, teacher, and attendee.
The award recognizes an individual whose continuous
service to the TMS EMPMD has clearly facilitated the
society’s capability to serve its electronic, magnetic, and
photonic materials-oriented members and supporting
For the fifth consecutive year, Casserly House, and its
Director, Sister Nancy Braceland, received a grant from the
Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office Asset Forfeiture
Revinvestment Program. District Attorney Dan Conley
acknowledged the vital role Casserly House continues to
play in the neighborhood. The funds will be utilized to sustain
preventative after-school and summer camp programs for
at-risk neighborhood children.
Elizabeth Joseph Toomey
60 years
Joan Duffy
(John Miriam)
60 years
Anne Mary Duenas
60 years
Marian Patricia Feeley
60 years
Margo Shea
(Thomas Mary)
60 years
Paula Marie Finn
60 years
Gail Ripley
(Ellen Marie)
60 years
Mary Josephine Quirk
(Michael Mary)
60 years
Patricia Andrews
(James Patrice)
50 years
Carol Fitzsimmons
(William Anthony)
50 years
Mary L. Murphy
(Marie St. James)
50 years
Josephine Perico,
(Joseph Therese)
60 years
Marie McCann
75 years
Sisters of St.Joseph
Years of Service
Sebastian Finnity
75 years
Carlotta Gilarde
(Marie Michelle)
60 years
Eileen Harvey
(Marie Gerald)
60 years
Alberta Marie Olsen
60 years
Maureen Joseph Hunt
60 years
Margaret Sheehan
75 years
Aline D’Orazio
75 years
Catherine O’Brien
(Joseph Mary)
60 years
Anne O’Brien
75 years
Theresa Jardin
(Marie Emmanuel)
60 years
Claire Morrissey
(Lawrence Marie)
60 years
Virginia Kelleher
(Immaculata Marie)
60 years
Dorothea Masuret
(Leo Mary)
60 years
Bernadette Kenney
(James Ellen)
Katherine Magno
Mary Lydon
(Marie Clement)
(Joseph Patrick)
60 years
60 years
60 years
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 11
emorials - Listed below are the names of those who have gone before us to new life, for
whom the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and their Associates have been asked to pray.
Claire Abbatangelo
Helen Abitabilo
Katherine Abrahanson
Lorraine Abruzzi
Lenny Abzalone
Maureen Baracchini Adams
Maureen K. Adams
Ralph Agostinelli
Michelle Agresti
George Aguiar
Shirley Ahern
Fadallh Ahmad
Kathleen Aicardi
Lawrence Aiello
Peter Aiello
Delmo F. Alberghini
Joan Alcala
Salvatore "Red" Alessandroni
Anthony Alessi
Bernice Alexopoulos
Corrado Alicata
Ed Alikonis
Charles Allegra
Charles J. Allen
Marie Claire Allen
Paul W. Allison
Earl Allsop
Paul Almond
Ronald J. Alpers
Carl & Carmen Alvard
Mary A. Alvino
Deborah Amatangelo
Greg Ames
Margaret Ames
Nancy Amhrein
John D. Amirault
Donald Amrock
Mary L. Amsler
Sherry Analetto
Arlene Anderson
Leonard Anderson
Sister Mary Ann Andrews
Geraldine Andrews
Jennie Andrews
Mary S. Andrews
Ryan P. Andrews
Bette Anelundi
Sister M. Cabrini Angelli
John Angerame
January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Phyllis Anico
John Annerelli
Walter Antoine
Anthony Antonellis Jr.
Anthony Antonellis Sr.
Anthony J. Antonellis
Dorothy Antonellis
Carolyn Anzlovar
Edgardo Aponte
Elinor Aquilino
Tom Arbuckle
Rosa Arcuri
Patricia J. Arena
Phyllis (Gentile) Arico
Salvatore Arico
Roseanne M. Armata
Paul & Michael Armato
Gene Armstrong
Louise Armstrong
Richard Armstrong
Marie Arria
Kathleen Arthur
Anne Ashur
Louis Assetta
Arline Frances Atwood
Thomas Aubrey
Pasqualina Auciello
Eveline Aucoin
Cecile Auger
Camille Aurelia
Robert F. Austin Jr.
Charles Austin
John Austin
Walter J. Avery Jr.
Eleanor Avery
Marion Aylnard
Patricia Azur
Ruth Babonis
Allie Babson & Her Dad
Martin Baca
Wayne Bachelder
Joan Bacon
Veronica Baggett
Olga Bailey
Donny Wayne Baker
Mary Baker
Robert Baker
Lynne Baldi
Theresa Baldwin
Roger Ball
Joan C. Balonis
Ruth Walsh Banks
Helen Baraldi
John Barba
Patricia Baril
Phyllis V. Barker
Florence Barr
Margaret Barr
Salvatore G. Barresi Sr.
John P. Barrett
Joseph Barrett
Marie Barrett
Virginia Barris
Lawrence Barrufaldi
Sister Patricia Barry RSM
Eleanor Barry
Walter Barry
Ruth Gimber Baskin
Rosario Battaglia
Maurice J. Battista
John Baudin
Doris Baynes
Donald Beadle
Millie Beary
Angus J. Beaton Jr.
Paul & Mark Beaton
Angelo Beatrice
Delia M. Beatty
George Beatty
Mary (Lane) Beatty
Ronald Beaudy
David J. Beaulieu
Barbara Beausang
Anthony Bedessa
Mae Beggan
Mary Beggan
Fr. Francis Beksha
Anita Belanger
Concetta Bella
Patricia (Murray) Bellefeuille
Vito Bellino
Henry P. Benatti
Dr. Leo Benecchi
Elizabeth (Beth) Benhardt
Lawrence H. Bennett
David Benoit
Carey Benson
Lysa Ann Benton
Doris Bergamesea
Anne M. Bergeron
Donald J. Bergin
Joan Bergin
John Bernard
Theresa Bernard
Mildred Bernazzano
Sister Lorraine Bernier RGS
Charles Bernier
Alvin C. Berry
David J. Berry
Grace Berry
Mr. Berthel
Anne Bettano
Michael F. Bette
Dorothea Bevens
Bernadette Biela
John Bikowski
Robert Bilodeau
Stephen Birdsall
Charles Bishop
Carol Bjork
William Black
The Blaho Family
Jeff Blaine
Glen Blanchard
James Blanchard
Alice M. Blanchette
M. Frances Blaney
Pauline Blasi
Martha Blick
Pauline Bluette
Sister M. Hughita Blunt
Teresa Ann Boardman
Julianna Bogner
Sister Mary Carl Boland
Geraldine Bolt
Bob Bonane
Patricia Bondelevitch
Margaret Bonfardino
John Bongarzone
Tina Bonien
Mary Ellen Bonner
Ida Mae Boodry
Lucy Booth
Emma Borrego
Keri Borsini
Harold Bortolotti
Beatrice Bothelo
Madeline "Molly" Bottari
Elsie M. Bouchard
Edward J. Boudreau Sr.
Carol Boudreau
Maizie Boulet
John Roe Boulger
Claire Bouton
John Bova
Dorothy Bowes
Violette Bowker
Bernadette Boyd
George Boyd
Barbara Boyle
Joseph F. Boyle
Kevin Boyle
Mary Boyle
Mary R. Boyle
Maureen Boyle
Sister M. Reinette Boyle
Mary Boysman
Sister Elizabeth Brabazon
Helen Bracken
Travis Bracken
John Bradley
Valary Bradley
Kathleen Brady
William Brady
William Braginton
Rose Brandolino
Lynn (Mahoney) Brandt
Lawrence Brannelly
Elizabeth Bransfield
William Bransfield
Benjamin & Helen Brearley
Josephine Breda
Daniel Breen
Daniel J. Breen
Peter Breen
Alice Brennan
Kathleen Brennan
Debbie Brennick
Deborah Brennick
Daniel Brescia
Mary A. Bresette
Charles & Rose Niles Breslin
Mary Bressette
Gail W. Brewer
Sylvia Brewster
Sister Mary Lois Brickley
John Briscoe
Eleanor Britt
William F. Brodbine
Kathleen Broderick
Gerard Brodeur
Thomas Brophy
Dennis Brotherton
Diane Marie Brown
Isabella Brown
James Brown
Mary A. Brown
Mary Sullivan Brown
Isabella Browne
Isabelle Browne
John J. Bruce
Virginia M. Bruen
Virginia Brueur
Stephen Bryant
Frances Buchanan
Marie Buchanan
Daniel J. Buckley Jr.
Dorothy J. Buckley
Elizabeth Buckley
Gladys Buckley
Janice Buckley
Joan L. Buckley
Kenneth Buckley
Maureen J. Buckley
Mrs. Buckley
Don Buening
Leonard Bulens
Elizabeth Bullock
Edward Bumpus
Rita Bunkowski
John F. Burchill
John Burgess
Claire Burgun
Sister Patrick Burke OFM
Lauria Burke
Mary Burke
Rosemary Burke
Stella M. Burke
Ella F. Burm
Doris Burrill
Barbara Burris
Gerald Bush
Cecilia Butchard
Wendell Butler Jr.
Barry Butler
Dorothy Butler
Gretel Butler
Thomas Butler
Charles "Chuck" Buzzell
Daniel J. Byrne
Donald P. Byrne
Doris Byrne
Mary Byrne
CSJ Party of 1953
CSJs From Cathedral H. S.
So. Boston
CSJs From Sacred Heart
CSJs From St. Mary Boys
H. S. Lynn
CSJs From St. Columbkille
CSJs From St. Mary
CSJs From St. Pius V Lynn
Elizabeth Cabral
Walter A. Cabral
Alfonso Cacciatore
Veronica Cacciola
Geraldine Cacozza
George Cafarelli
George F. Cafarelli
Alice Helen Cahill
Dr. Thomas J. Cahill
Sister Mary F. Cahill
Norma Caisey
Fortunato "Tito" Calabro
Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
. . . the mercy of God will gather us
together again in the joy
of eternal life . . .
Mary McDonald
Raynald Rogers
Camella Gambale
Agnes Melly
Jeanne d’Arc O’Hare
Neri Jennings
Corsini Ivers
Blaithin Sullivan
Mary K. Walsh
Margaret McGarry
Margaret Garballey
Carole Lombard
Elizabeth O’Hearn
Colette Kenney
Vincent Ferrer Collins
Eileen Hughes
Margaret Ginty
Catherine Gorman
Raymonda Casey
Margaret Concannon
Jane Schacht
Mary McLaughlin
Eusebia Callahan
Mary McDonnell
Irene Calabro
Paul Calanan
Eileen M. Caldwell
Tracee Josephine Caldwell
Sister M. Honora Callaghan
Edward Callahan
Ethel Callahan
Jane C. Callahan
Mary Callahan
Mary Lou Callahan
Michael Callahan
Patricia A. Callahan
Ruth Callahan
Sister Bredelia Callahan
Sister Eusebia Callahan
Sister Marian Callahan
Susan Ward Callahan
James Callanan
Meri Lee Callanan
Paul Callanan
Rita Calvarese
Ernest Camara
Gina Camarra
Phyllis Camerano
Carol Ann Cameron
Camille's Father
Evelyn Cammarata
Catherine Cook Campbell
Dawn Campbell
James Campbell
Josephine Campbell
Krystal Campbell
Rita M. Campbell
Roderick J. Campbell
Mary (Sacco) Campos
Howard J. Camuso
Ruth Candela
Richard Canina
John Anthony Cannava
Mel Cannell
Philip Canniff
Edward V. Cannon
Joseph Cantera
William Capaldi
Dianne M. Capodilupo
Ralph Capodilupo
Salvatore Capolino
George F. Caporale
Barbara Caputo
Ans Marie Caradimos
William F. Caramanica
Santa Carbone
Joseph Cardillo
Michael Cardillo
Ann Marie Cardinal
Victorio Cardone
John Carey
Mary Cargill
Roy Carlson
Annina F. Carlucci
Lillian Carmody
Hugh Carney
Janet R. Carney
Joseph M. Carney
John Caron
Charles Carr
Paul Carr
Philip X. Carr
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 13
We would like to thank the families and
friends of the following, for requesting that
donations be made in their memory in
lieu of flowers to the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2013 through December 31,
. . . my soul has been freed from death,
my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling.
I shall walk before God in the land of the living.
