Concise Oxford–Duden German Dictionary


Concise Oxford–Duden German Dictionary
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German Dictionary
Third Edition
German > English
English > German
Edited by
the Dudenredaktion
and the German Section of
the Oxford University Press
Dictionary Department
Chief editors
M. Clark · O. Thyen
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For this new edition the Concise Oxford-Duden
German Dictionary has been given a new
visual presentation, making it even more
accessible and easy to use. The text has been
updated using the unparalleled language
databases maintained and continually
expanded by Oxford University Press and
the Dudenverlag. New entries reflect
scientific and technological innovations,
particularly in the field of information
technology, as well as changes in politics,
culture, and society.
Notes on the life and culture of the German
and English-speaking countries of the
world, new to this third edition, greatly
extend the range of information provided in
the dictionary. Detailed usage boxes are also
included to help with important areas of
grammar and vocabulary. They highlight
differences between German and English
which may create difficulty for the learner
and translator, explaining them in detail,
and provide clear illustrative examples.
Other boxes give the user key facts about
types of word that behave alike, for
example, names of towns and cities,
languages, numbers, and days of the week.
They provide ways of discussing topics such
as age, dates, time, and measurements and
offer essential practical information on
asking the way, formulating greetings,
apologizing, and letter-writing. Crossreferences to the boxes are given at all the
relevant entries, making them easily
accessible points of reference for students
and valuable aids to teaching. This new
edition also includes a correspondence
section giving models for communicating
by letter in a wide range of situations,
and guidance on using the telephone and
on SMS messaging.
The editors are confident that these
improvements will continue to make the
Concise Oxford-Duden German Dictionary an
essential tool for all those who need an
authoritative, concise, and up-to-date guide
to German and English.
Michael Clark
Oxford University Press
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German spellings in this dictionary
German spellings in this dictionary are in
accordance with the reforms in force since August
1998. Most newspapers and new books use the
new spellings. Key points of the reforms are
summarized below. In cases of doubt the editors
have followed Duden—Die deutsche Rechtschreibung,
twenty-second edition, 2000.
To help the user who may not yet be familiar
with the reforms, the German-English section of
the dictionary gives both the new spellings and
the old versions which are ‘invalid’ from 2005.
The old spellings are marked with an asterisk and
are cross-referred where necessary to the new. For
example, the translations of the compound verb
wiedererkennen will no longer be found at this
headword, since under the new spelling rules the
word vanishes from the language. Instead they
are covered by two phrases at the entry for wieder:
jemanden/etwas wieder erkennen (in the form
jmdn./etw. ~ erkennen) and er war kaum wieder zu
erkennen (in the form er war kaum ~ zu erkennen).
Similarly the translations of the adjective
previously written belemmert will be found at the
new entry for the headword belämmert.
In a number of cases, however, implementing
the new spelling rules has meant that just some,
but not all, uses of a word have had to be
transferred from one entry to another. In these
cases the headword is not marked with an
asterisk, but the entry is provided with a crossreference to where the transferred information is
now to be found. So, for example, the user who
consults the entry for leid looking for a translation
of the phrase previously written jemandem leid tun
will find a cross-reference to the entry for the
noun Leid, since according to the new spelling
rules the word is written with a capital L in this
expression. The headword leid itself is not marked
with an asterisk, since it continues to exist in its
own right as an adjective.
The following summary lists the most important changes:
1. The ß character
The ß character, which is generally replaced in
Switzerland by a double s, is retained in Germany
and Austria, but is only written after a long vowel
(as in Fuß, Füße) and after a diphthong (as in
Strauß, Sträuße).
Fluß, Baß, keß, läßt, Nußknacker become: Fluss,
Bass, kess, lässt, Nussknacker
2. Nominalized adjectives
Nominalized adjectives are written with a capital
even in set phrases.
sein Schäfchen ins trockene bringen, im trüben fischen,
im allgemeinen become: sein Schäfchen ins Trockene
bringen, im Trüben fischen, im Allgemeinen
3. Words from the same word family
4. The same consonant repeated
three times
When the same consonant repeated three times
occurs in compounds, all three are written even
when a vowel follows.
