Jerusalem St. Saviour`s Church Inauguration of the “Rieger” Organ


Jerusalem St. Saviour`s Church Inauguration of the “Rieger” Organ
Jerusalem St. Saviour’s Church
Inauguration of the “Rieger” Organ - April 2008
Presentazione del Padre Custode
per l’inaugurazione dell’organo di San Salvatore
Custodia di Terra Santa - Custody of the Holy LandSt Saviour’s Convent
1, St Francis Street
POB 186
91001 Jerusalem - Israel
Tel: 0972 2 6 266 595 (secretary)
Fax: 0972/ 2/ 628 47 17
E-mail : [email protected]
website :
Istituto Magnificat - Scuola di Musica - Magnificat Institute
St Saviour’s Convent
1, St Francis Street
POB 186
Devo confessare che quando nel maggio 2004 iniziai il mio servizio
custodiale con l’ingresso solenne a San Salvatore, la chiesa principale della
Custodia di Terra Santa, che è anche la chiesa dell’unica parrocchia cattolica
latina di Gerusalemme, la mia impressione fu quella di constatare che l’organo
fosse giunto al capolinea.
In seguito venni a sapere che quell’organo era stato installato negli
anni ‘80 del 1800 e aveva subito numerosi interventi. Iniziato come organo
a trasmissione meccanica della tradizione veneziana di Callido-Bazzani,
era stato rimaneggiato dall’organaro di Milano, Locatelli. Più tardi la casa
organaria Vegezzi-Bossi, operante in Lombardia e Piemonte, aveva applicato
la trasmissione pneumatica. Intorno al 1960 l’organaro Tamburini di Crema
aveva fornito una nuova console a tre manuali, apportando la trasmissione
elettrica. Al tempo stesso l’officina organaria della Custodia di Terra Santa,
utilizzando materiale di varie scuole ed epoche, aveva aggiunto un nuovo
corpo di canne, dislocato a qualche distanza dal corpo principale. La cosa più
grave era che negli ultimi trent’anni, con la malattia e la morte del titolare
dell’officina organaria, fra Delfino Fernandez Taboada, del resto geniale e
meritevole, lo strumento aveva raggiunto un tale stato di degrado, da rendere
ormai impensabile un qualche restauro, ed eccessivo il suo costo, senza tener
conto della totale perdita d’identità dello strumento.
Si trattava quindi di scegliere una casa organaria e uno sponsor capaci di
provvedere un nuovo organo. Per la Casa Organaria c’era l’imbarazzo della
scelta; il problema era quello di trovare uno sponsor. Ci siamo ricordati che fra
Stanislaus Bertagnolli, Commissario di Terra Santa in Austria, venticinque anni
prima aveva dotato la basilica del Santo Sepolcro di un nuovo organo. La sua
enorme capacità organizzativa trovò allora piena corrispondenza nel nobile
popolo di Vienna e di tutta l’Austria. Il 4 ottobre 1982, festa e centenario
della morte di San Francesco d’Assisi, l’Arcivescovo di Vienna, il Card. König
di felice memoria, presiedette l’inaugurazione dell’organo del Santo Sepolcro
alla presenza delle Autorità, venute, insieme a tanti pellegrini, dall’Austria.
91001 Jerusalem - Israel
Tel: +972 2 6266609
Fax: +972 2 6266701
E-mail: [email protected]
Allora mi sono rivolto a fra Stanislaus: “Come sa, tutti noi Francescani ci
stiamo preparando all’ottavo centenario non della morte di San Francesco,
ma della nascita dell’Ordine Francescano, che, dagli inizi, custodisce i Luoghi
Santi in nome e a beneficio di tutta la Cristianità. Io La vorrei pregare, caro
fra Stanislao, di ripetere il prodigio di 23 anni fa, dotando la chiesa di San
Salvatore di Gerusalemme di un organo fabbricato dalla stessa ditta austriaca,
Rieger, che ha firmato gli organi del Santo Sepolcro e di Betlemme.
website :
L’urgenza per il nuovo organo, da un lato, è anche più impellente per il
fatto che ora la Custodia di Terra Santa ha una Scuola di Musica, l’Istituto
Magnificat di Gerusalemme, con vari allievi che studiano organo, proprio per
il servizio liturgico nei nostri santuari”.
