hillsborough county sheriff`s office 2008—2010 strategic operations
hillsborough county sheriff`s office 2008—2010 strategic operations
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE 2008—2010 STRATEGIC OPERATIONS PLAN Foreword by Sheriff David Gee The 2008-2010 Strategic Operations Plan represents a real sense of accomplishment for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and for me personally. When I took Office 3 years ago, one of the first things we did was develop a three-year plan which clearly communicated our Vision, Values, Mission, Goals, and Strategies. In addition, we implemented new performance measures so that both the community and the Sheriff’s Office could evaluate the effectiveness of our operations. We broke new ground with that 2005-2007 plan. It served as a great management tool, directed many advancements in agency operations, and became the foundation for an ongoing strategic management process of which the current plan is a result. Strategic planning is fundamentally a process of assessing needs, evaluating performance, and directing resources to the highest priority programs and activities required to carry out our mission effectively and efficiently. As you review the 2008-2010 Strategic Operations plan, you will notice that we have tightened our focus even more than in previous years. Both continuing budget pressures and evolving public safety needs dictate that we do this. In 2008-2010, we will aggressively refine our operations to align with the national “intelligence-led policing” model. Under the intelligence-led policing philosophy, law enforcement agencies systematically integrate local crime trend statistics with information derived from enforcement and investigative operations. The intelligence created from these two key information sources allows law enforcement operations to focus more effectively on prevention, as well as apprehension and prosecution efforts. As we implement the intelligence-led policing model within the HCSO, we will continue to increase our focus on using information to implement lasting, evidence-based solutions to reduce crime. Even though the conditions under which we operate keep changing, what has not changed is our commitment to reduce crime, improve public safety, and provide the highest possible quality of service to the citizens Hillsborough County. We make these commitments knowing that we are part of a much larger collaborative effort among citizens, elected officials, and community leaders. Thus, in promising to do everything we can to provide effective and efficient law enforcement services while maintaining the highest standards of excellence, we also ask for your input and support. This will ensure the ultimate success of our mutual efforts to keep Hillsborough County a safe place to prosper, raise our families, and build our lives. Sheriff David Gee Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Page 1 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE MISSION The Mission of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is to serve, protect, and defend the community while preserving the rights and dignity of all. VISION The Vision of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is to provide effective, efficient, and professional law enforcement, detention, court, and child protective services, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and community service. CORE VALUES Integrity Service Fairness and Equity Commitment to Quality Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Sheriff David Gee ............................................................................ 1 HCSO Mission, Vision, and Core Values.............................................................. 2 Table of Contents ................................................................................................. 3 Introduction........................................................................................................... 4 Strategic Priorities ................................................................................................ 6 Strategic Priority 1: Crime.................................................................................... 7 Goals ................................................................................................................ 7 Strategies.......................................................................................................... 7 Key Performance Measures ............................................................................. 8 Strategic Priority 2: Traffic Safety ........................................................................ 9 Goals ................................................................................................................ 9 Strategies.......................................................................................................... 9 Key Performance Measures ........................................................................... 10 Strategic Priority 3: Taxpayer Value .................................................................. 11 Goals .............................................................................................................. 11 Strategies........................................................................................................ 11 Key Performance Measures ........................................................................... 12 Strategic Priority 4: Community Partnership...................................................... 13 Goal ................................................................................................................ 13 Strategies........................................................................................................ 13 Key Performance Measures ........................................................................... 13 Strategic Priority 5: Employees ......................................................................... 14 Goals .............................................................................................................. 14 Strategies........................................................................................................ 