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diamond yoga conference
herzlich willkommen
Im Sentido indoor Theater stellt sich Dein Diamond Yoga Team 2016 vor und unsere gemeinsame Yogareise beginnt.
(sentido beach) evelyn young-ho - christiane
all you need is
young-ho (g)
inside flow
young-ho (g)
Beginne den Tag mit Atem, Bewegung & Meditation. Lausche dem Meer direkt am Sentido Beach.
This signature class includes funky Vinyasa and cutting edge Alignment Techniques to empower yourself from inside and grow to your maximum Potential. The greatest Teacher , the Maha Guru, lies in you
and sometimes you just need a Reminder. Young Ho will wake up your Inner Guru and you will see that „ALL YOU NEED IS INSIDE“!
Music is an essential part in Inside Flow Yoga classes and actually frame the whole sequence. As Young Ho Kim says, “Everything flows with the music: Your heart, your Yoga.” During your Inside Flow class you
gently move from one posture to another. The music carries you along and it brings you in a trance-like state. Almost meditative.“Movement and breath are ONE. You can’t synchronize them because they
come already together. You can only enhance your breath.” Again and again, Young Ho Kim repeats that the key point of Inside Flow is the actual movement BETWEEN the postures, not the posture itself.
The important thing is how you get to the posture and not the static Asana where you hold a counted handful of breaths.
In Inside Flow, however, you base your sequence on music and move accordingly, like you were singing a song with your body. Keyword: MUSIC
Even though Young Ho Kim describes himself as non-spiritual, he seems to engage people successfully in an intense yoga practice with heart and soul. While the Asian Yogi denies Mantras and Sankrit
teachings, he follows the strong believe that every language has its benefits; Some people relax with punk rock and some with classical music. Your choice of music defines you and your practice. Inside
Flow has a set of different sequences with slow,fast, upbeat, relaxing songs starting from Hip Hop to cheesy Pop music. It’s wonderfully amusing and heart warming.
It is a Evolution of Vinyasa Yoga! the upgrade
focus back
bending & focus
arm balances
young-ho (g)
True upgrade comes from Understanding. Lack of understanding leads you to say „no, I don’t deserve it..“ or „I am not good/pretty/rich/strong/blabla enough.“ this negative Mantra makes you unhappy.
Stop saying it and get it that you deserve the Upgrade. Don’t make you smaller than you could be. so stand up and get your upgrade!
with this workshop you will get smart solutions and Ideas to upgrade your Asana practice, spiritual Mindset and Happiness! Upgrade your life and be the best Version of You.
„All you need is Inside“ - focus: Back bending // focus: Arm balances
No matter of Age, gender & bank account, we all want to be happy. One smart way to reach the State of the Happiness is Understanding & attaining Alignment! Pain is only a sign of Mis-alignment. Align
your body and mind and let’s get happy!!
young-ho (g)
lighting up
stillness & flow
(Funky Vinyasa) Gravity is our higher power. Learn to better channel weight through alignment of muscle and bone, mind and body, breath and vision.
daniel (e)
grounding down
daniel (e)
making shapes
- acro yoga
daniel (e)
look inside blindfolded
partner yoga
Therapeutic Bliss (Hands on adjustments & elements of Thai)
You’ve got to love your Self before you love others. Give by receiving. Receive through the gift of giving. Connection creates trust, which in turn creates positive change.
AcroYoga for Every Body (Partner Flying)
Work together. Fall apart. Embrace gravity. Create community. Embrace fun!
The Yoga of Trust (Blindfolded Partner Yoga)
Close your eyes. Open up. Learn to trust. Move. Be moved. Share moments. Connect forever!
daniel (e)
dropping in
daniel (e)
medical yoga
christiane (g)
Listening to the Body (Foundations of Movement)
Your body has much to share. Learn to listen closely, understand with clarity, and express confidently your story through movement.
Medical Yoga verbindet das jahrtausendealte Wissen der Yogis mit den Erkenntnissen der modernen Medizin und der Spiraldynamik®. Dieses
dreidimensionale Bewegungskonzept macht gesunde
Bewegung erklärbar, erfahrbar und lehrbar. Neben der anatomisch korrekten Ausrichtung und Ausführung, der Körperweisheit, die im Medical Yoga vermittelt wird, steht der Aspekt des feinstofflichen
Erlebens. Das ist im Sinne von Svādhyāya: sich selbst nahekommen, Selbstreflexion, an etwas näher herangehen.
