Hispania News - US Hispanics
Hispania News - US Hispanics
Hispania News SOUTHERN COLORADO'S BILINGUAL NEWSPAPER SINCE 1987 VOL. 18. NO. 15 www.hispanianews.com Thalía opened the Selena concert...See page 11 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 Selena¡Vive! bate registros de audiencia Spellings announces “common sense” approach to No Child Left Behind 50,000 devoted fans packed the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas to celebrate the life of the Queen of Tejano music Selena on Thursday 7 April. 50.000 fans fieles llenaron el Reliant Stadium en Houston, Tejas el jueves el 7 de abril, para celebrar la vida de Selena y su música. See pages 6 & 11 15,000 tropas puertorriqueños han sido o serán movilizadas a Irak y Afganistán En memoria de los 27 héroes puertorriqueños que murieron en conflictos militares de los Estados Unidos en Afganistán e Irak, una delegación de oficiales del gobierno de Puerto Rico rindieron tributo en el Cementerio Nacional de Arlington. La delegación visitó Los Rostros de los Caídos, una exhibición de retratos temporera en el Monumento a las Mujeres en Servicio Militar de América del cementerio militar, y dejaron una corona de flores en honor a los 13 soldados honrados en la exhibición. La delegación además leyó en voz alta los nombres de todos los puertorriqueños hombres y mujeres - quienes dieron sus vidas en reciente combate y observaron un momento de silencio en memoria de los soldados caídos. “Nos honra reunirnos hoy en memoria de los puertorriqueños valientes que dieron sus vidas mientras servían en Irak y Afganistán”, expresó Eduardo Bhatia, director ejecutivo de la Administración de Asuntos Federales de Puerto Rico (PRFAA por sus siglas en ingles). “Puerto Rico honra con tristeza a aquellos que entregaron sus vidas para proteger la libertad y democracia”. “Más importante aún, queremos que las familias de los soldados que honramos hoy sepan que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico está orgulloso de estos servidores que han dado sus vidas en combate”, dijo Marisara Pont, Secretaria de Estado de Puerto Rico. Under a new approach to implementing the No Child Left Behind law, states will have additional alternatives and flexibility if they can show they are raising student achievement and closing the achievement gap, US Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings announced April 7, 2005. Spellings made the announcement during a meeting with the nation’s state education chiefs and other education leaders at George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate near Washington, DC. Spellings said the new guidelines, Raising Achievement: A New Path for No Child Left Behind, are a comprehensive approach to implementing the law and she reiterated that “the bright lines of the statute”- such as annual testing, reporting results by student subgroups and teacher qualifications - are not up for negotiation. “We have learned a lot over the last three years as our infant law has matured, and these past three years have helped us be smarter,” Spellings said. “These new guidelines … focus on results for all students, the fundamental mission of the No Child Left Behind Act. “States that show results and follow the principles of No Child Left Behind will be eligible for new tools to help them meet the law’s goals of getting every child to grade level by 2013-14. It’s a shared responsibility.” The new guidelines include the four key principles of No Child Left Behind: • Ensuring students are learning: Cont. on page 8 The Mexican Consulate in Denver is on the move Continua en página 4 In Memory Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales dies at 76 Chicano civil rights activist Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales died Tuesday, 12 April. He was 76. Gonzales died at his home after being diagnosed with coronary and renal problems. Gonzales had decided it was time to be at home with his family and checked himself out of the hospital. He died at home with his family. A vocal and courageous activist, Gonzales founded Viva, the first neighborhood newspaper in Denver and Crusade for Justice in 1966, which became an influential player in the 1960s’ civil rights movement. Many have read his 1970 poem “I am Joaquín,” written at the height of the fight for civil liberty. He is mentioned in the same breath as Cesar Chavez, Reies López Tijerina and José Angel Gutiérrez, the so-called four horsemen of Chicano Civil Rights. Gonzales is survived by Geraldine, his wife, his sisters, two sons, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. As of June 1, 2005, the Consulate General of Mexico in Denver will be working at its new offices. El Consulado General de México en Denver informa que a partir del primero de junio del 2005 atenderá en su nuevo edificio situado en: 5350 Leetsdale Drive, Suite 100, Denver, Co. 80246 Baila Conmigo: Fiesta Queen Pageant and Coronation April 23, 2005 • Colorado State Fair Events Center Pageant: 10:30 a.m. Coronation: 7 p.m. to midnight Tickets available at: State Fair box office, 1001 Beulah, Pueblo Independent Records & Video, 420 W. 4th St., The Music Man, 600 W. Northern Ave, Pueblo. Pageant: $5 adults, $3.50 for age 12 and under. Coronation: $8 in advance, $10 at the door Page 2 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 The Better Business Bureau Scholarships give hope to young cancer (BBB) is back in Pueblo! The BBB announced the grand opening of its Pueblo office at 503 N. Main in the Thatcher Building with an open house slated for April 19. Anton’s will provide appetizers and snacks while the BBB provides the drinks and party favors. “This open house is a fantastic way for Pueblo businesses and the Pueblo community to see what the BBB is all about as well as to network,” says BBB CEO Carol Odell. “The BBB never really left Pueblo, but after our merger last year we know that many in Pueblo felt as though the BBB had left the area. Now we have returned to Pueblo and through events like this open house are bringing our services right to your community.” The BBB’s Pueblo office, located on the lower level of the distinguished Thatcher building, is currently open for area businesses by appointment only. Those wishing to discuss membership opportunities or other BBB matters can simply make an appointment by calling 719-5421605. In addition, the BBB phone and online services, such as filing a complaint or checking out a business continue to be available to the public at any time by calling our toll free number at 866-2061800 or logging onto our website at www.bbbsc.org. For more information, contact Andrea Stauffer, BBB Director of Marketing at 719-636-5076 x100, or via email at [email protected]. BBB Pueblo Open House, Tuesday, April 19, 2005, 4 – 6 pm at the Thatcher Building. The Hispanic Community’s Newspaper Established Cinco de Mayo, 1987 Published weekly by Con Fé Communications, Ltd. ISSN -0895-7355 No part of Hispania News may be reprinted or reproduced without the written consent from the Editor. All rights reserved. survivors The Great West Division of the American Cancer Society, the nation’s leading voluntary health organization, has established a scholarship program that will award tuition scholarships for young cancer survivors pursuing higher education. “The scholarship program is one way the American Cancer Society is helping cancer survivors and their families,” said Rob Bogin, MD, chief government relations officer for the American Cancer Society’s Great West Division. “Fighting cancer can be an enormous financial and emotional hardship, especially on young people. We hope this relieves some of that burden and gives credence to the fact that there is life beyond cancer and survivors can accomplish their dreams.” The scholarships will be granted in June for the 2005-2006 academic year. Recipients will receive $2,500 each to be used for tuition expenses. Residents of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming who have had a cancer diagnosis before age 21 and a GPA of at least 2.5 or equivalent are eligible. Due to limited resources, the American Cancer Society is not able to award scholarships to all cancer survivors that apply. Applications are due April 16, 2005. Application forms and further information are available by calling Jennifer Kohler at 1800-729-1151, option 3, ext 182 or email at [email protected] American Cancer Society helps breast cancer patients The American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery program is a free program offering breast cancer patients comfort and information. The experience begins when someone is faced with a breast cancer diagnosis. Through face-to-face visits or by phone, a specially trained Reach to Recovery volunteer meets with a breast cancer patient. Reach to Recovery volunteers are breast cancer survivors themselves and can offer understanding, support and hope because they have survived breast cancer and gone on to live normal, productive lives. Volunteers are trained to give support and up-to-date information, including literature for loved ones. When appropriate, volunteers can also provide breast cancer patients with a temporary breast form and information on types of permanent prostheses. If you are a breast cancer survivor who has overcome cancer and wants to make a difference in the lives of others affected by breast cancer, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS- 2345 or call your local Society office. Reach to Recovery works through carefully selected and trained volunteers who have fully adjusted to their breast cancer treatment. All volunteers complete an initial training and participate in ongoing continuing education sessions. For information on the American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery program, contact your local American Cancer Society or call 1-800ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org Consulate General celebrates el Día de los Niños The Consulate General of Mexico in Denver will celebrate el Día de los Niños (Children’s Day) at the Denver Museum of Art and Denver Public Library on Sunday, April 24, 2005 from noon to 4 pm. Día de los Niños festivities will be free to the public. Families can enjoy hands-on art and entertainment from Mexico performed by Fiesta Colorado, Viva Mexico and Aspen Folkloric Group, among others. Children’s day in Mexico has been celebrated since 1924 on April 30th. For more information, call (303) 331-1870. Editor Robert L. Armendariz Marketing Director Reporter William Green Amy Lovato Photographer Administrative Assistant Daniel T. Chaparro Wayne Young Composition, Design and Layout Sami R. Armendariz Hispania News On The INTERNET www.hispanianews.com [email protected] Toll Free • 866-723-2220 Located at 2527 Airport Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 15116, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-5116 (719) 540-0220 • (719) 540-0221 • Fax (719) 540-0599 Cinco de Mayo Weekend Fiesta viene el 29 de abril “Bigger and better is probably the best way to sum up our general theme this year at the State Fair,” said Chris Wiseman, Colorado State Fair general manager. “Our Cinco de Mayo celebration is always one of the most popular events during the year, so we wanted to offer an amazing value, whether you come from Denver or Durango.” What: Cinco De Mayo Weekend Fiesta When: April 29 – May 1, 2005 Where: Colorado State Fairgrounds, Pueblo. Tickets: Friday and Saturday night entertainment (719) 404-2070. Booth space: (719) 404-2028 Verizon Wireless Chili Cook-off Contest: (719) 404-2080. Information: Colorado State Fair (719) 561-8484 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 3 COMMUNITY NEWS College of Surgeons verifies St. Mary-Corwin’s trauma center The American College of Surgeons (ACS) has verified St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center as a level II trauma center, this following the announcement of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s state designation in January 2005. St. Mary-Corwin is one of only three Level II trauma centers in the state of Colorado that are verified by the ACS. The others include Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, CO and Northern Colorado Medical Center in Hispanic poll stirs voucher debate More than 70 percent of Bexar County Hispanic voters surveyed in a recent poll favor a pilot school choice program that would allow students to transfer to private schools using taxpayer-funded vouchers. Voucher supporters say the poll results are a cry from frustrated parents to legislators that they want more options when it comes to their children’s education. Voucher opponents say the survey, conducted by a provoucher group partially funded by the US Education Department, contained vague and misleading questions and does not reflect the true opinions of Bexar County parents. The poll targeted about 1,000 Hispanics in Bexar, Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Travis counties and asked about teacher quality and segregation in schools to educators’ expectations of Latino children. It found that more than 70 percent statewide either strongly or somewhat favored a statewide school choice program and nearly 76 percent favored a limited pilot school choice program. Less than 29 percent of respondents described the overall quality of education that low-income, inner city Latino children receive as excellent or good. “In my opinion, it is a call for action,” said Rebeca Nieves Huffman, president of the Washington, DC-based Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options, the group that sponsored the poll. But Kathy Miller, president of the Austin-based advocacy group Texas Freedom Network, said the survey questions did not explain that the vouchers are taxpayer funded and take money out of public schools. “It shouldn’t surprise anyone that a pro-voucher group, backed by pro-voucher money would create a push poll that gave them the results that they want during a legislative session,” she said. “They (respondents) were told the program wouldn’t cost any additional money, but not told that it actually pulls money from the public school.” Montgomery and Associates, an Austin public opinion and market research firm conducted the poll, according to firm President Jeff Montgomery, Huffman said the voucher movement has been cast as a “Republican, right-wing agenda to privatize public schools” but that even among Hispanic Democrats, 66.5 percent strongly or somewhat favored statewide choice in the poll. “This is an issue that has been highly politicized,” she said. Texas lawmakers are considering three bills that would establish pilot voucher programs, with the potential for thousands of San Antonio students to be eligible. The House Public Education Committee will hear public testimony Tuesday. Shelley Potter, co-president of the San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Personnel, said every other recent poll on school vouchers shows a majority of Texans do not support them. A recent Scripps Howard Texas Poll showed that 55 percent of respondents do not support vouchers, 39 percent do support them and 6 percent did not respond. “This is contrary to what every other poll that I know of recently is showing. In fact, the trend is the other way,” Potter said. Rosie Ybarra, whose children attend Christian Academy of San Antonio under a privately funded voucher program for students in Edgewood School District, is tired of the politically charged debate over school vouchers. “We are looking for school choice. We want options for our children,” she said. “It’s not about politics. It’s about our children.” The San Antonio Express-News | 04/01/2005 | Jenny LaCosteCaputo, provided the basis of this report Greeley, CO. “We are very proud to have earned this prestigious verification,” said Renee Elwell, trauma nurse coordinator. “We are designated by the state as a level II trauma center, but the ACS verification confirms that we have precise systems and processes in place to have been approved on national standards.” The mission of the ACS’s process of trauma verification is to create national guidelines to optimize trauma care in the United States. This objective may be accomplished through a voluntary review of potential and existing trauma centers so that trauma centers may provide an organized and systemic approach to the care of the injured patient with essential elements including trained and capable personnel, adequate facilities, and ongoing selfassessment as outlined in the “Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient.” Education revenues top $440 billion Public elementary and secondary education revenues from federal, state and local sources reached $440.3 billion in the United States in 2003, up 4.9 percent from the previous year, the US Census Bureau reported today. Again, the District of Columbia spent the most money per student on this level of education ($13,328) of any state or state equivalent. These findings from the 2003 Annual Survey of Local Government Finances - School Systems show that following the District of Columbia in per-student expenditures were New Jersey ($12,202), New York ($12,140), Connecticut ($10,372) and Vermont ($10,322). Utah spent the lowest amount ($4,860) of any state or state equivalent. Next to Utah, the lowest averages per pupil were in Arizona ($5,672), Mississippi ($5,816), Idaho ($6,034) and Nevada ($6,084). The national average was $8,019. State governments contributed the greatest share of public elementary and secondary school funding, $215.6 billion. Local sources followed at $188.0 billion, and the federal government was the third largest contributor at $36.8 billion. Other findings: • Public school systems spent $453.6 billion, up 4.2 percent from 2002. About $236.0 billion was spent on elementary-secondary instruction, $132.9 billion on services that support elementarysecondary instruction, $50.5 billion on capital outlay and $34.1 billion on other items. • School districts received $163.6 billion, or 37.2 percent of all revenues, from local taxes and local government appropriations. • Instructional salaries totaled $166.9 billion in 2003, up 3.9 percent. The Census Bureau’s report can be seen at www.census.gov/govs/ www/school.html. THE LIFE SKILLS CENTER OF COLORADO SPRINGS is now enrolling! Get your High School Diploma in just four hours a day* - tuition free! If you are 16 to 21 and have dropped out of high school, we have a school designed just for you! Life Skills Teaches you at your level, lets you learn at your own pace, at a time convenient to you. Keep your job and attend daily, 4-hour classes. Need a job? We'll help you prepare - and find a job. Work at your own pace toward your High School Diploma not a GED! *Students complete 6 hours of additional learning opportunities per week, which can include employment, volunteering, counseling or other activities deemed suitable. Providing at risk, 16 to 21 year old students with vocational education, their high school diploma, and a job, tuition-free. Education that fits your life Phone or check out our website: 719-471-0684 lifeskillscenters.com You Choose from Three Sessions: 8:00am - 12:00pm 10:15am - 2:15pm 1:30 - 5:30pm Page 4 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 NOTICIAS EN ESPANOL Spellings revela un enfoque más viable a Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás De acuerdo con un nuevo enfoque a la implementación de la Ley Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás (No Child Left Behind), los estados contarán con otras alternativas y mayor flexibilidad si pueden demostrar que están logrando elevar el desempeño académico de los estudiantes y cerrar la brecha en el rendimiento, dio a conocer la Secretaria de Educación de EEUU Margaret Spellings. Spellings hizo el anuncio durante una reunión de los jefes de educación estatales y otros dirigentes de la educación en la finca Mount Vernon de George Washington en las cercanías de Washington, DC. Spellings dijo que las nuevas directrices, conocidas por Raising Achievement: A New Path for No Child Left Behind (‘Elevando el rendimiento: Un nuevo camino para Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás’), constituyen un enfoque integral a la implementación de la ley y reiteró que “las líneas brillantes de la ley” -tales como los exámenes anuales para determinar el rendimiento de los estudiantes, la publicación de resultados por subgrupos de estudiantes y los maestros altamente calificados-no son negociables. “Hemos aprendido mucho durante los tres últimos años al ir madurándose nuestra ley recién nacida, y estos tres últimos años nos han ayudado a conocer mejor cómo esta ley está funcionando en las escuelas,” afirmó Spellings. “Estas nuevas directrices... están centradas en resultados para todos los estudiantes, la misión fundamental de la Ley Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás. “Los Estados que muestran resultados y siguen los principios de Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás tendrán derecho a recibir nuevos recursos para ayudarles a cumplir con el objetivo de la ley de conseguir que todos los estudiantes alcancen el nivel correspondiente a su grado de aquí a 2013-14. Es una responsabilidad compartida.” Las directrices incluyen los cuatro principios clave de la Ley Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás: • Garantizar que los estudiantes estén aprendiendo: Elevando el rendimiento global y cerrando la brecha en el rendimiento; • Exigir la rendición de cuentas al sistema escolar • Cerciorarse de que la información sea accesible y los padres cuenten con opciones: informando a los padres de manera oportuna sobre la calidad de la escuela de su hijo y sus opciones para la libre elección de escuela, señalando las escuelas y los distritos que necesitan mejorarse, desarrollando un lista dinámica de tutores extra-colegiales, promoviendo la libre elección de escuela pública y la creación de escuelas charter y elaborando informes sobre el desempeño de escuelas y distritos escolares fáciles de entender y fácilmente accesibles; y • Mejorar la calidad de maestros “Este es un enfoque integral a la implementación de esta ley,” dijo Spellings. “Los estados que buscan mayor flexibilidad recibirán crédito por el trabajo realizado destinado a reformar sus sistemas educativos en su conjunto.” Spellings anunció que el primer ejemplo de este “enfoque viable y sensato” consistiría en aplicar la investigación científica más reciente y permitir a los estados usar evaluaciones modificadas para sus estudiantes con discapacidades académicas persistentes que requieren más tiempo e instrucción para hacer progreso sustancial hacia la consecución del nivel correspondiente a su grado. Estos puntajes se limitarán al 2 por ciento de todos los estudiantes para fines de rendición de cuentas; esta es una política aparte de la regulación vigente que permite que hasta el 1 por ciento de todos los estudiantes examinados (los que tienen las discapacidades cognitivas más significativas) tomen una evaluación alternativa. “Este nuevo enfoque reconoce que no se debe atender a todos estos estudiantes de la misma manera. Esta nueva política está centrada en el estudiante porque se cuenta con la información más actualizada y precisa sobre cómo estos estudiantes aprenden y cuál es la mejor manera de responder a sus necesidades académicas. Estos estudiantes continúan incluyéndose en el sistema de rendición de cuentas porque sabemos que si no se incluyen, corren el riesgo de ser desatendidos, tal como fue el caso antes de Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás.” Spellings también dio a conocer que iba a dirigir otros $14 millones en apoyo inmediato para estos estudiantes y que el Departamento proporcionaría a los estados un conjunto de materiales completo para ayudarles a detectar y evaluar los estudiantes con discapacidades. Se puede ver más información, incluyendo el discurso de la Secretaria y hojas informativas sobre la nueva política y la Ley Que Ningún Niño Se Quede Atrás en www.ed.gov. El consulado general celebra el dia del niño El Consulado General de México celebrará el Día del Niño el domingo 24 de abril de las 12:00 a las 4 pm en el Museo de Arte de Denver y la Biblioteca Pública de Denver. Las familias podrán disfrutar de actividades manuales y gozar con los bailes regionales presentados por los grupos Viva México, Grupo Irak y Afganistán “Rendimos este tributo a ellos y a sus familias; ellos son verdaderos héroes para todos los puertorriqueños”. Los Rostros de los Caídos es una exhibición de retratos temporera de sobre 1,300 individuos que sacrificaron sus vidas sirviendo en los esfuerzos militares en Afganistán e Irak. Sobre 200 artistas de todos los Estados Unidos donaron los retratos, los cuales se exhiben en el salón principal del Monumento a las Mujeres en Servicio Militar de América. “Los puertorriqueños han servido en todos los conflictos desde la Folklórico Aspen y Fiesta Colorado, entre otros. La entrada es gratuita. Para mayor información dirigir sus preguntas al teléfono (303) 331-1870. Continua de página 1 Segunda Guerra Mundial, y tenemos una larga historia de servicio y valor en el campo de batalla sin par”, indicó el General Francisco Márquez, Ayudante General de la Guardia Nacional de Puerto Rico. “Me enorgullece estar aquí para honrar nuestros soldados caídos en representación de los hombres y mujeres puertorriqueños que sirven a las fuerzas armadas a través de todo el mundo”, puntualizó Márquez. Desde el 1917, los puertorriqueños han servido en las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos - tanto en tiempos de Guerra como en tiempos de paz y han tenido una representación significativa en el servicio militar estadounidense. El Gobierno de Puerto Rico estima que aproximadamente 15,000 reservistas puertorriqueños o miembros de la Guardia Nacional están sirviendo o serán enviados a Irak y Afganistán. En comparación a otras jurisdicciones en los Estados Unidos, la Isla ocupa el sexto lugar per capita de servicio en la Reserva del Ejército de los EEUU y el cuarto lugar en movilización de la Guardia Nacional cuando se compara en unidades de 100,000. La Isla se enorgullece de su record en el servicio militar y reafirma su compromiso con las fuerzas armadas de los EEUU. Presenta Bush en ONU resolución contra Cuba Estados Unidos, con el auspicio de la Unión Europea (UE), presentó ante la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU una propuesta de resolución que condena la situación de los derechos humanos en Cuba. Fuentes oficiales informaron que en el documento pide tener en cuenta todas las resoluciones condenatorias adoptadas desde marzo de 1998 por la comisión, e invita al personal del Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos a informar al organismo Continua en página 5 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 5 NOTICIAS EN ESPANOL Fecha limite y opciones de pago: 15 abril, 2005 Si está tratando de ganarle a la fecha límite, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) ofrece varias opciones para ayudarle en él ultimo momento. Si necesita una forma o publicación, las puede encontrar en el sitio electrónico del IRS: www.irs.gov. Si descubre que necesita más tiempo para terminar su declaración, puede obtener una prórroga de 4 meses con la Forma 4868, “Application for Extension of Time to File US Individual Tax Return.” Y, si tiene problemas para pagar su deuda tributaria, el IRS le ofrece varias opciones de pago. Usted puede obtener la extensión automática para presentar su declaración utilizando opciones de e-file del IRS - por teléfono, computadora personal o un preparador profesional de impuestos con el programa tributario - o por medio de su pago parcial o su estimado completo, del impuesto que adeuda por medio de su tarjeta de crédito. Cuando usa el método de la tarjeta de crédito, lo puede hacer por teléfono o a través del Internet. También puede obtener una extensión enviando la Forma 4868 en papel al IRS. La prórroga le proporcionará tiempo extra para terminar su declaración y presentarla al IRS, pero no le extiende el plazo para pagar, si debe impuestos. Necesita calcular la cantidad estimada del impuesto que espera adeudar al solicitar la prórroga. También puede enviar un pago hacia el balance de impuestos, pero no es requerido para obtener la prórroga. Sin embargo, si pagó menos del 90% del impuesto total para la fecha límite, el contribuyente adeudará intereses en la cantidad no pagada para el 15 de abril, además de la multa por pagar tarde, Usted puede presentar la Forma 4868 por teléfono hasta el 15 de abril, 2005. Necesitará proveer cierta información de su declaración de 2003. El número telefónico es 1-888-796-1074. Utilice la Forma 4868 como borrador para prepararse al hacer la llamada y tenga a la mano una copia de su declaración de 2003. El sistema le proporcionará un número de confirmación para certificar que su petición ha sido aceptada. Anote este número de confirmación en su copia de la Forma 4868 para sus archivos. No envíe la forma al IRS. Si usted solicita la extensión por teléfono, puede escoger pagar cualquier balance que adeuda autorizando una deducción de su cuenta de cheques o de ahorros, usando su ingreso bruto ajustado (AGI) en su declaración para el año 2003 para verificar su identidad. Contribuyentes también pueden pedir una prórroga electrónica por e-file, utilizando programas de impuestos en su propia computadora o a través de un preparador profesional de impuestos. Al igual como los que presentan por teléfono, los que presentan por computadora deberán proveer dos cantidades en su declaración del año anterior para verificar su identidad. Si determina que aún necesita más de los 4 meses de prórroga para preparar y presentar su declaración, pudiera obtener 2 meses adicionales para declarar. Lo puede solicitar por medio de una carta al IRS o presentando la forma 2688, “Additional Extension of Time to File US Individual Tax Return.” El contribuyente deberá proporcionarle al IRS la razón por la cual necesita la segunda prórroga. La aprobación no es automática. Debe pedir esta solicitud lo mas antes posible para tener suficiente tiempo para presentar su declaración si es negada. Si su declaración está completa pero no puede pagar la deuda de impuestos, no pida la prórroga. Presente su declaración a tiempo y pague lo más que pueda. El IRS le enviará un cobro o correspondencia para el balance que debe y cobrará interés y multas solo en el balance pendiente. Si usted no puede pagar la cantidad completa en su declaración, puede solicitar un plan de pagos mensuales para el total o por una cantidad parcial. Se le cobrará interés y se le pudiera cobrar una multa por pagar tarde sobre el impuesto no pagado para el 15 de abril, 2005, aun si es aceptada su solicitud para pagar a plazo es aceptada. Puede solicitar un plazo de pagos llenando la forma 9465, “Installment Agreement Request,” ya sea cuando presentan su declaración o después al recibir la cuenta del IRS. Anote la cantidad que propone pagar mensualmente y la fecha que desea hacer su pago mensual. También puede seleccionar la conveniencia hacer su pago cada mes de su cuenta bancaria por medio del programa de desembolso automático. Las formas del IRS están disponibles en el sitio electrónico o llamando al 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676), o por Tax Fax del IRS. De la máquina FAX, llame al 703-368-9694 (no es llamada gratis) y marque el número 11958 si necesita la Forma 2688, o el número 13141 para la Forma 4868 o el número 14842 para la Forma 9465. Usted recibirá la forma que solicita a vuelta de fax. Se puede solicitar hasta 3 formas por llamada. Una periodista entre la vida y la muerte tras un intento de asesinato Reporteros sin Fronteras está indignada por el atentado cometido, el 5 de abril de 2005, contra Guadalupe García Escamilla, de la radio Estéreo 91 XHNOE en Nuevo Laredo, en el Estado de Tamaulipas (noreste del país, frontera con Estados Unidos.) “Se trata de la tercera agresión perpetrada contra un periodista en la región, desde el comienzo del año. En esa zona, la prensa corre un grave peligro. No queremos ver como se repite otro año dramáticamente puntuado por asesinatos como 2004, durante el cual mataron a cinco periodistas. Frecuentemente se encuentran implicadas las autoridades locales. Por ello, exhortamos a las autoridades federales a efectuar Cuba una investigación en profundidad, con el fin de excusarse y castigar a los responsables del atentado,” ha declarado la organización. El 5 de abril de 2005, poco antes de las ocho de la mañana, cuando Guadalupe García Escamilla salía de su coche para dirigirse al local de la radio, un desconocido le disparó quince veces. La periodista resultó alcanzada por ocho balas que le impactaron en el abdomen, el pecho, el brazo, la rodilla izquierda y la ingle. La periodista fue inmediatamente trasladada al hospital, e ingresada en cirugía. Según las últimas informaciones, procedentes de sus colegas, la periodista se encuentra en cuidados intensivos, en estado muy grave. Guadalupe García Escamilla