Brennessel, Schiffahrt become: Brennnessel,
Schifffahrt (exceptions are dennoch, Drittel,
5. Verb, adjective and participle
Verb, adjective, and participle compounds are
written more frequently than previously in two
spazierengehen, radfahren, ernstgemeint,
erdölexportierend become: spazieren gehen,
Rad fahren, ernst gemeint, Erdöl exportierend
In certain cases the spelling of words belonging to
the same family becomes uniform.
numerieren, überschwenglich become: nummerieren
(like Nummer), überschwänglich (being related to
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German spellings in this dictionary
6. Compounds containing numbers
in figures
Compounds containing numbers in figures are
written with a hyphen.
24karätig, 8pfünder become: 24-karätig, 8-Pfünder
7. The division of words containing st
st is treated like a normal combination of
consonants and is longer indivisible.
ha-stig, Ki-ste become: has-tig, Kis-te
8. The division of words containing ck
The combination ck is not divided and goes on to
the next line.
Bäk-ker, schik-ken become:
Bä-cker, schi-cken
9. The division of foreign words
• xx
He-li-ko-pter (from the Greek helix and pteron)
may also become: He-li-kop-ter
10. The comma before und
Where two complete clauses are connected by und
a comma is not obligatory.
Karl war in Schwierigkeiten, und niemand konnte ihm
helfen may also be written: Karl war in
Schwierigkeiten und niemand konnte ihm helfen.
11. The comma with infinitives and
Even longer clauses containing an infinitive or
participle do not have to be divided off with a
Er begann sofort, das neue Buch zu lesen. Ungläubig
den Kopf schüttelnd, verließ er das Zimmer may also
be written: Er begann sofort das neue Buch zu lesen.
Ungläubig den Kopf schüttelnd verließ er das Zimmer.
Compound foreign words which are hardly
recognized as such today may be divided by
syllables, without regard to their original
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deutsch-französisch • dichten
Deutsche Welle
The German equivalent of the BBC World Service, this
radio station is financed and controlled by the German
government and broadcasts programmes on German
politics, business, arts, and culture, aimed at listeners
deutsch-französisch Adj. Franco-German Trelations,
border, etc.U; German-French Tdictionary, anthology, etc.U
Deutschland (das); ds Germany
Deutschland-: dlied das: the song ‘Deutschland, Deutschland
über alles’; dpolitik die policy towards Germany
This has been the German national anthem since 1922,
when it was chosen by the first president of the Weimar
Republic. The song entitled Lied der Deutschen (Song of
the Germans) was written by Hoffmann von Fallersleben
in 1841 and set to a melody composed by Joseph Haydn
(1732-1809). The third stanza of the song (Einigkeit und
Recht und Freiheit …) is now used as the national
deutsch-, Deutsch-: dlehrer der German teacher;
dsprachig Adj. 1 German-speaking; Deutschsprachige
Pl. German speakers; 2 (in deutscher Sprache) German-language
attrib. Tnewspaper, edition, broadcastU; TteachingU in German;
German TliteratureU; dstämmig Adj. of German origin
Deutschtum das; ds Germanness
Deutsch.unterricht der German teaching; (UnterrichtsV
stunde) German lesson; d erteilen or geben teach German
Deutung die; d, den interpretation
Devalvation /devalva"ts
io;n/ die; d, den (Finanzw.) deV
Devise /de"vi;z@/ die; d, dn motto
Devisen Pl. foreign exchange sing.; (Sorten) foreign currency
sing. or exchange sing.
Devisen-: dbörse die foreign exchange market;
dgeschäft das foreign exchange business or dealings pl.;
(einzelne Transaktion) foreign exchange transaction; dmarkt
der foreign exchange market; dschmuggel der [foreign]
currency smuggling; dvergehen das currency offence;
breach of exchange control regulations
devot /de"vo;t/ (geh. abwertend)
dgl. Abk. = dergleichen, desgleichen
d. Gr. Abk. = der/die Große
d. h. Abk. = das heißt i. e.
Di. Abk. = Dienstag Tue[s].
