June - First Presbyterian Church


June - First Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian
(573) 636-2149
[email protected]
JUNE 2016
Congratulations to our 2016 Confirmands!
Christopher Larivee
Andrew Naaman
Albert Naaman
Blaine Smallwood
Lillian Wade
1310 Rosevalley Dr.
Jefferson City, MO
Charles (Charlie)
Ledgerwood & C.J.
1404 W. Main
Jefferson City, MO
214 W. Forest Ct.
Jefferson City, MO
Mary Clark
1729 Greenridge Ct.
Jefferson City, MO
Niles & Cheyanne (Rae) Nichols
12263 Dogwood Dr.
Holts Summit, MO 65043
Recognizing our 2016 High School
Seniors: Josh Hickman, Rae Nichols,
Sarah Holloway and Josh Morris (not
Youth BBQ at Pastor Zac’s Home
300 W. Old Plank Rd,
Apt. 104
Columbia, MO 65203
As one of their
service projects, the
2016 Confirmands
cooked and served
lunch at the
Salvation Army on
May 7th.
celebrated their
last days of school
with a trip to the
Hofmann’s Farm.
A Note From the Pastor
Dear Members of the Body of Christ and friends of First Presbyterian Church,
Greetings and peace in the name of Christ. As we move into summer we are moving into a time of
change and reflection and growth. Our Strategic Planning Committee is completing the Strategic Plan
report and we are considering a new Capital Campaign to replace the roof, replace one of the vans and
reach out in mission. We have added Nepal as our latest overseas mission partner and we have rekindled
our relationship with our partners in ministry in Hungary and Ukraine. We have celebrated with our High
School and College graduates, as well as confirming our eighth graders into membership in the church.
We received seven new members into the church and we are celebrating their membership in this
newsletter. We have received a Synod grant to support our Sunday Night Live @5 worship and mission
and we will be leading the Food-4-Kids summer feeding program again
this year under the direction of Cynthia Quetsch. First Presbyterian Church
is alive and well and serving Christ every day in Jefferson City and around
the world.
We are also seeing some changes in our staff as we move into the summer.
After three years at First Presbyterian Church, our office administrator, Joy
Stella, is moving to a new job with a food and garden company to utilize
her interest and training in healthy eating. We are sad to see Joy leave but
we rejoice in her new calling. We thank God for the three years of shared
ministry at First Presbyterian Church. Joy’s last day is May 27th. We will
be using the gifts of our Treasurer, Karen Laves and Assistant Treasurers,
Delores Kopp and Ruth Cook to fill in while the personnel committee
reviews the staffing needs for this position.
We are also gearing up for a wonderful Vacation Bible School and
Ecumenical Day Camp under the direction of Marilyn Hofmann this
summer with a sense of appreciation and sadness. Marilyn has requested a
change of status when we move into the new school year. Marilyn will
continue to direct the Children’s Weekday Programs—Preschool and
KPlus—as well as continuing her hosting duties, devotion guides, meal
preparation, banner hanging and youth trip chaperoning. However, she is
stepping down from her work directing Sunday School as Director of
Christian Education. We thank Marilyn for her 34 years of service in this
area and trust that her reduction in workload will allow some additional
grandmothering time. We look forward to the ways that Christ will
continue to use her gifts and talents in the many years ahead at First
Presbyterian Church.
“I pray that
you will have
a restful and
summer as
we learn and
together in
Our Personnel Committee and Session are busy reviewing the staffing
needs at First Presbyterian Church and is developing a plan to respond to the staff vacancies. The
session has hired an Interim Christian Education Director, Joan Erickson, to allow us time to evaluate the
staffing needs of our Christian Education program. Joan is a Certified Christian Educator and will be a
fine temporary addition to the staff. Please extend a warm welcome to Joan in this new role as she joins
with us in ministry this summer and into the new school year.
I trust that you will share words of thanks with Joy and Marilyn as they each conclude one phase of their
ministry and begin another. I pray that you will have a restful and restorative summer as we learn and
grow together in Christ. Please keep our Peru Mission Trippers; our Montreat and Triennium Youth
Trippers; Our Vacation Bible School teachers and participants and our church staff in your prayers as we
enter a busy time of mission and ministry in Christ.
