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The Credit Suisse Magazine The Credit Suisse Magazine Since 1895 Issue 1 International Edition Feb./March 2009 www.credit-suisse.com/bulletin 2010 The Credit Suisse Magazine Since 1895 Issue 2 May/June 2009 International Edition The Credit Suisse Magazine Since 1895 Issue 3 Aug./Sept. 2009 International Edition Breakthroughs Silence North Free Fall Breaking Through the Sound Barrier The Netherlands When the Dikes and Dams Break Deafness How Leonie Found Her Way out of Silence Music Composing Pieces of Music out of Total Silence Greenland Join Gerry Hofstetter on a Light Art Expedition Elves in Iceland More Than Just Folklore to Northerners Promoting Young Talent Breakthrough Imminent Investing in Art Emerging Markets Enliven Business Picasso The National Gallery to Display 70 Paintings Lorin Maazel Looking Back on a Great Artistic Career Hans-Ulrich Doerig Interview With the Chairman Emergency Aid Report From China’s Earthquake Zone Renewable Energies An Upturn Ahead in 2010? Hernando de Soto Fighting for the Rights of the Poor Hans-Ulrich Meister The CEO Credit Suisse Switzerland Microfinance What Five International Experts Have to Say Outlook Will We Seek a “Bubble Repetition”? Nobel Laureate Krugman On the Financial Crisis 2010 Advertising Rates Valid from 1. 1. 2010 print-ad kretz gmbh General Wille-Strasse 147 Postfach CH - 8706 Feldmeilen Tel. +41 (0)44 924 20 70 Fax +41 (0)44 924 20 79 E-mail [email protected] Editorial 115 years old and still going strong – it could only be the Credit Suisse bulletin. However, this is the opinion not only of its editorial team, but also of the expert juries at a number of international magazine competitions. For example, bulletin has been honored in the US (on more than one occasion in some cases) at the Mercury, Communicator, Tabbie, and Magnus Opus awards. In addition, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology has nominated bulletin for its 2009 design prize. And since 2003 bulletin has also picked up three silver medals, as well as a bronze and a gold, at the Best Corporate Publishing Awards, the most prestigious event of its kind for client magazines in Europe. This has been a great source of satisfaction to us. The roots of bulletin reach far back into the century before last. It was in 1895 that the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (as Credit Suisse was then known) first published the “Effekten-Kursblatt.” This is recorded by historian Horst Pastuszek in his book “Wirtschaftsordnung und Wirtschaftspublizistik” (“Economic Development and Business Journalism”) as the world’s first periodical banking publication. In 1921, the Kursblatt was renamed the “Monats-bulletin” (Monthly bulletin) and in 1944 this was shortened to just bulletin, which now appears five times a year in German, French, Italian, and English. bulletin is more than a customer magazine in the traditional sense of the phrase. It is what you might call a stakeholder magazine. The mix of socio-political issues and current economic and business reporting featured in bulletin is aimed not just at the bank’s clients: It is also designed to reach a wider audience of individuals and organizations – namely those that want to participate in public debate and keep a close eye on changes in today’s world without borders. Daniel Huber, Editor-in-Chief Photo: Cédric Widmer bulletin – a Magazine with a Long Tradition Brief Profile of Bulletin Readership Readers of bulletin have subscribed to the magazine and have a higher education. They are frequently self-employed or occupy management positions. Around 60 percent of the readership has assets of over CHF 250,000 and annual purchasing power of more than CHF 100,000. High-quality goods are a priority for these readers. Your advertisement in bulletin will reach a target group of high-income decision-makers in the worlds of business