27 APR 2016 - Our Lady of the Assumption
27 APR 2016 - Our Lady of the Assumption
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACONS Rev. Edward C. Domme Rev. Michelangelo Cimino Deacon Jim Delgado Deacon Maurice Graff Deacon Jack Granato PARISH OFFICE (505) 256-9818 Fax (505) 256-3131 811 Guaymas Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Hours 8:30 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-4:30 pm Mon.-Fri. Closed Weekends, Holy Days & Holidays (505) 256-3167 815 Guaymas Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 www.olacs.org 5:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am, 10:00 am and 11:30 am (English) 8:30 am (Bilingual) SCHOOL OFFICE WEBSITE SUNDAY OBLIGATION MASS: SUNDAY MASSES: WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday-Saturday Tuesday and Thursday On the Corner of Lomas and Tennessee NE 8:30 am 5:30 pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm or by appointment during regular office hours. Mission Statement: Created in God’s image, we are the people of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish. In communion with the Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, we dedicate ourselves to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit; nourished by the Sacraments; and under the Patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption; we strive to use our varied gifts and rich heritage to build the Body of Christ through worship, prayer, education, and service to all. 1 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF April 25 - May 1, 2016 Mon., 25th * Weekday 1 Peter 5:5b-14 Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17 Mark 16:15-20 Tue., 26th * Weekday * Acts 14:19-28 Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13b, 21 John 14:27-31a Wed., 27th * Weekday * Acts 15:1-6 Psalm 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5 John 15:1-8 Thurs. 28th * Weekday * Acts 15:7-21 Psalm 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 10 John 15:9-11 Fri. 29th * Weekday * Acts 15:22-31 Psalm 57:8-9, 10 & 12 John 15:12-17 Sat. 30th * Weekday * Acts 16:1-10 Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 5 John 15:18-21 8:30am † † † 8:30am – – 5:30pm † † 8:30am † † † 8:30am † – 5:30pm † † 8:30am † † – 8:30am † – 5:00pm – † 7:00am † Sun. May 1st * Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 † 8:30am † Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 – 10:00am † John 14:23-29 – 11:30am † † St. Mark, Evangelist Leo Lucero by Darl and Lucy Bunnell Joe and John Frias Poor Souls in Purgatory by Andrew Butcher, Jr. S.I. for Rita Gallegos by the family S.I. in honor of the Sacred Heart in thanksgiving by Leta Sedillo Allen Reid and Vivian Cole, OSDS by Roberta Busich Doug Ladd by the Domme family Annie Lucero by Bruno, Joann and family ***School Mass - Grade 1*** Johnny Gonzalez by Don Luna John, Chloe and Sophia Jaramillo by Andrew Butcher, Jr. St. Peter Chanel and St. Louis Grignion de Montfort Martin Maldonado por su salud de parte de Luisa Maldonado S.I. for the health of Robert Rodriguez by Eva Rodriguez Mary Jaramillo by her daughter, Lucy Tom LaDoux by the Domme family St. Catherine of Siena Frances Martinez by Alicia Montoya Marcella, Michael Sr. and Michael Jr. Toohey and – S.I. for James Toohey S.I. for the health of Larry Seeley by the Frias family St. Pius V Leocadio and Aurelia Larrañaga by Victor and Stella Larrañaga S.I. for our Servicemen, Servicewomen and their families S.I. for Lupita Montoya for her Birthday by the family Trisha Nicole Campos Andres and Alejandro by the Herrera family Joe Frias by Don Luna Doroteo Juarez by the family Dora Herrera by the Frias family Matilde Chavez and Alta Gracia Sanchez by the Sanchez family S.I. for Fr. Domme by Joe and Jeanne Finfrock Poor Souls and – S.I. for Law Enforcement by the Nieto family Albert Edward Gonzales and – S.I. for Michele Casanova by Marcia Gonzales TODAY’S READINGS FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER: In the readings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, the power illustrated begins with Jesus' words at the Last Supper. "Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in Him." This power flows into the selection from the Acts of the Apostles, in which this power comes alive in Christ's disciples. The reading from the Book of Revelation reveals the ultimate glory of Christ's words as His disciples share in Christ's glory in heaven. This is good news for us because we share in Christ's power working the Father's glory in our hearts First Reading — Paul and Barnabas continue their travels, spreading the faith and unifying the churches (Acts 14:21-27). Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — John’s vision of God dwelling with the human race (Revelation 21:1-5a). POPE ST. PIUS V: born Antonio Ghislieri, was Pope from January 8, 1566 to his death in 1572. He is chiefly notable for his role in the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation, and the standardization of the Roman rite within the Latin Church. Gospel — As Jesus has loved us, so we must love one another (John 13:31-33a, 34-35). 