Blessing and peace,
Rev. Rob Erickson
June Birthdays
1 - Michaela Krause
2 - Jean Reed
2 - Tom Ault
4 - Asenath Pack
8 - Rich Denning
8 - Michelle Jansen
8 - Meredith Wilson
9 - Don Wolf
9 - Nathan Gray
11 - Wynette Wolf
11 - Amy Rogers
12 - Will Holloway
13 - Teresa Terry
13 - Libby Dodson
14 - Sue Gray
14 - Paulette Ault
15 - Carl Klamm
15 - Betsy Sisson
16 - Rev. Cecil
16 - Roxanne Mason
17 - Samuel Licklider
17 - John Smallwood
18 - Kent Lowry
18 - Ryan Denning
19 - Bob Farrar
19 - Lorna Wilson
20 - Nathan Weinert
23 - Elena Myers
24 - Florene Heineman
24 - Mary Ellen Schmid
24 - Cindy Larrick
25 - Kent Burson
28 - Roy Sone
29 - Sharon Busch
30 - Margaret Coplen
30 - Karen Larvick
30 - Calvin Call
A Note from Joy Stella...
It is with many emotions that I have submitted my
letter of resignation.
I know in my heart that I have become a better
person because I have been a part of the FPC
community for the past three years.
However, during these past few years, I have also
had a spiritual awakening and a deep calling has
been brought forth.
I am part of another wonderful community at a
retreat center at the Lake of the Ozarks. Many
things have awakened in me there, such as taking
my vows as a lay person.
I also decided to pursue a life time dream of
learning more about healthy eating and cooking and
went back to school to earn a degree in Integrative
At the retreat center, I have been introduced to
gardening and have found a new passion to be part
of the Farm to Table movement.
All of these things have led me to make the decision
to accept a job with the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed
Company in Mansfield, Missouri. They have a new
position open at their not for profit, educational
restaurant. They are looking for a person
experienced in vegan cooking to help them educate
others who are improving their health by eating
more organic, non GMO foods. I could not have
dreamed of a more perfect job for myself at this
With many blessings and much gratitude,
Joy Stella
Thank you so much for all that you did to
honor my brother, Dan Massie, by
making his funeral so special for us. From
the choir members to the ladies who
served the lunch, as well as those who
came to provide support, we appreciate
all you did.
The Pierce Family
(Kathleen Massie Pierce, Bill, Kristin,
Justin, Christy & Kylie)
Beginning August 15, I will no longer be working with
the Sunday School program or the Presbyterian
Children’s Fellowship (our Sunday afternoon PCF). I
have prayerfully considered this decision and I believe
that it is time for someone else to have the
opportunities that I have had for over 34 years. I will
be continuing as the Director of Weekday Ministries
with our Preschool and Kids Plus (K+) programs; I will
be working with the Parish Life Committee, the
Facilities Committee and the Children’s Weekday
Ministries Committee; and continuing with several
other projects including the Advent and Lenten
devotion books.
As I reflect on this transition I feel an overwhelming
sense of gratitude. I am grateful to Pastor Beard and
the Session in 1982 for giving me the most awesome
opportunity to pass on the faith to our children and
youth. My faith has deepened in remarkable ways in
the sharing. I am grateful to all the wonderful people
who have taught Sunday School, children’s choirs,
PYF and PCF, worked in Vacation Bible School,
helped out at camp, gone to Montreat, or helped out in
any other way. You are Christ’s hands at work right
here in our church home! I am grateful to Pastor
Erickson for his friendship and our time working
together and I appreciate his kindness in allowing this
change. But most of all I am grateful for EVERY child
(some of whom are adults now and even have their own
children) who has sat with me for Children’s Time,
been in Sunday School, played and worked in youth
groups, gone to Montreat, danced and sang at VBS,
swam and learned at Camp and prayed and played and
been goofy over all these years! It has been a sacred
privilege for me to share this with you! You have
given enormous amounts of joy and meaning to my
life. Thank you!
Marilyn Hofmann
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women News
Calendar of Events:
Some events enjoyed by Presbyterian
Women have concluded for now and will
start up again in September 2016. These
 Bible Study with Pastor Dave Henry
 Gatherings-on the first Wednesday of each month
 Circle (Bible study) group meetings
 PW Coordinating Team Meetings (except for
Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary, Historian
(which can be filled by the secretary), and Treasurer,
as well serving on one of the committees from which
the plans for PW gatherings, events, etc., are
created! Please consider being part of this special
team! Moderators of the respective Circles are also
members of the team.
Blessings and enjoy your summer!
