Program in English


Program in English
Convention Program
Annual convention of the German Society for Social Psychiatry:
Social Psychiatry 40.0
After the reform is before the reform!
October 6th to October 8th 2016 in
Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum,
Forum 3
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin
Annual convention of the German Society for
Social Psychiatry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Soziale Psychiatrie e.V. – DGSP) 2016, in cooperation with the Hospital for Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy of the Charité (Campus
Forty years of psychiatry reform in Germany.
Since the publication of the psychiatrie-enquete
in 1975, we are experiencing a broad reorganization of the psychiatric landscape. The aim
was and still is to significantly improve the
situation of people with a mental illness.
Did we succeed? What is required from a social psychiatry nowadays and which an-swers
can social psychiatry provide after the reformation process of the last centuries regarding
society in consideration of its frequently growing complexity?
Currently as well as in the future, social psychiatry faces four challenges in specific:
1. Social imbalance
Social imbalance in the world increases, which,
for many people, results in poverty and social
What does that mean for theory and practice of
social psychiatry?
2. Multicultural society
Due to migration, society is characterized by
more and more diversity.
What does that mean for social psychiatry? Is it
not time to rethink and adjust theories, structures and methods?
3. Social state
Due to the increasing number of neoliberal
concepts of modernization as well as sociocultural developments (individualization, demographic development etc.), the social state
faces huge challenges.
How can social psychiatry react properly? In
which context can social psychiatry contribute
against retreat of the social state?
4. Subject
The rapid social and cultural change of society
affects the life of each individual.
How do constructs of identity, subject and self
change and what consequences need to be
drawn from that?
Those issues as well as others will be taken up
by experts from psychiatry and social science
and addressed in workshops. We invite you to
set action-oriented impulses for the future of
social psychiatry!
The six mobile workshops provide you with
concrete insight regarding special socialpsychiatric approaches or future-oriented projects in Berlin. Subjects shall be work and
housing, homelessness, culture and history as
well as stationary treatment.
We would especially like to draw attention to
the precongress „Don‛t panic 2030?! – Per
Anhalter durch die Sozialpsychiatrie“ („Don‛t
panic 2030?! – A hitchhiker's guide to social
psychiatry“) on October 5 at the Katholische
Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin.
Furthermore, we would like to invite you into
the Bremer Landesvertretung to an interesting
lecture – as each year, organized by the DGSP
Please find more information regarding the
accompanying program in the middle of the
schedule folder.
Of course there will be a party with excellent
food, lots of music and a lounge to talk to share
thoughts and ideas with others.
We are looking forward to a diverse and inspiring convention! Looking ahead (self-)critically
and reflecting:
Social psychiatry 40.0 – after the reform is
before the reform!
The preparation group of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie (BGSP)
Thursday, October 6 2016
Presentation: Friedrich Walburg
Friedrich Walburg, first chairman of DGSP
Christian Reumschüssel-Wienert, Erster Vorsitzender der BGSP e.V.
N.N., representative of Berlin
12:45 pm
40 years sociopolitical project „psychiatry“ –
what has become of it?
Ernst von Kardorff
Comments by Svenja Bunt, Tina Lindemann,
Thomas Becker and Wolfram Voigtländer
2:00 p.m.
Social imbalance, exclusion – and social psychiatry?
New challenges for social psychiatric concepts,
practice and development of community psychiatric support systems based on social exclusion processes and new social epidemiological
Thomas Becker
3:00 p.m.
Coffee break
3:30 p.m.
Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in
community psychiatry
The current migration progress is a challenge
for community psychiatric institution and support systems which they have to face conceptional and active. Requirements for action are
Andreas Heinz
16:30 p.m.
End of the first day
17:15 p.m.
General assembly of the DGSP
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Friday, October 7 2016
Moderation: Karin-Maria Hoffmann, Uwe
17:00 p.m.
End of the second day
20:00 p.m.
Party with music and buffet in the „LaLuz“
9:00 a.m.
Salutation and organizational details
Saturday, October 8 2016
9:15 a.m.
