Dear Neighbor - Congregation of St. Joseph


Dear Neighbor - Congregation of St. Joseph
Serving the
Dear Neighbor
News from St. Joseph Center
3430 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland
2015 Edition
Ministries Partner to help Women and Children
This summer, two of our sponsored ministries will once
again partner together to help one another. Students and
their chaperones from Saint Joseph Academy (SJA) in
Cleveland will travel to Kermit, West Virginia to help
run day camps with ABLE Families for the children
of Kermit and the surrounding communities.
The trip marks the fourth year a group from SJA has
visited ABLE Families in Kermit. ABLE, an acronym
for Affirming, Believing, Learning, Empowering, was
founded in 1995 by the Sisters of St. Joseph in Wheeling
and is dedicated to empowering families in the rural Tug
Valley area of northern Mingo County, West Virginia.
to Cleveland to attend “camp” at Saint Joseph Academy. Fun
activities are planned including taking in an Indians baseball
game and attending a production of “Cinderella” at Cleveland’s Playhouse Square theaters. They will also visit with the
Sisters here at St. Joseph Center.
As a sponsored ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph,
ABLE Families confronts systemic causes of poverty through
action and collaboration to create meaningful opportunities
for Appalachian families. Through the camps planned for this
summer, the children from ABLE Families and SJA students
will have the chance to do that together. l
“The primary focus of ABLE Families is on
women and children because they suffer most
severely the effects of poverty,” shared SJA’s
College Counselor Maria Mueller, who has
traveled to Kermit with students for the last
three years. Some of the services that ABLE
provides include GED preparation, nutrition
education, a maternal/infant in-home health
education program and after-school and
summer programs for children.
“I didn’t know there were places in the U.S. that
didn’t have access to clean, running water,” shared
Emma, who participated in the camp in 2014.
“During that week in Kermit, I realized that we
sometimes take so much for granted in our lives.
Spending a week amongst pretty extreme poverty
was a reality check.”
New this year – children from ABLE Families
programs will also have the opportunity to come
Inside: 2015 Jubilarians
Volunteer students from SJA and children from West Virginia learn and have fun
together at day camps run by ABLE Families, a sponsored ministry of the
Congregation of St. Joseph located in Kermit, West Virginia.
Ministry Anniversaries
Annual Report
Academy Celebrates 125 Years!
An in-school performance by the world renowned Cleveland
Orchestra, a visit from Pulitzer Prize-winning graduate, Mary
Jordan and a special evening honoring the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph at the annual “Celebrate the Academy,” are
just a few of the highlights of the 125th anniversary celebration
of Saint Joseph Academy’s founding in 1890. These festivities and
others serve as a proud nod to Saint Joseph Academy’s vibrant
role in Northeast Ohio’s educational evolution, a look back at the
school’s valued history, and an eye forward to an academically
vital and faith-centered future.
Sisters Wilma Apack, Alice Rooney and Antoinette
Campanella listen intently to Cleveland Orchestra Guest
Conductor Emil de Cou before their performance at the
Academy in May 1st.
CSJ sisters were honored with the Medaille Shield Award
at Celebrate the Academy in February.
As we celebrate this milestone, Saint Joseph Academy is proud
to be a vibrant anchor of the West Park neighborhood and a
treasured academic tradition for generations of young women.
Students are challenged to reach for the highest levels of
academic and spiritual excellence. The Saint Joseph Academy
community values the traditions and honors the intentions of
the founding Sisters, who envisioned a school where each
young woman was encouraged to grow and thrive under God’s
guidance. Though the Saint Joseph Academy curriculum has
evolved, supporting the maturation of one’s personal relationship
with Jesus Chris has remained steadfast for 125 years. The Saint
Joseph Academy mission – to inspire a life of compassionate
leadership and service in a global world – is alive and well.
“We are so proud of our students and so appreciative of our
faculty, staff, parents, alums, donors and friends who continue to
help us welcome a future for Saint Joseph Academy that remains
vibrant, vital and valued, shared Sister Nancy Conway, CSJ, a
member of the congregation’s leadership team.