and politics. The quality magazine offers the ideal environment for presenting: Watches and jewelry Household durables Unconventional adventure travel Vehicles in the medium and upper price segment The bulletin magazine reaches 39,000 leaders and top managers in German-speaking Switzerland and 8,000 leaders and top managers in French-speaking Switzerland. Unique The roots of bulletin go back to the year 1895, thus making it the oldest banking publication in the world. Excellent This magazine is of outstanding quality, as confirmed by the international awards it regularly receives from industry experts. The Credit Suisse Magazine Since 1895 Issue 2 May/June 2009 International Edition Silence Deafness How Leonie Found Her Way out of Silence Music Composing Pieces of Music out of Total Silence Hans-Ulrich Doerig Interview With the Chairman Emergency Aid Report From China’s Earthquake Zone Renewable Energies An Upturn Ahead in 2010? Hernando de Soto Fighting for the Rights of the Poor Content – Editorial Areas Topic Economy Breakthroughs in the Netherlands Breakthroughs in the Netherlands 13 Water As the Enemy Every issue of bulletin focuses on a new area. The different facets of a topic are analyzed in the light of contemporary perspectives as well as in conjunction with the economy. 43 A Place to Play for New York Kids A new community playground, one of five that have been sponsored by Credit Suisse’s 2007 Holiday Charity Initiative, opened in September 2008. The playground is the result of employee donations and a unique public/private partnership with New York City and the Trust for Public Land, a nonprofit land conservation organization. Photo: Avery Wham courtesy of The Trust for Public Land Some 1,000 students at Central Park East, a public school located in East Harlem, New York, can now play in a safe new playground featuring play equipment, game tables as well as a track-and-field area, thanks in part to the donations of Credit Suisse employees. Fewer than half of New York City’s public elementary schools have usable playgrounds for the 628,000 students they serve. Many schools have little more than barren asphalt lots for play areas. Currently, more than 90 percent of New York City neighborhoods fail to meet the commonly accepted standard of 2.5 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. The need for playgrounds and parks is most acute in low-income, high-density neighborhoods where children have few recreational alternatives. The Trust for Public Land’s ( TPL ) Parks for People program was created to address this problem in order to ensure that everyone – in particular, every child – has access to a park, playground or natural area close to their homes. Nearly 4,000 Credit Suisse employees made financial contributions to TPL in 2007, which were matched by funds from the Credit Suisse Americas Foundation, for a total gift of 1.6 million dollars. This support was provided as part of the annual Holiday Charity Initiative (see box). Over the past two years, the initiative has generated over 3 million dollars in donations from employees as well as matching funds from the Credit Suisse Americas Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to make a difference in the communities in which Credit Suisse operates. With the support from employees, it was possible to design and construct new state of-the -art playgrounds in five communities, where there was once only asphalt. “The result of the generosity of Credit Suisse and its employees is that thousands of children now have a close -to -home place where they can exercise both mind and muscles,” said Rose Harvey, senior vice president of TPL . The most recently completed playground is located at Central Park East, a public school in East Harlem, New York. The Central Park East, Jackie Robinson Education Complex houses three schools – an elementary school, a middle school and a high school – “Our