Dia /"di;a/ das; ds, ds slide
Diabetes /dia"be;tEs/ der; d: "$ p 333 Krankheiten
/dia"be;tik6/ der; ds, d,
die; d, dnen diabetic
diabolisch (geh.)
A Adj. diabolic
B adv. with diabolic malevolence
Diadem /dia"de;m/ das; ds, de diadem
Diagnose /dia"gno;z@/ die; d, dn diagnosis; eine d
stellen make a diagnosis
. stisch
A Adj. diagnostic
B adv. diagnostically
diagnostizieren /diagnOsti"ts
i;r@n/ tr. V. diagnose
diagonal /diago"na;l/
A Adj. diagonal
B adv. diagonally; etw. d lesen (ugs.) skim through sth
Diagonale die; d, dn diagonal
. mm das graph; (schematische Darstellung) diagram
Diakon /dia"ko;n/ der; ds od. den, de[n] (christl. Kirche)
Diakonisse /diako"nIs@/ die; d, dn (ev. Kirche) deaconess
Dialekt /dia"lEkt/ der; d[e]s, de dialect
. kt.ausdruck der; Pl. Diale.ktausdrücke dialect
A Adj. des Deutsch sprechen speak German without a trace
of [any] dialect
B adv. TspeakU without a trace of [any] dialect
Dialog /dia"lo;k/ der; d[e]s, de dialogue
Dialyse /dia"ly;z@/ die; d, dn (fachspr.) dialysis
Diamant /dia"mant/ der; den, den diamond
diametral /diame"tra;l/ (fig. geh.)
A Adj. diametrical ToppositionU
B adv. diametrically
Dia-: dpositiv das slide; dprojektor der slide projector
Diät die; d, den diet; eine d einhalten keep to a diet; d
kochen cook according to a/one’s diet; d essen be on a diet
A Adj. obsequious
B adv. obsequiously
Dextrose /dEks"tro;z@/ die; d: dextrose
Dezember /de"ts
Emb6/ der; ds, d: "$ p 121 Datum
Diäten Pl. [parliamentary] allowance sing.
dich /dIC/
A Akk. von du you
B Akk. des Reflexivpron. der 2. Pers. Sg. yourself; wäschst du dich?
are you washing [yourself]?; entschuldige dich! apologize!
A Adj. quiet Tcolour, pattern, suitU; subdued Tlighting, musicU; disV
creet Tsmile, behaviourU
B adv. discreetly; TdressU unostentatiously
dezentralisieren tr. V. decentralize
Dezentralisierung die; d, den decentralization
Dezernat /detsEr"na;t/ das; d[e]s, de department
Dezernent /dets
Er"nEnt/ der; den, den head of departV
Dezi- /"de;ts
i-/: deciTlitre, metre, etc.U
Dezibel /dets
i"bEl/ das; ds, d: decibel
dezimal /dets
i"ma;l/ Adj. decimal
Dezimal-: drechnung die decimal arithmetic no art.;
dstelle die decimal place; dsystem das decimal system;
dzahl die "$ p 617 Zahlen decimal [number]
dezimieren /detsi"mi;r@n/ tr. V. decimate
Dezimierung die; d, den decimation
DFB /de;Ef"be;/ der; d Abk. = Deutscher Fußball-Bund
DGB /de;ge;"be;/ der; d Abk. = Deutscher GewerkV
schaftsbund German Trade Union Federation
DGB — Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund
The biggest trade-union umbrella organization in
Germany, with about 9 million members in 12 individual
unions. In recent years, the DGB has pursued a policy of
moderation in its pay demands.