hacía una crónica dedicada a los asuntos de seguridad pública, “Punto Rojo”, que presentaba en su informativo matinal. Según algunas fuentes que quieren guardar el anonimato, en los últimos días la periodista interceptó amenazas contra ella, procedentes de la frecuencia de radio de la policía. Esos mensajes de radio también hacían referencia a la próxima ejecución del abogado Fernando Partida Castañeda, al que efectivamente asesinaron pocas horas antes de que se produjera el atentado contra la periodista, con un arma del mismo calibre y en el mismo sector. Continua de página 4 sobre la situación de las garantías individuales en la isla. Asimismo, propone que la especialista legal francesa, Christine Chanet, continúe como relatora de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para el caso. La UE anunció ayer que copatrocinará el texto de la resolución estadounidense, el cual se prevé sea votado mañana, adelantaron fuentes de la presidencia luxemburguesa comunitaria. A principios de este mes circuló la versión de que la propuesta de EU fue calificada por los diplomáticos europeos como “suave”. La Unión Europea decidió apoyar el proyecto en un momento en que había iniciado un proceso de acercamiento con Cuba para reanudar el diálogo político bilateral, detenido en 2003 por el encarcelamiento de disidentes cubanos. El Universal You shouldn’t need a map to keep track of your finances. When you keep your accounts in one place with a new Wells Fargo Package, you’ll save time and money. SM We put the accounts and services that you use most–checking, savings, credit cards, for instance–into one convenient package. That makes them more practical than they would be if used separately. And, depending on the package you choose you can get lots of extra benefits such as free Bill Pay,free traveler’s checks,even extra discounts on loans and lines of credit,and more.Still,one of the best things about a Wells Fargo Package is that a Wells Fargo banker will sit down with you and help you build the one that’s right for you. A Wells Fargo Package–It’s the one place your money belongs. Pueblo Downtown • 201 W. 8th St. • 544-5090 Pueblo North • 3000 Hart Rd. • 586-3149 Sunset Park • 1221 S. Prairie Ave. • 561-9030 © 2005 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. Page 6 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 NOTICIAS EN ESPANOL Selena¡Vive! bate registros de audiencia Millones de hispanos a lo largo y ancho de Estados Unidos se unieron a los más de 50,000 fans presentes en el totalmente lleno estadio Reliant la noche del pasado jueves, para disfrutar de la transmisión en vivo de Selena ¡Vive!, el homenaje estelar de la cadena Univision a la reina de la música tejana. El programa batió los registros de audiencia al obtener una audiencia de 35.9 por ciento de hogares, convirtiéndose en el especial de televisión en español más visto y con la audiencia más alto en la historia, y ocupó el lugar #1 de sintonía, no importa el idioma, entre Adultos 18-34 en Los Ángeles, Chicago y San Francisco. En Nueva York, quedó empatado en primer lugar. Las emociones estuvieron a flor de piel durante el espectacular evento de 3 horas de duración, el cual comenzó con una efusiva introducción a cargo de la actriz que interpretó a Selena en el cine, Jennifer López, seguida por un video del saludo original que dio Selena al público en su último concierto, realizado en el Houston Astrodome hace 10 años. A partir de ese momento, el impactante tributo musical de Univision arrancó a todo dar con la superestrella Thalía, quien interpretó el enorme éxito de Selena, Amor Prohibido. A continuación, el escenario del Reliant recibió a un desfile de estrellas de la música latina interpretando las canciones más famosas de Selena. El grupo popular Banda el Need Customers? Blaze the trail ... with Black Bear delivering YOU right to your customers’ door! Affordable and Effective Co-op Packet door to door advertising for as little as 5.5 cents per home! Call Joann at (719) 633-8003 Serving Colorado Springs Custom Single distribution available. Be Original. Express Yourself. It’s Here. Express commuter bus service with high-back cushion seats, luggage racks, and wireless internet. For tickets, call 636-FREX (3739) or online at www.FrontRangeExpress.com. Hurry, the good seats are going fast. FrontRangeExpress.com Call (719) 636-FREX (3739) or Toll Free 1 (877) i25-FREX (425-3739) Fountain > Colorado Springs > Monument > Castle Rock > Denver Ana Bárbara de México interpretó La Carcacha Recodo cantó una versión muy rítmica de Techno Cumbia. A continuación, la salsera puertorriqueña India presentó su interpretación de No Debes Jugar. Después de un corto video relatando el descubrimiento de Selena, una cacofonía de cornetas de auto dio inicio al próximo número, La Carcacha, interpretado por la popular Ana Bárbara junto a un grupo de bailarines. Seguidamente, el sentimental dúo Buenos Amigos fue interpretado por la revelación de la música mexicana Mariana Seoane y el popular galán Pablo Montero; luego, la estrella de la música grupera, Alicia Villareal, terminó el segmento con el tema Si Una Vez. Después de otro video recordando el éxito internacional de Selena, la destacada cantante mexicana Ana Gabriel dedicó su versión de Tú, Sólo Tú, uno de los clásicos de Selena, a su memoria. Luego, Gabriel presentó a Pepe Aguilar, quien también le dedicó a Selena su interpretación de No Me Queda Más. Posteriormente, un video describiendo los orígenes tejanos de Selena fue seguido por una electrizante producción musical del tema Fotos Y Recuerdos, a cargo de Paulina Rubio. El próximo segmento de video recontó la historia de la “segunda familia” de Selena, su banda Los Dinos, y fue narrado por uno de sus miembros, Pete Astudillo. Astudillo luego interpretó la canción que compuso después del fallecimiento de Selena, Cómo Te Extraño. Tras otro video que presentó la vida de Selena como un gran ejemplo para las mujeres, la talentosa merenguera puertorriqueña Olga Tañón cautivó a la audiencia con un número lleno de ritmo y baile, La Llamada. El Gloria Estefan próximo segmento de video fue dedicado al amor, y lo siguió la emocionante entrada de la superestrella internacional Gloria Estefan, brindando una interpretación muy sentida del exitoso tema en inglés de Selena, I Could Fall In Love. En una de las actuaciones más conmovedoras de la noche, el hermano de Selena, A. B. Quintanilla y su grupo, Kumbia Kings, interpretaron un dúo con la propia Selena, en una versión especialmente remezclada de su éxito Baila Esta Cumbia. Luego, la ecléctica rockera mexicana Alejandra Guzmán puso al público de pie con su interpretación del que tal vez haya sido el tema más pegajoso de Selena, Bidi Bidi, Bom Bom. Esto fue seguido de un popurrí TexMex cantado por dos de los más populares artistas de este género, Bobby Pulido y Jay Pérez. La cantautora colombiana Soraya cantó el éxito en inglés Dreaming of You, acompañada en el escenario por los miembros del grupo musical Barrio Boyzz, reunidos por primera vez desde que se separaron. Los Barrio Boyzz llegaron para rendirle homenaje a Selena, con quien tuvieron el privilegio de grabar cuando ella estaba viva. Enseguida, la intérprete mexicana Graciela Beltrán deleitó al público con una alegre producción del tema El Chico del Apto. 512. Un video sobre el legado de Selena fue seguido por Aleks Syntek y Fey, quienes cantaron a dúo Dondequiera Que Estés. Entonces, el grupo “duranguense” del momento, Continua en página 19 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 7 NEGOCIOS-BUSINESS NAHP vows to work vigorously for Hispanic publications With historic Philadelphia as its backdrop, the National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc. (NAHP) elected its first Latina president, Ms. Lupita Colmenero of Dallas’ El Hispano News. The NAHP elected a new executive committee to two-year terms during board elections held March 11 at its annual convention. In addition to Colmenero the new board is comprised of: Vice President, Mr. Jose Luis Garza, El Periodico USA, Vice PresidentMarketing, Mr. Ray Guerrero, El Latino, Treasurer, Mr. Jerry Campagna, Reflejos Bilingual Journal and Secretary, Mr. Zeke Montes, TeleGuia de Chicago and El Imparcial. The executive committee also includes immediate past president, Mr. Hernan Guaracao, publisher of Al Día in Philadelphia. “Our board will work vigorously and creatively on behalf of our membership and the entire Hispanic print industry,” said Colmenero. “We are confident that through our leadership we will unify the Hispanic print industry as we strive to elevate the quality, accountability and standards of the entire industry. We will accomplish our goals by asking publishers, advertisers, vendors, circulation services and every player with a stake in our industry to work together with us.” The new board will focus on three key areas: • Increase membership through the “Renovation and Participation” policy. • Increase member participation to strengthen the Hispanic print industry. • Better educate corporate media consumers that the size of circulation does not always equate with effective penetration in the Hispanic community. Even the Memorial names new medical director for cancer program Memorial Hospital recently announced the addition of Patrick Faricy, MD, as the new medical director for the hospital’s cancer program. Faricy has close ties to the Colorado Springs community and Memorial Hospital, and has worked closely with Memorial’s cancer center since it opened in 1992. “Dr. Faricy is a valuable addition to Memorial Hospital’s team as we continue to deliver first-rate cancer care to the people in our community,” said Theresa Heckel, associate administrator for Oncology Services at Memorial Hospital. “He will be very instrumental in building physician relationships and assisting in setting the strategic direction of our program.” Under the direction of Faricy and Medical Director Dr. Mark Hazuka, Memorial’s Radiation Oncology medicine continues to build on its reputation for effective treatment of prostate cancer. Faricy and Hazuka also were the first physicians to bring prostate brachytherapy (radiation seed implants) to Colorado Springs. the single most common mistake job seekers make on their resumés?” Their responses: Typos or grammatical errors 34 per cent, including too much information 22 per cent, not listing achievements in former roles 17 per cent, poor layout and/ or design 17 per cent, including too little information 7 per cent. “Even the most qualified applicant can undermine his or her chances of being invited to an interview by submitting a resumé containing typos, misspellings or poor grammar,” said Max Messmer, chairman of Accountemps and author of Job Hunting For Dummies (John Wiley & Sons, Inc). “Application materials should be polished and uncluttered. The objective is to create an accurate and succinct account of your qualifications, work experience, career accomplishments and education.” Messmer, who writes Resumania, a weekly column for Scripps Howard News Service, at an important crossroads in its history and I’m confident that our new board will help the NAHP meet the challenges and opportunities ahead,” said Joseph Carrillo, Chief Operations Officer of the NAHP, Inc. LKJ Networking Connection Will be holding it’s APRIL Networking Luncheon for everyone to Network with each other about Your Businesses and ideas To Be Held April 27th, 2005 From 11:30 to 1:00 at the Western Sizzlin Wood Grill Buffet (221 S. 8th Street) The cost for the luncheon will be $15.00 you don’t need to pay the cashier, just come back to our room and we will collect from you and pay one bill to the restaurant Patrick Faricy, M.D., as the new medical director for the hospital’s cancer program. The devil is in the (resumé) details Perhaps it’s the rush to submit their resumés before other job candidates or too much focus on creating a visually appealing document. Whatever the reason, many job seekers are overlooking a critical step in the employment process — ensuring their application materials are clean and blunder-free. Thirty-four percent of executives surveyed recently cited typos or grammatical errors as the most common resumé mistake. The national poll includes responses from 150 senior executives — including those from human resources, finance and marketing departments — with the nation’s 1,000 largest companies. It was conducted by an independent research firm and developed by Accountemps, the world’s first and largest specialized staffing service for temporary accounting, finance and bookkeeping professionals. Executives were asked, “In your opinion, which of the following is smallest Hispanic newspapers, magazines and annuals utilize best practices that make them effective outreach partners and a critical component in an advertising campaign’s success. “The Hispanic print industry is offers the following suggestions for creating a winning resumé: • Tailor your resumé to each opportunity. A one-size-fits-all approach tells employers you have not taken the time to research their company. • Move from general to specific. Organize information in each section by beginning with a broader statement and following it with more detailed ones. • Keep it short. Resumés require brief statements that do not have to be complete sentences. Use bullet points to emphasize important details. • Avoid including personal information. What you cite should directly pertain to the opportunity and your career. • Proofread your resumé several times. Ask others to do so as well. • Leave off references. Today’s hiring managers assume you will provide these contacts. Remember to give your references a copy of your resumé and advance notice that they may be called. KRZA takes home three awards KRZA Community Radio, 88.7 FM was honored with three awards at the recent Colorado Broadcasters Association 2004 Awards of Excellence. The station received Certificates of Merit in two categories; Best Website Design for www.krza.org and Best Image Marketing Campaign for a Station, for their popular “Voices of Community” segments. The station also received an Award of Excellence for Best Single Event News Coverage for Kristine Taylor’s story covering the ruling which allowed access to Costilla County’s Taylor Ranch. This is the first year that KRZA participated in the CBA Awards. Please RSVP by noon on Monday, April 25th, 2005 by either calling Linda Jensen at 331-6385 or 635-0328 or emailing [email protected]. Hope to see you all there and be sure to bring your Business Cards and Literature And of course invite your friends and business acquaintances Any Reservations not canceled within 48 hours of the luncheon will be invoiced for the luncheon. Thank you for your support. We will be having a Business Card Name drawing, so bring your cards and if you Would like to donate an item for the give away please bring it with you to the luncheon. *If you would like to donate items to people with Diabetes that can not afford to purchase the correct kinds of food, please bring one of the items below and I will give to the Diabetes Resource Center. *Beans: Dried—all varieties, Canned – (low sodium), Rice: Brown & whole grain, Vegetables: Canned only, low sodium, Fruits: Lite & without syrup or dried fruits, Nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecan, sunflower seeds – all unsalted, Oatmeal Cereals: low in simple sugar, high fiber, Milk: Dried only, Oils: Canola, Olive, Flaxseed, Sunflower & other vegetable oils. I don’t take credit cards; so if you are paying by check please make the check payable to Linda Jensen I will give you a receipt for your records interprises.biz Web Hosting 16 99 2500 MB Space 40 GB Transfer month Free Web Builder 100 Email Accounts 24/7 Email & Phone Support $5 DOMAIN REGISTRATION!!! Limited time offer. 15-day money back guarantee. Annual contract required. 