In diesem Yoga-Flow dreht sich alles um die Körpermitte, um Zentrierung und ein gutes Bauchgefühl. „Centering“, die eigene Körpermitte zu halten, sich um das Zentrum zu bewegen und zu organisieren, ist
eine essenzielle Grundlage ökonomischer Bewegung. Eine Sensibilität für das Körperzentrums ermöglicht Bewegungsfreiheit der Extremitäten und Stabilität des Rückens. Nach yogischem Körperverständnis
schwingen Willenskraft, Selbstvertrauen und Sensibilität im Bauchraum. Die Erfahrung von körperlicher Zentrierung stärkt intuitive Bauchentscheidungen, um so harmonische Wege zu finden, seine eigenen
Ideen zu verwirklichen.
christiane (g)
„Das Licht Deines wahren Wesens strahlt von Deinem Mittelpunkt, erleuchtet den ganzen Körper, so, wie die Sonne die ganze Welt beleuchtet aus dem Mittelpunkt des Sonnensystems.“ Maharishi Mahesh
yin yoga
christiane (g)
yoga detox
christiane (g)
nataraja - könig
des tanzes
Das Prinzip von Yin und Yang, das aus dem Taoismus hervorgeht, bildet eine entscheidende Grundlage des Gleichgewichts in der Natur, dem Kosmos und beim Menschen. Yin steht für weiblich, still, ruhig,
passiv und absteigend. Die Körperhaltungen im Yin Yoga werden sitzend und liegen nach dieser Qualität länger und meditativ gehalten. Flexibilität, Anregung des Energiefluss in den Meridianen und die
Aspekt Loslassen und Hingabe werden gefördert.
beschäftigt sich mit dem grundlegenden Gedanken des Yogas und des Ayurveda, dass Körper, Geist und Seele von allem Belastenden befreit werden sollen. Yogische Reinigungstechniken können auf
körperlicher, mentaler und emotionaler Ebene klären und Raum für Neues schaffen. Mit fließenden, kraftvollen Yoga-Sequenzen werden durch klärende Hitze und Anregung des Stoffwechsels körperliche
Spannungen abgebaut. Atemübungen betonen die reinigende Ausatmung oder die Anregungen der Körpermitte, des Sitzes des Verdauungsfeuers - Agni. Konzentrations- und Entspannungsübungen geben
Raum zum Innehalten, Nachspüren und Energie tanken. Im April 2015 ist das neuste Yoga-Buch zum Thema Detox von Christiane erschienen.
Shiva verkörpert in der Hindu-Dreieinigkeit den Zerstörer. Seine Kraft ist pure Lebensfreude, denn er hat die Widerstände überwunden und lebt uns vor, dass wir uns von manchem verabschieden müssen, um
Lebendigkeit zu erfahren. Er hält in einer Hand das zerstörerische Feuer und in der anderen die Trommel der Schöpfung. Er tanzt auf dem Rücken eines Zwerges, der ein Symbol für Egoismus und Engstirnigkeit
ist. Nehmen wir sein Angebot an und tanzen alle Ängste und Zweifel in Schutt und Asche, um die Freude des Herzens zu erleben und großzügig zu verteilen.
christiane (g)
„Ich würde nur an einen Gott glauben, der zu tanzen verstünde.“ Nietzsche
side body
alexandra (g)
pure release
alexandra (g)
hip stability
alexandra (g)
poetry of
alexandra (e)
Very often we tend to focus on forward bends, backward bends and lots of hip opening, but our side body can get a little neglected. This session will focus on the home of the so called ‚lateral line’ of our
bodies, exploring the different asanas to help us strengthen, stabilize and open this part of the body. We will move through a playful Vinyasa Flow, including some playground time to explore these beautiful
Open yourself to the bliss of Yin! Moving slow motion through the body, we’ll encourage those often stubborn areas to melt and let go. Explore your being from the inside out, with an open mind and an
acceptence of Self. This nurturing practise is a nice compliment to the stronger classes in our practise.
This class will focus on stabilizing, as well as opening through the hip area. Stabilizing through the hips can help us in standing postures as well challenging transitions. Sometimes we tend to ‚hang’ in our hips
causing weakness in this area. We’ll explore many exercises to feel as sense of balance through the hips, and then spend the rest of the class delving into some beautiful deep and rewarding hip openers.
