FOOD AND THE CITY INFO BOOKLET FOR THE PUBLIC TWINNING CONFERENCE 03.11.2014 r ur al- urb an overlap Imprint Info-Booklet for the Public Twinning Conference Landscape and Agriculture 03.11.2014 © Leibniz Universität Hannover and Regione Lombardia, München 2014 The Copyright for texts und images is reserved by the authors, especially by the City of Munich, the City of Milan and the Province of Milan. Design: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Jörg Schröder, Lisa Leitgeb Print: Quick Druck München Universitätsprofessur für Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Herrenhäuserstraße 8, D-30419 Hannover, 2 CONTENT Einleitung Introduzione Introduction 4 1. Neue Landwirtschaftsmodelle Nuovi modelli agricoli New farming models 1.1 Stadtgüter München Cascine comunali di Monaco Munich Urban Farms 10 1.2 Städtische Güter in Mailand Le cascine comunali di Milano Milan Urban Farmsteads 14 1.3 Rurale Cluster in Mailand Distretti rurali nell‘area metropolitana di Milano Rural clusters in the Metropolitan Area Milan 1.4 Das Allgäu als Marke Allgäu come marchio regionale Regional Branding Allgäu 18 22 2. Regionale Parks Sistema dei Parchi territoriali Agriculture - Governance models 2.1 Regionale Parks Parchi e sistema rurale-urbano metropolitano Parks and the metropolitan rural-urban system 2.2 Grüngürtel München, Regionale Freiräume Il parco anulare di Monaco Munich Green Belt, Regional Open Spaces 2.3 Grüngürtel Turin La strategia della corona verde Agriculture and Territorial Governance 2.4 Metropolitane Landschaftskonvention München Convenzione metropolitana 28 Metropolitan Landscape Convention 30 34 36 2.5 Ländliche Entwicklung und Tourismus Pianificazione territoriale e turismo rurale Rural tourism trail 38 3 Organisatoren und Unterstützer Organizzatori e sostenitori Organizers and Supporters: • Leibniz Universität Hannover • General Direction for Environment, Energy and Sustanainable Development, Lombardy Region • Europäische Metropolregion München • Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung • Landeshauptstadt München, Kommunalreferat, Stadtgüter München • Allgäu GmbH - Tourismus Marke Standort • Regionaler Planungsverband Allgäu • Regionalverband Donau-Iller • und mit dem Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München (Pinakothek der Moderne) Pinakothek der Moderne Central Station Marienplatz, City Center Food and the City I 03.NOV. 2014 I 14:00 - 18:30 Pinakothek der Moderne I Munich 4 THEMATIK DER KONFERENZ TEMATICA DELLA CONFERENZA CONFERENCE THEME Erneuerte Stadt-Land-Beziehungen und regionale Nahrungsversorgung und sind entscheidende Faktoren für nachhaltige räumliche Entwicklung, sowie gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Wünsche. Die RURBANCE Konferenz zielt darauf ab, in einen größeren Kontext auch Themen wie Landschaft, Siedlungsentwicklung, Mobilität und Energie einzubeziehen, und zu fragen, wie sich neue Formen der Stadt-Land-Kooperation in Governance-Modellen organisieren lassen. Agricoltura, paesaggio e ambiente costituiscono gli elementi principali della connessione e cooperazione rurale-urbana per lo sviluppo sostenibile e sono oggi anche desideri sociali e culturali. La conferenza RURBANCE mira a far confrontare diverse realtà europee su questi temi con l‘obiettivo di riformulare e riorganizzare queste nuove forme di cooperazione rurale-urbana in veri e propri modelli di governance per lo sviluppo sostenibile integrato rurale-urbano. Agriculture, landscape and environment are core issues of renewed rural-urban cooperations and main tasks for sustainable development. They are also desires of society and cultural benchmarks. The conference RURBANCE in Munich aims atto comparing different European experiences in larger contexts of rural-urban relations with the objective of re-organizing these new forms of rural-urban cooperation towards new governance models for the sustainable integrated rural-urban develompent. Die RURBANCE Konferenz in München wird von der Leibniz Universität Hannover und der Allgäu GmbH, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Metropolregion München und der Landeshauptstadt München organisiert, gemeinsam mit dem Leadpartner, der Generaldirektion für Umwelt, Energie und nachhaltige Entwicklung der Region Lombardei und mit Unterstützung aller Projektpartner von RURBANCE. La conferenza RURBANCE a Monaco di Baviera è organizzata dall’Università Leibniz di Hannover e Allgäu GmbH, in cooperazione con EMM (Regione Metropolitana Europea di Monaco) e con la Città di Monaco, insieme con il capofila del progetto RURBANCE, la Direzione Generale Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile della Regione Lombardia, con il supporto di tutti i partner di progetto. The RURBANCE conference in Munich is organized by Leibniz Universität Hannover and Allgäu GmbH, in cooperation with EMM European Metropolitan Region Munich and with the Capital City of Munich, together with the Lead Partner of RURBANCE, the General Directorate for Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development of the Lombardy Region, with the support of all project’s partners. 