(Psalm 116: 8-9)
Kathleen Broderick
J. Louise Casey
Marylou (Hendry) Cassidy
Mary Lonergan Collins
Eunice Condrick
William J. Conway
Helen Corkery
Robert C. Dever
Elaine Fitzmaurice
Christopher Foley
Anna Frechette
Patricia Friel
Joan F. Hallisey
Margaret A. Hallisey
Mary E. Kelley
Paul C. Kelly
Marilyn King
Margaret Lloyd
Mary Jane “Mollie” Lyons
Mildred McCarthy
Marjorie McCormack
Richard S. McCormack
Michael R. Norton
Kathleen Richards
Sophie Stanley
Evelyn Stokes
Helena Tobin
Winifred Troy
Thomas Walsh
Phillip Carr
Catherine Carrigg
Kay Carrigg
Charles Carroll
James E. Carroll
John Carroll
Mary R. Carroll
Paul Carroll
Tim Carroll
Timothy Carroll
Anna Carrozza
David Carson
Claire M. Carten
Claire Carter
Ruth M. Carter
James A. Caruso
Jerry Caruso
Pasqualina Caruso
Eva Cascone
Genevieve Casella
Joseph D. Casey Jr.
Joseph D. Casey Sr.
Catherine Casey
Edward Casey
Eileen M. Casey
J. Louise Casey
Jack Casey
John Casey
John D. Casey
Norma Casey
Ruth Casey
Sister Raymonda Casey
J. Francis Cashman
Francis J. Cassani
Anne Cassidy
Joseph Cassidy
Marylou (Hendry) Cassidy
Mr. Cassidy
Joseph A. Castagnino Sr.
Stephen Castagno
Robert Castle
Carmine Cataldo
Ann Caterina
Carmela Catino
Ray Cattaneo
Skylar Caughlin & Family
Alice Cavanaugh
James Joseph Cavanaugh
Dr. Luke Caveaney
James Cawley
James & Anna Cawley
Paul Cayne
Gerard Cedrone
Marie Celino
Joseph & Geraldine Celona
Joseph Centrella
Joseph Ceva
Mildred Chadzik
Stanley Chaisson
Timothy Chalaux
James E. Chambers Jr.
George Champine
Raymond J. Champoux
Richard Charboneau
Albert F. Charbonnier
Alice Chase
Edward Chase
Theresa Chavarria
Jack Chenette
John Cherry
Won Cheung
Grace Chiaramida
Stephen A. Chiavaroli Sr.
Marie Chin
Anita Chiota
Sheila Chisholm
Colette Chittick
Marilyn Chlosta
Robert Christin
Marguerite Christopher
Paul S. Cianci
Patricia Cicchese
Anthony Ciccone
Francesco Ciccone
Ted Cinella
John M. Cingolani
Nicholas Cirillo
Josephine Ciulla
John Clancy
Richard T. Clancy
Anne M. Clark
Don Clark
Sister Anna Vincent Clark
Sister Edvardas Clark
Vincent Clark
Irene Clarke
Mary J. Clarke
Lawrence Cleary
Virginia Cleary
Paul & Margaret Clifford
Sister Mary Clifford
Thomas M. Clifford
Edward Cloherty
John "Jack" Cloherty
Eileen P. Clougher
Mary Coakley
Joan M. Coates
Patricia Coates
Anne M. Cobuzzi
Inge Cockrell
Dorothy Coco
Janet Coe
Janet K. Coe
Margaret A. Coen
Bridget Coffey
Edward Coffey
Bob Cohain
Genevieve "Shirley" Cohen
Edythe (Dillon) Colantonio
Paul Colbert
Mary E. Cole
Jack Coles
Minnie C. Coletti
Sean Collier
David Collins
Elissa M. Collins
Irene Collins
Mary Collins
Mary A. Lonergan Collins
Michael F. Collins
Mrs. Collins
Robert Collins
Sister Olivia Collins
Sister Vincent Ferrer Collins
William Collins
Gus Colovos
Lorna Colton
Mary A. Comeau
James Comiskey
Mary A. Conant
Sister Margaret Concannon
George Condito
John Condon
Margaret R. Condon
Thomas Condon
Eunice Condrick
Mary Conlee
Sister Julie Connelly SND
Brenda O'Connor Connelly
Mary Paula Connelly
Sonja Forsberg Connelly
Darragh Connolly
Francis Connolly
John Connolly
Margaret "Marge" Connolly
Mary Connolly
Mary L. Connolly
Ronald Connolly
Virginia Kilty Connolly
William Connolly
Catherine Connors
George Connors
Josephine Connors
Kathryn Connors
Margaret Connors
Therese A. Connors
Christine Murphy Conole
Salvatore M. Consoli
Gaetano Consolo
Sebastian Conte
James Conteh
John Contulores
Amanda Conway
Ann Marie Conway
Annmarie Conway
Bill Conway
William J. Conway
Al Cook
James M. Cook
Paul Cook
Robert Cook
Madge Cooke
Adele Coppola
Joe Coppola
Ninetta Coppola
Joseph Coppolla
Larry Copponi
Joseph Coraccio Sr.
Stephen Coraccio
Edward Corbett
Helen Corbett
Sister Mary Corbett
William Corbett
Richard Corcoran
Martha Corin
Helen Corkery
Ruth M. Corkery
Rosanna Corliss
Leo Cormier
Normant Cormier
Theresa Cormier
Warren Cormier
Anne Marie Cosgrove
Anthony Cossette
Helen Costa
Gerald Costello
James Sheenan Costello
Claire F. Cote
Gabrielle Cote
Frances Cotter
Philip Cotter
Sally Cotter
Annie Coughlin
John & Claire Coughlin
Leon Coulon
Elinor Coupe
John Courtney
Helen Covino
Muriel Cox
Sister Rosalba Cox
William P. Cox
Maureen Coy
Michael Coyle
Blanche M. Coyne
Ronald Coyne
Dorothy Cozzatti
John Craven
Kevin Creedon
Sister Jean Mulloy
Sister Alberta Marie Olsen with Sister Jean Mulloy.
ister Jean Mulloy’s ministries have taken her down a rewarding
pathway. Her first ministry was at Cathedral High School in the South
End. For Sister Jean, who entered in 1953, her classroom assignments
expanded into much more as Cathedral’s enrichment programs for children
from the projects grew. By 1971, she was missioned to work in parishes in
Waltham and Quincy where she visited the sick, taught adult education, and
helped parishioners cope with everyday life. Later, she helped
re-establish St. Mary of the Angels Parish in Roxbury in a challenging
neighborhood where there was considerable unrest.
“None of us works alone,
and each of us has gifts to bring.”
Sister Jean said, “We made a clear-cut decision to roll up our sleeves and
help.” Sisters went into the streets daily to get to know the people and the
neighborhood. “It was exciting,” said Sister Jean, who noted that when they
arrived there the first Mass was attended by five people. Five years later, nearly
200 attended Mass, where now “the church was a presence.”
For the next 21 years, Sister Jean worked at Cardinal Cushing and St.
Coletta Day schools in Braintree. As Vice President of Mission Effectiveness,
she oversaw various programs for children and the elderly, and partnered the
pastoral outreach with business management aspects.
Sister Jean also worked with 110 volunteers at Faith in Action Elderly
Program in Watertown, and was Director of Pastoral Care at Franciscan
Children’s Hospital. Now semi-retired, Sister Jean coordinates the CSJ
transportation program. Her cell phone is her office so that she can help sisters
by arranging rides to appointments, to shop, or to visit friends and family.
Through her ministries, she helped create programs and partnerships as she
witnessed “a lot of connecting.” In fact, Sister Jean has experienced a sense of
community everywhere she’s been. “None of us works alone, and each of us
has gifts to bring.” †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 15
Margaret Crehan
Paul Creighton
James J. Cremins III
Charles (Charlie) Crespi
Vincent Crimi
Patrick Crimmins
Joseph T. Criscenti
Catherine Croak
Erick Croll
Denis Cronin
John Cronin
Timothy Joseph Cronin
Agnes Joan Crook
Robert Crosby
Edwin T. Cross Sr.
Marguerite Dervan Crowell
Bernard Crowley
George Crowley
James Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Robert Crowley
Paul Croyle
Elizabeth Cruise
Kay Cruise
Edward Cruz
George Cudd
Jean Cuilla
Vincent Culcasi
Marilyn Cull
Dan Cullen
M. Louise Cullen
Muriel Louise Cullen
Sister Serena Cullen
Patricia Cullinan
Joseph T. Cullinane
Anna Cumming
Raymond Cummings
James "Vinny" Cummiskey
Patrick J. Cunniffe
Joseph E. Cunningham Jr.
Barbara Cunningham
John Cunningham
Thomas R. Cuoco
Pam Cuomo
Camille Curcio
John & Sally Curley
Joseph Curley
Joseph F. Curran Sr.
Barbara Curran
Frank Haessler Curran
John Curran
Joseph F. Curran
Joseph J. Curran
Michael Curran
John J. Curtin Jr.
Charlie Curtin
Fr. Eugene Curtin
Jack Curtin
John Curtin
Mary Curtin
Eileen Curtis
Laurinda Curtis
Robert Cusack
Marjorie Kerins Cusano
Jean Cushman
Woodrow L. Cushman
Frances Custeau
M. Elizabeth Cutone
Alice Cyr
Lena Czuprgna
Edith D'Agastino
Genevieve D'Agnese
Maureen D'Amico
Bishop John M. D'Arcy
John & Steve D'Arcy
Michael D'Elia
Marion D'Espinosa
Lynn Dafoe
Alfred W. Dagle
Patricia Daigneault
John "Jay" Dailey
John Daily
John F. Daily
Frank Dalaklis
Leo Dalassio
Kathleen "Kay" Daley
Kathleen F. Daley
Megan Daley
Scott Daley
Robert Dalferro
Barbara A. Daly
Michael Daly
Paul & Janet Daly
Robert Daly
Anita Danials
Louise Danieli
Sister Ellie Daniels
Margaret Dargan
The DaSilva Family
John Davenport
Armen David
James Davis
Laura Davis
Paula Davis
Sister Vincentia Davis
Ben Day
John Day
Joseph Day
Mary Dayton
Marie DeAmato
Francis DeAngelis
Ana S. DeBarges
David DeCarlo
Dorothy DeCarlo
Mary DeCaro
Anthony DeChristoforo
Beatrice DeCoste
Joanne DeFelice
Mary DeGiacomo
Donald DeGrandis
Peter DeGruchy
Joan V. DeGuglielmo
Frank DeLuca
Carol Ann DeMichele
John Deal
Helen M. Dealey
Gregory Deamandes
Katherine Dean
Joseph Dedemongo
Robert Deegan
William Deehan
Gina Degnan
Lenny DelGatto
Russell DelTorchio
Eleanor Delaney
Ellen Delaney
Jane Delaney
Joseph Delano
Elaine Delleroco
Joseph Demaio
Rose A. Demeo
Marie Demopoulos
James Dempsey
Terry Dempsey
Marie Deneen
John Deone
Leo Dermandy
Marie DeSantis
Sister Joyce DeShano
Carol Deschene
Charlotte DeSimone
Josef Desimone
Robert A. DeSimone
Sister Cuthbert Desmond
Stephen Francis Desmond
Steven Desmond
Ana Silvia deVargas
Anna DeVasto
Kerrie DeVasto
Claire Deveau
Paul F. Deveny
Robert C. Dever
John Devine
Julie Devlin
James DeVito
David DeVoy
Lawrence DiBella
Evelyn DiCalogero
Mary DiCesare
Mary Landry DiCesare
Salvatore DiChiapperi
Cynthia A. DiFronzo
John DiFronzo
Albert DiGregorio
Steven DiLibero
Joan E. DiMaggio
Margaret DiMichele
Margaret DiModicca
Grace DiNisco
John DiNisco
Joanne DiPansilo
Norma DiPiano
Irene DiRocco
William DiSciullo
Ruth DiTullio
Rita Diamond
Anselmo Dias
Manuel J. Dias
Rita Dias
Patricia Dieselman
Janet Dignan
Coleman Dillane
Mrs. Dillon
Mary Dineen
Mary & John Dineen
Nancy Dineen
Ted Dineen
Nubar & Marguerite
Ruth Dinneen
Emilie Dion
Pauline Dion
Frederick J. Dirmaier
Carole Ditommaso
Anna Dixon
Charles Dixon
Maya Djajakusuma
Barry Doane
Dorothea Doe
Helen Doggett
Edward P. Doherty Jr.