staff gave from their own resources and time to help make this happen.” George Hornig with a total of 1,000 students. Fifty percent of the middle school students live in foster homes or with their grandparents. Thanks in part to donations from Credit Suisse employees, these children can enjoy a safe new playground, which features play equipment, a track-and-field area, a playspray water feature, game tables, benches and areas for both basketball and tennis. On September 20, 2008 , the park was officially opened with a dedication and community celebration sponsored by Credit Suisse’s Alternative Investments business. The Alternative Investments Philanthropy Committee planned the ceremony, which drew hundreds of students and community members. A host of attractions were available and free to the public – from airbrush tattoos to moonwalks, lending a carnival atmosphere to the day. The Alternative Investments employees also organized, led and participated in a 3 -on-3 basketball tournament and relay races. Prior to the event, they painted murals and helped plant shrubbery in the school’s courtyard with students. “We are proud both as individuals and as employees of Credit Suisse to be part of this extraordinarily successful partnership,” said George Hornig, Chief Operating Officer of Alternative Investments.“Our staff gave from their own resources and time to help make this happen.” Anne Marie Fell and Eric Williams Holiday Charity Initiative: New York City Credit Suisse partnered with The Trust for Public Land ( TPL) for the 2007 Holiday Charity Initiative, to bring muchneeded community playgrounds to underserved areas of New York City. The Trust for Public Land is working to provide safe places to play within a 10-minute walk of every child in New York City by transforming vacant lots into vibrant playgrounds and community parks. The effort is in partnership with the City of New York as part of Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC 2030. For its 2008 Holiday Charity Initiative, Credit Suisse partnered with the Robin Hood foundation to bring education opportunities to New York City students through the development of new Charter Schools to provide high-quality education to over 3,000 students. Since 1998, Robin Hood has targeted poverty in New York City by applying sound investment principles to philanthropy. Credit Suisse has been a supporter of Robin Hood through the Library Initiative, helping to build 25 new libraries in New York City public schools, since 2002. Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 The section under this heading affords insights into the broad variety of segments and areas in which Credit Suisse and its products are active. The world of Credit Suisse includes commitments in the field of cultural and sports sponsorship, as well as social aid programs. Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Die seit September herrschende extreme Risikoabneigung hat etwas nachgelassen und die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Fundamentaldaten stabilisieren sich langsam, wenn auch auf tiefem Niveau. Vor diesem Hintergrund betrachten wir Aktien wieder zuversichtlicher und sehen Chancen für weitere Kursgewinne. Eine potenzielle Rally wäre unseres Erachtens jedoch zeitlich beschränkt, da das gesamtwirtschaftliche Umfeld problematisch bleibt. Wir behalten daher unsere defensive Positionierung in Aktien bei und fokussieren uns auf Sektoren wie Basiskonsumgüter, Telekommunikation und Gesundheit. Wir empfehlen darüber hinaus auch zyklische Unternehmen mit ausgeprägten Impulsen, z. B. Exposure gegenüber den weltweit angekündigten Konjunkturbelebungsmassnahmen. mt Zinsen und Obligationen Drastischer Rückgang der globalen Zinsen Die G3 ( USA, Japan, Eurozone) dürften 2009 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr einen Rückgang der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität verzeichnen. Obwohl