2 LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF APRIL 23 and 24, 2016 Sat. 5:00 pm Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Sun., 7:00am Dolores Armijo William Tobin Edward Larrañaga Mary Ann O’Keefe Mary Wentworth/c Linda Trujillo/c Roy Porter/s Sun., 8:30am Sun., 10:00am Carlos Lopez Nicholas Mittas Don Luna/s Brian Kilman Rachel Kilman Gabriela Hoswell Ruben Rodriquez Kathie Griego Judy Gutierrez/c Gertrude Gutierrez/s Anthony Rice Abigail Rice Sofia Cisneros Linda Caskey/s Rebecca Fiedler Alexandra Fiedler Santana Larrañaga Paul Kilman family Robert Laguna Tom and Dolores Knights of Robert and Lorri Vigil Columbus Helgeson Elianna Lopez-Sanchez Bearers Brad Sedillo Alicia Montoya Sun., 11:30am Bill Caskey/c Laura Paiz Ann Gilpin Anna Baumann/c David Baumann/s Ariana Galaviz Selina Paiz Bethany Kettleborough Lay Ministers, if you are unable to serve, please find a replacement. Thank you LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF APRIL 30 and May 1, 2016 Sat. 5:00 pm Sun., 7:00am Lectors Scott Nary Mary Wentworth Mary Ann Polster Leroy Griego Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Bearers Scott Nary/c Jim Klarkowski/s Mary Ann Polster/c Ethan Davis Tessa Davis Micheal Chavez Adam & Patricia Salas family William Polster/s Alex Converse Lily Converse Kirk Schriner Margaret Romero Sun., 8:30am Ernie Garcia Imelda Martinez Lydia Lucero/c Ailene Martinez/s Alexandra Martinez Daisy Martinez Marcela Zavala Nicole Aragon Sun., 10:00am Sun., 11:30am William Tobin Larry Gonzales Mary Ann O’Keefe Emma Lutton Sally Rosenheim/c Joseph Frias/c Mary DeSaulniers/s Cindy Kouns/s Bethany Kettleborough James Vallejos Leah Vallejos Justin Segura Samantha Tafoya Beverly Sandoval Robert & Laura family Paiz family OLA MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Biblia en Español Cenacle Rosary 1st Sunday Coffee & Donuts 2nd Weekend Religious Article Sales Monday 1st & 3rd St. Vincent de Paul Tuesday Sept - April Legion of Mary RCIA Adult Formation 9:50 am - Office 1:30 pm - Chapel All Masses - Gym All Masses Church Gathering Area Wednesday Spanish Choir Sept-Dec Adult Confirmation 2nd & 4th Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm - Church 6:45 pm - Office 7:00 pm - Gym Thursday 9:00 am - Church 6:30 pm - Church 6:30 pm - Office 1st & 3rd 6:00 pm - Office Friday 6:00 pm - Sacristy 2nd & 4th 6:30 pm - Office 2nd 4th ST. PETER CHANEL: (Feast day - April 28) The protomartyr of the South Seas. In 1831, he joined the newly formed Society of Mary (Marists). Reaching their destination St. Peter went to the Island of Futuna accompanied by a lay brother and an English layman They were at first well received but when king Niuliki’s son expressed a desire to be baptized, the king's hatred erupted. Thus, on April 28, 1841, Peter was seized and clubbed to death by those he had come to save. Within five months the entire island was converted to Christianity. Legion of Mary 10 am Choir Men’s Group Blankets & Booties 9:30 am - Office Spanish Baptism Class 6:30 pm - Office English Baptism Class 6:30 pm - Office ST. MARK, EVANGELIST: St. Mark wrote the second Gospel, probably in Rome sometime before the year 60 A.D.; he wrote it in Greek for the Gentile converts to Christianity. Tradition tells us that St. Mark was requested by the Romans to set down the teachings of St. Peter. This seems to be confirmed by the position which St. Peter has in this Gospel. In this way the second Gospel is a record of the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of the Prince of the Apostles. His feast day is April 25. He is the patron saint of notaries. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA: was a tertiary of the Dominican Order and a Scholastic philosopher and theologian. On October 3, 1970, she was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI, and on October 1, 1999, Pope John Paul II named her as one of the six patron saints of Europe. ST. LOUIS-MARIE GRIGNION de MONTFORT: wrote a number of books which went on to become classic Catholic titles. Montfort is known for his particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the practice of praying the Rosary. He was canonized on July 20, 1947. 