Barbara Ann Doherty
Catherine & John Doherty
Dan Doherty
Daniel Doherty
Daniel E. Doherty
H. Joseph Doherty
J. Barry Doherty
John Doherty
Joseph Doherty
Joseph B. Doherty
Mary Doherty
Margaret Doherty
Nora M. Doherty
Norah Doherty
Pauline Doherty
Sean Dolan
Gasper Dolce
Sister Mary Dolores
Dominican Sisters
Brian Donaher
Doris Donaher
Mary Lou Donaher
Joseph P. Donahue Esq.
Donald Donahue
Helen Donahue
Mildred Donahue
Thomas R. Donelin Jr.
Barbara Donlan
James Donlan
Mary Donlan
Barbara Donlon
Dorothy Donlon
Catherine Donoghue
Bernard L. Donohue
Ruth Donohue
The Donovan Family
Carol Donovan
Carolyn Donovan
Catherine Donovan
Elizabeth R. Donovan
Jack Donovan
Joan Donovan
John Donovan
Kay Donovan
Mark Donovan
Neal F. Donovan
Rita Donovan
Theresa Donovan
Thomas Donovan
Veronica Donovan
William Donovan
Virginia Doonan
John Patrick Doran
Charles Doucette
John Dougherty
Kevin J. Dougherty
Leo Dougherty
Robert Dougherty
Thomas Dougherty
Karen Douglas
Teresa Douglas
Dorothy Dow
Patricia Dow
Stanley C. Dow
James Dowd
Theresa Dowd
William H. Dowling Jr.
Jane Marylena Downes
Richard Downes
Michael Downey
Rita Downey
Sister Belita Downing
William Downing
Ann Doyle
Ann Confill Doyle
Danny Doyle
John D. Doyle
Joseph E. Doyle
Josephine Doyle
Paul Doyle
William Doyle
Sarah & Nicholas Drago
Margaret Drennan
Sister Falisa Drew
Sister Ellie Wiegand
Sister Eleanor Wiegand and her sister Mary, a Bethany Health Care Center
ister Ellie Wiegand seems happiest when she is busy. That was evident during
her interview for Connecting, when she noted that not only was she being
interviewed, but she also had two banana breads and two coffee cakes in the
oven. Baking for the sisters and caring for them is definitely an important ministry for
her. In fact, her cooking for the Congregation began early, as soon as she entered the
Sisters of St. Joseph in 1959.
Sister Ellie used her cooking skills for 13 years, and then realized she wanted to do
something different. So she applied to Bethany and became a nurse’s aide. While at
Bethany Healthcare Center, she studied at both Labouré College and Regis College
where she earned degrees in nursing. With a chuckle, Sister Ellie noted that she began
at Bethany.
After serving as Director of Nurses for several years, it was time to move on. Sister
Ellie went back to cooking, this time at St. Joseph Retreat Center in Cohasset. She
expected to be there for one year, but she stayed for four! Sister Ellie said she loved
that ministry, where she met so many different people. When she turned 60 in 2000, it
was time for another change, and it was back to nursing.
"Sister Ellie enjoys nursing and meeting
the needs of the patients.
'It’s very rewarding,'she said."
Since 2000, Sister Ellie has been part-time nursing supervisor at Bethany, where she
does many different things with and for the residents. For example, she brings the
bookmobile around to patients, drives them to appointments, and just generally spends
time with them to be connected to them and companion with them.
She enjoys nursing and meeting the needs of the patients. “It’s very rewarding,” she
said, “to help those who are frail, and those who can’t drive anymore.” And, of course,
Sister Ellie continues to bake for the sisters with whom she lives, providing well for
their special "likes"! †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 17
First Annual "Living the Dream" Dinner 2014
n March 29, 2014, nearly 300 guests gathered at the Seaport Hotel
to celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the
Greater Boston area. Co-chaired by John E. Drew and Francis Dillon,
and supported by a hardworking committee of volunteers, our first annual
benefit, “Living the Dream” Dinner, was a hugely successful evening.
We honored Margaret and Paul Chisholm with our first Dear Neighbor
Award. Margie and Paul truly share in the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Boston as they continue to serve the “dear neighbor” without distinction.
MC, Mike Sheehan, orchestrated a lively program featuring remarks from
our President, Sister Rosemary Brennan, a video highlighting the ministries
of sisters Adela Rodriguez, Rita McCormack, and Catherine Ginty, a moving
personal witness by Pauline Fillman, and closing remarks by Gail Donahue, CSJ
Leadership team.
During the 140th celebration, there was a great sense of a profound love of
God and love of neighbor without distinction. Many in attendance renewed
and strengthened relationships with others and learned the sisters still can
be found in shelters, food pantries, parishes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes,
retreat, chaplaincy, campus ministry centers, refugee services, literacy programs,
programs for at risk youth, and so many more places where the need is great.
We wish to thank everyone for celebrating with us, in particular the event
committee for their hard work and the generosity of sponsors, donors, and
attendees.Your generosity enables the sisters to continue their work, while
supporting and caring for their elderly and infirm sisters.
Honorees Margaret & Paul Chisholm
with Sister Rosemary Brennan.
Pictured L-R: Sisters Catherine Ginty and Roberta Ristuccia
Pictured L-R: Sisters Rita McCormack, Helen Callahan,
Anne Conway, and Miriam Ringer.
Pictured left front to back: Sister Adela Rodriguez and
Sister Marie Patrice Carr.
Pictured right front to back: Sisters Martha Ann Kelley,
Marian Batho, Rosemary Brennan, and Anne D'Arcy.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 19
Ralph Drinkwater Jr.
The Driscoll Family
Bonnie Driscoll
Francis Brendan Driscoll
George A. Driscoll
Michelle Q. Driscoll
Thomas Driscoll
Pauline DuWars
Rudy Dualsky
John F. Duane
James Duffy
Lawrence Duffy
Peter Duffy
Ursula Duganiero
James Duggan
Jimmy Duggan
Sheila Duggan
Audrey Dugrenier
Michael Duhaime
Winifred A. Dumais
Leona Dunleavy
Nancy Dunlop
Fr. William Dunn
Francis Dunn
Jack Dunn
Maureen A. Dunn
Rev. William Stephen Dunn
Sister Margaret Dunn
Sister Therese Dunn
Joyce Dunnigan
Mary Eleanor Dupre
Irene C. Dural
Sister Callista Durant
Michael Durkan
James P. Durkin
Joseph Dutra
Christine Dwyer
Mary Dwyer
Richard Dwyer
William Dyan
Mary Dyer
Christopher Dziczek
Tony Dzingelewski
Michael J. Eacobacci Jr.
Grandmother Egan
Sister William Joseph Eagar
Sister Ursula Earle
Ella Early
Julius Edelmann
Peter Edgely
Lorraine Edwards
Joe Egan
Rita Egan
Larry Eger
Leo V. Egidio
Devin J. Ehrmanntrout
Erica Eisner
Laurie Eklund
Rose Ellion
Lawrence Elliott
Karen Ellis
Jean Anne Emde
Jerry Emde
Robert Emens
Mary Lou Emerson
Thomas Enrici
John Enright
Kathleen Ensor
Elinor Erker
John Etheridge
Annette Evans
Francis Evans
Ryan Evers
Anne Fabrizio
Sheila Fahey
Phyllis Falbo
Sister Annata Falla
Donald P. Fallon
Ed Fallon
Lorraine Fallon
Marybeth Fallon
Paul J. Fallon
William Fallon
Edward Fannon
Albert Farina
Ann Faro
John V. Farrell
William T. Farrell
Edward Farren
John Joseph Farren
Clyde Faulkner
Dorothy Faulkner
Anne Fay
Grace (Fitzsimmons) Fay
Lorraine Fay
Richard Fay
Frank Fazio
Rose Fazio
Sondra Fazio
Albertina Fedor
Esther M. Feeley
Jack Feeley
John Feeley
Bill (William) Feeney
Gary Thomas Feeney
James J. Feeney
Barbara M. Feinstein
Stephen Feneck
Kathryn E. Fennell
Kay Fennell
Martin Fenton
Dr. John Ferrante II
Anthony "Tony" Ferrara
Rocco Ferraro
Joseph Ferretti
Chuck Ferrigno
Donald Ferro
Brian Ferullo
Alma Ferzoco
Peter Feuerbach
Angelo J. Fiantaca
Alice Fiaolo
Mary Ann Ficara
Henry Fidrocki
Karen Field
Paul Filipowicz
Eileen Finley
Catherine Finn
Catherine A. Finn
Donald Finn
Mildred Finn
Paul Finn
Catherine Finnegan
Javeria Fiorillo
Arlene Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald
Richard Fitzgerald
Robert Fitzgerald
Sister Mary Leonidas
Timothy Fitzgerald
Winifred Crowley Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgibbons
Elaine Fitzmaurice
Sister Patricia Fitzmaurice
Katherine Fitzpatrick
Norma Fitzpatrick
Richard Fitzpatrick
Richard H. Fitzpatrick
Terrence Fitzpatrick
Coleman Flaherty
Eleanore Flaherty
Ellie Flaherty
Helena T. Flaherty
Joseph Flaherty
Mary Flaherty
Mary Lydon Flaherty
Nancy Flaherty
Richard Flaherty
Rita Flaherty
Theresa F. Flaherty
Francis J. Flanagan Jr.
Ed Flanagan
Kathleen Flanagan
Francis X. Flatley
Thomas A. Flatley
Rita Flavin
Patricia Fleming
Susan Fleming
Thomas Fleming
Lorraine Flipp
Carol Florentine
Elizabeth Flores
Alton Flynn
Francis "Frank" Flynn
Francis J. Flynn
Frank Flynn
Lois Flynn
Paul Flynn
Ralph Flynn
Thomas Francis Flynn
William A. Flynn
Barbara Foley
Christopher Foley
Cornelius Neil Foley
David X. Foley
Doris Foley
Doris L. Foley
Dr. Michael Foley
Edith Foley
John Foley
Joseph Foley
Julie Foley
Mark Foley
Mary Foley
Maureen Foley
Michael T. Foley
Neil Foley
Paul Foley
Sister Mona Foley
Timothy Foley
Stephen Follas
Joseph Fonseca
Karen Forbush
Virginia Forcina
Dr. Richard Forcucci
Theresa Forcucci
Ellen Ford
Kathleen Ford
Sister Anna Catherine Ford
Brendan Forde
John Forry III
Jack Forry
Louise Fortunato
Joseph Foscaldo
Ken Foster
Rita Foster
Katherine S. Fournier
Pauline Foust
Billy Foy
Jeanne Frances
Carl L. Francesconi
Charles Franco
Mary Franey
Mary Franz
Theresa Frawley
Dr. Francis H. Freccero
Anna Frechette
Edward Fredericks
John Fredrick
Hank Fredriksen
Patricia M. Freeley
Frederick & Dorothy
Madeline Freeman
Theresa Freitas
Madeline Elizabeth Frew
Patricia Friel
Ron Fries
Maria Frizado
Edward Frongillo
John Frontera
Eileen Fucille
Kristen Furbush
Josephine Furdon
John Furey
Robert Furforo
Robert Furfuro
Rev. Gerard Furlan SX
Jerome Furlan
Ann J. Furtado
Katherine Kelly Furtado
Dr. David Gabriel
Daniel Gagne
Genevieve Gagnon
Mary Gagnon
Mary Donovan Gagnon
Barbara Galasso
Bernice Gallagher
Hugh Gallagher
John Gallagher
Judith Gallagher
Julia M. Gallagher
Mary Gallagher
Sister Marisol Gallagher
Joe Gallant
Richard "Dick" Gallego
Francis L. Galligan
Fr. Roland J. Gallipeau
William A. Gallivan
Mrs. Eugene Galloway
Vincent Galvagno
Mary F. Galvin
Robert A. Galvin
Sister Dunstan Galvin
Sister Camella Gambale
Carminella Gangemi
Anna Crowley Ganley
Jonh J. Gannon
Ann Garavente
Sister Margaret Garballey
Trudy Garland
Louise Garrity
Mary Elizabeth Garrity
Barbara Garsoe
Eleanor Smith Garvey
Rina Gasparini
Eleanor Gates
Claire Gaudet
Joseph Gaudreau
Audrey Gava
Donald Gavin
Richard D. Gavin
Cecile (Ceil)Darcy, CSJ Associate
ecile Darcy, fondly called Ceil, is a woman of deep faith. She was
educated through her first eight grades by the Sisters of St. Joseph.
She and her sister first realized that they were both poor and loved
when a sister beckoned and took them aside to give them some tea and pound
cake because the sisters were concerned about limited provisions with eleven
children at home.