Presentation by Father Custos
for the inauguration
of the organ in St. Saviour
Fra Stanislaus Bertagnolli ha accolto questo invito; il 13 febbraio 2006
mi mandava un fax: “Vorrei dare una corta informazione: ho sottoscritto il
contratto con la firma Rieger per la molto bella organo per il San Salvatore”,
e il miracolo di generosità del popolo Austriaco e di arte organaria della Casa
Rieger si è ripetuto.
I have to confess that when, in May 2004, I began my custodial service
with the solemn entrance in St. Saviour, the main church of the Custody of the
Holy Land and also the church of the only Latin Catholic parish in Jerusalem,
my impression was that the organ had reached the end of its road.
Un immenso ringraziamento ad essi.
fra Pierbattista Pizzaballa ofm
Custode di Terra Santa
I later learned that the organ had been installed in the 1880s and much
work had been done on it. It started life as an organ with mechanical
transmission in the Venetian tradition of Callido-Bazzani and was then
revised by the Milan organ-maker, Locatelli. Later, the organ manufacturer
Vegezzi-Bossi, operating in Lombardy and Piedmont, had applied pneumatic
transmission. Around 1960, the organ manufacturer Tamburini of Crema had
supplied a new three manual console, for electric transmission. At the same
time, the organ workshop of the Custody of the Holy Land, using material
from various schools and periods, had added a new body of pipes, positioned
some distance away from the main body. The most serious thing was that in
the last thirty years, with the illness and death of the brilliant and praiseworthy
Friar Delfino Fernandez Taboada, who had been in charge of the organ
workshop, the instrument had reached such a state of degradation that any
restoration was inconceivable and its cost would have been excessive, as well
totally causing the instrument to lose its identity.
An organ-manufacturer had to be chosen and a sponsor capable of
providing a new organ found. For the organ-maker, we were spoilt for
choice; the problem was to find a sponsor. We remembered that twentyfive years ago, Friar Stanislaus Bertagnolli, Commissioner of the Holy Land in
Austria, had given the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre a new organ. His great
organizational skills matched the generosity of the noble people of Vienna
and the whole of Austria. On 4th October 1982, the feast-day and centenary
of the death of St. Francis of Assisi, the Archbishop of Vienna, Card. König
of happy memory, presided over the inauguration of the organ of the Holy
Sepulchre in the presence of the Authorities who had come, together with
many pilgrims, from Austria.
So I contacted Friar Stanislaus: “As you know, we are all making preparations
for the eighth centenary, not of the death of St. Francis, but of the birth of the
Franciscan Order which, since the beginnings, has looked after the Holy Places in
the name and for the benefit of the whole of Christianity. I would beseech you,
dear Friar Stanislaus, to repeat the miracle of 23 years ago, giving the church of
St. Saviour in Jerusalem an organ made by the same Austrian company, Rieger,
which made the organs of the Holy Sepulchre and the Nativity in Bethlehem.
The urgency for the new organ is, moreover, now all the greater as the
Custody of the Holy Land has a School of Music, the Magnificat Institute of
Jerusalem, with various pupils who study the organ, for the liturgical service
in our sanctuaries.”
Geleitwort zur Einweihng der neuen Orgel
von Sankt Salvator in Jerusalem
Friar Stanislaus Bertagnolli accepted the invitation; on 13th February 2006
he sent me a fax: “I would like to give you some quick news: I have signed
the contract with the firm of Rieger for the lovely organ for St. Saviour”, and
the miracle of the generosity of the Austrian people and of the organ-making
art of the firm of Rieger repeated itself.
Ich muß gestehen, daß ich, als ich im Mai 2004 in das Amt als Kustos
mit einem feierlichen Einzug in Sankt Salvator, die Hauptkirche der Kustodie
des Heiligen Landes und auch die einzige lateinische Pfarrkirche Jerusalems,
eingeführt wurde, das Gefühl hatte, die Orgel sei an ihre Grenzen
Immense thanks goes to them.
Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa ofm
Custos of the Holy Land
In der Folgezeit erfuhr ich, daß unsere Orgel in den 1880er Jahren gebaut
worden ist und von Anfang an zahlreiche Eingriffe überstehen mußte.
Errichtet wurde sie als Orgel mit mechanischer Traktur in der venezianischen
Tradition von Callido-Bazzani, später restauriert von dem Mailänder
Orgelbauer Locatelli. Kurz darauf hat die Orgelbauwerkstatt Vegezzi-Bossi,
die in der Lombardei und im Piemont arbeitete, das pneumatische System
eingebaut. Um 1960 konstruierte der Orgelbauer Tamburini aus Crema einen
neuen dreimanualigen Spieltisch mit elektrischer Traktur. Zu selben Zeit baute
die Orgelbauwerkstatt der Kustodie des Heiligen Landes, die Materialien
verschiedener Orgelbauer und Epochen verwendete, ein neues Pfeifenwerk
hinzu, das vom Hauptwerk ziemlich entfernt war.
Entscheidend war, daß unser Instrument in den letzten 30 Jahren, mit
der Krankheit und dem Tod unseres Orgelfachmanns, Br. Delfino Fernandez
Taboada, der im übrigen genial und verdienstvoll gewirkt hatte, derart
verfallen war, daß eine Restaurierung einfach nicht mehr denkbar erschien
und diese auch, abgesehen von den Kosten, unmöglich war ohne den totalen
Verlust des Charakters des Instruments.
Wir mußten also Ausschau nach einer Orgelbaufirma und nach einem
zahlungskräftigen Geldgeber im Blick auf eine neue Orgel halten. Bezüglich
der Firma hatten wir die Qual der Wahl; das eigentliche Problem war es, einen
Sponsor zu finden. Wir erinnerten uns, daß Br, Stanislaus Bertagnolli ofm,
Generalkommissar des Heiligen Landes in Österreich, vor 25 Jahren bereits für
die Kirche des Heiligen Grabes eine neue Orgel finanziert hatte. Sein enormes
Organisationstalent entsprach ganz der Großzügigkeit der Bevölkerung Wiens
und ganz Österreichs. Am 4. Oktober 1982, der Jahrhundertfeier des Todes
des heiligen Franziskus, weihte der Erzbischof von Wien, der unvergessene
Kardinal König, die Orgel der Grabeskirche in Anwesenheit vieler Pilger, die
aus diesem Anlaß eigens aus Östereich angereist waren.
Also wandte ich mich an Br. Stanislaus: „Wie Du sicher weißt, bereiten wir
Franziskaner uns alle auf die 800-Jahr-Feier des Todes des heiligen Franziskus
vor, der auch die Geburt des Franziskanerordens bezeichnet, der von den
ersten Anfängen an die Heiligen Stätten im Namen und zum Wohl der ganzen
Christenheit hütet. Ich möchte Dich, lieber Br. Stanislaus, bitten, das Wunder
von vor 25 Jahren zu wiederholen, indem Du für die Kirche Sankt Salvator
in Jerusalem eine Orgel stiftest, die von derselben österreichischen Firma
Riegel gebaut werden sollte, die schon im Heiligen Grab und in Bethlehem
die Orgeln errichtet hat.
Die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Orgel ist von einer anderen Seite her
zwingend, weil die Kustodie des Heiligen Landes inzwischen eine Musikschule
hat, das Institut Magnificat in Jerusalem, mit einigen Orgelschülern, die in
unseren verschiedenen Heiligtümern ihren Dienst in der Liturgie verrichten.”
Br. Stanislaus Bertagnolli hat diese Bitte erhört; am 13. Februar 2006 schickte
er mir ein Fax: „Ich wollte Dir eine kurze Information zukommen lassen: Der
Vertrag mit der Firma Rieger über die schönste Orgel für Sankt Salvator ist
unterzeichnet.” Und das Wunder der Großzügigkeit der Österreicher und der
Orgelbaukunst des Hauses Rieger konnte sich wiederholt ereignen.
Allen beiden ein großes Dankeschön.
P. Pierbattista Pizzaballa ofm
Kustos des Heiligen Landes
Pater Stanislaus Bertagnolli
Father Stanislaus Bertagnolli
Pater Stanislaus Bertagnolli ofm,
è nato il 14 dicembre 1933 a St.