sich auch aufstrebende Volkswirtschaften deutlich abschwächen, dürften sie 2009 voraussichtlich für das gesamte globale Wachstum verantwortlich sein. Die Eintrübung an den globalen Arbeitsmärkten, die in den USA schneller eingetreten ist als in Europa, dürfte sich in den nächsten Monaten weiter verstärken. Angesichts fallender und zeitweise sogar negativer Inflation dürften die Zinsen global bis auf Weiteres weiter fallen (wo sie nicht schon bereits bei oder nahe bei null sind, wie z. B. CH, USA , Japan) und angesichts der konjunkturellen Schwäche bis auf Weiteres tief bleiben. th 2008 sind 2.6 Mio. US -Arbeitsplätze verloren gegangen, die Arbeitslosenquote ist deutlich gestiegen. Quelle: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse % 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 98 99 00 01 02 Arbeitslosenrate Eurozone Arbeitslosenrate USA Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 03 04 05 06 07 08 Unser Global Risk Appetite Index hat sich von seinen Tiefstständen etwas erholt, bleibt aber angesichts des unsicheren gesamtwirtschaftlichen Ausblicks im Panikbereich. Quelle: Credit Suisse, IDC Index 8 Euphorie 6 4 2 0 –2 –4 –6 Panik 81 85 89 93 97 01 05 09 Währungen US -Dollarschwäche 2009 Aufgrund hoher Finanzierungsbedürfnisse ( US -Leistungsbilanz- und Budgetdefizit) sowie anhaltend tiefer Zinsen dürfte sich der USD später im 2009 abschwächen. Kurzfristig ist unser Ausblick neutral. Den langfristig negativen Faktoren stehen positive Einflussgrössen wie die Aussicht auf ein substanzielles US -Fiskalpaket sowie Zinssenkungen ausserhalb der USA gegenüber. Im jetzigen Umfeld einer globalen Rezession und mit der Aussicht auf Angleichung der globalen Zinsen nahe bei null dürften Leistungsbilanzüberschusswährungen wie CHF und JPY unterstützt bleiben. Tiefzins- und Leistungsbilanzdefizitwährungen (z. B. GBP ) oder roh- 67 stoffabhängige Währungen ( AUD, NZD, C AD) dürften vorerst kaum Aufwärtspotenzial haben. mh Übersicht Aktienmarkt Währungen Ausblick Schweiz Aktien dank defensivem Profil favorisiert Franken dürfte weiter erstarken Geringerer Kapitalabfluss aus EWU längerfristig positiv für EUR/USD. Quelle: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse Die wirtschaftliche Lage in der Schweiz hat sich in den letzten Monaten massiv verschlechtert. Die SNB hat die Leitzinsen erheblich gesenkt, und wir gehen davon aus, dass diese für geraume Zeit tief bleiben werden. Schweizer Aktien gegenüber sind wir positiv eingestellt, da die Unternehmen über ein defensives Profil verfügen und einen hohen Anteil an Exporten in Schwellenländer aufweisen. Wir gehen von einer Aufwertung des CHF gegenüber USD und EUR aus. Wir bleiben in Schweizer Aktien übergewichtet, da dieser Markt über ein defensives Profil verfügt und die hiesigen Unternehmen ein starkes Export- Exposure gegenüber den robusteren Schwellenländern aufweisen. Entsprechend unserer globalen Empfehlung raten wir zu einem defensiven Engagement und konzentrieren uns auf Aktien im Gesundheitswesen sowie im Bereich Basiskonsumgüter mit deutlicher Ausrichtung auf Konsumenten in Schwellenländern. mt Wir erwarten, dass 20 09 der CHF zum EUR und USD weiter erstarken wird. Überbewertung von EUR , Einengung der Zinsdifferenz durch Zinssenkungen der EZB, hoher Schweizer Leistungsbilanzüberschuss und ein hohes US -Budgetdefizit sprechen für eine CHF -Aufwertung. Erwartungen eines grossen US-Fiskalpakets könnten den USD kurzfristig jedoch stützen. Investoren mit Referenzwährung CHF sollten USD in Stärke verkaufen bzw. ihre Engagements absichern. mh in Mrd. EUR EUR /USD in % YoY 25 300 20 200 15 100 10 5 0 0 –100 –5 –10 –200 –15 –300 –20 –400 –25 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Eurozone (Leistungsbilanz + Ausländische Direktinvestitionen + Portfoliozuflüsse, 12 M kumuliert) EUR /USD in % gegenüber Vorjahr (r. S.) Schweizer Aktien weisen eine historisch tiefe Bewertung