Over and over, love was shared as Ceil grew up, married, and began to raise
her own five children. The family tradition of Catholic education continued with
her children attending St. William School in Dorchester where the CSJ presence
was a constant. As her family grew, Ceil became a volunteer at Bingo which
helped to support the school. She remained a volunteer there for 30 years!
“If I turn in any direction, whether during a difficult
time in my life or a joyful time, I will encounter a
CSJ or a familiar face of an associate.”
Ceil had a good friend, a former CSJ, who encouraged her to participate in the
CSJ Associate Program following the death of her son. She became an associate
in 1995, and this experience has both helped her in her grieving and also
strengthened the link to CSJs for her.
Experiencing the deaths of other family members or friends, Ceil has found
herself quickly surrounded by CSJs and CSJ Associates who have reached out to
her. Ceil remarked: “If I turn in any direction, whether during a difficult time in
my life or a joyful time, I will encounter a CSJ or a familiar face of an associate.”
Praying with sisters and associates and spending time with them at St. Joseph
Retreat Center in Cohasset deepens her faith life and strengthens her lifelong
link with the CSJs. Among them, she finds “peace without worrying.”
Ceil has been a volunteer in the Office of Mission Advancement for 14 years.
She credits her commitment to volunteer service throughout her lifetime to her
association with the CSJs. She has adapted to a variety of roles within the office
and is always ready and willing to assist with any number of different tasks. Ceil
is one of many volunteers for whom we are so thankful! †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 21
If It Doesn’t Say Boston,
It’s Not Ours
We have, once again, received phone calls and notes from our
friends, relatives, and donors saying that they have received
solicitations from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield.
We share many things with our Springfield sisters: history,
tradition, friendship and a passion for mission. We do not
share finances. We do not share our mailing list with any
other group. Nonprofits can purchase mailing lists from
magazines and companies. The Springfield sisters do,
and that is why you receive their mailings.
Our mailings always have our logo:
Our mailing address is always:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA 02135.
Please be sure your gift reaches its intended destination.
Bertram A. Gay
Fr. Edward Geary
Irene Gebo
Robert Geddes
Theodore Gelinas
Rose Gemellaro
Winifred C. Gens
Morris Gentile
Lucy Gentuso
Christopher C. George
Leo Georgeopolous
Al Gerardin
Dorothea McCellan
Patricia Gettings
Anne (Kearney) Geyer
Levon Ghazarian
James Ghirardi
Philomena Giagonelli
Clare E. Giannetti
Guy Giannio
Eugenia Giarratano
Mary Gibbons
Margaret Gibbs
Muriel Gibbs
Dotty Giddings
Patricia Gifford
John A. Giglio
Ann M. Gilgun
David T. Gill
John D. Gill
Joseph Gillen
Carol Ann Gillenwater
Joyce Gilligan
Mary Gilmartin
Anthony Gilmore
Richard Ginnelly
Sister Margaret Ginty
Margaret Giordano
Anthony Gireico
Joshua R. Giroux
Robert Glancy
Walter J. Glynn Jr.
Bob Glynn
Joe Glynn
John S. Glynn
Joseph Glynn
Mort Glynn
Eileen Goepner
Dorothy Goggin
Ann Golden
Rita Golden
Jeanette Gonsales' Mother
Ralph Good
Sister Irene Goode
Mary A. Goppi
Catherine Goreczny
Kay Gorman
Paul R. Gorman
Sister Catherine Gorman
William Gormely
Brig. Gen. William J. Gormley
Oscar Gossage
Mary O'Brien Gosselin
Elizabeth A. Gouveia
James Gover
Pietro Graceffa
Eleanor Grady
Eleanor (Smith) Grady
Michael Grady
Marguerite Graffam
Antoinetta Graffeo
Francis M. Graham
Helen Graham
Steve & Marie Graham
Mary T. Grande
Catherine Grandpre
Gil Granet
Evelyn Collins Grant
Patrick Grant
Lawrence Gray
Josephine Grazioso
Ann Greatorex
Margaret Greehan
Jeanne Greeley
Gertrude Iris Green
Helen M. Green
James Green
Dorothy Greene
Frances C. Greene
Mary Louise Greene
Sheila J. Greenlaw
Leslie (Red) Greenleaf
Richard Greenwich
Mary Kay Greenwood
Kathleen Cotter Greer
Virginia S. Gregory
Anna & Michael Griffin
Dorothy T. Griffin
Jeanie Griffin
Michael (Mickey) Griffin
Paul Griffin
Arthur Grillo
Christopher Stephen
Grimes III
Deborah Boragine Grimes
Thelma Grimes
Ed Grogan
Kenneth Groh
Lou Guadagnoli
Rosemary Gualtieri
Antoinette Guay
Chris Gubecza
Anne Guijino
Joanne Guimond
Jane Guinivan
Geoffrey Gunn
Thomas Gunning
Lisa M. Gusmini
Zachary Guys
Joyce Haggerty
Josephine K. Haight
Florence Hajj
Theresa Haley
James Hall
Joseph Arthur Hall
Marie Hall
John J. Hallahan Jr.
Donald Hallam
Eleanor Hallett
Mary Hallett
Connie Halligan
Constance Halligan
James Halligan
Joan F. Hallisey
John Hallisey
Leo Hallisey
Margaret A. Hallisey
Mary L. Halloran
Rev. Thomas J. Hamel SJ
Barbara Hamilton
Charles Hamilton
Celeste Y. Hamm
John F. Hanafin
Henry "Red" Hanagan
Richard Hanagan
Sean Hanagan
Ann Hanell
Daniel Sheridan Hanley
Evelyn Hanley
Thomas J. Hanley
Linda Hannah
Leonard Hannahan
Lori Hannan
Frank Hannigan
Frank & Marianna Hannigan
Henry Hannigan
John R. Hannigan
Rev. John Mark Hannon
Michael Hansen
Stanley Hansen
Ann Hanwell
David Harding
Melissa Harding
Richard A. Hardock
Melissa A. Hardy
Robert Harrington
Connie M. Harris
Constance Harris
Cornelia Harris
Roseanne Hart
Sister Dorothy Hart
Sister Lillian Hartney
John Harty
Mary Harty
Sister Anne Harvey SND
Carolyn Harvey
Mary Ann Harvey
Hazel Hasseltine
Edward Hatch
Sheila Ryan Hatch
Sherri Hatch
Walter J. Hatch
Denise Hattenburg
Frances Haugh
Ruth Haugh
John A. Haughn
John Hawkins
Marie Hayden
Michael Hayden
Mrs. Hayden
George Hayes
Helena Hayes
Mike Hayes
Robert Frances Hayes
Jack Haynes
Edward J. Hayward
Donald Heald
Jean Healey
Patricia Healey
John J. Healy
Jane Heaps
Ann Heaton
Elizabeth Hebard
Linda Hebard
Alice May Silvia Hebert
Dorothey C. Hedrick
Thomas Hedrick
Lila F. Heenan
Paul & Marguerite Heenehan
Alfred & Kathleen Heffernan
Mary Heffernan
Edward Hefron
Claire Hegan
Michael Hegarty
Michael Hegarty
Sister Loretto Hegarty
Mary A. Hehir
Gaetan Helms
Rick Helton
Dorothy Hendrick
Richard X. Hennelly
Eileen V. Hennessey
Rose E. Hennessey
Thomas Hennessey
William Hennessy
Barbara A. Herlihy
Mary Hermann
Agnes Heron
Ruth Herring
Agnes Hickey
Charles V. Hickey
Irene Hickey
John P. Hickey
Joseph Hickey
Margaret Hicks
Alfreda Higgins
Joyce Marie Higgins
Marie Higgins
Sister Katherine Higgins
William T. Higgins
Bob Hill
Daniel P. Hill
Patricia & john Hilsdorf
Alan Hilsinger
Ann Hilton
Darryl Hinko
Joseph Hite
Ellen Hochmuth
Mary Hodges
Cynthia Hogan
Lorna Hoge
Edward Holden
John Holland
Thomas Hollow
Bertha Holmes
Noel Holmes
Edward F. Holway
George Hondras
Shirley Hook
Charles Hopkins
Marie Horan
George Horne
Theodore Horne
George Horner
Sister Carla Horner
Patricia A. Horrigan
John J. Howard
Richard Howard
Doris Hubbard
Richard Huber
Nancy Powers Hubman
Frank Hudson
Colleen A. Huff
Geraldine Hughes
Gerry Hughes
Mary Hughes
Sister Eileen Hughes
Sister M. Demetrius Hughes
Mary O'Halloran Hunt
Peter Hurlburt
Brian Hurley
Josephine Hurley
Teresa Chisholm Hurley
Sister Mary Elizabeth
Phyllis Hussey
Julie A. Hyland
Patricia Ierardi
Patrick Igoe
Robin Richards Imparato
Mario A. Incatasciato
Bridie Inskip
Eugene Irvine
Walter Ivancevic
Sister Corsini Ivers
Charlie Jackson
Earl "Whit" Jackson
Patricia Jacobs
Robert Jacovitz
David James
Josephine Janek
John C. Jarvis
Alice Jaslowich
Richard Jasper
Carryl Mae Jenkins
Christopher Jenkins
Daniel E. Jenkins
Madeline Jenkins
Mary A. Jennette
Nora Jennette
Sister Neri Jennings
Mary Jensen
Eleanor Joaquin
Francis P. Joaquin
Richard Jodoin
Ellen Johnson
Eunice Johnson
Keith Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Ann Jones
Evan D. Jones
Foxhall Jones
Francis A. Jones
Georgianna Jones
Joyce Wilder Jones
Kathleen Jordan
Mary J. Jordan
Wilhemina Jordan
Teresa Jordon
Altes Joseph
Robert Joseph
Anne M. Joyce
Edward J. Joyce
Martin Joyce
Michael Joyce
Nora & Timothy Joyce
Sister Barbara Joyce
Andrea Kahler
Andrew Kalen
Chucky Kaliris
Evelyn Kalvansky
Edward Kamel
Agnes Kane
Carol Kane
Jane Kanelos
Michael Kaplan
Landyce Kaprielian
Ann Kararycz
Edward Kaspar
Nick Katsiroubas
Barbara Kaulund's Mom
Mary Mancini Kavanaugh
Anne McCusker Kealey
Kevin Keane
Robert Keane
William Keating
Jean Keaveney
Damien Keefe
Lisa (Tobin) Keefe
Paul Keefe
Sister Elizabeth Keefe
Anne Keegan
Lawrence R. Keeley
Astrid Keenan
Pauline Keenan
Philip Keenan
Philip J. Keenan
William F. Keenan
Jimmy Kehoe
Robert Kelley Sr.
Christine Kelley
Christine & Jim Kelley
Diane M. Kelley
Elaine Kelley
Helen Kelley
James Kelley
James & Peg Kelley
John Kelley
John & Mary Kelley
Joseph Kelley
Madelaine Kelley
Margaret Kelley
Mary Kelley
Mary E. Kelley
Mr. Kelley
Phillip Kelley
Robert Kelley
Sean Kelley
Peter Kelliher
Timothy Kelliher
James S. Kelly Jr.
Ann Marie Kelly
Bridie Kelly
Catherine Kelly
Dorothy Kelly
Edward Kelly
Edward W. Kelly
Elaine Kelly
Fr. Larry Kelly
Kenneth Kelly
Margaret Kelly
Mary Donovan Kelly
Milldred Kelly
Nana Kelly
Paul C. Kelly
Philip Kelly
Sister Anna Mary Kelly
Sister Bonnie Kelly
Tim Kelly
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 23
Please accept my donation in
memory of my dearest friend,
Patricia Friel. Pat touched so
many lives with her many acts
of kindness, generous heart
and her everyday caring that
matters so much. Her faith was
the cornerstone of her life. I
will miss her more than words
can say – but feel so fortunate
to have been blessed with her
friendship. God bless the Sisters
of St. Joseph and the wonderful
work they do.