Gertraud in Sudtirol. E’ entrato nell’Ordine dei Frati Minori nel 1954.
Ha emesso la Professione Solenne
nel 1958, 50 anni fa. Dopo aver
prestato vari servizi nella “Sudtiroler
Franziskus”, è al Commissariato di
Terra Santa di Vienna dove, nel 1978,
è nominato Commissario Generale.
Nello stesso anno, terminati gli studi
di Teologia, è ordinato Diacono dall’arcivescovo Mons. Làszlò Paskai.
Father Stanislaus Bertagnolli
ofm, was born on 14.12.1933 in St.
Gertraud in Sudtirol. He entered the
Order of the Friars Minor in 1954.
He made his Solemn Profession
in 1958, fifty years ago. After having performed various services in
the “Sudtiroler Franziskanerprovinz
vom Hl. Franziskus”, he went to
the Commissariat of the Holy Land
in Vienna where, in 1978, he was
appointed Commissary General. In
the same year, having completed his
Theology studies, he was ordained
Deacon by the Archbishop Mons.
Làszlò Paskai.
Come Commissario, fra Stanislaus
ha organizzato innumerevoli pellegrinaggi, portando più di 12 mila persone in Terra Santa, guidandole a
una fede più profonda e coraggiosa.
Al tempo stesso ha preso a cuore le
necessità della gente, in particolare
di Betlemme, e il decoro dei santuari della nostra Redenzione. A lui si
deve l’organo “Rieger” della basilica
del Santo Sepolcro, inaugurato nel
1982 alla presenza dell’arcivescovo
di Vienna, il Card. Franz König.
Anche il recente organo della chiesa di Betlemme si deve alla generosità
del popolo Austriaco. Dal 2004, fra
Stanislaus si è adoperato con estremo coraggio per sostenere economicamente la costruzione del nuovo
organo “Rieger” della chiesa di San
Salvatore in Gerusalemme.
As Commissary, Friar Stanislaus
has organized countless pilgrimages, bringing more than 12,000
people to the Holy Land, guiding
them towards a deeper and more
courageous faith. At the same time,
he took the needs of the people, in
particular of Bethlehem, to heart and
the dignity of our sanctuaries of our
Redemption. It is to him that we own
the “Rieger” organ in the Basilica of
the Holy Sepulchre, which was inaugurated in 1982 in the presence of
the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal
Franz König.
The recent organ in the Church of
Bethlehem is also due to the generosity of the Austrian people. Since
2004, Friar Stanislaus has worked
with extreme courage to give economic support for the construction
of the new “Rieger” organ for the
Church of St. Saviour in Jerusalem.
Pater Stanislaus Bertagnolli ofm
Im Dienst für das Heilige Land
P. Stanislaus Bertagnolli ofm wurde am 14. Dezember 1933 St. Gertraud
in Südtirol geboren. 1954 trat er in den Franziskanerorden ein, 1958
legte er die Ewige Profess ab. Nach mehreren Stationen in der „Südtiroler
Franziskanerprovinz vom Hl. Franziskus” kam P. Stanislaus im Jahr 1966 nach
Wien, um im Generalkommissariat des Hl. Landes mitzuarbeiten. Im Jahr
1978 wurde P. Stanislaus die Leitung des Kommissariates übertragen.
Nach theologischen Prüfungen erhielt P. Stanislaus im Jahr 1984 von
Erzbischof László Paskai die Weihe zum ständigen Diakon.
P. Stanislaus hat als Leiter des Generalkommissariates bislang unzählige
Pilgerfahrten ins Heilige Land organisiert und geleitet. An den Reisen nahmen
insgesamt etwa 12.000 Pilger teil, die beeindruckt von den Hl. Stätten und
gestärkt im Glauben an den Herrn nach Österreich heimgekehrt sind. Für
viele war die Pilgerreise zu den Orten der jüdisch-christlichen Offenbarung ein
Höhepunkt im Glaubensleben.