5 6 Neue Landwirtschaftsmodelle Eine Neuaufstellung von öffentlichen landwirtschaftlichen Höfen, ihre Vernetzung und Markenbildung haben eine führende Rolle in der Entwicklung von multifunktionaler und nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft übernommen. Sie bieten Perspektiven für Stadt-LandKooperation auch auf regionaler Ebene. Die Beispiele städtischer Gutsbetriebe aus München und Mailand zeigen, wie regionale Landwirtschaft gefördert werden kann. Thematische Kooperationspartner: Stadt Mailand, Provinz Mailand Nuovi modelli agricoli Nuove configurazioni della gestione delle cascine comunali, delle loro reti e del branding hanno assunto un ruolo guida nello sviluppo di un’agricoltura multifunzionale e sostenibile nelle aree metropolitane e offrono nuove prospettive per la cooperazione urbano-rurale. Gli esempi delle cascine comunali di Monaco di Baviera e di Milano rappresentano buone pratiche per promuovere l‘agricoltura quale motore dello sviluppo sostenibile nelle aree metropolitane. New farming models New setups of public farms, their networks and branding have taken a leading role in developing models of multifunctional, sustainable agriculture and provide perspectives of rural-urban cooperation also on a regional scale. The examples from Munich and Milan communal farms present good practices to foster agriculture as the engine of the sustainable development in the entire regions. Regionale Landwirtschaftsparks Governance-Modelle Als wichtige Teile regionaler Identitäten und als Beitrag zu territorialer Resilienz werden Agrarlandschaften im Umland von Mailand und München weiterentwickelt, als innovative und partizipative Vorbildprojekte. Ein neues Gleichgewicht zwischen Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz, Freizeit und Erholung, Stadtklima und Klimaschutz kann so in Zukunft geschaffen werden. Sistema dei parchi territoriali modelli di governance Come importante componente di identità territoriale e di resilienza, il paesaggio agricolo nelle aree metropolitane di Milano e di Monaco di Baviera ha conosciuto innovativi modelli di tutela e di integrazione nel contesto urbano. Un nuovo equilibrio è stato creato tra agricoltura, tutela ambientale, tempo libero e ricreazione, connessioni ecologiche, e mitigazione del cambiamento climatico. Agriculture and parks Governance models As important parts of regional identities and of territorial resilience, agricultural landscapes in Milan and Munich, in the metropolitan cores and in rural areas, are being developed in an innovative and participative way. New balances are found between agriculture, environmental values and protection, leisure and recreation, ecological networks and mitigation of climate change. DATEN DER KONFERENZ DATI DELLA CONFERENZA CONFERENCE DATA Pilotgebiete Aree pilots Pilot areas . 2014 03.NOV 18:30 14:00 - H, E ODERN RIUM MUNIC DER M O OTHEK MENS-AUDIT PINAK IE VON S ERNST 1 Twinning Event Urban Farms cooperation partners from Italy and Germany: Lombardy Region, City of Milan, Province of Milan, Consortium of the Milan Rural Disctict, City of Munich, European Metropolitan Region of Munich, Allgäu GmbH 2 Twinning Event Territorial Planning and Governance cooperation partners from Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia: Lombardy Region, City of Milan, Province of Milan, Consortium of the Milan Rural Disctict, City of Munich, European Metropolitan Region of Munich, Allgäu GmbH, et. al. 7 Photo: Klaus Leidorf für Landraum NEUE LANDWIRTSCHAFTSMODELLE NUOVI MODELLI AGRICOLI NEW FARMING MODELS 1.1 STADTGÜTER MÜNCHEN 1.1 MUNICH URBAN FARMS Dr. Alfons Bauschmid, Kommunalreferat der Landeshauptstadt München Bi ob O etr rg ie an b ic fra m Fl äc Ar he ea in in ha he ct ar da es vo lea n v se er d pa ch te t t ad St r n de io b sit er qui w Er Ac 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1961 1965 1980 1944 1921 1899 1979 1962 1980 1993 217 392 283 450 150 333 354 161 171 38 9 98 120 16 66 15 37 136 90 23 - 1 Gut Beigarten Schwerpunkte: Futterversorgung des Tierparks und Kompostierung Focus: food supply of animal parks and composting 2 Gut Buchhof Schwerpunkte: Kleegras, Getreide und Leguminosen Focus: clover grass, cereals and legumes 3 Gut Delling Schwerpunkte: Kleegras, Getreide und Getreideaufbereitung Focus: clover grass, grain and grain processing 4 Gut Dietersheim Schwerpunkte: ökolog. Ausgleichsflächen, Raps Focus: ecological compensation areas, rape 5 Gut Großlappen Schwerpunkte: Getreide und Raps Focus: grain and rape 6 Gut Karlshof Schwerpunkte: Silomais, Getreide, Ochsenmast und Biogas Focus: silage corn, grain, fattening ox and biogas 7 Gut Obergrashof Schwerpunkte: Grünland und Landschaftspflegekonzept Focus: grassland and landscape management concept 8 Gut Riem Schwerpunkte: Getreide, Krautgärten, Ackerbau und Umweltpädagogik Focus: Grain, herb gardens, agriculture and environmental education 9 Gut Schorn Schwerpunkte: Getreide, Mais und Kleegras Focus: Cereals, maize and clover grass 10 Gut Zengermoos Schwerpunkte: Kleegras Focus: clover grass 10 4 10 7 6 5 8 3 2 1 Stadtgüter München · Munich Urban Farms Die Gutsbetriebe der Stadt München Munich Urban Farms Bereits vor 100 Jahren begann die Stadt München mit dem Gut Karlshof Ackerland zu erwerben. Heute bestehen die Stadtgüter München aus zehn Gutsbetrieben mit einer Gesamtfläche von etwa 2.500 Hektar in und um München. More than 100 years ago the City of Munich began acquiring farmland, with the farm Karlshof, in order to procure future development terrain or fields to exchange for such. Today the Munich Urban Farms comprehend 10 facilities with 2.500 ha in and around Munich. Die städtischen Güter sind überwiegend Ackerbaubetriebe, die bestrebt sind, durch flächendeckende Extensivierung eine ökologisch verträgliche Landwirtschaft zu betreiben. Inzwischen wirtschaften sieben Betriebe nach den Richtlinien des ökologischen Landbaus und sind anerkannten Anbauverbänden angeschlossen. Mit der Einführung der Marke „Stadtgüter München“ wurde die Kommunikation und Sichtbarkeit der Güter gestärkt. The Urban Farms are mainly focussed on crop cultivation, oriented towards ecological agriculture. This includes also extensivation. Seven of ten farms are already working according to ecological principles, and are member of renowened associations for ecological agriculture. With the introduction of the brand „Stadtgüter München“ communication and visibility of the farms has been strenghtened. Warum betreibt die Stadt München Landwirtschaft? • Grundstücksvorratspolitik • Erzeugung gesunder Lebensmittel • Vorbildfunktion für private Landwirtschaft • Gestaltung der Kulturlandschaft • Angebot umweltpädagogischer Projekte, Kooperationen mit Schulen • Förderung des Dialogs Erzeuger – Verbraucher Why in general the City is engaged in agriculture? • Land stock policy • Production of healthy food • Exemplary approaches for private