The only remaining Catholic high school for girls in the city, the
Academy had 710 students from 60 different feeder schools and
100 faculty and staff this past academic year. l
For more information on Saint Joseph Academy,
On behalf of all Sisters of St. Joseph past and present, CSJ
Leadership Team member Sister Nancy Conway, CSJ,
accepted the award from Academy President Mary Ann
For more information on any of our sponsored
ministries, visit
River’s Edge Celebrates 10 Years!
Transforming Lives,
One Person at a Time
River’s Edge, a Place for Reflection and Action, is celebrating
10 years of being in service to the dear neighbor and all who
have come through their doors in the past decade. River’s Edge
mission is one of personal transformation, and the variety of
classes, workshops, retreats, and personal wellness options
avaiable all point to that goal.
“What is most gratifying in the work that we do is that we are
recognized throughout the country for the importance of our
mission which is transformation, one person at a time, through
education and reflection that leads to action for a better world,”
said Sister Rita Petruziello, CSJ, River’s Edge Executive
Director. “We are a home for seekers; folks looking to deepen
their spirituality outside of the traditional structures for doing
so. Our Catholicism gives us the expansiveness to do so.”
Whether you come to River’s Edge for a guided or individual
retreat, to listen to one of the dynamic and thought provoking
speakers offered throughout the year, or wish to deepen your
yoga practice, learn to meditate or engage in the many other
personal wellness options offered, there truly is something for
everyone at River’s Edge.
In addition, the River’s Edge Women’s Outreach Center also
celebrated 10 years in service to homeless and formerly homeless women in the City of Celveland. The center, located in the
basement of Franklin Circle Christian Church in Cleveland,
provides a place of fellowship, safety, and community to women
who have experienced homelessness, are in transition, and in
need of support. Another way lives are transformed!
“I am so grateful to have had the privilege of leading an
organization for the past 10 yrs. that is dedicated to co-creating
a more just and sustainable world for all,” said Sister Rita.
“Most exciting is knowing that an average of 10,000 visitors
come through our doors on an annual basis. I guess we’re doing
something right!” l
Top Photo: River’s Edge Staff (standing from left),
Lindsay Dudick, Donna Tomko, Sarah Widener,
Sister Rita Petruziello, CSJ, and Maureen Powers;
(seated from left), Oliva Yokie and Megan Gerome.
Bottom Photo: The River’s Edge Women’s Outreach
Center’s foundresses, Sisters Carrie Vall, CSJ,
Felicia Petruziello, CSJ, and Patricia Gentile, SND.
all are welCome to the river’s eDge teNth aNNiversary BeNefit
saturDay July 18, 2015 l 5:00 pm l 3430 roCky river Drive ClevelaND
registratioN requireD. visist www.riverseDgeClevelaND.Com.
Sister Betty Herris, CSJ
(Sr. Mary Colman)
70 Years
“My life has been one of joy, prayer,
and service. In this seventieth year
of religious life, I am very thankful
for the gift of life and the gifts God
has given me to be of service to my
neighbors. I am also very grateful
for the love God has for me and for
all the gifted and talented women
that belong to the Congregation of
St. Joseph.”
Sister Madeline Lammermeier,
70 Years
“As I reflect on my 70 years in our
CSJ community, I am filled with
gratitude, awe and joy for the countless blessings I’ve received. I will
celebrate with joy, thanksgiving and
praise to our loving God, for he has
done great things for me and in me
all my life. I rejoice and thank my
CSJ sisters, my family, and everyone
who has supported me along my
journey. Alleluia! Alleluia!”
Sister Ann Kilbane, CSJ
(Sr. Jean Anthony)
60 Years
“How long ago it was when I
became a part of this group of
women called the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Cleveland! The hopes
and dreams of that young sister
evolved over the years, and sometimes changed, but I have come to
a time and place where I can say a
heartfelt ‘Thank You.’ It has been a
blessing to have travelled with our
community through the tumultuous times and through the joyful
times. I pray that we can face the
challenges of this next part of our
life together with peaceful hearts
knowing that God is truly with us
and will continue to lead us into
the future.”