1-800-574-0902 ext. 4719 Page 8 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 COMMUNITY NEWS 21st Century Charter School @ Colorado Springs The goal of the 21st Century Charter School is to prepare students to meet the challenges of the 21st century through a program that develops skills that enable students to compete in the highly competitive working world. The school facility is a model of the 21st century education system. Learning spaces, called studios, foster imagination and creativity. The studios emphasize multi-sensory interaction, are functional and evoke modern technology offices rather than classrooms of the past. The 21st Century School creates an individualized learning plan for each student’s unique academic fingerprint. Students work part of the day on computer-assisted programs that monitor and require them to master the material before they move on to new topics. Other elements of the 21st Century program include: • Enrollment by age, not by grade level • Students are required to attend character development classes • The elective courses include music, art, Spanish, health, fitness. All encourage healthy and creative learning opportunities. • There is a dress code Students also share in projects that demand teamwork, problembased learning and integrated thematic experiences designed to meet content standards. All students are assessed under the same testing regime as all Colorado Public Schools including CSAP and other standardized assessments. In addition, students are encouraged to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and perspective through portfolios and other performance assessments. Teachers are guides and consultants. Their role requires compassion, organization and flexibility to adapt to the needs of their students and the community. Parents play an active in the education process helping teachers adjust programs to society’s needs. 21st Century Charter School requires students to accept responsibility for their actions through a system that encourages safe, caring and disciplined behavior. Respect for diversity and the environment are encourage and leadership skills are nurtured. The future will require strong computer skills, a disciplined work ethic, flexible skills to survive career shifts and the ability to manage lifelong learning demands. The 21st Century Charter School strives to develop excellence in all students preparing them for this life of challenge and fulfillment. Information supplied in a press release received April 6, 2005. St. Mary-Corwin hosts April 18 blood drive St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center in partnership with Bonfils Blood Center will host a blood drive on Monday, April 18, 2005 from 9 am to 1 pm in the Medical Arts Building parking lot, located at 1925 E. Orman Ave. Blood products are used for trauma emergencies, surgeries, burns, organ transplants, heart disease, cancer, sickle cell anemia and many other life-threatening medical conditions. Donations can help save up to three lives. Adults in good general health, weighing at least 110 pounds, 18 years or older, who have not had a tattoo or body piercing or traveled to a malarial area in the last 12 months and can pass a health screening are eligible to donate blood. To schedule an appointment, call Jillian at (719) 560-5556. African- Americans (17.6 percent) and Hispanics (12.1 percent). - The proportion of the foreignborn population with a high school diploma (67.2 percent) was lower than that of the native population (88.3 percent). However, the percentages with a bachelor’s degree or more were not statistically different (27.3 percent and 27.8 percent, respectively). The data on educational trends and attainment levels are shown by characteristics such as age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, occupation, industry, nativity and, if foreign-born, when they entered the country. The tables also describe the relationship between earnings and educational attainment. Although the statistics are primarily at the national level, some data are shown for regions and states. College degree doubles annual earnings New information from the U.S. Census Bureau reinforces the value of a college education: workers 18 and over with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $51,206 a year, while those with a high school diploma earn $27,915. Workers with an advanced degree make an average of $74,602, and those without a high school diploma average $18,734. According to new tables released on the Internet titled Educational Attainment in the United States: 2004, 85 percent of those age 25 or older reported they had completed at least high school and 28 percent had attained at least a bachelor’s degree — both record highs. Other highlights for the population 25 years and over in 2004: - Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska had the highest proportions of people with at least a high school diploma, all around 91 percent. Courteous & - The District of Columbia’s population had the highest proportion with a bachelor’s degree or higher at 45.7 percent, followed by Massachusetts (36.7 percent), Colorado (35.5 percent), New Hampshire (35.4 percent) and Maryland (35.2 percent). - At the regional level, the Midwest had the highest proportion of high school graduates (88.3 percent), followed by the Northeast (86.5 percent), the West (84.3 percent) and the South (83.0 percent). - The Northeast had the highest proportion of college graduates (30.9 percent), followed by the West (30.2 percent), the Midwest (26.0 percent) and the South (25.5 percent). - High school graduation rates for women continued to exceed those of men, 85.4 percent and 84.8 percent, respectively. On the other hand, men continued to have a higher proportion of their population with a bachelor’s degree or higher (29.4 percent Confidential Service Oldest Established Bail Agency in the County We Will Meet or Beat Any Rate Over 40 Years Experience 25 Agents on Call 24 Hours Ask About Our 4% Bond Fees on $1,500 & Above "Sleep in your own bed, call Fred" Fred or Ursula at 633-2727 compared with 26.1 percent). - Non-Hispanic whites had the highest proportion with a high school diploma or higher (90.0 percent), followed by Asians (86.8 percent), African-Americans (80.6 percent) and Hispanics (58.4 percent). - Asians had the highest proportion with a bachelor’s degree or higher (49.4 percent), followed by NonHispanic whites (30.6 percent), Discovering the FAC The Fine Arts Center has been listening to what children, our favorite critics, have to say. In response, The Fine Arts Center has embellished one of their finest programs, Museum Discovery Days. Every Saturday at 10 and 11:30 a.m. children can participate in hands-on, interactive activities led by art experts. Recommended for children ages 6-10, these museum experiences will introduce young people into the world of fine art. And while your child is being enriched, parents can enjoy a carefree hour with specialty coffees at Cravings beginning at 11 a.m. or visit the Museum Shop. What: Museum Discovery Days When: Every Saturday at 10 and 11:30 a.m. Where: Fine Arts Center, 30 West Dale Street Info: (719) 634-5583 or visit www.csfineartscenter.org. No Child Left Behind Cont. from page 1 Raising overall achievement and closing the achievement gap; • Making the school system accountable • Ensuring information is accessible and parents have options: Informing parents in a timely manner about the quality of their child’s school and their school choice options, identifying schools and districts that need to improve, developing a list of afterschool tutors, encouraging public school choice and the creation of charter schools and creating easily accessible and understandable school and district report cards; and • Improving teacher quality “This is a comprehensive approach to the implementation of this law,” Spellings said. “States seeking additional flexibility will get credit for the work they have done to reform their education systems as a whole.” Spellings announced that the first example of this approach would be to apply the latest scientific research and allow states to use modified assessments for their students with persistent academic disabilities who need more time and instruction to make substantial progress toward gradelevel achievement. These scores will be limited to 2 percent of all students for accountability purposes; this is a separate policy from the current regulation that allows up to 1 percent of all students being tested (those with the most significant cognitive disabilities) to take an alternate assessment. “This new approach recognizes that these children should not all be treated alike. By relying on the most current and accurate information on how children learn and how to best serve their academic needs, this new policy focuses on children. They continue to be included in the accountability system because we know that otherwise, they risk being ignored, as was often the case before No Child Left Behind.” Spellings also announced that she was directing an additional $14 million in immediate support for these students and that the Department would provide states with a comprehensive tool kit to help them identify and assess students with disabilities. More information about today’s announcement, including the Secretary’s speech and fact sheets on the new policy and the No Child Left Behind Act is available at www.ed.gov. Cinco de Mayo Issue April 28th 723 S. Cascade Ave. • Colorado Springs Place your Advertisement Now Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 9 DEPORTES PPIR sponsor returns for NASCAR Pikes Peak International Raceway (PPIR) announced on April 12, 2005 that ITT Industries, Systems Division and Goulds Pumps have signed on as the title sponsors of the NASCAR Busch Series Race. The official title of the event will be the “ITT Industries, Systems Division and Goulds Pumps Salute to the Troops 250 presented by Dodge.” “I can’t tell you how excited we are to have ITT Industries, Systems Division and Goulds Pumps back as the title sponsors for our NASCAR Busch Series event,” said PPIR President Rob Johnson. “This sponsorship is the perfect fit for our largest race weekend of the year as we once again pay tribute to the troops. We certainly hope to build upon this relationship for years to come.” “We are proud to be associated with NASCAR,” said Douglas Bingler, President, ITT Water Technology, Inc. “Being sponsors furthers our commitment to this magnificent sport keenly enjoyed both by our customers and employees.” PPIR is the premier motor sports facility in the Rocky Mountain Region. With seating for 42,700 fans and 31 luxury suites, PPIR makes for the perfect racing venue, whether on the one-mile-paved oval or the 1.315-mile road course. The track is conveniently located just off I-25 at mile marker 123. Coming up in 2005 at PPIR: May 21-22 Superbikes presented by Honda Motorcycles 3rd Annual Drive-In Autosound GRAVITY CHECK presented by Torque featuring Team Kicker July 3 Rocky Mountain Classic featuring: USAC and Star Mazda Series Racing Southern Colorado’s largest Fireworks Show July 22-23 ITT Industries, Systems Division and Goulds Pumps Salute to the Troops 250 NASCAR Busch Series Race presented by Dodge Freedom 150 NASCAR AutoZone Midwest Series Race Aug. 20-21 Honda Indy 225 IRL IndyCar Series Race Pikes Peak 100 IRL Menards Infiniti Pro Series Race NAPA Auto Parts 150 NASCAR West Series Race presented by NAPA Belts and Hose Single event tickets can be purchased on line at www.ppir.com, any front range King Soopers, Western Slope City Markets or by calling 1888-306-7223. Individuals with a valid military ID are entitled to 50% off any single adult race day ticket. Nuggets earn secondstraight playoff berth Tickets to go on sale April 23 The Denver Nuggets have clinched a spot in the NBA Playoffs for the second-straight year with their win over Golden State. The Nuggets, who have gone 22-2 since the All-Star break, will make back-to-back appearances in the NBA Playoffs for the first time since 1994 and 1995. The club has engineered a remarkable turnaround, winning 29 of its last 35 games after starting the season 17-25. Tickets for Nuggets home playoff games will go on sale to the public at noon on Saturday, April 23 at all Ticketmaster locations and the Pepsi Center Box Office. Fans can also order tickets by phone at 1800-4NBA-TIX or via the Internet at www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets may be purchased at the Pepsi Center by credit card, cash or check. A lottery for position in line will be completed at the Pepsi Center. Doors will open at 10 a.m. for the lottery and fans must be inside the arena by 10:30 a.m. to be included. Tickets for all three potential first round home games will be available on the 23rd and will start at $12. There will be a limit of eight tickets per person. CSU - Pueblo sponsors X-Challenge competition Run, bike, climb, swim or paddle your way to Colorado State University – Pueblo for the sixth annual X-Challenge scheduled on Saturday, April 30. Registration now is underway for this extreme competition in which 16 co-ed teams of four compete in a mountain bike relay, a climbing wall relay, a kayak/ run relay, and a ropes/ challenge course for each team’s share of prizes and the esteemed honor of being named the 2005 XChallenge Champions. Students in the CSU-Pueblo Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion and Recreation, in conjunction with the University’s Experiential Learning Center sponsor the event. Registration is being taken online at www.active.com click on Individual Sports search under CSU-Pueblo X-Challenge. On-campus early registration will be held from 8 am - 2 pm on Monday, April 18. Early registration fees in the form of check and cash are $45 for a team of four. Online registration at www.active.com is available for $51 plus applicable fees with credit card for your team of four. The competition is open to individuals age 18 and up. Registrations close April 28, 2005. For more information about the CSU-Pueblo X-Challenge, call (719) 549-2381. Page 10 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 ENTERTAINMENT Chihuly lecture by Dr. Michael de Marsche Hear the complete story of the background, development and eventual installation of the exhibition Chihuly at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center presented by Dr. Michael De Marsche, President and CEO, on Sunday, April 17 at 2 pm. See a preview of the pieces comprising the exhibition and its unique organization. Dr. De Marsche’s association with Dale Chihuly began in 2000 when he commissioned a large 3tier chandelier for the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Art at Auburn University. Subsequently, De Marsche has been involved in the commission of the Dale Chihuly Chandelier that was installed recently in the Fine Arts Center ’s entrance lobby. The lecture is free and open to the public as part of The Docent Krupinski Memorial Lecture series, an annual docent sponsored event that was established in 1800-709-2838 Boletos de Ida y vuelta saliendo de Denver o Colorado Springs: $650 Caracas $480 Panama $370 Santiago,Chile $640 Cancun $350 Salvador $370 Sao Paulo,Rio $520 PuertoVallarta $350 Guatemala $440 Mexico $325 Merida $360 Lima $440 Guadalajara $325 Acapulco $360 Quito $570 Bogota $540 Montevideo $810 Guayaquil $570 *Impuestos no incluidos. Precios pueden cambiar sin previo aviso *Aplican algunas restricciones WWW.AMIGOBESTFARES.COM DIAMOND BILLIARD LOUNGE erly C O R N E R Form PO C K E T MA I N 3780 E. Boulder • Colorado Springs • 596-9516 H o u r s Noon - 2am Now Hiring • Wait Staff • Camareros Call Jim at (719) 597-9809 After 1:00 PM 12oz $3.25 24oz What: Chihuly lecture by Dr. Michael de Marsche When: Sunday, April 17 at 2 pm Where: Fine Arts Center, 30 West Dale Street. Info: (719) 634-5583 or visit www.csfineartscenter.org Creative writing, sculptures, pottery, paintings and drawings and other works of art and crafts submitted by middle and high school students from throughout southeast Colorado were on display at the 49th annual Otero Arts Festival held at McDivitt Center gymnasium on the Otero Junior College campus. Begun as an art contest for elementary and secondary school students 49 years ago, the Otero Arts Festival is the longest running event for public school students that is continuing to be sponsored by the college. This year 34 schools from throughout southeastern Colorado participated in the Festival, with 2278 entries, a record number. Liming - Title: ”Sea Turtle”, Swink High School; Tiffany Rameriz - Title: ”This Little Piggy”, Fowler High School FineArts League Best of Show Senior Division: Marlayna Perry - Title: ”Jungle Gym”, Rocky Ford High School; Erin Karney - Title: ”The Beauty of Color”, La Junta High School Junior Division: George McLean - Title: ”Elefante”, Manzanola Middle School Junior Runner Up: Feliza Estrada - Title: ”Still Life with Cones”, Las Animas Middle School Sr. Portfolio Scholarship Award: Dana Lundy, Fowler High School Art winners named at the Festival included: Art Contest Scholarship & Special Awards Otero Junior College Scholarship: Melissa Martinez, La Junta High School; Nic Cunningham, Las