poster - NetGames 2008
poster - NetGames 2008
D g Kill Points: Dragon P i t Loot L t Distribution Di t ib ti in i MMORPGs MMORPG Introduction Recent research has shown that it is not only the act of playing with others that is important in MMORPG , but MMORPGs, b also l the h act off showing h i g off ff one’s ’ skills kill to other h p players. l y B i g skilled Being kill d is i often f referred to as being elite. elite As a character reaches the maximum level in a game, game further growth in elitness can mainly be shown through improved equipment. equipment Acquiring even a single new valuable l bl item i might, igh , however, h , require q i the h cooperation p i between b many y p players, l y , which hi h again g i i t d introduce a conflict fli t between b t th players. the l Wh is Who i eligible li ibl for f the th loot? l t? MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and Age of Conan have simple in-game in game mechanisms for dealing with loot distribution. These loot distribution mechanisms are, however, typically found t be to b inadequate i d q t for f encounters t requiring q i i g more than th 15 p players. l y Th p The problem bl off loot l t distribution di t ib ti in larger groups of players were discovered early by players of EverQuest, EverQuest and in 1999 the guild Afterlife created the first Dragon Kill Point (DKP) system to handle loot distribution. distribution The basic id behind idea b hi d DKP is i to award dp players l y p points i for f attending di g boss b kill When kills. Wh loot l i acquired, is q i d, the h player with the most DKP gets the item in exchange for some or all of this person’s DKP. DKP The introduction of the first DKP system has later led to a myriad of related systems, systems and the abbreviation ‘DKP’ DKP has become a common label for all of them. It has h become b a common understanding d t di g that th t building b ildi g a DKP system yt i an actt off balancing is b l i ga number of, of sometimes conflicting, conflicting requirements and avoiding a set of pitfalls. pitfalls Even if the requirements do differ among communities, communities there are some important basics. basics We have identified fi requirements five q i f a well for ll balanced b l d DKP system, y , as well ll as the h three h most common p pitfalls i f ll to avoid avoid. Roll DKP DKP, Cut % The RDCP system Th t i a loot is l t distribution di t ib ti system, t i t d d by introduced b the th authors, th th t imposes that i no restrictions on how guild members earn DKP. DKP The system rewards players with DKP for in-raid events like killing bosses and for out out-of-raid of raid events such as making potions to other raid members. b It is i up p to t the th gguild ild to t make k sure that th t all ll members b feel f l that th t DKP is i distributed di t ib t d in i a fair f i way E.g way. E g by rewarding the same level of effort by the same amount of DKP, DKP and by rewarding tedious tasks with some extra DKP. DKP Wh an item When i d p , all drops, ll interested i d pplayers l y toss a dice di with i h the h size i off each h pplayers l y own DKP. DKP The winner is the one that rolls the highest number. number In the case of a tie, tie the players with the highest rolls reroll using the same size of the dice as before. before Notice that a player rolling with a dice twice the size of another player, has three times the chance of winning an item. Wh a pplayer When l y wins i an item, it th pplayer the l y loses l pp% % off DKP. DKP The Th size i off p is i ggiven i i advance. in d E g p could depend on the quality of the item; 25% for rare items and 50% for epic items, E.g. items or a more fine grained calculation of p based on various item statistics could be used. used Because on sto Di rti n Co ll us io ion In f + n/a o + n/a + + - o + + o o + + + - + o o o o o n/a o n/a + n/a + + n/a + n/a + + n/a l at Fa ir ne Ra nd om ss ne y ple xi t up ss nu Co m The five most common loot distribution systems in use today are roll-only, roll-only bidding, bidding fixed price, price zero sum, and ranking list. Their pros and cons are summarized in figure 1. In a roll roll-only only system th distribution the di t ib ti off loot l t is i based b d on the th randomness d off a dice, di , where h th pplayer the l y with ith the th highest high t roll receives the item. item In a bidding system the players interested in an item have to bid with their accumulated DKPs, DKPs and the player with the highest bid wins the loot. loot A fixed price system requires q i the h raid id leader l d to pprice i all ll relevant l i items i advance. in d Th loot Then l i distributed is di ib d to the h player with the highest amount of DKPs. DKPs In a zero sum system the number of points entering and exiting the system is equal. equal Whenever an item is looted the number of points equal to the items value