agriculture • re-forming cultural landscapes • offer of education programmes • supporting producer-customer relations in food production 11 Stadtgüter München · Munich Urban Farms Projekte der Stadtgüter Projects of the Urban Farms Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien Renewable energy production Verkauf von Marktfrüchten und Futtermitteln Sale of market products and feed Hofladen Gut Karlshof Shop at the farm Karlshof Krautgärten „Krautgärten“ Hofbesuche am Gut Riem Farm visits on the farm Riem Ökologische Ausgleichsflächen Ecological compensation areas Daten Stadtgüter / Data of urban farms: Märkte / Markets 12 • 10 Betriebe 10 farms • Betriebsfläche: 2500 ha Area: 2500 ha • 1700ha Eigenbewirtschaftung 1700ha self-management • 900ha ökologische Bewirtschaftung 900ha ecologic • Tierhaltung: 500 Ochsen (Gut Karlshof) 500 oxes • ca. 130ha ökologischer Ausgleichsflächen ca.130ha ecological compensation areas • Kompostierung composting • 2 landwirtschaftliche Brennereien 2 agricultural distilleries Stadtgüter München · Munich Urban Farms Landwirtschaft in der Stadt München Agriculture in the City of Munich Heute gibt es in München insgesamt rund 100 landwirtschaftliche Vollerwerbsbetriebe mit einer Nutzfläche von circa 5.000 Hektar. Die städitschen Flächen darunter stehen durch Eigenbewirtschaftung jederzeit für kommunale Nutzungen (z.B.: für Wohnungsbau, Gewerbeflächen, aber auch als ökologische Ausgleichsflächen) zur Verfügung. Die multifunktionale Landwirtschaft sieht landwirtschaftliche Betriebe nicht mehr ausschließlich als Produzenten von Rohstoffen und Lebensmitteln, sondern als wichtigen Garanten für die Erhaltung und Gestaltung der Kulturlandschaft. Spannungsfeld: Landwirtschaft - Naturschutz Naherholung In Munich actually ca. 100 farms with ca. 5.000 ha land are running. The comunal owned land - because cultivated by the Urban Farms - can easily be transformed to comunal uses (housing, industial parks, ecological balance areas). Multifuntional agriculture especially in this urban frame defines farms not only as producers of raw materials and food, but also as decisive actors to sustain and form cultural landscapes. Field of conflicts: agriculture - environment protection - leiusre demands Munich Krautgärten Münchner Krautgärten In den Münchner Krautgärten können die Bürger der Stadt Gemüse selber ziehen und ernten. Das Gut Riem übernimmt Vorbereitung und einen Teil der Erstbepflanzung, jede Parzelle hat aber auch einen offenen Bereich für eigenen Ideen zur Bepflanzung. Da die Krautgärten jährlich neu vergeben werden, antwortet ihr ökologischer Anbau auf Wünsche nach Engagement und Flexibilität gleichzeitig. The the special form of allotment gardens (Krautgärten) in Munich invites citizens to grow and harvest by themselves. The Urban Farm Riem prepares the plantations and partially seeds (with colloaboration of local farmers), each parcel that can be annually rented also offers a part for own planting. The Krautgärten can only be rented for one year, their ecological approach responds to demands of engagement and flexibilty at the same time. 13 1.2 LE CASCINE COMMUNALI DI MILANO 1.2 MILAN URBAN FARMSTEADS DG Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile, Regione Lombardia Le cascine di Milano Farmsteads in Milan 14 © 2014, Touring Editore S.r.l Cascine Communali · Milan Urban Farmsteads Le cascine pubbliche di Milano The public farmsteads in Milan A Milano ci sono 62 cascine di proprietà comunale che rappresentano esempi di architettura agricola lombarda di grande valore storico, culturale e ambientale. In Milan there are 66 municipal farmsteads which represent the local rural architecture and its great historical, cultural and landscape value. Negli anni, alcune di queste cascine sono state inglobate nel tessuto urbano dallo sviluppo della città, altre si trovano invece ancora in aree agricole o all’interno di parchi. Storicamente, l’identità delle cascine milanesi è legata all’abitare, all’agricoltura e all’alimentazione, negli anni recenti a queste vocazione se ne sono aggiunte altre. Molte cascine milanesi sono state recuperate e tenute in vita da soggetti del terzo settore e associazioni di cittadini che al loro interno hanno trovato spazi per ospitare attività sociali e culturali di diverso tipo e servizi per i cittadini: • centri di accoglienza • comunità di alloggio e cura • centri sociali • spazi per la cultura, l’arte e la didattica • spazi per il tempo libero Over the years, some of these farmsteads have been absorbed in the urban pattern due to the city sprawl, other are still located in rural areas or parks. Historically, the identity of the Milan farmsteads is connected with the dwellings, the farming and the feeding but more recently other callings arose. Many farmsteads have been restored and revitalized by NGOs, cooperative, citizens associations for the offer of social and cultural services to the citizens: • homeless shelters, • day cares, • educational centers, • art guild, • cultural and leisure centers. 15 Cascine Communali · Milan Urban Farmsteads Sistema delle cascine pubbliche di Milano Public farmsteads’ system in Milan Aziende agricole Farms 13 Strutture di accoglienza, cura e integrazione sociale Homeless, daycare and social integration centres 10 multipli * Usi Various uses Uffici pubblici comunali Municipal offices 12 multipli * Usi Various uses Centri didattici e culturali Educational and cultural centres 7 Ristoranti Restaurants 2 Abbandonate o in disuso (alcuni progetti di recupero in corso) Abandoned or disused (some recovering projects ongoing) 35 multipli * Usi Various uses Uso residenziale (in corso o in progetto) Residential use (ongoing or planned) 14 multipli * Usi Various uses Una cascina di Milano A farmstead in Milan 16 © Matteo Pozzetti Cascine Communali · Milan Urban Farmsteads Non tutte delle cascine pubblice sono anche attivo nella produzione agricola. Le cascine comunali con attività agricola ci sono: Not all of the public farms are also