This class is all about your unique self expression. In a playfull atmosphere we’ll link movements together through the interpretion of music, lyrics & individual creativity. You don’t have to be a dancer to
express yourself through choreography, you just need a willingness to want to move and the rest will evolve on its own.
evolve with
patience &
Evolve with Patience & Persistence
A basic flow to start us off, and then we’ll build step by step, layer by layer to reach our peak.Full of playfullness and a chance to work slowly, but intelligently to more challenging asanas. To round off, we’ll
release into some deep yin styled poses, focusing on shoulders, hips and lower back. Evolve with patience and persistence and then let go with surrender and acceptance.
twisting into
Die Stille im Innen finden - Wenn wir in eine Stellung hinein-twisten, anstatt aus ihr heraus, landen wir in der dynamischen Mitten, einem Ort der Stille in uns. Twists in Standstellungen, leichten Armbalancen,
Hüftöffnern und sitzenden Haltungen führen in diesen inneren Ort der Klarheit und Gelassenheit.
alexandra (g)
christina (g)
flow your soul
christina (g)
Die heilende Kraft des Yoga - Eine Praxis sanften Fließens; Variationen des Sonnengrusses, Standstellungen, Hüftöffner und ein süßes cool-down umschmeicheln deine Seele und nähren dein Sein.
shakti shot
Die Kraft des Inneren Pulsieren - Das pulsierende Prinzip von Spanda verleiht Leichtigkeit in kraftvollen Stellungen und entwickelt Freiheit in der eigenen Stärke. Surya Namaskar, Standstellungen und Balancen
kultivieren das Loslassen in der Anstrengung.
open into
Die Unendlichkeit ist in dir - Die Enge im inneren sprengen und neue Räume und Möglichkeiten finden. Fokus liegt auf dem Öffnen der Hüfte und der Weite des Oberkörpers. Limitierungen loslassen auf
physisch, mentaler und emotionaler Ebene um die Freiheit des Seins zu finden.
christina (g)
christina (g)
thai & fly acro
matt (e)
prepare to fly arm balances
matt (e)
bend over
backwards for
matt (e)
AcroYoga has a softer side that compliments the intensity of Yoga and Acrobatics. We will get to recieve and give thai massage both in the air and on the ground. Learn and gain tools to take care of and
help release tension for your friends, students, clients. Everyone leaves relaxed and smiling.
Shoulder Openers Dissolve tension and tightness in your shoulders and learn the biomechanics that make it easy! Many of us fall into patterns where we believe if we continually repeat an action, our goals
will eventually workout. This only rings true when we are repeating a recipe for success. Matt Giordano will offer you a yoga practice that gets you into your body and gives you a strong understanding of a
complex joint that can otherwise be a bit of a mystery. Having rehabilitated his own shoulder from a nearly shattered collarbone and fractured scapula, Matt’s knowledge speaks from experience and an
excitement to share the tools he has picked up along the way. Boundless Freedom is appropriate for all levels. This course can be used for therapeutic and/or advancement purposes.
Arm balances are some of the most fun, exciting, and challenging poses of the yoga practice. Most also require flexible hips—a place many of us have tightness. Don’t let that deter you from starting arm
balance practice now. Finding hip flexibility is more than simply stretching and waiting to achieve the elasticity we desire. With Matt, we explore techniques to find our fullest range of motion through optimal
skeletal alignment and muscular engagement for deep, isometric hip strengtheners. We will also develop a true sense of our core and how its location, stability and strength relate to our arms and hips. Get
ready to sweat, fly, and go deeper in your body in a way that is safe, healthy and absolutely powerful.
