Eamonn Diver, Bewleys Manufacturing


Eamonn Diver, Bewleys Manufacturing
Green Business, Ibec & BIM
Energy Management
Energy Efficiency in Process
May 14th – Crowne Plaza Hotel
Eamonn Diver
Engineering Manager
•  About Bewley’s
•  Our Sustainability Journey
•  Energy Efficiency to-date
•  Next Steps
Campbell Bewley Group
Private family owned company
5 main operating units – Bewley’s (Ireland), Java City
(Sacramento), Rebecca’s (Boston), Darlington's (UK - 2011),
Bolling Coffee (UK - 2013)
Group turnover €100m. Over 1,000 employees.
Profitable; debt free
Approx. 6,000 tonnes of coffee annually
3 Production / Distribution Facilities: (Dublin, Meltham &
Bewley’s Key Facts
Established 1840. Largest roaster in Ireland and in the top
3 coffee suppliers in the combined Irish and UK market.
Ireland’s market leading fresh coffee brand with 90%
overall brand awareness.
Core business: provision of fresh coffee and related hot
beverage solutions great; profitable programmes for
Over 4,500 wholesale customers, across offices, cafes, hotels,
convenience stores, contract catering operators
Approx 40% of out-of-home fresh coffee market.
Approx 15% of Retail fresh coffee market.
Over 7% of Retail regular tea market.
Contract Manufacturing
Private label coffee and tea products for retailers\foodservice
Sustainability is part of our DNA..
From our origins as a Quaker owned company, Bewley’s have always been
committed to working in a sustainable and positive manner with both the natural
environment and the communities within which we operate.
Why this is important ?
• Sustainability of quality coffee supply from origin
–  Commodity price movements and the fundamental shortage of coffee
–  Climate Change impacts – drought etc..
–  Land-use issues and competition for crops
–  Most rapid deforestation is in the regions where the best coffee is
• “The right thing to do” – within the Bewley’s ethos.
• Board commitment
• Meeting consumer demands for traceability and also transparency in relation to
ethical and environmental credentials.
–  Our consumer wants to participate i.e. what can I do? – seeking a ‘coresponsibilty’ opportunity. They are looking to business to provide a
platform for this.
• Cost savings - more effective and efficient use of resources which usually
results in reduced costs. For example, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Efficiency
projects etc..
Sustainability in Bewleys..
Bewley’s have built their Sustainability strategy across 3 pillars
of activity :Ethical Trading
• Direct long term relationships with producers providing a fair
economic return for those farmers, suitable living and working
conditions for their employees and protection for the natural
• 50% of manufactured product is certified – Fairtade, Organic,
Environmental Impact
• Commitment to a clean, healthy and safe environment and to
conduct our activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
Community Responsibility
• Seek to do business in a way that positively impacts upon our
customers, employees and the communities where we operate.
Sustainability in Bewleys
The Milestones
• Irish Hospice Support
• Fairtrade Mark
2001 • IOGFA certification
• Direct farm relationship with Nicaragua
2004 • ISO14001 Environmental Mgt Standard
• Founding member of government initiative: Traidlinks
2009 • Awarded Carbon Neutral Status
• Carbon Disclosure Project - Carbon Leader
• Launch of our Sustainable Coffee Programme: beeco
2011 • ISO 14064 Green House Gases. verifies our GHG emissions
2013 • Origin Green Certification
2013 • Paul 0’Toole – Hon Consul of Nicaragua
Sustainability in Bewleys
How it works for us
Central to the success of our Sustainability activities is
1. Organisational structure
–  Cross-functional “Green Team”
–  Regular meetings with progress review against KPI’s
–  Updates on all areas of work and related targets are
issued to all employees as part regular business updates.
2. Board commitment
–  Quarterly progress reports to the board of directors
against outlined objectives and targets.
3. Management incentivisation
–  KPI setting and bonus payments incentivise delivery of
targeted sustainability outcomes.
Environmental Impact
•  ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System since 2004
•  ISO14064-1:2006 Attestation of Co2 emissions – since 2011
•  Irish Organics Farmers & Growers Association (IOFGA) Organic
Licence & Soil Association Organic Licence.