auf. So günstig bewertet waren sie letztmals im Frühjahr 1991. Erwartete Einengung der risikobereinigten Zinsdifferenz zwischen EUR und CHF dürfte Franken aufwerten. Quelle: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse Quelle: MSCI, IBES -Konsensschätzungen, Credit Suisse P/E Rohstoffe Das rezessive Umfeld hat die Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen stark belastet und die Rohstoffpreise dürften unter Druck bleiben, solange die Weltwirtschaft keinen Boden findet. Dieser könnte u. E. bereits im 1. Quartal 2009 erreicht werden. Nach den markanten Rückschlägen der letzten Monate sollten sich die Rohstoffpreise bald zu stabilisieren beginnen, zumal die mittel- bis längerfristigen Perspektiven unseren Einschätzungen zufolge weiterhin intakt sind (vgl. Abb.). Insofern glauben wir zwar, dass die Preise noch über etwas Abwärtspotenzial verfügen. Wir erwarten aber auch, dass sich 2009 eine Kaufgelegenheit abzeichnen dürfte. Wann genau dies der Fall sein wird, lässt sich schwer voraussagen, wir rechnen im Verlauf des 1. Halbjahres 2009 damit. et Zinsen und Obligationen 25 Drastische Zinssenkungen der SNB 15 500 450 400 350 Schweizerische Nationalbank verfolgte eine deutlich expansive Geldpolitik. 0.0 150 07.08 09.08 11.08 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 0.10 1.42 0.00 01.07 07.07 01.08 07.08 01.09 EUR /CHF-Wechselkurs Carry ( EUR 3M-Rate minus CHF 3M-Rate dividiert durch EUR /CHF implizierte 3M-Volatilität), (r. S) Top-Thema Aussenhandel im Abwärtssog Die Exportwirtschaft ist von der negativen globalen Entwicklung am unmittelbarsten betroffen. Während die Ausfuhr von Waren infolge der Rezession in den Abnehmerländern zurückgeht, zieht die Finanzkrise die Exporte von Finanzdienstleistungen in Mitleidenschaft. Dem Tourismus dürfte zusätzlich die Verteuerung des Frankens zu schaffen machen. Die Exporte in weiterhin wachsende Länder wie beispielsweise China bilden zwar ein gewisses konjunkturelles Auffangnetz. Deren Exportanteile sind aber noch zu gering, um den Rückgang der Ausfuhren in die Industrieländer zu kompensieren. Das Exportvolumen der Schweiz dürfte daher um 2.3% abnehmen. cm Exportanteile 2008. 3.8 % OPEC 12.1 % Schwellen- und Tranformationsländer 4.2 % Entwicklungsländer 20.5 % Deutschland 2.3 % Sonstige aussereuropäische Industriestaaten 1.5 0.5 200 05.08 91 Schweizer Markt, P/E nächste 12 Monate Durchschnitt Quelle: SNB (Zahlen bis Oktober 2008 ) 3.0 1.0 250 03.08 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.46 89 2.5 2.0 300 S & P GSCI Commodity Index Dow Jones AIG Commodity Index ( r. S.) 0.40 1.54 5 0 % 3.5 6 500 5 500 4 500 3 500 0.50 1.62 1.58 10 4.0 Index 9 500 8 500 7 500 1.66 20 Die Schweizerische Nationalbank hat entschlossen auf die verschlechterten Konjunkturaussichten reagiert. Im 4. Quartal 2008 senkte sie ihr Zinsziel für den 3 - MonatsLIBOR um insgesamt 225 Bp auf 0.5%. Wir glauben, dass damit ein Boden erreicht wurde, sehen aber gleichzeitig, dass die Risiken nach unten gerichtet bleiben. Von der Rendite der 10jährigen Eidgenossen erwarten wir kurzfristig eine Seitwärtstendenz. Da mittelfristig die Inflationserwartungen jedoch wieder höher liegen sollten und der Risikoappetit 2009 wieder zunehmen dürfte, erwarten wir die Renditen in zwölf Monaten wieder etwas höher, im Bereich von 2.7%. fh Quelle: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse Die Rohstoffpreise litten unter der Abschwächung der globalen Wirtschaft. Quelle: Bloomberg, Credit Suisse 10 500 01.08 in % EUR /CHF Die Rohstoffpreise sollten sich bald stabilisieren Index The Art Of Investing In Fine Art 9.1 % USA 10.6 % Sonstiges Europa 2.7 % China 00 01 02 01.09 3M- LIBOR Zielrate Zielband 3M- LIBOR 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 2.9 % Österreich 3.0 % Japan 3.0 % Niederlande 8.9 % Italien 8.5 % Frankreich 4.7 % Vereinigtes Königreich 3.6% Spanien Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 