Animas High School Alternate: Brooke Klein, Swink High School Colorado State University— Pueblo Scholarship: Savannah Vagher, Wiley High School Alternates: Melissa Martinez, La Junta High School; Ray Martinez, Granada High School Trinidad State Junior College Scholarship Shane Murphy, Swink High School Alternate: Demetri Melgosa, Wiley High School Adams State College Scholarship Ray Martinez, Granada High School Alternates: Dana Lundy, Fowler High School; Luis Bailon, Jr; Rocky Ford High School President’s Award Raymond Martinez - Title: ”Eyes”, Granada High School Judge’s Best of Show Senior Division: Ivan Cardenas Title: ”El Pezuano”, Las Animas High School; Santino Apodaca Title: ”Country Roads”, Jefferson Middle School Best Representative Works: Jacob High School students with a passion for theatre are invited to attend The Denver Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) “Future Artists Forum.” Future Artists Forums are monthly seminars, coordinated by the DCPA’s Education Department, which allow high school students the opportunity to learn about careers in stage and film from some of Denver’s top actors, directors and designers. What: Playwriting and Screenwriting for Stage and Film When: Tuesday, April 19, 6:30-8 pm Where: Historic Tramway Building at 1101 13th Street on the third floor Who: High School students with a passion for theatre. How: Free to the public; please register by contacting Anne Penner at [email protected] or 303.893.6073. Art Senior PortfolioAwards First Place: Savannah Vagher, Wiley High School Second Place: Lee Holder, Swink High School Third Place: Sarah Morgan, Swink High School Fourth Place: Shane Murphy, Swink High School Honorable Mention: Brooke Klein, Swink High School Come Check Aspiring playwrights and screenwriters Us Out invited to free forum • NEW Diamond Bar Tables • NEW Carpet • NEW Chairs Ect..Ect...Ect... DAY & NIGHT $1.75 of Chihuly glass in the United States in 2005. It offers the culmination of Dr. De Marsche’s 5-year effort with Chihuly and his studio. Otero Arts Festival winners AMIGO TRAVEL Buenos Aires memory of Colonel and Mrs. Francis Krupinski. Chihuly at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center opens on April 22 and is one of the largest exhibitions Cinco de Mayo Issue April 28th Place your Advertisement Now Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 11 ENTERTAINMENT Selena ¡Vive! breaks audience records Hispanic America joined a soldout Reliant Stadium of over 50,000 devoted fans as the Univision Television Network broadcast Selena ¡Vive! its star-studded tribute to the Queen of Tejano music, live last Thursday night. The telecast also went on to achieve a record breaking 35.9 household rating to become the highest rated and most viewed Spanish-language TV special ever and was the #1 program regardless of language among Adults 18-34 in Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco while tying for first place in New York. Emotions clearly ran high as the 3-hour spectacular began with a heartfelt introduction by Selena’s motion picture portrayer, Jennifer López, followed by Selena’s Pop sensation Paulina Rubio gave an emotional performance of Fotos Y Recuerdos original greeting to the fans of her last concert at the Houston Astrodome 10 years ago. The musical tribute then kicked into high gear with superstar Thalía’s opening interpretation of the Selena hit, Amor Prohibido. Then a cavalcade of Latin music’s biggest stars performed a wide collection of Selena’s biggest hits. The immensely popular group Banda el Recodo gave a rhythmic rendition of Techno Cumbia. Then Puerto Rican salsa star India performed No Debes Juga. After a short video recounting Selena’s discovery, a cacophony of car horns was heard at the start of the next number as Mexican recording artist Ana Barbara performed La Carcacha along with a full complement of dancers. The poignant duet Buenos Amigos was then performed by newcomer Mariana Seoane and popular heartthrob Pablo Montero, and Grupero music star Alicia Villarreal wrapped up the segment with Si Una Vez. Following another video recalling Selena’s international success, popular Mexican singer Ana Gabriel dedicated her performance of one of Selena’s favorite classics Tú, Sólo Tú to her memory. She then introduced Pepe Aguilar, who likewise Thalía opened the concert with Selena’s hit, Amor Prohibido dedicated his rendition of No Me Y Recuerdos by the alwaysQueda Más. Then, after a video exciting pop sensation Paulina depicting Selena’s origins in Rubio. Texas, the audience was treated to The next video segment retold Cont. on page 19 an electrifying production of Fotos 3CREENPLAYANDADAPTATION BY"ETTY#OMDEN AND!DOLPH'REEN -USICBY.ACIO(ERB"ROWN ,YRICSBY!RTHUR&REED Jaw-dropping juggling The 2004-2005 Center Stage Performing Arts Series season will close with an edgy and hilarious show of comedy and juggling from The Passing Zone on Friday, April 22, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Theater. Jugglers have been around for thousand of years. But these guys are different. They really are. And not just because they wear tights while tossing gasoline-powered destructo-devices at each other. The Passing Zone performers, comedians and innovators, Owen Morse and Jon Wee, have created a funny, wild and crazy show of juggling unconventional objects like chainsaws. How do you top juggling chainsaws? Juggle people, of course. Together, they have five Guinness World Records, are the first duo to pass eleven clubs and have received 18 gold medals from the International Jugglers Association. And, their TV credits are as impressive including The Tonight Show, The Today Show, Live with Regis & Kathie Lee and The Miss America Pageant. Owen Morse and John Wee met in 1986 in a juggling convention and knew they were destined to be a team. Two weeks after their first show in 1988, they won the silver medal at the International Jugglers’ Association Teams Competition. They took the gold medal the next year. That recognition earned an invitation to appear at the Comedy and Magic Club in Los Angeles, and their first feature film followed, appearing in The Addams Family movie released in 1991, doubling for Gomez (Raul Julia) and Uncle Fester (Christopher Lloyd) in the climactic Mamoushka daggerpassing scene. The Passing Zone is sponsored by Bill & Elaine Nicoll and the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado. What: The Passing Zone When: Friday, April 22, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. Where: Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Theater, 210 N. Santa Fe Ave. Pueblo Tickets: $20. Call 719-295-7222 or stop by the Arts Center box office 3INGININTHE2AIN 3PONSOREDBY $IRECTEDBY-ARK(ENNESSYs-USIC$IRECTIONBY2OBERTA*ACYSHYNs#HOREOGRAPHYBY0ETER3TRAND $SULO²0D\ &RIDAYSAND3ATURDAYSATPMAND3UNDAYSATPM 4)#+%43ORWWWCSlNEARTSCENTERORG What a glorious feelin’ The REP at the Fine Arts Center continues its 2004-05 musical season with the classic Singin’ in the Rain, running from April 29 thru May 22, 2005. You know the plot, adore the characters, can’t stop humming the song. Join The REP as they present a loving and faithful adaptation of one of the most beloved film classics of all time. Producer Sandra Womochil Bray, director Mark Hennessy and designer Nancy Hankin will bring this joyful musical to life. Choreographer Peter Strand will create the amazing dance numbers while Roberta Jacyshyn once again holds the conductor’s baton. It is sure to be a great evening of theatre…complete with rain of course! What: Singin’ in the Rain When: April 29 - May 22, 2005. Fridays & Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 2 pm. Tickets: $22 for FAC members in advance, $24 for public in advance and $26 at the door. Group rates are available at the Box Office. Where: FAC, 30 West Dale Street, by calling (719) 634-5583. Info: www.csfineartscenter.org 0DNHLWDQHYHQLQJ )NDULGEYOURSENSESWITHlNEDININGAND SENSATIONALTHEATRE #ALLTOMAKERESERVATIONS 2EP 4HEATRE3EASON PRESENTEDBY $)!-/.$30/.3/23 0REMIER3PONSORS Page 12 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 AUTOMUNDO Verona sedan gets even better in 2005 With the arrival of the Verona as a 2004 model, Suzuki made its first entry into the midsize sedan class, going head to head with cars like Camry, Accord and Altima. Now in 2005, the Verona has become an even more formidable flagship for Suzuki, sporting a variety of new features and upgrades, including standard front seat-mounted side airbags on all trim levels. In the highly competitive midsize segment, the Suzuki Verona stands out by combining European design, a superior level of standard features and the only standard in-line, six-cylinder engine in its class. Plus, it is backed by America’s number one warranty. True to form for Suzuki, the Verona exceeds buyer expectations with style, a wealth of features and sophisticated engineering that competitors don’t offer. The Verona’s six-cylinder engine is smoother and more refined than standard four-cylinder rear center armrest with cupholders make the vehicle feel upscale. An AM/FM CD/cassette audio system and six powerful speakers are paired with sound system controls conveniently located on the steering wheel. You’ll also find heated power side mirrors, speedsensitive power steering, and leather-wrapped steering wheel and shifter. The standard keyless entry system integrates the key and Johnny Chavez fob into one unit and arms an antiat Phil Long KIA, Chapel Hills theft device when the doors are Direct: 719-867-6812. locked. Anti-lock brakes are If no answer please leave message offered as an option on the Verona S. The Verona LX comes standard with four-wheel anti-lock brakes, 16-inch alloy wheels, automatic climate control with micron airfiltration system, outside temperature display and a power tilt-and-slide sunroof. The top of the line EX adds luxurious leather seating surfaces, eight-way power driver’s seat, heated front seats, UV-reducing solar glass and electrochromic auto-dimming rearview mirror. Four-cylinder engines are the typical base engines among most midsize sedans, but the Verona models come with a smooth in-line STOCK #ES539 six-cylinder Features: engine. More • Ultrasonic Rear Parking Assist • 345 HP Vortec HO 6000 V8 vibration-free • Road Sensing Suspension • Dual Stage Air Bags than in-line • Select Edition Package: • Media Systems fours this - Sunroof • AWD and All-Speed Traction unique layout - Chrome Wheels - DVD Navigation System • Stability Enhancement System combines the smoothness of M.S.R.P. – $60,395 a straight six GMAC Bonus Cash* – $1,000 with the Total Cash Savings – $5,000 enhanced passenger RED NOLAND SALES PRICE: room of a transversem o u n t e d engine. * Must qualify and finance with GMAC to receive $1,000 bonus cash. The Verona’s Discounts may vary based on type of vehicle, equipment ordered and other factors. Please see dealer for additional information. all-aluminum, Taxes and title extra. Offer good through March 31, 2005. Please call Joel Defazio for the most current incentives 719-633-4633. d o u b l e overhead cam, 990 Motor City Drive • Colorado Springs, CO 80906 • 719.633.4633 • www.rednoland.com/cadillac 24-valve, 2.5liter six makes a strong 155 horsepower at Need a Car? engines. Thanks to the engine’s transverse layout, the Verona has a wider stance and more passenger room as well. Verona’s smooth running in-line six-cylinder engine features longer-lasting iridium-tipped spark plugs. The new tire pressure monitoring system is standard, alerting the driver via a warning light when tire pressure becomes critically low. The mid-level Verona LX now comes standard with a power tilt-and-slide sunroof (it remains standard equipment on the line-topping EX). Safety features have been upgraded in the 2005 Verona as well, with the arrival of a new advanced weight-sensing passenger-side front airbag, along with front seat-mounted side airbags. The Verona S’s attractive interior is softened with woodgrain accents and equipped with numerous storage spaces and cupholders. Touches like a electroluminescent instrument array and fold-down Red Noland 2005 Cadillac Escalade $55,395 5,800 rpm. A variable induction system not only improves fuel efficiency, but also helps the engine to generate 177 lb.-ft. of torque at a low 4,000 rpm. That’s more torque than the base 2005 Camry and Accord - and that means quick power when merging onto fast-moving freeways or passing slow-moving vehicles on two-lane country roads. To complement the smoothn power of the straight six-cylinder engine, the front-wheel-drive Verona comes standard with automatic transmission featuring adaptive control. The four-speed transmission recognizes the driver’s driving behavior and road conditions and adapts itself to either an economy, normal or sporty mode for the optimum shifting pattern in any situation. The Verona features a complement of technologies that come into play when an accident is unavoidable. The stamped steel unibody design is engineered with crush zones designed to dissipate impact energy, while the cage-like passenger compartment helps to prevent intrusion into the interior. Front and rear side-impact door beams are engineered to transfer crash energy into the body shell and help to maintain the integrity of the interior compartment. Dual-stage front airbags provide another layer of protection; in 2005, an advanced airbag is used on the passenger side. In addition, all Verona models now come standard with front seat-mounted side airbags and the front seatbelts feature height adjusters, pretensioners and load limiters. Meanwhile, in back, all three rear-seating positions have threepoint belts and headrests. Back seat child-seat tether anchors and the LATCH system are standard. Like all 2005 Suzuki models, the Verona is covered by an unmatched warranty. All Suzuki vehicles boast a 100,000-mile/7year powertrain limited warranty that is fully transferable to succeeding owners and free of deductibles for covered items. This is on top of the 36,000-mile/ 3-year new-vehicle limited warranty. The 100,000-mile/7year powertrain limited warranty covers the engine, transaxle, transmission, front and/or rear drive system and transfer case (when so equipped). 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 13 AUTOMUNDO Proper tire care helps keep your vehicle rolling Experts say that poor maintenance of a vehicle’s tires is a risk no motorist can afford. During April Car Care Month, GM Goodwrench is reminding drivers of the importance of maintaining their tires to help avoid uneven wear, poor performance – or even blowouts, which may result in loss of control of the vehicle. Most drivers agree that tires are a critical safety component of their vehicle. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates tire failures/blowouts contribute to 414 deaths and 10,275 non-fatal injuries each year in the US. Statistics show that some drivers do not follow the basic tire maintenance guidelines that can help prevent tire failures. For example, the Car Care Council reports that 26 percent of the vehicles inspected at check lanes during the last Car Care Month had low air pressure in one or more of their tires. Under-inflation is the leading cause of tire failure, according to the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA). “W e all want our families to be safe and secure on the road, and that begins with proper vehicle care and maintenance,” said Doug Herberger, GM North America vice president and general manager of Service and Parts Operations. “Although today’s tires are more technologically advanced than ever before, regular visual inspections and maintenance are critical to enabling tires to perform at their best.” What causes a tire to blow out? Besides obvious road hazards such as potholes and road debris, improper air pressure can cause a tire to blow out or fail. Underinflation or overloading creates excessive stresses and heat, and can lead to tire failure, which could result in a crash leading to vehicle damage, serious injury or even death, according to the RMA. The association adds that proper inflation extends tire life and saves fuel. Drivers can help prevent potential tire failures with expert advice and service from their dealership. Other Tire Tips Blowouts: If your tire sustains a blowout while you are driving, do not slam on your brakes. Slamming on your brakes can GM lanza el Botón Estrella General Motors anunció esta semana el regreso del Botón Estrella, su programa de mercadeo que se llevará a cabo entre el 11 de abril y el 31 de mayo de 2005. Este programa tiene como objetivo destacar la variedad de los autos, las camionetas y los SUV de GM que le ofrecen a los conductores Seguridad Continua – protección antes, durante y después de una colisión. Los consumidores podrán ver en acción la tecnología OnStar en el concesionario local de GM, así como también podrán entender mejor todas las características de seguridad que están marcando la pauta en la industria y las cuales están disponibles en la línea de productos de GM. El Botón Estrella es el programa más reciente de una serie de iniciativas ejecutadas en los últimos meses con el fin de promover todo lo que ofrecen las marcas de GM, incluyendo su campaña “Sólo GM”, y los planes anunciando que OnStar (incluyendo el servicio de un año de OnStar) y StabiliTrak (control de estabilidad electrónico) serán estándar en todo auto y camioneta nuevos vendidos en los Estados Unidos y Canadá para fines de 2010. Basados en el éxito del programa de Botón Estrella del 2004, el cual atrajo a casi dos millones de personas a los concesionarios de GM, los consumidores tienen otra oportunidad de ganar 1,000 vehículos de los 58 modelos que representan las divisiones de GM, incluyendo Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab y Saturn. “El programa Botón Estrella original fue el primero en la industria y alcanzó resultados sin precedentes en cuanto al número de consumidores que visitaron los concesionarios de GM, incluyendo los cientos de miles que de otra forma no hubiesen podido ver los productos de GM”, dijo Brent Dewar, Vicepresidente de Mercadeo y Ventas de GM North America. “Con 14 nuevos vehículos que GM presentó en los Estados Unidos el año pasado y los otros vehículos nuevos que hemos presentados hasta la fecha este año, hay suficiente para que los consumidores puedan ver y comprobar por sí mismos en los concesionarios de GM. Este año, GM se sobrepasó con una oferta en efectivo y por lo tanto esperamos que más personas visiten los concesionarios de GM y participen en el juego”. A partir del 11 de abril, los consumidores elegibles tienen la oportunidad de ganar uno de 1,000 vehículos de 2006 al visitar los concesionarios de GM participantes y oprimir el Botón Estrella de OnStar en los autos designados especialmente para este programa. Se animará a los participantes a visitar www.OnlyGM.com para que se informen sobre la Seguridad Continua de GM: un conjunto de características de seguridad que incluyen protección antes, durante y después de la colisión de un vehículo. “A principios de este año, anunciamos que para finales de 2010, dos tecnologías de seguridad, OnStar y StabiliTrak, serán estándar en los vehículos vendidos al por menor en los Estados Unidos y Canadá”, dijo Dewar. “El Botón Estrella” es el próximo paso en la evolución de nuestros esfuerzos con el fin que los consumidores puedan tener interacción con la tecnología de OnStar y puedan aprender más de su concesionario sobre las características de seguridad cause the vehicle to swerve in the direction of the blowout. Instead, gently apply the brakes to regain control and slowly guide the vehicle to a safe area away from the road. Air Pressure: Tire pressure is measured in pounds per square inch, or psi. Tires lose air through the process of permeation. Changes in outdoor temperature can affect the rate at which a tire loses air. Typically, a tire loses one pound to two pounds of pressure per month, and even more in warm weather. To help avoid under inflation, the RMA recommends checking the air pressure in your tires at least once a month and before every long trip. Tires must be checked when they are cold – that is, before they have been run no more than one mile (1.6 km). Never bleed or reduce air continuas”. Los consumidores son elegibles para recibir $1,000 en efectivo del Botón Estrella y lo pueden usar para la compra o el arrendamiento de un auto o camioneta GM de 2004 ó 2005. La promoción de dinero en efectivo estará vigente desde el 5 de abril al 31 de mayo de 2005. Cuando el consumidor visite el concesionario, se le dará la opción de oprimir el Botón Estrella en inglés o español. Las reglas oficiales están disponibles en www.gm.com/hotbutton a partir del 11 de abril. El sitio provee a los consumidores las reglas del programa, los vehículos elegibles y la lista de concesionarios. El programa Botón Estrella de GM finaliza el 31 de mayo. pressure when tires are hot. It is normal for pressures to build up as a result of driving. T read wear/ when to buy a new tire: You can check your tires for proper tread by taking a penny and pinching Lincoln’s body between your thumb and forefinger. Put Lincoln’s head in a groove on the tread. If any part of Lincoln’s head is obscured by the tread, the tire has good tread. If you can see above his head, visit your dealership for a new tire. During April, participating Colorado Springs/ Pueblo GM Goodwrench Dealers are offering free multi-point vehicle inspections. Items to be inspected include tires, batteries, fluid levels, windshield wipers, lights, belts and hoses. For more information about the free inspection, consumers can visit Goodwrench.com. BUY • SELL • TRADE Cars • Trucks • SUVs • Mini Vans • FREE Oil Change and Maintenance For 2 years • 2 Year Power Train WARRANTY on Most Vehicles • Rent To Own on Select Models • Financing Available, LOW Monthly Payments 1997 Cadillac Eldorado POWER EVERYTHING, LOADED, LTHR, AC, AT, CD $10,995.00 #97ELDBT 1997 Buick Park Avenue POWER EVERYTHING, LOADED, LTHR, AC, AT, CD $7,995.00 #97PKABT RENT TO OWN Available on select models Call or Visit Us At AA Auto Rentals & Sales 471-8585 Aaautorentalcos.com 602 W. Colorado Ave. WHERE EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A HONDA! The All New 2005 HONDA ODYSSEY “Safety For Everyone” a philosophy that’s alive and well at HONDA AAA and Parents magazine have honored the 2004 Odyssey by naming it to their prestigious list of the best family vehicles on the road today. Criteria included such factors as safety and fuel economy. The reviewers also tested a variety of child safety seats to make sure that they could be installed easily and securely. The 15 vehicles that were named on the list were among the top performers in crash tests conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). PROUD SPO NSOR OF "ALIVE TO STRIVE" 1001 S. ACADEMY BOULEVARD 597-4500 www.teamhondacolorado.com SALES: WHERE EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A HONDA Mon-Fri 8am-7:30pm Sat 8am-6pm SERVICE: Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm Sat 8am-5pm Page 14 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 SALUD California-based manufacturer, is recalling the 7 oz Archer Farm brand cookies. The cookies are being recalled because they may contain milk, which was not mentioned in their list of ingredients and to which some people may be allergic. Susan Parachini, wholesale food program manager for the Stores in Colorado, to not eat the Colorado Department of Public cookies but to return them to the Health and Environment’s Consumer Protection Division, store of purchase for a refund. Too Good Gourmet, Inc, a said, “While no allergic reactions have been reported to Too Good Gourmet, people who have an allergy to milk run the risk of serious allergic reaction if they Archer Farm cookies recalled due to undeclared milk State health officials Wednesday urged consumers, who purchased Archer Farms Espresso Mocha Cookies at local Target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e habla español consume these products.” According to Parachini, while Target Stores in Colorado are being contacted to remove any remaining product from the shelves, some people may have purchased the cookies and have them at home. The cookies were available at Colorado Target locations in December 2004. Consumers were advised to look for the date code of 0805 on the exterior of the paperboard carton of the recalled cookie boxes. The cookies are packaged in trays of nine cookies. The Espresso Mocha cookies are easily identified by their coffee odor. Additionally, a small number of boxes have been found to contain Archer Farms Chocolate Chunk Cookies, rather than the Espresso Mocha cookies. The chocolate chunk cookies also contain milk. Consumers who have purchased any Archer Farms cookies labeled as Espresso Mocha Cookies are urged to return them to point of purchase for a refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at (877) 850-4663 or for more information, the public may contact the Department of Public Health and Environment’s Consumer Protection Division at (303) 692-3620. St. Mary-Corwin offers low-cost and free health screenings St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center and Pueblo Community College have partnered with Sam’s Club to present the 26th Annual 9Health Fair on April 22, 2005 from 7 to 10 am. Various health screenings will be offered at Sam’s Club, 412 Eagleridge Blvd, including height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, optical and glucose testing. Fasting for 12 hours before the blood screening, unless you are diabetic, is recommended for accurate results. Drink plenty of water while fasting to avoid dehydration, and continue to take prescribed medications. All screening participants will receive a follow-up postcard encouraging them to seek further evaluation and medical treatment, if necessary. An optional 32-component blood analysis, including coronary risk ratio, thyroid, diabetes, full lipid panel, liver and kidney function is available for $30. During this analysis, men over the age of 40 can receive a prostate cancer screening for an additional $25. Colorectal screening kits can be purchased for $5. Blood analysis vouchers can be purchased in advance for someone you care about. You can also bring any old eyeglasses you may have that could benefit someone else, or bring unnecessary medication bottles for proper destruction. Pre-registration for the 9Health Fair will be held on Friday, April 15, 2005 from 10 am to noon at Sam’s Club. Peak Vista moves clinics Peak Vista Community Health Centers announced they are moving several programs to better accommodate their patients, physicians and volunteers. The moves will be of Peak Vista’s Specialty Clinic and First Visitor program. Peak Vista’s Specialty Clinic where approximately 30 outside physicians donate their services to the uninsured and working families of El Paso and Teller counties, will be moved from its current International Circle site to 2502 East Pikes Peak Avenue where Peak Vista’s Immediate Care Clinic and Pediatric Health Clinic are also located. The move better accommodates space requirements, parking and patient needs. First Visitor, another program of Peak Vista, will also move from its Printers Parkway site to the 2502 East Pikes Peak Avenue location. First Visitor provides home visits to families with newborns. With the move, volunteers and staff attached to First Visitor will have easier access to and communication with Pediatric Health Clinic associates also located at the Pikes Peak facility. Peak Vista Community Health Centers is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide exceptional healthcare for people facing access barriers. Established in 1971, Peak Vista annually offers primary medical care and dental services to over 44,000 residents of the Pikes Peak region. To learn more about Peak Vista, visit www.peakvista.org The road to diabetes management (NUE) - Any long trip involves careful planning, patience and a positive attitude. For the 18.2 million Americans with diabetes, the journey to diabetes management is a lifelong endeavor. The directions on the road map to success are easy to remember. “Proper nutrition, regular exercise and frequent blood glucose monitoring are the cornerstones of successful diabetes management,” says Lorena Drago, a certified diabetes educator. “Work with your health care professional to develop a diabetes action plan, and you’re on the road to successfully managing diabetes!” Drago recommends the following tips to help you on your way towards better diabetes management. - Break the fast. Studies show that even a 5 percent weight loss can positively affect your health and reduce diabetes-related complications. For a person weighing 200 pounds, that’s just 10 pounds. Eating three meals a day and establishing regular meal times can help control calorie intake and manage weight. Pay special attention to breakfast. According to the National Weight Control Registry, people who regularly eat breakfast are more likely to achieve and maintain weight loss. During the morning rush, grab a delicious Glucerna bar or shake. They’re convenient and contain slowly digested carbohydrates that help avoid peaks in blood sugar levels. - Reduce stress. Stressful situations can cause blood sugar to rise or fall. Walking, stretching and dancing can all help reduce stress and lower blood sugar levels. Keeping a journal to write down positive thoughts also helps you work through stressful times. - Be prepared while on-the-move. It’s important to carry diabetes medications, a blood glucose meter and supplies with you at all times. Free Style Flash, the smallest blood glucose meter in the world, easily fits into a purse or briefcase. These supplies are essential if illness, flight delays or other unexpected situations arise. To encourage better management among the millions of Americans with diabetes, the makers of Glucerna and FreeStyle products are hitting the road with the “Taking Diabetes Freedom to the Streets” tour. They are asking people with diabetes and their caretakers to take the Diabetes Freedom pledge and commit to manage diabetes or help others manage the condition 365 days a year. Visit www.diabetesfreedom .com or call (800) 986-8935 to take the pledge and receive valuable info to help you take control and experience “diabetes freedom” through a healthier lifestyle. 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 15 SALUD FDA aprueba Asmanex para el control del asma Schering-Plough Corporation anunció que la Administración de Alimentos y Fármacos de Estados Unidos (FDA) ha aprobado el uso de Asmanex Twisthaler 220 mcg (furoato de mometasona en polvo para inhalación) para el tratamiento de control de primera línea del asma como terapia preventiva en pacientes de 12 años de edad y mayores. Asmanex es también la única terapia controladora del asma mediante inhalación aprobada para iniciación una vez al día y para control del asma en pacientes previamente tratados solamente con broncodilatadores o corticosteroides inhalados. Estudios clínicos con Asmanex han mostrado mejora sustancial de la función pulmonar, disminución en el uso de fármacos de rescate, disminución en la cantidad de veces que los pacientes despiertan durante la noche y mejoras significativas en los síntomas durante el día como tos y resuello. “Asmanex es una terapia de primera línea muy efectiva que ofrece a los profesionales de la asistencia médica y a sus pacientes una terapia con una sola dosis diaria para ayudar a prevenir síntomas asmáticos persistentes”, señaló el Dr. Harold Nelson, Profesor de Medicina del Departamento de Medicina del Centro Nacional Hebreo para Investigaciones y Medicina, del Centro de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Colorado en Denver, Colorado. En un ensayo clínico, Asmanex mostró mejora sustancial en la función pulmonar y disminuyó el uso de albuterol (fármaco de rescate) en comparación con el placebo, como se evidenció en un estudio de 12 semanas, multicentro, al azar, doble ciego, controlado con placebo de 400 pacientes con asma persistente previamente dependientes de terapia basado en corticosteroides inhalados. Al terminar, los pacientes que recibieron Asmanex redujeron significativamente la cantidad de veces que despertaron durante la noche así como los síntomas diurnos — recibiendo alivio durante la noche y durante el día. Las directrices del NAEPP (Programa Nacional de Prevención y Educación sobre el Asma) para el tratamiento del asma recomiendan corticosteroides inhalados en dosis pequeñas y con un ingrediente único como la base de la terapia para el control del asma persistente media. Asmanex fue descubierta y desarrollada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Schering-Plough y en la actualidad está aprobada para el tratamiento del asma en más que 40 países. El furoato de mometasona, el ingrediente activo en Asmanex, se introdujo por primera vez en Estados Unidos en 1987 como la pomada dermatológica, ELOCON (pomada de furoato de mometasona) y