Sister Audrey Koch, CSJ
(Sr. Ellen Joseph)
Sister Eileen Wentzel, CSJ
60 Years
70 Years
“From the fullness of His grace we
have all received one blessing after
another.” – John 1:16
“In the year the Church has dedicated to Consecrated Life, I am
mindful of the commitment I made
70 years ago. My various ministries
have been filled with high adventure
and risk, and always enriched with
God’s grace and purpose. The gifts
of the Holy Spirit have enhanced
my service, and have sustained me
throughout my active life - and now
in the waning years. I am very grateful for my family, my friends and all
who have walked with me through
the years.”
Consecrated life gives me the
greatest opportunity to share my
time, talents and treasures with
a great variety of people of many
cultures and life styles. What a joy
it has been to share the mutual
gifts of faith, hope, and love with
young students and adult parishioners and retreatants. I have been
renewed over and over again with
each new experience of life shared
with wonderful people of different
faiths and lifestyles. I am extremely
grateful and my heart is full of joy.”
(Sr. Mary Delrey, SND)
Congratulations to all our sisters celebrating Jubilees around the congregation this year!
To view full biographies, visit us online at, and click on “Newsroom.”
Sister Pat Kozak, CSJ
(Sr. Mary Hope)
50 Years
“As I look back, I’m filled with gratitude for the incredible array of gifts
and graces that have been a part
of these years. Looking forward, I
discover an eagerness and curiosity about the future that seems to
complement my gratitude. As a
Congregation, we continue to be on
the edge of something new-whether
the recognition of some challenge
that needs our time and commitment, or some new partnership
that will serve an unmet need, or
simply the openness to the unfolding
mystery of God’s way in the worldand in our own hearts. The prophets
Jeremiah and Isaiah capture this
-in their promise for “a future full of
hope” and their openness: “See! I am
creating something new.... Do you
not see it?”
Sister Liz Lavelle, CSJ
(Sr. Mary Rachel)
50 Years
“I am so grateful to the community
for the vision of many members that
expands my mind and spirit and
allows me to explore issues and
lands where I have never been.
That vision also embraces an
inclusive and warm hospitality
where differences mean celebration
and learning. The life and image
of the Spirit has and keeps on
broadening and deepening for me.”
Sisters Participate in Nun’s Life Podcast
On June 11, 2015 Sister Nancy Conway (right) and
Sister Erin McDonald (center) joined A Nun’s Life
Ministry program hosts, Sister Julie Vieira (left) and
Sister Maxine Kollasch (not pictured) for a podcast
that was live-streamed (audio and video) over the
Internet. They discussed topics of discernment, prayer,
spirituality, and more. The road trip combines social
media and in-person events in innovative ways to
engage with people about God, faith, and religious life.
People from across the U.S. and many other countries
watched the podcast and join the chat room using
their computers and mobile devices. A Nun’s Life
Ministry encourages people to understand their life
as a vocation. The mission of A Nun’s Life is to help
people discover and grow in their vocation by engaging questions about God, faith, and religious life. l
Sister Jacqueline Goodin, CSJ
25 Years
“I am so grateful for being part of
the Congregation’s history, vitality,
commitment and mission — to
express the All Inclusive Love of God
in our troubled world. Borrowing
from traditional wedding vows, this
I have tried to do in the good times
and the bad, in sickness and in
health, for richer and for poorer.
I look forward to many more years
of mission and ministry on behalf
of God’s people wherever I am,
moving forward in a spirit of
gentleness, peace, and joy.”
Sisters Juanita Honored
Sister Juanita Shealey, CSJ, is a 2015 honoree of the
city of Cleveland’s Black History Month Crowning
Celebration. It recognizes the ongoing leadership,
endeavors and contributions made by Cleveland’s
African American community. Sister Juanita is seen
here in traditional garb at the Black History Month
display she organizes at St. Joseph Center in Cleveland.
Please join us in congratulating Sister Juanita! l
In Memoriam...
Sister Mary Frances
Harrington, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on June 21, 2015, after
65 years of religious life.
Sister Virginia Coldren, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on February 7, 2015, after
71 years of religious life.
Sister Francesca Rauckhorst, CSJ
Sister Donna Hawk, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on May 9, 2015, after
69 years of religious life.
