Impulse September 2014 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg
Impulse September 2014 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg
Impulse Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche. Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church. Hayfields. Jahrgang/ Year 43 September 2014 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. 1.Chronicles 22:13 Sei getrost und unverzagt, fürchte dich nicht und lass dich nicht erschrecken! 1.Chronik 22.13 Andacht Du bereitest vor mir einen Tisch. 2 Psalm 23,5 Da ist Jahrmarkt! Die Händler haben ihre Tische aufgebaut und ihre Waren ausgebreitet: “So, ihr Leute, nun kommt und glaubt, dass all die ausgebreiteten Waren auserlesene Herrlichkeiten sind!” Machen wir es nicht auch so? Wir bauen gleichsam einen Tisch auf und breiten darauf aus alle unsere Vorzüge und guten Werke: “Ich glaube an Gott” und “Ich tue recht und scheue niemand”. Wir breiten aus unsere Mildtätigkeit und alles das, was wir für andere getan haben. Es ist eine ganze Menge, was wir so auszubreiten wissen. Wir Menschen haben untereinander einen stillen Vertrag geschlossen, dass wir uns gegenseitig unsere Auslagen anerkennen wollen. So meinen wir schliesslich, Gott müsse unseren “Tisch” auch anerkennen. Aber – das ist das Furchtbare – er denkt nicht daran. “Ihr Tisch werde vor ihnen zum Strick” (Psalm 69,23), sagt sein Wort so ernst. Er stösst uns unseren Tisch um und zieht ans Licht, was wir hinter dem Tisch verborgen haben: all unsere Sünde und Schuld und Flucht vor Gott. Wäre es nicht viel besser, wir würden auf dieses ganze Spiel mit unserem Tisch verzichten? Wir können Gott ja doch nicht damit betrügen. Wer es aufgibt, seinen Tisch aufzustellen, der erlebt: “Du bereitest vor mir einen Tisch.” Da liegen nicht mehr unsere Vorzüge und unsere Verdienste. Da ist es etwas Besseres: Da sind die guten Werke und Verdienste unseres Herrn und Heilandes. Und dieser “Tisch”, den Gott selbst bereitet hat, der hat ewige Geltung. Auf dich setz ich mein Vertrauen, Du bist meine Zuversicht; Dein Tod hat den Tod zerhauen, Dass er mich kann töten nicht. Dass an dir ich habe teil, Bringet mir Trost, Schutz und Heil; Deine Gnade wird mir geben Auferstehung, Licht und Leben. Aus "Der Herr ist mein Licht und mein Heil" von Wilhelm Busch Devotion 3 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23, 5 An annual fair is taking place in town. The vendors have set up their tables and spread out their wares. “Step up, folks, trust us, all the displayed goods are of the choicest quality!” Do we not do that too? We too, erect tables to display all our merits and good deeds, like, “I believe in God” and “I am trustworthy and fear no-one”. We present our beneficence and everything that we have done for others. We know how to advertise all our impressive qualities! We humans have come to a tacit understanding amongst ourselves, to showcase our mutual “commodities”. Therefore we feel that God too, should approve and sanction our “tables”. But, and this is the frightening concept, He doesn’t even consider them! “Let the bountiful table set before them become a snare and their prosperity become a trap” (Psalm 69, 22) reads His Word solemnly. He overturns our tables and bringing to light and making known what we hid behind them: all our sins and guilt, and our flight from Him. Would it not be better to cease this game with our tables? We cannot deceive God with them in any case. When we stop setting up our tables, we will experience that “You prepare a table before me” (Psalm 23, 5). Not our merits and achievements are displayed. There is something much better exhibited there, the priceless deeds and merits of our Lord and Saviour. This “table”, which God Himself has prepared, has eternal value. However great our sin has been, God’s grace has sought and found us; His grace is greater than our sin, His helping love is boundless. He’s our good Shepherd, He alone, And He will lead His people on, Set free from sin and sorrow. Martin Luther, Tr. Composite Rev David Schubert, mod. GT, LH 310 No. 155, verse 4: From Trouble Deep—We sing of Your Love: Songs of Faith Profile of the month 4 Rudi and Cindy Kassier Rudi Kassier and Cindy, nee Beard, met in 1989 while studying in Pretoria. They were attending the Justice College, which was a college arranged