Human Rights and participation
Panel discussion with:
– Christel Achberger, Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
– N.N., Berliner Landesverband der Angehörigen psychisch Kranker e.V.
– Iris Hauth, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychoso-matik und
– Iris Hölling, Andreas Liebke, PsychiatrieErfahrene
– Corinna Scheibner, Sozialpsychiatrischer
Dienst Berlin-Spandau
Moderation: Petra Rossmanith, Ralf-Bruno
11:00 a.m.
Coffee break
11:30 a.m.
Ceremony of the DGSP research- and junior
award 2016
Heike Dech, Silvia Krumm
12:30 p.m.
Lunch break
13:30–16:30 p.m.
Workshops 1–16
15:00 p.m.
Coffee break
15:30 p.m.
Continuation of the workshops
16:30 p.m.
WWW – Wilde Workshop Wanderung
Presentation I of the workshop results via the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Moderation: Christel Achberger, chairperson of
the DGSP
9:00 a.m.
– Salutation and organizational details
– Presentation of the workshop results via the
9:30 a.m.
Reinvention of the social – the activating social
state and its limits
Subject will be the changes within the frameworks of the social state as well as possible
consequences for service providers due to those
changes. Options for social-critical perspectives and acts shall be presented.
Stephan Lessenich
10:30 a.m.
Coffee break
11:00 a.m.
The entrepreneurial self – the exhausted self –
resistance!? Current social and cultural developments cause severe changes of subject and
identity concepts. Entrepre-neurial thinking
does not only dominate economy, but also social relationships and relations within one's
own identity. That also applies to clients as
well as professionals of psychiatric care systems. Those developments shall be analyzed,
criticized and options of resistant acts shall be
Stefanie Graefe
12:15 p.m.
„We don‘t panic!?”
Impressions of the convention: Feedback from
students and career beginners.
12:30 p.m.
Presentation of an updated version of the brochure „Denkanstöße“ by DGSP
Christian Reumschüssel-Wienert
12:45 p.m.
Introduction of the newly elected chairpeople
of the DGSP and review of the annual convention by the general board
13:15 p.m.
The convention ends around 13:30 p.m.
Workshops (WS) 1–16
WS 1
Exchange about the inclusion of (ex-) users
into the psychiatric care system: Challenges
and goals
What hampers and what benefits the collaboration of (ex-) users and professionals? Representatives of three federal states (Bavaria,
Nordrhein-Westfalia, Baden-Württemberg) talk
from different points of view:
Points of view of Impulse:
– the social-psychiatric service MünchenNeuhausen Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienstes
Benedita Frericks, Susanne Stier
– the community-psychiatric center StuttgartVaihingen of Gemeindepsychiatrisches Zentrums Stuttgart-Vaihingen
Kornelia Birkemeyer, Daniel Tutte
gGmbH, Bonn/Siegburg
Sabine Joel, Wolfgang Monheimius
Moderation: Susanne Ackers, Torsten Flögel
WS 2
Prevention of „geschlossener Unterbringung“
[Imprisonment](§ 1906 BGB) within the
framework of community psychiatric cooperation im Rahmen gemeindepsychiatrischer Kooperation
Options of prevention of imprisonment on a
regional level shall be presented and discussed.
– How imprisonment can be prevented: Experiences from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock and Dortmund
Ingmar Steinhart
– Can dense care networks exist without imprisonment? – A report from Mönchengladbach
Dieter Schax
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
– The Cologne-city-case-conference as a solution-orientated model of taking responsibility
on a municipal level
Klaus Jansen, Thomas Peters
– How to concretize and execute the Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities on a
European level?
Akiko Hart
Moderation: Ulrich Krüger
– Report about the British self-help movement
MIND and its influence on the development of
Mental Health in Great Britain
WS 3
PEPP has been cancelled!? – Future of the
hospitalized field
Which results does the planned financing system (PsychVVG – „Weiterentwicklung der
Versorgung und der Vergütung für psychiatrische und psychosomatische Leistungen“)
have on the everyday lives in hospitals and on
the community psychiatric care-systems? Alternative financing options shall be introduced
and analyzed.