14 Key Performance Measures ........................................................................... 15 HCSO Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement Process .................. 16 HCSO Organization Chart .................................................................................. 19 HCSO District Boundaries .................................................................................. 20 “The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.” Alfred North Whitehead Page 3 INTRODUCTION The tradition of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office began in 1845, when Florida was admitted to the Union and Captain John Parker was elected the County’s first Sheriff. For the next ten years, the Sheriff’s Office remained a one-man operation, with the Sheriff alone enforcing the laws, guarding the public peace, conducting the annual census of school age children, and even cleaning the courthouse. Today, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) is the tenth largest Sheriff’s Office in the nation, and provides law enforcement, detention, and 9-1-1 dispatch service for more than 800,000 residents of unincorporated Hillsborough County, Florida. In 2007, the HCSO operated with an annual budget of more than $360 million and employed about 3,600 people, including 1315 sworn law enforcement deputies and 1061 detention deputies. The Office conducts police operations from a central Operations Center in historic Ybor City, four uniformed Patrol Districts and twenty-nine Community Stations geographically dispersed throughout Hillsborough County. In addition to providing the full range of law enforcement services within a jurisdiction of over 900 square miles, the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the operations of three jails; the direct supervision of an average daily jail population of more than 4,000 inmates; maintaining the security of the Hillsborough County Courts; and serving all criminal warrants and civil process orders issued by the Courts. Shrinking revenue and the need to control the growth of crime in a service area with high population growth is forcing us back to the basics. Thus, the 2008-2010 Strategic Operations Plan focuses mostly on crime – especially juvenile crime and crime committed by habitual offenders. Beyond that, most of the innovative strategies focus on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our operations. Population growth also places increasing pressures on existing infrastructure. Thus, in the area of traffic safety, the focus is on re-evaluating how we identify and respond to situations and locations to truly impact injuries and deaths. The HCSO has always placed a high priority on partnering with the community to reduce crime and improve the quality of life for citizens of Hillsborough County. We will continue this tradition by finding new ways to use community partnerships more effectively to address the top strategic priorities of crime reduction and traffic safety. Page 4 We will continue to develop our system of measurement and accountability to ensure that we are achieving our strategic goals. An initial set of key performance indicators are listed for each of the five strategic priorities established in this plan. Additional performance measures will be developed and tracked throughout the plan period. In summary, the thrust of the 2008-2010 Strategic Operations Plan is to provide the citizens of Hillsborough County with high quality law enforcement services and do so with an increased focus on five key strategic priorities and an improved system of measurement and accountability. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Responded to 680,000 Calls for Service in 2007 Page 5 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Strategic Priorities Crime Reduce criminal victimization of citizens and businesses. Traffic Safety Increase the safety of citizens on the roadways of Hillsborough County. Taxpayer Value Optimize the use of limited resources to meet strategic goals and meet or exceed community expectations for service delivery, professionalism, and organizational performance. Community Partnership Create partnerships with citizens and other governmental agencies to carry out our mission with a focus on meeting the strategic goals of crime control and traffic safety. Employees Attract, develop, and retain a highly-skilled, service-oriented workforce. Page 6 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1 Crime Reduce criminal victimization of citizens and businesses. Goals Goal 1.1 Control the growth of Hillsborough County’s crime rates. Goal 1.2 Control the growth of gang violence in Hillsborough County. Strategies Strategy 1.1 Develop and implement a comprehensive Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) plan to include structures, processes, and policies required to support both tactical and strategic ILP initiatives. Strategy 1.2 Identify criminal problem areas within each District and conduct specific enforcement activities to reduce crime within those areas. Strategy 1.3 Provide end-users with access to timely and accurate data, as well as the software tools required to extract and analyze agency data, in support of ILP initiatives. Strategy 1.4 Improve the quality, quantity, and use of analytical products to increase opportunities to engage in intelligence-driven law enforcement operations. Strategy 1.5 Improve the Crime Review, Intelligence Management, and Evaluation (CRIME) Meeting process to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement operations. Strategy 1.6 Improve and expand initiatives to reduce criminal activity among career criminals and habitual offenders. Strategy 1.7 Use community policing strategies to actively engage residents and community stakeholders in crime prevention initiatives. Page 7 Strategy 1.8 Develop initiatives within each District to reduce the risk of victimization by juvenile offenders. Strategy 1.9 Develop initiatives to reduce the incidence of gang violence in Hillsborough County. Strategy 1.10 Conduct periodic analyses of personnel deployment to ensure resources are assigned to most effectively meet