62 Francis Bacon 207 1492% Mark Rothko 165 251% Claude Monet 114 102 87 89 92 Henri Matisse 308% Jean-Michel Basquiat 197% 0% Fernand Léger Paul Cézanne Marc Chagall 102% Leader Lorin Maazel The eight up-to-the -minute investment pages provide a platform for Credit Suisse analysts to provide readers with the latest and most concise financial information. Leader Lorin Maazel 63 Maestro Maazel Has No Regrets Interview: Michèle Bodmer Lorin Maazel has conducted many of the world’s most notable orchestras over the last 60 years. He is now in his seventh and final season as music director of the New York Philharmonic. Though soon to be 79, he has no plans to slow down. In fact, his schedule is already booked through 2013. Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 Credit Suisse Invest Aussichten für Aktien kurzfristig positiver – 6% Pablo Picasso 245 498% Photo: Rune Hellestad, Corbis Fotos: Muster Mustermann Credit Suisse Aktienmarkt 320 The business section offers economic outlooks, insights into developments in whole sectors, and an overview of many different markets. Leader Credit Suisse Die Weltwirtschaft befindet sich in einer schweren Rezession, doch erste Anzeichen einer Stabilisierung sind nun sichtbar. Als Folge davon sind die Inflationsraten bereits stark gefallen und dürften 2009 phasenweise negativ werden. Die Notenbanken haben die Zinsen massiv gesenkt. Angesichts der schwachen wirtschaftlichen Lage bevorzugen wir am Aktienmarkt defensive Sektoren und sehen weiteres Abwärtspotenzial für Rohstoffe. Wir erwarten eine Abschwächung des USD. Andy Warhol Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 Credit Suisse Ausblick Global 422 111% 90% Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 Übersicht Top 10 Artists by Auction Sales in 2007 (in Million US Dollars) Source: Artprice % Change since 2006 Text: Lisa Liao, research analyst, New York Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 66 Economy Investing in Art The fine arts market generates around 40 billion dollars a year, spurred by a new breed of collectors from emerging economies such as China, Russia or India. This results in a broader consumer base, less focused on the US and Western Europe. Global wealth creation and increased transparency that come with globalization and technology have also expanded the art market’s reach to a broader audience. Breakthrough is usually a positive word, conjuring up visions of fresh perspectives, new opportunities, the overcoming of hurdles. But when applied to their dikes and dams, the Dutch fear it like nothing else. Approximately two-thirds of the country is below sea level. That amounts to almost 10 million people, together accounting for 65 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. 42 48 Photo: Alessandro Di Meo, epa, Keystone 12 composing. In my late teens, I felt there must Bulletin: You have a long history with the be many other things that I did not have an New York Philharmonic, having made opportunity to explore, including literature, your conducting debut in 1942, at age 12. history, philosophy and languages. So, I put Sixty years later, you took over as music myself through night school at the Univerdirector of the orchestra. Was it destiny or hard work that got you there? sity of Pittsburgh. I worked during the day by playing violin Lorin Maazel: I think it is impossible to make any kind of career in any field without a great in the Pittsburgh Symphony. I joined not for deal of hard work. Musicians, chess players, the purpose of widening my dimension as a athletes and mathematicians show their tal- musician, but for the purpose of earning ent at an early age. You cannot become a money to put myself through school. Little chess master unless you have the genius for did I know that those performances would it. That is certainly true in my field as well. turn out to be decisive for me because I was Musicians show