– The regional psychiatry budget: proven prototype and now ready for series produc-tion?
Bettina Wilms
– Chances of a model project § 64b SGB V
with Barmer GEK
Christiane Montag
– PEPP and the results for stationary psychiatric care – results of an ethnographical science
Sebastian von Peter
Moderation: Hasso Klimitz
WS 4
European Mental-Health-Politics?
Possibilities of interference in Brussels and
examples from neighboring countries we can
learn from.
– DGSP-expert-committee Europe: What did
we learn from our European commitment?
Edith Köhler, Christa Widmaier-Berthold
– Possible influence of a German NGO within
the field of European social politics, using the
example of Diakonie Deutschland
Stephanie Scholz
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Moderation: Manfred Zaumseil
WS 5
Reducing – minimizing – quitting psychotropic
If you want to start a car, you also need to
know how to make it stop again. With medication, especially psychotropic drugs, it is the
– Quitting medication – the „Bremer Beratungsprojekt“
Currently, a network of ambulative and stationary care programs involving experienced
experts (EX-IN) is built in Bremen about reducing and quitting psychotropic drugs.
Uwe Gonther
– Quitting psychotropic drugs – help and exchange via the internet
ADFD is a private initiative offering an internet platform where users that do not feel supported by their doctors concerning symptoms
of quitting, have the option to exchange experiences with one another.
Iris Heffmann
– Who starts, needs to quit – or at least reduce
Reducing psychotropic drugs during the healing process can free unexpected dynamics and
resources and demands in-dividual and careful
support, the base module and specific challenges of which shall be represented via practice examples by a qualified specialist.
Jann E. Schlimme
– User-oriented support with quitting neuroleptics and antidepressants
PsychExit: In cooperation with users and relatives, people active in medicine, law, psycho5
therapy, care, social work and medical practice
are currently developing a professioncomprehensive guide to reduce the risks of the
quitting process of neuroleptics and antidepressants.
Peter Lehmann
Moderation: Asmus Finzen, Peter Lehmann
WS 6
Arrived? – Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants,
their need for support and the responsibility of
community psychiatry
Concrete examples shall illustrate how community psychiatric support systems can be
prepared for upcoming challenges.
– Development of crisis intervention
Experiences from Hamburg
Manoshi Christina Pakrasi
– Crisis help in the community-psychological
association Solingen
Martin Vedder
– Intercultural inclusion, networks and professionalizing
Ulrike Kluge, Simone Penka
for their everyday-life outside of hospital walls.
Psychiatric employees, especially caretakers,
seek options within the discourses of community psychiatry and politics in order to make lives
of former inmates of forensics easier instead of
having them face unrealizable expectations.
Models for adapted support systems for users
are needed. In order to optimize the ways to
support those people, ex-users should be involved into treatment as well as aftercare. Also,
support services need to be available around
the clock.
Furthermore, it is relevant which benefactors
carry the finances – and how that con-tributes
to healthcare.
Participants of the discussion:
Paul Bomke, Susanne Fehren, Helen von Massenbach, Christoph Müller, Stefan Rogge, Doris Steenken, Andreas Teuschel
Moderation: Heinz Kammeier
WS 8
Integrative care: How do work fields change,
what advances and risks occur from interconnected work?
Different models of integrative care (IV) are
introduced and discussed. Hoped for ben-efits
will be discussed as well as possible risks.
Moderation: Martin Osinski
WS 7
„Who's afraid of the ill man?“ – Approaching
one's own responsibility
A trialogical workshop regarding early release
from forensic psychiatries due to disproportion
and the task of community psychiatry
If due to disproportion the number of early
released people from imprisonment (§ 63
StGB) increases, people working in psychiatry
will face great challenges. People chronified
based on their illness and hospitalized based on
their personality need continuous and differentiated support from the systems of community
psychiatry and self-help. Reducing the dangerousness and controlling the behavior of former
inmates of forensics has to be the focus as well
as supporting them to gain social competences
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
– „Und sie bewegt sich doch …“ – the Hamburger Model of integrative care
Visions of the connection between home treatment and peer work as well as hopes for the
times past PEPP.