3 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is currently scheduled for July 18 - July 22 for grades K-5. Mark your calendar - details will be forthcoming. BAPTISM CLASS In preparation for a child’s baptism, the parent(s) must be registered and attending Mass at OLA for at least 2 months. Registration may be completed in the parish office prior to the child’s birth. Baptism classes are held monthly from 6:30-8:00 pm in the parish office The next English class is scheduled for Friday, May 27, 2016. Religious Education end of year celebration will take place this Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 pm in the gym. All Religious Education students and parents are invited. CLASES DE BAUTISMO En preparación para el bautismo de un niño(a), los padres deben registrarse y asistir a la misa en Nuestra Señora de la Asunción al menos durante 2 meses. El registro puede hacerse en la oficina parroquial antes del nacimiento del niño. Las clases de bautismo son mensuales de 6:30-8:00 pm en la oficina de la parroquia. La próxima clase de español está prevista para el viernes 13 de mayo de 2016. acabar con la educación religiosa de la celebración del año se llevará a cabo este martes, 26 de abril a las 6:30 pm en el gimnasio. Se invita a todos los estudiantes de educación religiosa y los padres. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Religious Education classes for the current school year have ended. Information for next year will be announced in May. Clases de educación religiosa de las clases de educación religiosa para el año actual de escuela han terminado. Información para el próximo año se anunciarán en mayo. WORD FOR CHILDREN 1st-3rd Grade Sundays in the Sacristy During the 10 am Mass Our Lady of the Assumption School SCHOOL MASS SCHEDULE Grade 1 Wednesday Grade 5 Friday Grade 3 Wednesday Student Council Wednesday Kindergarten Wednesday 8th Grade Class of 2016 Friday April 27 May 6 May 11 May 18 May 25 May 27 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:30 pm RECYCLING OLA School is still recycling and saving labels. We take: • computer cartridges, laser & inkjet • cell phones • soft plastic rings • (The city does not recycle the above items.) • Aluminum tabs from soft drink cans • Campbell Labels & General Mills labels. They can be dropped off at the School or Parish Office. HELP US RECYCLE! ALUMINUM CANS & NEW RECYCLE DUMPSTER Aluminum cans still need to be placed over the fence into the small blue bin or just over the fence, whichever is easiest for you If you have a can crusher, crush away. Otherwise we will crush for you. The new Recycle NM dumpster is for parish and school use ONLY. Please do not use the dumpster for the aluminum cans. We need to keep the cans separate for our contest! The school and parish are now doing our part to take care of God’s earth. Thank you for your continued support. 4 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday Collection Annual Catholic Appeal April 17, 2016 $13,750.83 2016 Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal is in process. The parish 2016 assessment is $58,000. Please continue to be generous! J Thank you for your continued support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish! Thank you to all who participate in the ACA!! REMINDER At each entrance there are baskets of hosts and a ciborium. Before Mass, please place a host in the ciborium for each family member receiving Holy Communion. CHURCH ENVELOPES If you use a blue envelope from the back table please label it with your name and designation. Thank you. BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING Blood Pressure monitoring will be available at coffee and donuts on the first Sunday of the month in the gym as well as the 3rd Sunday in the gathering area of the church. SPECIAL INTENTION BOOK A special intention book is available on the table at the back of the church for weekend Masses. Please feel free PLEASE REMEMBER: Do not leave purses or to write your intentions in the book personal items in the pews or visible in your vehicles. before Mass begins. PARISH MINISTRIES BLANKETS & BOOTIES Thank you to all of our generous parishioners! The blankets, hats and yarn you have donated are beautiful. They have been gratefully received. We have a number of fabulous seamstresses in our group who have been making blankets. We are in need of batting and large pieces of washable fabric. If you would like to donate these items but cannot bring them to the parish office, call and we will pick it up from you. We have grown our ministry this past year and continue to invite new members. We have fun and would love to have you join us. We meet every 2nd & 4th Friday of each month from 9:00 am-11:30 am in the Merrifield Room at the parish office. Call Margaret Gates at 280-7619 if you have any questions. Our next meeting is May 13. OLA’S GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY Casserole cooking is a simple way to give of your time and talent. This ministry provides good, hot meals to our community’s homeless and hungry men, women and children. Come to the Parish Office during regular business hours to pick up recipes and containers. For more information contact the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY REFLECTION April 24, 2016 The gospels tells us over and over in ever so many ways that love means selfsacrifice. In many human ways we already do this and could think of no other