September 2014 - Executive Women International
September 2014 - Executive Women International
HONOLULU EDITION Chartered November 3, 1967 “Letter of Thanks” Time waits for no one. No one gets a minute more or a minute less and this year has flown by. It was a year that no one could have predicted, filled with several new and exciting opportunities, challenges and successes. First on my very long list of people to thank is my family: James, Kylee, Wyatt, Cade and Halee. They understood when EWI President demands meant late nights, some weekends and meals on the run. Next is my executive, Patrick Klein, who hired me in October 2013 and supported my Presidency from the start to the finish line; Nadine Uratsuka whose wisdom, advise and experience laid the ground work for my own Presidential experience; Cora Kim for her willingness to help at anytime when there was a need; Miki Hwang who efficiently kept the minutes and prepped documents for business and board meetings; Roseann Bronston for her financial and fiscal savvy with our accounts and reporting; Jennifer Ihara for planning and executing our monthly dinner meetings with flair, fun, creativity and new twists; Candace Yuen for rising to the occasion and confirming attendance and establishing quorum at business meetings; Maegan Brandt for actively recruiting new members and sharing the 3 C's and what makes us special; Karen Mendes and Adele Tasaka for executing incredible scholarship programs with exceptional judges and welldeserving scholarship recipients; Brenda Kanno for her wealth of knowledge and expertise with all things EWI; Jasmine Rivera for her communications and marketing activities through Connect, emails and our website; Francine LeeKadota for actively engaging our membership with philanthropic activities such as clothing, book and school supply drives for Salvation Army Women's Way, YWCA and Family Programs Hawaii; and Wanda Sanchez who drove our fundraising efforts with Ward Centre's Give and Get and soon to be Golf Tournament! September's dinner meeting is always an EWI favorite! Your attendance to reach quorum is greatly appreciated as we conduct business and do a written year in review, approve the new budget, and install your new officers. Wear royal blue, your EWI pin and get ready to congratulate Cora Kim and her new board! My goal from the beginning of the term was to engage connections, enhance careers and enrich the community. I realize that to whom much is given, much is expected. It has been a journey unlike any other and I'm at the finish line. I hope that I've left EWI better than I found it ... and it's always been a gold standard! Always connected, September 2014 | Vol. 6, No. 9 2013-2014 Officers & Directors President Leianne Pedro, Honolulu Star-Advertiser VP/President-Elect Cora Kim, Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki Secretary Miki Hwang, Cowabunga! Computers Treasurer Roseann Bronston, Archipelago Hawaii Ways & Means Wanda Sanchez, Bank of Hawaii Retention & Recruitment Director Maegan Brandt, Insurance Solutions LLC Sergeant-at-Arms Candace Yuen, Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel Programs Jennifer Ihara, TW Telecom EWISP Director at Large Karen Mendes, APP Hawaii Communications & Marketing Director Vacant Appointed Positions Advisor Nadine Uratsuka, Accuity, LLP Bylaws/Parliamentarian Brenda Kanno, Research Corporation of the University of Hawai'i ASIST Chair Adele Tasaka, Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau Leianne Pedro Honolulu Star-Advertiser 2013-2014 President, EWI of Honolulu Philanthropy Chair Francine Lee-Kadota, Meridian Properties Inc. President’s Message p. 1 • September Dinner Flyer p. 2 • Board Meeting Highlights, Dates to Note p. 3 • Philanthropy committee Report, Book Club p. 5 • Recruiting Flyer p. 6 • Recruiting Tips, Welcome New 1 Member p. 7 asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter 2 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter Honolulu Chapter Board Meeting Highlights July 23, 2014 Approval of Minutes: Approved the minutes of the June 18 Board of Directors’ meeting. DATES TO NOTE Treasurer’s Report: • As of May 31, 2014, account balances (unaudited) were as follows: General Operating Account: $59,483.95 B/C/DP: $63,305.10 • As of June 30, 2014, account balances (unaudited) were as follows: General Operating Account: $67,871.67 B/C/DP: $64,130.93 • The July 2014 disbursements were approved. September 10-13, 2014 Committee Reports: ASIST – Adele Tasaka • Congratulations on the great ASIST awards dinner! • Congratulatory letters were drafted for instructions on award. • All recipients except LorMona has advised us of their school and the request for fund transfer will be submitted to Roseann. Dinner Meeting Hilton Waikiki Beach Communications and Marketing • August Connect is scheduled to be released on Friday, August 1, 2014. • Articles for the September Connect are due on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. • Jasmine has started her new job at AdWalls on June 30. Leianne and Cora will be helping with the Connect. LCAM Arlington, VA September 17, 2014 Installation/Business Meeting The Plaza Club October 8, 2014 October 23, 2014 Reading Rally Family Programs Hawaii Oahu Vets Center November 12, 2014 Dinner Meeting KCC Ka 'ikena Restaurant December 3, 2014 Save the Date EWISP – no report Philanthropy – Francine Lee-Kadota • Corporate is collecting Box Tops for Education. Our chapter goal is to collect 592 individual Box Tops. An email blast will be sent to membership to bring in Box Tops to the September 17 meeting. • Book drive is scheduled for the August 13 dinner. The books will be shared at the EWI Literacy event for the foster children that Family Programs Hawaii works with. • YWCA is interested in hosting a breakfast or lunch event to showcase and provide a tour of YWCA. Happy Birthday! Michelle Nakahara Cathy Haga Regan Rosdil Dulce Sanders Leona Hee Nadine Uratsuka Shelley Okubo Sept 1 Sept 4 Sept 12 Sept 12 Sept 13 Sept 14 Sept 20 Program – Jennifer Ihara • August 13 Membership Meeting. Health and Wellness Fair at Neal Blaisdell. 