by the Department of Justice, in which students worked in the magistrate courts for six months of the year and then studied for six months of the year. This is how students from all over the country got to meet each other. They say that the path of true love never runs smoothly and there were many twists and turns until Rudi and Cindy finally landed up in Natal in 1995. Fortunately it all worked out in the end. Rudi is the youngest son of Rolf and Trudi Kassier, and he grew up in Wartburg. He went to school there and was baptised and confirmed in Wartburg by Pastor Weissbach. Rudi’s sister, Heidi Eggers, also still lives near Wartburg. Cindy grew up in Pretoria, where she attended Pretoria High School for Girls. She was confirmed in the Methodist church. Rudi’s parents are still living in Wartburg and sadly, recently lost their grandson, Gerhard, and their eldest son, Dieter. This was a very sorrowful and testing time for the family. Cindy’s parents, Nelson and Grethe Beard, live in a cottage next door to them on their farm. Their love affair has taken them across the country to the Midlands, where they bought Highgate Farm in 1996. Originally a vegetable farm, specialising in hydroponics, it turned out to be quite different to what they had imagined. There was a devastating hail storm on the day they took transfer of the farm and all their crops were destroyed. As people often, say, farming vegetables is not for the faint hearted and Rudi and Cindy quickly realised that they would have to diversify to provide for their three children. Profile of the month cont 5 On 21 August 2000, Rudi decided that it was time for a new challenge and started selling fruit and vegetables from a small stall on the side of the road on their farm. From the first days trade was wonderful and a coffee shop and many little shops have blossomed there since then. Pretoria is where the Piggly Wiggly story really started. Cindy’s brother, Layton, loved hamburgers and there was a local bakery near where they lived, called Piggly Wiggly. It was spelt differently and when Rudi wondered about what to call their little Farm stall ten years ago, the name Piggly Wiggly came up. Rudi has also established a vineyard and has successfully produced the first certified KZN Chardonnay. This was a joint venture between Rudi and his aunt, Wal Bornheimer. Matthew, Nicholas and Cathryn were privileged to grow up on the farm and the family are very grateful to the Lord for allowing them the privilege of still living and working there. Matthew is in his final year medicine at Stellenbosch University and hopes to be placed at King Edward Hospital to do his Internship and Nicholas will complete his LLb next year. He is still patiently waiting for a definite answer as to where he will do his candidate attorney training. So any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated! Cathryn, the youngest, is in her first year at Stellenbosch University and particularly enjoys her studies in Environmental Science. Rudi and Cindy are glad to be members of the Pietermaritzburg congregation and especially enjoy the Christmas celebrations. Cindy is one of the many Sunday school teachers and finds great pleasure in teaching the older children. We are glad that you are members of our congregation and enjoy being here. Your enthusiastic contributions towards the success of our congregation are greatly appreciated. Ed. Profil des Monats Rudi und Cindy Kassier Rudi und Cindy geb. Beard lernten sich 1989 kennen als sie beide Studenten am Justice College waren. Im Department of Justice, arbeiteten die Studenten 6 Monate lang in der Magistratur und studierten dann vollzeitig in den anderen 6 Monaten. Auf diese Weise lernten sich Studenten aus dem ganzen Land kennen. Nach vielem hin und her beiderseits, landeten beide endlich 1995 in Natal. Ende gut, alles gut. Rudi wuchs auf in Natal als jüngster Sohn von Rolf Kassier und Trudi geb. Bornheimer. Er besuchte die Schule in Wartburg und wurde auch in Wartburg von Pastor Weissbach getauft und konfirmiert. Rudi’s Schwester, Heidi Eggers wohnt noch in der Wartburger Gegend. Auch seine Eltern wohnen in Wartburg. Profil des Monats 6 Im vergangenem Jahr traf sie ein schwerer Schlag. Ihr Enkelsohn Gerhard Kassier verunglückte tödlich und einige Monate später starb auch ihr Sohn, Dieter. Das