Thomas Bock
– New occupational profiles and changing roles
within psychiatry: new chances for team based
care structures.
Integrative care of Psychiatrie Initiative Berlin
Brandenburg (PIBB).
Norbert Mönter
– Integrative care and chances for trialogical
perspectives within networking
Integrative care of Netzwerk integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung (NiG Pinel), Berlin.
Thomas Floeth
Moderation: Karin-Maria Hoffmann, Petra
WS 9
Next Generation – dream job social psychiatry?
What ideas, expectations, wishes and worries
do young people have concerning the professional future of social psychiatry? Moderation:
Simon Oppel, Mylène Cox
WS 10
Who participates at what? – Participative approaches to social psychiatric research
– „Doesn't work without me“ – Trialog meets
Trialogical research group Rostock „Ohne
mich geht‛s nicht!“
– EmPeeRie Now
User orientated research counselling
EmPeeRie-Projekt Hamburg
– Participative quality development in socialpsychiatric institutions – experiences, intel,
Interessengemeinschaft Partizipative Qualitätsentwicklung
Moderation: Andreas Bethmann, Elke Hilgenböcker
Workshops 11 until 16 are mobile events
outside campus.
WS 11
Work and social space
Nothing new in the East …?! ex-users report
explain, discuss new work options in the social
space Marzahn/Hellersdorf.
Olaf Bork
WS 12
Arts and culture
„From an open atelier to a gallery for underdog-art“ – visiting the open atelier of St. Hedwig-Krankenhauses and the Berliner Galerie
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Guide and discussion: with Alexandra von
Gersdorff-Bultmann, Paula Schmidt-Dudek,
Wolfram Voigtländer
WS 13
Visiting the exhibition „totgeschwiegen“ in der
ehemaligen Karl-Bonhoeffer-Nervenklinik.
Guide: Christine Härtel
WS 14
Living and working within the social space
Another point of view on Berlin-Mitte: Walk
through the city with a guide from the association „Querstadtein“, who used to be homeless
for a long time and shall illustrate his personal
Petra Heine
WS 15
Treatment forms: Soteria and Krisendienst
Slightly different approaches to illness and
recovery: Two institutions from Berlin (Berliner Soteria and Krisendienst Berlin) introduce
–Soteria: a place for experiencing community
and active therapy participation – a new offer
for people in psychotic crisis
Martin Voss
Krisendienst Berlin:
Gerd Pauli
Moderation: Gisela Schmidt-Nieße
WS 16
Encounters in the social space: InklusionNetzwerkNeukölln (INN) – a project for and
with (mentally) challenged people
How can inclusion succeed? Small deeds, big
aims: Activities in the areas culture, free-time
and education with and for (mentally) challenged people.