Margi Bowles
Groups that will continue to meet throughout the
TEAM hosted a presentation by Rihab Sawah on
“The Syrian Refugee Crisis” here at First
Presbyterian on Thursday, May 5. We are now
 Hands for Mission sewing group will now meet on
working to find ways to follow-up on the information
the SECOND Monday of each month at 10:30am
presented – to be actively involved in the resettlement
until 2:00pm in the Chapel. Their next meeting will
of refugees. The next CAIA event will be “The Music
be held on June 13, 2016. (The items sewn already
of Our Faith Traditions” on Monday, August 8 at 7:00
are beautiful pillow cases, receiving blankets, bib
pm at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Music
aprons for adult fellowship. And, thank you too, to
with be shared from the Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim,
the members of this mission group for diligently
Unitarian Universalist and Christian traditions. Our
working on finishing up the quilt started during the
own Missing Pieces will be featured.
mini-retreat in February.) (Special gratitude is
extended to Janet Carder for her creativity of the
quilt's pieces and assistance during the miniretreat!)
An “Ice Cream Social” on Sunday, June 19 following
 Kaffee Klatch will meet at 10:30am at the Jefferson our Sunday Night Worship and dinner. Bring your
Dad and come enjoy a variety of ice cream flavors and
City HyVee's dining room. The next meeting will
lots of delicious toppings.
be on June 22, 2016.
summer meeting)
Other News
Horizon Bible Study for 2016-2017 workshop will be
held on June 18, 2016, at Prairie Village Presbyterian
Church, Prairie Village, Kansas. Cost is $19, which
will cover the cost of the workshop as well as the
continental breakfast and lunch. The theme for the
study will be: "Who is Jesus?" by Judy Yates Siker,
who is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.). To register: mail in the form. If you need
one, contact with Margi Bowles at
[email protected]
Two trips to Springfield Cardinals Baseball Games!
Friday, July 8 and Saturday, July 30. We have 20
tickets per game. Tickets are $10 each with a $30
family maximum. Reserve your tickets for one or
both before we sell out! See Pastor Dave for tickets.
An All Church Softball Game at the home of Dr.
Donald Miller on Sunday, July 24 at 2:00 pm. Great
exercise and fun for all ages.
The Annual Church Family Picnic at Camp
Covenant Point on Sunday, August 14 with swimming
What a pleasure it has been for me to be a member of and other activities from 3:00-5:00 pm, potluck dinner
the Coordinating Team of PW and witnessing the gifts at 5:00, followed by our Sunday Night Worship.
of the women on that team. Thank you to Jan
Haviland, Barbara Chilcutt, Vicki Schildmeyer, Anne If you would like to join this Committee to help plan
Schneider, Barb Slevin and Brenda Waters for their
for and encourage participation in activities of fun and
dedicated commitment to each of her responsibilities. fellowship for our whole church family please see Bill
A special thank you is extended to committee
Wilson or Pastor Dave.
members who were also as committed and helpful!
For Your information
Officers for the upcoming Coordinating Team are
being considered. What a wonderful way to become
involved in PW by serving on this team as either a
Once again, First Presbyterian is hosting the Food 4 Kids program. Every day from June 27 to
August 17 there will be people in the kitchen making sandwiches, filling lunch bags and preparing
the lunches for delivery. Deliveries will be made to 4 sites in low-income neighborhoods. The Food
Bank of Central Missouri, with the support of the United Way and last year’s Crop Walk funds,
provides the funding for food and supplies for 120 lunches each day. A free lunch is available to
anyone under 18 who comes to the site. Local churches and businesses provide the volunteers.
Each week a First Presbyterian church member organizes the volunteers and directs the activities.
First Presbyterian will be packing and delivering lunches the week of August 8 to 12 from 10:30 to
11:45 for packers and 11:45 to 12:45 for deliverers. Check your calendars for when you have some
time to help support this worthy local mission. Look for sign up posters in late June in Knox Hall.
We anticipate that there will be more than 120 kids per day needing lunches by the end of the
summer. When we run out of lunches we give out snack packs—nonperishable food so the kids at
least have something to eat. Donations of individual size peanut butter crackers, apple sauce,
canned fruit, macaroni and cheese mix, pasta in a can, granola bars, pop tarts, cheese crackers,
raisins or other dried fruit, single serving cereals, or protein bars in kid friendly flavors will be used
for the snack packs. Thank you for the food or monetary donation that enables us to fill the snack
Session continued from Page 7
original Church building.
Missions - Elder Beetem reported on several mission items and
Elder Sanders offered a prayer for the Ministry of Christ at First
Presbyterian Church.