war sehr schwer für die ganze Familie. Cindy verbrachte ihre Kindheit in Pretoria. Sie besuchte die Pretoria Girls High School und wurde in der Methodisten Kirche konfirmiert. Ihre Eltern sind Nelson und Grethe Beard und sie wohnen neben ihnen auf der Farm im eigenem Häuschen. Ihr gemeinsames Leben brachte sie endlich in die “Midlands” wo sie 1996 die Highgate Farm kauften. Ursprünglich war das eine hydroponik Gemüsefarm. Es kam aber alles anders als sie es sich vorgestellt hatten. Ein schweres Hagelwetter vernichtete die totale Ernte am Tag an dem sie die Farm übernahmen. Gemüsebau ist bekanntlich nicht einfach und wenn sie als Familie mit drei Kindern ein Leben machen wollten, mussten sie umdenken und sich etwas zusätzliches einfallen lassen. Wir kennen alle “Piggly Wiggly”. Cindy erzählt, dass ihr Bruder Layton, als sie noch in Pretoria wohnten, sich gerne Hamburgers bei der “Piggly Wiggly” Bäckerei in der Nähe, kaufte. Als Rudi vor zehn Jahren seinen “Farm Stall” kaufte und der einen Namen brauchte, mussten sie sofort an Piggly Wiggly denken. Am 21.August 2000 entstand dieser “Piggly Wiggly” Farm Stall bei Howick und sie verkauften dort Obst und Gemüse. Schon am ersten Tag merkten sie, dass das richtig für sie war und bald entstand dann auch ein “Coffee Shop” und mehrere kleine Buden mit ihren Waren auf dem Gelände. Rudi pflanzte auch Weintrauben an und ist der erste registrierte KZN Chardonnay Weinproduzent. Dieses betreibt er gemeinsam mit seiner Tante, Wal Bornheimer. Cindy und Rudi sind Gott dankbar, dass sie mit ihren Kindern, Matthew, Nicholas und Cathryn auf der Farm ein Leben machen dürfen auch besonders, dass die Kinder dort aufwachsen konnten. Matthew studiert Medizin in Stellenbosch an der Universität und hofft, dass er nächstes Jahr im King Edward Hospital sein Internship wird machen können. Nicholas wird im kommenden Jahr sein LLb Studium beenden. Noch wartet er geduldig auf Nachricht wo er sein “candidate attorney training” wird machen können. Weiss jemand von einer Stelle/Öffnung? Cathryn ist im ersten Jahr bei der Stellenbosch Universität und geniesst besonders das “environmental science”. Cindy ist eine der Kindergottesdiensthelferinnen und unterrichtet besonders gerne die älteren Kinder. Beide sind sie sehr glücklich hier in Pietermaritzburg und schätzen besonders wie hier Weihnachten gefeiert wird. Auch wir schätzen es, dass ihr zur Gemeinde gehört und danken euch für euren freiwilligen Einsatz und freuen uns, dass ihr gerne hier seid. Red. 7 Comment on Article in last issue of Impulse: Wave Power We cannot help but admire the sterling work carried out by the Boakes Family. Their son, Colin is promoting Wave Power across the globe, “Many countries now use this alternate source of energy, but South Africa, unfortunately does not”. Allow me to comment on ‘Why not’. Some 15 years ago I registered a patent with a brilliant South African student in my Energy Institute in Cape Town. We worked on Tidal Wave power. The reasoning being that one would then be able to capture a double-action generation. Wave-power and its off-shoot designs are very expensive and we were told that the roaring oceans around the Cape are still respected by mariners and researchers playing with the powers of nature. South Africa’s biggest ‘problem’ is that it is abundantly blessed with all natural sources of energy, except for oil gas only occurring in minor quantities, as far as is known. We therefore have a palate of choices and the authorities have very cleverly promulgated its unique ‘Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Program’ (REIPPP). It lists coal, nuclear, hydro, biomass, solar and wind. Wave power, still researched by the University of Stellenbosch, may be listed once it becomes affordable and competitive in the South African context. Prof. Ernst Uken Seniorentreffen 8 Ruth und Heinz Kaiser sind zurück von ihrer Deutschlandsreise und hielten wie üblich am dritten Mittwoch im Monat das Seniorentreffen um 9.30 am 23.Juli in unserer Gemeindehalle im Hayfields Lutherzentrum. Es trafen sich ca 25 Senioren zu einem Musikmorgen an dem das Mutter und Sohn Team Mark und Beatrice Schönau uns unterhielten. Pastor Victor Röhrs hielt zu anfang die Andacht und Mark Schönau begleitete die Gesänge auf seiner Geige. Den Geburtstagskindern aus der Gemeinde wurden Karten überreicht. Leider konnten nicht alle Geburtstagskinder dabei sein. Mark Schönau auf der Geige und seine Mutter Beatrice Schönau auf dem Accordion spielten Lieder aus Ländern in Europa, der Schweiz, Österreich, Deutschland und auch aus der U.K. Es war ein gut gelungener Morgen und bei Tee und Kuchen wurde noch viel erzählt. Wir danken allen die geholfen haben und uns diesen schönen Morgen bereitet haben. Johanna Klipp Music under the Cross The Landesjugendchor Saar from Germany and the Pietermaritzburg Girls’ High School Choir and wind band. What a wonderful evening of music! 