Jean Lemieux
Westwood, MA
Timothy Kelly
Phyllis Westerlund Kendrick
Albert J. Kenefick
Thomas Kenna
Gerard Kenneally
Edith (Betty) Kennedy
Edward Kennedy
Joyce Deveau Kennedy
Regina M. Kennedy
Viola Kennedy
William "Teddy" Kennedy
George Kenney
Sister Colette Kenney
George Kenny
Andrew Kenyon
John Kenyon
Connie Keohane
Thomas Martin Keough
Robert Kerdok
Helen Kerr
John Kerr
Barbara Kerrigan
William Kerwin
Ron Keswick
Rita Kevell
Jerry Kiely
Rita T. Kiely
Richard D. Kiernan
Robert L. Kierstead
Gail Kilcommins
Joanne Kilduff
Paul Kilduff
Bryan Killian
Catherine Killilea
Kathleen Killilea
Scott Kilroe
Alice Kilroy
Margaret H. Kilty
Mary Kimball
Noreen Kimball
Richard L. Kinchla
Robert Kindelan
Annmarie Kineavy
Marilyn King
Marion P. King
Marjorie King
Mary Ann King
Patricia King
Sister Barbara King
Rita Kinneavy
Sister Catherine Kinsella
Josiah Kirby
Paul Kirby
Mary Kirwin
Ron Klaila
Al Kleponis
George T. Kmiec
Anne Cutter Knight
Sister Mary Jane Knight
Albert Kniupis
Anna M. Knowles
Marcella A. Knowles
Edward Kolczynski
Anna Marie Koskowitz
Agnes Kosta
Florence Kotowski
Kathleen Kougais
Francis A. Kowalski
Michael Kozak
Cathy Krabbe
Burt Krafte
Donald Kramer
Kay Kramer
Leo Krantz
Katherine Kraus
Francis B. Krause Jr.
Donna Stein Krauss
Bob Kroger
Janina Kuczynski
Walter J. Kupris
Alice Kusner
David Kwok
Edna LaCivita
Shirley A. LaCorcia
Ann LaCourt
Jules LaFlamme
Albert LaRocco
Jean Marie LaRosa
Gertrude LaRosee
Gloria Rose LaSala
Lorraine LaVertue
Michael Ladriola
Denise Lafayette
Al Lagan
Mary C. Laganas
Brian Lake
Dr. E. Joseph Laliberte
Ruth Marie Lalli
Joseph P. Lally Sr.
Arthur Lamb
Lynn Lampedecchio
Louis Lamperti
Charles Lanata
Sarah Lander
William J. Landergan Jr.
Leslie Landry's Parents
Charlotte Landry
Dennis Landry
George Landry
Marion Landry
Mary Ann Lane
Mary Anne Lane
Walter Lang
Ada Langlan
Kenneth Langley
William Langly
William Langtry
Gerald Lanney
Jerry Lanney
Brother Leo Lapointe SM
Sophia Lapsley
Elizabeth Larkin
Nora E. Larkin
Peg Larow
Keith Larsen
Maureen Latchford
Edna Lattanzio
David Laughery
Rev. Joseph Laughlin SJ
Joseph Laughlin
John Launie
Charles & Lillian Laverty
Doris Lavery
Theresa Lavezzoli
Elizabeth J. Lavin
Joseph Lavin
Sister Margaret Mary Lavin
Claire Lavoie
Jean Lawkis
Sister Elizabeth Lawless
Kathleen Lawlor
Marguerite Lawrence
Mary Lawrence
Carol Lawson
Joan Lawton
Joseph C. Lazaro Jr.
Elizabeth A. LeBeau
Antoinette LeBlanc
Dorothy LeBlanc
Lorraine LeBlanc
David LeClair
Anthony LeDonne
Loraine LeDuc
Amato LePore
Vincent Leahy & Family
Edward Leahy
Marie Leahy
Ita Leany
Robert F. Lear Sr.
Bobby Lear
Arthur Leary
Monica Leary
Raymond Leccese
Susan Ledoux
Edward C. Lee Jr.
Jim Leeman
Mary Powell Lees
Joseph Legardo
Marie Lehane
Lillian Leino
Ann Lemieux
Marie G. Lemist
James A. Lennon
Loretta Lennon
John D. Leonard
Jonathan Leonard
Nicholina Leone
Antonetta Lepardo
Eva Lepine
Paul Leslie
Mr. Lesperance
Jessie Letizia
Francis Levasseur
Catherine Leverfue
Peter J. Leveroni
Rose C. Lichtenberg
Bruce Liddell
William J. Lightbody
Frances Lillicrof
Elise Limone
Celia Linden
Russell "Sonny" Lindenfelzer
Kazimiera Lingertat
Christine Link
Loren Linn
Mary Little
M. Louise Littlejohn
Sister Catherine Livers SP
Elaine Lloyd
Margaret Lloyd
Porzia Lobosco
Robert Locchi
Elizabeth Hayes Locke
Harold & Elizabeth Lofgren
Laurence Lohen
Joseph Lojek
Karen Lombard
Marie E. Lombard
Sister Carole Lombard
Ellen Lombardi
Humbert Lombardi
Kathy Long
Tom Long
Patricia A. Loprich
Amy Lord
Gladys Lorina
Francis Losco
Gail Lott
Michael Lovett
Daria Lozynsky
Dennis P. Lucey
Joan M. Lucey
Robert Lucey
Thomas Lucia
Andrew Lucibello
Emilia Lucreziano
Agnes Ludwig
Rose Lund
Elizabeth Lundgren & Family
Jean Lundgren
Harold Lunn
Margaret Luongo
Massimino Luongo
Sonny Luongo
Michael J. Lydon Jr.
Marguerite P. Lydon
A. James Lynch
Dorothy M. Lynch
Dorothy Tammelin Lynch
George Lynch
Jane Lynch
Jason Lynch
John Lynch
John F. Lynch
Margaret A. Lynch
Marion Lynch
Michael J. Lynch
Elaine Lyons
John Lyons
Mary Jane "Mollie" Lyons
Sik Foo Ma
Donald M. MacDonald
Katherine MacDonald
Stella M. MacDonald
Brian MacDonnell
Janet MacDougall
Alberta MacEachern
Isabel MacInnis
Doris MacIsaac
Doris (DeSenza) MacIssac
Doris MacLeod
Sister Elizabeth Clare
Donald MacPherson
Robert MacDonald
Doris Maclone
Arinda Madden
Elizabeth Madden
Eleanor Mader
Janet Madigan
Janet Madigan
Catherine Madill
Carol Maffeo
Kathy Tighe, CSJ Associate
Kathy tutors a child at Casserly House.
eet Kathy Tighe, newly elected to our CSJ Associate Leadership Team. For
those who may be unfamiliar with the Associate Program, CSJ Associates
are lay people who share the faith journey of the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston while affirming their own vocations. Unlike professed sisters, they take no
vows, but recommit themselves annually as associates.
"CSJ Associates are lay people who
share the faith journey of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
while affirming their own vocations."
Kathy’s sleeves are always rolled up! She generously expends her boundless
energy and enthusiasm as a volunteer at St. Francis House in Boston where she
helps with the soup kitchen and clothing distribution. She also has her sleeves rolled
up whenever she works with the summer camp program at Casserly House in
Kathy is a deeply spiritual woman whose commitment and faith have taken her
from her ministry here in Boston to working with the New Mexico CSJ Associates,
our Volunteers in Mission Program, and all the way to El Salvador, where she was
trained and then served as an election observer. Truly she ministers to the “dear
neighbor without distinction”.
When asked “Why did you become a CSJ Associate?” Kathy told me that she was
attracted to CSJ spirituality, sense of purpose, and especially the community. She
is humbled by being elected to the CSJA Leadership Team, and she knows that by
accepting this role she is where God needs her to be. She looks forward to “Daring
to Dream”, and making the dream a reality. †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 25
Sean Magee
Henry (Buck) Magner
Margaret Magner
Mary, Henry & Eddie
Lisa Magni
Frederick Maguire
Maureen Maguire
Sister Virginia Maguire
Catherine Mahan
Dick Maher
Robert Maher
William Mahn
Peter Mahoney & Family
Ann P. Mahoney
Clara F. Mahoney
Howard Mahoney
Joseph F. Mahoney
Michael R. Mahoney
Richard Mahoney
Robert Mahoney
Ronald E. Mailhiot
William Maisey
Mary Malandrino
Dolores Malczuk
Eleanor Malendy
Brian Mallon
Edward F. Malloy
Marilyn Maloff
Edward Malone
Helen Maloney
Jacquelyn Maloney
Jean Maloney
Mary J. Maloney
Claire B. Manchini
Leonard Mancione
Evelyn Mancuso
Frank Mandill
William Mangan
William T. Manganiello
Mary Manish
Barbara Mann
Linda Mann
Mary Manning
Marianne Mannino
Rachel Manoli
Antoinette Manone
Sandra J. Manuel
George Manzelli
Luca Marano
Bob Marciano
Donald L. Marcoux
Olga Marenghi
Vincent Maribito
Lucielle Marino
Catherine Marion
Helene Markant
Iris M. Marks
Grace Marotta
Louis Marotta
Kathy Marshall
Mary Louise Marshall
Ron Marshall
Patricia Marshalsea
Ann Crilley Martin
Donald Martin
Jean Martin
Kathleen "Kay" Martin
Kathleen R. Martin
Robert Martin
Thomas Martin
John Martino
John A. Martyn
Mary From Syracuse
Rocco D. Marzilli
George J. Mason Jr.
Edward H. Masterson Jr.
Antonio Mastrocola
Catherine Mastropietro
Gaspare Masucci
Anne Mates
Jeannette Mathi
The Matthews Family
Michael Matthews
Sister Mary Thaddeus
Kristen Schraven Mawn
Robert Mays
Phil Mayti
Claire Maytum
Mark F. Mazzarini
Andrew Mazzola
Gregory McAndrews
Patricia McArdle
Lois C. McAskill
Donald T. McAuliffe Sr.
Mary McAuliffee
Charles McBroom
Mary McCabe
Joseph McCallough
Peg McCaron
Thomas McCarron
Betty McCarte
Elizabeth McCarte
Chris & Peg McCarthy
Edward McCarthy
Finbar McCarthy
Finn McCarthy
Francis (Frank) McCarthy
Francis J. McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
James J. McCarthy
Jeanette McCarthy
Jeannette McCarthy
John McCarthy
John F. McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Josephine McCarthy
Judith McCarthy
Mary McCarthy
Mildred McCarthy
Pauline McCarthy
Richard McCarthy
Teresa McCarthy
Virginia McCarthy
Gerald F. McCawley
Anne McClarey
Mickey McClearn
Jean Marie McClymont
Catherine McComas
Eileen McConville
Alan McCormack
Kathleen McCormack
Marjorie McCormack
Richard S. McCormack
Sister Kostka McCormack
Stella "Dolly" McCormack
Arline & Thomas
James McCormick
Peggy McCormick
Roxie McCormick
William McCormick
David P. McCready
Mary McCready
Mary McCrossin
Barbara McCullough
Jerome McCullough
Joseph McCullough
Dorothea McDermott
Dot McDermott
James McDermott
John P. McDermott
Lucy McDermott
Mary McDermott
Mary A. McDermott
William McDermott
Brendan McDonald
Joan McDonald
Sister Hildegarde McDonald
Sister Mary McDonald
Thomas McDonald
Virginia McDonald
William McDonald
Sister Mary McDonnell
Daniel McDonough & Family
James J. McDonough Jr.
Helen T. McDonough
Julia McDonough
Mathew McDonough
Patricia McDonough
Robert E. McDonough
Barbara McEachern
Sister Patricia McEachern
Helena C. McElhinney
Margaret McElholm
John F. McElligott Jr.
Daniel McEnaney
John McEwan
Sister Margaret McGarry
Ann McGee
Senator Thomas McGee
Mary McGettigan
Ann F. McGillivray
Ann McGillvray
Lawrence McGinn
Helen McGlynn
Louise McGoldrick
Mary Demeo McGoldrick
Edward McGonagle Jr.
Sister Cormac McGourty
Bernard Joseph McGovern
Sister Mary Patrick
Scott McGowan
Donald McGrath
John McGrath
Stephen McGrath
Steve McGrath
Terri McGrath
Theresa C. McGrath
Therese McGrath
Gail E. McGuire
Maureen McGuire
John McHugh
Cecilia M. McInerney
Walter McInerney
Carol McInnis
Paul McIrney
Paul J. McIrny Sr.