A Adj. 1 thick Thair, fur, plumage, mossU; thick, dense Tfoliage, fog,
cloudU; dense Tforest, thicket, hedge, crowdU; heavy, dense TtrafficU;
densely ranked, close-ranked Trows of housesU; heavy
Tsnowstorm, trafficU; (fig.) full, packed TprogrammeU; in der
Folge in rapid or quick succession 2 (undurchlässig) (für Luft)
airtight; (für Wasser) watertight TshoesU; (für Licht) heavy
Tcurtains, shuttersU; d machen seal TcrackU; seal the crack[s]/
leak[s] in Troof, window, etc.U; waterproof Tmaterial, umbrella, etc.U;
nicht ganz d sein (salopp) have a screw loose (coll.) 3 (ugs.:
geschlossen) shut; closed
B adv. 1 densely TpopulatedU; tightly TpackedU; thickly, densely
TwoodedU; heavily Tbuilt upU; d verschneit thick with snow;
d besetzt full; packed; d bewachsen covered with dense
vegetation; d bebaut heavily built-up; d gedrängt tightly
or closely packed; d behaart [very] hairy; d an d od. d geV
2 (undurchlässig) tightly 3 mit Präp. (nahe) d neben right
next to; d daran hard by; d beieinander close together; d
vor/hinter ihm right or just in front of/behind him; die
Polizei ist ihm d auf den Fersen the police are hard or
close on his heels 4 (zeitlich: unmittelbar) ich war d daran, es
zu tun I was just about to do it; d bevorstehen be immiV
*di.cht.bebaut usw.: "dicht B 1
Dichte /"dICt@/ die; d (Physik, fig.) density
A itr. V. [gut] d: make a good seal
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frühauf • führen
untimely end; einen den Tod sterben die an untimely or
premature death
B adv. 1 early; d am Tage early in the day; d genug
kommen arrive in [good] time; der oder später sooner or
later; seine d verstorbene Mutter his mother, who died
young; von d auf from early childhood on[wards]
2 (morgens) in the morning; heute/morgen/gestern d:
this/tomorrow/yesterday morning; von d bis spät from
morning till night; from dawn to dusk; "früher
früh-, Früh-: dauf "früh B 1; daufsteher der; ds,
d: early riser; early bird (coll.); ddienst der early duty; (im
Betrieb) early shift
Frühe die; d: in der d: (geh.) in the early morning; in aller
d: at the crack of dawn
früher Adv. formerly; d war er ganz anders he used to be
quite different at one time; meine Bekannten von d: my
former acquaintances; ich kenne ihn [noch] von d [her] I
know him from some time ago; an d denken think back
früher… Adj., nicht präd. 1 (vergangen) earlier; former; in den
Zeiten in the past; in former times; aus den
Jahrhunderten from past centuries 2 (ehemalig) former
Towner, occupant, friendU
Früh.erkennung die (Med.) early recognition or diagnosis
frühestens /"fry;@stn0s/ Adv. at the earliest
frühest.möglich /"fry;@st"m{;klIC/ Adj.; nicht präd. earliest
Früh-: dgeburt die 1 premature birth; 2 (Kind) preV
mature baby; dinvalide der/die premature invalid
Früh.jahr das "$ p 298 Jahreszeiten spring
Frühjahrs-: dmüdigkeit die springtime tiredness;
dputz der spring-cleaning
Früh-: dkapitalismus der early capitalism no art.;
dkartoffel die early potato
Frühling /"fry;lIN/ der; ds, de "$ p 298 JahresV
zeiten spring; im d: in [the] spring; der d kommt spring is
coming; im d des Lebens (geh.) in the springtime of one’s
life; seinen zweiten d erleben (fig. iron.) relive one’s youth
frühlings-, Frühlings-: danfang der first day of
spring; dhaft Adj. "$ p 298 Jahreszeiten springlike;
dtag der spring day
früh-, Früh-: dmesse, dmette die (kath. Kirche) early
[morning] mass; dmorgens /-"--/ Adv. early in the mornV
ing; dnebel der early morning fog/mist; dreif Adj. preV
cocious TchildU; drentner der person who has retired early;
dschicht die early shift; dschoppen der morning
drink; (um Mittag) lunchtime drink; dsport der earlymorning exercise; dstadium das early stage; dstart der
(Sport) false start
Früh.stück das; ds, de breakfast; zweites d: midmorning snack
io;n/ die; d, den (Psych.) frusV
frustrieren /frUs"tri;r@n/ tr. V. frustrate
FU[B] /"Ef"u;("be;)/ die; d Abk. = Freie Universität
/fUks/ der; des, Füchse /"fYks@/ 1 (auch Pelz) fox;
dort sagen sich d und Hase od. die Füchse gute Nacht
(scherzh.) it’s in the middle of nowhere or at the back of
beyond 2 (ugs.: schlauer Mensch) ein [schlauer] d: a sly or
cunning devil 3 (Pferd) chestnut; (heller) sorrel
. chs.bau der; Pl. de fox-den
. chsen
A tr. V. annoy; vex
B refl. V. sich [über etw. (Akk.)] d: be annoyed [about sth.]