14 vendors are already scheduled to participate. • September 17 Business / Installation Meeting at The Plaza Club. • October 8 Membership Meeting at Hilton Waikiki Beach. • November 12 Membership Meeting at Oahu Country Club • December 3 Membership Meeting at Kapiolani Community College Ka’ikena Restaurant Retention & Recruitment – Maegan Brandt • There are currently 54 members. • An after hours networking for new members is being discussed for August. • The membership campaign is still going on. Our chapter goal is 62 members. 3 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter Sergeant-at-Arms – Candace Yuen • There were 42 representatives and 2 no shows at the July 9, 2014 membership meeting held at Waialae Country Club. • 72% member representatives were in attendance. Ways and Means – Wanda Sanchez • We met and exceeded the 48 teams needed for the golf tournament! • Goal for the silent/live auction, tips, greenies, and door prizes is $8,000. • Volunteers are set and assignments are done for the golf tournament. Unfinished Business: • None New Business: • Our contract with Hawaii Self Storage ends in July. Hawaii Self Storage is offering 50% off of the unit until September and a free unit in the Mililani or Kapolei locations thereafter. The board approved the contract extension until the end of September. • $250 sponsorship for LCAM 2014 was approved. • Reviewed 2014-2015 Proposed Budget. The goal is to have the budget approved at the September Business Meeting. Next Meetings: • The next membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 5:30p.m. at Neal S. Blaisdell Center, Pikake Room. • The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 20 2014, 5:30p.m. at the Hawaii Prince Hotel, Board Room. EWI Corporate: Professional Development There will be no corporate webinar in the month of September. Stay tuned for more details on the October webinar! 4 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter Philanthropy Update - September 2014 Thank you to those who donated books and boxtops at our Networking event at the NBC on August 13th for our EWI Literacy event on Oct. 23rd. Boxtops will be mailed to EWI Corporate for their Literacy event. 10/23/14 – SAVE THE DATE: Literacy/Reading Rally to be held at Oahu Veterans Center from 5 – 7:30 pm. More info to come Respectfully Yours: Francine Lee-Kadota, Philanthropy Chair EWI Book Club Announcement September Book Selection and Meeting: Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, September 24th at 5:30pm (Pau Hana) at Ryan’s Grill October Book: China Dolls by Lisa See Email to RSVP or join the mailing list: [email protected] 5 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] September 2014 asdfasdf EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter I have been impressed with EWI’s professionalism, and how member firms support one another.” CO N “ NS TIO C NE JOIN “ “ Diversity of members is the strength of EWI.” Thanks to EWI, I am a more valuable employee.” FOR CONNECTIONS EWI ® provides access to a global network of business professionals, with opportunities to: • • • Exchange ideas, gain new perspectives, and identify new resources Showcase your firm’s products and services through advertising and sponsorships Connect with other representatives at regional conferences and EWI’s Leadership Conference & Annual Meeting EWI partners with you to achieve your career goals by offering: • • • EE RS Professional development webinars and conference workshops Fellows Scholarships for active EWI representatives in accredited baccalaureate, graduate, or post-graduate programs Academy of Leadership, a multi-course professional development program Opportunities for service on Corporate and Chapter Boards and Committees CO M • CA R FOR CAREERS M UN IT Y FOR COMMUNITY EWI has a long tradition of commitment to communities by donating annually through its: • • • Executive Women International Scholarship Program (EWISP) for high school seniors Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) scholarship for non-traditional students facing economic, social, or physical challenges Reading Rally programs to promote literacy EWI is unique in its commitment to support member firms, representatives, and communities. To find out more, visit For additional information about a Chapter near you, or to contact an EWI Retention and Recruitment Director for your local Chapter, visit EWI > Connections > Find a Chapter. 