John McKay
Joseph & Ginny McKeever
Kenneth McKenna
Mary Ellen McKenna
Edward McKenney
Leo McKennon
Jack McKenzie
John McKenzie
Mary C. McKeon
William McKeon
Mary McKeown
Rev. Joseph McLaughlin SJ
Dorothy McLaughlin SP
Alexis McLaughlin
Ann Bowen McLaughlin
Herbert McLaughlin
Ken McLaughlin
Mildred McLaughlin
Noreen McLaughlin
Ruth McLaughlin
Sister M. Benedict
Sister Mary Ruth McLaughlin
Bernard McMahon
Joseph McMann
Sister Theresa McManus OP
Peggy McMillan
Alice McNally
James McNally
Monica Monty McNally
Emmett F. McNamara
Virginia June McNamara
Francis McNamee
Edward "Ned" McNeal
Ann McNicholas
Timothy J. McNulty
John McPhail
Ethel McPherson
Mary M. McPherson
Mary McSharry
Doris W. McSweeney
Edmund McSweeney
James C. McSwiney
Joy Mead
Mary F. Meade
Frederick Meagher
Francis Meaney
Sumner Means
James Medaglia
Jose Dennis Medeiros
Sister Lucia Medina MSSPA
Vitor G. Medina
John P. Meehan
Jack Mehigan
Barbara Mehl
Chet Melanson
Lawrence Melia
Walter Melican
Eleanor Mellett
Isabel Mello
Vincent Melluzzo Jr.
Sister Agnes Melly
Sister Catherine Melly
Peter Michael Melville
Curtis Melvin
Henry Memmo
Sister Theresa Menard
Rita Merallo
Zeconas Merkevicius
Janet Keating Merriam
Connie Merrick
Dorothy Merrick
Dorothy Meyer
Ann Micalizzi
Aurore Michaud
Kayla Michell
Augusta Miele
Joseph Miett
Joseph Milan
Vincent Milano
Albert Miles
Geraldine Miles
Sister Mary Miles
William J. Miller III
Douglas "Sonny" Miller
Douglas F. Miller
Frances Miller
Harold & Marilyn Miller
Jeannette A. Miller
Joan Miller
Robert Miller
Theresa Miller
Ralph H. Milley
Sheila Milller
Marion L. Mills
Martin Mimnagh
Stephen J. Minghella
John Minto
William Minuchi
Robert Miskunas
Stephen Modica
Marie Modini
Robert Mogelnicki
The Molea Family
Phillip Molea
Lily Molina
Gerald Molinario
Anna Monaghan
William V. Monagle Sr.
Gertrude Monagle
Marie P. Monagle
Mary Theresa Monagle
Vincent Monagle
Thomas Monahan
Winifred & William Monahan
Kathy Monestere
Harry Monks
Joseph Monteforte
Moise Montes
Cristina Marie Montfort
Lucille Montminy
Anna & Walter Mooney
Gerard Moore
Irene Moore
Bernard Moran
Imelda Moran
Matthew J. Moran
Thomas M. Morel
Marie Moreshead
Edward Morgan
Michael Morgan
Helen Moriarty
Josephine (Lima) Moriarty
Mary Morra
Mary Morrelli
John Morris
Arthur & Tessie Morrisey
& Family
Annie Morrison
Dolly Morrissey
Nancy Jane Morrissey
Ruth Morrissey
Sister Rita Morrissey
The Women's Table
637 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA
The Women's Table, birthed in conjunction with the 135th
anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph arrival in Boston
in 2008, is honored to be jointly celebrating the 140th
anniversary of the sisters in 2014!
The Women's Table would not be thriving without your
help! Connecting neighbor-with-neighbor and neighborwith-God is the clear mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph,
and this is the cornerstone of The Women’s Table. Other
words echo this, in particular, relationship, connections,
compassion, outreach, unity and community. Without you
and the collaboration of sisters, associates, local coalitions,
area social service agencies, and generous individuals we
would not exist, let alone thrive!
During the evening of April 30, William Cafferky was
recognized by The Women's Table with the Founding
Sponsor Award; the award was accepted by his daughter,
Corrine. Reverend Karen Fritz, of the Brighton/Allston
Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, and
Priscilla Lasmarias Kelso, who helped initiate The Women's
Table Multicultural Circle, were both recognized as
Community Partners.
Visit http://www.thewomenstable.org for more information
or call 617- 746-2056
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 27
Timothy P. Morrissey
Robert Morrow
Charles Morse
Clifton L. Morse
Daggett Morse
Evelyn Morse
Elizabeth Mosher
Mary Moynihan
Sister Ann Moynihan
Joyce Mozzicato
Roger Muir
Carol Muise's Sister
Joseph Mulcahy
Patricia Mulcahy
Drew R. Mulhearn
James Mulholland
John Mulkerin
Julia Mulkerin
Julia "Judy" Mulkern
Sister Catherine E. Mulkerrin
Kevin Mullaney
Paul Mullen
Sarah McCarville Mullen
Eileen Mullett
Lt. John F. Mulligan
Paul J. Mulligan
Thomas Mullin
Marion Mulloy
Jim Mulroy
Ruth Mulroy
Fran Mulvaney
Charles R. Mulvey
Frank Mulvey
Robert J. Munnelly
Patricia Munro
Mary Dean Munroe
Matthew Murano
Josephine Murdock
The Murphy Family
Ann L. Murphy
Catherine Murphy
Catherine M. Murphy
Collin Murphy
Eileen Murphy
Evelyn (Bean) Murphy
Francis Murphy
Jeremiah Murphy
John Murphy
Judy Murphy
Kenneth Murphy
Louis Murphy
Mary Murphy
Mary F. Murphy
Olive Marie Murphy
Philip J. Murphy
Sister Alvernara Murphy
Sister Catherine E. Murphy
Sister M. Celestine Murphy
Sister M. Jose Murphy
Susan, James & Joseph
Thomas Murphy
Timothy R. Murphy
Tom Murphy
Ursula Murphy
Vera Murphy
Betty Murray
Brian M. Murray
Elizabeth Murray
Patricia K. Murray
Sister Frances Marie Murray
Peter J. Muse
William F. Muti
Robert Myers
Charles L. Myette Sr.
Catherine Nabstedt
Annie & Patrick Nagle
David Nagle
Lawrence Nali
Helen McCabe Nalli
Maria Grazia Napolitano
Joan Nashawaty
Ed Nason
Wally Nason
Charles Nasuti
Rev. Thomas Naughton
Robert A. Naumann
Raymond J. Naymie
Harriet C. Neary
Catherine A. Needham
Eileen O'Malley Nekuda
Brokha Nepomnayshy
Ellen Neundorf
Edward "Ted" Newcomb
Paul Newcomb
Catherine Nicolazzo
Lee Niehaus
Richard Nilo Sr.
Earle E. Nogler
Joseph Nolan
Judge Nolan
Judge Joseph Nolan
Sheila Nolan
Sister Anne Nolan
The Honorable Joseph Nolan
Henry Nolet
Betty Nollen
Barbara Noonan
John Noonan
Delphina Noriega
Kevin Normile
Joseph Norris
Eileen North
John Norton Jr.
Catherine Norton
Katherine Norton
Kathleen Norton
Michael R. Norton
Sister Mary Loretto Norton
Mary Ann Novig
Elizabeth Nowak
Madalene Nowell
Anne Nugent
Joan O'Beirne
Andrew O'Brien
Anne O'Brien
Carol O'Brien
Catherine O'Brien
Catherine C. O'Brien
David O'Brien
Ellen O'Brien
Emily O'Brien
George & Phyllis O'Brien
James O'Brien
Joseph O'Brien
Marie D. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Edward O'Brien
Paul O'Brien
Peg O'Brien
Richard O'Brien
Richard P. O'Brien
Rita O'Brien
Sister Agnesca O'Brien
Sister Marinus O'Brien
John O'Byrne
James O'Connell
Marie O'Connell
Mrs. O'Connell
Patricia O'Connell
Rita O'Connell
Rosemary O'Connell
Rosemary (Rory) O'Connell
Sheila O'Connell
Thomas O'Connell
Thomas F. O'Connell
William O'Connell
William H. O'Connell
Anna O'Brien O'Connor
Louise O'Connor
Margaret O'Connor
Mary C. O'Connor
Michael O'Connor
Theresa O'Connor
Vilma Sanesi O'Connor
Helen O'Donnell
James & Beatrice O'Donnell
Margaret O'Donnell
Ryan O'Donnell
Ryan P. O'Donnell
Sister Engelbert O'Donnell
Thomas O'Donnell
T. Frank O'Halloran
Theresa O'Halloran
Sister Jeanne d'Arc O'Hare
Sister Elizabeth O'Hearn
William O'Hearn
Walther J. O'Kane
Dorothea M. O'Keefe
Helen O'Keefe
William O'Keefe
Jack O'Leary
James O'Leary
Joseph O'Leary
Nancy M. O'Leary
The O’Loughlin & Gibbons
Johnn O'Mahoney
Claire O'Malley
James O'Malley
Julia O'Malley
Mary O'Malley
Mary E. O'Malley
Winifred O'Malley
Robert O'Melia
Carol O'Neil
Carole O'Neil
Janice O'Neil
John H. O'Neil
Karen O'Neil
Margaret E. O'Neil
Mary E. O'Neil
Natalie O'Neil
Sister Dorothy O'Neil
Sister Winifred O'Neil
Alice O'Neill
Ed O'Neill
Edward E. O'Neill
Elizabeth O'Neill
Helen M. O'Neill
Janet O'Neill
John O'Neill
June O'Neill
Marion O'Neill
Marjorie G. O'Reilly
Claire O'Rourke
Sister Ursulina O'Rourke
Barbara O'Shea
Dr. Thomas H. O'Shea
William F. O'Shea
Anne Mulhern O'Sullivan
John O'Sullivan
Mark O'Sullivan
Maureen C. O'Sullivan
Michael O'Sullivan
David J. O'Brien
Victor O'Brien
Sister Enessa O'Connor
Ryan P. O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Albert O'Leary
John O'Sullivan
Patricia Oates
Virginia M. Oates
Richard Ober
Robert L. Oberg
Jean Oddis
Constance Ogilvie
Frank Oliver
Michael Oliveri
Catarina Oliveria
Madeline Olivieri
Mary Opidee
F. Lena Oppedisano
Grover "Smokey" Orcutt
Sophia Oreszak
Antonia Battaglia Orlando
Mary Osborn
Margaret Ouellette
Raynald E. Ouellette
Tena Owens
Mary Pacheco
Alice Paciolis
Alice Pacocha
Louise Pacquin
Janet Clancy Paddyhag
Eveline Paetzoid
Gladys Page
Louise Page
Butchie Pagiarulo
Peter Paglari
Warren Paglari
Sean Paguandas
Mary Ellen Palange
Jeanne Palermo
Marie Palkey
Angelina Pallo
Betty Palmer
Zemmerine Palmer
Catherine Palumbo
Dorothy Panaro
Louis Panico
Carmela Pantaleo
Grace Papas
Eleanor Pappane
Nicholas Pappas
Eleanor Pappone
Ruth Paquette
Joanne Paradiso
Theresa Pardo
Lorraine Parent
Charles F. Paris Jr.
Kim Parker
Lester Parker
Barbara Parodi
Donald Parsons
Teresa Pasakarnis
Frances Paschal
Mario Pasciuto
Edwin J. Pasiuk
Sambino Pasquale
John Patrie
Ida M. Patrizi
Anthony Patteri
Ann Marie Patterson
Russell Patterson
Walter Paul
Manuel Paulino
Lillian Paulovich
Mary Pawlowski
Lucille Payne
Shayna Peachy
Eileen Pearson
Wallace Peck
Rosemarie Peduto
Thomas Peebles
Tristan Peirce
Helen Peleisa
Elizabeth Anne Pelletier
Alice Pendergast
William Pendergast
Anna, James & Daniel
Ernest Penta
Edward Pepper
Evelyn Peracchi
Stephen L. Percoco
Alan Percoski
Ann Perreault
Albert M. Perry
Frank Perry
Kate Dudley Perry
Kathryn P. Perry
Constance B. Peterman
Sister Claire Peters
Claire Peterson
Dick Peterson
Jared Petrelli
John Petrie
Peter Paul Petro
Mary Petrone
Joyce Petruccelli
Louis Petrucci
Francis Pettepit
Grace Pettepit
Robert Pettepit
Sarah Pettiglio
Edward Pettipas
Irene Pettipas
Joseph P. Pettipas
Patricia Peveri
Jose Marino Pezzotti
Dorothy G. Philbrick
Sister Mary Ambrosia
Dr. George V. Picard
Francine Picardo
Harold "Brud" Pierce
Joan Pierce
Doris St. Pierre
John A. Pietrowski
Lee Pike
Mary Pikunas
Paul Piliposwicz
James Pineo
John Pineo
The Literacy Connection
637 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA
Allston-Brighton Unsung Heroine
Our dedicated
volunteer tutors are
the mainstay of The
Literacy Connection’s
adult literacy and
citizenship program.