Das Generalkommissariat in Wien gilt als einer der großen Unterstützer
sozialer Initiativen im Hl. Land. P. Stanislaus hat durch seine Spendenaufrufe
wertvolle Hilfe für soziale Werke, vor allem in Bethlehem, gesammelt. Auch
die Sorge um die christlichen Heiligtümer ist ein Anliegen von P. Stanislaus.
Die Orgel in der Jerusalemer Grabeskirche wurde mit Spendengeldern aus
Österreich finanziert und 1983 von Kardinal Franz König gesegnet. Die
Errichtung der Orgel in der Geburtskirche in Bethlehem geht ebenso auf das
Wiener Generalkommissariat zurück.
Gelungen ist nun der Bau einer Orgel für die Pfarrkirche der Franziskaner in
San Salvator in Jerusalem. Die Finanzierung hat P. Stanislaus durch viele treue
Spender aus Österreich und Südtirol getragen. Die Vorarlberger Orgelfirma
Rieger baute das Instrument. Weihbischof Franz Lackner, selbst Franziskaner,
nimmt die Weihe vor.
Das neue Instrument ist ein Zeuge für die Solidarität mit den Christen
im Heiligen Land. Die christlichen Stätten und die Christen im Heiligen Land
können mit Hilfe und Unterstützung rechnen! P. Stanislaus Bertagnolli, der
Generalkommissar der Franziskanerprovinz Austria vom hl. Leopold, hat sein
Leben diesem Anliegen gewidmet. Ihm sei Dank dafür.
P. Gottfried Wegleitner ofm, Provinzvikar
Organo Rieger 2007
Il progetto del nuovo organo della chiesa di San Salvatore è stato realizzato
dalla ditta Rieger di Schwarzach (Austria). Il responsabile della Rieger, il sig.
Wendelin Eberle, e fra Armando Pierucci, organista della chiesa del Santo
Sepolcro e di San Salvatore, hanno studiato insieme la scelta delle Consoli e
dei Registri.
Il sig. Eberle ha così motivato la decisione d’installare una doppia Console:
“In seguito alla mia conversazione con fra Armando, quest’organo dovrebbe
avere due Consoli: una elettrica, che rimpiazzi quella esistente, e una
meccanica, da porre nella parte terminale dell’organo, dove c’è già l’apertura
necessaria. Ciò dimostra che la cassa originale dell’organo aveva accolto un
organo a trasmissione meccanica.
Le due Consoli hanno due diverse trazioni: una elettrica e una
Il sistema a trazione meccanica è molto importante per gli organisti che con
esso acquisiscono una particolare empatia e una tipica sensibilità nel tocco. Il
collegamento diretto tra le dita e le valvole permette, infatti, all’organista una
ricca articolazione musicale e gli dà’ la padronanza del rapporto tra il fluire
dell’aria e la velocità di apertura delle valvole.
Il sistema elettrico è necessario per unire le canne alla Console, posta al
centro del coro. L’uso quotidiano dell’organo per il sostegno del canto della
Santa Messa e delle Ore liturgiche, e per le esecuzioni corali, giustifica la
collocazione della seconda Console”.
Rieger Organ 2007
The project of the new organ of Saint Savior Church, was achieved by
Rieger Company of Schwarzach - Austria.
One of the persons in charge of Rieger, Wendelin Eberle, and Fr. Armando
Pierucci, organist of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of
Saint Savior, studied together the choice of the Consoles and the Stops.
Mr. Eberle motivated the decision of installing a double Console saying:
“According to my discussions with Fr. Armando this organ should get
two consoles. An electric one, which replaces the existing console, and a
mechanical one, which will be placed in the bottom part of the organ, where
the opening for it is already there. It looks like that this organ case originally
has housed a mechanical organ with a mechanical console already.
Two Consoles also assume two different tracker Systems, an electric and
a mechanic one.
The mechanical tracker system is very important for the organists to
become acquainted with the special feeling and the very sensitive touch of a
mechanic system. This allows the organist a much more differentiated musical
articulation, because there is a direct connection from the finger to the valve
and therefore he can adjust the speed of the flowing wind with the speed he
opens the valves.
The electric system is needed because the second, electric Console, is
placed down in the apse”.
The daily use of the organ to support the chants of the Liturgical Hours
and the choir performances, justifies the placement of the second Console”.