active in agricultural production. The public farmsteads with farms are: 1. Cascina Basmetto Colture: Mais, riso / Farming: Corn, rice. Altre attività: attività didattico-educative per disabili / Other activites: Education for disableds 2. Cascina Caldera Colture: Bosco, orto, prato polifita / Farming: Wood, vegetable garden, meadow grass. Altre attività: attività didattiche, accoglienza minori / Other activites: Education, foster care 3. Cascina Campazzo Colture: mais, frumento, allevamento bovino / Farming: Corn, wheat, cattle breeding. Altre attività/Other activites: attività ricreative culturali / Other activites: Recreational and cultural activities 4. Cascina Cavriana Colture: Orzo, piante orticole, prato polifita, apicoltura / Farming: Barley, vegetables, meadow grass, beekeeping 5. Cascina Cavriano Colture: Orzo, frumento, avena, mais, prato stabile, ortaggi, frutta / Farming: Barley, wheat, oat, corn, vegetables, meadow grass, fruits. Altre attività: agriturismo / Other activites: agritourism 6. Cascina Grande di Chiaravalle Colture: Bosco, grano, mais, prato polifita/ Farming: Wood, wheat, corn, meadow grass. Altre attività: agriturismo, equitazione / Other activites: agritourism, riding 7. Cascina Isola Nuova Floricoltura / Floriculture 8. Cascina Merezzate Floricoltura / Floriculture 9. Cascina Molinello Colture: orzo, frumento, riso, allevamento bovino / Farming: barley, wheat, rice, cattle breeding 10. Cascina Rizzardi Colture: cereali, foraggi, allevamento bovino / Farming: Grains, forage, cattle breeding. Altre attività: agriturismo, attività ricreative culturali / Other activites: Agritourism, recreational and cultural activities 11. Cascina San Gregorio Vecchio Colture: cereali, allevamento bovino / Farming: grains, cattle breeding 12. Cascina Sora Colture: cereali, allevamento bovino / Farming: grains, cattle breeding Altre attività: attività didattiche e ricreative, ippoturismo / Other activites: Educational and recreational activities, equine tourism 13. Cascina Tre Ronchetti Colture: Mais, riso / Farming: Corn, rice 17 1.3 DISTRETTI RURALI NELL´AREA METROPOLITANA DI MILANO 1.3 RURAL CLUSTERS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA MILAN DG Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile, Regione Lombardia Inquadramento territoriale di area vasta: gli elementi di lunga durata Inquadramento territoriale di area vasta: gli elementi di lunga durata Fascia alta pianura asciutta Dry Plain Fascia della bassa pianura irrigua Watered Plain Boschi Woods Sistema principale delle acque Water System Tracciati territoriali, rete delle cittá e dei nuclei minori Network of Cities and Villages Riconstruzione delle centuriazioni nella fase di completamento dell´insedia mento romano Recreation of the Roman Centuriation © 1995 Urbanistica Quaderni n.2 IRER, Elaborazione di / Elaborated by arch. Marco Prusicki 18 Distretti Rurali · Rural Clusters Milan Il sistema territoriale The territorial system Il territorio è caratterizzato da una parte di alta pianura asciutta e da una parte di bassa pianura irrigua compresa totalmente nella fascia dei fontanili (sorgenti naturali e artificiali), luogo di insediamenti umani plurimillenari per la straordinaria abbondanza di acque, superficiali e sotterranee, che ne fanno una delle pianure più fertili a livello mondiale. The area is characterized by a northern dry plain and a southern watered plain included in the fountainheads zone (natural and artificial springs); this is a region of thousand-year old settlements thanks to the great abundance of groundwater and surface water which favored the generation of one of the most fertile soil in the world. Le cascine sono riconducibili a due tipologie fondamentali: In this area there are two typologies of farmsteads: Nella bassa pianura, la grande cascina a corte monoaziendale: più fabbricati disposti intorno a corti chiuse o aperte, con un edificio centrale del proprietario o affittuario e gli altri edifici destinati ai lavoratori e i rustici. Nell’alta pianura, la cascina a corte pluriaziendale, con edifici più alti, spazi più raccolti e differenziati per ogni colono. Il sistema delle cascine è concentrato prevalentemente nella pianura irrigua a est, sud e ovest di Milano che comprende ca 500 cascine con 36.000 ha di SAU. In the southern plain, the big mono-farm farmstead with courtyard: several buildings surround an open or closed courtyard, the central building host the farmer and the others host the farm hands or the farm buildings. In the northern plain, the smaller multi-farm farmstead with separated areas per each settler. The farmsteads system, mainly localized around the city of Milan (east, south and west), is made of about 500 farmsteads and 36.000 ha UAA. 19 Distretti Rurali · Rural Clusters Milan Ambiti di collaborazione tra i distretti rurali, la Regione Lombardia, la Provincia di Milano e il Comune di Milano Collaboration fields among the rural districs, Lombardy Region, Province of Milan and City of Milan Potenziamento e miglioramento del sistema irriguo Consolidation and improvement of the waterways for irrigation Riqualificazione e valorizzazione paesistico-ambientale Environmental and landscape valorization Distretti rurali in Provincia di Milano Rural districts in the province of Milan © Provincia di Milano, Elaborazione di / Elaborated by Marco Besozzi, Fausto Moretti Miglioramento fondiario Rural land and estate improvement Innovazione di prodotto, di processo e di filiera Product, process and supply chain innovation Multifunzionalità Multifunctionality Valorizzazione e promozione del territorio e della cultura rurale Promotion and valorization of the rural territory and heritage Il Distretto Agricolo Rurale Milanese The Rural District of Milan (DAM) 20 © Piano Strategico del DAM/ DAM Strategic Plan, 2011 – Elaborazione di/ Elaborated by arch. Valentina Dotti Consolidamento della strategia di sviluppo urbano-rurale Strenghtening of the strategy for the urban-rural development Distretti Rurali · Rural