Family Life - Elder Wilson reported on activities and plans of the
Family Life committee.
Parish Life - Elder Hardman reported on the committee’s activities
and that the committee will host the Founder’s Day Celebration on
June 26th.
Communications - Elder Long reported on the activities of the
Communications committee.
Elder Nichols offered a prayer for the Community of the Holy
There was no Old or New Business.
The Session adjourned at 9:20 p.m. following a prayer by Pastor
Dave. The next scheduled meeting of the Session will be June 14th,
2016 at 6:30 pm
Notes From the Session
A Summary of May 10 , 2016
Session Meeting Minutes
A regular meeting of the Session of the First Presbyterian
Church was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Rev. Dr. Robert
C. Erickson. Opening Devotion and Opening Prayer by
Pastor Rob.
Pastor’s Report
 Pastor Rob reported that he led worship at Primrose
Retirement Center on May 1, 2016.
 He and Pastor Dave shared the worship leadership of Dan
Massie’s burial and memorial service on April 15th.
 He presented Rowan Smith, son of Ryan and Kelly Smith,
for baptism on June 19th. This was approved.
 He reported that he met with various committees and
individuals on church matters, continues to teach Bible
study on Tuesday mornings and made several hospital &
home visits.
 Pastor Rob led the Young Adult Theology study on April
26th and met with the Ethics Committee at Capital Region
Medical Center on May 3rd.
 He led the Bible at Villa Marie Nursing Home on May
 Pastor Rob will be at Princeton Seminary Reunion &
Conference on May 16th - 18th and on vacation from May
19th - 23rd.
Associate Pastors’ Reports
 Pastor Dave reported on local and international mission
activities and plans.
 He passed around a sign-up sheet for Session members
who would be attending the Confirmation & Families
Dinner and Examination of Confirmands on Friday, May
13th at 6:00 pm.
 He drew the attention of Session members to the proposed
“Overture on Racial Reconciliation” from the Presbytery
of Giddings-Lovejoy.
 Pastor Dave presented a proposal from Victoria Hanrahan
to present a yoga program using the Church building over
the lunch hour. This was approved, subject to the Church
guidelines on the use of its facilities.
Pastor Zac reported on a number of gatherings and activities
for youth groups, SNL, MissionJC and meeting with young
people. Pastor Zac met with the Youth Ministry,
Communications and Worship Committees. He completed
“Boundaries Training” on April 30th.
New Members
Pastor Rob introduced six candidates for membership in the
Church. Following their comments about themselves and
why they were interested in joining First Presbyterian
Church, the following were approved by the Session: Rae &
Niles Nichols - on letter of transfer; Charlie Ledgerwood - by
reaffirmation of faith; Mary Clark - by reaffirmation of faith;
Kimberley Kliethermes - by reaffirmation of faith; and
Stephanie McMaster - by letter of transfer.
Committee Reports
Children’s Weekday Ministry - Marilyn Hofmann reported
on Preschool enrollment for the fall.
Christian Education - Elder Caplinger presented the
committee’s recommendations for Vacation Bible School
leaders and for Day Camp helpers for this summer. These
were approved.
Youth Ministry Team - Elder Hickman asked the Session to
approve the annual Youth Sunday worship service for
August 14th at 9:30 am, with Rae Nichols & Josh Hickman
to offer the message. This was approved. He reported that
the breakfast on April 17th raised $877 to support the youth
on their trips and that approximately 30 people attended the
high school Senior Celebration & Roast on May 4th. He
also reported that the committee had approved taking
rented vehicles to REACH and Montreat this summer due
to the unreliability of the Church buses for long trips.
Elder Holt offered a prayer for children and youth.
Stewardship - Elder Carr presented the stewardship reports
for April, 2016, which were approved on the committee’s
recommendation. He reported that the Miracles & Missions
dinner and auction raised $3,600. He reported that Jim
Carder will be the team leader of the committee which is
conducting the 2014 & 2015 Financial Review, and that the
other team members are Brian Long & Bill Wilson. He
presented information on the activities and planning of the
Capital Campaign Task Force as well.
Revenues $62,207
Expenses $67,040
Year to Date % of Budget
Personnel/Administration - Elder Pletz said that the
committee had met twice since the last Session meeting. He
deferred to Marilyn Hofmann, who requested a change in
status to eliminate Sunday School and Presbyterian
Children's Fellowship from her job description starting on
August 15th, 2016. Marilyn will continue to direct the
Children's Weekday ministries and her hosting
responsibilities (Lenten and Advent Devotions, church
dinners, etc). Members of the Session expressed their
regrets and their thanks for her long and devoted leadership
of those programs. Elder Pletz then reported that the
personnel committee had discussed the transition and
determined, for a number of reasons, including the need to
make decision on the fall Sunday School curriculum very
soon, that it would be appropriate to seek an interim DCE.