Entered into eternal life on
January 28, 2015, after
57 years of religious life.
Sister Adele Golden, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on April 24, 2015, after
65 years of religious life.
Sister Mary Gerald
McDermott, CSJ
Entered into eternal life on
October 19, 2014, after
68 years of religious life.
Sister Pat Twohig, CSJ
Sister Angela Kelly, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on April 10, 2015, after
54 years of religious life.
Entered into eternal life on
October 17, 2014, after
82 years of religious life.
Sister Dolores Moyer, CSJ
Sister Eileen Duffy, CSJ
Entered into eternal life
on April 8, 2015, after
75 years of religious life.
Entered into eternal life
on July 23, 2014, after
69 years of religious life.
We Celebrate the lives of all our sisters who passed away this year.
from Leadership
Annual Giving Report
Dear Friends,
Revenue Sources
It’s been quite a year for us! Our blessings are many
including our 600 sisters, 500 plus associates, 8,000
donors, family, and friends, 23 sponsored ministries
including three high schools graduating 572 students this
year, and more. Through it all you have been a steady
companion and faithful friend on our journey – extending
prayer, support, friendship, and love our way. We mean
it when we say, “We can’t do it without you!”
We’ve just completed an extensive communication
effectiveness study that you may have found a way to
participate in. Details of this are posted on our website
under ‘Headlines.’ It revealed the great affection and
connections so many have for and with us. At the same
time, we recognize that we have work to do in staying
connected with you, building our relationships and
connecting with others who don’t yet know us. There are
so many wonderful things happening because of your
support and prayers, and we will keep working to make
sure you and others know about them and if interested,
can be a part of them.
Our process of Neighboring aNew has also called us
to look at our needs and the needs of our neighbors in
light of our changing demographics. What is emerging
are exciting plans for our land and buildings, our sisters
long term care and new partnerships that along with our
very important ministries will help us carry our mission
forward. As we stay attentive to the needs in the world
today, we will continue to invite you to engage with us in
our mission and ministries and to work with us to bring
God’s message of unifying love to our communities and
to a world in desperate need of our care.
Thank you!
1% Memorials/
Donor Designated Uses
*This reporting documents the sources and designated uses of
the charitable donations received by the Congregation in 2014.
This includes the gifts received by the Congregation that are
designated to some of our sponsored ministries while gifts sent
directly to our ministries are not included here. We rely on
the generous support of our benefactors and openly share how
gifts received on behalf of the Sisters of St. Joseph are used.
The legacy of caring and mission of our congregation begun by our first six Sisters in LePuy, France
more than 360 years ago continues today because of the support provided by donors and friends.
There are many ways you can help including through your prayers, direct annual gifts, membership in our
Circle of Friends monthly sustaining donor circle, and through your will and estate plans.
To learn more please contact Pat Milenius at 216.252.0440 or visit
3430 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44111
This newsletter is printed on recycled paper
Spotlight Photo
Sisters and staff fold origami cranes for the
70,000 Cranes for Peace project. The cranes
will be sent to Los Alamos National
Laboratory in New Mexico, the heart
of nuclear weapons research, as part of a
peace vigil and march held at the National
Conference on Nonviolence in August.
Stay Connected...
There are many ways to stay connected
to the sisters, associates, and ministries
of the Congregation of St. Joseph:
Share with us on Facebook at
Congregation of St. Joseph
Sign up to receive our bi-monthly
eNewsletter. Visit our homepage
Follow us on Twitter at
Cong. of St. Joseph
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Congregation of St. Joseph
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Upcoming Events
at St. Joseph Center...
Witness for Peace
Third Tuesday of every month. 4-5:00 pm, front lawn.
Bring your own peace signs or we can provide you one.
Friends and Family Masses
All are welcome to celebrate liturgy with us in our Worship
Space. Remaining 2015 dates are: August 8, Sept. 12, and
Nov. 14. 7:00 pm. Call 216.252.0440 for more information.
River’s Edge 10th Anniversary
Celebration & Benefit
Come celebrate 10 years of transforming people’s
lives one person at a time!
Saturday, July 18, 5:00 pm. Fee: $60 (includes food & drink)
Registration required at

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