en 1997 como el aerosol nasal, NASONEX (monohidrato de furoato de mometasona). En ensayos clínicos con Asmanex, los efectos secundarios tuvieron por lo general una severidad de media a moderada. La siguiente incidencia de efectos secundarios comunes se basa en datos a doble ciego de diez ensayos clínicos controlados con placebo en los que participaron un total de 2,809 pacientes tratados previamente con esteroides inhalados y/ o broncodilatadores (1,140 hombres, 1,669 mujeres, edades 12-83 años), quienes recibieron tratamiento hasta por 12 semanas con Asmanex, un comparador activo, o placebo. Los efectos secundarios tuvieron por lo general una severidad media a moderada e incluyeron dolor de cabeza, rinitis alérgica, faringitis, infección respiratoria superior, sinusitis, candidiasis oral, dismenorrea, dolor músculo esquelético, dolor de espalda, dispepsia, mialgia, dolor abdominal, y nausea. Asmanex ofrece un corticosteroide inhalado efectivo para controlar los síntomas asmáticos en un aparato fácil de utilizar que recibió el premio DuPont Award por innovación en el empaque. El Asmanex Twisthaler emplea un dispositivo que funciona mediante inhalación, que no usa propelente, eliminando de esta forma la necesidad de coordinación mano-respiración, y le proporciona a los pacientes un contador de dosis que brinda la indicación visual de las dosis remanentes. La dosis inicial recomendada de Asmanex es una inhalación diaria en la noche para pacientes tratados previamente solamente con broncodilatadores o corticosteroides inhalados. En el caso de pacientes que recibían previamente corticosteroides por vía oral, la dosis inicial recomendada de Asmanex es de dos inhalaciones dos veces al día. Puede encontrar información detallada sobre prescripción en www.spfiles.com/piasmanex.pdf. DR. RICHARD HARBISON MD, MPH, OFRECE SERVICIOS EN: MEDICINA INTERNA * PERDIDA DE PESO * LA MESOTERAPIA * EXAMENES DE LABORATORIO * EXAMENES FISICOS DE IMIGRACIÓN * VACUNAS Se habla español Horario de lunes a viernes 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 590-9292 2182 Hollowbrook Drive, Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital Cardiovascular Services Time is on your side with Cardiac Alert. Call 444-CARE and receive a Heart-Smart prevention packet including a heartwarming music CD‚ absolutely free! Every second counts when you are having a heart attack. Treatment given within one hour of heart attack symptoms can save your life and limit damage to your heart. So we’ve developed southern Colorado’s first Cardiac Alert program — with response times that beat the national average. Before you arrive at the hospital, our cardiac team knows your condition and is ready to treat your symptoms. Put your heart in the right place — the hospital that offers advanced technology and quality care provided by respected physicians and a highly-trained, compassionate staff. We Hear. We Heal. We Care. www.memorialhospital.com Coronary Bypass Surgery Endoscopic Radial Artery Grafts Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Therapy Drug-Eluting Stents Biventricular Pacemakers Cryoablation Program Pediatric Cardiology Program Interventional and Surgical Peripheral Vascular Procedures Page 16 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 HELP WANTED Nursing Faculty HELP WANTED Wanted Bilingual Loan Officers Looking to make a difference? Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado No experience necessary. W-2’d, health Springs, CO is accepting applications for insurance. Call Ron (719) 540-5555 First Capital Mortgage the following position: Nursing Faculty. Graduate degree, teaching experience at HELP WANTED the post-secondary/college level and experience in medical/surgical nursing Framing Crews needed required. Starting salary is $3,166.66 per immediately. month. All application materials must be Single Family, Multi Family. received by 4:00 p.m. on April 22, 2005, Consistent year round work to be considered. Applicants must apply (719) 488-8874 on-line at http://employment.ppcc.edu. PPCC is an AA/EEO/ADA employer. HELP WANTED Our careers are as DIVERSE More than 150 types of jobs, law enforcement, 17 types of medical positions, HS grad age 18-34. Good pay, up to $20,000 in bonuses, up to $70,000 for college if you qualify, educational opportunities. Call Sgt. 1st Class Francis Donaldsonin in Colorado Springs 719-574-9562, Sgt. 1st Class Patricia Bell in Pueblo 719-542-8112, Sgt. 1st Class Max Burda in Security 719-390-5061, Sgt. 1st Class Alvin Perez in LaJunta 719-834-8744, Sgt. 1st Class Darrell Martinez in Alamosa 719-589-5848. An Army of One Training session starting in early May. Paid training will last for 3-4 weeks M-F. Upon completion of training, representatives go to their assigned shift. We are currently hiring for AM and PM full time and part time shifts. All of our shifts include one weekend day. Qualifications: • HS Diploma/GED (or in progress) • Ability to perform in a sales-oriented, call center environment- previous work experience in a metrics driven environment preferred • Must be comfortable using standardized sales scripting and presenting upsell opportunities to customers • Stable work history • Excellent computer and communication skills • Previous call center, retail, or sales experience preferred Qualified applicants should come in and apply at our facility. Excellent benefits including immediate eligibility for monthly sales incentive program, medical/dental, 401k, and generous time off package. Checks Unlimited is the proud winner of Colorado Parent Magazine’s Best Large Company for Working Families 2002. Cinco de Mayo Issue April 28th Place your Advertisement Now Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222 Checks Unlimited 8245 N. Union Blvd. (one block NE of Rampart High School) Colorado Springs, CO 80920 EOE, Must pass drug screen and background investigation HELP WANTED Taylor Farms Find the job where you can put your talents to work at Memorial Hospital. As one of the city’s largest employers, we have many exciting career opportunities. We value diversity in not only ideas, but people. Diversity enriches the hospital, and the lives of our employees and our community. Consider joining our team in one of the following areas: • Administrative, Clerical, Financial • Clinical Support • Information Systems • Management, Executive • Nursing, Staff & Management • Service Support • Technicians, Therapists, Professional Medical Taylor Farms Necesita trabajadores con documentación apropriada. Se empieza a $6/hr. Solicite en persona: 3147 N. Century St. Colo. Spgs. pregunte por Tammy. To view our current job openings and to apply online, visit www.memorialhospital.com Memorial Hospital 1400 E. Boulder Street Human Resources Employment: 719-365-2335 EOE • Bilingual applicants encouraged to apply. CONSTRUCTION WORK OFFERED FONTANEROS Necesitamos Fontaneros Para Casas Nuevas en Colorado Springs. Sueldo bueno. Llame Excel Plumbing Co. 719-499-9458. PLUMBERS Plumbers Needed For New Homes In Colorado Springs. Base, Top-Out,Trim Crews Needed. Bilingual Is Helpful. Good Pay. Call - Excel Plumbing Co. 719-499-9458 EMPLEOS Se necesita tapieros de muro sin mortero (Drywall Finishers) con experiencia. HELP WANTED Debe tener seguro de subcontratista personal. 633-8725 Must be bilingual. Call Mon-Fri 339-3038 between 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Compañia De Hipoteca Naciónal Busca a gente brillante y motivada en Colorado. Ninguna experiencia necesaria, nosotros entrenamos y le ofrecemos grandes oportunidades para iniciar su propio negocio. Si a usted, le gustaría aumentar sus ingresos, por favor contacte a James 719-594-6854. House Cleaning Limpiadores de Casas - Trabajamos en grupos de 4 - Podemos enseñarle - Pagamos cada semana - No trabajamos las noches ni los fines de semanas - Licencia de conducir en Colorado es un plus - Bilingüe es un plus Memorial Hospital seeks to meet the needs of its employees by offering a noteworthy familyfriendly benefit package including health insurance, 401(k), tuition reimbursement and more! All this in an environment that continuously welcomes and appreciates you! Now hiring. Must have proper documentation. Starting at $6/hr. Apply in person: 3147 N. Century St. Colo. Spgs. Ask for Tammy. Commercial and Residential Cleaning Oportunidades de Empleos - Work in teams of 4 - Training provided - Paid weekly - No nights, no weekends - Bilingual a plus Hiring: Team Members Valid Colorado Driver’s licence a plus 719-634-1030 2725 Ore Mill Drive, Unit 22 Colorado Springs Please call LINDA And she can help you with yourAVON needs. 331-6385 or email [email protected] as our employees. HELP WANTED US ARMY INBOUND CALL CENTER REPRESENTATIVES AVON Lost your Avon Representative? SE NECESITAN Tripulación de Armazones, Tripulación de Revestimiento Exteriores, Tripulación de Pikat, Constructores de Terrazas, Reformadores. Todos con experiencia. Llame a Bob 227-1707. HELP WANTED Drywall Finishers Wanted Experienced Drywall Finishers. Must have own Subcontractor insurance. 633-8725 HELP WANTED Johnny Carino’s Now hiring all positions including Line Cooks, Prep. Cooks and Dishwashers. 1 year exp. req. apply in person (at trailer) Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m., 5700 N. Elizabeth. SALES PERSONNEL Hispania News is looking for Bilingual Sales Personnel who can speak and write in Spanish and English to work in Southern Colorado - Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Rocky Ford, La Junta, Lamar, Walsenburg, Trinidad and Alamosa. We offer excellent commissions. Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222. HELP WANTED PUEBLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Faculty/Clinical Director Respiratory Care, full-time position Complete vacancy announcement may be accessed at www.pueblocc.edu. Must successfully pass a pre-employment drug screening and background check. Submit PCC application, resume, unofficial transcripts, and a letter expressing interest and highlighting listed qualifications to: Human Resources Office, Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004 Telephone (719) 549-3220, FAX (719) 549-3127 by May 6, 2005. AN EEO/AA EMPLOYER. HELP WANTED PUEBLO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Human Patient Simulation Technician full-time position responsible for the operation of the HPS Laboratory and the EMS/Respiratory Care Equipment. Complete vacancy announcement may be accessed at www.pueblocc.edu. Must successfully pass a pre-employment drug screening and background check. Submit PCC application, resume, unofficial transcripts, and a letter expressing interest and highlighting listed qualifications to: Human Resources Office, Pueblo Community College, 900 W. Orman Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004 Telephone (719) 549-3220, FAX (719) 549-3127 by May 6, 2005. AN EEO/AA EMPLOYER. US COAST GUARD IF YOU’RE A HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE GRADUATE. THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD IS LOOKING FOR YOU. WHILE WORKING FULL TIME, YOU WILL EARN COLLEGE CREDIT, TRAVEL, AND LEARN THE SKILLS EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR. CALL 1-800-GET-USCG HELP WANTED RECEPTIONIST / BUSINESS SUPPORT Colorado Technical University’s Pueblo campus needs dependable team players motivated to make a difference. Celebrating its 40th year, CTU offers Doctorate, Master’s, Bachelor’s and Associate degrees. This team member will greet and assist visitors and customers by phone and in person as well as handle day-to-day business office operations and assist the Campus Director. Position requires a high school diploma or GED, a minimum of one year experience as a receptionist utilizing a switchboard, a minimum of one year office experience, and the ability to operate standard office equipment. Other requirements include exceptional customer service skills, working knowledge of Microsoft Office, and excellent communication and organizational skills. Bilingual ability desired. Some Saturday and evening work may be required. Candidates must submit a cover letter and resume to 4435 North Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 or fax to 719-590-6857 or email to [email protected]. This position is open through Sunday, April 17, 2005. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EARN $1,000 Per Sale... Without Any Selling! FREE $9.95 Report.Write Zaken Corp. Suite 50613A4, 20700 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A Realistic $10K/month pot’l income working from home. 24 hr msg 1-800-664-4274 Show me the Money! P/T Sales working with Small Business Owners to help them advertise affordably. Drop off information, follow-up with phone calls, or set appointments, you decide how and when, we supply the sales material, great reputation, and the commission! Must have a great attitude, be dependable and have reliable transportation. Call Black Bear Door to Door Advertising @ 633-8003. Cinco de Mayo Issue April 28th Place your Advertisement Now Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 17 BIDS BIDS SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to meet the 7% UDBE goal for CDOT Project BR 0062-013, C12810. Project consists of bridge replacement on US 6 in Morgan County. Project bids April 21, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. (MDT). SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 6272600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate. Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required; please contact SEMA for assistance. BIDS BIDS SEMA Construction, Inc. is requesting sub bids and material quotes from all UDBE/DBE subcontractors and suppliers to meet the 12% UDBE goal for CDOT Project IM 0252-330, C13003. Project consists of replacing existing interchange at I-25 and Eaglerige Blvd in Pueblo County. Project bids April 21, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. (MDT). SEMA Construction, Inc. 7353 S. Eagle St., Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 627-2600; (303) 627-2626 fax. All UDBE/DBE firms are encouraged to participate. Bonding, lines of credit, and special insurance limits may be required; please contact SEMA for assistance. BIDS BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS Roof Replacement - Scattered Sites PROPOSAL NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT NUMBER: LOCATIONS: I. F. B. 04-321 Roof Replacement Co 2-4, -8, -9, -10, -15, -18, -20, 22 Scattered Sites. All in Pueblo, Colorado RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS: The Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo will receive bids for Roof Replacement in the City of Pueblo. Bids will be received until Friday April 15, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. local Time at the Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo, Victoria Avenue Office (address below), at which time and place bids shall be opened and evaluated. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: A complete bid proposal package may be obtained from: The Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo 201 S. Victoria Avenue Pueblo, CO 81003 Attention: Cheri Wilkerson, Development Technician $25.00 Deposit is Required A pre-bid conference and contractor walk-thru will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 starting at the Central Maintenance Facility, 201 S. Victoria Avenue, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Pueblo, CO. All bidders are encouraged to attend. The Housing Authority encourages minority and resident owned businesses to participate. CD'S FOR SALE CD'S & Cassettes Taking orders for Doreen Martinez’s award winning Christian Jesus Praises Music, available now is Muéveme, Con Fe y Amor. Her latest CD “Santo Es El Señor” only available in CD. Cassettes $7, CDs $10. Still Available, Limited Supply. Don’t get left out! Her Christmas “Ven A Jesus Esta Navidad” CD $9. Call Joseph (719) 448-0805 FOR SALE Famous Smith’s Rosebud Salve A reliable family salve for everything, Been around since 1895 your choice: Regular Rosebud Salve, Strawberry, or Menthol. $3.75 .08oz tin or buy all three $10.00. Cloverine Salve for $4.25. Call 719-448-0805 AUTOS FOR SALE 94 Jaguar XJ6, Super Clean, Excellent Condition, A Very Luxury Vehicle and Eye Catcher. Sold New For $45,216. First $6,000 Takes. (719) 448-0805 REAL ESTATE Compro y Vendo casas y condos. Todo precios y areas. Se habla Español. www.michaeltutt.com Penrose R.E. 719-636-2113 MANUFACTURED HOMES Newer homes in Pueblo! 