way to act: parents sacrifice plenty for their children; spouses know that love often demands self-sacrifice; we readily respond to others’ tragedies with gifts of money and service; we CATHOLIC MEN’S MINISTRY AT OLA Come join us on the 1st and reach out to the perfect stranger on the street who is 3rd Thursday of the month from in need. In fact, we act out of the love that Jesus com6:30-8:00 pm in the Parish mands in this gospel by doing the everyday things we Office to pray, study, engage, do because we share in Jesus mission when we love. and discuss real life topics and And if an examination of our lives suggests that perissues related to our state of life calling. All formats that haps we are not so self-sacrificing as Jesus, then this challenge and encourage responsibility are used. No gospel is an invitation to love more completely. sugar coating, just plain talk about what it means to be a real Christian man in these times. For additional For information on parish ministries please visit our information contact Scott at 269-4827. Join us! website at www.olacs.org and view Parish Life. 5 LITURGY CORNER JUBILEE YEAR of MERCY April 24, 2016 Fifth Sunday of Easter Jubilee Day for Youth This Sunday’s “Youth Jubilee” previews July’s World Youth Day in Krakow. Its theme from Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful,” echoes Pope Francis’ warning that “the practice of mercy is waning in the wider culture.” In countercultural witness, therefore, “the time has come,” says Francis, “for the Church to take up the joyful call to mercy once more. It is time to return to the basics and to bear the weaknesses and struggles of our brothers and sisters.” Jesus affirms the same in today’s Gospel. “As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Francis concludes, “The Church’s very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate love.” Jesus too asserts, “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Thus mercy “makes young” the Church, the world, and everyone. “Mercy is the force that reawakens us to new life and instills in us the courage to look to the future with hope” (Misericordiae Vultus, 10). ANO JUBILAR de la MISERICORDIA 24 de abril de 2016 Quinto Domingo de Pascua Día Jubilar de la Juventud Este domingo “Jubilar de la Juventud” es una muestra de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud el mes de julio en la ciudad de Cracovia. El tema de la Jornada es “Bienaventurados los misericordiosos”, haciendo eco a la advertencia del Papa Francisco de que “la practica de la misericordia está disminuyendo ampliamente en la cultura”. Como testigo contracultural, por lo tanto, “el tiempo ya llegó” dice el Papa Francisco, “para que la Iglesia aumente la invitación alegre a la misericordia una vez más, regresar a los orígenes, cargar las debilidades y dificultades de nuestros hermanos y hermanos”. Jesús afirma lo mismo en el Evangelio de hoy. “Así como yo los he amado, así también ámense los unos a los otros” (Juan 13:34). El Papa Francisco concluye “la misma credibilidad de la Iglesia es vista en cómo muestra misericordia y amor compasivo”. Jesús acierta al decir “en esto conocerán todos que son mis discípulos, si aman los unos a los otros” (Juan 13:35). Por lo que la misericordia “hace joven” a la Iglesia, al mundo y a cada persona. La misericordia es la “fuerza que resucita a una vida nueva e infunde el valor para mirar el futuro con eperanza” (Misericordiae Vultus, 10). TRUE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Can you imagine a world such as the one put before us in today’s scripture readings? Communities of believers everywhere would support and encourage one another and be identified as Christians by the way they love each other. It would be a world with no tears, no death and mourning, no crying out in pain. “Behold, I make all things new,” we hear the Son of God say in the second reading from the book of Revelation (21:5). Is this world of John’s vision only imaginary? Are these faithful followers for whom Jesus prayed only a savior’s dream? Today they are put before us as a worthy goal. How much closer can we come to this vision of a true Christian community in our lives today? VERDADERA COMUNIDAD CRISTIANA ¿Te puedes imaginar un mundo tal como nos lo presenta las lecturas bíblicas de hoy? Comunidades de fieles por todas partes que se apoyan y se animan unas a otras y se identifican como cristianos por el amor que se tienen unos a otros. Sería un mundo sin lágrimas, sin muerte ni luto, sin gritos de dolor. “Ahora todo lo hago nuevo”, oímos decir al Hijo de Dios en la segunda lectura del libro del Apocalipsis (21:5). Este mundo de la visión de Juan, ¿es sólo un mundo imaginario? Y esos fieles seguidores de Jesús por los cuales él reza, ¿son un mero sueño del salvador? Hoy se presentan ante nosotros como una meta valiosa. ¿Cómo podemos acercarnos cada vez más a esta visión de una verdadera comunidad cristiana en nuestra vida de hoy? CHURCH “Church” in Greek means convocation, or assembly in IGLESIA Latin, because all are called to be members of it. “Iglesia” en griego significa convocación, o asam—St. Isidore blea en latín, porque somos llamados a ser miembros SPIRITUAL READING de la misma.