Lunar Eclipse


Lunar Eclipse
September 27 – October 3, 2015
Volume 6, Issue 35
Special points of interest:
New Members
Lunar Eclipse
Sunday, September 27, 2015
A Harvest Moon, a Super Moon and a total lunar eclipse all on
the same day? That’s what will happen this Sunday, September
27. On that evening the full moon will slip completely into the
earth’s shadow for 72 minutes, creating a total lunar eclipse.
And since it’ll be the full moon closest to the start of fall, Wednesday, September 23, it
is known as the Harvest Moon.
But that’s not all. In its monthly elliptical swing around earth, the full moon will make its
closest approach to earth for the year that day. Thus, it’ll be a Super Moon. The
supermoon, which comes around once every year, will appear 14% larger and 30%
brighter in the sky that evening before it is engulfed by an eclipse for more than an
hour. Another supermoon eclipse will not occur again until 2033.
Inside this issue:
Prayer Requests
Deacons of the Week
Upcoming Sermons
Read Through the Bible
Facts and Figures
Happy Birthday
Welcome New Members
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
The full eclipse of the moon will last more than an hour and be visible, weather
permitting, from North and South America, Europe, Africa and western Asia. Showtime
on the U.S. East Coast is 10:11 p.m. EDT (0211 GMT); that’s when the moon, Earth
and sun will be lined up, with Earth’s shadow totally obscuring the moon. However, sky
watchers can camp out early for the partial lunar eclipse, which will begin at 8 p.m. ET
in the United States. As the planet’s shadow dims the supermoon, this will create
dramatic viewing opportunities for observers. The eclipse will reach its peak during the
10 o’clock hour, giving the supermoon a reddish, copper-like hue. The event should
end after midnight.
Observing a lunar eclipse is easy and safe. You can look directly at the moon. If the
sky is clear the evening of the lunar eclipse just go outside and look at the moon as it
rises in the east just after sunset. 
Gideon's International is an evangelical Christian association founded 1899 in
Janesville, Wisconsin. The Gideon's' primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible
free of charge. This Bible distribution is a global enterprise taking place in 200
countries, territories and possessions. The association's members focus on distributing
complete Bibles, New Testaments, or portions thereof. These copies are printed in over
100 languages. The association is most widely known for its Scriptures placed in hotel
and motel rooms. The Gideon's also distribute to hospitals and other medical offices,
schools and colleges as well as jails and prisons. The association takes its name from
the Biblical figure Gideon, depicted in Judges 6.
Sunday, October 4, we will have the privilege of having a Gideon speaker in our
worship service for a brief explanation of what the local chapter is doing. 
Page 2
The following names have been submitted to us for prayer.
Please make them a priority during the week. Some are
sick at home; some are hospitalized; some have had
surgery; and some have crises in their lives. Some are
short term requests. Some are long term. We/You may not
know the circumstances but God does.
Volume 6, Issue 35
Natalie Hicks; Greg Giordano, Jerry Hick’s brother-inlaw; Wendell Parker, April Richey’s uncle; Kitty Hicks;
Matt Alverado; Jolene, friend of Anna Harvey; Berni
White’s sister, Dee; Charlie (Charlene) Saylor,
granddaughter of Jan and Keith Lambert; Florence
Landrum; John Marynell; Scott Alcala, Connie
Paquette’s grandson; Alan Witherington; Sam Butner;
Jackie Hudson; David Hammond, Donna’s son; Mark
Cone, son of Joe and Donita Cone; Mike Webb; Jan
Bednarek; New Life Church Leadership Team; our
military personnel; Anna Harvey, missionary in Middle
East. Call the church office (728.1861) with your prayer
requests. 
Brian Collins and family, nephew of Sherry Collins; Cathy
Marynell; Lindsey Blaise; Beth Collop; Pat Sims; Vera
Leaser; Don Bucklew; Josephine Shoop, Natalie Hicks and
Debbie Simmons’ mother; Donna Lentsch, neighbor of
Deacons for the week are:
Michele Lange (630.5066 or
[email protected]) and Sue
Greenwood (352-552-2270 or
September 27
Challenges of Ministry
Mark 2
October 25
Reformation Is Costly
Mark 6
October 4
World Communion Sunday
Holy Communion
Selected Scriptures
November 1
Clean Hands and Pure Heart
Psalm 24
October 11
Mark 3
November 8
Miracles in Mark
Mark 12
[email protected]). If you
have a need during the week please
feel free to call or email them. 
October 18
Parables in Mark
Mark 4
November 15
Healings in Mark
Mark 13
September 27-October 3, 2015
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
2:00 College Mtg
6:00 Youth
2:00 Brain Injury
Support Group
5:00 Lampstand
6:00 Kids Central
9:00 Lampstand
11:00 Fruitland
8:00 Thrift House
Open Prayer Time
Park Senior Social
10:00 Staff Mtg
6:00 Dinner
5:00 Zumba Gold
5:00 Handbells
6:45 Small Grp
6:00 Praise Team
Bible Study
7:00 Choir
7:00 AA
5:00 Lampstand
10:00 Lunch
Page 3
Volume 6, Issue 35
September 20
Our Bible Readings for the next week are:
Monday, September 28
Tuesday, September 29
Wednesday, September 30
Thursday, October 1
Friday, October 2
Saturday, October 3
Zachariah 12-14
Matthew 1-4
Matthew 5-11
Matthew 12-15
Matthew 16-19 
Annual Budgeted Expenditures
General Fund Giving YTD (9/20)
Remaining Unfunded Expenditures
Weekly (14 Weeks)
$ 17,703.00
Needed as of 9/20
Received 9/20
$ 16,797.00
$ 4,108.00
September 29
Don Lowe
September 30
Sam Butner
October 1
Jan Bednarek
October 2
Keith Lambert
October 3
Doris Liller
Owen Myer
Pat Rossiello 
We have new contact people for the Carpenters.