emerging threats to citizen safety and quality of life. Strategy 1.11 Review, evaluate, prioritize, and consolidate performance metrics for Patrol to align with problem-oriented and ILP strategic priorities. Strategy 1.12 Develop and implement specific policies and procedures to create a climate of open communication, knowledge and information sharing, and collaboration in support of HCSO strategic priorities. Key Performance Measures • UCR Part 1 Crime Statistics • Gang Activity (GA) statistics • Gang contact (GC) statistics • Habitual offender arrests • Habitual offender conviction/arrest ratio • Juvenile crime statistics • Arrest rate statistics • Clearance rate statistics • CRIME Meeting Strategic Performance Measures Page 8 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2 Traffic Safety Increase the safety of citizens on the roadways of Hillsborough County. Goals Goal 2.1 Reduce traffic-related crashes. Goal 2.2 Reduce traffic-related deaths. Strategies Strategy 2.1 Develop measures of “risk-to-the-public” based on crash rate and severity of injury and use these measures to identify high-risk corridors and locations. Strategy 2.2 (Each District) Develop and implement crash reduction strategies at high-risk corridors and locations using multi-agency partnerships when feasible. Strategy 2.3 (Each District) Conduct and measure the effectiveness of traffic enforcement saturations for aggressive driving, impaired driving, and speeding in high-incident areas through the combined efforts of motorcycle deputies, community resource deputies, selective enforcement deputies, and patrol deputies. Page 9 Strategy 2.4 Develop and implement initiatives to target habitual traffic offenders. Strategy 2.5 Increase the priority and effectiveness of the Sheriff’s Alcohol Vendor Enforcement (SAVE) program. Strategy 2.6 Improve the Sheriff’s Traffic Operations Plan (STOP) District Meeting process to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of traffic safety operations with focus on Strategies 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5. Key Performance Measures • Traffic crashes per capita • Traffic fatalities per capita Page 10 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3 Taxpayer Value Optimize the use of limited resources to meet strategic goals and meet or exceed community expectations for service delivery, professionalism, and organizational performance. Goals Goal 3.1 Increase citizen satisfaction with services. Goal 3.2 Improve the content, organizational, and timing linkages between the budget process and agency-level strategic priorities and performance measures. Goal 3.3 Develop and adopt a Strategic Implementation Plan which assigns responsibility for HCSO Goals and Strategies and establishes reporting unit objectives and measures that support the HCSO 2008-2010 Strategic Plan. Goal 3.4 Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing processes and programs. Goal 3.5 Eliminate unnecessary programs and processes and redirect resources to the highest–priority public safety initiatives. Strategies Strategy 3.1 Develop and implement an internal service quality performance measurement and tracking program. Strategy 3.2 Revise the annual community survey to be consistent with revised external service quality performance measures in the 2008-2010 Strategic Operations Plan. Strategy 3.3 Conduct an agency-wide organizational review and develop recommendations for reorganization to improve internal and external quality of service. Strategy 3.4 Develop an updated patrol deployment plan that drives improvement in service delivery and citizen satisfaction. Page 11 Strategy 3.5 Maintain the NSA’s “Triple Crown Award” recognizing achievement of organizational accreditation from three nationally-recognized accreditation bodies: the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA); the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections (CAC) of the American Correctional Association (ACA); and, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC). Strategy 3.6 Expand the use of cross-functional Process Improvement Teams (PIT), comprised of both operations and planning personnel, to review, evaluate, and improve existing practices and processes. Strategy 3.7 Develop a system for generating, evaluating, and prioritizing developmental initiatives, as well as other new projects and programs that consume resources. Strategy 3.8 Develop and implement a performance outcome-based budgeting process linked to the agency’s strategic planning and performance measurement process. Strategy 3.9 Measure, monitor, and report performance relative to HCSO strategic priorities, goals, and strategies. Strategy 3.10 Implement and maintain a state-of-the-art Records Management System that maximizes the benefits and minimizes the costs of information systems operations. Strategy 3.11 Increase the use of volunteers to augment services provided by law enforcement personnel. Key Performance Measures • • • • • • • • Citizen Satisfaction Index (Community Survey) Response time to priority calls for service Internal Quality-of-Service Scorecard Timeliness of response to complaints Re-accreditation by CALEA, CAC, and NCCHC Number of Process Improvement Teams Percentage of Process Improvement Team recommendations implemented Cost of services per citizen: Agency Overall Law Enforcement Detention Court Services • Number of citizen volunteer hours completed in support of strategic priorities Page 12 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4 Community Partnership Create partnerships with citizens and other governmental agencies to carry out our mission with a focus on meeting the strategic goals of crime control and traffic safety. Goal Goal 4.1 Increase the quality and amount of collaboration between agency and citizens to facilitate crime control and traffic safety. Strategies Strategy 4.1 (Each Patrol District Commander) Establish purpose-driven strategies and objectives for community involvement that are consistent with the needs and characteristics of the District. Strategy 4.2 Develop and implement a comprehensive program to equip law enforcement personnel with referral resources and training to assist citizens