Fuchsie /"fUksi@/ die; d, dn (Bot.) fuchsia
Füchsin /"fYksIn/
die; d, dnen vixen
. chs-, Fu
. chs-: djagd die fox-hunt; (Schleppjagd) draghunt; dpelz der fox-fur; drot Adj. ginger; dschwanz
der 1 [fox’s] brush; foxtail; 2 (Bot.) amaranth; love-liesbleeding; 3 (Werkzeug) handsaw; dteufels.wi.ld Adj.
(ugs.) livid (coll.); hopping mad (coll.)
/"fUxtl0 / die; d, dn o. Pl. (ugs.: strenge Zucht) jmdn.
unter der/seiner d haben/halten have/keep sb. under
one’s thumb
. chteln itr. V. mit etw. d (ugs.) wave sth. about
Fuder /"fu;d6/ das; ds, d 1 (Wagenladung) cart-load 2 (ugs.:
große Menge) load (coll.)
. ffziger der; ds, d (ugs.) fifty-pfennig/fifty-cent piece; ein
falscher d (salopp) a real crook
Fug /fu;k/ der: in mit d [und Recht] rightly; justifiably
Fuge1 /"fu;g@/ die; d, dn joint; (Zwischenraum) gap; der Tisch
kracht in allen dn (ugs.) every joint in the table creaks; aus
den dn gehen od. geraten/sein (fig.) be turned completely
upside down (fig.)
Fuge2 die; d, dn (Musik) fugue
fügen /"fy;gn0/
A tr. V. 1 (hinzud) place; set; Wort an Wort d: string words
together 2 (geh.: zusammend) put together; lose gefügte
Bretter loosely jointed boards 3 (geh.: bewirken) TfateU ordain,
decree; TpersonU arrange
B refl. V. 1 (sich eind) sich in etw. (Akk.) d: fit into sth.
2 (gehorchen) sich d: fall into line; sich jmdm./einer SaV
che (Dat.) d: fall into line with sb./sth.; er muss lernen,
sich zu d: he must learn to toe the line; sich in sein
Schicksal d: submit to or accept one’s fate 3 (geh.: geV
schehen) es fügt sich gut, dass …: it is fortunate that …
A Adj. obedient
B adv. obediently
Fügsamkeit die; d: obedience
Fügung die; d, den 1 eine d Gottes divine providence;
eine d des Schicksals a stroke of fate 2 (Sprachw.) conV
Breakfast in Germany typically consists of strong coffee,
slices of bread or fresh rolls with butter, jam, honey,
sliced cheese and meat, and maybe a boiled egg. For
working people and schoolchildren, who have little time
for breakfast first thing in the morning, a zweites
Frühstück is common at around 10 a.m.
A itr. V. breakfast; have breakfast; ausgiebig d: have a hearty
B tr. V. etw. d: breakfast on sth.; have sth. for breakfast
Frühstücks-: dfernsehen das breakfast television;
dfleisch das luncheon meat; dpause die morning
break; coffee break
früh-, Früh-: *dverstorben "früh B 1; dwerk das
early work; (gesamtes) early works pl.; dzeit die early period;
dzeitig A Adj. early; (vorzeitig) premature; untimely TdeathU;
B adv. early; (im Leben, in der Entwicklung) at an early stage;
(vorzeitig) prematurely; jmdn. dzeitig benachrichtigen let
someone know in good time; dzug der early [morning]
Frust /frUst/ der; d[e]s (ugs.) frustration; ihre Arbeit war
der absolute d: her work was a real drag (coll.); der große
d überkam ihn he began to feel really browned off (Brit.