Clusters Milan I distretti rurali The rural districts Nell’area metropolitana milanese i sistemi produttivi sono caratterizzati da un‘identità storica e territoriale omogenea che ha favorito la nascita di 4 “distretti rurali”: In the Milan metropolitan area agriculture has an homogeneous territorial identity that has fostered the creation of 4 “Rural Districts”: • il Distretto agricolo milanese (DAM), • il Distretto agricolo Valle Olona (DAVO) • il Distretto neorurale delle tre acque (DINAMO) e • il Distretto agricolo riso e rane. I distretti fanno leva sull’integrazione fra le attività economiche presenti e mirano ad una crescita collaborativa e ad una condivisione di risorse e conoscenze, valorizzando così i profili multifunzionali dell’agricoltura, integrando la salvaguardia dell’ambiente, della cultura e delle tradizioni locali. In particolare, il DAM comprende le aree a prevalente uso agricolo situate all’interno del confine amministrativo del Comune di Milano. Anche se la continuità degli ambiti agricoli è interrotta dallo sviluppo urbano lungo delle direttrici radiali, l’estensione del distretto è di ca 4.000 ha (22% del territorio comunale). • the Milan Rural District (DAM), • the Olona Valley Rural District (DAVO), • the Three Waters Rural District (DINAMO) and the • Rise and Frogs Rural District. The districts aim at integrating the existing economic activities for a collaborative growth and a sharing of knowledge and resources by nurturing the multifunctional aspects of agriculture: food production, environment protection, valorization of the cultural heritage and the traditions. Particularly, DAM consists of the rural areas inside the administrative boundaries of the City of Milan. Although the agricultural areas have been fragmented by the urban development alongside the radial directrixes, the size of the district is still about 4.000 ha (22% of the city territory). 21 1.4 DAS ALLGÄU ALS MARKE 1.4 REGIONAL BRANDING ALLGÄU Klaus Fischer, Allgäu GmbH Dachmarke Allgäu Allgäu Brand Heterogene „Landschaft“ von Initiativen und Marken Heterogeneous „landscape“ of initiatives and Brands Regensburg Ingolstadt Stuttgart Füssen Ulm Augsburg DEU München Memmingen Friedrichshafen Basel Zürich Kempten Rosenheim Salzburg Bad Tölz Bregenz Innsbruck CH ITA 22 AUT © LUH / Allgäu GmbH Marke Allgäu · Regional Branding Allgäu Die Marke Allgäu The brand Allgäu Die Allgäuer Landschaft ist geprägt durch deren landwirtschaftliche Nutzung. Die durch Milchproduktion produzierten und unterhaltenen Landschaften (grüne Wiesen mit Allgäuer Kühen) sind für den Standortfaktor Allgäu extrem wichtig, da sie identitätsstiftend sind. Dies betrifft hauptsächlich die Bereiche Tourismus und Wirtschaft. The landscape of the Allgäu region has and is been shaped and is sustained by agriculture. The green meadows with the Allgäu cows are directly connected with the prealpine „milk belt“, and are decisively for regional identies and economic positioning, in tourism and in economic sectors in general. Etwa 200 Betriebe haben sich zur „Marke Allgäu“ zusammengeschlossen, die im Jahr 2008 ins Leben gerufen wurde. Das blaue Logo vermarktet nicht nur eine Tourismusregion, sondern verbindet Hersteller, Bauern und Verbraucher – ein einzigartiges Projekt in Bayern. Ca. 200 farms are organized in the „Allgäu brand“, starting in 2006. They not only advertise one of Germany‘s best tourism regions, but connect directly producers, refiners and consumers - creating a unique product. Die Dachmarke Allgäu ist eine urheber- und markenrechtlich geschützte Wortbild-Marke, Eigentümerin dieser Marke ist die Allgäu GmbH. Sie ist um einen ganzheitlichen visuellen Auftritt des Allgäus bemüht. Ziel der Dachmarkenstrategie ist es, eine größere Plakativität und leichtere Lesbarkeit zu schaffen. The brand Allgäu is a copyright and trademark protected word and design mark, the owner of this brand is the Allgäu GmbH. She is eager to provide holistic visual appearance of the Allgäu. The aim of the overall branding strategy of Allgäu is defined to provide increased visibility and easier access to the products. 23 Marke Allgäu · Regional Branding Allgäu EMM Europäische Metropolregion München Einwohner Inhabitants: Fläche Area (km2): Dichte Density: Anzahl der Landkreise / Städte Rural districts / Cities: Ackerflächen Cropland: Grünland Grassland: Wälder Wood: 5.600.000 23.806 km2 235 E/km2 31 32,32% 20,07% 27,02% ALL Allgäu GmbH: Einwohner Inhabitants: Fläche (km2) Area (km2): Dichte Density: Anzahl der Landkreise / Städte Rural districts / Cities: Ackerflächen Cropland: Grünland Grassland: Wälder Wood: 644.571 4.649 km2 139 E/km2 7 2,89% 48,37% 22,38% ALL + EMM Allgäu GmbH + E. Metropolregion München 24 Einwohner Inhabitants: Fläche (km2) Area (km2): Dichte Density: Anzahl der Landkreise / Städte Rural districts / Cities: Ackerflächen Cropland: Grünland Grassland: Wälder Wood: © LUH (anhand der Daten von CORINE Land Cover 2006) 6.068.847 27.060 km2 224 E/km2 36 30,01% 19,29% 27,42% Marke Allgäu · Regional Branding Allgäu Ausgangssituation und Herausforderung: Situation and Challenges: Das Allgäu ist umgeben von drei starken Metropolregionen: München, Zürich und Stuttgart. Zentrale Frage: Bewahrung der Eigenständigkeit oder Anschluss an die Metropolregion München? The Allgäu region is situated in between the metropolitan areas of Munich, Zurich and Stuttgart - and is organizing itself in the frame of Allgäu GmbH as „rural metropolitan region“. One of the actual questions are the direct and indirect relations to the European Metropolitan Region Munich. Ergebnis aus Konferenzen und Beratungen: • Das Allgäu soll eigenständig bleiben und zentral vermarktet werden. > Gründung der Allgäu GmbH • Festlegung der weiteren Vorgehensweise unter Einbindung aller Akteure der Region: Wie wollen wir uns als Region positionieren? Wie erreichen wir dieses Ziel (Organisation, benötigtes Budget etc.)