6 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] September 2014 asdfasdf EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter MEMORANDUM TO: All EWI Members CC: 2013-2014 Corporate Board and Advisor FROM: Wendy Cowley – Executive Director, COO DATE: May 29, 2014 RE: “400 in 4” Membership Campaign Whether you are a new member or have a long standing membership with EWI, we are sure you have heard the phrase, “recruitment is everyone’s responsibility”; well here is an opportunity to participate in making this a reality. We are excited to announce a new membership campaign, “400 in 4” to recognize each individual member who brings in a new member. To be recognized, make sure you include your name on the application under Recruited By. The campaign will run June 1 – September 30, 2014. We have received several beautiful pieces of jewelry that were handcrafted especially for our campaign. Also, logo merchandise will be given for each new member recruited. • • • “Bag” a member and receive an EWI eco-friendly reusable bag “Drive” new members to EWI and receive a flash drive Use your “Charm” to bring in five members and receive an EWI charm bracelet We recognize that our goal is large, but we’re hoping that together we can increase membership with as many new members as possible and expand our EWI network. There are two great webinars: “Finding Diamonds, Sapphires and Pearls in Our Own Backyard” and “Retention and Recruitment” with helpful ideas and tips. You can view both of these videos in the Members Only section of the Corporate Website. We have created a new page on the Corporate Website specifically for the “400 in 4” campaign and developed new eye catching marketing pieces to assist you in your recruitment efforts that include: ! An interactive video with over 35 testimonials from members expressing the value of their membership ! Colorful full page “Join EWI” benefits flyer for electronic distribution ! Marketing booklet converted to a flipbook that can be linked to electronic messages Visit the Corporate Website to see updates on campaign progress, recruitment tips (these will also be shared on Facebook weekly so be sure to “Like” us), photos of the prizes, and much more. As always, the Corporate Office is here to help. We are only a phone call or email away. We appreciate your membership and your efforts to make EWI even better with an increased network. Go EWI! 7 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter EWI Recruiting tips for New Members~ • • • • • • • • Did you know there is a discount for second and third representatives from your firm? Who do you work with that would benefit from membership in EWI? Share the Join EWI Recruitment Flyer with them or invite them to our next Chapter meeting. The most powerful marketing tool EWI has is each member’s personal story. Share your EWI story with friends, colleagues, your book club, and anyone else you think would benefit from membership. Are you mentoring a young professional? Share the value of EWI professional development opportunities through webinars, reference articles, and conferences. Share EWI Corporate’s Facebook posts to your timeline. Email the “Why Join?” flyer to all your Outlook contacts. (Link text to document.) Do you know any lapsed EWI members? Reach out and invite them to an event. Do you belong to another association or group? If so, who do you know that would benefit from membership in EWI? The value is there! Share that EWI members receive 11 hours of professional development training through webinars at a value in excess of $2,000 for a fraction of the price. Julie Vaugh Digital Marketing Specialist Hagadone Printing Julie Vaugh was born and raised in Central Massachusetts, relocating to the island of Oahu in 2012 after completing her MBA. She received her masters in Organizational Management & Sustainability at Antioch University New England. Prior to Julie’s transition into the Hagadone family, she was heavily involved in the fields of graphic design, social media strategy marketing, print publication and consultative customer service. With her past experience, Julie brings knowledge in SEO, organizational management and problem-solving. In her free time, Julie enjoys being outdoors; running, camping and anything adventurous while also volunteering for The Lantern Floating Hawaii. 8 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] asdfasdf September 2014 EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter The EWI 19th Annual Golf Tournament has been rescheduled due to the Hurricane. The new date is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014. We are still accepting donations and teams! Please notify Wanda Sanchez and Brenda Kanno of any changes in golfers. Mahalo, W&M Committee 9 | Page EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852 online: email: [email protected] Team Information Team One Team Captain__________________________ 19th Annual Golf Tournament Member Firms* Address_____________________________________________ Island Insurance Company, Ltd. 4 Miles LLC Phone______________________________________________ Accuity LLP Ito Healthcare Group Handicap____________________________________________ Allied Builders System Lamination House, Inc. AMEC Leonn Kaleikini APP Hawaii Marie Louise Fine Garment Cleaners Email ______________________________________________ Player Two____________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________ Handicap____________________________________________ Player Three__________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________ Handicap____________________________________________ Team Two Team Captain__________________________ Aqua Hospitality Meridian Properties, Inc. Archipelago Hawaii Merrill Lynch Aston Hotels Miller-Hee Realty Inc. Bank of Hawaii mPower Hawaii City and County of Honolulu Neal S. Blaisdell Center City Mill Co., Ltd New York Life Insurance Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Cowabunga! Computers Pacific Business News C. S. Wo & Sons, Ltd. Pacific Guardian