At a subsequent meeting, the committee interviewed Joan
Erickson for the interim position. Joan is a Certified
Christian Educator of PCUSA and has a masters in
Christian Ministry and a BS in elementary education and
psychology. The committee recommended that Joan
Erickson be hired as interim DCE beginning June 1, 2016
and continuing for twelve months. Pastor Rob and Marilyn
Hofmann excused themselves from the meeting. Following
discussion, the Session approved the committee’s
Elder Pletz then reported that Joy Stella had on Monday
submitted her resignation, effective at the end of the month.
He said that the committee would meet again to consider
the position and the replacement of Ms. Stella.
Worship - Elder Sanders reported on the committee’s
meeting and its recommendation for PCUSA Ministry CoWorkers from the Middle East be approved to preach at the
SNL service on June 5th. This was approved. She also
presented a number of items of information.
Facilities - Elder Schneider presented information on
wallpaper removal and plans for the back hallway in the
See Session on Page 6
First Presbyterian Church received a Synod of Mid America Grant for
Innovative Ministries to support the mission and ministry in our Sunday Night
Live @ 5 worship and mission. The twenty thousand dollar grant will fund
personnel, mission outreach and capital improvements to support the mission
and ministry that God has called us to every Sunday evening from 5 pm to 6:45
pm. This contemporary worship service and meal touches the lives of people
who are members of our church and people from the community who are in
need of spiritual, physical and emotional support. The worship service also
provides an opportunity for us to worship with other churches as we did with
our Hungarian visitors in April 3rd and our Mission JC partners on April 24th.
On June 5 we will be sharing SNL@5 worship with Grace Evangelical Free Church as we hear from two
PCUSA pastors who are serving in the Middle east. The Synod will be doing a special video on this mission to
show the Synod what’s happening here but you can simply stop by any Sunday night and check it out anytime.
SNL Planning Committee: Rob Erickson, Karen Laves, Zac Wolfe, Shelley Swoyer, Kyle Kittrell, Katie Epema,
Vickie Schildemeyer
This summer include:
 Thursday, June 23 – 6:00 pm – Pizza and conversation - location to be announced.
 Saturday, July 23 – 6:00 pm – Place and Activity to be announced.
 Thursday, August 6 – 6:00 pm – Road trip to Columbia for Dinner.
(If you have ideas for places to eat or activities, contact Pastor Dave.)
ADULT ROAD TRIPS THIS FALL for fellowship, fun, education, mission, worship and renewal! Pastor
Dave is leading two Adult Trips this Fall and YOU are invited to join him.
TRIP TO ATLANTA, GA Thursday, September 8 through Tuesday, September 13 to:
 Serve in soup kitchens
 Worship at Shallowford Presbyterian Church (Reverend Chris Henry, Pastor)
 Worship at Shalom International Ministry, one of the new 1001 Worshipping Communities being
started by the PC(USA). Shalom International Ministries officially began in December 2011with
leadership from Reverend Sara Hayden. Eleven people came, representing the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Zambia and Cameroon. “They told us they needed a space where they could
experience a sense of belonging,” says Pastor Mpoyo, “where they could heal from past trauma and
be together in hospitality.”
 Visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, Ebenezer Baptist Church and the Carter Center.
 Sit in on a class at Columbia Theological Seminary.
 Enjoy times of devotions and fellowship and much more.
TRIP TO MONTREAT CONFERENCE CENTER Monday, October 10 through Thursday,
October 13 for the DISGRACE: Seeking God’s Grace Amid the Disgrace of Racism.
“The DISGRACE conference will be a faithful response to the embedded and structural racism in
church and culture, but it can’t happen without you. Grounded in worship, truth-telling, confession,
and collaboration, we move from disgrace toward solidarity.”
Cost will be around $350 per person, double room, with meals.
See Pastor Dave for more information about these trips.
The Samaritan Center is in need of summer volunteer help for carryout. This includes
taking a cart of food items to vehicles. Help is needed on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday’s from 9:00am – 11:30am. Must be 13 years or older. Contact Lindsey at
(573)634-7776 if interested or for more information.