their talent early, yet, very playing under some of the most famous confew show it as publicly as I did. In my case, ductors of the day, and I was learning a great I conducted the New York Philharmonic deal from them without realizing it. They were among many other orchestras in the United convincing me that my future would lie in States during World War II as a child prodigy music, just as my past did. Fame has accompanied you for most until the age of 15 . Some 30 years later, I came back to the New York Philharmonic as of your life. How do you deal with it ? an adult and began a new relationship based Fame is what other people think of you and on something considerably more solid. This about you. It is being known outside your own relationship culminated into the music direc- private circle of family and friends, but it is torship which I am enjoying today. really an extension of that. If you are known by 50 people or 50 million people, what’s the At what point in your life did you realize that conducting was what you difference? Seen that way, fame is no more really wanted to pursue? or less important than being known by your Not until my early 20 s. I had spent most of inner circle. Most people, however, don’t see my childhood as a musician learning to play it that way and they attach some kind of the violin, piano and clarinet and studying value to fame that it doesn’t have. So, you clearly don’t put much stock in being famous. I was quite famous – if that is what you want to call it – as a child. Some people have said that I was forgotten. I wasn’t forgotten. It was just that people saw no more reason to be interested in Lorin Maazel as a young adult. The Lorin Maazel they knew was a boy in short pants with black curly hair looking very serious conducting famous orchestras and masterpieces. That person was gone. With the disappearance of that person went knowledge of him and his fame. Therefore I learned early that fame is ephemeral. Yet, many great conductors have left their marks on musical history. People are forever talking about legacies and a place in history, but that is total nonsense. Even the shortest view of history will show us that there have been hundreds and thousands of great artists, poets and musicians who have been forgotten. To be overly focused on questions of posterity and legacy, of having a place in history, is a waste of time. It is an egomaniacal exercise irrelevant to the purpose for which performers should be concerned. We are there to communicate what it is that we know about the music with people at a given moment. To the degree that we are success- > Credit Suisse Bulletin 1/09 Money and intellect are often drawn to each other. Prominent opinionformers from all over the world reflect on their roles as leaders, their missions, and their objectives. 2010 Topics Issue Topic No. 1/2010 Neighbors No. 2/2010 South No. 3/2010 Movement No. 4/2010 Consumption No. 5/2010 Switzerland/Worry Barometer Publication Schedule Issue No. 1/2010 No. 2/2010 No. 3/2010 No. 4/2010 No. 5/2010 Publication date 23. 03. 2010 25. 05. 2010 27. 07. 2010 28. 09. 2010 15. 12. 2010 Closing date for ads 27. 01. 2010 29. 03. 2010 02. 06. 2010 04. 08. 2010 27. 10. 2010 Closing date for copy 10. 02. 2010 14. 04. 2010 16. 06. 2010 18. 08. 2010 10. 11. 2010 Circulation German/Switzerland German/Germany English French Italian Total circulation High Flyer 20,000 copies are distributed at the gates of the Zurich and Basel airports. Further distribution at 37 gates in Zurich and 13 gates in Basel. Quality Counts The magazines are personally addressed and mailed to subscribers in a high-quality envelope. printed 95 000 5 000 25 000 30 000 10 000 165 000 WEMF -certified 2009 90 568 19 711 27 704 7 521 145 504 Individual booking possible Individual booking possible Individual booking possible Individual booking possible Individual booking possible Advertising