A Adj. 1 noticeable 2 (wahrnehmbar) perceptible
B adv. 1 noticeably 2 (wahrnehmbar) perceptibly
A tr. V. feel
B refl. V. sich
krank/bedroht/schuldig d: feel sick/
threatend/guilty; sich zu etw. berufen d: feel called to be
sth.; sich als Künstler d: feel oneself to be an artist; feel
one is an artist
C itr. V. feel; nach etw. d: feel for sth.
Fühler der; ds, d feeler; antenna; seine/die d ausV
strecken (fig.) put out feelers
Fühlung die; d: contact; mit jmdm. d bekommen/
[auf]nehmen get into contact with sb.
Fühlungnahme die; d: initial contact
fuhr /fu;6/ 1. u. 3. Pers. Sg. Prät. v. fahren
Fuhre /"fu;r@/
die; d, dn 1 (Wagenladung) load 2 (Transport)
trip; journey; (mit Taxi) fare
A tr. V. 1 lead; ein Tier an der Leine d: walk an animal on a
lead; jmdn. durch eine Stadt d: show sb. around a town;
durch das Programm führt [Sie] Klaus Frank Klaus Frank
will present the programme; jmdn. auf die richtige Spur
d: put sb. on the right track 2 (Kaufmannsspr.) stock, sell
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astringent • asymmetric
A adj. 1 herb, streng TGeschmackU; stechend, beißend TGeruchU
2 (styptic) adstringierend (Med.); blutstillend 3 (severe) scharf
B n. Adstringens, das
/@"strQl@dZ@(r)/ n. "$ p 939 Jobs Astrologe,
der/Astrologin, die
astrological /&str@"lQdZIkl/ adj. astrologisch
astrology /@"strQl@dZI/ n., no pl. Astrologie, die
astronaut /"&str@nO;t/ n. "$ p 939 Jobs Astronaut, der/
Astronautin, die
astronautical /&str@"nO;tIkl/ adj. astronautisch
astronautics /&str@"nO;tIks/ n., no pl. Raumfahrt, die
Astronom, der/Astronomin, die
939 Jobs
/&str@"nQmIkl/ adj., astronomically
/&str@"nQmIk@lI/ adv. (lit. or fig.) astronomisch
astronomy /@"strQn@mI/ n., no pl. Astronomie, die
astrophysics /&str@U"fIzIks/ n., no pl. Astrophysik, die
astute /@"stju;t/ adj. scharfsinnig
asylum /@"saIl@m/ n. Asyl, das; grant sb. d: jmdm. Asyl
gewähren; political d: politisches Asyl; d seeker AsylsuV
chende, der/die
asymmetric /&sI"metrIk, eIsI"metrIk/, asymmetV
rical /&sI"metrIkl, eIsI"metrIkl/ adj. asymmetrisch;
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seamanship • seat
/"si;m@nSIp/ n., no pl. seemännisches Geschick;
Seemannschaft, die (fachspr.)
"sea mark n. (Naut.) Seezeichen, das
seamed /si;md/ adj. d stockings Strümpfe mit Naht
"sea mist n. Küstennebel, der
seamless /"si;mlIs/ adj. nahtlos
seamstress /"semstrIs/ n. Näherin, die
seamy /"si;mI/ adj. the d side [of life etc.] (fig.) die
Schattenseite[n] [des Lebens usw.]
seance /"seI@ns/, séance /"seIA~s/ n. Séance, die (fachspr.);
spiritistische Sitzung
sea: dplane n. Wasserflugzeug, das; dport n. Seehafen,
der; d power n. Seemacht, die
sear /sI@(r)/ v.t. verbrennen; versengen
A v.t. durchsuchen (for nach); absuchen TGebiet, FlächeU (for nach);
prüfend od. musternd blicken in (+ Akk.) TGesichtU; (fig.: probe)
erforschen THerz, GewissenU; suchen in (+ Dat.), durchstöbern
(ugs.) TGedächtnisU (for nach); d me! (coll.) keine Ahnung!