Missions & Ministries
We partner with Big Brothers/Big Sisters
in our mentoring at local schools, with
our focus on South Elementary, but we
have Mentors at other schools as well. It only takes
one hour a week to be a Mentor for a child in one of
our schools, and it can make a huge impact on their
lives. Consider becoming a Mentor for the 2016-2017
school year, and see Kurt Hafley or Pastor Dave if you
are interested in Mentoring!
Many in our community live daily with
food insecurity particularly in the
aftermath of cuts in the SNAP program.
We continue to provide two bags of
groceries to more than fifty families each
month! We are always in need of cereal,
canned fruits and vegetables, pasta &
pasta sauce, peanut butter and other nonperishable food items. Items can be brought at any
time. Monetary donations can also be given and our
Deacon’s Local Missions Committee will purchase
items needed in the Food Pantry. If you would like
to help with this ministry or would like more
information see Deacons Bob Rogers or Penny
COMMON GROUND has been working with the
Homelessness Task Force and others to find ways to
provide housing for families in our community and
have started the “Families Forward Transitional
Housing Assistance Program”. This is a program to
assist families in a transition from homelessness to
independent living and is a collaborative effort
between local homeless shelters, advocacy agencies
and the community. It is supportive in nature,
providing follow-up, case management and goalsetting assistance during the course of transition. The
first family for this new program has been identified.
See Shelley Swoyer for more information on this
exciting new mission!
Working with the Ripple-Nepal Committee in
Kathmandu, we have identified additional children in
need of sponsors. Our Ripple-Nepal US Committee
has set a goal of 30 children in our program at this
time—and we are looking for a couple additional
sponsors. The cost to sponsor a child for one year is
$400 and covers their school fees, uniforms, books
and supplies and more. See Jeff, Kyle or Pastor
Dave to learn more about this mission – or invite
them to do a program for your class or group!
Members of our Ripple-Nepal Committee are Carol
and Jeff Sanders, Holly Nunn, Christie and Kyle Kittrell,
and Jackie and Dave Henry.
As you read this Newsletter a group of seven from our
Church Family are in the Amazon Jungle seeking to
share God’s love through action and word. Through
the guidance of the Spirit and the leadership of Pastor
Guillermo and Margarita Diaz in Iquitos, God has
called Pastor Johel Zabeleta Florez to serve as Pastor
in Tamshiyacu (our sister church). He and his wife
Betty are already involved in the ministry there and
our Crew is working with them on our construction
projects and with the Bible School for the children.
Our Crew is also working with the children of the
SCOTA School. Our Peru Crew will report to us
when they return. Please pray for this mission, and
our partners in Peru.
Will hold its monthly Assembly Meeting on Monday,
June 27 at 6:30 pm at Quinn Chapel. This
ecumenical/interfaith group seeks to meet the
challenges of working for economic dignity and racial
justice for all in our community and beyond. The
theme for the June meeting with be “The Faces of
Hunger” as we hear the stories of those who are
homeless in Jefferson City. Faith Voices for Jefferson
City will also hold a “Training for Fundraising” event
on Monday, June 13 at 4:00 pm at Immaculate
Conception Catholic Church. For more information
see Pastor Dave or any member of our Social Justice
Ministry Team.
Will be starting it’s 100th home in August 2016! We
have been invited to partner in the building of this
home. We will take the lead in the building on
Saturdays, August 6, September 10, October 1 and
November 5 (and possibly future dates). Elder Carol
Scott has agreed to be our Volunteer Coordinator for
volunteers to work on our assigned days AND for
volunteers to prepare and bring lunch for the workers
on those days. If you want to help, contact Carol.
Also, Kyle Kittrell is also looking for volunteers for
Thursday evenings from 5-8 pm later this summer.
Look for additional information in upcoming bulletins
and newsletters!
Tuesday, June 21st at 6:00 pm in the Church Library.
not meet in June. We will resume meeting later in the
summer as we seek to be faithful to God’s call to work
for human justice for all God’s children.