On June 4 ,2014, Anne
Mahoney of Brighton
will be acknowledged
and honored as an
Unsung Hero for her
volunteer efforts on behalf of the Allston-Brighton Community
Anne has been a tutor at The Literacy Connection for
10 years and has worked with adult students from Nepal,
Bangladesh, China, Russia, Pakistan and the Dominican Republic.
With patience, humor, and gentle persistence, Anne has guided
her students through the hurdles of learning homophones and
homonyms, understanding idiomatic expressions, and the pitfalls
of our Boston accent! Along with English language instruction,
she has encouraged and assisted one student to obtain a driver’s
license and helped 3 of her students become U.S. Citizens.
Congratulations, Anne! A well deserved honor!
Husband and Wife Citizenship Teams
The Literacy Connection
is always proud to
recognize and “shout”
the praise of our
students who take the
monumental step of
becoming new citizens
of the United States.
We currently list 114
of our students on
our Citizenship Honor
Roll. On April 17, we
congratulated two of our students, Gilberto and Terezinha
Queiroga, who were sworn in at the Seaport World Trade
Center along with 2,500 other new citizens. Gilberto and
Terezinha represent The Literacy Connection’s 17th “husband
and wife team” to become US citizens!
Visit http://www.csjboston.org/our-ministries/congregationministries/the-literacy-connection/ for more information
or call 617-469-2101.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 29
Mary Jo Pineo
Rosalind Pingeton
James Pino
Jeffrey Pino
Eleanor Pinto
Stephen Piontkoski
Michael A. Pirrello
John Pisacreta
Phillip Pisano
Geraldine Pisapia
Stephen Piscuskas
John J. Piskadlo
Gail Pitassi
John Pitman
Ann Pittenger
Nancy Stutler Polanski
Lydia Police
Ralph & Viola Polillio
Louise Poliquin
Thomas Polito
John Pollard
Alfred P. Pompeo Sr.
Louise Pompeo
John Pompey
James Pontari
Emilia Ponte
Nicholas Ponticelli
Steven Pontkowski
Katie Houlihan Poole
Mary Porcello
James Porter
Mary Porter
Sally Kelly Porter
Edward Poston
Arlene Pote
James Potember
Michael Pother
Carol Pothier
Judith Potts
Louise Poulin
John H. Powell Jr.
Helen Powell
Jenny Powell
John Powell
Raymond G. Powell
Theresa Powell
George Power
Peter Power
Barbara Powers
Jean Powers
Jeanne Powers
Martha Powers
Patricia "Pat" Powers
Pauline Powers
Robert Powers
Elsa Praddaude
Cindy Prendergast
Margaret Prendergast
Catherine M. Prestajohn
Katherine Prestejohn
Anna Price
John W. Priestley Jr.
Kathleen McPeck Principe
Marge Prior
Arleigh Proctor
Kevin Proctor
Rita Proulx
Irene Provost
George H. Pruyne
Cheryl Pszenny
Albert V. Pucciarelli
Elaine Puglisi
Assunta Puleio
Mary Elizabeth Puleiu
Seward W. Pulitzer Jr.
The Pumphret Family
Joseph J. Puopolo Jr.
James R. Purdy
Sallie Pusey
Paul Puska
Mae Qualters
Ann Queally
Walter Quealy
Timothy Quelly
Salvatore Querusio
Sister M. Norena Quilty
Catherine Quinlan
Carmel Quinn
Francis Quinn
Margaret Quinn
Theresa Quinn
Irene Rabideau
Robert Rae
Helena Rafferty
Michael Raftery
Patricia Raftery
Lucy A. Rago
Pellegrino J. Ragosa
Edward Raible
Alfonso Raimo
Annette & Emile Rajotte
Gerrie Randall
Denise Ranelli
Mary D. Ranieri
Lorraine Chiasson Rankin
Rita Rasmesen
James Reamy
Charles T. Reardon
Janet Reardon
Paul B. Reardon
Ernest E. Reavy
Margaret M. Reavy
Mary Redmond
James Regan
Julia Regan
Katherine Regan
Katherine E. Regan
James Reidy
Kathleen Reiger
Catherine & Leo Reilly
Margaret Reilly
Mary F. Reilly
Vivian Reilly
William & Bridget Reilly
William Arthur Reilly
Victor Reis
Jeanne Reith
Maureen A. Remondini
Martin Rennalls
Carolyn Renwick
Anna Resigno
Bianca Reyes
Bob Reynolds
The Ricca Family
Sister Mara Ricca
Sister Paola Ricca
Jake Ricciardi
Arthur T. Riccio
Michael Riccio
Kathleen Richard
George Richards Jr.
Kathleen Richards
Kay Richards
Mary Richards
Eleanor Richardson
Regina Richardson
Ward Richardson
Gloria Rielly
Phylis Marie Rigail
John Patrick Riley
Rick Rindini
Helen Ring
Richard J. Ring
Martha Riordan
Jeanne R. Rist
Colleen Ritzer
Anne Rivais
Christine Rizzo
Robert & Susan Rizzo
Antoinette Roach
Richard Roach
Rita Roach
Timothy Matthew Roache
William Roberts Jr.
Fr. Eddie Roberts SSC
Rev. Edward Roberts
William (Biff) Roberts
Marguerite Robinson
Marie C. Robinson
Maurice Roch
Leo F. Roche Jr.
Tony Roche
Lorraine Rock
Sister Mary Rock
John F. Rockett
Mr. Rockett
Anne Rockette
Camilla Rodger
Erin Rodrigues
Patricia Rogan
Daniel Rogers
Helen Rogers
Mary Lou Rogers
Sister Raynald Rogers
Evelyn Romano
Lavinia Romano
James D. Romeo
Irma Romines
Rosemary Ronayne
Mary Rondinelli
Vincent Rondinelli
Cynthia Rose
Marilyn, Joanne & Theodore
Marie Rothbauer
Maria Rotondi
Maria Rotundi
Jane F. Rourke
Margaret M. Rourke
Roland (Sonny) Rousseau
Theresa Rousseau
Roland "Root" Routhier
Andrew Rowinski
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Roy
Catherine Shea Roycroft
Edgar Royer
Joan I. Ruane
Catherine Rudd
Jack Rudloff
Helen F. Rufo
Joseph "Jumbo" Rufo
Joseph Gerard Rufo
George Ruggiane
Rose Ruggiero
Angie Ruiz
Stanley Rummel
Mr. Runeari
Victor Ruphert
Jo Ann Rupinen
Donald Ruschaupt
Frances Rush
Bertrand W. Russell
Carol Fitzsimmons Russell
Carol J. Russell
Sheila A. Russell
Richard Rust
Barry Ruth
Isabel Ryan
Joseph Ryan
Joseph G. Ryan
Larry Ryan
Mildred Ryan
Peter Ryan
Peter R. Ryan
Phyllis Ryan
Richard Ryan
Sister Ada Ryan
Thomas M. Ryan
Walter Ryan
Richard Rycroft
Gay Susan Ryder
John Ryder
Michael & Nellie Ryder
Philip Rymsha
St. Clement H. S. Class
of 1962
Edward Sabbagh Sr.
Jim Sabourin
Nellie Sabourin
Anna Sacca
Jozef Safan
Sister Saint Fabienne SMSM
Joan Salerno
Michael Bryan Salvemini Jr.
Carl J. Salvi Jr.
Carmen Salviati
Jeffrey D. Sambuceti
Connie Sammartino
Leo Sample
Edward Sancomb
Pearl Sandbloom
Martha Sanford
Robert Sanford
Edward Saniuk
Dorothy Sano
Monique Marie Sansome
Monique Sanson
Ralph Santangelo
H. Edward Santarpio
Atillio "Tillie" Santoro
Rosario Reyes Santos
Maureen Santry
Margaret Saporetti
Elizabeth Sardo
Mitchell J. Sartanowicz
Diane Saunders
Mary Saunders
Thomas F. Saunders
John Savino
Louise Sawyer
Theresa Sawyer
Jean Sayce
Richard Scanlan
Thelma Scanlan
Robert Scanlon
Ellen Scannell
Chickie Scappichio
Antoinette M. Scarfo
Sister Jane B. Schacht
Michael Schavrien
Frank Scheffler
Mario Scherma
Charlie Schilly
Dr. Charles Schissel
Rita M. Schissel
Gary A. Schlager
Carol Schmiz
Dot Schoner
Maxine Schram
Irene Schuler
Agatha E. Schultz
William Schultz
Ann Schwietering
Sister Maria Sciortino
Carmela Scire
Aiden Scott
Richard E. Scott
Sister Marius Scott
Rose M. Scuderi
Michael C. Scully
Carol Scurini
Inez Seales
Ena Sears
Paul Seaver
Pasquale Sedita
Joseph Seeley
Beth Segen & Family
Maureen Seggelin
Ralph Segreve
Enza Seminara
Brendon Sennott
Jeffrey Paul Serena
Lucille Sevigny
Thomas Sexton
Michael Seymour
Katherine Sgroi
Maria Shalno
Lorraine Shanahan
Raymond P. Shanahan
Lillian M. Sharkey
Sister Ann Sharry SND
M. Faith Shaughnessy
Marilyn Shaw
Marjorie Shawlis
Chester V. Shea
Diane E. Shea
Jennie Shea
John Shea
John "Jack" Shea
Marguerite Shea
Mary Shea
Mary C. Shea
Patricia Shea
Rosemary Shea
Matthew Sheedy
Timothy Joseph Sheehan MD
Ann Sheehan
Fred Sheehan
Frederick J. Sheehan
John "Jackie" Sheehan
Joseph Sheehan
Mary Sheehan
Robert Sheehan
Sally A. Sheehan
Casserly House
42 Stellman Rd., Roslindale, MA
“Rooted in Boston, Open to the World.”
Casserly House provides three main services. The first
service is an adult ESOL program. We currently work with
students from 16 different countries, Monday to Friday
from 9 am to 12 pm. English language and literacy classes
are provided for adults living in the neighborhood. Knowing
that our adult students are eager to join the workforce, our
ESOL program includes resumé preparation, interviewing
skills, and computer literacy support. Also included is a
broad array of support services, including citizenship support,
immigration issues, and transitional assistance.
The second service is an After-School Program. Monday
to Thursday from 3pm to 5pm, 15 neighborhood children
in 2nd to 5th grade come for homework help and tutoring
support. College and high school tutors serve as vital role
models. In July, we have a two-week Summer Educational
Camp with a focus on reading, computers, and art.
Along with these two primary services, we also provide
a third broad array of neighborhood services including
neighborhood gatherings, meetings, and prayer. We are a
vibrant, busy center of community care and support. We
maintain partnerships with other non-profits and community
organizations to anticipate and respond to neighborhood
issues and concerns.
Visit www.casserlyhouse.org for more information
or call 617-469-6457.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 31
T. Joseph Sheehan
Natalie Sheffield
Deirdre Shenma
Ani Kessisian Sherman
Paul G. Shgaughnessy
Elizabeth Shine
Lois Shoomaker
Phyllis Shortsleeves
Greg E. Shultz
John Shyne
Patrick T. Sibley
Paul L. Sicard
Sister Catherine Sienna
Josephine Signorino
Colin Silk
Walter Silva
Anne Silver
Julia Silvestri
Mary Silvestry
Anne-Marie Simon
Frances Simonelli
"Mom" Simonis
Vernon Simpson
Antonio Sinisczlcol
Michael Siraco
Sister Avellino
Sister Caroline
Sister Cecilia Mary
Sister Francis Claire
Sister Georgine
Sister M. Celestina
Sister Maristella
Sister Mary Catherine
Sister Roseanna
Sister Rosemond
Sister Thomas
Sisters of St. Joseph
Cliff Skank
Harriet Skelly
Pamela Skenderian
Ralph Skinder
Rita Skinner
John F. Skowron
James Slattery
Joseph Slattery
Joseph J. Slattery
Jane Sliney
Carol Sliver
Ethel Slowe
John Slymon
Leonard Allan Small
Carol Smith
Dr. Daniel J. Smith
Eleanor Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Jean Shay Smith
Jennie Smith
Kellie Smith
Marie A. Smith
Marjorie Smith
Monique Smith
Phyllis Smith
Phyllis H. Smith
Rev. Brian P. Smith
Ron Smith
William A. Snedeker
Tom Snelders
Sister Susan Snyder OP
Paul L. Snyder
Jason M. Sobanek
Laura K. Sobey
Ralph Soderberg
Anthony Solimine
Robert Solomons
George Sommers
Sophia L.