9 From Council 10 Dear Congregation Thank you to all who attended the Half-yearly meeting. The following decisions were made: Pastor Victor Röhrs will now have a full Pastor’s post and Pastor Petra Röhrs will continue with the 25% post as well as the Youth Worker post. Our part-time secretary’s post will be replaced by a full-time administrator’s post in 2015. We will support the Esther House for abused children and women in 2015. The ‘food’ supplied to feed our pigs is greatly appreciated! Thank you! I am sure the Mettwurst and other meat products will be delicious! We hope to see you all at our Spring Fest on Saturday, 30th August, at 11:00 am. We appeal to you all for donations of nonperishable groceries which we distribute to needy people. Our cupboard is empty! Donations may be left at the office. Wishing you all a wonderful spring! Sibusiso Luthuli writes: Faith is believing without seeing, without faith it is impossible to please God, because you can’t see him, but you have to have faith to believe he’s alive. It is only during trials and tribulations where you build your faith. So whenever you experience something just remember that God’s testing and building faith! Contemporary Music Festival 11 Make a Melody to the Lord with your Heart ‘Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Ephesians 5 : 18-20) The inaugural Contemporary Music Festival was held in New Hannover over the weekend of 16 and 17 August 2014. On Saturday, 16 August 2014, during the course of the afternoon, the musicians and singers from the various worship teams arrived to find a big white tent pitched between the church and church hall. This was where the service was to be held. We had received copies of the songs and music at the Contemporary Music Workshop that was held in Hayfields on 24 May 2014 and later by email. The afternoon began with everyone finding their seats, setting up music stands, and tuning instruments (and voices). The practice session went well. Everyone enjoyed themselves, there was much teasing and laughter amongst group members and there was a lot of excitement in anticipation for the next day. 12 Contemporary Music Festival continued After the practice session the NH Congregation invited the worship teams to a bring and braai – where we did NOT have to bring ANYTHING – all was provided for and it was delicious! It was a wonderful evening of fellowship amongst the musicians and singers. On Sunday morning the festival began with great excitement and a quick prayer session in the church. There was a preprogramme with some of the congregant members joining in, with specific songs to set the mood and others from the main programme or service receiving their last ‘spit and polish’. All the instruments (and voices) were tuned into pitch. The festival service was joyous going under the theme ‘Make a Melody to the Lord with you Heart’. The congregation enjoyed the singing and the music and short sermon, given by NH Pastor Dieter Klee. There were amazing flute and recorder harmonies played. The guitars played beautifully. We also had the addition of a trumpet and a drummer for the day, both adding a special touch to the various songs played. There were a few ‘goose bump performances’! Our very own Martha Weich led the song ‘Jubilate’ on piano. After the service, lunch was provided with the NH congregation providing the delicious treats. We can only thank the NH Congregation for opening its doors so heartily for this first festival and for their amazing and generous hospitality. We hope to be able to participate in the festival again soon! Helga Schultz Frank Schütte 13 Frank Schütte, was ordained in Pretoria on Sunday, 17 August 2014, after passing his 2nd Theological examination