May 2016
9:30 am - Service of Worship
10:30 am - CALVIN CLASS in the McAfee Room
10:30 am - Coffee Fellowship/Knox Hall
5:00 pm– Sunday Night Live @5 Worship Service
5:45 pm - Shared Meal in Knox Hall
7:00 pm Monday– Boy Scouts - Troop 2
9:30 am Tuesday - Bible Study in McAfee Room
1:30 pm Tuesday - Staff Meeting
5:30 pm Thursday - Beasley Basketball Practice
Thursday, June 2
Wednesday, June 22
5:30 pm Worship Committee in the Library
4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army
Friday, June 3
Thursday, June 23
6:00 pm College Age Pizza and Conversation
Sunday, June 5
Saturday, June 25
11:30 am Serve Lunch at Ken Locke Apartments
AT 9:30 AM
Sunday, June 26
Monday, June 6
2:00 pm Worship Service at Summit Villa
Monday, June 27
7:30 am Bible Study in Pastor Rob’s Office
7:30 am Bible Study in Pastor Rob’s Office
Tuesday, June 7
6:30 pm Faith Voices at Quinn Chapel
9:30 am Bible Study in the McAfee Room
12:05 pm Yoga for Lunch in the Chapel
Wednesday, June8
4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army
Thursday, June 9
6:30 pm Youth Ministry Team in the Senior
Starting June 5 - August 14 We will
High Room
have one worship service starting at
Friday, June 10
10:15 am Meals on Wheels
9:30 am. Sunday Night Live @5
11:00 am VBS Program & Lunch
Worship will continue at 5:00 pm.
Saturday, June 11
11:30 am Serve Lunch at Ken Locke Apartments
Sunday, June 12
Also, the Calvin Sunday School
2:00 pm Worship Service at Primrose
Class will be meeting on Sunday
Retirement Community
Monday, June 13
Mornings at 10:30 am.
7:30 am Bible Study in Pastor Rob’s Office
10:00 am Hands on Mission Sewing Group Chapel
4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army
THE BIKE AND BUILD group will make its annual
Tuesday, June 14
overnight stop at First Presbyterian on Tuesday, June
12:05 pm Yoga for Lunch in the Chapel
14 as they bike across the US. If you would like to
Thursday, June 16
10:30 am Retired Adults Fellowship in Knox Hall help with meals (dinner and breakfast on June 15),
please contact Guy Krause.
Friday, June 17
6:30 pm Loaves & Fishes at the Bailey’s Home
TOPS for Ronald McDonald Charities—if you have
Sunday, June 19
pop-tops you are willing to donate, please place them
6:00 pm Ice Cream Social
in the container outside Pastor Dave’s office.
Monday, June 20
7:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Downtown
Diner on High Street is Monday, June
7:30 am Bible Study in Pastor Rob’s Office
20th at 7:00 am (and the third Monday
4:30 pm Serve Supper at Salvation Army
of each month). Come join us for food,
6:30 pm Stephen Ministers in the Parlor
fellowship, a time of prayer for our
Tuesday, June 21
church family, community and world, and for some
12:05 pm Yoga for Lunch in the Chapel
lively conversation!
6:00 pm Mission Committee in the Library
return service requested
10:00 AM.
The Calvin Class
will meet at 10:30
am June 5 - Aug. 14.
On the web at www.fpcjcmo.org
Also follow us on:
OUR 8th GRADE CONFIRMANDS – Christopher Larivee, Albert Naaman, Andrew Naaman and
Blaine Smallwood met with our Session for Examination for Membership on Friday, May 13, made their
Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ in worship on Sunday, May 15, and are now members of First
Presbyterian Church. They completed our three-year Confirmation Class, including studies of the Old
Testament, the New Testament and our Presbyterian history, worship, sacraments and Confessions. A
Reception was held in their honor in Knox Hall hosted by our Deacon’s Alpha and Omega Committee.
Christopher Larivee, son of Todd and Lisa Larivee, is on the Matrix Team at Thomas Jefferson
Middle School. He plays the cello in the TJ orchestra, is on the Honor Roll and has received the President's
Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence. Christopher enjoys reading, bike riding and the St. Louis
Cardinals and the Kansas City Royals. Christopher loves the words of Psalm 91, which begins: “You who
live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, ‘My
refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”
Albert Naaman, son of Harira and Abiathar Naaman, has completed his three years at Thomas
Jefferson Middle School, had perfect attendance the past two years, and was a member of the TJMS Track
Team. He enjoys playing football and basketball and other games outside, and also video games. His
favorite scripture verse is Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Andrew Naaman, son of Harira and Abiathar Naaman, maintained a 3.749 GPA or higher through
his three years at Thomas Jefferson Middle School where he ran track. He likes to play basketball and video
games and watch TV. His favorite Bible passage is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight
your paths.”