Muriel R. Sopper
The Sorensen & Alabisa
Paul Soule
Jose L. Sousa
Marguerite Souza
Theresa Spain
Joan Spanbauer
Susan Spangler
John Spanton
Nellie Sparrow
Evelyn Specian
Edward F. Spellman Jr.
Mrs. Spencer
William Spenser
Frank Spera
Anna M. Spinazola
Joseph Spitz
Jack Squires
St. Charles H. S. Class
of 1949
Maria T. St. George
Zenon R. St. Laurent
Larry St. Pierre
Diane Stack
Donny Stackpole
George F. Stackpole
Robert Stanieich
Lillian & Harold Stanley
Sophie Stanley
Anne P. Stanton
John Stanton
Richard Stanton
Susan Stapinski
William Staples
Doris Stapleton
Frances G. Stapleton
Marie Starble
Laurie Starr
Joseph Stasio
Lawrence Steele
Donald Steiff
Olga Stemler
George Stephanos
Edward Stephenson
Daniel Stern
Cheryl Stevens
Lorraine Stevens
Peter Stevens
Bernard Stewart
Dorothy Stickney
Frances H. Stinchfield
Evelyn A. Stokes
Charles Stone
Claire Stone
Elizabeth (Betty) Stone
Martha Strachan
Mary T. Stracuzzi
Irene C. Strafford
Marggie Strano
Edward Stratton
Rosemary Manaker Straub
Frank Strozzulla
Sister Regina Sullivan RGS
Andrea Sullivan
Anne Sullivan
Brian Sullivan
Catherine A. Sullivan
Dan Sullivan
Daniel Sullivan
Jerry Sullivan
Joanne Sullivan
John & Mary Sullivan
Kenneth Sullivan
Kevin J. Sullivan
Lorraine Sullivan
Lorraine M. Sullivan
Maureen Sullivan
Patricia R. Sullivan
Paul Sullivan
Phil Sullivan
Robert Sullivan
Roisin Sullivan
Ruth Evelyn Sullivan
Sharon A. Sullivan
Sister Blaithin Sullivan
Sister Ednata Sullivan
Sister Vincentine Sullivan
Winifred Sullivan
Josephine Supino
Michael Susi
Ignatius Sutera
David Svedine Sr.
Sister Dorothy Grace
Ernest Swanson
Sean Swanson
William, Margaret & David
Edward J. Sweeney
Jackie Sweeney
John "Jack" Sweeney
Norma Sweeney
Ellen Swider
Catherine E. Swift
Scott Swygert
Agnes Sykes
Anna R. Sylva
Edward Anthony Szczesiul
Cathie Szemere
Mary Szucsik
Mary R. Tabaldi
Joan Tack
Patrick Tagne
Filippa Talluto
Barbara Tankle
Liz Tarpey
Giollo Tartora
Margaret "Peg" Tatro
Victor A. Tavares
Helen Taylor
Jean Taylor
John Taylor
Joseph Taylor
David Brendan Tedeschi
Teela & Champa
Anthony Tenore
Claver Teranova
Louise Terciak
Claven Terranover
Elizabeth Tetreault
Terrell Teudt
Samantha Rose Theodore
Claude Theriault
Claude Therriault
Sandy Therrien
Donald Thibodeau
George Thibodeau
Dorothy Thomas
Trudy Thomas
Walter (Babe) Thomas
David Thompson
Dr. C. David Thompson
Mary Thompson
Marcus Thornton
Jane Marie Tibur
Rita Tice
Irene Tierney
Joseph Tierney
James F. Tighe
Robert Tighe
Sister Rinaldo Tileston
Norma Timmerman
Joan Tinzle's Brother
Emily To
Helena Tobin
Helene Tobin
Patricia Tobin
Edward Toland
John Toland
Ann Tonello
Virginia Toohey
John J. Toohig
Timothy J. Toomey Sr.
Mary J. Toomey
Sister M. Ursulita Toomey
Timothy Toomey
Lorraine Toppi
Josef Touet
Esther G. Tracey
Peter Tracey
Sister Mary Myles Tracy
Philip Trahadias
Eileen Trahan
Elizabeth Tramontozzi
Sheila Trant
George F. Travelo Jr.
David Trayers
Elizabeth "Betty" Trayers
Sister Claire Treanor
Pasquale "Leno" Treggiari
Joan Trelese
Raymond Tremblay
Mary R. Trifone
Eileen Daley Tripoli
Lisa Trojano
Winifred Troy
Edith C. Trubiano
Peter A. Truczinskas
Titus W. Trupe
Sandra Turcotte
Noel Turgeon
Linda Turgers
Linda Turgiss
John Turner
Sister Merici Twiss
Richard Twomey
Richard P. Twomey
Anne E. Tynan
Mildred A. Tyrell
Suzanne Ughetta
Dorothy Uglietto
Kathryn Ulinski
Joseph Andrew Urban
Diana N. Urnetta
Betsy Ustach
James Vaillancourt
Bruce Valicenti
John Van Heest
Michael VanDuym
John Robert Vander Aarde
Ralph Vandermark
Robert Vardaro
Eleanor Vargus
Nina Vassallo
Julie Vaughn
Mary Vegue
Daniel Vellela
Mary Vemezia
Arthur Venezia
Joseph Venturini
James Vesey
Andrew Vesprini
Ann Brown Vets
Cesar Viera
Margaret Viera
Joseph Vilimas
Paul Vincent
Margaret Vincuilla
Richard Vinton
Marilyn Viruet
Daniel Visco
Michael Viscusi
Charles Vitale
Walter C.Vitt Jr.
Ronald Vitti
Edward F. Voelkel
Meta Vokey
Ann Von Kable
Frank Vosnick
Joseph Wackrow
Ralph Wade
John Wagner
Toby Waithe
Norma Wakeham
Walter & Lydia Walata
Catherine Walker
Ed Walker
William Walker
Francis Walley Jr.
David Walls
Edward J. Walsh III
Ann Walsh
Ann Lee Walsh
Anne Walsh
Catherine "Kitty" Walsh
Catherine M. Walsh
Dennis Walsh
Doris R. Walsh
Dorothy F. Walsh
Eileen Walsh
Helene Walsh
James Walsh
John Walsh
John & Jeremiah Walsh
Jonlyn R. Walsh
Kevin J. Walsh
Lil Walsh
Mary Walsh
Mary Lyons Walsh
Nellie Walsh
Robert Walsh
Robert M. Walsh
Ruth Walsh
Sis Walsh
Sister Davida M. Walsh
Sister Mary K. Walsh
Susan Walsh
Saint Joseph Retreat Center
Cohasset, MA
One-hundred and forty years ago, in 1874, Dr. S.
Kneeland became the first owner of 339 Jerusalem
Road in Cohasset, MA. After passing through several
family owners, the visionary leadership team of the
Sisters of St. Joseph purchased the property in 1947.
For decades, this was the only place where sisters
could enjoy a day's or a week's vacation at the beach.
Forty years ago, another leadership team envisioned
opening the door of #339 to women and men of all
faith denominations who seek and thirst for spiritual
renewal. St. Joseph Villa eventually became St. Joseph
Retreat Center.
In 2014, our CSJ leadership Team authorized the
renovation of the common bathroom built in 1947
into four private bathrooms. A structural analysis was
undertaken and the decision was made to invest in
vital repairs to the century-plus, weather-beaten house.
The mission of St. Joseph Retreat Center is to respond
to the need of our "dear neighbors" for re-connection
with self, God, all humankind, and all creation. It has
been assessed and affirmed to be as great a need in
2014 and into the future, as it was in 1947 and 1974.
Our neighbors find nourishment in individual
spiritual direction, mornings and days of prayer, our
Spiritual Direction Training Program, Professional Day
Programs for trained spiritual directors and pastoral
ministers. Neighbors from near and far (including
Australia and Africa!) come for our fifty-three day
sabbatical program and/or one of our twenty-two
longer retreats. Others arrive for weekend retreats, or
as members of a Hosted Group such as a parish team,
prayer group, academic faculty, etc.
We delight that our door is open to the world
and to you! We keep our ear to God’s heartbeat
and continue to respond creatively and wisely to the
use and mission of 339 Jerusalem Road, St. Joseph
Retreat Center which is celebrating its fortieth year of
dedicated service.
As in the past, we dare to dream into the future. It is
only with the help of generous donors that we will be
able to invest in the next forty years.
Visit www.csjretreatcenter.org for more information
or call 781-383-6024.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 33
Thomas Walsh
William Walsh
Marion Walton
Edward J. Ward
George Ward
Lauren Ward
Lynda Ward
Raymond Ward
Agnes L. Ware
Ann Waterman
Garrett Waterman
Joan Waterman
Arthur Waters
Denise Watson
Laurence Watson
Mary Watson
Vince Watson
Russell Watt
Joan Watts
Nancy L. Webb
Ellen Webber
Barbara Weber
Joanne Weidner
Betsy Weimer
Harry Weinstein
William Weiser
Eileen Welch
Henry Welch
Rita Welch
John Wells Sr.
Martha (LaRoche) Wells
Clarence Wendel
Guy Werner
Henry "Hank" Whalen
Kevin Whalen
Michael Whalen
Kay Wheelen
Catherine F. Wheeler
Willaim J. Whelan
Brian White
Florence White
Patrice White
Priscilla White
Robert J. White
Sister Denisita White
Steven White
Robert D. Whiting
Paul Whitney
Robert Whitney
Sheryle Whittier
Al Wicklund
William D. Wicks III
Raymond J. Wilbar
Walter Wilk
Rita Willard
Andrew Williams
Angelina Williams
Francis Williams
Mary Williams
Peter Williams
Fred Willis & Family
Mary Willy
Kathleen Duggan Wilson
Theresa "Terry" Wilson
William R. Wilson
William Winfield
William Winnett
Catherine E. Winston
Maureen Winters
John Newton Wisbach
Oliver Wise
Joan Wittreich
Mary Wojcik
Concetta Wolf
Mary Wolfe
Peggy Wolfe
Patricia Woodin
Daniel Woods
Mary C. Woods
Robert A. Woods
Marjorie Wright
Thomas C. Wright
William Wright
Rita Wynne
James Wyse
Margaret P.Yardley
Robert Yorston
John Young
Pauline E.Young
Sharon Young
Sheila Noreen Young
Frederick A. Zajac
Mary Held Zamparelli
Dr. Oreste D. Zanni
Kathy Zanor
William Harris Zebrasky
Patricia Zechello
Richard Zeigler
Robert J. Zekik
Anne M. Zern
Richard Ziegier
Helen A. Ziolkowski
Deborah Zoffoli
Bridget Zukas †
I knew Sister Peggy Lowell for a long time.
I belonged to Immaculate Conception
Church in Cambridge for 50 years, where
Sister Peggy was until she moved to
Watertown and volunteered at Brigham
House Assisted Living. I have a photo of
her and myself with the scarfs we knitted
and donated to the homeless. She also
read stories from the Chicken Soup for the
Soul books. She brought so much joy to
everyone. She will long be remembered and
is sorely missed. She was one of a kind. I am
one of many who loved her very much.
Elaine Oliveria
Card Program
Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating the lives of relatives and friends. Throughout the year,
those you honor with a card are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph and CSJ Associates.
We encourage our donors to request that family and friends remember the Congregation by sending
donations “in lieu of flowers.” All donations are acknowledged by
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston Office of Mission Advancement.
If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to donate, or are in need of cards
for a relative or friend, please contact:
Cheryl Duggan, Mission Advancement Coordinator, at 617-746-2114
or email [email protected].
To make a donation online,
visit www.csjboston.org and find the "donate now" button.
Thinking of You
Pathway - blank
Happy Birthday
Resurrection Mandala
Specialty Card Order Form
Please enter the number of cards you are ordering
on the line next to the card.
(Please print clearly)
#1 Swan Boats
Thinking of You
Get Well Soon
_____ #5 Congratulations
#2 Happy Birthday _____
#6 Resurrection Mandala____
#3 Get Well
#7 New Beginnings
#4 Pathway
New Beginnings
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 35
Non-Profit Org
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Boston, MA
Permit No. 58432
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
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When you finish with this issue of Connecting please PASS US ALONG. So many good people do not
receive our mailings, but are connected in some way to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. It is our hope that
you will encourage others to read about the sisters and their ministries. When you PASS US ALONG, you will
be passing along good news.
If you have received Connecting from a friend, and would like to join our mailing list visit the news and
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On May 3, 2014, the Jackson/Walnut Park Schools presented a history of the sisters followed by the students singing Sante Joseph
in celebration of the Sisters of St. Joseph 140th Anniversary.