is deducted from the DKPs of the player that receives loot. Then the same number off ppoints i t is i split plit evenly ly between b t all ll pplayers. l y A ranking ki g list li t system y t maintains i t i a list li t off all ll p players, l y where the player at the top of the list is first in line when loot is distributed. distributed A player that receives loot is moved to the bottom of the list. RDCP Roll Bidding Fi d Price Fixed Pi Zero Sum Ranking List ss rt po ag us - inflation - collusion - distortion di t ti Bo - stimulate usage - bonus support - low l complexity pl ity - randomness - fairness Pitfalls: s: ula te Requirements: equ e e s: St im Ab t t Abstract O off the One h major j reasons for f playing l i Massive M i Multiplayer M li l O li Role Online R l Playing Games (MMORPGs) is the possibility to show off your abilities to other players. players The more rare your equipment is, is the higher is the show off value of your character. character And because rare items are hard to find cooperation p between several pplayers y is often required. required q This introduces a conflict fli t between b t th pplayers, the l y , and d a wayy to t distribute di t ib t loot l t is i necessary. y W introduce We i t oduce d the pproblem the obble ooff loot loot ddistribution dist ib butio in i MMORPG, MMORPG O G, aand d we suggest and d give i a preliminary li i evaluation l i off a new and d improved i d Dragon Kill Points system. system Sven Arne Reinemo Sven-Arne Reinemo,, [email protected] svenar@simula no e Ernst Gunnar Gran Gran,, [email protected] ernstgr@simula g no ’ ’ = Good, ’+’ G d ’o’ ’ ’ = Average, A g ’-’ ’ ’ = Poor P Fig 1. Fig. 1 Pros and Cons of different DKP systems players lose a percentage of their DKP when winning an item, item players with very low DKP will get items for close to free. free To avoid “free” free loot a minimum loss (ML) value should be used. used ML iss a p predefined, ede ed, minimum u aamount ou t o of DKP tthat at a w winningg p player aye w will lose. ose. W Whatever ateve iss g greatest, eatest, th p the p% % DKP or the th ML, ML will ill be b subtracted bt t d from f th winning the i i gp players l y DKP. DKP The Th size i off ML will ill depend on how the players earn DKP. DKP It should be set high enough to reflect the value of the items won, but still low enough to only come into action for players with low DKP. The i t d ti off ML implies introduction i pli that th t a p players l y DKP might ight drop d p below b l zero,, therefore th f ap player l y with ith negative DKP will not be eligible for more loot until DKP is once again above zero. zero A summary y off the th p preliminary li i y evaluation l ti off the th RDCP system y t is i g given i i figure in fig 1 While 1. Whil RDCP might be the most complex system, system the required DKP management could be handled by inin game logics. logics In all other respects RDCP scores well. well The inclusion of randomness together with the h p p% % DKP cut p prevents hoarding h di g and d lets l the h RDCP system y b l balance the h treatment off regular g l and casual players. players Furthermore, Furthermore the use of p% cut reduce inflation. inflation RDCP also provides support for bonuses, bonuses and players can not influence the price of items, items thus avoiding the pitfalls of collusion and distortion. The RDCP system seems to be the one system that is best able to satisfy ti fy the th requirements, q i t while hil still till avoiding idi g the th common p pitfalls. itf ll Further F th user studies t di off the th RDCP system remains, remains however, however as future work. work “Running Running a guild is like running a business in a very real sense sense. However, However instead of holding a paycheck over someone someone’ss head to get them to cooperate you have to deal with intangibles like loot and DKP. DKP ” S Sparc, WoW W W player, l “Either Either we use a DKP system or we can can’tt raid.It raid It’ss that simple. simple ” C Custos, GM, GM L LotRO RO player l “Many Manyy gguilds have been disbanded and dissolved due to loot arguments. arguments g ” Loot example pl “All gguilds ild hhave to t use a DKP K system y t to t control t l loot. l t I'm I' G GM off myy gguild, ild, I have h officers ff ffi andd stuff, t ff, ff everyday ryd y on myy server r r I see gguild ild disband, di b d split plit andd stuff t ff because b off DKP. DKP My My guild g ild lost l t a lot l t off members cause DKP. DKP ” Vahkagarvah, WoW player O i ’ L Onyxia’s Lair i – a 40 40-man att maximum i level l l iinstance t iin th the original i i l release l off World W ld off Warcraft W ft "Th guild "The g ild is i going g i g to t disband di b d iff DKP K is i nott ffixed fix d by by 8am 8 US East!" E t!" Marok,, EverQuest2 Q player p y h // ddi ild / A 24-man raid encounter by y the guild g Addiction in Age g of Conan