? • Operationalisierung der Strategie mit Hilfe eines Managementhandbuches: Beinhaltet Tourismus-, Marken- und Standortstrategie. • Markenstrategie als zentrales Element der Vermarktung und Positionierung: Ziel: Von der reinen Herkunftsmarke zur Qualitätsmarke! • Nutzenversprechen, Qualitätsversprechen und Preisniveau: Die Marke Allgäu löst beim Betrachter Emotionen und die richtigen Assoziationen aus: Regional, nachhaltig, gesund und bodenständig Resumee of strategic conferences and workshops: • The Allgäu region should act independently and create a stronger identity and branding (therefor Allgäu GmbH has been founded) • Definition of further actions including regional stakeholders: How the region can be positioned? How this goal can be reached? • How the regional strategy can be operationalized? A management guidebook enfolds a comprehensive tourism, branding, and positioning strategy. • Branding strategy as core of marketing and positioning. Aim: form a brand of quality. • Promises of use, quality, and prize: The Allgäu brand evokes emotions and secures assets, such as „regional, sustainable, healty, grounded“. 25 26 Photo: Klaus Leidorf für Landraum REGIONALE PARKS SISTEMA DEI PARCHI TERRITORIALI AGRICULTURE - GOVERNANCE MODELS 2.1 PARCHI E SISTEMA RURALE-URBANO METROPOLITANO 2.1 PARKS AND THE METROPOLITAN RURAL-URBAN SYSTEM DG Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile, Regione Lombardia il sistema dei parchi nell’area metropolitana milanese the parks system in the Milan metropolitan area 28 © Regione Lombardia Sistema dei Parchi · Sistem of Parks Il Sistema dei Parchi The sistem of parks Nel sistema metropolitano milanese insistono diversi tipi di parchi che concorrono alla tutela dell’ambiente e della biodiversità, alla valorizzazione del paesaggio, al mantenimento degli spazi aperti. In the Milan metropolitan system there are different kinds of parks which contribute to the environment and biodiversity protection, the landscape valorization, the open land maintenance. I parchi regionali (Parco del Ticino, Parco Adda Nord, Parco Nord Milano) interessano vaste aree a cui la Regione Lombardia riconosce un fondamentale valore ecologico, paesistico e fruitivo. I parchi sovracomunali sono costituiti in accordo tra diversi Comuni per la gestione condivisa di aree omogenee d’interesse ambientale. The Regional parks (The Ticino park, the North Adda Park, the North Milan Park) affect wide areas to which Lombardy Region attributes a crucial ecological, landscape and touristic value. The supra-municipal parks are founded on the basis of a covenant among the municipalities in order to establish a join management of homogeneous areas of environmental interest. Il Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, attualmente gestito dalla Provincia di Milano, è una vasta area in cui la tutela del territorio coniuga le funzioni ambientali ed ecologiche con le funzioni produttive e sociali dell’agricoltura periurbana secondo un modello produttivo e insediativo sostenibile. Questa ricchezza potrà essere ulteriormente valorizzata consolidando la governance del sistema dei parchi verso una visione unitaria di parco metropolitano. The Rural Park South Milan, currently managed by the Province of Milan, is a wide rural area in which the safeguard of the territory combines the environmental and ecological functions with the production and social functions of the peri-urban agriculture according to a sustainable production and settlement model. This richness can be further commended reinforcing the governance of the parks system towards a metropolitan vision. 29 2.2 GRÜNGÜRTEL MÜNCHEN, REGIONALE FREIRÄUME 2.2 MUNICH GREEN BELT, REGIONAL OPEN SPACES Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung, Landeshauptstadt München Der Münchner Grüngürtel umschließt die Stadt auf einer Länge von etwa 70 Kilometern. La cintura verde circonda la cittá in un percorso lungo 70 chilometri. © LUH 30 Güngürtel München · Munich Green Belt Münchner Grüngürtel Green Belt Munich Als Münchner Grüngürtel werden die nicht bebauten Freiräume am Stadtrand von München und im Übergangsbereich zu den Nachbargemeinden bezeichnet. The Green Belt Munich has been defined as open spaces at the city border of Munich and in the adjoining municipalities. Der Münchner Grüngürtel umfasst ca. 335 km² Fläche, die traditionell überwiegend auch landwirtschaftlich genutzt wird. Es finden sich jedoch auch wertvolle, noch erhaltene Teile der ursprünglichen Landschaft: die Wälder im Westen und Süden, die teilweise renaturierte Isar mit ihren Kiesbänken und Auenbereichen, die weiten, blütenreichen Heidegebiete im Norden sowie die Mooslandschaften im Westen und Norden. Nicht zu vergessen - der Münchner Grüngürtel ist für zweieinhalb Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürger ein überaus beliebter Naherholungsraum. Auch deshalb kommt dem Münchner Grüngürtel eine in Zukunft wachsende Bedeutung zu. It consists of ca. 335 ha of mostly agricultural land, but comprehends also parts of vernacular landscapes, as woods in the west and south, the renaturalized Isar river with gravel banks and meadows, the vast heath areas in the north, and moss landscapes in the west and north. The Green Belt constitutes an important and popular space of leisure for 2,5 Mio inhabitants. Also for this reason the role of the Green Belt for the metropolitan development will increase. Aim of the Green Belt is a balanced relation of agriculture, leisure and environment protection. Ziel des Grüngürtelprojekts ist ein gleichberechtigtes Nebeneinander von Landwirtschaft, Naherholung und Naturschutz! 