Formats/Prices/Language Combinations Page layout Print area Width x height Page format Border Width x height + 3 mm trimming 1/1 page 1/2 page portrait landscape 1/3 page portrait landscape 1/4 page portrait landscape 2 small advertisements 2 x 1/1 double page spread 2 x 1/2 double page spread 2 x 1/3 double page spread Inside front cover Outside back cover 191 × 264 mm 94 × 264 mm 191 × 130 mm 61 × 264 mm 191 × 85 mm 45 × 264 mm 191 × 63 mm 45 × 45 mm 414 × 264 mm 414 × 130 mm 414 × 85 mm 191 × 264 mm 191 × 264 mm 220 × 297 mm 107 × 297 mm 220 × 144 mm 74 × 297 mm 220 × 100 mm 58 × 297 mm 220 × 77 mm 440 × 297 mm 440 × 144 mm 440 × 100 mm 220 × 297 mm 220 × 297 mm Tariff G/E/F/I Tariff G Circulation Circulation 165 000 100 000 Net 16 500 9 850 9 850 6 880 6 880 5 800 5 800 2 650 24 800 14 900 10 450 18 100 18 900 9 850 5 850 5 850 3 950 3 950 3 400 3 400 1 450 14 800 8 850 5 920 10 840 11 320 Tariff E Circulation 25 000 2 650 1 600 1 600 1 150 1 150 950 950 450 3 980 2 400 1 725 2 900 3 040 Tariff F Tariff I Circulation Circulation 30 000 10 000 3 600 2 200 2 200 1 580 1 580 1320 1320 650 5 400 3 300 2 520 3 960 4 140 Prices in CHF excluding VAT. Discounts/Annual Turnover Premium/Advisory Fee Discounts Advisory fee/annual turnover premium Multi-language discountplus 2 × 5%, 3 × 15% 15% of net price 1 language 3%, plus 2 languages 5%, plus 3 languages 8% The combined discount can be cumulated with the normal renewal discount. 1 850 1 110 1 110 800 800 650 650 350 2 800 1 680 1 200 2 020 2 120 Page Sections and Formats Page format: 220 × 297 mm (border formats + 3 mm trimming per outer edge) Additional formats are available on request print-ad kretz gmbh Tel. +41 (0)44 924 20 70 E-mail [email protected] 1/1 page Pr. area 191 × 264 mm Border 220 × 297 mm 2 x 1/1 double page spread (1 filmsetting) Pr. area 414 × 264 mm Border 440 × 297 mm 1/2 page portrait Pr. area 94 × 264 mm Border 107 × 297 mm 1/3 page portrait Pr. area 61 × 264 mm Border 74 × 297 mm 1/4 page portrait Pr. area 45 × 264 mm Border 58 × 297 mm 1/2 page landscape Pr. area 191 × 130 mm Border 220 × 144 mm 1/3 page landscape Pr. area 191 × 85 mm Border 220 × 100 mm 1/4 page landscape Pr. area 191 × 63 mm Border 220 × 77 mm 2 x 1/3 double page spread (1 filmsetting) Pr. area 414 × 85 mm Border 440 × 100 mm Small advertisement Pr. area 45 × 45 mm 2 x 1/2 double page spread (1 filmsetting) Pr. area 414 × 130 mm Border 440 × 144 mm Distribution Addressed mailing bulletin stakeholders CS employees/branches G 70 000 10 000 F 20 000 3 000 I 6 000 1 500 E 7 000 3 000 Airport (at departure gates) Zurich Basel Total copies G 7 000 3 000 90 000 F 3 000 2 000 28 000 I E 10 000 7 500 20 000 Private Banking Lounges The Board of Directors & Executive Board of Credit Suisse Customer Relationship Managers Inserts/Stick-Ons/Bound Inserts Inserts can be included on a national or regional basis ( 25,000 or more copies with inserts). Basel 4 2 1 Zurich 8 St. Gallen Biel 9 Lucerne Berne 6 Chur 7 3 Sion Geneva 5 Bellinzona Inserts/Stick-Ons/Bound Inserts Prices in CHF for each 1,000 copies or part thereof Inserts, loose up to 15 g 16 –25 g 26 –35 g 36 – 49 g 50 – 65 g 185 208 226 258 279 Bound inserts (max. 1 per issue) 2 pages 230 4 pages 250 6 pages 270 8 pages 285 Maximum format 220 × 297 mm plus allowance for trimming: 5 mm each for upper, outer, and lower borders. Minimum format A5 Weight of paper 90 –130 g/m2 Stick-ons Postcards 78 Other formats Upon request Minimum format for accompanying advertisement: 1/1 page, b/w or color, minimum format A6, on the first page of a 16-page block Position 1.0 to 4.5 cm from gutter margin, full-page height possible Split Conditions Delivery Sample Possible by language/minimum circulation 25,000 copies Price changes as a result of postal tariff changes or print run adjustments are expressly reserved. Prices include postage and technical costs. 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