•  First Certified Carbon Neutral coffee company in Ireland in 2009
•  Carbon emissions reduction targets through energy management and
waste reduction programmes and we have neutralized the remaining
emissions through carbon offsetting.
•  Carbon Disclosure Project participant since 2010.
•  In the CDP Ireland Report 2011 and 2012, Bewley’s were deemed
to be one of Ireland’s Carbon Leaders.
•  Comparing 2013 with 2007 data
–  We have reduced CO2e emissions per tonne of green coffee by 46%.
–  Reduction of 35 % of electrical kwh per tonne manufactured.
–  Reduction of 33 % of thermal kwh per tonne manufactured.
•  Reduction of landfill waste by 37% in 2012 v 2010. Now 8% of
site waste is sent to landfill.
Bewley’s Manufacturing Facility
Energy Efficiency - “Producing the same throughput of product
using less energy or producing a higher throughput of product using
the same energy without impacting on quality”
Improved Energy Consumption Patterns + Greater Efficiency
= Reduced Costs
Energy Efficiency to-date
•  “Energy Mapping” seminar run by SEAI
•  2007 - Energy internal audit
•  Energy is consumed even at zero output! Baseline
•  SEUs of both Thermal & Electrical energy
•  Opportunities for improvement identified (“low hanging fruit”)
•  2010 Energy audit by Blue Sky Projects
•  2012 Energy audit by Green Business
Energy Mapping
•  Energy Procurement
•  Energy Bills Analysis
•  Identification of Significant Energy Users
•  Energy Measurement Techniques
•  Resourcing
Energy Efficiency Projects
•  Site \Process Related
–  Lighting
–  Packing lines – operational
–  Roaster upgrades - Variable speed drives
–  Grinders - controls on cycle time
–  Thermal Insulation
–  Compressed Air
–  Continuous Improvement initiatives\Lean programme
•  Education and Awareness
–  Employee Workshops
–  Performance Board
•  Identification of Significant Energy Users
–  Metering
–  In house developed EMS
Process Related Improvements
Lighting Upgrade 2011
•  400w high bay fittings replaced with 200w units incorporating occupancy
•  120w twin 5’ fluorescents replaced with T5 49w single tube fittings
•  Lighting in 2011 accounted for 23% of total site consumption
•  Lighting in 2012 accounted for 12% of total site consumption
•  Energy saving of 50% achieved as part of the lighting upgrade
•  Payback was 1.6 years.
Process Related Improvements
•  Improvements in operational procedures of Packing lines – saving of
35,000kWh/annum = €4,200
Process Related Improvements
Upgrade to Roaster Controls
Education and Awareness
Monitoring & Targeting
Efficiency Improvements 2007 - 2012
kWh/kg Electrical 0.8 1.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 1.2 0.5 1 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 kWh/kg Gas 1.8 2011 2012 2007 2008 2009 2010 Annual Electrical Energy Usage Per KG of Product - 35% Reduction
Annual Thermal Energy Usage Per KG of Product - 33% Reduction
2011 2012 Origin Green
Ambition for 2017
Energy Improvement Target
•  13% reduction of Electrical energy consumption per tonne
manufactured by 2017
•  16% reduction of Thermal energy per tonne manufactured by
•  This Means
–  More Site Energy Efficiency Projects led by our Green Team
–  EMS roll-out
–  Commitment from everyone
–  Energy Awareness campaigns
Next Steps
Energy saving
• Green Business Audit recommendations
– Process Heat Recovery at Roaster – 3 year payback
– Further Lighting Controls
Nitrogen filled tyres for company cars & vans
Oxygen enriched combustion
Energy Awareness Training
EMS roll-out
Water consumption
• Rain water Harvesting\Well Drill
Waste improvement
•  Improved segregation
•  Employee Education
Heat Recovery
Therma 2 Roaster
Heat Recovery
Performance Improvement Opportunities in Bewley’sAgenda
Fuel Based Roasting System
Innovative thinking - ideas for
Oxygen enrichment
•  Raises the flame temperature by eliminating the
diluents effect of nitrogen in air
•  An economical source of Oxygen is key
•  The process of Nitrogen generation produces
pure Oxygen as a by-product
•  Nitrogen in Tyres
•  5% improvement in mpg
If we measure it, we can manage it!
Thank You
Any Questions ?