31 Güngürtel München · Munich Green Belt Projekte im Grüngürtel Projects in the Green Belt Weidefleisch Production of meat Kartoffeln Potatoes Kräuterheu Herb hay Naturschutz nature conservation © LUH Biotopentwicklungsflächen Pilotprojekt Eschenrieder Moos Münchner Ökokonto: Extensivierungs- und Renaturierungsmaßnahmen durch Beeinträchtigungen der Bauindustrie 28 Flächen, 67 ha Biotope development sites Pilot project „Eschenrieder Moos“ Munich eco-account: extensification and restoration measures by impairment of the construction industry 28 areas, 67 ha 32 Daten / Data: • Fläche: 335 km² Area: 335 km² • Vegetation: landwitsch.Fl., Wald, Rasen, Auen Vegetation: Agriculture, Wood, Grass, Wetlands • Naherholungsraum für 2,5 mio Bürger Recreation Areas for 2,5 mio citizens • privates Beratungsteam private consultation team • ca 100 landwirtschaftliche Vollerwerbsbetriebe circa 100 agricultural Full-time farms Güngürtel München · Munich Green Belt Das Grüngürtelprojekt The Green Belt Project Die Stadt München setzt sich seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre verstärkt dafür ein, die bäuerliche Kulturlandschaft im Umfeld der Stadt zu erhalten. Sie unterbreitet auch privaten Landwirten Angebote, zum Beispiel durch Übernahme von Landschaftspflegemaßnahmen, durch Initiativen zur Direktvermarktung oder durch Bereitstellung von Ackerflächen für die „Münchner Kraurgärten“, um die Betriebe und damit die Kulturlandschaft zu erhalten. Mehr als 30 private Landwirte beteiligen sich an dem Münchner Grüngürtel-Projekt und vermarkten ihre Produkte direkt. Durch die Pflege von 123 Hektar Ausgleichsflächen tragen die Stadtgüter München (SgM) zum Ausgleich für Eingriffe in Natur und Landschaft bei. Davon profitieren auch die privaten Landwirte, die diese Pflegemaßnahmen übernehmen. The City of Munich since the 1990ies is engaged in securing agricultural landscapes around the city. Farmes are involed in measures of landscape maintenance, initiatives of direct marketing, or in providing land for the Krautgärten initiative, in order to protect farms and landscape. Ziele: • Förderung naturnaher, nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft • Unterstützung bei der Direktvermarktung: Förderung regionaler Qualitätsprodukte • Einbindung der Landwirte in die Landschaftspflege • Unterstützung bei Sonderprojekten (z. B. Krautgärten, Ökokonto,...) More than 30 farms are direct partners in the Green Belt project and direct markting of their products. With the maintenance of 123 ha ecological balance land the Munich Urban Farms contribute to the balancing of increasing soil and nature use in the metropolitan area. Private farms that are involved in maintenance take advantage from this strategy. Aims of the Green Belt: • support for sustainable and ecological agriculture • support for direct marketing of regional products with high qualities • involvement of farms in landscape maintenance • involvement in special projects (Krautgärten, eco logical balancing account, etc) 33 2.3 LA STRATEGIA DELLA CORONA VERDE 2.3 AGRICULTURE AND TERRITORIAL GOVERNANCE Dipartimento Programmazione Strategica, Politiche Territoriali ed Edilizia, Regione Piemonte Disegno strategico della Corona Verde Strategic plan of the Corona Verde © Regione Piemonte 34 Corona Verde · Agriculture and Territorial Governance Agricoltura e governance territoriale: il progetto strategico Corona Verde Agricolture and territorial governance: the strategic plan Corona Verde Corona Verde è un progetto strategico a regia regionale che interessa l’area metropolitana e la collina torinese. Sono coinvolti 93 comuni, compresi quelli del Ciriacese, Territorio di Progetto di RURBANCE. Corona Verde is a strategic project with a regional direction that affects the metropolitan area and the hill of Turin. 93 municipalities are involved, including those of Ciriacese, Territory of the Project of RURBANCE. Corona Verde intende realizzare un’infrastruttura verde che integri la Corona di Delitie delle Residenze Reali con la cintura verde, rappresentata dal patrimonio naturale dei parchi metropolitani, dei fiumi e delle aree rurali ancora poco alterate, per riqualificare il territorio metropolitano torinese e migliorarne la qualità di vita. Corona Verde intends to implement a green infrastructure that integrates the Crown Royal Residences Delitie with the green belt, represented by the natural heritage of the metropolitan parks, rivers and rural areas still little altered, to redevelop the Turin metropolitan area and improve the quality life. L’agricoltura periurbana è sostenuta da un processo di governance che coinvolge tutto il sistema produttivo rurale nei programmi di qualificazione ambientale e paesistica dell’hinterland metropolitano, riconoscendo alle attività agricole un ruolo chiave sia per la produttività agroalimentare, per i servizi ambientali e le attrezzature del tempo libero, sia per il mantenimento del sistema dei paesaggi rurali tradizionali. The peri-urban agriculture is supported by a governance process that involves the entire production system in rural qualification programs for environmental and landscape metropolitan hinterland, recognizing agricultural activities play a key role both in the agricultural and food production, for environmental services and equipment leisure and for the maintenance of the system of traditional rural landscapes. 35 2.4 METROPOLITANE LANDSCHAFTSKONVENTION 2.4 METROPOLITAN LANDSCAPE CONVENTION Dr. Johannes Gnädinger, für EMM Europäische Metropolregion München Suburbanisierung am Alpenrand Suburbanization on the edge of the Alps © Foto: EMM e.V. Eines der Ziele des EMM e.V. ist die Steigerung der Lebensqualität. One of the aims of the EMM association is the improvement of life qua- Zur Positionierung der Region gilt unter anderem: „Die Metropolregion lity, like one of the slogans puts it: „Munich Metropolitan Area is worth München ist lebenswert dank intakter Landschaften und hochrangiger living thanks to intact landscapes and top-ranging culture”. Kultur“. 