Rieger-Orgel 2007
Das Projekt der neuen Orgel für die Sankt-Salvator-Kirche in Jerusalem
wurde ausgeführt von der Firma Rieger aus Schwarzach in Österreich.
Wendelin Eberle von der Firma Rieger und P. Armando Pierucci ofm, der
Organist der Grabeskirche und von Sankt Salvator, besprachen die Frage der
Spieltische und der Registrierung.
Herr Eberle regte dazu an, zwei Spieltische vorzusehen: „Nach meinen
Gesprächen mit P. Armando sollte diese Orgel zwei Spieltische haben, einen
elektrischen, der den derzeitigen Spieltisch ersetzt, und einen mechanischen,
der direkt an der Orgel plaziert ist. Übrigens ist die Nische dafür noch in
der vorhandenen Orgel zu sehen. Es scheint, daß die ursprüngliche Orgel an
dieser Stelle bereits eine mechanische Traktur hatte.
Zwei Spieltische entsprechen den unterschiedlichen Trakturen, einer
elektrischen und einer mechanischen.
Die mechanische Traktur ist für den Organisten sehr wichtig, um vertraut
zu werden mit dem besonderen Gefühl für die sehr feine Verbindung
zum mechanischen System. Es erlaubt dem Organisten eine wesentlich
differenziertere musikalische Ausdrucksweise, weil es eine direkte Verbindung
vom Finger zum Pfeifenventil gibt. Der Organist kann den Druck der
einströmenden Luft je nachdem beeinflussen, wie er das Ventil öffnet.
Die elektrische Traktur ist erforderlich, weil der zweite Spietisch unten in
der Apsis der Kirche steht. Der tägliche Gebrauch der Orgel zur Unterstützung
der liturgischen Gebetszeiten der Klosterkommunität und die Notwendigkeit,
Choraufführungen zu begleiten, rechtfertigt diesen zweiten Spieletisch“.
The organ is made up as follows:
La composizione dell’organo è la seguente:
Die Disposition der Orgel sieht wie folgt aus:
Grand Organo
Flauto armon.
Voce humana
Bordone camino
Ripieno grave
Ripieno acuto
2 2/3’
Flauto camino
II / I
II / P
Viola da Gamba
Viola celeste
Flauto trav.
Flauto ottav.
II. Man.
2 2/3’
1 1/3’
2 2/3’
1 3/5’
III. man.
Flauto concerto
+ je 3
x 10
Sunday 6th April 2008 – 7 pm
Organist Enrico
“Yasmeen” and Magnificat of the Custody of the Holy Land choirs
Conductor Hania
Soudah Sabbara
Presentation of the CD with Arabic songs recorded at the Conservatory
of Vicenza by the “Yasmeen” choir
Presentazione del CD con canti arabi incisi al Conservatorio di Vicenza
dal coro “Yasmeen”
J. S. Bach
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier BWV 731
Fuga (giga) in sol maggiore BWV 577
E. F. Richter
Trio sopra: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten
In 2002 his CD “Organi storici del vicentino” was awarded the “Coup de
Cœur” prize by the Belgian Magazine de l’Orgue and deemed “exceptional”
by the magazine “Musica”.
The Yasmeen Choir is the heart of the Magnificat Institute. At least
40 boys and girls from the Magnificat dedicate an hour and a half to singing
each week. Their repertoire ranges from Western polyphonic music, to Middle
Eastern serious and popular songs, arranged especially for the choir. Founded
in September 2005, the choir, as well as performing as part of the scholastic
activities, is also the protagonist of the annual Magic Lantern festival. Since
2006, it has begun to perform in international meetings in Jerusalem (Notre
Dame Center), at the University of the Mormons, in Bir Zeit and at Rome
Town Hall in the presence of the Mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni. In April
2007, in collaboration with the Conservatory of Vicenza, the choir recorded
some Arabic songs for its first CD. The Yasmeen Choir is directed by Hania
Soudah Sabbara. The accompanying pianist is Yacoub Ghazzawi.