3 bed/2 bath. Lease-to-own. Call 866.509.5325 Double your Tax Returns! For Down Payment on a new home. Call today for details 719-622-9077. 3 bed/2 bath newer home in quiet community. Only $7,900! Call719.948.3857 Se Renta o VendeFor Rent or Sale Trailers- Mobile Homes Chancellor’s Mobile Home Park 800 S. Santa Fe Ave Fountain, CO 80817 Aurora, Lakewood, areas also/ tambien Patricia 719-201-1242 or 303-523-5906 No Money Down Programs on New Homes Call today for Appt. 719-622-9083 My loss, your gain! 3 bed/2 bath newer home for only $10,500! Call719.948.3857 Losing Manufactured Home 3 Br, 2 Bth. Call Today for Appt. to see 719-622-1274. 1,232 sq ft! 3 bed/2 bath home only $15,900! Available immediately. Call719.564.1352 REAL ESTATE Nationwide Mortgage Co. is seeking bright, energetic people in Colorado. No experience needed, we will train. If you would like a 5 to 6 figure income every month call Jim ASAP 719-250-7922 or 719-676-3083 HOBBIES/LEISURE ¡GRATIS! ¡GRATIS! SISTEMA SATELITE DISH. EQUIPO GRATIS. INSTALACI´ON GRATIS. 27 CANALES HISPANOS. INGLES 256 ¡ORDENE AHORA! SU LLAMADA ES GRATIS... 877-998-3474 EXTENSIÓN 110234 CODIGO DE PROMOCIÓN A10 Cinco de Mayo Issue April 28th Place your Advertisement Now Please call Bill @ 1-866-723-0222 REAL ESTATE NBA Village at the Bluffs 62+ Adult Apartments AP Mortgage Morgan Acosta Income limits: One person $22,200 Two persons $25,350 Sq. Ft. 540 Subsidized Housing 3495 American Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80917. Call for a tour 719-380-9225. - Purchasing to 100% - VA Loans - Refinancing - Self Employed - Debt Consolidation - Credit Challenged - Past Bankruptcy OK - Home Equity Line of Credit Oportunidades de Empleos ¡¡GANE “CASH” DIARIO!! COMPROBADO! Maquinas Vendedoras de Hersheys, M&M, Snickers & Frito Lay. Rutas Disponibles Por Solo $9,945. Llame ya a Tony al 1-800-528-7748 AUCTIONS SUBASTA DE VEHICULOS AUTO AUCTION Colorado Springs Police Dept. Vehicle Impound Auction Every 3rd Saturday of the month 2725 E. Las Vegas CSC Next Auction Sat. April 16th Gates open and registration begins at 7:00 a.m. Sale starts and registration ends at 9:00 a.m. NO REGISTRATIONS AFTER 9:00 COME EARLY! Auctioneer will sell vehicles in English and Spanish For vehicle listing, take the link from my web page www.adamkevil.com COTTAGE FOR RENT Nice/Clean 1 bedroom cottage near the Olympic Training Center. Fenced yard, quiet neighborhood. No pets, $450 per month, $250 deposit +utilities. (719) 372-7877. GARAGE SALE Parish-wide garage sale! Friday and Saturday, April 29th & 30th (719) 219-0791 Cell: (719) 233-0551 Fax: (719) 219-0793 [email protected] 1235 Lake Plaza Dr. Suite 230 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Se Habla Español Cozy Living in the Southwest 1 & 2 Bedrooms $390 - $525 Near Ft. Carson, Downtown Colorado Springs, Broadmoor Center Park like courtyard, off street parking & on the city bus line Ivy Manor Apts. 1801 S. Cascade 719-635-1106 *1st mo free w/ approved credit & 12 mo lease FOR RENT Clean 1 & 2 Bdrm Trailers, Apts. Utlilties included. (719) 564-5952 1 and 2 Bdrm. Apts. Available Now. No credit checks, families welcome. Circle and Platte area. Call Tina @ 632-0341 BANKRUPTCY Bankruptcy - Cheap Prices The Cross Law Firm 25 years $100 down. $495 + FF most cases Thousands done, why pay more? Colorado Springs & Pueblo 1-800-800-0529 Se Habla Español 719-542-2007 8 a.m. to 12 noon both days Holy Apostles Catholic Church 4925 N. Carefree Circle All proceeds benefit the MOPS organization Hispania News will be going to a direct mail format. Order now and it will arrive each week in the comfort of your home. Name Address City State Zip Adelante! Place me on your mailing list for a year $28 in state - $32 out of state. *We accept all major credit cards Visa - Mastercard - AmericanExpress - Discover Mail checks or money order to Hispania News P.O. Box 15116, Colorado Spring, CO 80935 Classifieds $2.00 Per Line $8.50 Per Col. Inch Page 18 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 REAL ESTATE Find your new home without the guesswork (NUC) How can you find and buy a home to enjoy for years to come? The first step is to answer this simple question honestly: Is it the right time for you to buy? You need to consider the tax deduction, building equity, monthly mortgage payments and maintenance expenses, funding for a down payment and closing costs, and staying in the home long enough for its appreciation to cover your transaction costs. If you can afford and want to buy a home, the next step is to get pre-approved for a mortgage from a lender. “I ask buyers to do this right away, before we start looking for homes,” said Bill McCarthy, a Certified Residential Specialist with Coldwell Banker Devonshire in Peoria, IL. “That way I know what price range the buyer can afford. Otherwise, a buyer could find the perfect home only to be disappointed when he or she cannot afford it.” An experienced real estate agent — especially one who is recognized as a Certified Residential Specialist, the highest designation awarded to agents in the residential sales field — can help you decide on your needs and desires for a home. For example, how important is its location? How long is your commute? How are the schools if you have children? How many bedrooms? A one- or two-car garage? Once you have prioritized your answers, a real estate agent will know which homes to show you. “I always explain a home’s advantages and disadvantages to buyers,” McCarthy said. “For example, one home may have a great layout but need updated decorating. Another home may be nicely decorated but have an awkward kitchen and dining room. I tell clients that decorating is easy to fix, but major structural deficits are not.” Once you find the right home in your price range, your agent will make an offer on your behalf and negotiate with the seller’s agent. If your offer is accepted, there are a few more steps before closing. “I always advise my clients to get a housing inspection,” McCarthy said. “It ensures whether your future home’s structure and mechanical systems, from the furnace to plumbing, are working properly or not.” The lender requires an appraisal of the property to confirm the home’s value is sufficient to support the sales price. If that goes smoothly, you are ready for the closing. Once that is done, the home is yours. With planning and the help of qualified professionals, such as real estate agents with the CRS designation, your home-buying experience will be rewarding instead of frustrating. To find agents nationwide with the CRS designation, go to www.crs.com. accomplished quickly. Ask your mortgage broker to provide details of its service plan and performance guarantees. • Not knowing to ask the mortgage broker about all available loan products, terms and rates. Subtle differences can save or cost you thousands of dollars. For more tips and information on refinancing, visit Allied Mortgage Consultants at www.amcloaninfo.com or call (888) 562-8901. Seven refinancing mistakes to avoid (NUC) - Whenever interest rates drop, a refinancing frenzy naturally follows. Whether you’re looking to trim your mortgage payments, eliminate credit-card debt or pay off your car loan, experts say you should fully understand all of the options available to you before deciding to refinance. Allied Mortgage Consultants reveals seven common mistakes people make when refinancing. • Not saving enough to justify refinancing. It is best to decrease your rate by at least .75 percent to 1 percent. This will save you about $100 a month on a $150,000 mortgage. • Not knowing your closing costs up front. By law, closing costs must be disclosed within three days of the loan application. However, there are different approaches to calculating them. Until the details of your loan are clear, the closing costs quoted to you are only estimates. Plan for the worst-case scenario. • Not fully understanding your reasons for refinancing. Besides reducing your interest rate, there are other legitimate reasons to refinance, such as debt consolidation, home improvements or major purchases. In some cases, you may be able to deduct your interest payments on your tax return. Always consult an accountant or tax attorney before making these decisions. • Not being aware of APR teaser rates. Some mortgage brokers use annual percentage rates to get your attention, but it may actually end up costing you more. APRs often are derived by using a 30-year mortgage coupled with an accelerated payment plan. Make sure you know the actual interest rate you will be paying throughout the life of the loan. • Not weighing the pros and cons of adjustable rate mortgages. ARMs can minimize your monthly payment, but not if additional Casas Exclusivas de la Semana ¡Venga a ver ésta casa hoy mismo! Muy limpia y baratísima. Esta casa ha tenido muy buen mantenimiento. You could be here to reach people looking for you 4 recámaras 2 baños Sótano terminado Sala de Estar 2 recámaras en el sótano Lavandería Grande Cochera para un automóvil Patio Grande Más de 1500 pies cuadrados terminados Cercana a escuelas, tiendas y entretenimiento. $137,900.00 Llámeme para ver esta o cualquier otra propiedad en los condados de El Paso y Teller. En 5 minutos sabrá si califica. Kristi Terrazas Agente de Bienes Raíces llame 719 540-0220 499-0056 DIRECTO 579-0040 OFICINA 579-5055 FAX CasasColorado.com ( I ALSO SPEAK english refinancing occurs. In this case, they can cost more in the long run. • Not being aware of the service you should expect from a mortgage broker. The process of refinancing should be hassle-free and 14 de abril 2005 - 21 de abril 2005 Page 19 COMMUNITY NEWS Journalist fights for her life after shooting Reporters Without Borders voiced outrage at the attempted murder on 5 April 2005 of Guadalupe García Escamilla of radio Estéreo 91 XHNOE in Nuevo Laredo (in the northeastern border state of Tamaulipas), who was fighting for her life after receiving multiple gunshot wounds outside the radio station. “This is the third attack against a journalist since the start of the year in this region, where the press is at great risk,” the press freedom organization said. “We do not want to see a repetition of last year’s shocking events in which five journalists were murdered and local authorities were often implicated,” the organization said, adding, “we therefore call on the federal authorities to carry out a thorough investigation in order to expose those responsible and bring them to justice.” An unidentified gunman fired 15 shots at García as she got out of her car outside the radio just before 8 a.m. Eight of the shots hit her, injuring her in the abdomen, chest, arm, left knee and groin. She was rushed to hospital where doctors immediately began operating on her injuries. According to the most recent reports from her colleagues, she was still in intensive care and in a very serious condition. Selena ¡Vive! Cont. from page 11 the story of Selena’s “second family” and back-up band, Los Dinos, and was narrated by one of its former members, Pete Astudillo. Astudillo then performed the song he wrote after her death, Cómo Te Extraño. After a video covering Selena’s life as a role model for women, Puerto Rico’s Olga Tañón treated viewers to her dance-filled interpretation of the hit La Llamada. The next video segment was dedicated to Love and was followed by a dramatic entrance of international superstar Gloria Estefan in a special, heartfelt performance of Selena’s Englishlanguage hit I Could Fall In Love. In one of the most touching performances of the evening, Selena’s brother A. B. Quintanilla and his group, Kumbia Kings, performed a duet with his sister in a specially remixed version of her hit Baila Esta Cumbia. Later, Mexico’s eclectic pop-rocker Alejandra Guzmán brought the audience to their feet with her performance of perhaps Selena’s most infectious hit, Bidi Bidi, Bom Bom. This was followed by a TexMex medley by two of the popular genre’s biggest stars, Bobby Pulido and Jay Pérez. Colombian singer/songwriter Soraya began singing the crossover hit Dreaming of You and was joined onstage by the vocal group Barrio Boyzz, reunited for the first time since disbanding to pay homage to Selena, whom they had the privilege of recording with García presents a daily spot about crime and public security called “Punto Rojo,” which goes out during the morning news program. Sources who asked not to be identified said García had in recent days heard threats being made against her on the police radio frequency. The radio messages also referred to the imminent execution of lawyer Fernando Partida Castañeda, who was murdered a few hours before the attack on García in the same district and with a gun of the same caliber. Selena¡Vive! Continua de página 6 Montéz de Durango, presentó un arreglo muy enérgico de Ven Conmigo, complementado por un llamativo show de fuegos artificiales. El momento más emotivo del espectáculo fue el gran final, en el cual pudieron participar todos los asistentes. Un video de Selena cantando su tema Como La Flor, se exhibió en las pantallas gigantes del estadio mientras Los Dinos, juntos por primera vez desde la muerte de Selena, la acompañaban en el escenario. Luego, ante miles de fanáticos ondeando rosas blancas, todos los artistas regresaron a escena para terminar la canción ayudados por un coro de 55 niños. De esta manera, el show cerró con uno de los tributos más conmovedores de todos los tempos. Con respecto a este gran homenaje dedicado a su amada hija, el patriarca de la familia, Abraham Quintanilla, comentó: “La noche sobrepasó todas nuestras expectativas. La memoria de Selena sigue muy viva, y esto se evidenció en el torrente de emociones que se sintió durante el evento de hoy. Mi esposa y yo queremos darles las gracias a Univision, al maravilloso equipo de producción, y sobre todo, a los siempre devotos fans de nuestra hija”. Trust us with............. Selena’s brother A. B. Quintanilla and his group, Kumbia Kings, performed a duet with his sister in a specially remixed version of her hit Baila Esta Cumbia while she was alive. Mexican singer Graciela Beltrán then treated the crowd to a lively production number of El Chico del Apto. 512. A video of Selena’s legacy was followed by Aleks Syntek and Fey performing Dondequiera Que Estés. Then, today’s hottest “Duranguense” band, Montéz de Durango, broke into a spirited and fireworks-highlighted arrangement of Ven Conmigo. The evening’s most emotional moment came when the entire stadium audience got a chance to participate in the grand finale. A video of Selena, performing Como La Flor played on the giant video screens accompanied by Los Dinos, playing together again for the first time since she died. Then, as thousands of fans waved white roses, all the performers returned to the stage to sing the chorus along with a 55-member children’s choir, closing the show with one of the most moving tributes of all time. Commenting on the evening dedicated to his beloved daughter, family patriarch Abraham Quintanilla was quoted as saying, “The evening exceeded our wildest expectations. Selena’s memory is very much alive as witnessed by the outpouring of emotions during tonight’s event. My wife and I would like to thank Univision, the marvelous crew, and most of all, her ever devoted fans.” Your Child's Eyes Vision Center For Children 2857 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80910 719-329-1221 Eye Exams and Glasses for ages up to 21 years Accepting Medicaid, Colorado Access, CHP+ and most other Insurances Welcoming All New Patients Large selection of frames Does your child have trouble with any of the following: • Learning to read? •Headaches? • Homework? •Constant squinting? If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please call us today to schedule an appointment! FACT: 80% of all learning is visual Your child’s eyes ........Are important to us Page 20 14 de abril - 21 de abril 2005 COMMUNITY NEWS Spicy Soup mixes it up at Morgan’s Contemporary jazz band Spicy Soup plays Morgan’s at Park Plaza Hotel on April 22. Spicy Soup live is, as the name suggest, hot and spicy. The fivemember band features Kenny Johnston on sax and flute; Chuck Lucas on keyboards and vocals; Toni Rodi on guitar and vocals; Bart Edmonds on bass and Danny Walgreen on drums. They also incorporate into their shows a multi-media experience with a dazzling light show and screens which project their recent videos. What: Spicy Soup When: April 22, 2005 Time: 6 – 8 p.m. Where: Morgan’s at Park Plaza Hotel, 505 Popes Bluff, Colorado Springs. Tickets: (719)-598-7656 h i s p a n i a n e w s . c o m