in crisis. Strategy 4.3 Continue to develop the focus and direction of the Sheriff’s Alcohol Vendor Enforcement (SAVE) Program. Key Performance Measures • District “Community Partnership Reports” • Timeliness and relevance of after-action reports for community events • Actions resulting from zoning hearing presentations by Sheriff’s Alcohol Vendor Enforcement (SAVE) program coordinator Page 13 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5 Employees Attract, develop, and retain a highly-skilled, service-oriented workforce. Goals Goal 5.1 Increase employee satisfaction. Goal 5.2 Match work responsibilities to employee knowledge and skills. Goal 5.3 Improve the quality of management and leadership. Goal 5.4 Develop strategies to increase retention among detention personnel. Strategies Strategy 5.1 Develop and implement a recruitment plan that attracts highly-skilled, service-oriented professionals to careers with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Strategy 5.2 Implement expanded supervisor, management and employee training programs to ensure that Hillsborough County’s residents are served by highly-skilled, service-oriented Sheriff’s Office professionals. Strategy 5.3 Closely monitor and adjust individual employee assignments to maximize the effective use of limited personnel resources and ensure they are focused on the highest priorities of the HCSO. Strategy 5.4 Develop and implement an employee survey program to identify the drivers of employee satisfaction and retention, and to support the development and tracking of metrics for Strategic Priority 5. Strategy 5.5 Develop and implement a retention program for high-risk personnel with a focus on training and salary/benefits packages. Page 14 Key Performance Measures • Ratio of filled/ authorized law enforcement and detention positions • Employee satisfaction index • Employee retention statistics • Consistency with stated values index • Work climate index • Promotions accompanied by leadership / management training within 90 days “Integrity is the foundation on which all other values are built.” Brian Tracy Page 15 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement Process The overriding goal of the HCSO Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement process is to ensure that the citizens of Hillsborough County receive the greatest value for every tax dollar spent on law enforcement services. The Strategic Planning segment of the process directs the allocation of resources throughout the Sheriff’s Office. The associated performance measurement process tracks the outcome of this allocation to ensure that established goals are being met and supporting strategies are being implemented effectively. If they are not, corrective action is taken. Both planning and measurement are ongoing processes. Each is constantly evaluated against constantly evolving needs, as well as the outcomes, efficiencies, and improvements that are achieved. Process Components Formulation Strategic Priorities Goals Strategies Implementation Programs Projects Operations Measurement and Control KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) Status Reports Action Updates Page 16 Budgets Process Components Formulation Strategic Priorities Goals Strategies Every three years, the HCSO undertakes a review of its Mission, Vision, and Values and establishes its Strategic Priorities, Goals, and Strategies for the new plan period. Input to this process comes from a variety of sources including interviews with key personnel, surveys, assessment of community needs, and an evaluation of current performance levels. During the three years of the plan period, each of the above components are continually reviewed and evaluated to ensure they are consistent with evolving operating conditions. Strategic Priorities: Areas where the HCSO must succeed in order to fulfill its Mission. Goals: Statements of what must be accomplished specifically in each area of strategic priority. Strategies: Statements of how goals will be achieved. Process Components Implementation Programs Projects Operations Strategies are converted to actions and implemented through programs, special projects, and routine operational activities. Each strategy is “owned” by a Department or Division/ District Commander who is responsible for planning, implementing, and reporting on the progress and outcome of that strategy. Page 17 Process Components Measurement and Control KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) Status Reports Action Updates Measurement and control is the mechanism by which the Strategic Operations Plan is managed throughout the plan period. In addition to tracking key performance measures for the HCSO as a whole, each strategic priority is governed by an oversight committee which is responsible for the performance measures (related to operations, projects, and programs) and reporting cycle relevant to that area. Based on these measures and reports, action can be taken to address specific problems, and to update goals, strategies, projects, and programs as needed. This process is designed to promote collaboration and flexibility in the ongoing management of the Strategic Operations Plan. This, in turn, allows the HCSO to be responsive to the changing priorities and public safety needs of the citizens of Hillsborough County. Budgets During the 2008-2010 plan period, the HCSO will be launching a major effort to tighten the linkage between its strategic planning/performance measurement process and the annual budget process. The ultimate goals of this effort are to: • Evaluate each program and expense according to criteria that reflect both strategic priorities and tighter budget constraints. • Ensure that evaluation criteria emphasize performance outcomes rather than activities performed. • Identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations as well as meet the service quality expectations of taxpayers. “If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.” Jim Rohn Page 18 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Page 19 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE District Boundaries Page 20
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