Patrizia Di Tolla, Felix Warkentin
• Achberger, Christel, certified psychologist, EXIN-Trainer, freiberufliche Tätigkeit in Fortbildung
und Beratung, Projekte zu Peer-Involvement, Vorstandsmitglied der DGSP, Flintbek
• Ackers, Susanne, Dr. phil., EX-IN-Trainer, Berlin
• Becker, Thomas, Prof. Dr. med., medical director
of the Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie II
of Ulm University, hospital Günzburg
• Bethmann, Andreas, M.A., Koordinierungsstelle
im Projekt PartKommPlus, wissenschaftlicher
Mitarbeiter an der Katholischen Hochschule für
Sozialwesen, Berlin
• Birkemeyer, Kornelia, Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin,
EX-INGenesungsbegleiterin, EX-IN-Trainerin, Tätigkeit
als Genesungsbegleiterin im ambu-lant betreuten
Wohnen bei Ev. Gesellschaft Stuttgart e.V., Stuttgart
• Bock, Thomas, Prof. Dr. phil., DiplomPsychologe, Leiter der Psychosenambulanz und
• Bomke, Paul, Geschäftsführer, Pfalzklinikum,
• Bork, Olaf,, Leiter Betreutes Wohnen, Wuhletal gGmbH, Berlin-Marzahn
• Brohl-Zubert, Uwe, Diplom-Sozialarbeiter, Bereichsleiter Psychosoziale Dienste, die reha e.V.,
• Bunt, Svenja, Dr. phil., Erfahrungsexpertin, Berlin
• Mylène Cox: B.A. Sozialarbeit, FID Freundeskreis Integrative Dienste gGmbH, Spandau
• Dech, Heike, Prof. Dr. med., Psychiaterin, Diplom-Psychogerontologin,
Alice-SalomonHochschule Berlin
• Di Tolla, Patrizia, Diplom-Psychologin, Regionalleiterin Psychiatrie, Unionhilfswerk Sozialeinrichtungen gGmbH, Berlin
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
• Fehren, Susanne, Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, Abteilungsleiter Forensische Wohngemein-schaft,
Bremer Werkgemeinschaft gGmbH
• Finzen, Asmus, Prof. Dr. med., Psychiater, Nervenarzt, Wissenschaftspublizist, ehem. ltd. Krankenhausarzt in Deutschland und der Schweiz
• Floeth, Thomas, Dr., Diplom-Soziologe, Geschäftsführer, der Netzwerk integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung Pinel gGmbH, Berlin
• Flögel, Torsten, Dr. phil., Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Leiter der Kontakt-und Beratungsstelle Pankow, Albatros gGmbH, Berlin
• Frericks, Benedita, Diplom-Sozialpädagogin,
MünchenNeuhausen, Innere Mission, München
• Gersdorff-Bultmann, Alexandra von, Textildesignerin, Ergotherapeutin, Leiterin der Galerie ART
CRU e.V., Berlin
• Gonther, Uwe, Prof. Dr. med., ärztlicher Direktor,
AMEOS Klinikum Dr. Heines, Bremen
• Graefe, Stefanie, Prof. Dr., Diplom-Soziologin,
Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-SchillerUniversität Jena
• Hart, Akiko, Direktorin von Mental Health Europe, Brüssel
• Härtel, Christine, Diplom-Psychologin, Vorsitzende des Vereins Totgeschwiegen e.V. – Gesellschaft gegen Stigmatisierung psychisch kranker
Menschen, Berlin
• Hauth, Iris, Dr. med., Präsidentin der Deut-schen
Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie,
Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN),
• Heffmann, Iris, Antidepressiva-Forum Deutschland (ADFD), Team-Mitglied, Berlin
• Heine, Petra, Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, Mitglied
des Vorstandes der Berliner Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie (BGSP), Berlin
• Heinz, Andreas, Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med., Direktor
der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie,
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Hilgenböcker, Elke, Diplom-Soziologin, Bethmann & Hilgenböcker GbR, Berlin
Schwerpunkt soziale Entwicklungen und Strukturen, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
• Hoffmann, Karin-Maria, Dr. phil., Dipl.Psychologin, Klinik f. Psychiatrie u. Psychotherapie, Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Liebke, Andreas, chairperson of Berliner Organisation Psychiatrie-Erfahrener und PsychiatrieBetroffener (BOP&P) e.V., Berlin