36 Die im Jahr 2014 erarbeitete EMM-Landschaftskonvention greift dieses The Landscape convention for EMM, developed in 2014, accepts this Ziel auf und versteht sich als Beitrag, die Bedeutung von Landschaft aim and it was formulated as a contribution to strengthen the con- stärker ins Bewusstsein zu rücken. sciousness for landscapes. Landschaftskonvention · Landscape Convention Eine Landschaftskonvention für die Metropolregion München A Landscape Convention for Munich Metropolitan Area Nach dem Vorbild der Europäischen Landschaftskonvention des Europarates (ELC 2000, SEV-Nr. 176) wurde für die Metropolregion München (EMM) eine Landschaftskonvention erarbeitet. Die EMM erwartet in den nächsten Jahrzehnten einen weiteren starken Bevölkerungszuwachs, der zusätzlichen Wohnraum, Arbeitsplätze und Infrastruktur erfordert und den Veränderungsdruck auf die Landschaften weiter steigen lässt. Landschaft hat für unser Leben aber eine große Bedeutung, sie vermittelt Identität, dient der Erholung, der Landwirtschaft oder dem Naturschutz. Historisch gewachsene Räume drohen zu verschwinden. Gleichzeitig bietet sich dadurch aber auch die Chance, die Landschaften zu sichern und weiterzuentwickeln. Die EMM-Landschaftskonvention soll dazu helfen, Veränderungen bisheriger planungspolitischen Handlungsmuster in Gang setzen und die in der Region vorhandenen Kräfte zu bündeln. Gemeinden, Kreise, Vereine, Verbände, Unternehmen und Bürgerschaft sind aufgerufen, den unschätzbaren Wert der Landschaften zu erkennen und ihr Handeln danach auszurichten. Following the model of the European Landscape Convention of the European Council (ELC 2000, SEV-Nr. 176), a regional landscape convention was developed for Munich Metropolitan Area (EMM). EMM is expecting a strong population growth within the following decades. This will require further residential area, working places and infrastructure. Landscape however has a meaning for life, conveys identity, provides recreation, allows agriculture or nature conservation. Yet historically grown spaces and structures tend to disappear. At the same time this opens the chance to preserve and develop the landscape. The Landscape convention for EMM may help to shift the previous practice of planning policy, to pool forces and to give a good example to other regions. Municipalities, counties, associations, federations and the citizenship are called to recognize the immense value of landscape, thus to ratify the convention and hence to adjust the actions. 37 2.4 PIANIFICAZIONE TERRITORIALE E TURISMO RURALE 2.4 RURAL TOURISM TRAIL Direzione Urbanistica e Paesaggio, Regione del Veneto Proposta per il sistema di piste ciclabili fra Verona e le valli veronesi emerso dalla partecipazione con i Comuni Proposal for the bike trails systems coming from the participation activities © Regione del Veneto 38 Pianificazione Territoriale e Turismo Rurale · Rural Tourism Trail Integrare pianificazione territoriale e politiche di sviluppo rurale Integrating spatial planning and rural development policies La Regione Veneto ha sviluppato il progetto RURBANCE per affrontare l’integrazione delle politiche di sviluppo rurale con gli strumenti di pianificazione, riunendo i Dipartimenti di Urbanistica e Agroambiente. L‘azione pilota si è concentrato su Verona e le valli veronesi. La città è una grande attrazione turistica, mentre le valli sono una eccellenza per le produzioni agro-alimentari con un potenziale in termini di turismo rurale. Un processo partecipativo è stato sviluppato coinvolgendo amministrazioni locali, agricoltori e associazioni. La proposta di un sistema di piste ciclabili è emerso come opportunità per collegare Verona con le valli settentrionali. Ora una misura di finanziamento è stata individuata nel nuovo Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-20 per sostenere il progetto, e per realizzare la ciclopista il Fondo Europeo di Coesione ha appena aperto un bando. Così il progetto Spazio Alpino sostiene un’iniziativa locale basata sullo Sviluppo rurale e il Fondo di Coesione, in una esperienza pragmatica d’integrazione delle diverse politiche. Veneto Region has developed the RURBANCE Project to tackle the integration of rural development policies and planning instruments, joining the Urban Planning with the Rural Development Department. The Pilot Action has focused on Verona and its northern valleys. The town is a major tourism attraction, while the valleys are an excellence for agro-food productions with a potential in terms of rural tourism. A participatory process has been developed involving local administrations, farmers and NGOs: the proposal of a bike trails system has emerged as an opportunity to link Verona with the northern valleys. Now a funding Measure has been identified within the new Rural Development Programme 2014-20 to support the project, and to implement the bike trails the European Cohesion Fund has just opened a call. So the Alpine Space project supports a local initiative based on Rural Development and Cohesion funds, in a pragmatic experience of integration of different policies. 39 PROJECT PARTNERS ITALIA : Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Ambiente Energia e Reti (Lead partner) Regione Piemonte, Direzione Programmazione strategica, politiche territoriali ed edilizia Regione Veneto, Direzione Urbanistica e Paesaggio ÖSTERREICH: Stadt Graz Regionalmanagement Graz & Graz – Umgebung DEUTSCHLAND: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Universitätsprofessur für Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung Allgäu GmbH Gesellschaft für Standort und Tourismus SCHWEIZ: Stadt Zürich, Stadtentwicklung, Bereich Außenbeziehungen SLOVENIJA: Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika Regionalna razvojna agencija Ljubljanske urbane regije FRANCE: Institut d’Urbanisme de Grenoble (Université Pierre Mendès France) Grenoble Alpes Métropole, Direction de la Prospective & de la Stratégie Territoriale Région Rhône-Alpes, Direction du Tourisme, de la Montagne et des Parcs Agence d’Urbanisme de la Région Grenobloise W W W. R U R B A N C E . E U Allgäu GmbH - Tourismus Marke Standort, Allgäuer Straße 1, D-87435 Kempten, [email protected] Leibniz Universität Hannover, Universitätsprofessur Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung, Herrenhäuserstr. 8, D-30419 Hannover, [email protected] Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo sostenibile, Piazza Cittá di Lombardia 1, I-20124 Milano, [email protected]