L.J.A. Lefebure Wely
A. Guilmant
Marche Funèbre et Chant Séraphique
J. Bret
La valse des anges
T. Dubois
Chant Pastoral
F. Canneti
Sinfonia nell’opera “Saul” ridotta per organo
A. Pierucci
Missa “Yasmeen”
Kyrie – Gloria – Sanctus – Agnus Dei
Enrico Zanovello, from Vicenza, studied organ and harpsichord with
Stefano Innocenti and Andrea Marcon; he studied at the Faculty of Arts and
Philosophy of the University of Padua. As an organ and the harpsichord soloist and
in various instrumental groups, he has an intense activity as a concert performer
throughout Europe, in the USA (Washington Cathedral), Latin America and Egypt.
He has been the conductor and harpsichordist of the string group “Archicembalo
Ensemble” since 1990.
The Magnificat choir of the Custody of the Holy Land was
founded in 1850 by some clerics in Jerusalem. The Choir has 30 members.
The majority are young Palestinian music students, with a few expatriate
volunteers who are in the Holy Land for short periods. Since 2003, the choir
has seen a revival in its activities: whilst keeping religious music as its top
priority, the choir has also expanded its repertoire to include secular music.
The Choir has performed concerts with: “Gruppo Corale Santa Cecilia”
from Fabriano. The “Elei Gefen” Choir from Tel-Aviv. “Dozan wa Awatar”
Choir from Jordan.
Hania Soudah Sabbara is the Conductor of the Magnificat Choir
of the Custody of the Holy Land, and of the “Yasmeen” Choir. She completed
her studies in Musical Education at the Rubin Academy, Jerusalem. After a
long experience as teacher in the E. Said National Palestinian Conservatory
and at the Magnificat Institute, and as a Consultant of theoretical music
books, she became the Director of the Magnificat Institute.
Sunday 13th April 2008 – 7 pm
Friday 18th April – 7 pm
The Requiem by Gloria Bruni in Jerusalem
H. G. Franz Lackner ofm, Auxiliary Bishop of Graz-Seckau (Austria)
blesses the new organ
C. Franck
Choral n. 3 in La minore
Organist: Pierluigi
(1822 – 1890)
G. Bruni
Requiem – Kyrie – Ave Maria – Sanctus
Agnus Dei – Lux Æterna
Gloria Bruni, Soprano
Magnificat Choir of the Custody of the Holy Land
Conductor Hania
J.S. Bach
Soudah Sabbara
Liebster Jesu, wird sind hier BWV 731
Fantasia e fuga in la minore BWV 561
Magnificat Choir of the Custody of the Holy Land
A. Caldara
conducted by
Sonata da Chiesa per flauto dolce e organo
Grave – Allegro – Grave – Allegro
Hania Soudah Sabbara
Stefano Casaccia
Fr Armando Pierucci, Accompanying Organist
J. Langlais
Da Hommage à Frescobaldi
Prélude au Kyrie,
Fantaisie sur “Ite missa, est”,
Thème et Variations,
Epilogue pour pédale solo
Sr. Anne Laurent, Organist
Gloria Bruni was born in Oschersleleben (Bode) in Germany. After
studying Composition, Singing and Violin in Germany and Italy, she has led
her many-sided musical career in the most prestigious centres in the world:
Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, La Scala and Gewandahaus. Fascinated by
church music, she has composed sacred music, including the “Requiem”,
performed on 4.11.2000 in the presence of John Paul II.
Sr. Anne Laurent,
born in Nantes (France), began to study the
piano at the age of eight. With Mary Prat Molinier and with Fr. A. Pierucci, she
continued her studies of the Organ and Organ Composition at the Magnificat
Institute, and brought them to a positive conclusion at the “A. Pedrollo”
Conservatory of Vicenza in September 2007. Alongside teaching at the
Magnificat Institute, she provides the musical service for the Holy Sepulchre.
A. Atieh (arr. A. Pierucci)
Abana Lathi
C. Saint-Saëns
Tollite Hostias
W. A. Mozart
Ave Verum
L. N. Clérambault
Hodie Christus
Gr. Aichinger
Regina Cœli
Pierluigi Comparin studied first with his father and then at the
Conservatories of Vicenza, Verona and Venice, graduating in Organ and
Organ Composition , Choral Music and Choir Conducting and Prepolyphony.
He has taken specialization courses with the Maestros Innocenti, Langlais,
Koopmann and Radulescu.
