German 3


German 3
German AP
Midterm Prep Sheet
January 2012
The midterm will cover the three themes we have explored this semester:
Multikulturellismus und Diskriminierung, Erfindungen und Innovation, and Feiertage.
The exam will be in three sections. The writing portion will be done in class on Friday,
January 13. The other two sections, a multiple-choice test and a Socratic seminar, will
take place on our exam day, Wednesday, January 18. The Socratic seminar will represent
the speaking portion of the exam.
In general, you should study all three vocabulary lists for our three themes. A copy of
these lists is attached to this review sheet.
You should also review the film “Schwarzfahrer,” which is linked to on our VISION
course (AP Deutsch Forum, homework for September 13). You should also review the
stories “Türken pflanzen nur Bohnen” and “Die Silbergeschichte.” in your handouts,
including the vocabulary from those stories. It would be a good idea to look at the
quizzes for those stories as well.
Socratic seminars
The speaking portion of this exam will be a Socratic seminar, just as we did in first
quarter. Because this is such a small class, and because these discussions usually work
better with 10-12 participants, we will do only one round of the Socratic seminar, without
a partner outside the circle observing someone in the circle. Therefore, we will be able to
take more time to explore and discuss than we would in a smaller group. PLEASE
component will make up 33.33% of your grade.
Multiple-choice question section
This section is relatively short, only 30 questions. However, it will cover the three themes
we have covered, the three texts mentioned above (including the film), and the
vocabulary for the themes.
Answers to these questions will be written directly onto the test, and will then be copied
onto a computer scan sheet.
We will do the multiple-choice section AFTER we complete the Socratic seminars, so
that we do not run out of time to do the seminars. Please take your time and be careful.
However, this section will probably not take very long to complete. Therefore you should
AP German Review Packet
Page 2
bring something to read or an MP3 player (NOT a cell phone or other Internet or texting
device) to use when you are finished.
Short written answer
In addition to the multiple-choice section, on exam day you will write a short (3-5
sentence) answer—IN GERMAN—about what you have learned about the city for which
you reported current events this semester.
Written essay
This section will be completed in class on Friday, January 13. You will write a
composition of approximately 150 words. You will have a choice of two topics on which
to write; please only write on one of the two topics.
One topic will have to do with your opinion about an important invention during the past
100 years.
The other topic will have to do with the importance of a particular holiday in your life.
Since you are advanced AP students, you will do this in-class writing without a
dictionary. Therefore, you may wish to study the vocabulary for inventions and for
holidays before Friday, January 13.
Each component of the exam will be worth 33.33 percent. Therefore, you should be
equally prepared for all three sections.
Neue Vokabeln:
Multikulturellismus und
der Ausschluss (von): exclusion (from)
die Diskriminierung: discrimination
die Diversität- diversity
der Eindruck (die Eindrücke)- impression
der Einwanderer- : immigrant
der Fremdenhass (die Ausländer- or Fremdenfeindlichkeit, die Xenophobie): xenophobia
der Glaube-n: belief
die Gleichberechtigung: equal rights or opportunities
das Minderwertigkeitsgefühl : feeling of inferiority
das Stereotyp-e: stereotype
das Vorurteil-e : prejudice
abbauen (Vorurteile abbauen): abolish, break down (overcome prejudices)
(an etwas) anpassen: to assimilate; adapt to something
sich absondern: to isolate or segregate oneself
beeindrucken- to impress
sich benehmen- to behave
drohen- to threaten
(zu etwas) führen- to lead to something
unterstützen: to support
aufgeschlossen- open, friendly
einheimisch: indigenous
erstaunt- amazed, surprised
geduldig: patient
oberflächlich: superficial
stolz sein auf: to be proud of
Deutsch AP
Neuer Wortschatz:
Erfindungen und Innovierungen
die Bedingung-en: condition
das Bedürfnis-se : necessity, requirement
die Entdeckung-en: discovery
die Erfindung: invention
die Forschung: research
geistiges Eigentum: intellectual property
die Lösung-en : solution
die Maβnahmen: measures
das Patent: patent
die Zukunft: the future
auf die Idee kommen: to get an idea
etwas ausbauen: to expand something, to upgrade something
etwas durchsetzen: to implement something
entwerfen- to design
entwickeln : to develop
etwas erleichtern: to facilitate something
sich an etwas gewöhnen: to get used to something
scheinen: to appear, seem
sich verändern: to change
verbessern: improve
auf diese Art (und Weise): in this way
bahnbrechend: ground-breaking, pioneering
neulich: recently, lately
nützlich: useful
nutzlos: useless
regelmäβig: regular(ly)
überwältigend: overwhelming
umfangreich: extensive
wertvoll : valuable
Deutsch AP
Neue Vokabeln: Feiertage
-e Abschlussparty, -e Abschlussfeier, -s Abschlussfest – graduation party
-e Anzeige (Geburtsanzeige, Heiratsanzeige, Todesanzeige) – announcement
-s Begräbnis – burial, funeral
-s Beileid – sympathy
-s Ehepaar – married couple
-r Feiertag – holiday
-s Feuerwerk – fireworks
-e Flitterwochen (pl.) – honeymoon
-r Gast – guest
-s Geschenk – gift
-r Glückwunsch – congratulation
-e Hochzeit – wedding
-r Polterabend – party on the eve of a wedding
-s Standesamt – civil registry office
-e Taufe – baptism
-e Tracht – traditional dress
-e Trauerfeier – funeral service
-e Trauung – marriage ceremony
begraben/ – to bury
einladen /-e Einladung – to invite/invitation
feiern – to celebrate
heiraten – to get married
taufen– to baptize
teilnehmen – to participate, take part
überraschen – to surprise
sich verloben (mit) – to get engaged (to)
bedeutend – significant
festlich – festive
gesellig – sociable
jährlich – annual
Alles Gute! – Congratulations!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! - Happy birthday!
Prost! – Cheers!
Zum Wohl! – To your health!