• Hölling, Iris, M.A., Mitglied des Vereins zum
Schutz vor psychiatrischer Gewalt e.V., Berlin
• Lindemann, Tina, head, Freundeskreis Integrative
Dienste gGmbH, Berlin
• Jansen, Klaus, Diplom-Sozialarbeiter, geschäftsführender Vorstand des Kölner Vereins für
Rehabilitation e.V., Köln
• Massenbach, Helen von, head of therapeuti-scher
Verbund, ZeitRaum gGmbH, Berlin
• Joel, Sabine, EX-IN-Genesungsbegleiterin, EXIN-Trainerin, Leitung Weiterbildung EX-IN
Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Mitarbeiterin im Gruppendienst,
gGmbH, Siegburg
• Kammeier, Heinz, Dr. jur., Sprecher des Fachausschusses Forensik der DGSP, Münster
• Kardorff, Ernst von, Prof. Dr. (i.R.), vormals
Institut für Rehabilitationswissen-schaften, an der
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
• Klimitz, Hasso, Dr. med., Facharzt für psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Klinikum
Ernst von Bergmann Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Potsdam
• Kluge, Ulrike, Dr. phil., Diplom-Psychologin,
Leiterin des Zentrums für interkulturelle Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (ZIPP), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Köhler, Edith, Dr. phil., Diplom-Sozialpädagogin,
kbo-Isar-Amper-Klinikum Atriumhaus, München
• Krüger Ulrich, Diplom-Sozialarbeiter, Geschäftsführer der Aktion Psychisch Kranke
(APK), Bonn
• Krumm, Silvia, Dr. phil., Sprecherin des Fachausschusses Forschung der DGSP, Kli-nik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie II der Universität
Ulm, Bezirkskrankenhaus Günzburg
• Lehmann, Peter, Dr. phil. h.c., DiplomSozialpädagoge, Autor und Verleger, Berlin
• Lessenich, Stephan, Prof. Dr., sociologist, Soziologe, Professor am Institut für So-ziologie,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
• Monheimius, Wolfgang, EX-IN-Trainer, head,
Malteser-Johanniter-Johanneshaus gGmbH, Siegburg
• Montag, Christiane, Dr. med., Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Klinik für Psychiatrie
und Psychotherapie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Mönter, Norbert, Dr. med., Psychiater, Vorsitzender des Vereins für Psychiatrie und seelische Gesundheit e.V., Berlin
• Müller, Christoph, caretaker within psychiatric
care, Weiterbildung zum Qualitätsberater im Gesundheitswesen und zur Leitung einer Station,
freie Dozenten- und Autorentätigkeit
• Oppel, Simon, B.A. Pflege- und Gesundheitsförderung, Masterstudent Mental Health, FID Freundeskreis Integrative Dienste gGmbH, Spandau
• Osinski, Martin, certified psychologist, head of
regionalen Flüchtlingshilfe, Neuruppin
• Pakrasi, Manoshi Christina, Dr. med., psychiatrist,
head doctor, Asklepios Westklinikum Hamburg
• Pauli, Gerd, Diplom-Psychologe, chairman, Kontakt- und Begegnungsstätte e.V. (KBS), Berlin
• Penka, Simone, M.A., scientific coworker, FB
International Mental Health, Klinik für Psychiatrie
und Psychotherapie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Peter, Sebastian von, Dr. med., head doctor, specialist for psychiatry and psychotherapy, Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum St. Hed-wigKrankenhaus Berlin
• Peters, Thomas, Abteilungsleitung, LVR-Dezernat
7 – Soziales, Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Köln
gGmbH, Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie Eltville
• Reumschüssel-Wienert, Christian, certified sociologist, Fachreferent Psychiatrie/Queere Lebensweisen, Der Paritätische Berlin
• Tutte, Daniel, Sozialarbeiter (B.A.), EX-INTrainer, Gemeindepsychiatrisches Zentrum Stuttgart-Vaihingen
• Rogge, Stefan, special caretaker for psychiatry,
Stationsleiter, Abt. für Forensi-sche Psychiatrie,
LVR-Klinik Köln, Projektbeteiligung Adherencetherapie, LVR-Klinik Köln
• Vedder, Martin, certified educator, former head of
ambulative services of Psychosozialen Trägerverein Solingen e.V.