He has an intense concert activity in Italy and abroad as organ and
harpsichord soloist of the Baroque group “I Musici della Serenissima”. He has
been the conductor, since it was founded, of the Gruppo Corale Polifonico Isola
Vicentina, (now I Polifonici Vicentini) with whom he has received prestigious
recognitions (seven first prizes) both nationally and internationally: Riva del
Garda, Arezzo, Stresa, Vittorio Veneto, Adria and Quartiano. He has made
many recordings of choral and organ music (Distributed by Rainbow classic).
Sunday 27th April 2008 – 7 pm
Organist Lorenzo
Brass Ensemble Conducted by Emanuele
J. S. Bach
Fantasia in Sol Minore BWV 542
L. Signorini
dalla Sinfonia “Alberti”
La nascita dell’universo
Tema della pace
J. Bonnet
Rhapsodie catalane
L. Signorini
Su testi di Paola Marchi
G. Gabrieli
(c.1553 - 1612)
T. Susato
(1500 - c. 1561)
J. S. Bach (arr.: Ulrich Nehls)
U. Nehls
W. Dalla Vecchia
Tre liriche per Voce Recitante* e organo
“La mia promessa”
“Insegnami a pregare”
“Dipinti d’oriente”
Plaudite omnis terra a 12
(Ottoni e Organo)
La mourisque,
Ronde “Mon amy”
Pavane bataille (da La Danserye)
Liebster Jesu wir sind hier BWV 373
No Name Blues
Slicky Slide Swing,
Too much cucumber salad Blues,
Jazz Choral
O when the saints
Finale dalla Cantata Pro Pace
(Ottoni e organo)
Ensemble di Ottoni del Conservatorio “Arrigo Pedrollo” di Vicenza
*Maureen Meo
Lorenzo Signorini Organist and composer, was born in Thiene
(Vicenza) in 1952. He has taught organ and organ composition since 1978
at the Conservatory of Lecce and since 1983 at the Conservatory of Vicenza.
As well as his concert activity, he also composes and writes music for choir,
organ, piano, flute, orchestra, chamber music and transcriptions.
The Brass Ensemble of the Conservatory of Vicenza comes from
the School of Ensemble Music for Brass and Percussion.
Its repertoire includes original and transcribed music, from the Renaissance
to modern classical, light-classical and pop music. It is one of the most original
musical groups of the Conservatory and , thanks to the variety of its musical
propositions, the Ensemble has gained a place in the local concert activities,
many of which are sponsored by the City of Vicenza.
Elisabetta Buson, Aldo Barberi,
Domenico De Nichilo, Paolo Dalla Vecchia
Davide Fanchin
Nicola Fiorio, Riccardo Benetti
Christian Carlassara
Emanuele Piva
Alberto Dalla Vecchia
bass trombone
Emanuele Pasqualin conductor
He graduated in Choral Music and Choir Conducting and in Composition
from the Conservatory of Music of Padua, then in Orchestra Conducting from
the Musical Academy of Pescara, specializing in Stockholm and Helsinki.
As Assistant Conductor, he worked with the Estonian Radio Symphony
Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Basque Countries, the Orchestra of the
Principality of the Asturias and the Orchestra of the Arena of Verona.
He has given concerts conducting the Orchestra of the Estonia Theatre of
Tallinn, the Tallinn Philharmonic Orchestra and the Philharmonic Orchestra of
Timisoara (for Romanian Radio and Television). He made his debut in opera in
Spain with Adriana Lecouvreur by Cilea (Palma del Mallorca-Teatre Principal).
Generalkommissariat des Heiligen Landes
Franziskanerplatz 4,
A - 1010 Wien
Tel. : +43 / 1 / 512 19 17
In 1992, he co-founded the “Pietro d’Abano” Orchestra (Abano Terme)
which he conducted until 2000 in concerts, opera recitals and concert-lessons.
He currently conducts the Brass Par Tout - Ottoni di Vicenza group.
Fax: +43 / 1 / 513 99 82
E-mail: [email protected]
He has a chair at the Conservatory of Music of Vicenza, where he teaches
foundation courses and ensemble practice sessions for brass instruments.