on Wednesday, 13 August. He will start his ministry in Augsburg on 1 September 2014. We wish him God’s blessings! Women’s Circuit Conference, Wartburg 14 The annual Southern Circuit Women’s Conference took place in Wartburg on Saturday, 2 August 2014. Several ladies from our congregation made their way to Wartburg for a wonderful morning of fun and fellowship, with old and new friends. Our own Pastor Petra Röhrs, who had just returned from her studies in Germany, held an inspirational opening devotion, focussing on the meaning of mission. Her clever practical demonstration involved sharing glitter from hand to hand, passing on the sparkle until we were all glistening divas. We don’t expect the men to understand. Wartburg’s intrepid Jill Meyer entertained us with an exciting team quiz, testing our knowledge in many fields. The lucky – and very clever - winners got chocolate, the perfect prize! Jill’s daughter-inlaw, Sandy Meyer, an occupational therapist and mom of two, was our key note speaker and shared with us many poignant moments in her interactions with people. Her warmth and bubbly personality, and her passion for our Lord, made for a touching and inspirational presentation. Sandy spoke about how we see things: sometimes we are short-sighted and don’t see things further away, sometimes we only focus on what is in the distance and overlook what is right in front of us, sometimes we’re so caught up looking in the rear-view mirror that we miss the wonderful view ahead of us. God provides us with special filters to improve our sight through His Spirit, through His Word and through His Love for us. We also reflected on how we see ourselves: as women we are inclined to be so critical of ourselves that we cause an imbalance in our lives. But if we focus on God and put our spiritual needs first and allow our emotional and physical needs to follow in synch, then we can move forward with far more peace and harmony. Thank you Sandy for sharing your story with so much love! As always, the Wartburg ladies pulled out all the stops with their sumptuous catering. For any woman it is always a special treat to eat something that somebody else has cooked, even if it is a plain meal, but there was nothing plain to be had, we were treated like queens and left on our homeward journeys feeling well-nourished in spirit, mind and body. Thank you Wartburg! Next year’s conference is set to take place in Hermannsburg and we look forward to it! Annette Pfeiffer Kreissängerfest 15 Circuit Choir Festival Harburg 14 September 2014 PROGRAM Wir freuen uns schon auf ein fröhliches Kreissängerfest ! We are looking forward to welcoming you to a joyous Circuit Choir Festival! 07:45 Ankunft der Sänger – Tee/Kaffee Arrival of Choir members – Tea/Coffee 08:00 Chorüben in der Halle Choir practice in the Hall 08:15 Kinderchor üben im Retreat Centre Children’s Choir Practice in Retreat Centre (next to Hall) 09:00 VORPROGRAM – in der Halle MORNING PROGRAM - in the Hall 10:00 GOTTESDIENST in der Halle WORSHIP SERVICE in the Hall 12:30 MITTAGESSEN BRING AND SHARE LUNCH GREEN PAGE 16 More people are reconsidering their options when using household cleaners. Apart from wanting to save money in tough economic times, concern for the environment also plays a part. Here are a few cleaning products that can be made right in your own kitchen. All-purpose cleaner: Mix ½cup vinegar and ¼cup baking soda into 2 litres water. Store and keep. Use for removal of water deposit stains on shower stall panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows and bathroom mirrors. Bathroom mould: Mould in tile grout is a common problem and can be a health concern. Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with 2 parts water in a spray bottle and spray on areas with mould. Wait at least 1 hour before rinsing or using shower. Carpet Stains: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray directly onto the stain, let sit for several minutes, and clean with a brush or sponge using warm soapy water. For fresh grease spots, sprinkle corn starch onto spot and wait 15-30 minutes before vacuuming. For a heavy duty carpet cleaner, mix ¼cup each of salt, borax and vinegar. Rub paste into carpet and leave for a few hours before vacuuming. Coffee and tea stains: Stains in cups can be removed by applying vinegar to a sponge and wiping. To clean a kettle or coffee maker, add 2 cups water and quarter cup vinegar, bring to a boil. Let cool, wipe with a clean cloth and rinse thoroughly with water. Taken from Joy and sorrow 17 Kelly and Anthony Foster with their daughter Bianca who was baptised on the 8th Sunday after Trinity. Jemma and Tessa love their little sister! A beautiful arrangement specially for the baptism! 