The back bending practice can be some of the trickiest poses in Yoga, and can seem like either something you just can or can not do. While some people naturally have more flexibility in an arched position
others have to take a more studied approach. In this workshop we will go over techniques that will bring joy and ease to your back bending practice. Those that are less flexible will focus on techniques to
unlock tension. Those that have an established back bending practice will be able to take themselves to a whole new level using precision in their approach!
hips for dudes
and chicks
matt (e)
Tight hips can feel impossible to open. No matter how long you stay in pigeon, the next day it’s back to square one. Static stretching alone does not lead to flexibility. Through Matt’s deep knowledge in
bodywork, yoga and anatomy, he will teach you how to transform once unyielding hip joints. Learn how to adjust alignment, prevent knee pain and engage the muscles to support the bone structure. This
hip opener course will immerse you in the tools needed to access greater range of motion.
kurmasana- auf
dem rücken die
Klug, weise und sehr langsam, so bewegt sich eine Schildkröte. Wenn außen der Sturm tobt, zieht sie sich einfach in ihr Innerstes zurück, bis das
Unwetter sich beruhigt hat. Sie ist dabei so stabil dass auch die stärksten Böhen ihr nichts anhaben können. In diesem Workshop werden wir den Weg der Schildkröte gehen, weit nach Innen geht die Reise
und sehr tief in die Untiefen unserer Hüfte. Schließlich will Kurmasana gemeistert werden, eine tiefe Vorbeuge und Hüftöffnung.
laksmi love
Fülle, Schönheit und unermesslicher Reichtum sind die begehrenswerten Qualitäten der anbetungswürdigen Lakshmi. Ein weicher, fliessender Flow der uns daran erinnert, dass jeder von uns die Qualitäten
von Laksmi in sich trägt! Achtung Hüftöffner!
nicole (g)
nicole (g)
tapas- burning
in the name of
Eine feurige und intensive Vinyasa Klasse mit dem Schwerpunkt Drehhaltungen.
nicole (g)
svadhyaya- the
self in the mirror
Eine langsame und tiefe Vinyasa Klasse mit dem Schwerpunkt Vorbeugen und Hüftöffnern.
nicole (g)
PranidhanaBeing in Love with
what you do
Eine herzerwärmende und öffnende Vinyasa Klasse mit dem Schwerpunkt Rückbeugen.
nicole (g)
mindful mellow
david (e)
When Mindfulness is applied to asana practice, layers of depth appear allowing for the ‘washing away’ of hidden layers of tensions. The word ‘Mellow’ means gentle in a pleasurable way… when
Mindfulness and Mellowness are brought together through a variety of sequenced movements and breath, the result is a deeply relaxed state that brings comfort and joy to the body and peace of mind.
~Designed for students with at least 6 months experience
lunge-o-rama: a This custom class is an all levels experience of opening the front of the body with precision, integrity and breath. With a wide array of lunges to help open the fronts of the legs and groins this practice is sure
to leave everyone with new sense of freedom in their relationship to the front of the body and how they face the world.
journey to the
-All Levels welcome
inner groins
david (e)
kirtan ecstatic
david (e)
vinyasa blast off
david (e)
interconnectedness of all
Part of the centuries old practice of Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion. In Kirtan, practitioners chant mantras as a means of invoking the qualities of various deities to empower their lives. There is no
experience necessary, and best of all, it is an open and safe environment to sing and be free in a light and fun way. The opening comes from your devotion and intention behind the mantras we sing. David
will lead the chanting in call and response style and playing guitar.
A dynamic practice of movement and breathing to stimulate a flow of internal energy. Poses & sequences come from a variety of lineages, each one building on each other to blast away stress, problems
and distractions! Come with an empty stomach and an open mind.
~Designed for students with at least 6 months experience
Building Relationships in your Body, Mind and Spirit
This all levels Vinyasa Flow class will bring you deeply into your body with a mindful and moving asana practice relating the front and back, lower and upper and right and left bodies. This, balanced with
building a positive relationship with yourself and all beings, supports our recognition of the interconnectedness and to the path of Yoga / Union.
-All levels welcome
david (e)
david (e)
listen to your heart
evelyn (g)
candle light
inside flow
young-ho & team
chill out party
The only way to truly know something
In asana practice, we can know ‘about’ something… or we can ‘know’ something. Through direct experience, we will explore different ways of feeling poses to find the best levels of effort, stretch and
strength to take back into daily practice. The practice will involve a variety of asanas taught with in various different ways to see and feel specific body parts and their involvement
-All Levels Welcome
Die Musik, als Schlüssel zu deinem Herzen, leitet dich durch diese „flow - class“.
Entzünde deine Kerze, genieße die letzte gemeinsame Klasse - Young-Ho und das Diamond Yoga Team 2016 verabschieden sich mit diesem Inside flow. Anschließend lassen wir den Abend gemeinsam
änderungen möglich / changes possible
(g) = german (e) = englisch