—San Isidro You will not see anyone who is truly striving after LECTURA ESPIRITUAL spiritual advancement who is not given to spiritual No verás a nadie que de veras avanza espiritualmente y reading. —St. Athanasius que no se entrega a la lectura espiritual.—San Atanasio 6 Around the Archdiocese BIRTHRIGHT VOLUNTEER REQUEST Birthright, a pro-life crisis pregnancy center, is looking for volunteers (Bilingual and English speaking). Volunteers are needed with mentoring clients or assisting at the front desk. If you are interested please call 505-262-2235 Monday thru Thursday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm or Friday, 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. SPANISH TV MASS In an effort to reach out to our brothers and sisters whose primary language is Spanish and who are not able to attend Sunday Mass at their local parishes due to illness, age, or other issues, the Offices of Hispanic Ministry and Worship and Christian Initiation offer the transmission of the Spanish TV Mass, every Sunday at 9am on Telemundo Channel 15 on regular TV, Channel 25 on Direct TV and on Channels 18 or 199 on Comcast. REFLECTION FOR APRIL 2016 “How are we treating the people of God? I dream of a church that is a mother and shepherdess. The church’s ministers must be merciful, take responsibilARCHDIOCESE of SANTA FE SOCCER LEAGUE ity for the people and accompany them like the Good SUMMER 2016 Samaritan, who washes, cleans, and raised up The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Evangelization and neighbor. This is pure Gospel. God is greater than Youth and Young Adult Ministries is sponsoring their sin.” book-365 Daily Meditations with Pope Francis, 7th Annual Summer Soccer League for Summer p. 69 2016. Teams will be guaranteed weekly games and tournament experience. For more information or to register your Jr. and/or Sr. High team call the MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WEEKEND FOR coordinator Noé Martinez at 505-573-7955 or call or ENGAGED / MARRIED COUPLES email Denise 505-831-8165 or [email protected]. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish is hosting our annual Marriage Enrichment Weekend April 23-24, 2016. Engaged and married couples are encouraged to join us. The weekend provides quality, faith-based interaction within our Catholic Community as we help build stronger marriage bonds to enjoy, love and cherish each other for many years. For more information, please contact Daniel & Liz Rodriguez @ (505) 553-0346 or Nat & Connie Garcia @ (505) 977-9530. HEALING HEARTS PARISH SUPPORT GROUPS: Peer support for widowed, separated and divorced persons, led by facilitators. 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Risen Savior in Albuquerque at 7pm. Call 505-821-1715 1st and 3rd Thursday at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Vaughn at 6:30pm. Call 575-584-2954 ARCHDIOCESAN PRE-CANA CLASSES Weekend for the Engaged in Albuquerque: Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. April 29-31. To register call the Family Life Office at 831-8117 RETROUVAILLE a lifeline for troubled marriages: a weekend experience for healing and seven follow-up sessions over a three month period, led by former Retrouvaille participants. September 16-18 at the Madonna Retreat Center in Albuquerque. For more information call 1-800-470-2230 or 505-890-3495, or visit the website at www.HelpOurMarriiage.com. SPANISH WEEKEND FOR THE ENGAGED Nos Vamos a Casar—April 22, 23, 24 at Madonna Center in Albuquerque. To register call the Hispanic Ministry Office at 831-8152. AFRICAN AMERICAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Join the AACC for their 24th Anniversary Mass and DO YOU LIKE HELPING PEOPLE? The Archdiocese presentation of the AACC Fr. Rolins Lambert of Santa Fe Ministry Resource Center is in need of Scholarships for the 2016-2017 school year! Mass is volunteers to staff the library. We have both weekday Sunday, April 24, 12 noon at St. Joseph on the Rio and Saturday shifts available. No experience is Grande Catholic Church, 5901 St. Joseph Dr. NW, necessary - we will train you. Contact Deacon Keith Albuquerque. Contact Brenda Dabney, 505-375-0153 Davis at 831-8187 for more information. 7 STORE HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8-8 • Sun. 8-7 W MA E K KE E YS Shop Local EBT/WIC ACCEPTED • LOTTERY UTILITY BILL PAY • WE RENT P.O. BOXES LONG DISTANCE PHONE CARDS Dr. Amy C. Matte D.D.S. P.C. GENERAL FAMILY DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED GRADUATE OF OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION • ST. 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