• Rossmanith, Petra, certified euducator, head of
Beschwerde- und Informationsstelle Psychiatrie
(BIP), Berlin
• Voigtländer, Wolfram, Dr. med., former head
dotctor of Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Kliniken Landkreis Heidenheim
• Schax, Dieter, certified social worker, MA – Sozialmanagement, Geschäftsführer und hauptamtlicher Vorstand des Vereins für die Rehabilitation
psychisch Kranker e.V., Mön-chengladbach
• Voss, Martin, Dr. med., head of the work-group
neuro-psychology and experimentel psychopathology, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Scheibner, Corinna, certified socialworker, Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst Berlin-Spandau
• Walburg, Friedrich, certified psychologist, first
chairman of the DGSP, Stuttgart
• Schlimme, Jann E., PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. M.A.,
specialist for psychiatrie und psychotherapie, Berlin, guest scientist at Klinik für Psychiatrie und
Psychotherapie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin
• Warkentin, Felix, social worker (B.A.), InklusionNetzwerkNeukölln (INN), Unionhilfswerk Sozialeinrichtungen gGmbH, Berlin
• Schmidt-Dudek, Paula, visual artist, artistic head
Offenes Atelier im St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus, Berlin
• Widmaier-Berthold, Christa, Dr., spokesperson of
the DGSP committee of experts Europe, Stuttgart
• Schmidt-Nieße, Gisela, certified social worker,
board-member of the BGSP, Berlin
• Wilms, Bettina, Dr. med., specialist for psychiatry
and psychotherapy, head doctor of Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie im Carl-vonBasedow-Klinikum Saalekreis am Standort Querfurt
• Scholz, Stephanie, Dr. jur., management social
politics, Stabsstelle Europa, Diakonie Deutschland
– Ev. Bundesverband Deutschland, Berlin
• Zaumseil, Manfred, Univ.-Prof. Dr. (i.R.), faculty
for psychiatry, Abt. Klinische Psychologie und
Psychotherapie, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin
• Steenken, Doris, user, Osnabrück
• Zimmermann, Ralf-Bruno, Prof. Dr. med., doctor
for psychiatry and social medicine, president of
Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin
• Steinhart, Ingmar, Prof. Dr. phil., certified psychologist, management of Bethel.regional, Stiftung Bethel, Dortmund
• Stier, Susanne, EX-IN-Genesungsbeleiterin, Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst München-Neuhausen,
Innere Mission, München
• Teuschel, Andreas, health and caretaker, BScN,
Stabsstelle für Pflegeentwicklung, Vitos Rheingau
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Convention party: 25,00 EUR
Registration and information
For the pre-congress „Don‘t panic 2030?!“,
please register online on [email protected].
This event is exclusively for students and
young professionals.
To bindingly register for the DGSP annual
convention, please use the registration coupon.
You will receive a bill and after paying the
registration fee you will receive a registration
confirmation. This conformation is required to
participate the convention!
Deadline: September 15 2016
In case of a written cancellation until September 1st, the commission fee will be refunded.
Later a refund is not possible anymore, regardless of what the reasons are. The cancellation
fee is 40 €.
Because of a possibly high demand, until August 15 DGSP members will be favored
throughout the registration process.
Heads up, early bird discount!
If you register before August 15, the registration fee will be reduced by 20 €! Unless the
minimal account of 60 € applies to you.
In case of questions please contact:
Zeltinger Str. 9
50969 Köln
Tel.: 0221 511002
Fax: 0221 529903
E-Mail: [email protected]
Convention office
On October 6, the convention office will be
occupied from 10 a.m. onwards. There you will
receive your documents.
Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Forum 3
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
Approach routes
Entrance Seestraße: Weststraße until Forum 1,
then to the right, Forum 3 after 50 m.
>>hier Grafik, ggf. Ausschnitt, platzieren<<
Find information regarding accomodation
Unless caused by employees of the DGSP, the
DGSP does not bear liability in case of accidents or loss/ demage of property.
Für diese Tagung ist die Anerkennung als ärztliche Fortbildungsveranstaltung bei der Ärztekammer Berlin beantragt.
Registration fee
– DGSP members or employees of member
institutions: 210,00 EUR
– Non-members: 290,00 EUR
– Welfare recipients/ unemployed people /full
time students (Please attach verification to your
registration): 90,00 EUR
Food and drinks during the events are included
in the registration fee.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Registration coupon
Registrations are to be submitted to the
general office via fax (0049 221 529903)
or you can use the registration option on
our webpage:
Hereby I bindingly register for the annual convention of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V. from October 6 until October 8, Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Forum 3,
Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin
I'd like to participate in Workshop No. …………………..