Life Insurance First Hawaiian Bank Punahou School go! Airlines Hagadone Printing Company Remedy Intelligent Staffing Remington College Hawaii Commercial Real Estate Robert Half International Hawaii Convention Center Sam Kasnetz Hawai‘i Medical Service Association (HMSA) SH Consulting LLC Phone______________________________________________ Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki Shannon’s Construction Services Handicap____________________________________________ Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau Staffing Solutions of Hawaii Address____________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Honolulu Star Advertiser Player Two___________________________ Address____________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________ Handicap___________________________________________ Player Three__________________________ Address____________________________________________ f l o G Starwood Hotels in Waikiki The Plaza Club 19th puka The Research Corporation of The University of Hawaii HTH Corporation Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort & Spa Insurance Solutions LLC tw telecom UHA Sustaining Members* Edith Won Golf Chapter Life Member* Eleanor Urakawa Phone_____________________________________________ Handicap___________________________________________ 19th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament Mokulele Airlines Business Insurance Services, Inc. *Membership as of February 2014 HAWAII PRINCE GOLF CLUB Friday, September 26, 2014 EWISP (Executive Women International Scholarship Program) provides scholarship funds to outstanding high school seniors for their pursuit of a baccalaureate degree from a post-secondary education institution. Students are judged on their oral and written communication skills, creativity, scholastic records, financial need, involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership qualities and honors, citizenship, attitude, and clearly defined career goals. In 2013, EWI of Honolulu awarded $13,000 in scholarships. ASIST (Adult Students in Scholastic Transition) Scholarship Program provides financial support to adults facing economic, social, or physical challenges, who are looking to improve their situation through educational opportunities (non-traditional students). The goal of the scholarship is to enable recipients to improve their self– esteem and to have a positive impact on their personal life, employment, and community through the furtherance of their education. In 2013, EWI of Honolulu awarded $11,000 in scholarships. 19th Annual Golf Tournament HAWAII PRINCE GOLF CLUB 91-1200 Fort Weaver Road, Ewa Beach, Hawaii Phone: 944-4567 September 26, 2014 11 a.m. Registration Noon Shotgun Start Lunch and Awards Banquet Included TOURNAMENT FORMAT 3-PERSON SCRAMBLE Maximum Handicap: Men 30, Women 36 Soft spikes are mandatory FEES PLATINUM SPONSOR $2,500 GOLD SPONSOR $1,000 ($1,200 tax deductible limited spaces available) ($500 tax deductible) Includes: Two Teams Sponsor Banner Placed at Clubhouse Who is EWI? Executive Women International is a professional organization which brings together key individuals from diverse businesses for the purpose of promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community involvement. EWI is unique in that the firm, not the individual, holds the membership. Special Sponsor Recognition in Printed Materials Since its establishment in 1938 in San Francisco, California, the organization has grown, and today, EWI has more than 2,000 member firms and 2,300 representatives in chapters in major cities across the U.S. and Canada. EWI of Honolulu was established in 1967 and currently has 53 member firms and 56 representatives. Lunch, Dinner, Refreshments, Snacks Thank you for your support and participating in our 19th Annual Golf Tournament. See you at the 19th Puka! Sponsor Sign Placed at Hole Expedited Check-In Special Contests Mulligans Includes: One Team Sponsor Recognition in Printed Materials Sponsor Sign Placed at Hole (shared) Special Contests Mulligans Lunch, Dinner, Refreshments, Snacks TEAM OF THREE GOLFERS $550 Sponsor Information Where does your money go? Your participation in the golf tournament, our major fund-raising event, will support EWI’s mission of community involvement and allow us to continue to provide generous scholarships to individuals pursuing a higher education degree and to support other philanthropic activities related to literacy. A small portion of the proceeds will also support some of our operational expenses. Company/Individual Name* Contact Person* Mailing Address* City/ZIP Code* Phone* Email Address* * = Required Available Hole Sponsorships ❏ PLATINUM SPONSOR - $2,500 ❏ GOLD SPONSOR - $1,000 ❏ TEAM OF THREE GOLFERS - $550 If the tournament must be canceled due to extreme weather conditions, safety concerns, or any other reason, fees cannot be returned. Thank you for your understanding. ❏ I cannot attend, but enclosed is our donation check for $________ and/or we would like to donate the following to be used as tournament prize(s). ________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ($180 tax deductible) To reserve a spot, please make check payable to: EWI® and mail payment with this form to: Includes: Special Contests, Mulligans, Lunch, Dinner, Refreshments, Snacks Wanda Sanchez P. O. Box 2295 Honolulu, HI 96804-2295 FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Wanda Sanchez • Phone (808) 694-4505 Email: [email protected] Golf
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