B v.i. suchen
C n. Suche, die (for nach); (of building, room, etc.) Durchsuchung,
die; make a d for suchen nach TWaffen, Drogen, DiebesgutU; in
d of sb./sth. auf der Suche nach jmdm./etw
Phrasal verbs
• d for v.t. suchen [nach]
• d "out v.t. heraussuchen; aufspüren TPerson mit unbekanntem
• d through v.t. durchsuchen; durchsehen TBuchU
Suchroboter, der
/"s3;tSIN/ adj. prüfend, forschend TBlickU; bohrend
TFrageU; (thorough) eingehend TUntersuchungU
search: dlight n. 1 (lamp) Suchscheinwerfer, der; 2 (beam
of light) Scheinwerferlicht, das (auch fig.); (fig.) Rampenlicht, das;
d party n. Suchtrupp, der; Suchmannschaft, die; d warV
rant n. (Law) Durchsuchungsbefehl, der
searing /"sI@rIN/ adj. sengend THitzeU; brennend TSchmerzU
sea: d salt n. Meersalz, das; Seesalz, das; dscape
/"si;skeIp/ n. (Art: picture) Seestück, das; Marine, die; Sd
Scout n. (Brit.) Seepfadfinder, der/-pfadfinderin, die; dshell
n. Muschel[schale], die; dshore n. (land near d) [Meeres]küste,
die; (beach) Strand, der; walk along the dshore am Meer/
Strand entlanggehen; dsick adj. seekrank; dsickness n.,
no pl. Seekrankheit, die; dside n., no pl. [Meeres]küste, die; at
or by/to the dside am/ans Meer; an der/an die See; attrib.
dside town Seestadt, die
A n. 1 (time of the year) Jahreszeit, die; dry/rainy d: Trocken-/
Regenzeit, die 2 (time of breeding) (for mammals) Tragezeit, die;
(for birds) Brutzeit, die; (time of flourishing) Blüte[zeit], die; (time
when animal is hunted) Jagdzeit, die; nesting d: Nistzeit, die;
Brut[zeit], die; "close season; open season 3 (time deV
voted to specified, social activity) Saison, die; harvest/opera d:
Erntezeit, die/Opernsaison, die; football d: Fußballsaison, die;
holiday or (Amer.) vacation d: Urlaubszeit, die; Ferienzeit, die;
tourist d: Touristensaison, die; Reisezeit, die; ‘the d’s greetV
ings’ „ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches neues
Jahr“ 4 raspberries are in/out of or not in d: jetzt ist
die/nicht die Saison od. Zeit für Himbeeren 5 (ticket)
"season ticket 6 (Theatre, Cinemat.) Spielzeit, die. "high
season; low season; silly A 1
B v.t. 1 (lit. or fig.) würzen TFleisch, RedeU 2 (mature) ablagern
lassen THolzU; ded erfahren TWahlkämpfer, Soldat, ReisenderU
seasonable /"si;z@n@bl/ adj. der Jahreszeit gemäß
saisonabhängig TPreiseU
seasonal af"fective disorder
/si;z@nl @"fektIv
dIsO;d@(r)/ n. saisonabhängige Depression; Winterdepression,
seasoning /"si;z@nIN/ n. 1 (Cookery) Gewürze Pl.; Würze, die
2 (fig.) Würze, die
"season ticket n. Dauerkarte, die; (for one year/month)
Jahres-/Monatskarte, die
A n. 1 (thing for sitting on) Sitzgelegenheit, die; (in vehicle, cinema,
etc.) Sitz, der; (of toilet) [Klosett]brille, die (ugs.) 2 (place) Platz,
der; (in vehicle) [Sitz]platz, der; have or take a d: sich
[hin]setzen; Platz nehmen (geh.); take one’s d at table sich
zu Tisch setzen 3 (part of chair) Sitzfläche, die 4 (buttocks)
Gesäß, das; (of trousers) Sitz, der; Hosenboden, der; by the d of
one’s pants (coll. fig.) nach Gefühl 5 (site) Sitz, der; (of disease
also) Herd, der (Med.); (of learning) Stätte, die (geh.); (of trouble)
Quelle, die; the d of the fire der Brandherd 6 (right to sit in
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