I want to go to the convention party:
_yes _no
I want to participate the reading:
_yes _no
DGSP member: _yes _no
DGSP member: _yes _no
Bill to:
Zeltinger Str. 9
50969 Köln
Zeltinger Str. 9
50969 Köln
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Forensics – Fighting for self-evidence
The foundation for social psychiatry invites to
lecture, discussion and reading.
Featuring: Authors of the book „Psychosen –
Ringen um Selbstverständlichkeit“, published
in spring 2016.
The book deals with a illness- respectively
health-concept for people who experienced
psychosis. Based upon a philosophical and well
informed notion of illness(„How healthy is
ill?“) psychosis are portraited as crisises of
particularly sensitive people.
Individual, domestic, social and cultural aspects of the illness will be discussed as well as
the anthropological background of vulnerability and resilience. The authors analyse structures of health care, design concrete treatment
concepts and visions of changes of struture
within psychiatry.
The dialogue will be hosted by Jann E.
After a break Tobi Katze will be reading from
„Morgen ist leider auch noch ein Tag – Irgendwie hatte ich von meiner Depression mehr
erwartet“. Report or parody?
The event takes place October 5, 7:30 p.m. in
the Landesvertretung Bremen, Hiroshimastraße 24, 10785 Berlin. Entrance is free, we
must, however, ask 5 € for snacks and drinks.
Donations for the work of the foundation for
social psychiatry are appreciated. For proper
room planning we asl you to register until September 15:
[email protected]
[email protected]
0621 414126, Nieraese
0221 511002, DGSP office
DGSP general assembly 2016
to the general assembly of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
General assembly will take place on Thursday,
October 6 2016, 5:15 p.m. In the Charité,
Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Forum 3, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin. Snacks will
be available.
Dear members,
on behalf of the board of the DGSP I would
like to invite you to the annual general asassembly in accord with § 8 of the constitution.
Preliminary agenda:
1. Welcome
2. Election of a meeting chairperson
3. Approbation of the agenda
5. Statement of the board
6. Accounting of the cash auditor
7. Aussprache
8. Entlastung des Vorstands
9. Election of elections administrator
10. Election of acting and extended board
11. Election of cash auditor
12. Requests and resolutions
13. Miscellaneous
Requests and additions should be should be
handed to the board in written form by Au-gust
15 2016.
Of course participants of the annual convention
who are not members of the DGSP are invited
as well.
Kind regards
for the board of the DGSP
Friedrich Walburg
First chairman
Foundation for Social Psychiatry
Christian Nieraese
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.
Movie screening
Saturday, October 8th, 9 p.m.
„Nebel im August“ (Germany, 126 Min.)
Fiction film by Kai Wessel; starring David
Bennent, Fritzi Haberland, Sebastian Koch,
Fritzi Haberland, Ivo Pietzcker
„Nebel im August“ is based on the eponymous
novel published by German journalist Robert
Domes in 2008. Domes tells the true story of
Ernst Lossa who was comitted to a Bavarian
hospital in 1944 and killed there. The movie
focusses on the last life phase of the thirteen
year old Ernst Lossa and those sharing his fate,
portraits the every day life in the institution and
shows perpetrators and victims of the euthanesia program.
Michael von Cranach, who was medical director of the county hospital Kaufbeuren from
1980 to 2006 and initiated the project, will be
available for questions after the movie ended.
Movie theatre in Centre Français de Berlin
gGmbH, Müllerstr. 74, D-13349 Berlin; doors
open at 8:30 p.m.; admission fee: 6,00 EUR
It has been requested at the „Ärztekammer“
that the event will be recognised as ad-vanced
If you are interested to participate the meeting
of the committee of experts of healthcare („Arbeitskreis 'Pflege'“) that will be taking place on
thursday, 6.10.16 on order to discuss and plan
new activities, please contact the DGSP office.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e.V.