Blaine Smallwood, son of John and Cheryl Smallwood, received GPA, orchestra, science and
language arts awards at Lewis and Clark Middle School. He is a member of the Boy Scouts, on the LCMS
Track Team, in Jazz Band, Orchestra and String Movers. Blaine enjoys playing and watching sports,
hanging out with friends and watching TV and movies. His favorite verse is John 3:16, “For God so loved
the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have
eternal life.”
You can join us this summer every Sunday at 9:30
a.m. from anywhere in the world via livestreaming. If
you're busy, catch the full service anytime you want
from the archives.
Three ways to watch:
From any page on our website at http://
www.fpcjcmo.org, click on the "livestream"
link at the bottom right. Then, click on the
day's sermon date/topic.
Or, go to directly to http://livestream.com/fpcjcmo
and click on the day's sermon date/topic.
If you're on the go, download the Livestream app
from the Apple App or Google Play store and
watch from your phone or tablet.
Monday, July 4 from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm in our
Circle Driveway. We have many new items from
Nepal, Hungary/Ukraine and Peru, as well as Africa
Bags and many Fair Trade items from other countries
including ornaments made of Olive Wood from
Bethlehem. Come by and support the mission of
Common Ground and our International Missions!
Yoga instructor Victoria Hanrahan will
teach a Yoga Class in our Chapel on
Tuesdays, from 12:05 to 12:50 pm
beginning on Tuesday, May 31. Cost is
$20.00 for four sessions. If you are interested in this
class contact Victoria at 573-3405403 or register
online at www.doyogagetbent.com.
2016 College Graduates
PLEASE PRAY for our High School and College Graduates as they continue on their life’s journey and their
journey of faith. Those graduating from colleges/universities are:
Tanner Bone – Graduated on Saturday, May 14 from the Sam Walton College of Business at the University
of Arkansas. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Business and
begins his position at AppNexus in New York City on July 18.
Hollie Burrows – Graduated on Saturday, May 14 from the University of Missouri, Columbia with a
Bachelors in Fisheries and Wildlife, and will be going to Veterinarian School at Mizzou in August.
Emily Collins – Graduated on May 14 from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, with a Master’s Degree
in Early Childhood Education. Emily plans to teach.
Sarah Couchman – Graduated on May 7 from William Woods University with a Bachelors of Science in
Equestrian Science.
Cole Dodson – Graduated from the University of Arkansas on May 14 with a Bachelors in Economics and
Marketing and will begin his career with IRI Worldwide, Bentonville, AR.
Dillon Feely – Graduated from Missouri University of Science and Technology on Saturday, May 14 with a
BS is Civil Engineering. Dillon and Audrey Gaines will take their wedding vows on June 25 and he will
begin work as a Civil Municipal Design Engineer with Pittsburg Consultants in Pittsburg, KS.
Audrey Gaines - Graduated on Friday, May 13 from Missouri State University in Springfield, MO Magna
Cum Laude with a BS is Wildlife Biology. Audrey will be married to Dillon Feely on Saturday, June 25, and
following a summer internship in Jefferson City will move to Pittsburg, KS.
Katie Gamble – Graduated on May 16 from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC with a degree in
Sociology and Politics & International Affairs with a concentration in Crime and Criminal Justice. Katie will
come back to Missouri to work for Gamble and Schlemeier.
Katie Jones – Graduated with a degree in Music Education from the University of Missouri, Columbia Music
Conservatory. She plans to teach elementary music.
Audrey Long Schroer - received her Master of Public Health from the University of Iowa College of Public
Health on Friday, May 13, 2016. She is currently a Community & Behavioral Health Graduate Research
Assistant and plans to remain in Iowa City. Audrey is the daughter of Brian and Barbara Long.
Kent Mastroianni - Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Missouri State with a degree in Physics. He will
attend a five year Grad School program at the University of Oregon if Optical Sciences. Kent will be doing
research and will also be a Graduate Assistant.
Carol Weller – Graduated Cum Laude from Central Methodist University with a Bachelors of Accountancy.
She is working at ABB in Production Planning.
Rebecca Wilding – Graduated in January with a degree in Bio Chemistry from the University of Missouri,
Columbia. Rebecca will be entering Medical School.
Alice Wilson – Graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia on Saturday, May 14 with a Bachelor
of Arts in Political Science (Cum Laude) and a minor in Journalism. She will return to North Carolina again
this summer to work as Production Crew Co-Director at Montreat Conference Center.
We are proud of all our graduates and pray for God’s continued blessings upon them as they
continue on life’s journey. If we have missed anyone please notify Pastor Dave and we will recognize
and celebrate them in the July Newsletter.