18 Thank you & Hospital Visitation Hospital Visiting Ministry for September 2014 S M T W T F S 31/8 1 2 3 4 5 6 P. Summersgill 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E-A Uken 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 E&O Engelbrecht 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 M. Van Niekerk 29 30 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 28 W. Schulze Der Gemeinde sei herzlich gedankt für die Segenswünsche und Flasche Wein zu meinem 89.Geburtstag. Ganz besonderes habe ich mich zu dem Besuch und die Andacht von Victor gefreut. Für alle sonstigen Besuche und Segenswünsche sage ich "Danke". Walter Rencken Dear Congregation Members/Friends, Thank you all so much for the love and support we received when my loving husband / our father passed away. We really are privileged to be part of a Congregation that is so loving and caring. Also a big thank you for the tea and "eats" served after the service as well as all the ‘phone calls and cards. To our Parson - your caring at this time is so much appreciated. The two overseas families also send regards and a “Thank You”. Kindest regards, Ellie and Glenn Newton Council & Portfolios 19 Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 [email protected] or [email protected] Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/ Welcomers List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays, Council Window, Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network Ernst-August Uken 033 3968221 Deputy Chairman: Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran Theological Institute, Mission Committee, Craig Merryweather 083 4436953 Treasurer: Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964 Secretary: Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the Cross), Impulse, Multi Media Frank Böcking 082 7995797 Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959 Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General Equipment, Security, Fire equipment, Vehicles & Transport Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged - Ward is responsible for the refreshments. Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs. Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor Ward Leaders: Edgar & Karin Ortmann, - 033 3303741 Annette Pfeiffer -033-3441963 Frank Böcking -0827995797 Anita Harms - 073 3705554 Wal Bornheimer - 033-3472471 Arthur St John Ward - 033 3862980 Ernst-August Uken - 033 3968221 Robert & Ronell Wichmann - 031 7811714 and Carl & Christine Seele - 033 2510602 Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, - 033 3966883 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Craig Merryweather - 083 4436953 20 Quick reference Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264 Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line: 033 3944444 AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322 Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209 Fax: 0865510014 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Children’s Church: Heather Drews Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs Youth: Petra Röhrs Choir: Marianne Kassier Brass Band: Thomas Ammann Worship Team: Gertrud Tönsing Mission Committee : Anita Harms Partnership: Erlo Drews Men’s Breakfast: Synod Representatives: Todani Moyo Valentin Volker 033 3962814 033 3961953 033 3961953 033 3471048 033 3963322 033 3460498 073 3705554 033 3962814 0825515705 033 3968259 Bank Account: Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch Branch Code: 22-14-25 Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Account Number: 5677 111 28 48 Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the Southern Circuit Congregations Impulse Newsletter: E-mail contributions: [email protected] or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209 Closing Date for next issue 14 September 2014 (Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)