Dan Halstead (352-250-3243) is now the Carpenter in
charge of scheduling donation pick-ups.
Do you need to schedule building a ramp? Then Hank
DeVries is the initial contact and project assessment
person. His number is 352-750-1370.
Art Knack is also a contact for ramps after Hank. Art’s
number is 352-430-1232. 
The Staff and Family of New Life church extend
Christian sympathy to the following:
The family of Jane Parker who died September 18.
Memorial services were held at New Life on
Tuesday, September 22.
The family of Jack Bell who died September 21.
Memorial services are scheduled for Saturday,
September 26, in the Youth Center for family and
friends. Jack will be interred in our Memorial
Gardens at a later date. 
Sign up at the Welcome Desk to be a Greeter on
Sunday mornings. The blessing will be yours. 
Page 4
Volume 6, Issue 35
Sherry Hodgkiss, Wanda Roosevelt,
Pam Myer, and Jarod Myer
attended the new member class on
Sunday, September 20, and
decided to become members of the
New Life Family. The Session voted
to accept. These people will be
introduced to the congregation on
Sunday, September 27. Give a
warm welcome to our newest family
members! 
the dim light, he saw the face of the
soldier. It was his own son. The boy
had been studying music in the
South when the war broke out..
Without telling his father, the boy
enlisted in the Confederate Army.
If any of you have ever been to a
military funeral in which taps was
played; this brings out a new meaning
of it. Here is something Every
American should know.
We in the United States have all
heard the haunting song, 'Taps...' It's
the song that gives us the lump in our
throats and usually tears in our
eyes. But, do you know the story
behind the song? If not, I think you will
be interested to find out about its
humble beginnings.
Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during
the Civil War, when Union Army
Captain Robert Elli was with his men
near Harrison's Landing in Virginia.
The Confederate Army was on the
other side of the narrow strip of
land. During the night, Captain Elli
heard the moans of a soldier who lay
severely wounded on the field. Not
knowing if it was a Union or
Confederate soldier, the Captain
decided to risk his life and bring the
stricken man back for medical
attention. Crawling on his stomach
through the gunfire, the Captain
reached the stricken soldier and
began pulling him toward his
When the Captain finally reached his
own lines, he discovered it was
actually a Confederate soldier, but the
soldier was dead. The Captain lit a
lantern and suddenly caught his
breath and went numb with shock. In
The following morning, heartbroken,
the father asked permission of his
superiors to give his son a full
military burial, despite his enemy
status. His request was only
partially granted. The Captain had
asked if he could have a group of
Army band members play a funeral
dirge for his son at the funeral. The
request was turned down since the
soldier was a Confederate. But, out
of respect for the father, they did
say they could give him only one
The Captain chose a bugler. He
asked the bugler to play a series of
musical notes he had found on a
piece of paper in the pocket of the
dead youth's uniform. This wish
was granted. The haunting melody,
we now know as 'Taps' used at
military funerals was born. The
words are:
Day is done.
Gone the sun.
From the lakes
From the hills.
From the sky.
All is well.
Safely rest.
God is nigh.
Fading light.
Dims the sight.
And a star.
Gems the sky.
Gleaming bright.
From afar.
Drawing nigh.
Falls the night.
Thanks and praise.
For our days.
Neath the sun
Neath the stars.
Neath the sky
As we go.
This we know.
God is nigh
I too have felt the chills while listening
to 'Taps' but I have never seen all the
words to the song until now. I didn't
even know there was more than one
verse. I also never knew the story
behind the song and I didn't know if
you had either so I thought I'd pass it
along. I now have an even deeper
respect for the song than I did before.
Remember Those Lost and Harmed
While Serving Their Country.
Also Remember Those Who Have
Served And Returned; and for those
presently serving in the Armed
Forces. 
New Life Presbyterian Church
Non –Profit
U.S. Postage Paid
Leesburg FL 34749
Permit No. 3144
The “Church on the Hill”
201 LaVista Street
Fruitland Park FL 34731-4423
Phone: 352.728.1861
Fax: 352.728.8306
E-mail: [email protected]
Making Disciples—Growing Disciples—Sending Disciples
You can find us on
Please become friends
and keep up to date with
your church family.
We’re on the web!
You, Lord, reward everyone
according to what they have done.
Psalm 62:12
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and our love for
God and others compels us to spread the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, locally, nationally, and globally,
helping everyone experience new life through Christ alone.
MISSION STATEMENT: “The mission of New Life Presbyterian Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, nurture
and grow the discipleship of those who believe, and send disciples into the world as witnesses to God’s love and
saving grace.” 
New Life
Jim Keegan ([email protected])
Phone: 352.250.0348
Music/Worship Coordinator:
John Kimer ([email protected])
Disciple for Families
Bob Blaise ([email protected])
Youth Pastor:
Bradley Myer ([email protected])
Ministry Assistant:
Sherry Willingham ([email protected])
Financial Manager/Admin Assistant:
Marybeth Harvey
([email protected])
Clarence Willette
([email protected])
Quirino (Q) Rubio
Keri Sellars
April Richey
Nursery Attendants:
Hattie Corbin
Erin Myer 